
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 1/29/2009 4:06:54 PM
Author: Mandarine
Thank you girls :)
I feel right back at PS home already!

I won''t worry, but thank you for providing input!!! I guess it probably is good to have short cycles

So then I guess I should be ovulating about next weekend more or less...
Don''t forget the best times to DTD are during the 3-4 days BEFORE you ovulate! Cover those bases gal!
I assume DTD is really ''get busy''?
Date: 1/29/2009 4:25:53 PM
Author: Mandarine
I assume DTD is really ''get busy''?
Yup! "Do the deed", TTC Lingo ;)
Hi Mandarine, welcome and congratulations you lucky duck for having such a short LP! DD is right that temping is kind of like The Crack. It is very addictive!

While we''re on the subject of defining abbreviations like DTD, can someone puhlease identify this one for me? I saw it used on another forum, and I know it means DTD, but I have no clue what it stands for. GOF. Anyone? Whenever I read it my brain always wants to say "get on the floor" because that''s truly all I can come up with!
Date: 1/29/2009 3:23:07 PM
Author: Mandarine
Hello ladies :)))
Remember me?

I see a lot of familiar 'faces' and some new ones!

How are you all doing?. I haven't been on PS forever!...but I do lurk from time to time. My anniversary is coming up in less than a month (can't believe how time flies!) and I have been very busy with work (which is good in this economy!).

So I came to say hello...and also because well, we are going to start trying soon

I have tons of questions but not sure I want to know all that much so soon because I'm not even taking my temperature!. I stopped the pill (Ortho Tryclen-Lo) in November and since them my cycles have been: 34 days, 23 days, 23 days. So it looks like I'm settleting (sp?) into a 23 day-cycle...which is how I remember it sort of was before I was ever on any type of birth control.

I guess my question that too short?. I know I always had short cycles and that's one of the reasons I loved the pill (I had less periods!). Using basic calculators (no temps) my time to ovulate is almost right after my period. I was just wondering if anyone else had short cycles and if I need to be concerned at all?.

Anyway, I'm happy to be back and see all of you again

just wanted to say hey girl! I was actually thinking about you, wondering if you disappeared from this site permanently. Can't believe it's almost your 1st annivesary. As for your question, there is nothing wrong with a short cycle, so long as LP allows enough time for implantation (I think over 10 days is ideal--but this is really testing my memory). If you start charting, you'll see your pattern. I also had a shorter cucyle and also was on orth lo. Oh, and in case you didn't know, I got pregnanat about a year ago, and now have an adorable little 4month old girl! I'll be following your story :)
Date: 1/29/2009 4:39:06 PM
Author: Festy
Hi Mandarine, welcome and congratulations you lucky duck for having such a short LP! DD is right that temping is kind of like The Crack. It is very addictive!

While we''re on the subject of defining abbreviations like DTD, can someone puhlease identify this one for me? I saw it used on another forum, and I know it means DTD, but I have no clue what it stands for. GOF. Anyone? Whenever I read it my brain always wants to say ''get on the floor'' because that''s truly all I can come up with!
Bwahahahahaha! Get on the floor?! LMAO! Festy I have no clue, I''ve never seen that before but it sure made me choke on my water
Thank you Festy!! :) Can''t help you with the lingo questions but thanks for the welcome ;)

Janine!!!!! How are you!!? How''s married life treating you?. I was actually in NY about 2 weeks ago and thought about you! (right before my brain froze with the rest on my body! was chilly up there!!!). Ohhh, a little girl!! do you have pictures? Congratulations :)))
Before Dreamer clarified I thought DTD had something to do with the word "Dirty", bad bad mandarine!
I have a sense that GOF is something dirty. And I love some appropriately-placed dirty talk as much as the next guy
, but I cannot come up with anything that makes sense!

Glad I made ya laugh, InLuv.
Hi ladies! You've been on my mind! I miss you guys. Lame, I know. I can't possibly express how excited I'll be when you guys are on the prego thread! (I'm totally teary - these prego hormones are SOMETHING else!!!) Anyway, I've totally been stalking y'all.

Festy - Happy belated bday! I hope it was a great one! Oh, and you got me on GOF. Hmm. I'm not coming up with much. Ahh, but through my thorough internet sleuthing, I figured it out. Apparently, it means Goal Oriented F******. I'm SCANDALIZED!

Mandarine - Welcome! So weird, but you crossed my mind a few days ago, wondered if you were still on PS. Crazy world! Welcome to the group. These here are a GREAT group of folks. Just wonderful, really.

Lulu - I absolutely love your photography. You've got an amazing eye. Amazing.

Amber - Hope you are doing well friend.

BB - Hope all is well!

Peony - Yay for crosshairs! I hope they stick around because it looks like you timed things VERY well!

In-Luv - Hey friend. Good luck on your first cycle!
And I totally hear you on not wanting to POAS. I am not a big fan of the negative test. And also, we are trying to save money, so wasting tests was not such a great thing. Of course, I POAS'd on 12 DPO the month I was KTFU...but I just sort of had a feeling. And wanted to stop taking any medications I was taking - even though they were catagory B, I just didn't want to mess with it!

Fisher - I can't believe you haven't tested! You have so much more will power than I!!

November - Good luck with things. I hope AF comes OR you get a BFP! Stranger things have happened!

Natalina - I'm thinking that your lack of news is actually news! Or hoping for you anyway!

Sunkist - I *really* wouldn't worry about missing the day before O day! I know of at least two of us on the prego board (yours truly included) that got KTFU when the DTD two days before O or more!

As for me, I'm still plugging along. 8w5d. Still anxious, but things have gotten much better! Looking for some legal temp work, blah blah. I've found myself without much to do around the house since I can't make jewelry while prego. Apparently, insane chemicals are not so good for babies. So I'm trying to find something else to occupy my time - and also my CRAZY mind.

Hi, sweetie! Good to see you again!! Come on and join us, lady!! Okay, enough with the exclamation points. But I always get so excited when I see old friends come around the TTC bunch. Remeber Blen? She''s having a baby soon, and has quite the cute baby bump, might I add. The prego thread has pictures of her with her doggie in a baby sling. She''s a nut!

Anniversaries sneak up on us so fast, don''t they? We just had number two. Amazing.

Welcome girl, and I hope you''re not here on the TTC thread for long, but let me tell you, these girls are fun!

Lucky girl you are to have short cycles, Mandarine. It means less time waiting to ovulate.

Have you started on a prenatal vitamin yet? Not everyone does, but I read so much about the importance of it prior to actually becoming pregnant, and I''m a big advocate of it. Plus, some women end up with pretty severe morning sickness and are actually told to come off the prenatals, so I figure the more I can take pre-throw up stage, the better!


I googled GOF, and you''re right. It''s dirty. It''s "goal-oriented" then you know, the dirty word with an ing at the end. Hmm. I''d rather not think about creating my baby with terms like that involved. I much prefer baby dancing, which makes it seem like such a fun, whimsical time.

I have been thinking all day that my end to this cycle was upon me because I kept thinking I felt it starting. But no. It''s CM. Lots of it and I''m wondering what''s up. I seriously don''t remember anything like that before. Nutty cycle!
Date: 1/29/2009 6:43:34 PM
Author: littlelysser
Hi ladies! You've been on my mind! I miss you guys. Lame, I know. I can't possibly express how excited I'll be when you guys are on the prego thread! (I'm totally teary - these prego hormones are SOMETHING else!!!) Anyway, I've totally been stalking y'all.

Festy - Happy belated bday! I hope it was a great one! Oh, and you got me on GOF. Hmm. I'm not coming up with much. Ahh, but through my thorough internet sleuthing, I figured it out. Apparently, it means Goal Oriented F******. I'm SCANDALIZED!

Mandarine - Welcome! So weird, but you crossed my mind a few days ago, wondered if you were still on PS. Crazy world! Welcome to the group. These here are a GREAT group of folks. Just wonderful, really.

Lulu - I absolutely love your photography. You've got an amazing eye. Amazing.

Amber - Hope you are doing well friend.

BB - Hope all is well!

Peony - Yay for crosshairs! I hope they stick around because it looks like you timed things VERY well!

In-Luv - Hey friend. Good luck on your first cycle!
And I totally hear you on not wanting to POAS. I am not a big fan of the negative test. And also, we are trying to save money, so wasting tests was not such a great thing. Of course, I POAS'd on 12 DPO the month I was KTFU...but I just sort of had a feeling. And wanted to stop taking any medications I was taking - even though they were catagory B, I just didn't want to mess with it!

Fisher - I can't believe you haven't tested! You have so much more will power than I!!

November - Good luck with things. I hope AF comes OR you get a BFP! Stranger things have happened!

Natalina - I'm thinking that your lack of news is actually news! Or hoping for you anyway!
Sunkist - I *really* wouldn't worry about missing the day before O day! I know of at least two of us on the prego board (yours truly included) that got KTFU when the DTD two days before O or more!
Nuts!! LL got to be scandalous before me!!

LL, how goes that baby growing process? Emotional. Ah. The joys of hormones. I'm so excited for you! And praying things continue to go well for you throughout the next several months!!
Date: 1/29/2009 6:46:39 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

I have been thinking all day that my end to this cycle was upon me because I kept thinking I felt it starting. But no. It''s CM. Lots of it and I''m wondering what''s up. I seriously don''t remember anything like that before. Nutty cycle!
Fisher - you know lots of us had excessive CM right before we got our BFP right?

For the record - I have always thought DTD was "doing the dirty". Always. Forever. Never anything else. lol.
Goal oriented f***ing, I LOVE it!

Lysser: Can you tell me a bit more about your jewelry-making chemicals and how you came to the conclusion that you needed to stop using them (ob/gyn, MSDS, or something else)? I''m not super familiar with jewlerly-making--other than stringing beads on a chain, which I did in my youth!--but I''m guessing that you might be oxidizing metals or using organic solvents like toulene? As you know with o-chem lab I come into contact with some chemicals but my ob/gyn okayed it, especially since it''s only 3 hrs a week. I was thinking about maybe trying to get access to an organic solvents mask in addition to my usual gloves and lab coat. Glad your pregnancy is going well!
Date: 1/29/2009 7:05:52 PM
Author: mela lu

Date: 1/29/2009 6:46:39 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

I have been thinking all day that my end to this cycle was upon me because I kept thinking I felt it starting. But no. It's CM. Lots of it and I'm wondering what's up. I seriously don't remember anything like that before. Nutty cycle!
Fisher - you know lots of us had excessive CM right before we got our BFP right?
Yupperoo, that was my first sign! Sooooo much CF like I peed my pants!
It lasted for about a week or more, then, well, CF is all over the place when you are preggo.

You know, Fisher, your cycles are longer and wackadoo at times, but your LP has been pretty steady at 14 days... and tomorrow is 15DPO, right? I think if you still don't see AFF and the water works keep on flowing then maybe... just maybe...

ETA You know what I want to see Fisher.. Do the chart overlay thing in FF for your last few cycles... I want to see what your temps post-O this cyle look like for you last couple cycles. If you cant figure out the chart overlay, do you mind posting your last three cycles for me... I know, chart stalker
lysser - Hi!!
Congratulations on you pregnancy!! How exciting
That''s so funny you thought of me! I swear sometimes the mind works in crazy ways!. I love the new avatar! way too cute! Your doggies are so lovely

FISHER!!!! - I always tend to go over board with exclamation points so don''t worry...bring them on!!!!. I''m so glad to see you! How''s Paul?. Wow...two years! I can''t believe how time flies! Not long ago we were a pair of impatient LIWs! hehe ;)

I see from the past few posts that *maybe* this is your month! Fingers crossed! As much as I like you and love to be back on the same thread with you, I would be beyond excited to see you move over to the preggos thread! ;)

I did start on prenatals and have been on for the past month or maybe a little longer. I wanted to be on them for at least a month before we started to try. At least that''s what my Dr recommended. Speaking of Dr gave me prescription (foltab prenatals +DHA), but they are pricey! Are they worth the extra $? Not sure what you gals recommend...

I just saw Blen''s picture!!! So cute!!!!

Gosh, LIW seems like forever ago now doesn''t it? But it was a fun time in life and with so much drama, too! Paul''s good. I give him updates from time to time on the girls he knows from here. I''ll have to tell him I saw Mandarine again tonight!

How are you liking being an Mrs?
Congrats on the almost anniversary!!

Yeah, CM is also a sign of jerky period coming, too. Hmph.


How did you know I wouldn''t know how to overlay my charts?
I actually think maybe it''s something you can only do if you''re a paying member? Either that or I''m just really, really slow.

Here''s my chart from August:

And Sept:

And Oct that went til Dec. (AYE!!!):

And current chart in all its glory:

Stalk away, DD!!

Date: 1/29/2009 9:52:51 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Gosh, LIW seems like forever ago now doesn''t it? But it was a fun time in life and with so much drama, too! Paul''s good. I give him updates from time to time on the girls he knows from here. I''ll have to tell him I saw Mandarine again tonight!

How are you liking being an Mrs?
Congrats on the almost anniversary!!

haha, yes definitely some drama so I don''t miss that part, but it was fun too! Remember engagement chicken?...hehe.

I''m loving married life. It has been an amazing year. We''ve had a chance to travel, decorate the house and basically just settle as a family (with the little doggie ;)). Definitely tell Paul hello!. After all, I did meet him before I met you so he''s like an "old friend" ;)
Hi Mandarine! So happy to see you
Congrats on getting ready to TTC soon and on your anniversary!! I too hope your stay is very short and that we can all book it over to the prego thread. That's cool your cycle has been short. Hoping it stays that way for you!

November I'm sorry you still haven't seen O yet. I'd say next week if you haven't seen O come by, it would be a good time to talk to your Dr. I hope being on Clomid will get your regular and that O comes soon!

Lysser it's so exciting that you're almost 9weeks along! It's nice to see you back here too. I'm so glad our sweet TTC graduates come back to check on us and calm our worrying TTC minds! DD and Mela thanks

Fisher I don't want say to anything, but ..........!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sending mounds of baby dusty your way, too)

Oh and Festy I must say I totally like your "Get on the Floor" better than what it apparently really stands for
But Fisher you're the one that's got me cracking up thinking about a fun and whimsical time!!
heehee! that's too cute.
Fisher Well your LPs have ranges from 14 - 16 so if today is 14DPO you canèt be *sure* you are late for a couple more days. But you always get a temp drom to the coverline or below on the day AFF shows up, so unless you drop to the coverline I wouldnt sweat temp variations over the next few days. And yup, lots of watery CF can mean AFF is on her way, but if that isnèt the norm for you then it could still mean something else! Anyways, Im glad you didnt POAS since you may still not be late and so I think waiting is good!
Hey Fisher, your charts look great! it just stinks that the October one was so long. But it looks like your body is really regulating, so that''s good.
Hi Sunkist!!!! So good to see you!!
It''s like coming to a reunion! hehe
I hope you also move over to the next thread soon!!! Baby dust
Hey guys!

Fisher - It has been tough, I''m not going to lie. My anxiety has been pretty bad, but I''m working on getting it under control. Blah. The spotting and such hasn''t helped, but that hasn''t happen for a while. So I''m hoping it''ll be done for a while anyway!

Peony - There are a LOT of chemicals involved in the jewelry making process. The chemicals used for finishing the metals are known to cause birth defects. Didn''t need anyone to tell me not to use those! There is investment used in the casting process - which contains all sort of crap. I also use various types of flux and solder for melting, heating and joining metals. Finally, there are lots of acids in the clean-up process. Hydrochloric acid, etc. I spoke with my doctor who referred me to my hospital''s genetics center. Long story short, a lot of these chemicals - including the solder and the flux - contain lead, flourides and other unknown chemicals. They aren''t really listed on the bottle or container. All things considered, the doctor and genetics recommended against using doing it while pregnant. And their recommendation was good enough for me!
So Mandarine do you guys have a timeline to start? Or are you waiting to see when it just feels right? I guess you said you think you'll be O'ing next weekend so maybe that means you've already boarded the train

About pre-natals, I'm just taking Target brand and I forget to take them some nights. Oops. I remember some other girls are taking store brand and others prescription. I think it's mostly preference.

Oh! Girls, the delivery man tried to deliver my baby bag today but hubby didn't hear the front door. So tomorrow I'm going to leave a note on the door so he can just leave it for me. I can't wait to see it. Then I'll stash it away for a special day (hopefully soon).

eta: Lysser I didn't realize your jewelry was so involved! It sounds really neat. Did you ever get a Etsy store started? Perhaps that waiting till after the baby is born.
Hi, friends.

So, today''s temp was in the same range as yesterday''s (a little lower, but still high and no where near the coverline), and I got all kinds of excited. Today is 15DPO, according to FF, and even though last cycle had an LP of 16 days, I still think I ovulated the day before FF is recognizing it, and other than that one cycle, I never had an LP of that length. And well, at this point, my chest has those little bubbles out of the top of my bra (something I''ve NEVER experienced before and was quite excited about, but something I suppose many larger chested women despise!), like I''m busting out of it. So I thought, "what the heck, I could test this morning and just see what happens.

This is something Paul had mentioned last night, since he thought for sure my period would have come yesterday. And he still swears my chest is growing.

Anyway, I got up after my temp, and I tested. And I didn''t have a second line. There was a shadow, but I''ve seen that before and it means nothing. I used one of those cheap $ store tests. My FRERs are precious to me and I''m not going to use them until I am actually late, late.

It continues to amaze me how a pretty rational woman (I mean, I have my moments, but I''m sane!!) can truly believe she is experiencing changes that can, when all piled together, only be recognized as signs of finally carrying that baby she''s dreamed of since oh I don''t know, age 8?, when all the while it''s just her body and mind playing tricks.

I thought about not posting that I''d tested, but that''s not fair. After all the excitement, I''m sorry to have first let myself and my husband down, but also to have let down the community here. I know everyone was hoping for a reason to celebrate, and while I can''t bring that now, just as soon as I can, I''ll come with arms flailing and tears flowing, so overwhelmed with the joy of sharing with you all.

Paul is always my trooper, and he remains such a rock with me through this journey. He said that it''s not over til it''s over and he''d really like an explanation of why my chest has grown (and if I''m not pregnant, he hopes it doesn''t "deflate" anyway) and that until there is a period, the hope remains for him. If nothing else, this process just reinforces to me why I love him so much. We have been praying for this change in our lives to come at the best time for us, totally understanding that that may not be the time we think is best, and so hope still is not lost (and will not be lost), and though I''m sad for the moment, I''m content in knowing that God works miracles all the time, and ours is coming. God is God not dependent on our situation or our feelings, and so our faith and trust in Him cannot just waver to and fro with the whims of our hearts, and that''s something that''s really become solid within me during this process. I guess as long as we are growing and learning, the process is worth something along the way. Maybe, but dang, I''d like to be done with this process!!

And who knows, I could be pregnant and have gotten a false negative, although at 15DPO, I don''t know how likely that is.
Fisher, I''ve been super busy and haven''t been on PS recently, but Sabine told me that your chart''s been looking awesome so I had to check in to see if you tested. Those $tree tests never got very dark for me and both bfp''s started out as that super faint shadowy line you''re describing. I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!