
the "M" word

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Jun 16, 2005
I just got back from a glorious vacation with my boyfriend in Hawaii! We had a wonderful time and now are back in the real world. Some thought he would propose while we were there, which of course got me excited! No ring.
Now my birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I almost don''t want to celebrate it for 2 reasons... 1. I am turning 29- one only year left of my 20''s!!!! 2. I don''t want to deal with another important date with no engagement. So frustrating!!!
I honestly want to skip this birthday. And he had said he was planning on proposing once school was done- which I had thought was going to be December. Now I find out he has more classes to take and it will be Spring once he is done! I don''t want to have yet ANOTHER discussion about marriage, because I really am starting to feel a like I''m sounding a little desperate. What to do?? Advice please!
Well I think you have taken a great first step, venting here. (You dont sound desperate, just in love!
I am sorry he did not propose in Hawaii maybe he did not want to be predictable. Same thing with your birthday.
I wish I could help. If I think of anything brillant I will be sure to post it.
Well I don''t have much advice, sorry. All I can do is sympathize. Sometimes I think my bf says things purposely to make me think he might propose. Like he thinks it''s funny to watch me squirm. Probably not, but it feels that way.

Try remember why you love him so much and why you''ve stuck around this long. During this limbo it''s easy to focus on the negative in him....try to think of the positive. Hang in there!
Which island(s)? What a fabulous trip!

I'm also 28, so I know what you mean about the 20's slipping away. Have you had your 10 year high school reunion yet? Mine's coming up in November, and I feel like that is an additional important date that I want to be engaged before it comes! Arghh...

I don't know if any advice from me will help because you can see it hasn't gotten me very far.
But, maybe you could talk with him again and try to revise his timeline. Drum into him how important it is to get X, Y, and Z done before the end of this year. Avoid actually saying marriage. Concentrate on rings, churches, booking venus, photographers, low fertility of women in their 30's (embarrassingly, I did emphasize that one to my b/f
I turned 29 in June, and I was ever so excited about it. I feel like I''m almost grown up. We have a beautiful house, we go on great vacations (we spent a week in maui this summer) and next year when I turn 30, it will be an official "adult" year as we will be getting married in the fall. I have no problems saying goodby to my 20''s, they were fun (and still are) but there is something to be said about starting a new chapter.

As for the ''M'' word, there is nothing wrong with being anxious. It is an exciting new chapter about to begin, and sometimes it is terribly hard being patient.

Have a great birthday! Mine was a childs theme, full of power puff girl decorations. Friends brought me tiaras and rings from toysrus, and I completely enjoyed my last birthday in my 20''s. (didnt hurt I also got the mini deco diamond watch from bloomies
Thanks gals! It was Oahu- gorgeous! I did let him know that every woman in the office pulled my left hand when I got back- which he smiled and chuckled. Patience is a virtue- one I am working on!
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