
The House Hunters Thread

Rhb... so sorry to hear the news
That stinks. I was so hoping to hear otherwise!
Rhb- I''m so sorry to hear about the news. *HUGS*
rhbgirl24 - i''m sure you''ll find something even better!


on my end, we just got an email from the bank. we''re on track for an early close!
we''ve also lined up help for a move the first weekend of april. i think my mil is going to come done and help paint the two guest rooms too while the boys do the physical stuff. yipee!
Lynnie - sounds like you are in good hands with your hubbie.

Rhb- it sucks that they took so long to let you know, it was obviously not the one for you.

As for me, our electrician and plumber will start on our power and water at the end of this week so by Friday next we should have finished our second fix i.e. all electrical and plumbing fixtures and fittings in and working, with the heating on too. We are so happy to be at the end, with only a bit of ground works to go then! We will move in, in about a month.
Rhb, I''m really sorry to hear the news
Sending dust your way..
I am sorry RHB.

Hi everyone!
I''m officially joining this thread. After my updated apartment or puppy dilemma, we decided we''d look for a house instead. I''ve contacted and started working with a Realtor and we found out last night from the loan officer that we''re approved for our target range! So, this is both overwhelming and exciting. But I wanted to pop in and say hi and send everyone dust!!
Welcome Sarah! Best of luck finding a new home!
Thanks Mer! I am really excited! I know it''ll be a stressful process, but it''ll pay off.
rhb, so sorry to hear the news, especially since it took so long!!! I remember the first house that we put an offer on and didn''t get--I was sad at the time, but now I count my blessings. We''ve been looking so long that our tastes have definitely changed and now we realize the house would have been a very bad fit for us.

SarahlovesJS, good luck!!!

We saw two homes yesterday. I''m definitely very picky now because I have honed down exactly what we want.

Both were antiques (one built in 1775 and one built in 1810). both sat on 1 - 2 acres and in the exact area we want. We liked the 1775 house better. It as about 1K square feet bigger, had a nicer kitchen, a huge master suite and a much larger garage. I put together a spreadsheet with all of the solds in the area over the past 6 months, calculated the average price of the solds vs. the listed price and assessments and determined that the house is about 13 - 15% overpriced right now. I feel like that''s a fairly large gap and think that the homeowners will reject our offer if we put one in now (the house has only been on the market for a couple of weeks). We''re going to sit tight and see of the price drops. If so, we''ll put in an offer. If not (or somebody buys it), we''ll just move on.
NEL wishing you luck on a price drop and thank you!

Ok everyone I need some dust we''re putting an offer on a house tomorrow wish us luck please!!
SarahLovesJS -- good luck! sending you lots o dust!
Good luck, SarahlovesJS!!! Keep us updated!
just heard from the seller''s agent this morning that they can actually close march 29. and after talking to the lender, we are officially on track to close march 29!!
that''s a day or two earlier than planned. happy dance!!
Sarah... good luck!!! Lots of dust to you!!

Jcrow... awesome news! Congrats!!
Jcrow that is awesome!!

Thanks everyone..we are really scared. Put in our offer today and there is one other offer they are considering.
We need A LOT of dust.
SarahLovesJS - dust dust dust
I''ve been lurking on this thread for some time (we''re considering selling our current house and upgrading to a bigger house either this summer or next) and I wanted to break my lurkdom with some good luck dust for SarahLovesJS
good luck!
we''re scheduling our final walk-through of the house pre-closing and scheduling our closing time! yay!! i can''t believe after this weekend, we''ll have new keys in our hands!
SarahLovesJS and Jcrow - dust dust dust!!

We actually looked into some new construction townhomes in our area this past weekend. I wasn''t thinking I would like them, but they are beautiful. Everything is top of the line, and obviously brand new, and the community is great. I can deal without the maintenance of a large yard at this point. So we thought about possibly buying one of these, instead of continuing renting, and for the next 5 years work on paying off our student loan debt, and saving for a new construction single family home.
Its a completely different path than we were initially considering, but may be smart for us. I did the research of townhomes in our area and they seem to retain their value pretty well (even in this depressed market.) My realtor doesn''t think resale should be a problem.

Any of you have any experience with this or have looked into it?
Sarah- Good luck with teh offer!!
Jcrow- Congrats on the new date!

NEL- You sound so professional talking about house hunting now. Sounds like a GREAT approach! I hope things work out and they drop the price. Keep us posted!

Rhb- We are at the end of new contruction. I'm not sure I would do it again, just yet.
There have been some surpirses here at the end that we didn't forsee, but that is to be expected when you are buying a house that isn't built yet. If you DO decide to go with the new construction... go meet with some other people that already live there, and ask them what things they left out, or would have done differently... and if they enjoy the house they are living in and the rapport with the builders.
With that said, I LOVE looking at our house and knowing that we(I) picked out everything we(I) wanted! I'm so pleased with the way that most things came out, and the ones that I'm not so happy with, are very easily fixable.

Our update:
-First walk-thru in on Thursday, and boy do we have a list. I really hope that it won't push the closing date back. We just realized that one of our hallways wasn't *mapped* to have a light
... so we'll have to have that put in after we move in.
-We have to move the nursery across the house do to the amount of wall space we need for that dang Ikea dresser. Which means the baby will more than likely be sleeping in our room longer than I expected. We shall see.
-Luckily when we were there on Saturday it rained for about 2 hours so we were able to see the drainage... or lack there of. The front yard is fine, but the back yard has some low points that were collecting horribly. We also had an extra 10x8 concrete slab poured to extend our back porch, and apparently they forgot to slant it AWAY from the house. The rain was puddling right next to the house.

I will post one last picture of the front of the house. I am so happy with the way the brick and stone came out. I can't wait for the grass to turn green

ETA: And for those that might be mistaken, that is a HOUSE they are building next to us... not a mountian.

3.20.10 Finished Front.JPG
Mere: Oh MY! I actually yippeed in my seat! lol That looks fantastic!! Congrats! I love love love the combo of the stone and brick outside, plus the arch, just wonderful!

Sorry about the little problems (but so glad they are little). I can't believe they wouldn't slant a concrete slab. Water pooling near the house can never be good! Stupid little things I guess they don't really think of.

if you dont mind me asking how much land is your home on? Looks like you have a nice lot from the in stage building pics!

Hope the final walk thru goes smooth! Best of luck!
They chose our offer!!!!!!
Yaaay, I am so excited!

Thank you so much for all the dust my wonderful PSers!

And Jcrow I am so excited for next week for you!

Rhb we looked at some newer townhomes as well. I think it''s definitely a great option for the reasons you stated - no maintenance (pretty much) and it''s updated! Also, you don''t have the concern of having to come up with money for a roof or something immediately since they''re new.

Mer - Sorry for the hitches along the way, but your home is gorgeous!
Good luck on the walk through, sending dust that everything''s squared away!
sarah - YAY!! congrats
Date: 3/23/2010 9:26:52 AM
Author: meresal
-Luckily when we were there on Saturday it rained for about 2 hours so we were able to see the drainage... or lack there of. The front yard is fine, but the back yard has some low points that were collecting horribly. We also had an extra 10x8 concrete slab poured to extend our back porch, and apparently they forgot to slant it AWAY from the house. The rain was puddling right next to the house.

I will post one last picture of the front of the house. I am so happy with the way the brick and stone came out. I can''t wait for the grass to turn green

ETA: And for those that might be mistaken, that is a HOUSE they are building next to us... not a mountian.
Oh boy about the bad drainage. My friends have a house just outside of Atlanta and when it rains hard, everything runs off of their yard and into their POOL!
We sat and watched their clean blue pool turn brown as it poured when I visited. I hope this sort of thing doesnt happen to you.

Any way they can shave down the porch slab to drain away from your house? That can''t be good in the long run.

I love the way your house looks from the front! You must be pleased with how it turned out!

Rhb- Thank you so much! We cant wait to start moving! I''ll have to check my documents when I get home, but I want to say the lot size is about .37 of an acre... but I''m not quite sure. It looks a LOT bigger in person... and looked much bigger until the mcmansion started going in next to us.

Sarah- Thank you and Congratulations!!!!! GREAT DAY!!!!

Clairitek- Thank you! The slab slant is definitely NOT good in the long run. If it doesn''t have the correct slant, we will be requiring that they bust it up and doing it again, correctly this time.

Here is a pic of the back yard from our covered porch... I have put "X's" over the area where the water is pooling at the wall. That wall is shared with our master bedroom... it should be sloping off to the right.

3.20.10 Finished Backyard.bad slab.JPG
meresal - so lucky that yall caught that! and wow, nice size yard!
Wow Mere great size yard!! We initially were looking at over .5 acre, but realized I prob don''t need to have to cut that lawn right now. .38 is a PERFECT size... big enough to most anything you would want to put/do in your yard.

So glad you saw the drainage issues right now! Much better than issue with it seeping into your basement or whatnot later down the line. Thank goodness for those new home warranties, right?