
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Morning sunny and LP! Christmas was wonderful!

Going around now flashing my bare left ring finger to everyone that said "You''re gonna get engaged over Xmas!" and letting them know that they, in fact, were wrong.
I don''t mind, though. I knew it wasn''t coming, so it''s kind of a fun "I told you so" kind of thing and not a "I''m so sad I still don''t have a ring" thing...
Date: 12/28/2009 11:19:48 AM
Author: ladypirate
OK, so what was everyone''s favorite Christmas gift?

I did get the boots I asked for and I <3 them! The most meaningful gift though was from my mom--she gave me a beautiful star sapphire ring that her father had given her. She said that now I have my ''something old'' for the wedding. It is gorgeous--I''ll be making a SMTR thread once I actually get a chance to take some pictures of it.
That sounds fabulous, LP! Can''t wait to see pics!

I think my fave gift was something I actually *didn''t* get. A spent weeks trying to hunt down the perfect pair of purple Loubies in my size and with a 100mm heel, and in the end just couldn''t find ones that he knew I would love. It gave me tons and tons of warm fuzzies to hear all he''d gone through, though, and I told him that sometimes, it really is the thought that counts!
Ohhh VC, he''s a keeper. It''s not every man who appreciates the $700+ shoe!
I haven''t gotten all of mine yet so my favorite thus far is my new pair of T&Co earrings.
Date: 12/28/2009 11:28:16 AM
Author: TheBigT
Ohhh VC, he''s a keeper. It''s not every man who appreciates the $700+ shoe!

LOL, isn''t this the truth!
Date: 12/28/2009 11:28:16 AM
Author: TheBigT
Ohhh VC, he''s a keeper. It''s not every man who appreciates the $700+ shoe!
OMG, I was SO proud of him the other day at Whole Foods. We were tasting wines and the lady pouring was wonderfully chatty, and more bubbly than the champagne, and we were just talking away and she mentioned that for her 40th birthday, her closest girlfriends and mother had all pooled together and bought her Jimmy Choos. As I told her how jealous I was, she looked at A and was like "oh, sorry...Jimmy Choos are..." and he chimes in with "expensive shoes that are well worth it, from what I hear." LOL!!! She was like "Oooooo! Keep him!"

I intend to.
Wow, VC, don''t let him get away!! Hehe!

Fave christmas gift...probably all the scrapbooking stuff I got from mom and MIL. I just need my pics and a book so I can get started!
LOL! That sounds like TJ...He got the earrings on his own accord after hearing me lament about losing an earring once long ago. I had no jewelry on my list this year.
Date: 12/28/2009 11:36:27 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
LOL! That sounds like TJ...He got the earrings on his own accord after hearing me lament about losing an earring once long ago. I had no jewelry on my list this year.
Well done!

Sunny, I LOVE scrapbooking, but I just never find the time. It''s a shame, really.
I couldn''t scrapbook my way out of a paper bag while being chased by tigers. I''m so not artistic.
Date: 12/28/2009 11:36:03 AM
Author: sunnyd
Wow, VC, don''t let him get away!! Hehe!

Fave christmas gift...probably all the scrapbooking stuff I got from mom and MIL. I just need my pics and a book so I can get started!
You can make a scrapbook for me, if you want to! Thanks! I have pictures and book all ready for you.

Heh. I made my own guest book for our wedding by putting small envelopes into a scrapbook, where people left us messages -- and told myself I would use the empty pages for non-pro photos. STILL haven''t gotten around to getting photo corners. I should do that before school starts up again.
LOL! I''m not really artistic either, but I like to think I am. I''ll probably get overwhelmed and give up halfway through...but it''s the thought that counts.
Date: 12/28/2009 11:47:05 AM
Author: TheBigT

Date: 12/28/2009 11:36:03 AM
Author: sunnyd
Wow, VC, don''t let him get away!! Hehe!

Fave christmas gift...probably all the scrapbooking stuff I got from mom and MIL. I just need my pics and a book so I can get started!
You can make a scrapbook for me, if you want to! Thanks! I have pictures and book all ready for you.

Heh. I made my own guest book for our wedding by putting small envelopes into a scrapbook, where people left us messages -- and told myself I would use the empty pages for non-pro photos. STILL haven''t gotten around to getting photo corners. I should do that before school starts up again.
Ooooo! Cute idea! Now get on those photo corners!
Oh man, so my sisters gave FI a home brewing kit and we decided to spend the day after Christmas brewing some beer. We got all the stuff and brought it home and got started. Shortly we realized that A. the recipe the guy at the brew shop had photocopied for us had the wrong second page and B. our stove is not really powerful enough to boil that much water. DOH. Also, we apparently chose the hardest type of beer to start with.

Fingers crossed that it actually ferments!
Date: 12/28/2009 12:00:02 PM
Author: ladypirate
Oh man, so my sisters gave FI a home brewing kit and we decided to spend the day after Christmas brewing some beer. We got all the stuff and brought it home and got started. Shortly we realized that A. the recipe the guy at the brew shop had photocopied for us had the wrong second page and B. our stove is not really powerful enough to boil that much water. DOH. Also, we apparently chose the hardest type of beer to start with.

Fingers crossed that it actually ferments!
Fingers and toes all crossied!!! Whatcha makin???
Ruh roh LP! Hopefully it turns out!! DH got a home brewing kit too, but his came with all the stuff. We''ll see how good it is, and if it''s worth the stink in our house when we make it!
I had a dream the night before last that I was 33 weeks pregnant (but somehow didn''t know it?!) and had no symptoms or belly -- but I felt really guilty, because I had been drinking a lot of beer at some kind of beer festival. It was weeeeird.
pregnancy dreams are common when you''re pregnant.

Speaking of which, fingers crossed ladies...
Date: 12/28/2009 12:17:52 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
pregnancy dreams are common when you''re pregnant.

Speaking of which, fingers crossed ladies...
Crosses all fingers and toes for HH, too! Here''s hoping *your* "fermenting" happens, too!
Ack! Fingers crossed for a li''l Hawk!!
I''m definitely not pregnant, but DH and I had a bunch of "What''s our 5-year plan?" discussions this weekend, so I''d bet that has something to do with it. I''m really loving planning my life with another person, but feel slightly like I''m still playing house.
Date: 12/28/2009 12:26:03 PM
Author: TheBigT
Ack! Fingers crossed for a li''l Hawk!!
I''m definitely not pregnant, but DH and I had a bunch of ''What''s our 5-year plan?'' discussions this weekend, so I''d bet that has something to do with it. I''m really loving planning my life with another person, but feel slightly like I''m still playing house.
This made me giggle, because the only boys *I* had to play house with when I was little have all grown up to be gay.
Date: 12/28/2009 12:14:43 PM
Author: sunnyd
Ruh roh LP! Hopefully it turns out!! DH got a home brewing kit too, but his came with all the stuff. We''ll see how good it is, and if it''s worth the stink in our house when we make it!

Ours came with most of the stuff, but there were a few things we needed like the ingredients and a big kettle. Also, make sure you have a stove that can handle that much water. Flat top electric stoves do not work (or at least not well). We''ve decided we''re using a propane burner next time.
Date: 12/28/2009 12:12:24 PM
Author: vc10um
Date: 12/28/2009 12:00:02 PM

Author: ladypirate

Oh man, so my sisters gave FI a home brewing kit and we decided to spend the day after Christmas brewing some beer. We got all the stuff and brought it home and got started. Shortly we realized that A. the recipe the guy at the brew shop had photocopied for us had the wrong second page and B. our stove is not really powerful enough to boil that much water. DOH. Also, we apparently chose the hardest type of beer to start with.

Fingers crossed that it actually ferments!

Fingers and toes all crossied!!! Whatcha makin???

Pilsner--apparently lagers are harder than ales.
Date: 12/28/2009 12:19:43 PM
Author: vc10um

Date: 12/28/2009 12:17:52 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
pregnancy dreams are common when you''re pregnant.

Speaking of which, fingers crossed ladies...
Crosses all fingers and toes for HH, too! Here''s hoping *your* ''fermenting'' happens, too!

Crossing fingers for HH.

Are you trying or do you think you already are?
LP--sounds yummy! I hope it comes out well!

Afternoon, TP!
After last month we decided we were going to actively start trying. I ov''d sometime between the 24th and 28th and we had lots of fun during that time so we''re hopeful.
Sorry. Long weekend and I''m still asleep. My manners must still be home in bed.

Good morning everyone.
Ooooh! *fingers crossed* HH!
HH -- That is so exciting. Congratulations & good luck!
morning everyone!! got to sleep in today. it was nice!

HH- fingers crossed!

fav christmas gift? probably still my laptop, but i did get a cheese making kit!