
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Date: 1/7/2010 10:55:15 AM
Author: elledizzy5
how it this not your avvie!

mebbe it's the few hours of sleep i'm on, but just scrolling down to see this guy's head pop up on my screen was hilarious!

and it's ok, i like birds, i'm cuckoo.
Date: 1/7/2010 12:51:22 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 12:46:40 PM
Author: elledizzy5


Do we have a collection of these little shirt ideas?


WL - have the little girls puffy paint random ST captions onto their shirts for Mini''s birthday!

I don''t care if they''re confused or upset. TINY SWEATSHOP WORKERS!!!
Now this is genius! I''ll have those little brats make one for each of us!
HAHAHA. Excellent!!!

Sadly, there''s no easy way to search for our "Shirt!" comments in the thread.
Date: 1/7/2010 12:56:09 PM
Author: vc10um

Date: 1/7/2010 12:51:22 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 12:46:40 PM
Author: elledizzy5


Do we have a collection of these little shirt ideas?


WL - have the little girls puffy paint random ST captions onto their shirts for Mini''s birthday!

I don''t care if they''re confused or upset. TINY SWEATSHOP WORKERS!!!
Now this is genius! I''ll have those little brats make one for each of us!
HAHAHA. Excellent!!!

Sadly, there''s no easy way to search for our ''Shirt!'' comments in the thread.
Ok, I''m going to start keeping track and occasionally I''ll post the list for a good laugh.
Date: 1/7/2010 12:58:29 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 12:56:09 PM
Author: vc10um

Date: 1/7/2010 12:51:22 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 12:46:40 PM
Author: elledizzy5


Do we have a collection of these little shirt ideas?


WL - have the little girls puffy paint random ST captions onto their shirts for Mini''s birthday!

I don''t care if they''re confused or upset. TINY SWEATSHOP WORKERS!!!
Now this is genius! I''ll have those little brats make one for each of us!
HAHAHA. Excellent!!!

Sadly, there''s no easy way to search for our ''Shirt!'' comments in the thread.
Ok, I''m going to start keeping track and occasionally I''ll post the list for a good laugh.
Haha. Awesome!
Damn. Squirrly! Do you remember any shirt sayings?! You just read the last 23 pages or so, right???
Date: 1/7/2010 11:02:28 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 1/7/2010 10:59:33 AM
Author: vc10um

Date: 1/7/2010 10:51:20 AM
Author: elledizzy5
My boss just sent out her daughter''s wedding photos. She got married about 3 weeks after I did.

I love wedding pics!!

Ugh. I''ve just been having an awful morning. A just told me this morning (stupid me for asking) that he wants to get married *in* a church, *by* a pastor. We''re not currently church-goers. He doesn''t have a church or pastor back in KCMO. Neither of us is baptized into a faith we''re comfortable with (me Catholic, him Baptist). The importance to me of such a thing: negative 5, on a scale from 1-10. I want to get married outside by someone who means something to us (I''d really love his dad or his mom''s dad). AND he can''t articulate a single reason why it''s important to him other than if we weren''t, it would feel ''weird''. He also informed me that in the past, his family has washed the dishes and cleaned up the venues after his family weddings. When I told him that won''t be necessary, he responded with ''but they like to feel needed''.

I feel like he wants a pot luck. Barefoot. In someone''s backyard. And I want white tablecloths and centerpieces and...and...and...

And I''m subsequently having an AWFUL time concentrating on work.
Yikes, VC!

Well, weddings are the big huge mac daddy compromise you have to make before you even GET married.

You guys should make a list of certain things, and you rate the importance ( you get numbers 1-10, and list 10 items) to YOU. If your importance is higher than his on a particular issue, you get to make the decision. That could help! Sometimes if you really don''t care, its better to just let it go.
when we were in our early planning M was so set on there being booze at our wedding he pretty much said booze or no wedding. now that he''s seen prices and realized that the only people that will really drink will be his family and whatever of our friends can make it, he laughs at how stubborn he was, but i gave in and we agreed on a half keg and a champagne toast.

hopefully the limited booze split between his family and my friends and his friends will make it hard for anyone to get trashed and out of hand, there''ll be at least 4 kids there (my younger cousins) who don''t need to expand their four letter vocabulary on that day
Date: 1/7/2010 11:19:31 AM
Author: winelover23
Girls should get their way, PERIOD. We have to bleed once a month and have babies, that''s the trade off. Tell him to get over himself and you''re the only one that matters in this relationship. What''s so hard to understand?

I''d be an awesome marriage counselor.
absolutely. in the event M and i need that kind of counseling (and they let us out without straight jackets) we''re going to you.
what''s your wine/hour rate?
Date: 1/7/2010 1:10:23 PM
Author: Squirrly

Date: 1/7/2010 11:19:31 AM
Author: winelover23
Girls should get their way, PERIOD. We have to bleed once a month and have babies, that''s the trade off. Tell him to get over himself and you''re the only one that matters in this relationship. What''s so hard to understand?

I''d be an awesome marriage counselor.
absolutely. in the event M and i need that kind of counseling (and they let us out without straight jackets) we''re going to you.
what''s your wine/hour rate?
One case per hour. My number is 911.
Date: 1/7/2010 11:27:29 AM
Author: misskitty
Morning, ladies! I get to play around on PS today because I have a SNOW DAY from work!!!

Missed y''all!
sucky thing about working at the hospital, i only get today off if it''s an official emergency. so i''m just leaving with an hour to get to work (we got the light fluffy stuff and less than expected
i''m surprised we got anything really)

maybe all the docs will shut down early so i get to go home early!
Date: 1/7/2010 1:12:18 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 1:10:23 PM
Author: Squirrly

Date: 1/7/2010 11:19:31 AM
Author: winelover23
Girls should get their way, PERIOD. We have to bleed once a month and have babies, that''s the trade off. Tell him to get over himself and you''re the only one that matters in this relationship. What''s so hard to understand?

I''d be an awesome marriage counselor.
absolutely. in the event M and i need that kind of counseling (and they let us out without straight jackets) we''re going to you.
what''s your wine/hour rate?
One case per hour. My number is 911.
Does 3 buck (since I''m on the East Coast) Chuck or Barefoot count???
Ah yeah, that''s the nice thing about having a non-critical office job.
Date: 1/7/2010 12:14:37 PM
Author: vc10um

Date: 1/7/2010 12:09:36 PM
Author: misskitty
I''m glad to be here
I missed small talk!

Wish I had something super exciting to update with, but the snow is kinda the most exciting thing happening right now. I''m actually a little bummed that I''m not at work -- I had a big day planned.
MK, since I''ve never been in ST with you before...what do you *do*?
Fill me in!

Oh, and does anyone know if Methodist or Presbyterian churches will marry non-members? (Ugh...trying to compromise...)

Maybe if I had the friggen ring already this would be easier.
as far as i know nope. unless you pick one of the uber-conservative ones, and even then it''d be way on the conservative side.
all you might have to do is some pre-marital counseling with the pastor
Date: 1/7/2010 11:50:09 AM
Author: sunnyd
Dewey had a piece of plastic hanging out of his butthole a few days ago.
Gross. Then it fell out and he just left it there! HellOOOOO, put it in the garbage, no one wants to touch your poohole plastic bag! What a jerk.

Hope Binks-y will be okay, HH!

D.O.G. would have hoovered that plastic right up! He loves kitty poop. We call him the litter box bandit. We''ll randomly see him walking around with a little log hanging out of his mouth. It''s so gross.
Date: 1/7/2010 12:46:40 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 1/7/2010 12:41:04 PM
Author: vc10um

Date: 1/7/2010 12:36:37 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 12:35:25 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 1/7/2010 12:30:34 PM
Author: misskitty

Date: 1/7/2010 12:24:42 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 1/7/2010 12:09:36 PM

Author: misskitty

I''m glad to be here
I missed small talk!

Wish I had something super exciting to update with, but the snow is kinda the most exciting thing happening right now. I''m actually a little bummed that I''m not at work -- I had a big day planned.
where are you MK?

St. Louis. The few inches of snow that we got constituted a ''weather emergency'' at work, so I got the day off!
I love when that happens!

Seattle and snow do not mix either. Icy hills are slippery.
HAHAHA. I''d wear it.

Do we have a collection of these little shirt ideas?


WL - have the little girls puffy paint random ST captions onto their shirts for Mini''s birthday!

I don''t care if they''re confused or upset. TINY SWEATSHOP WORKERS!!!
i so did not read "shirt"
but that needs to be a v-neck made especially for winter wear
Date: 1/7/2010 1:17:45 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 1/7/2010 11:50:09 AM
Author: sunnyd
Dewey had a piece of plastic hanging out of his butthole a few days ago.
Gross. Then it fell out and he just left it there! HellOOOOO, put it in the garbage, no one wants to touch your poohole plastic bag! What a jerk.

Hope Binks-y will be okay, HH!

D.O.G. would have hoovered that plastic right up! He loves kitty poop. We call him the litter box bandit. We''ll randomly see him walking around with a little log hanging out of his mouth. It''s so gross.
I just vomitted on my desk.
I think my CTRL-F is broken. I went though about 20 pages of WL''s posts and no "shirt" came up.
Date: 1/7/2010 1:01:03 PM
Author: sunnyd
Damn. Squirrly! Do you remember any shirt sayings?! You just read the last 23 pages or so, right???
don''t remind me!

i do know for sure we need poop cake and butt sniffles ones, as well as douchecanoe/waffle, an i''m fermenting preggers shirt...
Date: 1/7/2010 1:12:18 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 1:10:23 PM
Author: Squirrly

Date: 1/7/2010 11:19:31 AM
Author: winelover23
Girls should get their way, PERIOD. We have to bleed once a month and have babies, that''s the trade off. Tell him to get over himself and you''re the only one that matters in this relationship. What''s so hard to understand?

I''d be an awesome marriage counselor.
absolutely. in the event M and i need that kind of counseling (and they let us out without straight jackets) we''re going to you.
what''s your wine/hour rate?
One case per hour. My number is 911.
crap then who''s was 469
Date: 1/7/2010 1:19:38 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 1:17:45 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 1/7/2010 11:50:09 AM
Author: sunnyd
Dewey had a piece of plastic hanging out of his butthole a few days ago.
Gross. Then it fell out and he just left it there! HellOOOOO, put it in the garbage, no one wants to touch your poohole plastic bag! What a jerk.

Hope Binks-y will be okay, HH!

D.O.G. would have hoovered that plastic right up! He loves kitty poop. We call him the litter box bandit. We''ll randomly see him walking around with a little log hanging out of his mouth. It''s so gross.
I just vomitted on my desk.
...shirt??? LOL

But srsly, HH, that may be the most disgusting thing I''ve heard in a looooooooong time.
Date: 1/7/2010 1:20:55 PM
Author: sunnyd
I think my CTRL-F is broken. I went though about 20 pages of WL''s posts and no ''shirt'' came up.
Wow that''s determination. Don''t worry Sunny I started a word doc and I''m going to start adding them all.
Date: 1/7/2010 1:17:45 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 1/7/2010 11:50:09 AM
Author: sunnyd
Dewey had a piece of plastic hanging out of his butthole a few days ago.
Gross. Then it fell out and he just left it there! HellOOOOO, put it in the garbage, no one wants to touch your poohole plastic bag! What a jerk.

Hope Binks-y will be okay, HH!

D.O.G. would have hoovered that plastic right up! He loves kitty poop. We call him the litter box bandit. We''ll randomly see him walking around with a little log hanging out of his mouth. It''s so gross.
Ha! What is it with dogs and poop?! My parents'' saint bernard eats his own poop all time. He loves it!
i''m so glad we go back to shirts! I found a version of this in well, not austin but fredericksburg, and i took a pic of it but don''t have time to dig out my camera, so for now this similar one will have to do

Date: 1/7/2010 1:22:29 PM
Author: winelover23

Date: 1/7/2010 1:20:55 PM
Author: sunnyd
I think my CTRL-F is broken. I went though about 20 pages of WL''s posts and no ''shirt'' came up.
Wow that''s determination. Don''t worry Sunny I started a word doc and I''m going to start adding them all.
Yayyyy!!! I''m sure I''ll be bored enough later to sift through the ST archives. LOL.
Date: 1/7/2010 1:26:06 PM
Author: Squirrly
i''m so glad we go back to shirts! I found a version of this in well, not austin but fredericksburg, and i took a pic of it but don''t have time to dig out my camera, so for now this similar one will have to do
Date: 1/7/2010 1:24:35 PM
Author: sunnyd
Date: 1/7/2010 1:17:45 PM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 1/7/2010 11:50:09 AM

Author: sunnyd

Dewey had a piece of plastic hanging out of his butthole a few days ago.
Gross. Then it fell out and he just left it there! HellOOOOO, put it in the garbage, no one wants to touch your poohole plastic bag! What a jerk.

Hope Binks-y will be okay, HH!

D.O.G. would have hoovered that plastic right up! He loves kitty poop. We call him the litter box bandit. We''ll randomly see him walking around with a little log hanging out of his mouth. It''s so gross.

Ha! What is it with dogs and poop?! My parents'' saint bernard eats his own poop all time. He loves it!

He definitely doesn''t eat his own poop. Our cats eat pretty high quality mostly meat based food, I think that might make it tastier to him??? I agree, it''s totally vile and makes me throw up in my mouth a little every time I see him do it. We keep the rooms with the LBs closed off to him as much as possible.
Date: 1/7/2010 1:26:06 PM
Author: Squirrly

i''m so glad we go back to shirts! I found a version of this in well, not austin but fredericksburg, and i took a pic of it but don''t have time to dig out my camera, so for now this similar one will have to do

Someone needs to buy that shirt for PP. She coined that phrase here on PS.
Mmmmm...Short Non-Fat Extra Hot Hot Chocolate and a Chocolate Biscotti...

Boo to an interview (aka meeting) with an attorney at 2. Should only last about 15 mintues though! Back then!
Date: 1/7/2010 1:55:23 PM
Author: vc10um
Mmmmm...Short Non-Fat Extra Hot Hot Chocolate and a Chocolate Biscotti...

Boo to an interview (aka meeting) with an attorney at 2. Should only last about 15 mintues though! Back then!
OMG. Shortest. Interview. EVAR. Was done in <4 minutes.
I''m going to get grouchy today. I didn''t ask whether or not you thought it was ok that I only have appetizers I asked if I should tell my guests. Grrrrrrr.
Date: 1/7/2010 2:20:13 PM
Author: winelover23
I''m going to get grouchy today. I didn''t ask whether or not you thought it was ok that I only have appetizers I asked if I should tell my guests. Grrrrrrr.
Yeahhhh...I saw that...I almost yelled. Decided I didn''t want to get into it today...I''m already moody.

But WL, I think it''s totally awesome that you''re doing heavy hors d''ouvres and not real food. Usually the apps are the best part of wedding food!!!