
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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here is the other cupcake cake I was reffering to. I don''t know WHAT is wrong with my scanner, as it turns EVERYTHING pink all of a sudden (in the picture the ribbon and other accents are GREEN). I persoanlly think this cake is a little ugly.. but I love the idea. I think the ones on that website you posted is better.

FTLOD, you''re welcome! I''ll probably do something like it. I don''t see the point in paying $5/slice for stinking wedding cake when it''s not covered in, say, diamonds!

Geezer, that''s from

apple--that''s a GREAT idea! I hate the thought of spending a ton of money on a dress I only get to wear once, plus it would have sentimental value when you take it out to wear on your anny''s. Too cute!
MelissaSue: I love the second cupcake cake you posted. It is so sweet!

B.O.L I really, really don''t see how this guy is worth another second of your time. He should have given you many apologies and explanations. He can not act as though nothing happened. That sort of behavior is unacceptable. Why would his grandmother say something like that? Does she have something against you? Take care of yourself, and demand an explanation.

Happy weekend everyone!
Cross me off the list girls... I''m engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

surprise, surprise! I thought it would be graduation, but instead it was today after a nice lunch on the beach. I will post pics ASAP...


CONGRATS SusiQ!!!! Yay! We need the Story AND the pics....hooray....I was hoping someone would come off the list this weekend, it has been too long.
susiQ - woohoo!
will be looking for pics asap missy! do no disappoint us!

BoL - HUGS!!! I just read thru everything you''ve been through
29.gif''ve gotten a lot of advice and I don''t want to overload you with another voice except to say look deep inside yourself and you''ll know what is right. Just remember we are all here if you need to talk.

appletini - i loove the new dress! very understated and elegant...i''m really into the pleats thing now so that little detailing really appeals to me.

MS - I loooove that bodice! I like it better than the forever bodice...but i reallly like the all lace thing of the forever dress....oooo, tough choice!

as for me....i''ve pretty mcuh decided I''m gonna go with the tacori rosebud...yay!!! I''m gonna ask tacori to customize it to make make the band thinner (no more than 2.5 mm) and either make the head more delicate...or switch it to one of their other heads. i''m excited!!!

Congrats! What wonderful news! It''s so nice to see someone cross off the list. I can''t wait to see pictures (and tell us some details about your proposal!) Something to get me through the filled (romance empty) day!
Wowie! I feel like I fell off the face of the earth! I''ve been away for so long with grad. school papers and such. It took me a really really long time to catch up on everything!

Sweet, sweet girl. Nothing or noone should ever make you feel the way he did/does. Instinct is an amazing and powerful thing. I think you should trust yours. I know all these other girls have given you excellent advice, so you don''t need anymore from me, I guess I want to let you know that I''m thinking about you...a broken heart is a really painful thing, unfortunately for us, we''ll really try to believe things are better to keep ourselves from hurting.

Beautiful dress! I haven''t been looking at all yet. FI and I have promised eachother that we''ll wait until January before making any plans--so we can wallow in being engaged, and enjoy the holidays. I''m actually pretty excited to start planning, too.

Girls, I''ve missed you all...hope things are going well.
SuziQ: CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can''t wait to read all about it and see pictures!
yay, susiQ!!! It''s great to see somebody off the list, it''s been too long!!
We''ll definitely need details soon!!
Dodger Gurl
kayla17 (honorary member)
JCJD (honorary member)
innerkitten(honorary member)
wow congrats susiQ!! how exciting.. as always, we can''t wait to see pics!

gg- haha, i don''t really like cake either! my bf and i both LOVE cheesecake, so we''ll probably do that for our wedding as well. the part i REALLY hate is the icing. way too much sugar for me. check out this cheesecake website- they are amazing! (and pricey!!)
yea susiQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you, cant wait for the proposal story and pics
Date: 12/12/2004 6:38:38 PM
Author: Tybee
Wowie! I feel like I fell off the face of the earth! I''ve been away for so long with grad. school papers and such. It took me a really really long time to catch up on everything!
exactly how many people are in grad school? seems like everyone! lol, and I thought I was the only one! nice to know I am not alone! what are you studying tybee?

ok... essay update - I have required number of words done, now I just have to organise them into coherent paragraphs

it is 3am, I am in work at 7am till 11am, then I have to get it finished by 4:30pm... I should do it...! but I must get back, I wasted nearly 2 hours on that snowflake site that buenagirl posted!!!
Date: 12/12/2004 9:59:34 PM
Author: diamondgeezer

Date: 12/12/2004 6:38:38 PM
Author: Tybee
Wowie!  I feel like I fell off the face of the earth!  I''ve been away for so long with grad. school papers and such.  It took me a really really long time to catch up on everything!
exactly how many people are in grad school? seems like everyone! lol, and I thought I was the only one! nice to know I am not alone! what are you studying tybee?

ok... essay update - I have required number of words done, now I just have to organise them into coherent paragraphs

it is 3am, I am in work at 7am till 11am, then I have to get it finished by 4:30pm... I should do it...! but I must get back, I wasted nearly 2 hours on that snowflake site that buenagirl posted!!!
HAHA, count me in too! i''m a medical student... with a huuuge exam on friday right before break, and of course you can find me on PS. ah well, i need breaks (many, and long.. apparently!)
i''m in grad school.. will be starting working on my masters "project" probably after christmas. Done with all my coursework
Here Here. Master''s Thesis due tomorrow. Conclusion still not completed. Will be up all night! Thanks hydroxycut!!!
I am actually looking forward to doing my dissertation, and it is only 15,000 words, which is nothing - I did 15,000 last year for my bachelors

I have to decide by April what I am going to do it on... I have no idea...

but I will have all summer to work on it I am going to work 40hrs a week, 7am-5pm 4 days a week (so I''ll be able to get the perfect ring), then I will have 3 days, 1.5 to rest, 1.5 to work (that is the plan anyway)

I am currently on page 90 of mine and I am slapping myself around.......WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF????!!!!
Date: 12/12/2004 10:41
8 PM
Author: fortheloveofdiamonds
I am currently on page 90 of mine and I am slapping myself around.......WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF????!!!!
page 90... wow! good luck finishing it!!!

my undergrad dissertation was only 51 pages double spaced (inc bibliography), but it was only (arial) size 8 cos I was 3000, 25%, over on the word-count and I didn''t want it too seem too big

right... I must get back to work!!! I don''t know why I did this to myself... oh... yeah I do... cos it was easier than finding a job
and when I suggested it to my gf she pretty much told me to do it
she is so sweet and supportive

ok................ coffee break in half an hour...!!!
susiQ - Congrats! I''m so excited for you! Post pictures as soon as you can! I''m excited to hear the story *big hugs*

icekid - I really like the idea of the cheesecake wedding cake, I''m looking at the website and they look soo good!

No new updates. He never called back yesterday like he promised. I''m just about ready to give up on things. I am at my wits end and I just don''t know what to do anymore. Fortunately, I''m starting to get over things and just realizing that things are''t working out as planned. Friday night, after I got out of the movie theater, my friend turned on the radio right away in the car and it was Keith Urban''s "You''ll Think of Me" I kind of took that as a sign that it''s time for me to move on. Then this afternoon, I was busy thinking about things so I turned on the radio and there was another song that means a lot to me.

Last night a group of us went out for dinner at a local mexican place. A friend of mine brought along her fiance and a guy that she thought I might be interested in. And boy was I! He was tall and a handsome blonde, kind of like a younger Bon Jovi, long shaggy blonde hair *not too long* and these great blue eyes and very nice lips. We played eye flirting games all through dinner and it was great, but I couldn''t help but feel a little guilty at the end of dinner. I want things to be offically through with the other guy before I allow myself to move on. *sigh*
icekid, that''s the same reason I don''t like cake! I have nothing against a nice moist cake, but I always scrape the frosting off!!

BOL--don''t rush it, hun. These things take time to heal. It will all work out, in its own time. ((hugs))

Everybody Else-- Wow, I feel like such a loser. Am I the only one here not in school??
I''m not in school either! Sometimes I wish I were still there...then I read yall''s posts on 90 page dissertations!
I may go back someday...but not right now!
nearly finished my essay... I had to go to work too. and I am pretty tired now, I have been awake for 27 hours 17 mins, I have to get it done inside the next hour! I think I am just going to pick one quick quote from the top 3 books on the pile so it looks like I read something and then call it a day... lol
I was at two weddings this summer that had cheesecake for their wedding cakes. They were YUMMY. They must have been from the same place around here, as they looked nearly identical as well, except different colors. That was the only think I didn''t love about the cakes. They were pretty, but sort of plain. I''m sure that is more a symptom of the bakery and not cheesecakes in general (I hope!) because that is something I definitely want to consider for my wedding cake too. I love the cupcake idea too, but I love the heart one, and my fiance''s mom wants something more traditional. What we MAY do though are table cakes. One goes on each table and acts as the centerpiece AND the cake. I like this one a lot, with the flowers.

and this is the "plain" looking wedding cheesecake. The other one was the same, except yellow.

BOL: I''m glad that you found some new eyecandy! Don''t feel guilty, things are obviously over, especially if he is having difficulty keeping his word about calling you, and hasn''t even bothered to apologize for anything. Plus just think of this new guy as your "Christmas present." Remember: YOU ARE THE PRIZE!!! and you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince charming. Random statistic: I once heard that the average girl kisses 72 guys before she gets married.

5 days until my man comes home! I''m so excited!!!
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