
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

SB, did you have your follow up with your RE this week? Any updates? I wish you luck. You will find the right embie - hopefully sooner than later!

LC, how goes it?

RT, thinking of you.

AFM, just waiting for AF - I am 15 DPO and getting BFNs, but no AF. My average LP is 14 days so it should be here soon. My cycle length is longer than usual too, but who knows due to the estrogen issue this cycle. It is working out well though because DH is out of town, and I don't have anyone to watch K during monitoring hours at my clinic so I'm hoping AF holds out till after 5pm today so that I can go in for CD 3 on Saturday. Not much else new. I started searching the internet for adoption info - as I feel maybe we should just be pursuing that with my age and potential very low odds on finding a good egg after reading some RESOLVE boards related to women over 40. I'm thinking international adoption and that looks like it takes about 2 years end to end. I always thought I would adopt. After reading Hey Joe's posts on fostering - I think domestic adoption is a daunting idea, and I also don't think any Birth Moms would pick me due to my age. So, a lot to think about.
JG-just popping in to say, I am sorry you are in a tough place. You may know that B joined our family through international adoption (from Ethiopia). We were about to start another adoption when we got pregnant with E. If you ever want to chat about adoption on PS or through PM< just let me know.
Bella, thanks for popping in. I will likely revive the adoption thread when I get to that point, and maybe try to PM you or stalk your blog - I think you have one right? I haven't even talked to my DH about it yet other than asking what status he has with India as he was born there, and he's a US citizen. He did ask why I wanted to know that and I said for Indian adoption, but he didn't ask anything further on that! He has an OCI card which apparently gives US citizens some legal rights in India and also would allow adoption of an infant/toddler which would not be possible if he did not have that card/status. I do not know if India would be the country, but if it gives us a shot at a younger child, I think that's good. I know you adopted B as a young toddler, and I keep hearing how the first 3 years are critical for brain development so I worry about that with a child from an orphanage. I know some countries have foster homes in place vs. orphanages which is appealing, but not the case in India. I also have a friend from high school who has 2 beautiful boys who are brothers from Ethiopia. I think she has had them for 4 years, and they are in elementary school and doing very well.

RT, Avia, LC, SB, how are you all doing? :wavey:

AFM, CD 1. I think we'll do one more IUI and re-group after that. I am kind of not that hopeful, but my DH seems to still be hopeful for us. We were talking about all the kids in her preschool class having siblings except for K and one other girl, and he said she doesn't have any yet, but we are working on that. Also, we'll see what my LH level is on CD 3 as that may end up putting the kibosh on this cycle.
Hey ladies,

Things have been ok for me. We are still sticking to our not trying anymore plan. I don't know what cd I am or if I'm about to ovulate. I've been using the time to focus on other things like my new job (which I love!), Cayden, getting DH back into school, planning our vacas for this summer and watching the Bachelor :bigsmile:

I think of you all a lot but have been keeping my distance a little bit while I work on moving into this new mindset.

Lots of love!
JGator, so sorry to hear about CD1. It sounds like you are kind of at a crossroads right now and figuring out where to go from here. It's so hard to know how to proceed sometimes I think it's great you are exploring all of your options. I did some preliminary looking into the steps we'd have to take to be considered for adoption, and it certainly seemed a bit overwhelming, but there are tons of resources from what I could tell to help you navigate the process. I just hope that over the next few months you are either successful or get some clarity about which is the best way to proceed for you, whether that's more fertility treatments, adoption or deciding that your family is complete. Big hugs.

RT, glad to hear that you are getting to a good place with your job and focusing on your family. It's a very healthy thing to take a step away and gain a new perspective, and I hope good things continue to happen for you and your family!

Thinking of the rest of you ladies and always cheering you on!
Thanks for checking in J, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you are a go for this IUI! Adoption is on our list of possibilities, too. Although we haven't tried any big guns yet in terms of fertility treatments and DH wants to exhaust those first, so it would be likely years before it's a realistic consideration for us.

Breaks are therapeutic, RT, you gotta know your limits!

I'm just waiting on AF, she's due any day now. Once I have official confirmation that we're out this cycle (which I am anticipating), I'll be calling to set up the next round of appointments. It's time to step up our game and I'm finally feeling ready to do so.
Avia, I'm glad you are feeling more optimistic about 2015. Keep me posted on your next steps. I'm very optimistic for you.

AFM, I had my CD 3 bloodwork and ultrasound today. Just got the call that we can proceed with the IUI based on bloodwork so I will start taking 225 ius of Follistim tonight. Then, I go back on Saturday for another check. My FSH was 7.78. It was 7.49 in June when I started seeing the RE. So, I guess that's a decent number. I hope my follies decide to cooperate this go around. Time will tell. I had 1 follicle on one side and 5 on the other today so hopefully that's good news for me too. Hi to all the lurkers :wavey:
jgator, how was your check yesterday? I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this cycle goes better for you. It's great that you are also exploring other options and looking into adoption.

rt, glad you are enjoying other things in life!

avia, good luck with this cycle to you too. I'm glad you're feeling better.

afm, we've decided to do genetic screening on our remaining embryos and are getting all the paperwork in order. At least this will give us more information and hopefully lead to a better outcome if we can find a good one.
SB, my estrogen was up to 208 on Saturday which was Day 6 compared to maxing out in the 50s last cycle. There are a few follies on the left and 1 on the right. The largest is 14 mm right now as of today, Monday. Waiting on blood test results but likely will continue the 225 ius of Follistim and go back on Wednesday for another check. I'm so glad you are moving ahead with genetic testing on the embryos. That really should save you a lot of time and heartache if you can focus on the healthy ones and also just to know what you have to work with. I think you have quite a few to test so I feel very optimistic for you. I cracked open an egg with 2 yolks yesterday - I don't think that's ever happened to me. What does that mean???
Estrogen update today was 452. Going back in for an appt in 2 days. I think things are going pretty well compared to other cycles at this point so far.
JGator, so glad you seem to be responding better again to the meds this time. Keeping everything crossed for you! I don't know what a doubled-yolked egg means, but I hope it is a good fertility sign! :)

SB, glad you are able to get your embryos tested and hoping that will give you some reassurance and a better chance of success in your next go around. I'm hoping between that and the fact that you did get pregnant last cycle means that the third time will be the charm!

Thinking of all of you and always cheering you on!
MP, thanks for checking in and congrats again on Boy/Girl twins!!! So fun!

AFM, I had my ultrasound/bloodwork this AM. They were quite pleased - I have 5 follies on the left that are all good sized - in the 15/16/17 mm range. The RE said she will check with my RE but likely trigger tonight and IUI on Friday depending on his input and the bloodwork. Hoping I don't have to go back in tomorrow for another check. She said in some cases they might cancel with this situation, but due to my age she doesn't see that happening. I said - the more the merrier!!! I need all the potential eggs I can get!
J, this is GREAT news! Come on eggies, let's do this!
JGator, sounds like you responded way better this time around. Great news! Even though a lot of people would disagree, I would also go forward with an IUI despite the number of follicles. Each time I did an IUI this time around (and I did 6 of them), I had about two follicles. My RE was really conservative with IUIs and wouldn't let me do one with more than two (possibly three) follicles, so I was only given 75 units of Gonal-F to keep the follicle number low. The cycle I conceived Ev (with Clomid), I had 4 follicles, so I do think there is something to having more follicles and a better chance of a good egg. Keeping everything crossed for you! And thanks for the congrats. I'm feeling extremely grateful to have gotten to this point, and I so hope the rest of you will get good news soon.
Avia, thanks for the well wishes.

MP, thanks for chiming in. I think I only had 2-3 max on prior IUIs so this is definitely a better cycle, and I know at my age that I need all the follies I can get!! I think I read you can expect one genetically normal egg/embie out of 8 or 9 at my age. I would be happy to get twins out of the deal, but I think the odds of 1 making it are so low that we should have no concerns at all.

AFM, I got a call that my estrogen is up to 785 up from 452 2 days ago. They want me to reduce my dose of Follistim from 225 to 150 tonight and then come in tomorrow for another monitor/bloodwork and possibly trigger tomorrow night. So, I guess Saturday is the new ETA for an IUI. Hopeful the follies stay/grow - I may do an OPK tonight to get an idea.
jgator, so glad this cycle seems more promising! Sending lots of good vibes your way and hoping tomorrow is the day.
SB, thanks for the good wishes. How are you? Any news on next steps and timing?

AFM, so I POASed last night and the OPK line was pretty dark - not as dark as control, but pretty dark. This AM, I went in and they said everything is progressing and that I should plan to trigger tonight and come back for the IUI on Saturday. They said 5 follies on the left and 3 of those are big. I asked how they know I wouldn't O before Saturday, and the doc said we check your LH and it was low yesterday so we will change the date of the IUI if something changes after seeing the bloodwork later. Sure enough, I got a call just now saying the LH showed I was close to O'ing and they want to do the IUI tomorrow and still trigger tonight. I hope we don't miss it and that the trigger works that quickly. My estrogen is 1023. Also, the OPKs are lighter today. They said to do the trigger between 6pm and 12 - so I'm going to make sure we do the trigger shot at 6pm to be safe.
JGator, that happened to me both times I did IUIs with the RE, and they had me do the same thing. Trigger the night before. I always felt uneasy about it, but I guess that is the standard procedure. Good luck! I have everything crossed!

ETA - Actually on second thought, I think they had me trigger right away and then do the IUI nearly 24 hours later. It must depend on how high your LH is. Either way, they know what they are doing, and I'm sure you will be in the window of ovulation.
jgator, hoping everything goes smoothly today and you catch a good egg this time!

Not totally sure of the timing for the biopsies, but hopefully early next week.
SB, good luck with the biopsies next week. How long does it take to get the results? I was reading yesterday that my clinic will do a Day 5 biopsy and send out to a place in Miami - I think Ivigen - not sure and then will actually do a fresh transfer on Day 6. My doctor told me they didn't do that, but a bunch of people at the same clinic which has tons of locations were talking about it online yesterday. I think that is appealing because my insurance would call it 2 IVFs if I did a retrieval and then a FET later, and we have coverage for only 2 IVFs.

AFM, we did the IUI yesterday. DH's counts were in the low 30-millions this time. So, now we wait. The RE said to me - "not to be pessimistic, but we should schedule a follow up to discuss next steps as it's been a while since we met". So, I have a beta appt 2 weeks from yesterday, and I need to also schedule the followup/regroup meeting where I guess we would talk about IVF. Wondering when would be a good time so that it's not already CD 3, but I also know if this cycle was a bust or not. That might be impossible to predict, and it's not easy to get an appt with the doctor. Maybe we'll schedule same day as the beta - that should be safe... Hope you all are well out there! :wavey:
Hi, ladies. I have kept away from this thread for about 6 months, because I felt that my presence, as someone who was trying to conceive #5 and was trying to sway for a girl, was making people uncomfortable, and I didn't want to do that.

MP, I am SO happy for you, and I have been watching your progress excitedly. So wonderful!

RT, it's nice to hear that there can be a good feeling after giving up on TTC. More on that below.

Everyone else, I am always keeping my fingers crossed for you. <3

Onto me...We have been trying for well over a year now. We gave up on gender sway months ago. Last month I went for acupuncture, took an herbal fertility tincture (tasted like ginseng) and tried a new plan of doing the deed every day leading up to ovulation. Unfortunately, because of the acupuncture, I ovulated 5 days later than expected, so my husband's sperm count was probably REALLY LOW by the time we needed it. Then we all got the flu, and I got my period 13 days after O. So here's the thing...TTC long-term is depressing. I feel as if I am getting older and maybe we aren't meant to have another baby. I am very grateful for our 4 health kids! My husband's work travel schedule is about to begin, so this month was our last opportunity to TTC gracefully, and we took the opportunity. We ended up doing the SMEP (sperm meets egg plan). I am 2dpo. If I am not pregnant this month, we are going to give up, stop trying and enter the next phase of our life.
tourmaline! welcome back!!!

I am sorry that your TTC journey has been long (it is indeed depressing when it becomes such a long journey, but it can also make you really appreciate what a miracle each child is--at least it did for me for both my boys!) and hope that you get good news this cycle or are ready to move into the next phase of your life with your family.

We are TTC, but it's hard to get our mojo back, not to mention that E is still sleeping in our room and has entered a not so fun phase of night terrors, night waking, and in general, not sleeping so we haven't managed to actually TTC yet :lol: . We'll see how it goes this cycle...
nice thread
Bella_mezzo|1423429160|3829444 said:
tourmaline! welcome back!!!

Thanks, Bella!
Bella, welcome back to the thread. Are you planning to try Clomid again since it worked with E? Wasn't that a pretty early try on Clomid for you when you got your BFP? Hope your stay is short!

Tourmaline, welcome back. :wavey: We are cycle buddies - we should know the results of this cycle around the same time.

AFM, 3 DP IUI. DH is on board for IVF now - I think on the next cycle if this doesn't work. He wants to talk to the RE. I think he's afraid if we try IVF and don't succeed after 2 cycles, then what? Since our insurance only covers 2 cycles. Glad to have a plan. Need to call the RE to set up that follow up.
Good luck this month, JGator! I'm glad your DH is on the same page as you now about IVF, although I hope it turns out that's not necessary!
MP, hi :wavey: I hope we don't need IVF also.

AFM, 5 DP IUI. We made an RE followup for next Wednesday, the 18th. Then, I have a beta scheduled for Friday, the 20th. Not much going on - my DH is out of town for work for a few days. Work is insanely busy again so keeping me distracted in the TWW.
Jgator, my fingers are tightly crossed for you! I'm glad you have a plan to move forward after this cycle but hope you won't ha to employ it. I think the double yolked egg is a sign. We need more twins around this joint! :naughty:

SB, I hope your biopsies go well & that you're able to identify a bunch of healthy embryos.
I have a feeling your stay here is almost up.

Bella, good luck, lady! Are you breaking out your secret clomid stash? ;))

Avia, great news that you're moving forward now. Best of luck!

RT, thinking of you & all of the rest of you lovely ladies.
MP-crossing my fingers for you!

Bright-welcome back! hahahahahah, I still have it and will break it out this summer if nothing has happened by then I think. I become an evil b!tchy lunatic with migaines on Clomid, so am trying to avoid it if possible.
MP, thanks for the good luck. I can use it. I need to get off the Resolve boards though as I keep reading the depressing ones about people who try IVF multiple times with no success.

Bright, great to hear from you. Hope all is well. I'm going to reply to our on the other thread about babies v. toddlers. So, go check.

AFM, 7 DPO. Not much new - just biding my time.