
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

FISHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Congrats MAMA! I had to shut my office door, not ashamed to admit I'm totally crying.

BEST NEWS EVER. You are going to be a wonderful mother, and I always knew it. So happy this dream has come true for you. You know 2012 is a lucky year for babies, right? :cheeky:

Wow, just wow. Take care of you, and tell Paul congrats congrats congrats!

Sending you so much love and sticky dust!
Fisher - :appl: Congratulations to you and Paul!!! :appl: I am so very happy for you. :wavey: I read your post early this morning and started to cry!! I really cannot tell you how happy I feel for you. This is just the BEST!
Fisher, you don't know me because I've never posted directly to you, but I came across your story last summer while I was preparing to start our TTC journey. I silently cheered you on even though I was reading your past, and I was sad when you seemed to post less and less and almost disappeared. Anyway, I just wanted to say that your post brought tears to my eyes to see that your time has finally come and that you are just as happy today as when you started TTC. You are the reason why I can't stop reading about people's TTC journeys, because of this one precious moment.

By the way, your progesterone and beta are really good, especially if you think you're only about 4 weeks pregnant. I went in for my first beta at 11DPO, and my beta was only 39 and progesterone was 13.3. I was told that they'd like to see a progesterone level of 15-20 during the first trimester, so they put me on Prometrium progesterone suppositories. My second beta 2 days later at 13DPO was 84, so it had a doubling rate of 43.46 hours (according to some online calculator I found at the time), but it was still low. They had me do another beta once I had been on the progesterone supplements for a week, so I went in at 21DPO, and my beta was 1560 and my progesterone was 38.8. My first ultrasound was done at 31DPO (so 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant), and we were able to see a heartbeat with a heart rate of 111-113, and the baby was measuring 5 weeks and 6 days. I am now 28 weeks and 6 days along.

Hope that long explanation helps you feel good about your first beta results. If you really want to go back in for a second beta, you have every right to do so. Just explain to your doctor that you want to see the proof that your numbers are doubling as they should be. I am so so so extremely happy for you, and I can't wait to read your preggo journey, so please continue to post!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
Fisher, what WONDERFUL NEWS!!! I'm so happy for you! sending you all the sticky dust for the little baby. Congratulations to you and Paul. Take good care of yourselves! I can't wait to hear an update on this little baby! Prayers to you!
FISHER!! - :D :D :D :D :D :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU AND PAUL!!!!!! :D When I logged on to this thread and saw all the congrats I was like, "what's going on....what.....FISHER'S PREGNANT!!!! So happy and excited for you! I know it's been a long and rocky road, and you've get the faith throughout, and now you're here!! :appl: It's so cool hat Paul 'felt' that this was your month too. I can imagine how excited you guys must be!! Awwww!!! Wishing you all the best for a healthy and happy 9 months!! :D You're going to be such a great mama and that baby is going to be SO loved!

I, too, am crying tears of joy for you! I cannot even image how unbelievable seeing that positive must have been.

You are going to be such an incredible mama as you are such an incredible lady.

so many hugs of happiness.

love lulu + nora :)
Fisher, you don't know me either but I've also been silently following along. I'm SO very happy for you. It's like time stands still when I read your posts and the tears just flow. You're going to make a WONDERFUL mommy! Congratulations!!!
Fisher, just a quick fly by to ease your mind, I looked back and my betas went from 17.7 on 11DPIUI to 77 on 13DPIUI. So I would say betas close to 500 so early on (+/- 14DPO) are great! Yeah for you!!!!
Btw, I was on pregesterone supplements too since I was an IUI momma, so I don't think my progesterone levels would be helpful, plus I can't remember them, :roll: .
Fisher, I've been following your story & am beyond thrilled to hear you finally got your well deserved bfp!!! From your beta results & symptoms, it sounds like you've got a strong, healthy, sticky bean in there!

I'm so glad you & Paul have been blessed with your little one at last. And what a lucky little one it will be to have you two as parents.
I'll keep you in my prayers for a healthy pregnancy & baby. Big hugs to you. :appl:

Add me to the list of celebrators!!! BEST NEWS EVER!!!
What wonderful news, Fisher! I've also always followed your story and silently cheered you on.

I love that your DH just knew. What a wise man!

I totally think you can feel symptoms before AF is due. Around implantation is when I always started noticing unusual symptoms. Each woman is different but it's definitely possible!

I don't know much about the numbers but it sounds like yours are really great. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!
Fisher it sounds like your doctor is giving you good advice! Nice to see ;)) I had cramping with both my pregnancies before my period, in fact, that was how I knew I was pregnant the second time before I even tested. It lasts on and off through the first few weeks. No blood means its ok! And even some spotting is ok too if that happens to you. I had some with Ryder and it was scary. As for MS, I think Blenheim had ms really early with one of her pregnancies, it was the reason she tested, so it is not unusual!

And your beta is great!
Congratulations fisher! What wonderful news! :appl:
FISHER CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Im sooooooooooooooooo happy for you and Paul :) Really, truely, truely happy and excited! Best of luck through pregnancy and everything that is to come :) Love ya!
I called the offic again (they're gonna have to get used to it), the chart for hcg beta is counting from time of conception forward, so that number is good! And I'm still going in tomorrow morning for another blood draw to see the rise. The nurse said she said I dint have to come in, but meant as the dr wouldn't require it based on the high #, but I'm certainly welcome to. Heck ya, I'm going!

So, all that talk of no tears is no longer true. Your sweet posts have made me weep. Thank you to everyone. :)

To my very sweet friends who've been around from the start of this road- I wish you knew how much knowing you were rooting us on means to me. And to my friends still on the journey- carry on in faith. Miracles happen every day. One of my friends from high school & her husband tried for 5 years, and on the day after Christmas, she found out she was pregnant. :) they did 3 rounds of IUI & then just this miracle baby. Yay for miracles!!

Roll on in faith, always. :)
Fischer! No access to FB while I'm at work, so my most heartfelt congrats have to come on here. I was wondering what those cryptic posts from you were the last couple days, but didn't want to ask in se my intuition was wrong. My heart is jumping with joy for you and DH. How exciting! I wouldn't be too surprised if your beta is so high because you ovulated earlier than you think you did. That's a very very high beta for 14dpo. My REs have been happy with anything over 50 at 14dpo, and over 100 is excellent, so you're probably a bit more pregnant than you think. Your progesterone is great. Hope you get a super repeat beta tomorrow. Please update PSMs!

We are dancing!!!!!!!! M and I just said a heartfelt prayer for you and your sticky bean!!!! I put her tiny hands together and everything!!!! Awww, Fisher. I don't know if you remember my telling you, but when I was pregnant with M, I prayed for you every night. And I even made DH pray - he thought I was crazy, of course! But I know I was just one of an army of PSers who wish you and P the absolute best. You have gone through this journey with such grace and love. Gosh, if I ever come back in the next life - I want to be YOUR kid because I just know this baby is going to be showered with such love and grace.

THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are going to have all of your dreams come true...I can just see you and P at Disney like you always wanted with your little one. Maybe she's in a princess dress over jeans like those little girls your heart ached for...or maybe he is wearing a Mickey hat and holding Paul's hand. It is...gosh, I am so overwhelmed by your news. This is like hearing we won the lottery or something. BIG!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!

Oh FISHER, CONGRATULATIONS! M and I will pray for you every day again! Heehee...and even DH!

This is the best day ever!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: Oh Fisher, to think you will cherish every kick...see your baby in your tummy grow...hear the heartbeat...deliver and hold your newborn smelling that delicious you have TWO hearts beating inside of you.

Wow!!!!! All I could think was, "God is great!!!!!" He must have been saving a very very special angel to send your way. I know you have walked this spiritual journey with tears, but never any doubts. Now they will be transformed into tears of JOY!!!!! Wow, Fisher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Love, Bliss!!! And M!!!!! And DH!!! Heehee!!!
Fisher, I just wanted to say YAY and congrats again! I cried this morning when I read this and again at work this afternoon when I saw the responses. This is what I love about PS!!!!!! I am so so so so so so so so so so so happy for you and Paul! You know high betas could mean... ;))
Fisher, I am a new poster here on PS but a long time lurker and I jsut wanted to add my heartfelt congratulations. For a long time before I was ready to TTC I went back and read the first 400 pages of the TTC and everytime I read your posts I hoped you had wonderful news to share. I often came back looking to see if you had posted and wondered how things were going, so I am so very happy for you today. You have offered so many women on here TTCing so much hope and I pray that your pregancy is smooth and everything you ever wished.
Fisher, you don't know me either, but I've been following you on PS since I was engaged and am so happy to hear your news! You have always been a great inspiration for a positive attitude and staying hopeful, and now a great lesson to us that good things will come, in their own due time.

Here's to you and a great US in a few weeks!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Fisher, as a long-time follower of your journey I am OVER THE MOON for you!!! You and Paul are going to be the best parents--one virtue that you have in spades is PATIENCE! Sending super duper sticky dust your way and can't wait to read about your pregnancy over the next several months!
Fisher! I'm so excited for you! This is amazing, wonderful, loooong overdue news!

Congratulations to you and Paul! I am so very very happy for you. What a lucky little baby you have growing in your tummy, to be so unbelievably wanted and loved and not even know it yet.

I will be keeping you all in my thoughts for a healthy and safe pregnancy, baby, and delivery!

Fisher, you are my inspiration! I am so happy for you and excited for your future. Your baby is going to be so lucky to have you and Paul as parents. I am just thrilled for you both, and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this exciting journey that you have dreamed of for so many years.
FISHER!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

That is by far far far THE BEST POST I have ever read!!!!! It's finally your time, you and Paul will be the best parents!!!!!!! That is one lucky little bean you have there, to have been loved for SO long already. I am so over the moon for you! :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

AAAHHHH there just aren't enough emoties!!!
Fisher, I am just SO thrilled for you. Not enough emoties here to show it! Congratulations and truckloads of PS dust for an uneventful pregnancy and delivery. :))
Congrat Fisher! I was here when it was just Paul looking for a tulip ring for you and now look where you are! It also gives me hope because my husband and I are having trouble right now conceiving. I hope someday we are blessed like you and I wish you a happy, healthy pregnancy!
I am so overwhelmed with your posts, guys! Thank you again for the love & support & cheers. We are in awe of the opportunuty to parent, to experience pregnancy, to grow our family & expand our marriage. We are so excited & nervous. Haha.

I'm going to dabble my toes in the preggo thread....

Much love to the girls here!! Pregnancy happens even when doctors say the probability is less than 3 percent. :) (That's what they told me, if we didn't go with interventions.)

I highly recommend fertili-tea and/or fortil B12. Of course, Fortil may mess you up if you don't have an ovulatory issue. But Fertili-tea is great for anyone TTC. :)
Thanks fisher! i actually had my only confirmed (through charting) ovulation the first month with fertili-tea and fertil aid combo. DH was out of town then so I missed it and have not ovulated since ;( . I have never heard of the fortil b12 so i will have to check in to that.

Is anyone else thinking it could be twins with the beta that high? Either way it is very exciting!
Fisher, you don't know me either but I've often read your posts during your TTC journey and marvelled at your patience and optimism. I am teary at the news that the time for you and Paul has arrived. Many congratulations and tons of sticky PS dust for a textbook 9 months :appl: :appl: :appl: