
The Fire Thread!

Wow! Everyone''s new shots look great!
asscher fire!
not working now... sorry!
Oh no! Come back, we need Asscher fire!!!

hope you get it figured out!
I decided to add one more pic here... Took me a while to see everyone''s pictures. Love them all.

How do you ladies create these amazing fire shots? I want to play, too!
lesco, I''m glad you posted, but you should have put them all in here! Beautiful!

js, the best way to get them is in direct sunshine. (make sure diamond is very clean first) This can either be outside, or inside in front of a window where the sun is streaming in. It doesn''t really matter how you have the ring positioned, as long as the sun hits it. Although, if early in the morning, or later in the day when the sun is lower, it might work better if the ring is laying down, as oppsed to high noon, when sitting on your hand or in the box might work better. Just experiment, there are no hard and fast rules!

Once you have the ring where you want it, just move the camera around while looking in the viewfinder, until you see the stone light up. Sometimes the fire is quite obvious, but sometimes you might just see a blob, or a line or two of bright light. Go ahead and shoot it, because when you blow it up it will look totally different. After enough experimenting, you''ll figure out what works, and what to look for.

Hope this helped, and I look foward to seeing what you get!!
Date: 4/11/2008 10:32:36 AM
Author: js_diamond
How do you ladies create these amazing fire shots? I want to play, too!
As Ellen said, you need direct sunlight to make it happen. Also, what worked for me was to use my camcorder ( in camera mode). I was not able to get good results with my regular digital camera. So, if you have a camcorder with still photo ability - try it!
I'm looking forward to your shots....

My fotos were taken not on sunlight but with my desk lamp, it has a GE reveal lightbulb. (like sunlight) so you can try that also.
my first fire shot!!!

and a couple others

last one...

the 1.14 I SI1 AGS0 i''ll be giving my gf in a month or so. I''ve been unable to catch the rays in photos so far, but my humble submissions anyway...

I think I like this one the best, it''s got a couple sparkling spots :)

last but not least...

Thanks for the additions, beautiful!

LDI, you''ll get the more dramatic colors and flares outside in the sun for the most part. It looks like yours were inside, I just didn''t want you to get discouraged. Get that puppy outside!
A repost from my other thread, the ring I just gave to my fiancee!

it took me so long to photograph a fire shot!! what''s the trick??

Some more fire pics now that my thread has grown old....

One more...

Beautiful pics guys!

Star, there''s a post of mine just a few up to js, that will give you some tips. The other thing is, I find I get better pics easiest when the ring is off my finger, either laying on something or sitting in the box. Good luck!
Yay, I get to play! Start with a little fire...

eringpics 022sm2.jpg
Love this one!!!

eringpics 023sm2.jpg
This one''s pretty cool, I think...

eringpics 027sm2.jpg
This is all the fire that I got...Cant believe how much I love take pics! It''s kinda challenging! But totally in a good way!
Thanks for letting me add mine!

eringpics 028sm2.jpg
I was also inspired a while back and took these which I put on my own thread, but they belong here. I like the rainbow effect.

Date: 4/17/2008 7:35:18 AM
Author: Ellen
Beautiful pics guys!

Star, there''s a post of mine just a few up to js, that will give you some tips. The other thing is, I find I get better pics easiest when the ring is off my finger, either laying on something or sitting in the box. Good luck!

Thanks for the advice Ellen, I should take a break from taking photos of my ring for a while, I think I have the DSS!!
My pictures aren''t nearly as firey as some of the gorgeous pictures, but I wanted to play anyway!

Last one!

Date: 4/17/2008 2:06:21 PM
Author: 04diamond<3
Love this one!!!
Me too!!

Thanks for the new pics all.

Star, you''re welcome. Sorry about the DSS, it happens. Maybe a break will do the trick.

Orbaya, we love all fire, no matter what size! Love that profile shot.
can I play? rubbish pic from my phone but fire nonetheless

Po Fire 1A.jpg