
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Congrats Curly! That's very exciting! No reason to panic, but I would definitely recommend getting your progesterone retested, and if it is still on the low side, you can ask about some supplementation. (Some people don't think supplementation does anything, but I've done enough research to believe that it definitely can help and won't hurt). Hopefully your levels have continued to increase, but I've heard of people on this site or others with levels similar to yours that go on to have perfectly healthy pregnancies. Lots of dust to you!
:appl: :appl: :appl: Yay Curly!!! Even if there are other potential obstacles, this is the first step:-)
Sticky dust curly!
Thank you, mp, Bella and DD!! I very much appreciate the good wishes!

I'm going to go in for beta and progesterone draws tomorrow and Thursday, so I should soon know whether we need to look at progesterone supplements. Keeping my fingers crossed.
CurlySue Congrats! I'm so happy for you! I know what you mean about feeling happy but still scared. I hope your levels are great and you start to feel less nervous! Big Hugs! Gosh it's so exciting!!!!

I'll be back later to say hi to everyone properly. Take care.
Curly, huge congrats to you!! I'm glad that you're going in for another beta & progesterone test but I can't help but think that's a good sign that you got your bfp so early (9-10dpo) & the lines are getting darker. Lots of dust to you! I understand the mix of excitement & anxiety with a bfp & hope you're feeling more relaxed soon. 

Bella, oh no! I'm so sorry to hear your singing voice was affected! I hope it's back to normal again soon. Hugs to you. Glad you're enjoying your yoga DVD but sorry about the herbs!

Pave, hope you're doing well & baking away. 

Ltl, tammy, what's shaking?

Hi dreamer & mp!

Afm, relaxing & enjoying our vacation. I think I probably o'd on Friday or Saturday (judging by opk results) but I'm not currently temping so I didn't confirm it. We did cover our bases, though. Funny, after all this time I still get hopeful. 
Congrats, Curly! What a great 40th birthday present for your DH. Sending you truckloads of sticky dust. I was exactly where you are 6 months ago - so I understand the need to feel cautious but don't forget to be optimistic too!

Bright, enjoy your vacation and I think Morocco is a great idea.

Tammy, congrats on the new job and move!

Bella, glad you like your yoga dvd. I am doing a pre-natal one that I really like. It really helps with my stress/anxiety and tight muscles.
Thank you, Pave, Bright, and JGator!

Bright, I know sometimes it feels funny - almost silly - to remain hopeful... I think all of us in this thread understand that. But hope is ultimately what keeps us going, so it's a good thing (trying hard not to be cheesy and quote Shawshank Redemption right now!). You are always so hopeful for everyone else - you SHOULD be hopeful for yourself, too!

Tammy, Firecracker, anyone else I might have missed... I hope you are doing well.
Congratulations curly!!! I have zero time but wanted to respond for you. You give me hope that my procedures might do the trick for us too. :)

Life is nuts. Living in a hotel for the week and I want to kill the all night stop around person above us. The girls seem to like their new school though! My first day at the new job is today and I'm nervous about traffic, parking, what to wear, etc. not nervous about the job though since I know most of it already.

On the ttc front, I'm 2 dpo and bright, I know what you mean about silly hopeful. I agree, hopeful is good regardless. Good luck my dear. :) I hope everyone else is doing well. Time for me to get moving so I'll write more when I can!
Thank you, Tammy. I'm glad this gives you hope - it should! Glad to hear the girls like their new schools so far - that's one less thing for you to worry about. Good luck with your first day at work!

It sounds like you and Bright are pretty close to one another with your cycles right now. Keeping my fingers crossed for both of you. Things happen in threes, so... you never know.

AFM, I got my hCG and progesterone levels back from Tuesday's blood draw. At 13DPO, hCG was at 284 and progesterone jumped up to 18.4. So for now, I am feeling much better, even though I know that one set of numbers alone doesn't mean much. Going in today for a second blood draw this afternoon, which'll be exactly 48 hours after Tuesday's. Hoping to get good news tomorrow as we head into the long weekend.

In other news, after being out of work for about 2 months, my DH got an offer to freelance for a company he really likes. He started yesterday, and it sounds like there is the possibility this could go full-time if things go well. :appl: We are both feeling very grateful today.
Curly-- congrats! Enjoy this time. Easy to say, but I hope you do despite the worry. :)

Bright-- girl, you know hope is *not* silly! I believe in the power of hope & trust & it's never a bad idea to look for & hope for the good. Faith is wonderful & I pray ya hold on to it!

Confession: I've only read the current page & haven't read back to where I was last posting regularly, but I do hope all of you ladies are doing well! Bella, good to see you here. How's that little B?

Man, I need updates- who's graduated out of here? :)

Faith & trust, girls. Keep on walking!


I'm soooooo excited for tomorrow (well, later today, now)-- a jewelry party is coming to work & I'm gong to finally get a piece in honor of our beloved Miracle. The stuff is pretty awesome; it's pounded & stamped metals & I can't wait! :) Love that sweet kiddo & the forever changes she made in me! :bigsmile:
Hi fisher, nice to see you around! Been wondering how you're doing. :)) Hope you get that perfect piece of jewellery to commemorate your little Miracle.

If I can ask, are you guys continuing to ttc? Any further thoughts on the journey forward?

I lurk on this thread mostly, but am continuing to ttc/NTNP #2. Think I've had at least chemical pregnancies this past year - I'm thinking due to a thin lining (Clomid). I'm taking baby aspirin now and will try Red Raspberry Leaf tea too. It's been a bit rough but I'm holding on.

Hoping you get another Miracle soon. And everyone else on here too. :))
Curly, your numbers look fantastic! Big congrats to you! I hope you're feeling a bit more relaxed now. And congrats to your dh on the new job too!  And thanks for the sweet post. Shawshank is the best movie! 

Tammy, that's great that your girls like their new school! How is your new job going? I hope the transition is going well & that you have even more good news to share soon. 

Pave, nice to see you! Hope you're doing well & baking away. 

Jgator, yep, vacation is awesome. I'd sure like another one soon! Thanks for checking on us & I hope you're well. 

Fisher, how wonderful to get a piece of jewelry to commemorate Miracle. What did you choose? We did the same thing for our (1st) little one & I got a sapphire rhr, which would've been LO's birthstone. I call it my hope ring. It's good to see you posting again. You're a ray of light in what can be a pretty dark topic. 
As for graduates, I can't remember who posted where, but some recent grads are curly, pave, indecisive, Mlk, prana & mp.

Sha, it's really good to see you posting here too. Come out & play more often! 

Ltl & Bella, how are you ladies doing?

Afm, we had a really nice vacation & enjoyed some r&r. I'm 10 or 11 dpo today & I'm singing the post vacation, bfn blues. I have a consult with a potential new RE next week & am trying to stay positive but it's always disappointing to see those blank tests. 
Hi girls,

Just popped in for a quick update. Bright, I'm happy to hear you had a great vacation! I'm sorry about the bfn blues though. :( I hope the new RE brings new baby beginnings for you. You and your dh most certainly deserve it.

Afm: work is good. I'm posting from my phone at lunch. I should be walking, but I'm worn out from the weekend. We moved on september 1 and as of last night everything is unpacked and almost all of the pictures are hung. We love our home! The only problem now is there's no more distraction from the inevitable. Today's bfn reaffirmed that I'm going to have to get the surgery to find out what is wrong with me. I'm not sure why but it's hitting me hard this month. I keep askingyself if I've done something wrong and why I'm being punished (I know it's irrational but I can't help it). We're up on a year after this cycle and I'm pretty sure I'll have to sit out this coming cycle because of all the procedures. It just stinks! I know I should be more positive and I've really tried lately, just having a down day. Anyhow, that's the good and the meh update. I hope everyone is doing well and that we all have some good news soon! :)
Fisher, glad to see you checked in again, and to see that you are still maintaining your positive attitude and remembering your little Miracle. Sha, good to see you check in as well. There are so many ladies on here who have waited so long, and it just saddens me that it has to be so hard. You are strong women and so deserving, and I cannot wait until the day you have announcements to make!

Tammy and Bright, it goes without saying that I'm so sorry you're both facing another BFN cycle. It just never gets easier it seems, even when you start to expect it. Don't beat yourselves up about feeling down. It's unavoidable. Happy to hear that you both have appointments scheduled though because sometimes the only way to get out of the dumps is to know you are being proactive and bringing yourself one cycle closer to your BFP. Thoughts and prayers are with you all!
Hi ladies,

I just got my 5-6 dpo prog and it was 8.9. Everything I read says less than 10 is bad. What do you all think?
Tammy, I think they do generally like to see levels of 10+ at 7dpo but if you were only tested at 5-6 dpo perhaps your levels are still rising?
Good for you for getting everything unpacked so quickly! I do know what you mean about liking a distraction though. Those anniversaries are always tough. Big hugs to you. I hope your procedures go well & open the door for your long awaited & much deserved bfp, my friend. 

Mp, thanks for your sweet post & for continuing to cheer us on.  I'm interested to see how this appointment goes & hope the doc can shed new light on my situation/give me renewed hope. 

Hi to everyone else. 

Afm, 11 (my opinion) or 12 (ff's opinion) dpo today. I had another bfn this morning. I've been cramping for about 3-4 days now & am ready for af to arrive already. 
Tammy, at 5-6 DPO, I actually think 8.9 is fine. At least, according to what my OB's office says it is. I was just above 9 at 8 DPO this past cycle (and also about 1 year ago), and my doctor had no concerns with that. I can't remember exactly what their cutoff is - I feel like they said anything above 7 is OK. Did you talk to your doctor about it yet?

Hi, Bright! :wavey:
Thanks for the howdies. :)) I'm lurking mostly because I'm not actively ttc - DH prefers to still take the relaxed NTNP route...but I'm still trying to control a lot on my end by checking my fertile signs, using opks etc. Even w/o active ttcing, though, I relate a lot to the the ups and downs of the whole 'getting pregnant' process, and just the general frustration of waiting to finally conceive and carry to term experienced by most people on this board. :( Even though I don't participate much, I'm silently cheering everyone on inside. :)

Bright - so sorry about the bfn. :(( Hoping you get some more answers in your discussion with the RE next week.

tammy - not sure about prog. numbers overall but agree wtih Bright that they may still be rising? I think 7 dpo is when levels peak. Do you have a short lp or any pre-Af spotting usually?

curly - congrats on the bfp!!

mp - it's so wonderful that you keep in touch with everyone on this board. Hope the pregnancy is going well and that you have a smooth delivery when the time comes! :))
tammy77|1346885407|3262860 said:
Hi ladies,

I just got my 5-6 dpo prog and it was 8.9. Everything I read says less than 10 is bad. What do you all think?

I agree with everyone else. I don't think an 8.9 is anything to be alarmed about at 5-6 dpo. The month I had my progesterone tested, I think I got a 10.4 on what was most likely 7dpo. I was worried it was a little low, but my doctor wasn't concerned. If you are worried about it, maybe you can have it retested after procedure on 7dpo to see where you're at.
Thanks girls for the reassurance! I love being able to check in with all of you and have such a fantastic wealth of ttc knowledge! I am 99% sure it was drawn at 7:15 am on 5dpo. So in light of what everyone has said, I'm going to just assume its normal. The chicken in me that wanted out of the procedures wanted it to be low but I know it's better this way - as long as they can find and fix my problem!

Thanks again :)
Hi curly! 

Sha, I'm so hoping you & all of the other lovely ladies here have a sticky little one soon. 

Tammy, I'm glad you're feeling better. I do think it sounds like you're in good shape with the progesterone level. I hope your upcoming procedures are just what you need to kick your fertility in high gear. 

Hi to everyone else. 

Afm, af arrived today. What's really weird is that I've never had so many pms symptoms (sore bbs, cramping for 3-4 days, headaches, etc) for so long before af. I guess that's what made me think something was different this time. Ah, well. Onward & upward. At least af didn't arrive while I was on the beach!
Big hugs bright. It sucks, and it's never easy. :(sad I'm right behind you, probably tomorrow or Monday at the latest (currently 11dpo but BFN and know she's on the way).

Big day coming up on Friday. I went through a huge range of emotions last night once I realized it was really really going to be necessary. Anger, sadness, fear, rinse and repeat. It's not supposed to be this hard, or this scary just to get pregnant. It's also entered my mind more than once that getting pregnant isn't our only hurdle to clear. It's just scary and daunting. The closer I get to 36, the more I panic and time is just FLYING by. :errrr:

Anyhow, here's hoping for better days and healthy babies for us all in the months to come. Thinking of you all. :halo:
Big hugs Bright!

I am CD 1 today (it really is disappointing every time...) and had been having weird quite painful cramps all week pretty much only on my right side. Maybe my body is just trying to get itself together...? Fertilityfriend is a hot mess with my cycle right now :twirl: Not even kidding, 11 days ago it has a red/pink CD1 (for a day of EWCM :rolleyes: ) and then green O day back to back!

But todays is really CD1, so here's to a great new cycle for all of us and sticky beans for everyone else:-)
Bright and Bella, I'm cd2 too. They say good things come in threes. I'm all for all three of us getting KU! So ready.

My hystersono, d&c & lap are on Friday, cd6. I hope we get to try this month, and that they find something they can fix that also explains why we've been unsuccessful the past 11 cycles. I'm pretty nervous about the surgery but also nervous that they might cancel me because I came down with a cold yesterday! No fever, just feel like poo. Not good timing. Between cd1 and that, I was an unhappy girl yesterday lol.

Hope everyone is doing okay. Big, big hugs to all.
Boo for the first days of new cycles, girls. :( The brighter side is that this is a new beginning for another shot! :) Chin up! Easier said than done, but... it will be easier (I think) in a fewdays. It's like a time to mourn, then to wait & hope again.

Miracle's jewelry is s a bracelet with a charm with her name & 2012 on it. I hope to get it one day this week!

My mother-in-law, Martha, has been having a hard time fighting the leukemia lately. I'm spending a lot of time with her right now because my job is the most family-leave time friendly. She's having a hrd time standing & I don't like the idea of William being there a lone with her. So, needless to say, I'm getting some precious time with a woman I love dearly. Some of the best time of our talks have been discussing things for our baby.

Miracle has a sibling! After 4 years of trying & getting Miracle (then losing her), God has given us a new little kiddo only 5 months later. Now that's another sweet, sweet miracle, no doubt!

I found out I was pregnant the night after I last posted & I've been a walking, talking, singing girl with prayer & praise ever since. :) We have our first ultrasound next week & my betas have been great (1164 for the first & 5774 four days later, because of the h :bigsmile: oliday). We are very excited & thankful & in awe that we're parents to this sweet little one. Fear tries to creep in, but we smack it down. :)

I really can't say how much I appreciate you ladies who've lifted me up over this long, often painful journey, especially when we had to say goodbye to Miracle. Please lift us up to be wonderful parents to this new baby, and pray that this kiddo is growing & thriving within me.

Keep holding on to hope & faith. It means everything! :bigsmile:

(Thus is NOT facpebook info til we get our baby's first pic....)
Oh Fisher, what amazing news! Thoughts and prayers are with you that this lttle baby is growing healthy and strong!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: oh Fisher!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Fisher - delurking to say congratulations! You certainly deserve this and I know that you and Paul will be wonderful parents. I am so happy for you and can't wait to hear updates!! Enjoy this magical time.
OMG fisher!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!! Grow healthy little baby!!!!! Oh this is just the best news!!!!!