
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Date: 1/7/2010 11:13:36 AM
Author: vc10um

Date: 1/7/2010 11:08:55 AM
Author: Bia

Date: 1/7/2010 10:59:33 AM
Author: vc10um

Date: 1/7/2010 10:51:20 AM
Author: elledizzy5
My boss just sent out her daughter''s wedding photos. She got married about 3 weeks after I did.

I love wedding pics!!

Ugh. I''ve just been having an awful morning. A just told me this morning (stupid me for asking) that he wants to get married *in* a church, *by* a pastor. We''re not currently church-goers. He doesn''t have a church or pastor back in KCMO. Neither of us is baptized into a faith we''re comfortable with (me Catholic, him Baptist). The importance to me of such a thing: negative 5, on a scale from 1-10. I want to get married outside by someone who means something to us (I''d really love his dad or his mom''s dad). AND he can''t articulate a single reason why it''s important to him other than if we weren''t, it would feel ''weird''. He also informed me that in the past, his family has washed the dishes and cleaned up the venues after his family weddings. When I told him that won''t be necessary, he responded with ''but they like to feel needed''.

I feel like he wants a pot luck. Barefoot. In someone''s backyard. And I want white tablecloths and centerpieces and...and...and...

And I''m subsequently having an AWFUL time concentrating on work.
Honey, just explain to him that there are PLENTY of ways for his family to be included that don''t involve sweeping up confetti at the end of the evening. TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It''s going to be fine. If the church thing is important to him, consider giving in. But make sure he compromises on the wedding you desire as well - as in a venue with tables, centerpieces, waiters and not a bbq pit in site!
I just want to be done compromising, lol. I want *my* wedding, dammit, since I''ve already compromised on two huge things: 1) we''re having it in Kansas City for HIM and HIS family; and 2) I''m letting his family''s rugrats come because it''s important to him. I feel like I should be done now, right???

Stupid boys.
in that case...he deserves to be figuratively castrated and told no! (hehehe)

He''s much more ''involved'' than my FI...even more than me actually LOL! Get him when he''s feeling really sweet and cuddly and ask him if the church wedding is really that important. Explain that you''ve done quite a bit of compromising to give him a wedding at home but that you ask a little of the same from him.
Girls should get their way, PERIOD. We have to bleed once a month and have babies, that''s the trade off. Tell him to get over himself and you''re the only one that matters in this relationship. What''s so hard to understand?

I''d be an awesome marriage counselor.
Date: 1/7/2010 11:14:58 AM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 11:05:53 AM
Author: Bia

Date: 1/7/2010 10:58:03 AM
Author: winelover23
Pretty bird!

Like this in Ivory?!
that's gorgeous!!!!!!!!! careful, I might steal your idea.
Stealing ideas is a form of flattery. I know you want to be just like me when you grow up B!
What can I say, I know good taste when I see it!

I'm such a follower!
Date: 1/7/2010 11:19:40 AM
Author: Bia

Date: 1/7/2010 11:14:58 AM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 11:05:53 AM
Author: Bia

Date: 1/7/2010 10:58:03 AM
Author: winelover23
Pretty bird!

Like this in Ivory?!
that''s gorgeous!!!!!!!!! careful, I might steal your idea.
Stealing ideas is a form of flattery. I know you want to be just like me when you grow up B!
What can I say, I know good taste when I see it!

I''m such a follower!
Perfect because I''m a trendsetter.
Date: 1/7/2010 11:19:31 AM
Author: winelover23
Girls should get their way, PERIOD. We have to bleed once a month and have babies, that''s the trade off. Tell him to get over himself and you''re the only one that matters in this relationship. What''s so hard to understand?

I''d be an awesome marriage counselor.

I totally needed the laughs this morning!!! Thanks, ladies!
Morning, sunny!!!
Morning, ladies! I get to play around on PS today because I have a SNOW DAY from work!!!

Missed y''all!
Date: 1/7/2010 11:27:29 AM
Author: misskitty
Morning, ladies! I get to play around on PS today because I have a SNOW DAY from work!!!

Missed y''all!
Morning, MK!!! Must say, I''m quite jealous of your Snow Day!
Date: 1/7/2010 11:27:29 AM
Author: misskitty
Morning, ladies! I get to play around on PS today because I have a SNOW DAY from work!!!

Missed y''all!
Date: 1/7/2010 11:14:58 AM
Author: winelover23
Date: 1/7/2010 11:05:53 AM

Author: Bia

Date: 1/7/2010 10:58:03 AM

Author: winelover23

Pretty bird!

Like this in Ivory?!
that''s gorgeous!!!!!!!!! careful, I might steal your idea.
Stealing ideas is a form of flattery. I know you want to be just like me when you grow up B!

HH - Ruh roh, naughty Binks a roo! Luckily it''s not like a shoe lace or anything that can wrap up around his intestines because then you''d for sure be off to the vet. Is he a fairly hearty kitty?

Very and his new nickname is going to be "Garbage Disposer"
Date: 1/7/2010 11:19:31 AM
Author: winelover23
Girls should get their way, PERIOD. We have to bleed once a month and have babies, that''s the trade off. Tell him to get over himself and you''re the only one that matters in this relationship. What''s so hard to understand?

I''d be an awesome marriage counselor.
LOL!!! I''d hire you.
Dewey had a piece of plastic hanging out of his butthole a few days ago.
Gross. Then it fell out and he just left it there! HellOOOOO, put it in the garbage, no one wants to touch your poohole plastic bag! What a jerk.

Hope Binks-y will be okay, HH!
As exciting as the snow day is, it''s only happening because St. Louis is colossally unequipped to deal with snow. I''m not sure why....we''re still technically in the Midwest!
Date: 1/7/2010 11:56:22 AM
Author: misskitty
As exciting as the snow day is, it''s only happening because St. Louis is colossally unequipped to deal with snow. I''m not sure why....we''re still technically in the Midwest!

Viriginia cleared out from that huge snowstorm using tractors and construction equipment.
Date: 1/7/2010 11:50:09 AM
Author: sunnyd
Dewey had a piece of plastic hanging out of his butthole a few days ago.
Gross. Then it fell out and he just left it there! HellOOOOO, put it in the garbage, no one wants to touch your poohole plastic bag! What a jerk.

Hope Binks-y will be okay, HH!
Date: 1/7/2010 11:50:09 AM
Author: sunnyd
Dewey had a piece of plastic hanging out of his butthole a few days ago.
Gross. Then it fell out and he just left it there! HellOOOOO, put it in the garbage, no one wants to touch your poohole plastic bag! What a jerk.

Hope Binks-y will be okay, HH!
Kitty manners are terrible!
Hola, MK!

Quite jealous of your snow day! It''s nice to see you here though!
I'm glad to be here
I missed small talk!

Wish I had something super exciting to update with, but the snow is kinda the most exciting thing happening right now. I'm actually a little bummed that I'm not at work -- I had a big day planned.
Date: 1/7/2010 12:09:36 PM
Author: misskitty
I''m glad to be here
I missed small talk!

Wish I had something super exciting to update with, but the snow is kinda the most exciting thing happening right now. I''m actually a little bummed that I''m not at work -- I had a big day planned.
MK, since I''ve never been in ST with you before...what do you *do*?
Fill me in!

Oh, and does anyone know if Methodist or Presbyterian churches will marry non-members? (Ugh...trying to compromise...)

Maybe if I had the friggen ring already this would be easier.
Date: 1/7/2010 12:09:36 PM
Author: misskitty
I''m glad to be here
I missed small talk!

Wish I had something super exciting to update with, but the snow is kinda the most exciting thing happening right now. I''m actually a little bummed that I''m not at work -- I had a big day planned.
where are you MK?
I work for a non-profit, and my job role is sort of hard to describe, but it involves social media, marketing, a little bit of web development and design, and some work on the newsletter and other publications. Right now, I''m primarily working on educational materials. I''d eventually like to transfer into a software development position, but I''m enjoying what I do right now.
Date: 1/7/2010 12:24:42 PM
Author: Bia
Date: 1/7/2010 12:09:36 PM

Author: misskitty

I''m glad to be here
I missed small talk!

Wish I had something super exciting to update with, but the snow is kinda the most exciting thing happening right now. I''m actually a little bummed that I''m not at work -- I had a big day planned.
where are you MK?

St. Louis. The few inches of snow that we got constituted a "weather emergency" at work, so I got the day off!
Date: 1/7/2010 12:30:34 PM
Author: misskitty

Date: 1/7/2010 12:24:42 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 1/7/2010 12:09:36 PM

Author: misskitty

I''m glad to be here
I missed small talk!

Wish I had something super exciting to update with, but the snow is kinda the most exciting thing happening right now. I''m actually a little bummed that I''m not at work -- I had a big day planned.
where are you MK?

St. Louis. The few inches of snow that we got constituted a ''weather emergency'' at work, so I got the day off!
I love when that happens!

Seattle and snow do not mix either. Icy hills are slippery.
Date: 1/7/2010 12:35:25 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 1/7/2010 12:30:34 PM
Author: misskitty

Date: 1/7/2010 12:24:42 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 1/7/2010 12:09:36 PM

Author: misskitty

I''m glad to be here
I missed small talk!

Wish I had something super exciting to update with, but the snow is kinda the most exciting thing happening right now. I''m actually a little bummed that I''m not at work -- I had a big day planned.
where are you MK?

St. Louis. The few inches of snow that we got constituted a ''weather emergency'' at work, so I got the day off!
I love when that happens!

Seattle and snow do not mix either. Icy hills are slippery.
Date: 1/7/2010 12:36:37 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 12:35:25 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 1/7/2010 12:30:34 PM
Author: misskitty

Date: 1/7/2010 12:24:42 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 1/7/2010 12:09:36 PM

Author: misskitty

I''m glad to be here
I missed small talk!

Wish I had something super exciting to update with, but the snow is kinda the most exciting thing happening right now. I''m actually a little bummed that I''m not at work -- I had a big day planned.
where are you MK?

St. Louis. The few inches of snow that we got constituted a ''weather emergency'' at work, so I got the day off!
I love when that happens!

Seattle and snow do not mix either. Icy hills are slippery.
HAHAHA. I''d wear it.
Date: 1/7/2010 12:41:04 PM
Author: vc10um

Date: 1/7/2010 12:36:37 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 12:35:25 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 1/7/2010 12:30:34 PM
Author: misskitty

Date: 1/7/2010 12:24:42 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 1/7/2010 12:09:36 PM

Author: misskitty

I''m glad to be here
I missed small talk!

Wish I had something super exciting to update with, but the snow is kinda the most exciting thing happening right now. I''m actually a little bummed that I''m not at work -- I had a big day planned.
where are you MK?

St. Louis. The few inches of snow that we got constituted a ''weather emergency'' at work, so I got the day off!
I love when that happens!

Seattle and snow do not mix either. Icy hills are slippery.
HAHAHA. I''d wear it.

Do we have a collection of these little shirt ideas?


WL - have the little girls puffy paint random ST captions onto their shirts for Mini''s birthday!

I don''t care if they''re confused or upset. TINY SWEATSHOP WORKERS!!!
This is why I missed ST so much. I love that idea, and I totally think WL should do it!
Date: 1/7/2010 12:46:40 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 1/7/2010 12:41:04 PM
Author: vc10um

Date: 1/7/2010 12:36:37 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 12:35:25 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 1/7/2010 12:30:34 PM
Author: misskitty

Date: 1/7/2010 12:24:42 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 1/7/2010 12:09:36 PM

Author: misskitty

I''m glad to be here
I missed small talk!

Wish I had something super exciting to update with, but the snow is kinda the most exciting thing happening right now. I''m actually a little bummed that I''m not at work -- I had a big day planned.
where are you MK?

St. Louis. The few inches of snow that we got constituted a ''weather emergency'' at work, so I got the day off!
I love when that happens!

Seattle and snow do not mix either. Icy hills are slippery.
HAHAHA. I''d wear it.

Do we have a collection of these little shirt ideas?


WL - have the little girls puffy paint random ST captions onto their shirts for Mini''s birthday!

I don''t care if they''re confused or upset. TINY SWEATSHOP WORKERS!!!
Now this is genius! I''ll have those little brats make one for each of us!