
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Congratulations PT!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Lots and lots of sticky ***dust*** to you!!!
PT, I'm beyond elated for you! I'm sending super duper sticky dust your way!! Congrats! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Woo hoo PT! Excellent news!
Congratulations PT!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
I'm so excited for you pt!!!
What a great boost for the ladies on this thread!
Loads of sticky dust headed your way!
Parrot tulips, CONGRATULATIONS sweetie!!!! 220 is a FABULOUS beta number! All the best to you!

I know it's been a long road, and I'm so happy the injectables worked for you! :appl:
okay so I have officially decided to join this thread. I started Metformin on March 4th. I started at 500mg... then moved to I am at 1500mg a day. My last real period was October 13th on the Nuva Ring.. whcih fell out October 20th.... thought i was pregnant...wasnt then thats when everything started to develop from there. Didnt get another period so I was given Provera and got a fake bleed on December 5th. Went to see an Endo on March 4th and was diagnosed with PCOS Its now May 4th and nothing... Soooooooo frustrated! I see my Endo on Friday to see where we go from there. I am hoping he has some other options other than Provera because I feel like that isnt going to help me because I want to get AF on my own. Hubby and I are frustrated... I'm probably more frustrated though. All of the side effects of PCOS are horrible too... Im hoping they will start to calm down.. So discouraging and we havent even been able to start trying! :-(

Hop everyone else is having better luck than me! :-)
Jumping on the sticky dust wagon for you, PT!!! Have everything crossed for you guys!!!
Just chiming in to say Congrats PT! here's hoping for a sticky bean!

And hi blondebunny! Sorry to hear about the PCOS issues. I have mild PCOS as well - my only symptoms right now are polycystic ovaries and cycles that are like 45 days long. I was on Clomid to TTC#1 (to help me ovulate earlier) and am on it again right now to TTC#2. I hope you get some answers soon about your AF/cycles, so that you can start TTC.
I don't often post here, but wanted to give a shoutout to blondebunny!

I have had PCOS for years. Miserable, horrible, evil sh!t. It took a long time but I did have 2 successful pregnancies. Good luck to you! It will happen!!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: PT-So excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats and tons of sticky dust!!!
Hey everyone!

I have to admit I came here looking for some good news a few weeks ago and found the thread dead. Oddly, it made me really sad. I know I don't post a lot any more, but I do think of my girls here often and I'm forever prayerful for the good news that another one of us is on the road to mama-hood.

And whoo hoo, here comes Tulip!!! Congratulations, lady!!! I can only imagine the deep emotions you're feeling. Thankfulness, blessing beyond measure, and the jitters, too. Please, please, please try to walk more on the side of complete elation than on the side of fear, though. After the long journey you've had, bask in the joy of what it is NOW, and try hard not to let worry of what's to come interfere. I'm praying for a healthy little one in there and I'm very, very happy to hear your news!! Rest up and *bask* in the blessing!! And double congratulations--- you're about to have your first Mother's Day, too. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


Did I hear TTC #2? Whoo hoo!!! Happy for you, friend! Hoping the journey to numero dos is short for you, friend. :bigsmile:

Walk in faith, friends. I am praying for the better days just around the corner. And good things are coming!!

Thanks for the thoughts, Tgal, Bella, and all....

Got any word on your adoption, Bella?? :bigsmile:

And welcome, Bunny. I hope your docs can get you on the road to TTC super fast, girl.
Thanks Sha, Somethingshiny, and fisherofmengirly . Its especially nice to hear about successful pregnancies from women with PCOS! Ive been researching from diets to vitamins.. you name it! I have all the crappy side effects of it.. acne (almost semi under control after 8 months!), facial hair, darkening of hair, dandruff... My only problem is the stress Im under right now. Everything seemed to finally be getting better then I got in another car accident which brought a large amount of stress ..lovely! and its just continued... hope things get better! I cant wait for my doctors apt on Friday to see what he wants to do :-) Hopefully something!

I hope some more people join in on this thread :-)
blondebunny - yes, I hope your doc is able to work out a good plan for you. Keep us updated!

Hi Fisher!!! :wavey: So nice to see you! :)) I was wondering if you had checked in recently. I always love your posts - they are so always so positive, uplifting and inspirational (even through your struggles). Can I ask where things are for you now in terms of TTC? How have you and Paul been doing?

Yes, I'm ready to TTC#2 - my cycles have been insanely long since breastfeeding/weaning, probably because of the PCOS, so I'm trying Clomid again. I think TTC will take longer this time around, though; the DH's libido seems to be pretty low at the moment, so unfortunately we're not getting much BDing in. I guess we'll have to see what happens. Thanks for your support!

Had I responded to this last week, it would have been to say that we don't have any follow up medical appointments scheduled- there's been no diagnosis other than "irregular cycles" and no further testing to be done that makes any sense to us or the docs, other than IUI, should we decide to go that route.

However, today started a brand new cycle for me, and with it came incredible cramps. Cramps I've not had since college-- calling in to work, curled in a ball, rocking back and forth in a cold sweat cramps. I woke up around 5:30 and knew it was day one (after a while, you know... even before you take your temp). Nothing unusual, so I went back to bed. At 6, I was cramping. Again, nothing unusual. I cramp for the first day of bleeding, then the following two are uneventful. Today was different. I felt weak and dizzy when I got up, but still went ahead and got dressed for work. When I went to get in the car, I got all kinds of dizzy and called and said I'd be leaving later. Then the horrible cramps started, mostly on my right side. I went back to bed. Fell asleep eventually, woke up and thought I was doing better, went to go down the stairs and got that loopy feeling you get right before you pass out. I know the feeling well because I used to get it in college. So, back to bed. Cold sweats & intense painful stabs. Then by 1:30, I'm feeling just fine. No cramps, no weakness. Nothing. Crazy odd.

But I would have this on occasion in college, so I knew what to expect. I won't lie, I've not had this issue in years and I had almost forgotten about it, so it did freak me out. I called the doctor's office when I was feeling better and they suggested I come in tomorrow. I don't know what they'll do, maybe test for endometriosis (not sure how they test for this in ways I've not been tested before... I know there's a specific blood test that can be done for diagnosis, though) or do scans to see if there's a cyst or a polyp causing the pain? I don't have a clue. I wonder if the pain was a cyst that I didn't know was there bursting, but I don't know. I have a friend who had a cyst and the cycle it burst she also became pregnant, so... that would be why I'm wondering about that in particular.

I did do some googling (which I'd sworn off) this afternoon and it looks like it's not uncommon for a woman to have an incredibly painful period (with no explanation) every once in a great while.

I had a PAP in the fall (with no concerns whatsoever), so I'm pretty sure I don't have cancer or anything like that. And I've had an endometrial biopsy and ultrasounds, too, but those were not so recent. Maybe we'll get answers to the baby wait from this. I spent a good deal of yesterday (being Mother's Day and all) asking God to work out whatever may be working incorrectly within my body and my husband's body and perhaps today's events are the beginning of answers (or further confirmation that nothing's wrong) to what will lead to the birth of our dearly loved child.
Hi fisher,
Wow, sorry to her about those awful cramps. That is strange that they would all of a sudden come on so strongly, but I agree that maybe it's a development that could shed some light on things. I know a friend of mine with endo goes through the same thing every month. Keep us updated! Would love to know what the doctor says.
:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: Hi Fisher- I think about you a lot (but not in a creepy stalker way:-) and hope that you and Paul are doing well and in a good place re building your family--whether through more TTC, or IUI, or adoption or whatever. I know that mother's day can be rough and thought about you then too!

Our adoption is moving along (paperwork was officially submitted to court last week so hopefully in 4-8 weeks we'll learn our court date which will be 4-8+ weeks out from there). Hopefully we'll get to meet B this summer, and if not then in October/Nov. But the whole process has a lot of variables and unknowns, so 8 weeks could become 2 weeks, or it could become 16 just never know!

We are planning for at least me and maybe both of us to stay in Ethiopia between court and Embassy (which is typically 3-6 weeks after you pass court--see above for variability of time estimates ;)) ) so, that will be a great adventure and a special time of bonding with B in the country of his birth!

We are over the moon excited about B :love: :love: :love: , but we know that we would like more than 1 child (ideally 4 or more) and we don't want them too far apart, so we're already discussing adoption #2 and getting back in the TTC game...

ETA-Sha, oh-la-la on #2!!! Hope it happens fast for you. D is going to be a great big sis.
Thanks for the congratulations everyone. Especially to Fisher for your kind words of encouragement. I hope you're feeling better, and finding some answers.

I waited a few days to post since I wanted to see how my #'s were doing. 14dpo - 220. 16dpo - 397. 22dpo - 5582. The medical assistant who called seems very encouraged. Now I just have to be patient...we get to do our first early sono exactly 2 weeks from today.
Ohhhhh my gosh, ParrotTulips! Congratulations!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: What wonderful news to come home to, ladies! I'm so beyond happy to see this news, PT!

Like FOMG, I've been avoiding this thread for one reason or another because it was just so slow, but I'm now back from vacation (which was wonderful, btw), and I have a renewed positivity that I want to share with everyone here. You ladies are always so close to my heart, and though I haven't been vocal in recent months, I have silently cheered you all on.
Congrats to PT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello to Fisher, too! I think of you often and send prayers your way so that you can meet your amazing child soon! He or she will be so loved, that is a fact! And I'm sure you and Paul will be incredible parents - so patient, kind and understanding. I feel like because of my earlier loss I definitely treasure each moment more than I would have without knowing that kind of longing. Super hugs to you!

BELLLAAAA! Sounds like so many wonderful things are happening for you!!!!!!!! Sweet B, come home soon! Oh, how wonderful! 4 or more? Wow, that is going to be SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!! I have always always been so envious of large families. They're just so noisy in love - I love the household noises, the laughter and the togetherness. What a blessing! I wish I had the stamina for 4 kids because you can BET I would do it in a heartbeat! I am a wuss! But my heart yearns for more! What a treasure - your home will be so blessed! :appl:

Hello to the other lovely ladies! May you all meet your little ones soon! I'm sure they're waiting to meet you in heaven! I like to ask my little one what heaven was like. She just giggles. I say, "Is there ice cream in heaven? No calories, you say??? No way!!!! What else? Lions prance around with lambs? That must be cool!!!!" I bet they're all playing up there until their turn is called. :appl:

A little girl? I've been away too long. How old is she now? Man, it's like yesterday you announced the pregnancy!!

Welcome back Lauren. I'm glad vacation was good for you. I love that feeling of carefree.... wish I could bring it home with me every time!

Okay, on my end, Dr. said that it's not uncommon to have an extremely difficult period every now and then and if it's not a recurring thing, it's not a problem. I've learned along this journey that we as patients have to advocate for ourselves and what we want (hello, answers!!!), so I dug deeper. I had decided to stop taking everything (other than prenatals) a while back... no more supplements, no more teas, just water and healthy foods and exercise. I also stopped with the baby aspirin (which I was advised to take as a precaution, even though I've never had lining issues or a miscarriage that we know of). Doc said I should start back on that, because if the clotting was an issue this cycle and really hasn't been too much before, maybe it was helping in that area. So, that bottle's floating around in my purse again now. I had an internal-no issues noted. I had blood work (at my request, a more intense check of the thyroid as my TSH has been low, but within range.... since 2009) to check tsh again as well as T4 and T3 (free). Those results came back today; TSH has risen from .47 to .79 (yippeee!!) and T4 was in range, but low as was T3. So I'm going to ask about that again when I go back this week for an ultrasound. They'll be checking to see if there's any cysts or any cysts on the ovaries (and also to see which side I'll be ovulating from this cycle-- that always excites me to know). Dr. doesn't think endometriosis is a concern because this was a one time incident, and I don't carry any of the signs/symptoms that come along with it. I had a clear biopsy in 2009, no ultrasound has shown any issues, I have no pain during intercourse or urination or internal exams or during bowel movements, I don't have painful cycles (other than this one and some in college), etc. I asked if the pain could be from an "extra" cleaning out of the uterine wall, as the more pain, the more constricting of the uterine muscles. He said that could be, and that there have been cases in the past of women getting pregnant after a particularly difficult cycle. I kind of drew that out of him, so I'm not holding out crazy hope, but still... hope is always with me and why not run with it? :bigsmile:

My T4 was .94 and my T3 was 2.68 (I think). Both in range, but lowish, so I'm going to continue to dig on that front...

Other than that, walking in faith and praying for our baby so often. We've fallen into calling the baby by a silly name we (read: I) came up with over a year ago. It will be so odd to finally have a little one in our arms and be able to call it by it's given name. Ha, I'm sure we'll call it the nickname from time to time.

Hang in there ladies; better days--- mamahood days, are just around the corner.

How are you feeling, Tulips?
Thanks for the update, fisher! Good for you for being proactive too. :))
Fisher - Feeling pretty good, thank you. No symptoms other than some bloating and more frequent urination. We just had our first ultrasound today (7 weeks 1 day)...two heartbeats.
Two!?! Holy cow PT, congratulations on your DUAL bundles of joy!!! :appl: :appl: :love: :love: :appl: :appl: :love: :love:
Oh my!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: How exciting!
Congrats and congrats again.
Double the sticky dust to you!!
PT~ Double congrats to you!!! Lots of prayers for a happy and healthy 9!
Twoooooo parrot??!!! Wowee! Congrats!

When you feel ready you should pop over to the Pregnancy thread!
parrot tulips|1306275414|2929405 said:
Fisher - Feeling pretty good, thank you. No symptoms other than some bloating and more frequent urination. We just had our first ultrasound today (7 weeks 1 day)...two heartbeats.

Twinsies! Congrats Parrot! Are you in shock?
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: WOW PARROT!!!!! Congrats times two!!!!!!! it's about time for another round of PS twins:-)
Yay, Parrot!!! Two babies! I love that. :bigsmile: Congratulations, and rest up, lady!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: