
The June LIW Small Talk Thread

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i just d/l rancid
i loved that band growing up.

everyone is still sleeping. *LUCKIES*
Date: 6/8/2009 9:01:01 AM
Author: jcarlylew
i just d/l rancid
i loved that band growing up.

everyone is still sleeping. *LUCKIES*
Yes they are.

I''m not doing so well on the "staying awake" front.

Plus my mind is simply somewhere else today. I don''t know how I''ll get anything done today.
so - honestly think the engagement will not happen on vacation. which i''ll be honest, has me sad b/c how freaking rad would that be? i would love it.
however, now at least i will not be paranoid about losing my ring. becuase i would. infact, i would probably go out an buy a cheap placement holder because i would be so scared.

buuuttt i''m still a bit sad that i know it won''t happen. i think a lot of people are expecting it.
Date: 6/8/2009 9:14:53 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Plus my mind is simply somewhere else today. I don''t know how I''ll get anything done today.

such as "OMG IM ENGAGED??!?!?!"
Date: 6/8/2009 9:16:27 AM
Author: jcarlylew
so - honestly think the engagement will not happen on vacation. which i''ll be honest, has me sad b/c how freaking rad would that be? i would love it.
however, now at least i will not be paranoid about losing my ring. becuase i would. infact, i would probably go out an buy a cheap placement holder because i would be so scared.

buuuttt i''m still a bit sad that i know it won''t happen. i think a lot of people are expecting it.
That would be pretty awesome, but the trip is going to be awesome anyway. Can you handle that much awesomenesss? I''m not sure.. it might be too much for you.

Screw everyones expectations. They ruin everything. Srsly.

I was totally paranoid about losing my ring all weekend. It drove me crazy.
good point. screw expectations!
i''m just looking forward to laying in the sun, burning to a nice crisp!
Date: 6/8/2009 9:22:42 AM
Author: jcarlylew
good point. screw expectations!

i''m just looking forward to laying in the sun, burning to a nice crisp!
oh and the singing chef restaurant we go to. free shots of tequila if you guess a song right!!
Date: 6/8/2009 9:24:20 AM
Author: jcarlylew

Date: 6/8/2009 9:22:42 AM
Author: jcarlylew
good point. screw expectations!

i''m just looking forward to laying in the sun, burning to a nice crisp!
oh and the singing chef restaurant we go to. free shots of tequila if you guess a song right!!
LOL. How can you even *think* about a tequila shot after your weekend?
becuase they are the size of a kid cough syrup shot. and tequila and i have a great relationship.

mmm. salsitas chips. yum
Tequila is the devil. Mean, MEAN tequila.

Also, too many cake balls are the devil. Oh my goodness. I brought them to work to force other people to eat them, and I still ate 4!!
Date: 6/8/2009 10:28:11 AM
Author: princesss
Tequila is the devil. Mean, MEAN tequila.

Also, too many cake balls are the devil. Oh my goodness. I brought them to work to force other people to eat them, and I still ate 4!!
morning princess!
Tequila is only the devil if you take to many shots of it. one is enough!

i feel like that chick from rock of love, from brazil who pounds tequila. *shudders*
Yuck. I hate tequila.

I''m spending my day at work wedding planning.

My head is NOT in the game today.
Date: 6/8/2009 10:44:21 AM
Author: elledizzy5
Yuck. I hate tequila.

I''m spending my day at work wedding planning.

My head is NOT in the game today.
i''d consider that in the game :)
just, maybe the wrong game?
Date: 6/8/2009 10:48:44 AM
Author: jcarlylew

Date: 6/8/2009 10:44:21 AM
Author: elledizzy5
Yuck. I hate tequila.

I''m spending my day at work wedding planning.

My head is NOT in the game today.
i''d consider that in the game :)
just, maybe the wrong game?

But hey, J wants a fall wedding this year, right? That''s not a lot of time, so obviously you need to get a jump on it.

so is it weird that i want to download an app for my phone thats a dictionary?
Date: 6/8/2009 10:59:39 AM
Author: jcarlylew

so is it weird that i want to download an app for my phone thats a dictionary?
LOL ... no way. Not at all. Dictionaries are cool!

We''ve booked the reception site. In talks with the photog we want. Visiting a ceremony site today.

I''m owning this whole wedding planning thing.
Date: 6/8/2009 11:04:35 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 6/8/2009 10:59:39 AM
Author: jcarlylew

so is it weird that i want to download an app for my phone thats a dictionary?
LOL ... no way. Not at all. Dictionaries are cool!

We''ve booked the reception site. In talks with the photog we want. Visiting a ceremony site today.

I''m owning this whole wedding planning thing.
<---------------- This is my impressed face. (Actually, it''s Lola''s "I''m mad I have this thing on my head" face. But you know what I mean.)
Date: 6/8/2009 11:06:42 AM
Author: princesss

Date: 6/8/2009 11:04:35 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 6/8/2009 10:59:39 AM
Author: jcarlylew

so is it weird that i want to download an app for my phone thats a dictionary?
LOL ... no way. Not at all. Dictionaries are cool!

We''ve booked the reception site. In talks with the photog we want. Visiting a ceremony site today.

I''m owning this whole wedding planning thing.
<---------------- This is my impressed face. (Actually, it''s Lola''s ''I''m mad I have this thing on my head'' face. But you know what I mean.)
Hahaha.. Pretty much the same face.

I''m freezing my arse off in the office today. WHY are office buildings always freezing? I will never understand!
Date: 6/8/2009 11:04:35 AM
Author: elledizzy5
Date: 6/8/2009 10:59:39 AM

Author: jcarlylew


so is it weird that i want to download an app for my phone thats a dictionary?

LOL ... no way. Not at all. Dictionaries are cool!

We''ve booked the reception site. In talks with the photog we want. Visiting a ceremony site today.

I''m owning this whole wedding planning thing.
<-- um. more like kicking ass and taking names!
or, why are they FREEZING when its cold out, and BOILING when its hot out?
Mine is always freezing.

I keep two sweaters (I actually need a legit professional looking sweater, but these are SO WARM), slippers, and a sweatshirt blanket in my filing cabinet. I''m always cold.
Date: 6/8/2009 11:24:19 AM
Author: princesss
Mine is always freezing.

I keep two sweaters (I actually need a legit professional looking sweater, but these are SO WARM), slippers, and a sweatshirt blanket in my filing cabinet. I''m always cold.
lol me to. in fact i was using the heater blanket the other day, when it was 80 degree OUTSIDE!
everyone is quite today!
Date: 6/8/2009 11:49:22 AM
Author: jcarlylew
everyone is quite today!
I know! I''m telling you... I''m out of it today. I''m useless.

How excited are you getting, Jcar?? Vacation... coming... soon...
Ohhhhh soooooo tired!
I did a 5K walk yesterday, which required getting up at the buttcrack on a SUNDAY (the horror). I wish I could nap sitting up and making typing sounds...
Dang elle, you''re on the ball!
That''s awesome. Now get to dress shopping and show us pics!
I KNow!!!

i need to :
buy a new swim suit *barf*
buy mini shampoo bottles
get nails and toes done
nair the legs
buy some tank tops
finish packing
buy some books/mags

what am i saying.. ERIC needs to buy all this
why oh why are tankinis not popular anymore?!?!
Date: 6/8/2009 12:56:00 PM
Author: jcarlylew
why oh why are tankinis not popular anymore?!?!


Because that would be just and fair!
apparently so.
grrr. looks like i will be hitting up nordstroms rack for something of the sort!
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