
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Congrats, Parrot!!! :appl:

Fisher, I really stopped in here because I was thinking of you and wondered how you were doing and then saw you had recently posted on this thread! I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry you've had a long road on the way to becoming pregnant and I will say a prayer for you and Paul!
Hey DiamondSeeker,

Thanks for thinking about me. I'm good! Ended up having more blood work & another ultrasound.... dr was thinking I had PCOS, but having been tested for that in the past, I didn't think it was the issue. Still, he was pretty adamant about it so I had to ask for blood work in order to confirm to him that I don't have it. Blood work came back & no, I don't have it. Glad to know that (again) & I'm really, really looking forward to the coming days when I have ultrasounds that show my growing baby.... ultrasounds to look at ovaries & uterine lining aren't nearly as exciting. :o)

Hoping that the last cycle was a fluke & that this cycle leads to the joys of parenthood... for everyone here, too!

Keep on hanging on--good stuff is on the way!


Tulips, how are you feeling? :o)
parrot tulips -- CONGRATS!!!!!!! I love how you are so nonchalant about having 2 heartbeats! I would be flipping through the roof! DOUBLE CONGRATS and I hope you have a safe and happy pregnancy!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Bumping the thread & checking in on the girls. How is everyone? Enjoying summer, I hope. Hubs & I took a spontaneous trip to the beach today... fun day trip & a fun way to celebrate the he happiness of summer.

Roll on in hope & faith, ladies.
Thanks for bumping up the thread, fisher. I was looking for it the other day. Been thinking about you and the other ladies as well. Praying you get your miracle soon!
Awww, I guess this thread is dead. Still hoping & praying for good, good things for the ladies, though. :o)
Hi FIsher, I'm in Ethiopia still. but will be back on the thread when we are back. My body has been a mess in ET (no period since July 9, 3 bouts of random very light spotting, cramps for 6 weeks, etc.) I'm going to see my Dr as soon as my son and I are back in the States (DH had to go back to start class last night, but is now stuck in grmany due to the hurricane heading for NYC.

We'd love to adopt again, but are also hoping to get pregnant. Honestly, the past few weeks of this adoption have been insane, so it'd be really nice to have one child come into our family without crazy paperwork, travel, and waiting (it makes 9 months of pregnancy seem like a piece of cake sometimes:-)

So, we'll see...
Hi FIsher, I'm in Ethiopia still. but will be back on the thread when we are back. My body has been a mess in ET (no period since July 9, 3 bouts of random very light spotting, cramps for 6 weeks, etc.) I'm going to see my Dr as soon as my son and I are back in the States (DH had to go back to start class last night, but is now stuck in grmany due to the hurricane heading for NYC.

We'd love to adopt again, but are also hoping to get pregnant. Honestly, the past few weeks of this adoption have been insane, so it'd be really nice to have one child come into our family without crazy paperwork, travel, and waiting (it makes 9 months of pregnancy seem like a piece of cake sometimes:-)

So, we'll see...
Hi Fisher and Bella, I was wondering what had happened to this thread. I have officially been trying for 6 months (7 cycles) with no luck, and I post on the regular TTC thread. I'm just beginning to understand the pain that a lot of the ladies who have posted on this thread in the past feel. Bella, I hope you and your son are able to be back in the US very soon with your DH and you are able to add to your family one way or another very soon. And Fisher, I hope that your little miracle is just around the corner.
Posting form my phone... that was totally supposed to be a smiley face before, not a scary face. :)

Bella, so your son is with you now?!?! Yay!! Looking forward to updates! Give him a hug from me & be safe on the way home. (I would imagine the stress of the travel & the crazy adoption procedure is a culprit in the odd cycle issues... hoping they settle soon!)

MP- I think I may have seen a post or two from you in the past. Best of luck in this cycle. The sadness of the wait will one day be forgotten in the blessing of a child to hold & care for. :)

Had a couple break downs recently... nothing major, just a little more tears than I would like to shed. I'm not sure what triggers the more emotional times for me, but when they come, I just roll with them, knowing it's within the realm of *normal.* Someone I know got pregnant without trying, and not in the best timing. She asked if I was mad/angry/jealous. I suppose those are appropriate questions, though I do grow tired of explaining that I'm happy for all babies that are conceived into families willinng & able to care for them. Then she said she hopes her *super fertility* didn't bother me, since she wasn't trying & we have been for SOOOO long, and how was she to kno her fiance had *super sperm?* And wow, we'd been trying longer than she even knew her fiance, and isn't that interesting? And isn't it odd how our *issues* must not be genetic seeing as how we have siblings on both sides of the family who have kids, so wow, doesn't that really suck? But goodness, I'd make a good mom if only my eggs would cooperate.

Yeah... I didn't cry then. Just smiled & said I was confident that some day, some way, my husband I would be parents. But then when she left, I bawled. Who says that kind of stuff? While smiling? Who brings you pictures of ultrasounds saying, "So you can see what one looks like when your womb's not empty." Pause, smile. "I mean, I know one day your womb won't be, honey." She says she's praying for me well, I'm thankful for that. And I'm praying for her, too. Compassion. Everyone needs more of that. I can't say I know her intentions of her comments, but I know they at the very least lacked tact.

Compassion....I've learned a lot about having that on this road. If nothing else, I have grown in faith and compassion on this journey.
Fisher- I often think about you and your TTC journey and I always look forward, with hope, to see your posts. I'm so sad to read that someone would speak to you with such disregard, when she obviously knows that you and your DH have been trying. Honestly, she doesn't sound like much of a friend. :blackeye: Huge hugs to you and I know someday soon, I'll see your post with news in it :))
fisherofmengirly|1314488840|3002305 said:
She asked if I was mad/angry/jealous. I suppose those are appropriate questions, though I do grow tired of explaining that I'm happy for all babies that are conceived into families willinng & able to care for them. Then she said she hopes her *super fertility* didn't bother me, since she wasn't trying & we have been for SOOOO long, and how was she to kno her fiance had *super sperm?* And wow, we'd been trying longer than she even knew her fiance, and isn't that interesting? And isn't it odd how our *issues* must not be genetic seeing as how we have siblings on both sides of the family who have kids, so wow, doesn't that really suck? But goodness, I'd make a good mom if only my eggs would cooperate.

Yeah... I didn't cry then. Just smiled & said I was confident that some day, some way, my husband I would be parents. But then when she left, I bawled. Who says that kind of stuff? While smiling? Who brings you pictures of ultrasounds saying, "So you can see what one looks like when your womb's not empty." Pause, smile. "I mean, I know one day your womb won't be, honey." She says she's praying for me well, I'm thankful for that. And I'm praying for her, too. Compassion. Everyone needs more of that. I can't say I know her intentions of her comments, but I know they at the very least lacked tact.

Wow. I am speechless. She is a very ugly person inside. :o
Fisher, I'm so sorry that happened to you. People can be so insensitive. I also feel like people who have not had any troubles in the TTC department don't understand and are not as compassionate as friends that have had issues as well. I am happy for people who have no troubles TTC, but I wish they would be more sensitive.

I'm dipping my toes in this thread too. I have been trying for eight months, but only really 5 cycles. I have gotten pregnant three times but lost them all around 5-6 weeks along. I currently have a two year old son, that I conceived naturally after two losses back in 2008. I have no problems getting pregnant, my problem is staying pregnant. This cycle I was on Clomid/HCG trigger/IUI. The hope is that releasing more eggs will give me a better shot of one of them sticking. I am currently 7dpiui, and have to wait till I am 15dpiui to test. So next Sunday I will be testing.
*hugs* I'm just speechless. I agree w/ Laila.
This was earlier in the summer, I've cried my tears & moved on. Mostly (I guess I haven't. Completely if I felt the need to write it out here.... maybe it will be therapuetic to get it typed out...). She's not a friend, but is a person with whom I have to maintain contact & some form of decency. :) So I do. And I pray she has a wonderful pregnancy & raises a sweet child. Becoming a parent changes people, and often encourages a softer demeanor and kinder spirit. That is my hope for her. And for me when I'm a mama. I've not always been the kindest person in particular instances, and any trial in life opens your eyes a little to the blessing of those around you who are supportive & compassionate.

She's young, has a lot of time to mature a bit. I'm hopeful for her in that regard. :)

Welcome to the new person (was it Lizzy? I can't scroll & see....) I'm so sorry for your previous losses. I can't begin to fathom the pain of that.... I will be looking for future posts from you & good news. :)

Feb-- aren't you on the East coast? How are you doing with Irene?

Lili- i just love your pop-ins! :)
Fisher-People don't say that! Wow. Even if she's young that was really insensitive! Huge hugs for you (even if it happened earlier this summer it can still hurt!)

Lizzy-Welcome! I've been following you on the other TTC thread and am so sorry for your losses! The 6 months or more club isn't the funnest club to be in, but these are some of the most awesome ladies I have ever "met"!

Welcome Monkey!

Lili-It's always nice to "see" you! How is your little miracle baby doing? Is C excited to be a big sis?

I've been updating the adoption thread with pics and major updates, so feel free to click over there if you want to see B:-)

We've been in Addis since June 29, met him on June 30, had court on July 1, and he's been in our custody ever since. Our adoption is finalized in ET and his is 100% legally and irrevocably our son, but the US has to issue him a visa to come to America. His file is being submitted to the US Embassy this Tuesday for their review to issue his visa. There have been a lot of issues with this stage of the process for many families as the embassy has to reinvestigate the adoption case before they issue a visa. So, we are praying and praying that our file is complete and has everything they need to see so that he can be cleared for his visa in the next few weeks.

DH had to fly home Friday as he starts class this week, but b/c of the hurricane he's now stuck in Germany for the next 3 or so days!

I wrote in the PG thread about my cycle issues b/c they were freaking me out and I wanted some second hand advice:-). My cycle is always VERY regular within a few days. I finally got through on skype with my BFF who is a Physicians Asst and she said I should go to an ObGYn as soon as I am back as it didn't sound like an emergency, but my hormones are definitely wacked out (apparently it's not normal to have EWCF and Cramps for 7 straight weeks when you have all BFNs on preg. tests ;)) and combined with the missed period and three random days of extremely light spotting, each separated by a few weeks (2-3 drops on two of the days, and very light red flow on one--not even enough for a pantyliner) So, I'll try to get in to see him as soon as we are back (praying that it is SOON!)

I have to be back at work at the end of September (if there's a visa emergency I may be able to push it back a week or so as I'm difficult to replace, but my job isn't super family friendly, so they won't be thrilled about it) so I kind of feel like the clock is ticking...
Fisher, I've heard of people making insensitive comments inadvertantly, but wow, that just goes beyond insensitivity. Hopefully motherhood and maturity will teach her empathy. I'm so sorry. Also, I just have to say that I have read about your journey in this thread and the TTC thread, and I'm in awe of how gracefully you have handled your fertility challenges. You're an inspiration, and you will make the most amazing mother.

Bella, my thoughts are with you. One day you'll look back at all of this as adventure, but I cannot even imagine how stressful it must be. I'm glad your friend was able to reassure you a bit about your cycle. Is it possible you didn't ovulate due to stress, and what you had was breakthrough bleeding? I hope you get back long before it is time to return to work.

Lizzy, I've been having some of the same thoughts you expressed in the TTC thread. I truly am happy for everyone who gets their BFP and I would never want anyone to experience the frustration of repeated BFNs or worse, repeated miscarriages, but it is hard to see so many people come and go and graduate to the pregnancy thread. I have such high hopes for you that you've got at least one sticky bean this cycle!
Hugs Fisher - your friend sucks. I sure hope your elusive BFP finds you soon, 'cause you sure deserve to be a parent. I know you'll be great, and am so impressed that you're staying strong and keeping the faith that there is a plan for you.
Fisher - Ditto to everything Lizzy said. People can (sometimes inadvertently, although that doesn't seem to be the case here) be insensitive, and I'm so sorry you had to deal with such a pill. It took us nearly 2 years (20-21 cycles) to conceive, with medical intervention, and there were times that the only person who really seemed to understand what we were going through, was another friend who struggled with unexplained infertility. She never once told me that if I just relaxed, it would happen when it was meant to happen, which can be an...annoying thing to hear.
Ditto to everything everyone else said, Fisher! Hugs!!!
I drop in every now and then to check up some of my favorite ladies ^.^

I am so happy for you. B is a complete doll and he sounds like a very sharp boy.
Sorry to hear that your cycle has gone haywired and you are experiencing cramps and discharge.
I hope you find the cause by now.
I think you may have confused me w/ someone else ^.^
My miracle baby is no longer a baby and growing too fast. J is almost 3.5 but acts like a teenager.
No second little one for us. I think J is content being the only child.

I followed your story on the original TTC.
I hope that your stay here is sweet and short.

Hope you are doing well.

Thinking about you.

I hope 2011 is the year for everyone.
Lili-I am so sorry, I totally did confuse you with someone else for a minute:-) But I can't believe how big J is!!! 3.5 already!?!?!?
It's been a long time since I've been on PS so I'm easing myself back in gently. DH and I decided we needed to get away from all the forums and ttc madness and take a good break from it all. So after a long hard decision we had a break of actively trying for 3 months and everything else too.

So we're now back on board and had my first bfn for a while so waiting on af to leave after her visit so we can start in ernest. We are going on holiday at the end of October, a cruise round the Eastern Mediteranean so hoping the relaxation will do us the world of good. I'm ov'ing towards the end of the break so we'll have plenty of time to get some practice in there hopefully.

More importantly we have our long awaited appointment with the assisted conception unit in December so that we both can get checked out and looks like IVF will start in the new year.

So that's what's going on with me and I'll spend the next few weeks catching up with everyone else on here and in the ttc thread, lots to read.

It's great to be back tho and I'm looking forward to our chats again.

Hi Po! Welcome back!!! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

i'm still in Ethiopia adopting our son (on an enforced break from TTC as DH is back in the states :knockout: ) I've had some weird cycles while we are here (basically I totally skipped a month and then started my next period about a week and a half early--at the end of August--and it's still going strong :rolleyes: So, first item of business (after I take my son to the pediatrician to see if he has intestinal parasites :knockout: :knockout: :knockout: ) is to get myself to Dr. Kind&Nerdy (my OBGYN).

We'll take it from there. If we're not pregnant by sometime in 2012 (I say January, DH says "later") then we'll likely adopt again. My dream would be adopt at least one more time as well as getting pregnant, but we'll how things work out...

Hope this thread gets hopping again in the fall as I am way to jaded for the regular TTC thread now :cheeky:
Hi Po, I've just starting posting in this thread. I'm just about to finish my 8th cycle of TTC. Anyway, just wanted to wish you luck now that you've had a chance to take a bit of a break.

Bella, I can't tell you how sorry I am that you are still in Ethiopa. How very frustrating. Soon it will all be behind you, and you will have your little family all together. That's exciting that you're already thinking about adding to your family again. I hope you are able to sort out what is going on with your body when you get back. I have to think the stress of being in a different country and the big life change would be hard on anyone's body. Thinking of you!
Hey girls!

Happy to see some movement around here again. YayM

Bella, I can't believe you're still there. Goodness, patience is a virtue, but.... man alive, girl! Saw your pics, your son is just adorable. How is the language barrier going? Snuggle him close & enjoy mommyhood even while you're there waiting to come home!

Best wishes to everyone here. I'm convinced there will be good news soon!!!! :)

So, I decided to try Fertili-tea. I have a*high* gag reflex & happily, this tea is the yum!! I have three friends who took it & found themselves preggo, so hey, I will give it a try.

That person who was hateful earlier has apparently realized what was said was rude & not appropriate. She apologized & things are much less stressful now. Thank God! I still don't think she fully realized what she was saying (or at least not the depth of it to my heart) because you can't understand til you live it. So onward & upward is my theory.

I have started the very, very early, very very tentative researching of adoption options. I work in the field somewhat (not for an agency, but in a similar, but different field of social work) so I'm a little more jaded about the process than some usually are at the beginning stages. Hubs is convinced we will conceive on our own,so for now, it's just *looking* into the process. Is it crazy that I wonder why a birth mother and/or father would choose *me* to raise their child? That is such a scary thought; it's quite enought emotionally to deal with the thoughts pertaining to your body not doing what it was created to do (grow children), but it's a completely different one to think of no one choosing you and your family as a safe, secure, loving place for a child (their child) to grow up. I mean, P & I are no better than any other of countless couples to want to be parents.... I'm not sure the rejection of birth parents is something I'm willing to take on. Bah. God has a plan &
And it will all be great in the end. Patienc is a virtue. And faith is a blessing if we let it be!
Posting from my phone again; please excuse the severe typos.
Bella, congratulations on finally making it home with your little guy. I hope you are enjoying spending time as a family again! I hope that you are able to sort all of your little health and work concerns soon.

Fisher, for what it's worth, based on everything I've read, any baby would be luck to have you as a mother. I wouldn't let your fear of rejection stop you from going after your dream to be a mother. I do understand your hesitation though because the adoption process certainly opens you up to the possibility of rejection, frustration and heartbreak. I'm hoping a baby enters your life one way or another very soon.

AFM, I took the first step this week into finding out why I haven't gotten pregnant yet. I had my CD3 bloodwork done, but I won't get the results until next week. I'm trying not to think about it too much and just hoping that my levels are normal. Anyway, thinking good thoughts for all of ladies and hoping your days on this thread are numbered.
We are loving being home and B is great! English is now his first language. He barely remembers either of the Ethiopian languages he spoke (though he didn't speak either of those very fluently at all) and his English seems to be at about the level of a 2-2 1/2 year old native speaking boy. In a few months he should be totally caught up. 2-3 is a great age for language acquisition.

I'll post more pics once I've gone through our ET photos.

I go back to work Wed which SUCKS (especially since my boss is already being a PITA), but an even bigger PITA than my boss (and i didn't even think that was possible!) is my cycle. My normally very regular cycle has gone crazy this summer. Skipping a month, starting a week early the next month and then lasting for 3 weeks, and now just 2 weeks later starting again! So, I am trying to get in to see my OBGYN tomorrow...sigh...DH and I really want to start TTC for #2 to give it a few months before we decide to start another adoption. This near constant state of period is not really helping that, or allowing DH and I to have some sexy time :knockout:

First day back at work with cramps and unexplained reoccurence of my period is not going to be fun! I'm trying to think positive thoughts, but it's not easy right now.
Bella, good luck on your first day back to work tomorrow! It will be hard but you can do it! You'll be so happy to see your little man when you get home!