
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Thanks Lizzy!!!-You just made me cry, literally :oops: apparently crazy period hormones, a headache, and knowing I have to go back tomorrow are not a good combo...I think the first day will be the hardest and then it won't seem so bad...I hope...

I had a good conversation with a search firm today but also got a rejection from another position I really wanted, so we'll see how the job hunt shapes up...

for now, i am grateful I have a job and can provide for my family, I am going to try to be the best mother I can be and spend the most quality time with B when I am home, and try to celebrate (even though I am a little jealous) this special time DH has to spend with our son.

I'll let you know tomorrow how it went.

On the TTC/hormone front, I am going to see Dr Kind &Nerdy (my OBGYN) Friday and hope that he has some answers or at least some tests to figure out what on earth is going on with my body. I am really tired of cramps, heavy period flow, and hormone induced migraines, it's been like that for 4 out of the past 6 weeks and that is not working for me:-)


Dear AF, Please get back on track and talk to your friend Ms. Knocked Up. If you play your cards right you could get a 40 week beach vacation during the most dreary time of the year, Ms. KU could stop collecting unemployment, DH and I could have a precious baby, and B could be a big's a win-win for everyone :rolleyes: :cheeky: Many thanks, Bella
Bella, I never post here but did want to ask if it could be possible you have PCOS? My sister does and she gets her period all the time. It sounds a lot like your cycle. I also have PCOS (my cycle has regulated itself after pregnancy), but before, I skipped periods, so I had the opposite problem.

I will be thinking of you today-- and praying for a calm day at work and a wonderful reunion with hubs & son when you get home!

Also hoping Friday sheds some light, too. I have heard of trips & things out of the ordinary (especially stressful times) causing cycles to go wonky. My Dr says some bodies are more reactive to stress and I've found that O will be delayed when I'm stressed out. Perhaps now that you're home you will see the shift back to your regular cycles.

Anyone who enjoys teas should give Fertili-tea a try. It tastes great, is all-natural & calms me down at the end of the day. I think I've seen a change in CM, butt I wonder if that's in my head like a placebo pill will do to people. :bigsmile:

How is everyone else these days?
Bella, please keep us posted on how your first day went? Nothing beats that feeling of seeing your little guy get so excited when you walk in! I also agree with Logan that PCOS could be the reason for the cycle craziness. But you also have had a lot going on so maybe it will just take some time to get regulated? I'm not sure of your history? Have you seen an RE before?

Fisher, glad to hear you are enjoying the tea. Hey, if it tastes good and it could help..why not try it right? Would you mind sharing your TTC history with me. I'm just trying to get to know everyone here a little better.

AFM, I am going into my 10th month of TTC #2. I have a DS who is 29 months old who I conceived after 6 months and two losses back in 2009. I have had 4 pregnancies and 4 early losses this year. I've tried Clomid and IUI and still have had losses. Right now, I am gearing up for IVF. I have all of the drugs at my house and am just waiting till I ovulate to start using the Lupron. I went on Monday for my CD21 progesterone test to see if I have ovulated yet and it showed I had not, so I have to get more blood drawn on Friday. I am worried that I won't O this month as sometimes that happens to me after a loss. Usually I get my surge between CD13-CD18 so I am worried. She thought it was possible that the loss last month delayed O and that I could have just been starting to O on Monday and that is why my progesterone was only 1.5. After getting the news on Monday that I hadn't O'd, which in turn meant I couldn't start my injections, I had a bit of a meltdown. Now IVF is delayed another week and possibly a whole other cycle if I don't O this month. On top of that my best friend in the world is due in two weeks and I found out a woman I used to work with is prego after trying for one month. It was just all too much news for me in one day and I lost it. I just needed to cry it out. My RE's office offers a psychologist and I think I am going to take them up on it. At this point, I just keep thinking and worrying that what if it doesn't happen. What if I don't get pregnant after all of these injections, surgery, etc. There is all this uncertainty you know? On top of that, I have been trying to lose some weight and I ate great all last week and went for runs three times last week, only to lose 1 darn pound! Are you kidding me?? I wonder if the stress is what did it to me. Anyways, trying to stay positive and focus on staying healthy this week. I would love to hear more about you ladies. So please help to fill me in about yourselves and your TTC backgrounds.
Hi ladies, I survived the first day. not as bad as I thought, but not fun. My boss is crazy. So, for now I am grateful I have my job but I am stepping up the job hunt:-) Hopefully I can find something before I completely lose patience with my boss :cheeky:

B did really well with DH (though DH fed him a piece of cookie on accident and B's eyes started to swell so DH had to give him Benadryl and B was delirious and not sure what to do when I came home).

I am still bleeding like crazy (sorry TMI) so I'm glad that I will see the Dr. Friday. Logan thanks for the PCOS suggestion. I'll ask about that. I know that I have some endometriosis but haven't ever heard mention of markers for we'll see.

I have not ever seen an RE. I am going to the OBGYN Friday, but he's great and has a close relationship with a lot of really successful REs in NY. DH and I are still not sure what kind of intervention we would feel ok about or if we would just choose to adopt again--or both :cheeky: , but the first step is figuring out what's not working (and WTH is up with my cycle as a whole).
Bella, I really hope your appointment tomorrow sheds some light on what is going on. That would be incredibly annoying. A few days a month of bleeding is bad enough. I’m glad you survived your first day back at work. You have my sympathy regarding your difficult boss. One of the partners that I work directly under sounds very similar. It makes coming to work every day unpleasant, and pretty much nothing I do will ever be enough at this point. I’m also looking at other avenues, but my search so far hasn’t been as fruitful as I’d like. I know for a fact that when I’m eventually blessed with a child, this situation will not work. I hope that you find some great leads so you can find a healthier balance for yourself and your new family.

Lizzy, that is great that you are working on getting healthier. Even though you haven’t taken off much weight at this point, eating better and working out more will hopefully make you feel better emotionally and physically. Stay strong. Your time is coming!

Fisher, I’m glad the tea seems to be helping with CM and making you calmer. You’ll have to keep us posted on whether it helps with your cycles. I too would like to hear your history as well. I read some of your posts in the beginning of the TTC thread, so I know this has been a long journey for you.

I’m on my 9th cycle, which probably doesn’t seem like much to those who have tried much longer, but it is starting to feel like this is never going to happen. I’m going through my first round of blood tests this month, and if I’m not expecting by December, we will be moving on to additional testing. It’s a little hard giving up on the idea of getting pregnant naturally without any medication, etc., but I’m ready to take the next step.
Bella_mezzo|1317864753|3034248 said:
Hi ladies, I survived the first day. not as bad as I thought, but not fun. My boss is crazy. So, for now I am grateful I have my job but I am stepping up the job hunt:-) Hopefully I can find something before I completely lose patience with my boss :cheeky:

B did really well with DH (though DH fed him a piece of cookie on accident and B's eyes started to swell so DH had to give him Benadryl and B was delirious and not sure what to do when I came home).

I am still bleeding like crazy (sorry TMI) so I'm glad that I will see the Dr. Friday. Logan thanks for the PCOS suggestion. I'll ask about that. I know that I have some endometriosis but haven't ever heard mention of markers for we'll see.

I have not ever seen an RE. I am going to the OBGYN Friday, but he's great and has a close relationship with a lot of really successful REs in NY. DH and I are still not sure what kind of intervention we would feel ok about or if we would just choose to adopt again--or both :cheeky: , but the first step is figuring out what's not working (and WTH is up with my cycle as a whole).

Sorry for your cycle craziness, Bella. It sounds a lot like possible endometriosis to me. I have a friend with that - she gets her period once a year but before that had times when she bleeding for over a month. :sick: She also gets headaches a lot and other strange pains throughout her body. I think PCOS usually causes absent or irregular cycles. I have a mild case of it and my cycles are usually longer than average. Anyway, whatever it is, I hope you find answers soon.
I forgot how much I like my Dr:-) He's so awesome and spends a ton of time talking to you so you don't feel rushed at all. Anyway, physically at the exam everything looks "perfect" and "normal" and he said my cycle is probably a mess b/c of all the travel/stress/change of routine/times zone changes. He said to give it 2 more months and let him know if it's still weird.

In the meantime, i have a perscription for an HSG and SA and a referral to an RE if we want to go that route. So, DH and I are thinking about it...

On the work front...not good. My boss is crazy and my bullsh$t meter is a lot smaller than when I left. This is not going to work. :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

Today she said she expects me to stay late (like until 8pm) whenever any other staff in my group stay late, which is pretty much all the time (even if I don't have additional work) and that I need to give her a work plan next week to outline how I will "make-up" those hours if I'm not going to stay late in the office (I reiterated that I was going to try to leave ontime but highlighted all the ways in which I have increased productivity during the day and how I will manage my work load). WTF...I am not going to sit in the office b/c a Jr. staff member didn't do a mail merge properly and has to re-do it or b/c my boss is running around like a chicken with her head cut off and not doing any work during the day...and keep in mind, I am excellent at my job, have exceeded goals this year, landed the largest accounts my company has, on my own during my first year of employment there, and received a 15% merit-based raise just before I went on maternity leave, it's not like I am underperforming :rolleyes:, I am ramping up my job hunt and saying here and now on PS that I am going to do everything possible to ensure that I am not going to be in this job past Dec 31, 2011...wish me luck!
Hello! Can I join with this thread? I am not really sure where I belong in all the TTC threads. DH and I are on a waiting list for an egg donor as I have an illness that we do not want to pass on to our children. We have been through genetic counselling, pre-conceptual planning with n ob-gyn, had all our tests and have been on a waiting list for 7 months. We started on this journey over two years ago, so whilst we have not had any treatment as yet, we feel like we have been TTC for a long time.

We have been told the waiting list for an egg donor is about 6-8 months, so we are right at the point when we might start being matched with a donor. My husband has had really good results back from his sperm analysis which is always a good start.

I feel nervous at the moment and everything makes me think about having children. A missed call on my phone makes me panic I have missed the clinic calling with a match and everybody around me seems to be pregnant or just had a baby.

Anyway, hello!
Sapphirelover, good luck! It sounds like your time is coming soon! We have an acquantance who just gave birth to twins conceived using donor eggs. It sounds like it was a long and sometimes difficult process but obviously well worth it in the end!

I wasn't aware that there was a "waiting" list. I always thought you selected your donor and they synched up your cycles and voila! I guess nothing's that simple, huh?
Welcome sapphire lover!
puppmom|1318342922|3037734 said:
Sapphirelover, good luck! It sounds like your time is coming soon! We have an acquantance who just gave birth to twins conceived using donor eggs. It sounds like it was a long and sometimes difficult process but obviously well worth it in the end!

I wasn't aware that there was a "waiting" list. I always thought you selected your donor and they synched up your cycles and voila! I guess nothing's that simple, huh?
I am in the UK so the system here is very different. It is illegal to sell eggs, and donors only receive the same reimbursement as a sperm donor (£30/$45) which is a joke, considering what they are expected to go through (daily injections, a painful egg retrieval process etc). As a result very few people do altruistic donation and therefore they are rare on the NHS. We are going to a private clinic where we are doing an egg share programme. This means that couples who are not entitled to free IVF paid for by the NHS (most have had their 3 free cycles or have other children) agree to donate half their eggs in return for reduced fees of IVF. Effectively we pay for two rounds of IVF, our own and our donors. The donor only pays for their medication. Even with the egg share schemes, there are still waiting lists for recipients of donor eggs.

We could have gone to mainland Europe, where some countries allow for eggs to be sold, and had immediate treatment, however they guarantee anonymity for donors. In the UK any child born from donor eggs or sperm is able to have the name of their donor. This is important for us as we would always tell, and it is important for us that when they come to start their own family, they might want to know more about their genetic history. Often in Europe the eggs come from women from poorer Eastern European countries, who need the money. In the UK we are aware that we would be helping other women who would not have treatment if it were not for us, and they have gone through full counselling before being allowed to participate in donation programmes.

Bella Mezzzo- thank you for your welcome!
Hi Sapphire, that sounds like a really complicated process! I had to read it a couple times to get it all straight. I'm hoping that you are getting close to the end of the list and will be able to start the IVF process soon!
Sapphirelover, wow! That does sound like a complex process on top of the already complex procedures. Once upon a time, I considered donating my eggs. Long story short - my sister LOVED her IVF clinic and wanted to give back. By the time she was done having kids she no longer fit the profile of someone who would be an acceptable donor. I interviewed and considered donating (if I had accepted payment, it would have been $5-$10k) but DH and I weren't through having children and he didn't feel comfortable that it wouldn't possibly impact my future fertility so he asked me not to do it.

That reimbursement to the egg donor is a joke! Sperm donation = quick and easy (and maybe even fun! :naughty: ). Egg donation = difficult, sometimes painful and very time consuming. The woman donating is basically going through fertility treatments herself. The exchange program sounds like a good idea. I hope your name comes up soon!
Thanks Puppmom and Monkeyprincess!

It really is a time consuming and emotional time. It also brings up a lot of ethical dilemmas. DH and I wonder are we exploiting people by paying for their IVF to get half their eggs? Would going to a country where women are adequately reimbursed be better? Where does reimbursement end and selling for a profit start? Is making a profit off egg donation wrong- for some it pays for college fees etc, however for a lot of women it is tied in with exploitation of poor women, and almost becomes like trafficking in eggs.

I know in countries where younger women donate, their eggs are at a premium, especially if they have college education. But then again, donating eggs comes with risks and I would hate for a girl in their early 20's to have permanent damage from donating and ruin their chances of ever having their own children.

It doesn't help that my SIL is pregnant which makes it all a very emotional time all round. I am trying to keep healthy, and have started monthly acupuncture in order to promote good gynae health. associate at work told me today that she's expecting. I am SUPER excited for her but...there is a little part of me that still feels a little sensitive and is like, when is it my turn to experience that?

it's totally different than how I felt before... Now that I am blessed to be a mom, I don't have that punched in the gut feeling I used to get when someone would say they were pregnant, now its a lot softer and less intense, more like wistful, and it's about wanting to experience being pregnant (which is a lot less important to me now) and not about just wanting to become a mother (which is what it was about before).

It was interesting to feel this way, b/c I was 99% sure that I was totally ok if we didn't ever get pregnant and just adopted any future children, that was actually my preference. DH really wants to experience my being pregnant and I really want to adopt again and was just ok with it if we got, I'm like ok, I think I would really like to experience being pregnant at least once...interesting discovery :cheeky:

I am also totally in awe of my associate, and everytime I see her, in my head I am like "WOW, you have a baby growing in there...don't you want to sit down and have some water and snack or something, you can't do any WORK, you are growing a BABY :rolleyes:" Hopefully I can still keep my filter in place and not actually say that out loud through the next 7ish months:-) She is a few years younger than me and so sweet and so excited, it is just so amazing:-)

But...DH and I are still not really into seeing the RE. I think we may stick with my OB who I love, get the first round of tests (SA and HSG) and then see what we are open to after we get those results...

Of course, in order to get pregnant, we'll actually have to "get busy" and there has pretty much been none of that since we went to Ethiopia, so...we need to figure out how to find the magic again
SapphireLover|1318361283|3037923 said:
Thanks Puppmom and Monkeyprincess!

It really is a time consuming and emotional time. It also brings up a lot of ethical dilemmas. DH and I wonder are we exploiting people by paying for their IVF to get half their eggs? Would going to a country where women are adequately reimbursed be better? Where does reimbursement end and selling for a profit start? Is making a profit off egg donation wrong- for some it pays for college fees etc, however for a lot of women it is tied in with exploitation of poor women, and almost becomes like trafficking in eggs.

I know in countries where younger women donate, their eggs are at a premium, especially if they have college education. But then again, donating eggs comes with risks and I would hate for a girl in their early 20's to have permanent damage from donating and ruin their chances of ever having their own children.

It doesn't help that my SIL is pregnant which makes it all a very emotional time all round. I am trying to keep healthy, and have started monthly acupuncture in order to promote good gynae health.

Lurker here -de lurking for a minute because I think this is a really interesting discussion.

I personally believe that the half/half scenario is less exploitative than going to a country where women are 'adequately reimbursed' for their eggs. The half/half scenario will (IMO) tend to weed out the women who are only doing this for $$. Who are so desperate that they are selling their eggs. Rather, it seems like women who are looking to have children and who have the $$ to pay for (at least half) the IVF treatment are just doing a little extra while they are in there. I personally think that is more altruistic and you shouldn't feel like you are exploiting someone in that scenario.

In Canada, you also can't 'buy' donor eggs. It is also illegal to pay for a surrogate (beyond medical expenses). The main reason is because it can open the doors to exploiting women in a pretty significant way.

I think the whole thing is really interesting -I'm not sure where I fall in the debate (if there is one) - but I think the half/half scenario you described seems to be a great middle ground. I think it prevents most (if not all) exploitation while still encouraging women to donate to others in need.

So interesting!

Okay back to lurking :-) Good luck girls!
Bella, I think I understand how you must be feeling. I can tell from my own feelings that it's not just about having a child, it's also about experiencing pregnancy; which is what adoption cannot give you. However, I do think that very soon you'll become so focused on being a mom that the lack of pregnancy will just take a back seat and not bother you as much any more. I hope. Or if you find that it's still on your mind, maybe you should push ahead with TTC or infertility treatments.
Hi Mayerling,

It's funny b/c I would be totally ok just building our family through adoption but it is interesting to note that in my deep dark heart of hearts that I would still like to experience being pregnant.

Having said all of that...I LOVE being a mother and absolutely love and am in love with my son :love: :love: :love: . And the love I have for him is infinitely greater than my desire to ever get pregnant, so regardless of what happens in terms of TTC I feel very, very blessed.
MuffDog- Thanks for your words.

The whole egg donation programme is bizarre. The law in the UK actually changed this week. Egg donors are now allowed to be paid a maximum of £750 ($1200) for their expenses. This is because they often have to take 2-4 days off work (with doctors appointments, scans and egg retrieval etc) and they often used to be out of pocket. Its felt that £750 would not be enough of an incentive to make people sell their eggs, however would ensure that women are adequately compensated.
Sapphire, that's interesting. It's sad that the government has to make laws pertaining to such things. It's such a shame that people can't just do the right thing. :(sad I guess that's just life, huh?

Bella, I hope you have a house full of kiddos! I can tell you're such a good mama and any kid would be lucky to have you.
Aw pupp, thanks!!!

Sapphire, wow it sounds like a long and frustrating and complicated process. big hugs!

So, DH and I are still totally unsure how much TTC intervention we are interested in having (probably not much...) but we decided to get blood work and semen analysis done so that we can know if there are any obvious issues :appl: . So, today I had my blood drawn for all those blood tests they take on the second day of your period.

DH is planning on getting his SA in the next few weeks (or months) and then, once he does that, I am going to put on my big girl panties and get an HSG. Then, depending on the results of those tests and how we feel about things DH and I will figure out our best next steps.

I'm interested to learn more about what is going on with my body and think that I'll handle it pretty well if there are any issues, but DH is terrified that his swimmers will not be viable. He's pretty stressed about the whole thing, but he really wants to do it. We'll see...he's chickened out before (I am pretty ambivalent about the testing. I'm curious about what's going on inside me, but since we are definitely not pursuing IVF--can't afford it, I realistically can't/don't choose to juggle IVF treatments AND working full-time AND being a mother AND finishing my MBA, and we would rather put that energy and money into adoption--I kind of view the whole process as a curiosity.)

I am a little freaked about the HSG (I've had sort of similar proceedures and they were quite painful, plus the Drs for them SUCKED (note to OB GYNs, especially male ones who don't have "lady parts", when a patient in her 20s says that she's a virgin and asks for the child-sized speculum just believe her and DO WHAT SHE ASKS! Do not comment on how she can't possibly still be a virgin in her 20s and DO NOT try to literally SHOVE an adult speculum into place while inisisting it will fit :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

I told DH I will happily get the HSG, but only if he and B wait for me in the waiting room AND if he's gotten his SA. I'm not going through with it until then :rolleyes: :bigsmile: :cheeky:
Bella, I just wanted to chime in on some of those initial tests. My DH and I were also heading down the path of trying to figure out if we were "normal", mostly because I was impatient and just had to know!

I'm sure you've already done this, but please remind your DH that it's very uncommon for there to be a problem with his swimmers if he doesn't have any reason to believe that there is a problem. Things like certain medications, for example, could cause problems, but usually not. Also, it might help to re-iterate that you will not be let down even if your DH does have a problem, which is unlikely. Just remind him that you already have a wonderful son, and have the option to adopt more children in the future.

My CD3 blood tests and anatomy ultrasound (both from the belly and vaginally) showed that nothing was wrong except for a 2cm fibroid and some other smaller ones on my uterus (but they weren't so concerned about those), so I was also at the point where I wanted my DH to do an SA before I did the HSG. Luckily, we didn't have to continue, since we got our BFP naturally. That was actually one of the first questions my DH asked me when I told him that I thought I saw a positive line - "Congrats baby, so does that mean I don't need to do the sperm test anymore?" :lol:

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I've been following your story, and am hoping that you can find out what's going on with your cycle and body soon!
Bella, I’m in a similar position right now. We are on our 10th cycle of TTC. Last month, I had bloodwork done on CD3, and everything came back normal. I also had a progesterone test on 7DPO, which came back normal according to my doctor (but I think it was borderline low based on my research). I will be meeting with an NP who specializes in fertility next week, and I am going to ask for an HSG for me and SA for DH because those are the next logical steps. We will not be pursuing IVF either for a variety of reasons, but I think the test results will be useful to rule out problems and because there are other treatments/procedures that can be done short of IVF. DH is not thrilled with the idea of an SA, but I know he will do it if it is ordered. I feel for the guys because it is an awkward thing to have to do, and I can imagine it feels emasculating. I am really hoping that everything comes back normal for him because I know he is going to feel really bad if he has male factor infertility issues. I'm not exactly looking forward to the HSG (let's be honest, I'm dreading it), but like you, I want to know what is going on in my body. I will be surprised if I have any blockage, but who knows. Good luck to you. Keep us posted!
MuffDog|1319117360|3044115 said:
SapphireLover|1318361283|3037923 said:
Thanks Puppmom and Monkeyprincess!

It really is a time consuming and emotional time. It also brings up a lot of ethical dilemmas. DH and I wonder are we exploiting people by paying for their IVF to get half their eggs? Would going to a country where women are adequately reimbursed be better? Where does reimbursement end and selling for a profit start? Is making a profit off egg donation wrong- for some it pays for college fees etc, however for a lot of women it is tied in with exploitation of poor women, and almost becomes like trafficking in eggs.

I know in countries where younger women donate, their eggs are at a premium, especially if they have college education. But then again, donating eggs comes with risks and I would hate for a girl in their early 20's to have permanent damage from donating and ruin their chances of ever having their own children.

It doesn't help that my SIL is pregnant which makes it all a very emotional time all round. I am trying to keep healthy, and have started monthly acupuncture in order to promote good gynae health.

Lurker here -de lurking for a minute because I think this is a really interesting discussion.

I personally believe that the half/half scenario is less exploitative than going to a country where women are 'adequately reimbursed' for their eggs. The half/half scenario will (IMO) tend to weed out the women who are only doing this for $$. Who are so desperate that they are selling their eggs. Rather, it seems like women who are looking to have children and who have the $$ to pay for (at least half) the IVF treatment are just doing a little extra while they are in there. I personally think that is more altruistic and you shouldn't feel like you are exploiting someone in that scenario.

In Canada, you also can't 'buy' donor eggs. It is also illegal to pay for a surrogate (beyond medical expenses). The main reason is because it can open the doors to exploiting women in a pretty significant way.

I think the whole thing is really interesting -I'm not sure where I fall in the debate (if there is one) - but I think the half/half scenario you described seems to be a great middle ground. I think it prevents most (if not all) exploitation while still encouraging women to donate to others in need.

So interesting!

Okay back to lurking :-) Good luck girls!

A friend of mine who was looking at going down this route was very concerned about the possibility that the woman who had donated the eggs might not get pregnant and she might and would then feel guilty. Although it would have been her husband's sperm, she felt that if things were reversed that she would find it very hard to know that she had a genetic child out there whilst being unable to conceive herself.

I'm also not in favour of the removal of the right to remain anonymous. A fair number of people who would have donated have opted out as they don't want someone turning up on their doorstep 20 years down the line and are worried about the legal ramifications about being a biological father/mother.

Personally I think donating for financial reasons is perfectly reasonable and removes that kind of moral dilemma/
Hi Bella,

I've been following your story for a while & thinking about posting here. My DH & I have been TTC since January & we have just gone through many of the tests you mentioned. I had the CD3 blood series (normal), progesterone (on the low side) & HSG (normal) through my OB. I just started seeing a RE and I'm going for a saline ultrasound on Monday.
My DH had a testicular ultrasound (normal), blood tests (low testosterone) & SA (low sperm count & volume & morphology is not great either.) My DH's doc put him on Clomid to try to increase testosterone & jump start the sperm factory. (Who knew?) He's also made some lifestyle changes, which we hope will help. He goes in for a follow up in a few weeks.

I was pretty scared about the HSG too. I took 4 advil before the procedure & the procedure itself went pretty smoothly. I didn't find it any more uncomfortable than a pap test. I did have some cramping later that evening that was pretty uncomfortable, but I was fine the next day. My doc also gave me an antibiotic to start the day before the test & continue for several days after. I totally agree with your idea to have your DH do his SA first, though. :Up_to_something: I guess it's hard for a guy to have this test as he might feel a poor result reflects badly on his manhood, but even if the result is not stellar, there are still things he can do to improve the situation. And the tests for boys, while potentially awkward, are certainly less painful/invasive.

So, I think it's good to get more information. I don't know if we'd pursue IVF either, but there are lots of options to try that are less invasive. Wishing you the best in this journey & huge congrats to you on your new son! He's a very lucky little boy to have you as a mom. :halo:

Btw, I'm very intrigued by your username. My cat is named Bella & I'm a mezzo too, so I always do a double take when I see your name. :))
:wavey: Hi BrightSpot-So funny about the user name! Are you still singing? Life has gotten kind of crazy in the past couple years, so I took some time off. I really miss singing and REALLY miss performing, so I am hoping to get back on the wagon by the end of next year and definitely once B starts kindergarten.

I hope that the RE is great and that you get your BFP soon!

I should get my bloodwork results Monday (they said maybe Friday, but that didn't happen).

DH hasn't gotten his SA yet and honestly I need to wait 2 more months to be eligible for FMLA again by the time a baby would be born, so we'll try the old fashioned way but probably not see an RE and get serious about deciding to take further measures and/or whether to start another adoption until the new year.

In all honesty given work, school, life, etc. the "best" time for us to have another child (or two :Up_to_something: ) would be the fall of 2013 b/c DH and I would both be done with school and DH would be working full-time and would be in the lag/application year between finishing his pre-reqs and starting med school...but, we are 33 and 35...and we would like a fairly large family...and we would prefer to have a 4 year or less gap between B and his next sibling if possible...and we've learned that try as you might there is not ever really a "good" time for a new child and that life can change in an, as much as we can "control" things we're going to try to welcome another child/children sooner rather than later.

So funny about the Clomid for your DH...who knew?!?!?!?!?!?!?
:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

hi Peeps, it's kind of um..."not lively" in here right now ;))

I got my bloodwork back. Dr. said it's all in the range of normal, but my FSH is slightly elevated (10.2) when they like to see under 10 with 8 being ideal. So, DH still (!) has to get his SA done and then I'll go back again in a few months to get more bloodwork to confirm these results.

We have a standing referral to the RE whenever we want it, but we're just not quite there yet. We'll see how we feel after DH's SA...whenever that is :rolleyes:

but... I'm a little freaked b/c according to the crazy ladies on a bunch of TTC forums 10.2 is crazy high and I should consider donor eggs...? :?:
forgot to post, my Estradiol was "under 32" which Dr said was good/normal.
Bella, it is quiet here. I think that all of the action is happening over in the TTC thread, so you should pop in there sometime. I'm sorry that your FSH was a bit elevated. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I think mine came back at about 7, which is within the normal range, but I did a lot of research before and after I had my CD3 bloodwork, and I think that your level is only moderately high. I also think that your FSH can vary from cycle to cycle, and there may be some supplements you can take to try lowering it - maybe wheatgrass??? Do you ovulate regularly? I think the real problem with elevated FSH is that you do not respond as well to ovulation-inducing medications. Perhaps if you are ovulating regularly, this is not as much of a concern? However, because your level is slightly elevated, you might want to consider meeting with an RE sooner rather than later to maximize your chances if you are hoping for a pregnancy. I think it is great that you are open to adding to your family through adoption or pregnancy, and I hope that you are able to do both!

We're pretty much in the same boat as you right now. I met with an NP earlier this week, and our next step is to have DH do a SA. I'll probably take a pregnancy test this weekend to make sure I'm not pregnant, and then we will schedule it for early next week. He is NOT excited about it one bit. I kept trying to talk to him about it to gauge his feelings, and yesterday, he was like "You have got to stop talking about it because you are not helping!" Oops.

Anyway, keep us posted!