
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

That post looked like it was written by a four year old. :) Sorry; posting from my phone always leads to typing errors. :)

We are beyond thrilled & just so excited. Though Miracle left us for reasons other than low progesterone, the docotr said it could be prescribed as a precaution (mostly to help Mama feel like she's doing all she can to tuck this baby in tight), so I am taking it through the fist trimester.

Ihad been literally begging the Lord to let us have another baby before Miracle's due date, not to *replace* her, but to get us through it. Her due date would have been 10/8 or so

I had my first beta the day after we found out (which, according to fertility charting. Would have been 15 dpo), and it was 1164. I asked if that was a bad sign, being so high & the dr said my dates are probably off by a few days. Likely right, since I was feeling soooo tired & had thos same funny mild crampy twinges days before, just like with my first pregnancy.

At anyy rate, we are thrilled & overcome with joy. I do have waves of nervousness when I think about the US, but I just keep praying & being thankful for this healthy, thriving baby He gave us.

Thanks for thinking of us for so long. You are all special people! I pray my friends have children soon, as well. Healthy, thriving ones!
Congratulations fisher!! I am so happy for you and Paul. I am sending dust, good thoughts, and prayers your way. I was on progesterone for the first trimester as well. I am just so happy for you!

I am still thinking of the TTC ladies. I have to believe such amazing women are destined to be amazing moms. I just hope it happens soon! Dust!!
Congratulations, Fisher!
Fisher!!! I'm so excited for you and Paul! Congratulations! :) I'll write more when I'm not on my phone!
Fisher oh my goodness congratulations! I am so happy for you and Paul! I will keep all THREE of you in my prayers! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Fisher, I always love reading your posts but especially when they contain the greatest news ever! :appl: :appl: :appl:

So many of us have suffered losses and absolutely understand how you feel. I wanted so badly to be pregnant before my due date with the baby we lost. Of course it's not to replace them but to have something to celebrate at a sad time.

Gosh, I'm so excited for you!
Fisher, I'm so so so happy for you and Paul. Your faith and positive attitude is always inspiring. I'm glad you were able to get a jewelry piece for Miracle (post pics when you get it!) too. Tons of sticky dust and prayers for a healthy baby!!!
Can't wait to hear your updates! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Bright, Tammy, Bella, Firecracker, and everyone else - still thinking of you ladies and hope you get your much-deserved BFPs soon!
Fisher! FANTASTIC!!! I'm so happy for you and Paul. I'm sending you the stickiest dust for your little bean!!! Hoping everything goes smoothly, but your numbers etc look fantastic.
Yayyyyy Fisher!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Amazing news Fisher! Sending truckloads of sticky dust and prayers your way!
I remember when your husband, boyfriend at the time, first posted about getting the perfect diamond and ring for you ("she loves tulips I want a tulip ring), and I couldn't be happier for you two. I know this baby will be perfect and welcomed into an amazing home. So happy for you!!
Fisher!!! That's fantastic news! Huge congrats & hugs to you & Paul. Your betas sound terrific too. Sending you tons of sticky dust & prayers for a healthy, thriving bean.

Bella & Tammy, big hugs to you. I'm posting from my phone & will write more later.
Fisher - SO happy for you!!! Be stubborn, little bean!
Fisher - I've followed your journey on the TTC thread and just wanted to wish you all the best - I am so SO happy for you - sending tons of dust and prayers your way for a happy and healthy pregnancy and beautiful baby!!!!!! :appl:
Oh Fisher! I am so very happy for you! I'm not here often but I've been following your journey from the beginning. Sending prayers and sticky dust your way.
Fisher, I have no words. I am simply beyond overjoyed for your dear friend. This news has made my week! My month!!!
Wow! I was stopping by to check in on all of you ladies and was beyond excited to read Fisher's news! It's always fantastic to read good news here and even more so that Fisher is the one. Fisher you always have strength, courage and grace in the face of trying times. You are such a good role model for all of us. Just wonderful!!!!!!!! :appl: oh and I look forward to seeing your new jewelry in memory of Miracle.

Tammy I hope you are having a good week and not too stressed about Friday! I know it's hard not to worry. Sounds like everything else is falling into place and hopefully baby making will follow suit. I don't have any advice about the labs but it didn't seem too out of whack.

BellaMezzo So sorry to hear this cycle was a bust.I love your positive attitude. Are you doing the herbs, right? Everything I tried was short-lived since our IVF worked, but I did acupuncture, dhea and coq10. I think the dhea made my hair fall out a little- but maybe it helped my eggs? I really don't know.

Bright spot hope you are feeling better. I know it sucks when AF shows up. Never did I have so many pms symptoms as the months I wasn't pregnant. It's cruel really. Wishing you success this time around!

Sha welcome back! I like npnt . Sounds less stressful. Hope your stay is short!

Well icant see back any further on my iPad. Hope you are all well- whoever I missed. Curly how are you????

Afm I have more news. I have been going for weekly u/s because I have a good bit of anxiety. They are like 30 bucks and you don't need a drs order. Anyhow my second u/s after my first one showed hb 120 at 5w6d, showed two hb in two sacs! I have seen them each week after and they seem to be doing fine. Im still in shock and kind of nervous. I think after my first tri I will feel better. I have been reading along but haven't felt like posting much. I am trying to avoid spending too much time on the Internet. Still pulling for everyone and grateful for all the support here!
Yay Pave! Twins! Sending sticky dust and prayers your way too!
Congrats on twins, Pave!! That is so exciting!! Double sticky dust for you!!
Another congratulations for Pave! What wonderful news. Lots of dust that they both continue to grow and thrive!

Tammy, lots of dust headed your way tomorrow during your procedure. I really hope you get some answers and that everything goes as smoothly as possible!
Pave! Twins? How wonderful! I hope things to continue to look well and your nerves settle. :appl:
Congrats pave! :appl: Twins! How exciting!
Wow pave, double congratulations!! :bigsmile:

I still haven't gotten to a computer for a proper response, seems like the only time I have these days to read ps is on the train to/from work. :| so I'll doy best to post on my phone.

Fisher, curly, pave, all of you give me hope. I so so so happy for all of you! Bright, Bella I hope it gives you hope too. I think about everyone here often, no matter how busy life is or how little I say these days. Big hugs and continued prayers. I hope I'm not missing anyone but I have a strong suspicion that I am. ;(

I'm going to be selfish and talk about myself but I'm going to try not to weigh down one of our rare super exciting times here on the ttc part two thread!

I am nervous about tomorrow. I have to start the prep today at 2, and am on the clear liquids only portion as of this morning. I am at that point I guess where I'm actively preparing my body but my brain still needs some prep too. I keep reading around different boards to try to figure out what to expect but responses run the gamut so it's pretty hard to get a real feel for what the procedure, and particularly recovery, will be like. I keep wondering about the gas pressure a lot of people talk about, what I'm going to be able to do on Monday in terms of can I walk the half mile or so down to the train after work, when will dh and I be able to "get back to business" cause I would usually o about a week after the procedure, stuff like that. Ugh I have to run, will come back ASAP to edit or post again, I'm sorry!!

Okay I'm back but I'm not really sure what else to say. Just getting super anxious. I have to be there tomorrow at 7:15, but leave at 5:00 am because my doctor is in our old city. I doubt I'll be sleeping tonight but I have plenty of time to sleep and be lazy this weekend. :tongue: I do want to get moving again ASAP though and sure hope this works!! :))
Tammy, good luck tomorrow! I've only had a D&C as the result of miscarriage. I know experiences vary widely but I felt physically well after pretty much immediately - well, as soon as I wasn't woozy from the anesthesia! I hope you do too and that elusive BFP finds it's way to your house soon!
Twins, Pave??? That's WONDERFUL news! So excited for you! Congratulations.

Tammy, I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I hope you have a speedy recovery and get some answers from all of this.

Bright, Bella, Firecracker... thinking positive thoughts for you, as always.

AFM, doing OK. The results from my last beta showed that my levels more than doubled in 48 hours, and I have been having a fair amount of symptoms. So I've taken those as good signs. First u/s is a week from tomorrow, and I'm excited but definitely nervous. Just trying to stay positive and hoping for the best.
WOW! its' such an exciting week for our little thread:-)

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Pave TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love:

Fisher, hope that you are enjoying this special time!

Curly so glad for all the good signs!

AFM, I think AF is just about done. The yoga is pretty sporadic I love it but it's hard to do at the end of a long day. I stopped taking the herbs during the 2ww, but am back on them now. Have an appt for accupuncture this weekend...and that's pretty much it:-) now that we are on a school schedule, i am going to try to start temping tomorrow morning. We'll see.

Our big news is that B started sleeping in his own room last week! I miss him a lot (even DH misses him:-) but...hopefully that will help the whole TTC process as we'll finally have our bed back and things can be a little more organic and not so "tonight, 10pm, in the living room which is very comfortable on its own, but not so comfortable for DTD" KWIM:-)
Pave, wow! Huge congrats to you on the twins! Hope you're feeling ok & just so excited for you. 

Curly, lots of dust to you on your u/s. I think the symptoms are definitely a positive sign. Keep us posted on how it goes. 

Continued dust & prayers for all our recent grads & our soon to be grads too!

Bella, congrats on getting your bed back. That will definitely help the ttc effort!

Tammy, I hope all goes well tomorrow (er, today?) & that you get some answers. I think you'll probably be ok by Monday. I had my procedure on Friday evening & I really took it easy all weekend (no plans, stuck to the couch) but was much better on Monday. Also my doc said no baths, tampons, bd-ing, etc for 2 weeks after the procedure. Also, I wound up bringing activities to keep me busy in the waiting room to take my mind off things pre-procedure. It definitely helped. Big hugs. I'll be thinking of you. Please keep us posted. 
Wow, Pave- twins! Yay!! That's wonderful news! How far along are they now?

Tammy, hoping all goes well! I'm sure it will not be as bad as the internet boards you've red. Seems like people like to post horrific details that aren't reality for most . Let us know how you're doing, and know we're thinking good thoughts for you.

Curly, how far along are you? Like you, I rejoice with the symptoms, as it reminds me they're triggered for a reason: baby growing! We've had a countdown going for the first ultrasound, which will be earlier than with our first pregnancy. The doctors office has been wonderful; said we could come in earlier if I get overwhelmed with fear, but we likely wouldn't see much. Happily, we've made it pretty good so far with keeping fear at a minimum. It's too bad that losing a child steals some of the joy of future pregnancies, but we manage as best we can. Joy is BIG in this family right now. :)

I m having a hard time remembering *regular* cramps related to pregnancy vs the miscarriage. Anything that I feel down there causes me to want to freak out, but I have a special song I sing to help me remember I'm not in control, God is, and He gives us children for a reason. So, all-in-all, I'm more excited than scared. More hopeful than fearful. More joyful and thankful than wrought with worry.

Got Miracle's bracelet yesterday- it turned out lovely! I will try to post a pic... but you all know how I struggle with that. Haha.

Happy Friday, and thank you all for the prayers. :)

Bella-- YAY for B moving to his own room! Looks like he's preparing to be a big brother to me! :)
This is the bracelet I had made in honor of our sweet kiddo, Miracle. She's forever impacted our lives & we will forever remember her sweet, brief, precious life!

Tammy, thinking about you today and hoping that all goes well! My recovery really wasn't bad at all and my BFF had laproscopic ovarian surgery the same week and then again 4 weeks later b/c she ended up having to have an ovary removed, and even from that she was fine in 3 days. She went to the movies the day after her surgery and was back at work in 3 days (she is a Physicians Assistant and on her feet all day...)

Fisher I love the bracelet!