
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Fisher, so good to see you post again! I was just thinking about you and wondering if you would check in again. Sorry that the beginning of the year is a sad anniversary for you, but as always, you seem to have a good attitude. I'm glad to hear the tea seems to be helping your cycles. That's awesome. Will you be doing anything else to step up your efforts in 2012? Are you still looking into adoption? Thinking good thoughts for you that you finally get your long-awaited baby!

Bella, good luck with the new job. I hope it turns out to be a very positive change for you and your family! Wow, I can't believe you've had your son with you that long already. Hope he is doing well and does well with the transition to daycare! How are you doing fertility-wise? I know you were having some issues last time you posted. Hoping everything has been sorted out for you!

AFM, I am in the 2WW after my first IUI. This our 13th cycle/11th month of trying. I sometimes still can't believe this is happening to me and that I still don't know if I'm even able to get pregnant. I'm also struggling with deciding how far we are willing to go as far as medical intervention. An IUI was a stretch for me. Hoping 2012 brings pleasant surprises for all of us!
Hi Monkey,

Yeah, still having some fertility issues (I am basically getting my period every other month, but on the off months I am still getting a bunch of period symptoms but no period). Since my insurance is about to change, I am just going to wait and go back to the RE once my new insurance starts and once I've had a few months at this new job to see if life is less stressful. At that time, I am going to get more bloodwork done at the RE and whenever DH gets an SA I'll get and HSG :rolleyes: In the meantime, I am going to try drinking Fertility.

Other than that, I have started discussing starting another adoption this summer with my DH (which would be AWESOME!), but he's not sure if he's ready to go through the process of paperwork and unknowns and bonding/attachment just, we'll see. I'm also not sure if my new job has over 50 FT employees, it could be close, so they might not have FMLA, but if they do I won't be able to take it until next Jan/Feb, so we have some time...

I really hope that this IUI works for you and you have great news soon!!!
Bella, thanks for the good wishes! I feel like it would be too good to be true if the IUI magically cured our infertility issues, but a girl can dream! Sorry to hear you're still struggling with your cycle. Have you been screened for PCOS? It definitely sounds like your hormones are a bit off, and hopefully the testing in a few months will shed some light on it. I hope the new changes in your life will result in less stress and more normalcy. That's great you're already starting to think about another adoption. From what I gather, it is a daunting process, but you have little B to prove that it is all worth it.
Lots of luck, monkeyprincess!! Did you do injectables or clomid? My sweet little boy is here thanks to injectables so they can work! I hope this is your month. :)
Hey Laila, thanks for the good wishes! I'm so glad injectables worked for you and helped you conceive your son! I actually took clomid this cycle and had 3-4 good-sized follicles the day I had the trigger. I already ovulate on my own and seem to respond well to low doses of clomid (50 mg). Do you know if there a difference in IUI outcomes between clomid and injectibles? I know injectibles are more expensive (and I don't have insurance coverage).
Hi, MP! I think odds are a little higher with injectables, but I don't think it's a hugely significant difference, especially if you will have to pay a ton out of pocket. 3-4 follicles is really great!! That's what I had, too. Please do keep us updated!
Thanks Laila, you know I'll keep you posted. I can't not :) I'll have to do some research on why injectables seem to have a higher success rate and ask my NP about it if this cycle doesn't result in a BFP.
You guys! You guys, you guys, you guys!

How very, very many imes I've dreamed of getting to post this!

If *anyone* here is friends with me on FB, feel free to message me, but DO NOT post on my wall, please. We have not shared with the world yet.

Paul and I are going to be a mom and a dad! Elation doesn't even begin to describe it. It's still surreal. I mean, I always believed it would happen, but now that it HAS, after nearly 4 years , I'm in shock. And I'm overwhelmed with gratitude that God gas given us the opportunity to be parents. Wow! The fact that there is a tiny little person growing within me makes me want to fall to my knees. I'm on cloud nine!

We found out last night when I took a test on a whim. I'd been feeling bad & Paul has been *convinced* for days that we were pregnant. I knew I should have waited for first morning urine, but after being terrified to test for 2 years , I just did it. Totall thought it would be negative & I would try again in the morning. The second line appeared in unison with the test line. I was *so* excited, I ran to Paul (completely botching the plan I have had on how to tell him for years now), to make sure I wasn't going nuts & the lines were really there.

They were. And are!

Went to the doctor today. Another positive urine test! Gave blood for a beta (go back Friday to confirm I'm doubling correctly) and gave a blood sample to be sure my progesterone is nice & high. Dr. said it's not an issue for me, but since we've been trying so long, she wants to help this baby make it and if supplements will help, they'll start me on them. Yay!

I feel sick, a lot of the time. Doctor stated this is good news because a baby causing havoc is a baby who's sticking around. :) So, we have an ultrasound appt for the end of Feb (thankful this is a short month!!) and we are over the moon elated.

My womb is not empty! Theree's a tiny kiddo in there I've loved for so long now. I am soooo excited. And the look on Paul's face every time he mentions the baby-- melt my heart to a puddle of nothing. Ah. This is so wonderful!

Thank you for every post of support, tear shed with me ,for encouraging me, for praying for us. For everything. Please keep our tiny baby in you thoughts & prayers. I love many of you for the dear comments & thoughts I know have been said for us during this wait.

I am thankful beyond words. To God, to everyone who's prayed for us, wished us luck, listened to my sadness, encouraged us. Though I don't post often anymore, this site and you sweet ladies have been a support to me for so many tears & disappointments. Thank you. Truly.
Congratulations, Fisher! I am very, very happy for you!
To reiterate- please don't post to my wall on FB. (Message me, for sure!)

Thanks, ladies. My grandma would devastated to find out through FB.
Huge congrats to you!! Sending you massive truckloads of dust for a sticky bean!
Fisher, I have followed your TTC journey from afar since my early days on PS as a bride and I am SO, SO, SO, SO happy for you! Tearfully happy! You and Paul will be such wonderful parents. I know your little babe is already loved beyond compare. Many congrats!
Fisher, I am so happy for you I am going to burst. Honestly, I have been waiting and hoping for this day for you and I am so glad it is here!! Happy day!! What joyeous news.

How far along do you think you are?? With morning sickness and a line appearing so fast it must be 5-6 weeks at least??
OMG FISHER!!! That is amazing!! Congratulations girl!!!!!! That is one very very very lucky bean to have you and Paul as parents.

Crossing everything I have for a nice sticky bean for you and a healthy and happy pregnancy!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Fisher, what incredible news!! :bigsmile: Lots of DUST and prayers for a healthy, growing little baby!
Congratulations Fisher!!! I'm so happy for you!
Fisher my friend congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you. It's been such a long journey and you and Paul so deserve this. I'm so happy I have chills!!!
FISHER!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :love: :love:
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !
Truckloads of sticky dust to you!
Fisher.. you are the big reason I lurk on this thread occasionally. I am more happy for you than words can say! May you be blessed with a healthy, sticky bean. Wonderful wonderful news :love: :love: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Wow, wow, wow! I am so incredibly, over the moon, happy for you!

Morning sickness doesn't usually hit till the 6-8 week mark and to get the test show up that fast you must a few weeks in!

I can't tell you how much I have wanted to see this post from you - you and Paul are going to be the best parents ever!

(I'm now going to send sneaky dust for PINK) ;))
Thank you for all the sweet comments. I'm still in shock (how long does that last?) that our time is finally, finally here. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

It's funny, over the course of time, I've often thought about what my reaction would be to finding out we're pregnant. I thought for sure I would be a ball of emotions, crying, screaming with joy, the whole thing. I instead, got hyper excited, completely forgot how I was *supposed* to tell Paul, and went running to him to make sure he saw the lines, too. We smiled and laughed and giggled and prayed and hugged and looked at the test over and over. I kept saying, "Oh my gosh. This is real. There's a baby in me!!" and he kept saying, "Yep, I knew it would happen." Jan 31 will be a day I remember forever. :bigsmile: I've not cried yet. I cry over every thing. When I'm happy, sad, mad, hurt, overjoyed, my reaction is tears. I have gotten a little teary-eyed, but I've not cried-cried. I wonder if maybe this journey has given me so many tears, I'm simply out of them for now. I'm not worried about it, but it does surprise me. I'm sure they'll come. Like when I see our dearly loved baby for the first time. This month. THIS MONTH!!!!

So, most cycles we carry hope with us. This cycle Paul was *so* excited and said he felt like it was something special. For about a week before we tested, he had taken to calling me his pregnant wife, to talking to the baby, things like that. NOT like him because that sort of thing would CRUSH me if we weren't pregnant. So, I asked him to stop. He didn't, and said he just felt it. I started having cramps 5 days before my cycle was due to end and thought that was weird. They would be dull and brief, but cramps none-the-less. I ovulated earlier this cycle (day 16-19), so I thought maybe it was just some oddity of having a change in the cycle pattern. Paul was convinced it was the baby growing. Apparently, he was right. :bigsmile:

According to FF, I should have started a new cycle Tuesday, which is why I finally caved and took a test that night. So, I'm not very far along. This is why I am so surprised that the line came up instantly and is not a fantom line of any sort. It's a pretty line. I took pictures on my phone but don't have a way to post here, or I would. I did send a picture to Swimmer, though. Haha. The excitement must be intense to be sending text pictures of pee sticks!

The Dr. said they couldn't predict my due date based on FF (lame), but that based on the first day of my new cycle, they are guesstimating a due date between September 30 and October 8. FF says October 8. I think I ovulated a couple days before FF says, though.

I also asked the Dr. why I'm feeling so much so early on, because I know I *shouldn't* be, according to all I've read. For so many years, I've thought I was pregnant because of this symptom or that one.... She said each person is different and it makes sense to her that a mother who has wanted this for an extended period of time will notice things another may not. It's a theory she said has no scientific backing. She also said every pregnancy is different and there's no rule that says you can't feel any changes prior to 6 weeks. At any rate, I'm thankful that there are things that remind me this is REAL. I need that and I'm happy that I have rolling pukey feelings every now and then, and I'm glad that things smell odd to me now. She said the dull cramps I feel are the baby growing! Already, the kid's making an impact and making it's presence known. Praise God!!! She said that my uterus is expanding (even now, for a baby between the size of a poppy seed and pencil eraser!!) and the only feeling the uterus gives us is cramps. She said that I need to come in only if I have sharp pains as this can be predictive of an ectopic, but since my tubes were clear for the dye test, that's not likely. She also said that our chances of having a successful pregnancy are just as high as any other couple, because length of time it takes to conceive holds no bearing on whether or not the baby makes it. I asked about an earlier ultrasound, but she said that I would likely be disappointed because the baby wouldn't show much at all, the sac and fetal pole would be present, but no heart beat guarantee and that would likely make me worry, even though it's normal for it not to show until the end of week 6 or the beginning of week 7. She said because we don't have an exact idea of when we conceived, it's better to rely on beta for now to know the baby's growing and doing well. Besides, she said by week 8 I will be able to see the baby, actually looking like a baby and I can't imagine what could better!

So, in all, I'm very excited. I'm holding firm that a baby who's causing havoc is a baby who's strong and sticking well. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Paul reminds me every day that we don't have a spirit of fear, but a spirit of thankfulness to God for this blessing. And so, I will be blessed and enjoy every moment of havoc this sweet baby gives me.

Thank you all again. Man, I can't tell you how excited we are. I am beyond excited!!! We want to tell everyone, but are at least waiting until we get the beta results and the progesterone results.

Yay for baby!!! THIS month I will be able to frame ultrasound pictures! Every time I walk by a mirror, I see this person looking at me with a cheesy smile, and then I think of the bump that is on the way. I'm blessed and thankful and I can't keep giggling. People at work are going to think I've lost my mind soon.
Wow, Fisher, what wonderful news! After reading your posts from the past few years, I can tell that you are going to be a wonderful llmother. Prayers for a sticky little bean!
WOW, Fisher, I'm so so thrilled for you!!!! Best wishes for a happy & healthy pregnancy!!!! :appl: :appl:
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: FISHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM PRAYING THAT YOUR BABY WILL BE A STRONG AND STICKY BEAN AND THAT THIS MONTH WILL FLY BY SO THAT YOU CAN GET YOUR PICTURES OF HIM/HER SOON :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT AN INCREDIBLE POST TO SEE. MY HEART IS GOING TO BURST WITH HAPPINESS FOR YOU AND IT GIVES ME HOPE FOR WHAT THE FUTURE MAY HOLD FOR ME TOO (hopefully another adoption and a pregnancy at some point but we'll see what God has is store...)

YAY FISHER and BABY FISHER ON THE WAY :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl:

So, do you feel better about shopping for your bling purchase now :Up_to_something:
Fisher words can't even express how incredibly happy I am for you and Paul. This is wonderful news. I cannot wait to read about your journey. Prayers for you, Paul and your baby :bigsmile:
OMG OMG OMG! I'm gonna be honest. I didn't read your whole post, Fisher. I couldn't make it past the part that you're going to be parents! I cannot wait to share this journey with you!

I seriously could not believe my eyes when I read your post this morning. This is the best knews ever! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
OMG, FISHER, I AM SOOOO VERY EXCITED FOR YOU AND PAUL, SQUEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

I really did tear up when I read your post. I know you have been trying for so long and have somehow kept positive all this time. I pray that this baby digs in and gets comfy for his/her 8.5+ months in there. Please do keep us posted and I can't wait to see your baby's first picture :bigsmile:
Oh Fisher, I am so incredibly HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY FOR YOU and P!!! Lots of sticky dust your way and huge hugs :appl: :appl: :appl:
Coming out of PS retirement to congratulate Fisher!!!! Such amazing news, a true miracle! I'm overjoyed for you and sending tons of sticky dust your way!! :appl: :appl:
Oh, Thank you, thank you. It sounds really dumb to say this, but all of the encouragement & support in the past several years has meant more than I can express.

So, any beta experts or progesterone experts out there?

Yesterday's numbers just came in. Dr said they're *just perfect,* but I want to know more. :)

Progesterone 21.31. (The chart under this says 1st trimester should be 4.73-50.74)

Beta quantitative 491 mIU/mL (The chart under this says3-4 weeks should be 500-10,000)--- is this saying once conception is achieved, so really 7-8 weeks preggo? Because what I've seen online says 4 weeks should be 5-426.

Numbers confuse me.

The point- she said I don't need to come in tomorrow to see if the #s doubled, but I want to. :(