
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Two rings. The 3 stone engagement and my "lockwasher" band :bigsmile:

Will of course have to find a suitable wedding band to go with them when the time comes...

The view from the bedroom at the hotel (where he proposed). This is the next day just before we left. The sunset had everything so pretty and pink-orange.

TooPatient said:
Two rings. The 3 stone engagement and my "lockwasher" band :bigsmile:

Will of course have to find a suitable wedding band to go with them when the time comes...

I thought that channel setting is the wedding band. I guess not? Pretty rings btw. :love:
Morning Ladies :wavey: you ever hate being up early?

Too- Such Pretty Rings

Bg- YAY...its your 3 day weekend now
Morning ladies! Gonna teach one student in 15 min.

I never really have to wake up "early" because my students usually come after school.

I don't know why but I'm not excited for my weekend. Maybe it's still Friday?

BTW, BB laid an egg yesterday.
OMG...she laid a egg, so does that mean you might been a grandma? Awwwww, well it be a baby bird? O.....sound ssilly, but ive never seen a bird egg, but if you can pics can you post
She usually lays 4 eggs at a time, a few times a year. There's no male bird to sit on the egg to fertilizer it, so no baby lovebirds. :((
The other lovebird I had before was also a girl. At the time, they would lay 7-8 eggs. They would take turn sitting on them. Pretty cute. Sometimes I'm worried about her having too many eggs and be lack of calcium. However, I have the mineral block for her to eat regularly. Everytime she starts having "sex" in front of the mirror, I know she's going to lay eggs soon. When she is pregnant, she'll just go eat the mineral block. So cute. It's like she knows she needs more calcium. Whenever she's having eggs, I give her additional calcium powder. If the bird doesn't have enough calcium, it will have hard time laying the eggs and the bird might die because of that.

I've attached a picture. The egg has a little bit of blood on it. :errrr: She's protecting her egg. Sometimes it happens, but it's ok. She usually sits on her eggs and fall asleep doing that. One time she was sitting on her eggs and biting onto a piece of paper towel (nesting). Then she fell asleep with the paper still in her mouth. It's very cute! :love:

awwwww. That is just too adorbale. She wants to be alittle mommy. Its funny how animals have natural insticts like that. Hvae you every thought about getting a male lovebird so she could hvae babies and someone else to be in the cage with her, like a friend?
My dad wanted to get another one. He wants to see little lovebirds. However, BB is a very jealous bird. Whenever we look at our fishes, she'll scream for attention. She was also jealous of the other lovebird (her mate). Everytime we played with that one, she has to play too. I think it's better if she's by herself. She'll bond with me better. If you have a pair of lovebird, they will usually be so attached to each other they won't bond with human. Also, it's hard to find out if a lovebird is a male/female (unless they lay eggs). Usually, only DNA testing will identify the sex. We don't want to end up getting another female bird. Two female lovebirds will fight all the time. Two males lovebirds or 1female 1 male lovebirds will be fine. My bf said it's like real life, you can't put lots of girls together. :lol:
awwwww. I see you understanding. I didnt know you couldnt tell. Hmmmmm, personally im not a big bird fan, they talk a lot. LoL....but than so do my Dogs. Thats cant put a lot of woman together.
hahaha.. Yes. Actually I didn't want a bird as a pet. When I was young, I wanted to have a dog/bunny (something furry). My dad said I can't and the only think I can have is a bird. Now, I'm a bird person. :love:

HAHA. My bf is always telling me he doesn't understand why girls have to talk behind each other's behind. He said it's like that at work. Lots of gossip among the women assistants. That's why he said you can't put a lot of girls together. Men are better, they don't hate each other.
lool...when i was younger, i wanted a duck. Seriously, but my om yelled at me one day saying" Jessie...what are we going to do with a damn duck".....there went my duck dreams.

LoL.....C always talks to the ladies at his job, mostly older ones, and he says he just doesnt get us and peoples thoughts at times. he works with a chick who is alwasy on her cell phone, or the work phone, and its not business related. Than she asks himw hat kind of phone he has, and hes always responds with " a prepaid that i spend 100 bucks on, ALL YEAR" he says her face drops like she cant believe it. Its funny cuz thats what i spend, and we ever rarely use them. We kind of dont like technonolgy. Granted it lead me here to you ladies, but its out of control. :nono:
:lol: My bf doesn't even have a cell phone. He said he doesn't need a cell phone. It costs money and people will know where he is. He is either at my house, his house or at work. I guess he really doesn't need a cell phone. He uses mine when we're out. I should start charging charging him for using mine. HAHA He only has his work cell phone given to him at work.
LoL....thats like my SO too. He only has his because his last job paid for it. Also, the puts it on when hes in the car, just in case something happens, he can call AAA and than me. Im the ame with needing ti for work, and than driving.
How are you and your SO going to spend your weekend?
we havent really planned anything so its most likely going to be a chill type of weekend. We havent gone out in a few weekends, so we will porbbaly go out for a few drinks on saturday night, and maybe have some friends over on sunday to celebrate the "grand opening" of our patio/balcony :lol: . My SO is so silly osme days. He says he want to get some helium balloons and hang em and a banner. LoL....i said thats fine, as long as you put them up and its sunday. LoL...Sunday is my diet free day, so i want a yummy burger.
I hope the banner will say "Will you marry me?" :naughty:
Friggin A....Seriously. Thats what im hoping too!!!!You and i were thinking the same thing. That would be perfect....i doubt he will, but a girl can always hope :love: ;)
:lol: We're usually more romantic than guys. My dad is back on Tuesday. My mom thinks my bf is going to propose when my dad's back. I dunno. :p
Yeah, we generally are.

I think he might ask on the trip, like at the very end or before the flight. That would be perfect. Do you try not to think about when it might come. I know i do...cuz i do think about it, ill obess and than it gets
it's hard not to think about it. I think about it ALL THE TIME!
HaHa...its always in the back of my head, but i try to not think about it A :saint:
it's hard. Every weekend, I think he'll propose. I don't want to think too much because I don't want to be disappointed. Then, I'll wanna start a fight. :lol: :roll:
Seriously.....i dont want to be disappointed if he doesnt propose this weekend either since we have been waiting for the balcony to be done for weekS.....
beezygal said:
She usually lays 4 eggs at a time, a few times a year. There's no male bird to sit on the egg to fertilizer it, so no baby lovebirds. :((
The other lovebird I had before was also a girl. At the time, they would lay 7-8 eggs. They would take turn sitting on them. Pretty cute. Sometimes I'm worried about her having too many eggs and be lack of calcium. However, I have the mineral block for her to eat regularly. Everytime she starts having "sex" in front of the mirror, I know she's going to lay eggs soon. When she is pregnant, she'll just go eat the mineral block. So cute. It's like she knows she needs more calcium. Whenever she's having eggs, I give her additional calcium powder. If the bird doesn't have enough calcium, it will have hard time laying the eggs and the bird might die because of that.

I've attached a picture. The egg has a little bit of blood on it. :errrr: She's protecting her egg. Sometimes it happens, but it's ok. She usually sits on her eggs and fall asleep doing that. One time she was sitting on her eggs and biting onto a piece of paper towel (nesting). Then she fell asleep with the paper still in her mouth. It's very cute! :love:

Your bird is so pretty! I love the colors and texture of her feathers.

The egg isn't fertlized by a male bird sitting on it, its fertlized when the male and female mate directly. Then the female lays a fertilized egg.
Clairitek said:
beezygal said:
She usually lays 4 eggs at a time, a few times a year. There's no male bird to sit on the egg to fertilizer it, so no baby lovebirds. :((
The other lovebird I had before was also a girl. At the time, they would lay 7-8 eggs. They would take turn sitting on them. Pretty cute. Sometimes I'm worried about her having too many eggs and be lack of calcium. However, I have the mineral block for her to eat regularly. Everytime she starts having "sex" in front of the mirror, I know she's going to lay eggs soon. When she is pregnant, she'll just go eat the mineral block. So cute. It's like she knows she needs more calcium. Whenever she's having eggs, I give her additional calcium powder. If the bird doesn't have enough calcium, it will have hard time laying the eggs and the bird might die because of that.

I've attached a picture. The egg has a little bit of blood on it. :errrr: She's protecting her egg. Sometimes it happens, but it's ok. She usually sits on her eggs and fall asleep doing that. One time she was sitting on her eggs and biting onto a piece of paper towel (nesting). Then she fell asleep with the paper still in her mouth. It's very cute! :love:

Your bird is so pretty! I love the colors and texture of her feathers.

The egg isn't fertlized by a male bird sitting on it, its fertlized when the male and female mate directly. Then the female lays a fertilized egg.

Thank you! I love her to death. I always thought it was fertilized when the male and female mate directly. (it makes sense) I don't know where I saw that the male has to sit on to fertilize it. Ever since that, I always think it's the male sitting on it. Thanks for making it clear! Do you have any birds too?
Is anyone else watching SHARK WEEK? : ) ekkkkk! I can't handle how excited I am!
beezygal said:
Clairitek said:
beezygal said:
She usually lays 4 eggs at a time, a few times a year. There's no male bird to sit on the egg to fertilizer it, so no baby lovebirds. :((
The other lovebird I had before was also a girl. At the time, they would lay 7-8 eggs. They would take turn sitting on them. Pretty cute. Sometimes I'm worried about her having too many eggs and be lack of calcium. However, I have the mineral block for her to eat regularly. Everytime she starts having "sex" in front of the mirror, I know she's going to lay eggs soon. When she is pregnant, she'll just go eat the mineral block. So cute. It's like she knows she needs more calcium. Whenever she's having eggs, I give her additional calcium powder. If the bird doesn't have enough calcium, it will have hard time laying the eggs and the bird might die because of that.

I've attached a picture. The egg has a little bit of blood on it. :errrr: She's protecting her egg. Sometimes it happens, but it's ok. She usually sits on her eggs and fall asleep doing that. One time she was sitting on her eggs and biting onto a piece of paper towel (nesting). Then she fell asleep with the paper still in her mouth. It's very cute! :love:

Your bird is so pretty! I love the colors and texture of her feathers.

The egg isn't fertlized by a male bird sitting on it, its fertlized when the male and female mate directly. Then the female lays a fertilized egg.

Thank you! I love her to death. I always thought it was fertilized when the male and female mate directly. (it makes sense) I don't know where I saw that the male has to sit on to fertilize it. Ever since that, I always think it's the male sitting on it. Thanks for making it clear! Do you have any birds too?

My parents and I had some zebra finches when we were really young. I wouldn't mind getting a gorgeous bird like yours someday but I have cats, and well, my one younger male is a hunter and I think that bird would be terrorized. Not a good quality of life for a bird! I remember when I was young being amazed at how big the personalities were on our finches. They certainly knew their owners well!
Morning Ladies.... :wavey:

How was your weekend? No Sparklies here.....
Jessie702 said:
Morning Ladies.... :wavey:

How was your weekend? No Sparklies here.....

Okay... So some combination of keys pushed on the keyboard just tossed my reply and stuck me back to the ST thread.....

Grrrr. I think it is something like "Shift" and "Enter"... Not sure but I do it ALL THE TIME :angryfire: :nono: (You'd think I'd learn)

Anyway. Nice quiet weekend here. Yard work, minor construction (finishing the trim around a window), reading, eating, cleaning, eating, eating...

How was your weekend (other than no sparklies ;( )?