
The Official TTC Thread!

Radiant, thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot and a huge CONGRATS to you on your good news!!!!
Hi everyone!
Just popped in to day hi, and I see radiant''s post! That is wonderful! Big congrats to you for the pregnancy and for getting over the 12ww (aka the first trimester). I also noticed that it looks like you had some progesterone support early on (if that''s what the P meant). Did you have low progesterone, or was that just a precautionary measure? I had an early miscarriage in December. Thanks SO much!

P.S. swimmer, I was a 200 butterflier.

And good luck to everyone else this cycle (fisher most immediately!).
Peonygirl - Thank you! It does feel better being in the 2nd trimester, but the worrying still continues. I did take prometrium until 12 weeks because my doctor just wanted to take precautionary measures. My progesterone level was actually on the good side. I was also taking baby aspirin until 12 weeks as well. She said it wouldn''t hurt, so wanted to do all she could to help me keep this pregnancy. I am so sorry for your loss. How are you feeling nowadays? Congrats on your 4.0 gpa. I remember reading that a while back. That is ao awesome! Are you and hubby ttc now or waiting?

Thank you ladies for the congrats! I hope to see everyone over at the Pregnant thread really soon.

CONGRATULATIONS!! Are you feeling the baby move yet? When''s your due date? I''m so glad you''re at a point in the pregnancy now where you feel comfortable that the baby''s going to make it into your arms. Indeed he or she will!! Enjoy all the moments along the way, mommy-to-be!!


A non-TTC comment every now and then is always a good thing. Sometimes I feel like all I think, do, breathe, is charting, temps, CM, BDing... so many initials!!

Pandora, to answer your question was not below the coverline (which is 97.98), rather it was just less than 1/2 degree under yesterday''s temp, which was my highest. My first temp this morning was 98.40, and I thought, that''s too low. So I re-took and got 98.76. But I''ve always been told to put the first temp of the day into the chart, so that''s what I did. I''m doing my best to just hang out til Friday or so, but a friend from work brought in 4 of those dollar tests today (she is pre-TTC, and we talk about babies all the time, it seems). She kept saying, "If you''re gonna pee, pee in here" and pointed to a Dixie cup, you know like Wayne''s World, only they say "spew," talking about puking. She thinks she''s so funny!!

So anyway, I''m going to just see what tomorrow''s temp is. Maybe I''ll be a lucky girl and it''ll rise on up again.

I''ve been posting like nuts on here and acting like my every thought should be shared. This is me promising to calm down and only come around with relevant (ie, not in my head) information. Sorry, girls.


Great to see you again, girly!! Always thinking good thoughts for you, you know!!
Hey girls! Been MIA for a day or two because I''m trying to be patient. Today is 15DPO, period was due on 12DPO. Fisher- I feel JUST like you''ve described. Chest a bit fuller, but not necessarily sore, still having the strange feeling right above pubic bone, kinda in the squishy spot between belly button and ''down-there''...not really cramps, but something different. For what it''s worth, my temps have also been fluctuating anywhere between 98.1-98.5 but never below the coverline. I am NEVER late, so I''m pretty hopeful. FF says test on the 31st...uh, that seems so far away...I''m really feeling good for you and I, Fisher!!!

Question: how do all of your DH''s feel about testing and/or telling people? We were discussing it last night and DH said he really wants to wait until I am significantly late to test, and then really doesn''t want to tell ANYONE for a while because he''s afraid we''ll "jinx it." I said "but I HAVE to tell my girls on Pricesope!", and he was not a fan of even that. I guess it''s not an issue yet, and I agree with not telling anyone IRL, but gosh, I''ll be dying to tell you guys when it IS time! Anyone else run into anything like this with their DH?
Date: 1/27/2009 9:06:10 PM
Author: natalina
Hey girls! Been MIA for a day or two because I''m trying to be patient. Today is 15DPO, period was due on 12DPO. Fisher- I feel JUST like you''ve described. Chest a bit fuller, but not necessarily sore, still having the strange feeling right above pubic bone, kinda in the squishy spot between belly button and ''down-there''...not really cramps, but something different. For what it''s worth, my temps have also been fluctuating anywhere between 98.1-98.5 but never below the coverline. I am NEVER late, so I''m pretty hopeful. FF says test on the 31st...uh, that seems so far away...I''m really feeling good for you and I, Fisher!!!

Question: how do all of your DH''s feel about testing and/or telling people? We were discussing it last night and DH said he really wants to wait until I am significantly late to test, and then really doesn''t want to tell ANYONE for a while because he''s afraid we''ll ''jinx it.'' I said ''but I HAVE to tell my girls on Pricesope!'', and he was not a fan of even that. I guess it''s not an issue yet, and I agree with not telling anyone IRL, but gosh, I''ll be dying to tell you guys when it IS time! Anyone else run into anything like this with their DH?
You know that if you hit 18 DPO you are pretty much preggo, right? That is the rule of thumb. So really, three more days and you don''t even need to test! I think you should test now since you are probably far enough to get an accurate reading.

As for your DH, he is being silly, but only you can know if you want to humour him or not! LOL! I didn''t tell anyone until I was 18DPO since prior to that early m/c is so common (got the BFP at 11DPO). In your shoes I would humour DH with people in real life but I would tell people on PS. THis was the first place I went!
Ok Natalina, I think it''s time for you to POAS!!! Pleeeeaaase

Radiant congratulations!
I''m so glad for your good news. I feel like it''s a happy ending to your story, only really the story has just begun, right? yay for being in the 2nd tri already too!

Hi Peony! Glad you''re still peeking in.

Fisher I''m getting way excited at your chances this month! I will be so elated for you if this is it. You''re just going to keep waiting, aren''t you
Fingers doubly crossed over here for you! Oh, and please don''t stop sharing all your wonderful thoughts. You know we all think the same things. I like to read them :)

I''m on CD10. BD time is coming up this weekend. We''re doing the every other day method and it''s so hard to pick what day to start. What if I pick the wrong day and don''t BD the day before O?? I feel like we''re playing a huge game of chance here.
Date: 1/27/2009 9:47:05 PM
Author: sunkist
I''m on CD10. BD time is coming up this weekend. We''re doing the every other day method and it''s so hard to pick what day to start. What if I pick the wrong day and don''t BD the day before O?? I feel like we''re playing a huge game of chance here.
How about trying every day then?
Many a successful PS TTCer has used that tried and true method... but it is tiring and not for everyone, that is for sure
DD, haha, if only
I think I could swing it since I''m on a mission here to get that egg fertilized. But hubby isn''t an everday kind of guy. He''s hurtin'' after 2 days, I don''t know what would happen to him if I made him do 3 days in a row!

Girl, you're a patient one, aren't you?
I'm thinking only the best in the world for you and your hubby.

As for when to tell others, I think everyone's different. We had originally wanted to wait the 12 weeks, but I think it's more realistic for us (I'm a blabber mouth and I've wanted to be a mother for SO long, I can't imagine hiding such wonderful news!!) is to wait 8 weeks or so. Paul doesn't care when we tell and wouldn't mind the whole world knowing the day we get a positive screen, but I'd rather not have to deal with sorrow and loss with the whole world knowing, if that makes sense.

Let us know how the testing goes, when you do it, my dear! It sounds like you're the most promising one this go-round, lady!!!

My temp did rise again this morning. Time will tell. Today is either 13 or 14 DPO, depending on when I ovulated.


I hear you on the picking the days thing for the BD line. Paul and I tend to be every other dayers, or two days on, one day off. The thing to remember is that there is a fertile window, and not to stress out over just one day. That helps me to calm down, anyway.
OMG, Natalia and Fisher, test test test!!! I''m so hopeful for both of you! I keep checking in every day, and every time I see a post from either of you, I get all excited until I see that you two are just so dang patient! Of course, I understand not wanting to be let down, but I really can''t wait for some good news from both of you!
Date: 1/27/2009 9:06:10 PM
Author: natalina
Hey girls! Been MIA for a day or two because I''m trying to be patient. Today is 15DPO, period was due on 12DPO. Fisher- I feel JUST like you''ve described. Chest a bit fuller, but not necessarily sore, still having the strange feeling right above pubic bone, kinda in the squishy spot between belly button and ''down-there''...not really cramps, but something different. For what it''s worth, my temps have also been fluctuating anywhere between 98.1-98.5 but never below the coverline. I am NEVER late, so I''m pretty hopeful. FF says test on the 31st...uh, that seems so far away...I''m really feeling good for you and I, Fisher!!!

Question: how do all of your DH''s feel about testing and/or telling people? We were discussing it last night and DH said he really wants to wait until I am significantly late to test, and then really doesn''t want to tell ANYONE for a while because he''s afraid we''ll ''jinx it.'' I said ''but I HAVE to tell my girls on Pricesope!'', and he was not a fan of even that. I guess it''s not an issue yet, and I agree with not telling anyone IRL, but gosh, I''ll be dying to tell you guys when it IS time! Anyone else run into anything like this with their DH?
I cannot believe that you haven''t tested yet - I would have been climbing the walls by now!

My husband refused to believe any test with a line on it - he needed to see the word PREGNANT on a digital to believe it. He was somewhat amused by the enormous box of ICs that arrived from ebay and I used to have to pretend that I''d only done 2 tests a day (from 5DPO onwards...), not that he believed me at all.

He knows better than to ask me to keep my own secrets - no chance...
PS knew before he did, and my parents, my SIL and my friend who''s an OB knew within an hour of my getting the BFP and straight after he did. My mother was horrified as she was going on the basis of my telling her at 12 weeks (not 3.5 wks) and so I would have been pg at my wedding! Shock, horror...

He told most of our close friends before we got to the 6 week mark, I had to tell work at 7 weeks and told them I didn''t mind who knew.

I''m the sort of person who would rather that people knew so that if something went wrong I wouldn''t have to explain everything, and all the people we told would have been supportive.

Some people are more private and prefer to wait till a certain point - my sister did with both of hers. I''m not at all superstitious and I don''t believe that you can jinx things - what is meant to be will be and no amount of telling or keeping secrets will change that.

I can see a situation where if you had recurrent m/c you might want to hold off before you even acknowledged to yourself that you were ''safely'' pg, but otherwise I''m all for going with what feels right to you.

ETA: Tell your DH that if you just vanish from PS, we will all know that you are KTFU, so you may as well just spell it out!
Date: 1/27/2009 9:50:17 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 1/27/2009 9:47:05 PM
Author: sunkist
I'm on CD10. BD time is coming up this weekend. We're doing the every other day method and it's so hard to pick what day to start. What if I pick the wrong day and don't BD the day before O?? I feel like we're playing a huge game of chance here.
How about trying every day then?
Many a successful PS TTCer has used that tried and true method... but it is tiring and not for everyone, that is for sure
Don't... that's what we did. DH was very relieved we got lucky fast - mind you, he hasn't got any since then!
Lurker popping in to say that I''m crossing my fingers for you, Fisher and Natalina! Congrats on radiant! Sunkist- good luck with the BDing this weekend.
OMG Fisher & Natalia!!! I can''t wait to see when you girls POAS! I''m so excited for you two.

Sunkist - Good luck with the BD marathon. We are EODers to and I know exactly what you mean about picking which day to can be nervewracking!! My DH is not an every day kind of guy either so I get that too.

Peony -- So good to "see" you!

Radiant -- congrats to you for making it out of the 1st tri!

Festy -- You''ve got a deal...this is cycle 1 for both of us!

CD5 in my neck of the woods. Just waiting (story of our lives, right?)
fisher and natalina - Can''t believe you guys haven''t tested yet! Go POAS quick!!! Good luck ladies.

Sunkist - Thank you. I really hope I will get that happy ending. Good luck this cycle with your BD time coming up. I think going with every other day is good. The first time I got pg, it was just from doing it every other day for 3 days. If you look at my chart, we skipped the day before O and just BD the morning of O. I think mixing it up between PM and AM is good as well. Are you using OPKs on top of charting? If not, I would recommend that as well.
Oh this is just the best! Natalina and Fisher, you guys are killing us! I absolutely love all you gals and how predicatble we are. Anytime someone gets to around 10 DPO and decides to wait to POAS, I know I can count on a post from Pandora saying, "I would have P''d on like 19 sticks by now!" It makes me laugh every time! What would I do without this place?

Radiant, congratulations on your BFP and for making it through your first trimester!

Natalina, you know you''re not going to get a straight answer from us about posting your BFP, right?

Hi Peony, I hope all is well with you!

Sunkist, we also do the EOD (every other day) thing and I struggle to decide which day to start. Since it seems like I''ve been Oing on either CD 13 or CD15, I have us BDing on CD 10, 12 and 14. At least those are the "appointments" in DH''s Outlook for this cycle.

CD 3
I came on to see if anyone had tested this morning and it looks like the answer is no
heehee, just teasing you, but really I can''t wait to hear some good news!

Thanks everyone for the BD well wishes! It''s good to hear a lot of us are EODers. Radiant I may go get some OPKs. Hmm, I''ll take a look! Festy I like your calendar titles :)
This is me, NOT saying anything about any feelings or intuitions I may have. Not saying anything at all. Just checking this thread OFTEN.

I waited awhile to test, but I was sure I wasn''t KTFU and I was a little scared of the outcome! In a good way. Now I am like, how do you have the patience, but I totally did. I wanted to make sure I was late before I tested. But I didn''t temp- Fisher I don''t know how you aren''t driving yourself crazy!!!!

As for telling, well it''s really hard not to tell ANYONE for 12 weeks. And the first 12 weeks are so nerve-wracking- imagine the 2WW for 12 weeks. I needed some support. I told PS, and my two best friends who are also pregnant. It was such a relief to be able to ask them questions, or just call when I stressed. My DH is great, but they don''t really get it. And my DH didn''t 100% believe we were KU until we went to the doctor. He kept saying the tests could be false positives. Not when you take 5!!!!

Good luck ladies. Sending lots of dust for each and every stage of the TCC''ers!!!!
Fisher and natalina, I'm excited and hopeful for both of you too! Hope you get that BFP! Please let us know as soon as you decide to POAS. We're waiting with bated breath!

Just wanted to chime in about the BDing schedule thingy, with a question - if you have a good idea of when you will be O'ing and you also use OPK's, do you think it's better to focus the BD on the three or two days around O, rather than "spreading the wealth" around? DH and I are not big BDers either - so I'm thinking it might be better to focus on our BD on the most important days (day of positive OPK and day after- which would ideally be the day before and the day of O), rather than wearing DH out with BD every other day, and possibly depleting the sperm count a bit. Last cycle we bd'ed 2 days before O, and didn't get pg - so I don't feel like Bding as lfar out as 2 days before O would add much to our conception chances. Would love any feedback on this...

Date: 1/28/2009 11:56:26 AM
Author: Sha
Just wanted to chime in about the BDing schedule thingy, with a question - if you have a good idea of when you will be O''ing and you also use OPK''s, do you think it''s better to focus the BD on the three or two days around O, rather than ''spreading the wealth'' around? DH and I are not big BDers either - so I''m thinking it might be better to focus on our BD on the most important days (day of positive OPK and day after- which would ideally be the day before and the day of O), rather than wearing DH out with BD every other day, and possibly depleting the sperm count a bit. Last cycle we bd''ed 2 days before O, and didn''t get pg - so I don''t feel like Bding as lfar out as 2 days before O would add much to our conception chances. Would love any feedback on this...

I''d say that if you have experience using OPKs and find them reliable then concentrating the BDing may be a good idea. Since I rely on FF to tell me when I ovulated, I like to cover my bases a little more. Someone recently posted FF''s accuracy in predicting the *exact* day of O, and it''s definitely not 100%. I''m thinking of trying some OPK strips this time around, since it would be very beneficial to DH and me if we could pinpoint O more exactly.
Date: 1/28/2009 12:46:12 PM
Author: Festy

Date: 1/28/2009 11:56:26 AM
Author: Sha
Just wanted to chime in about the BDing schedule thingy, with a question - if you have a good idea of when you will be O''ing and you also use OPK''s, do you think it''s better to focus the BD on the three or two days around O, rather than ''spreading the wealth'' around? DH and I are not big BDers either - so I''m thinking it might be better to focus on our BD on the most important days (day of positive OPK and day after- which would ideally be the day before and the day of O), rather than wearing DH out with BD every other day, and possibly depleting the sperm count a bit. Last cycle we bd''ed 2 days before O, and didn''t get pg - so I don''t feel like Bding as lfar out as 2 days before O would add much to our conception chances. Would love any feedback on this...

I''d say that if you have experience using OPKs and find them reliable then concentrating the BDing may be a good idea. Since I rely on FF to tell me when I ovulated, I like to cover my bases a little more. Someone recently posted FF''s accuracy in predicting the *exact* day of O, and it''s definitely not 100%. I''m thinking of trying some OPK strips this time around, since it would be very beneficial to DH and me if we could pinpoint O more exactly.

Thanks for your reply, Festy. This would be my first time using OPK''s. I know they can be tricky to figure out....I''m thinking of looking at a lot of OPK pcs, to see what the progression to positive is like - then trying to BD when the strip looks fairly positive, so that we don''t miss the fertile window. My gyn told me to BD as much as possible at the sign of the first positive OPK, so that''s what we''ll try. I''ll have to get DH in gear for this first, though... He has a tough schedule next week, just before O.... (sigh!).

CD 5

Sha and Festy The research is very conclusive that the best odds of conception are O - 2, O - 1, and the day of O. Whatever you can do to hit one or more of those days is all the really matters! So no need to spread the wealth! Of course, pinpointing those days is the challenge. Are either of you monitoring your CF? It is really the best sign for predicting ovulation and when you get the hang of it it will tell you in no uncertain terms that O is apporaching. Then you can simply BD on the days you have EW or Watery CF. But if that sign isn''t working for you, other women here like OPKs, although when learning to use them I would suggest temping as well to be sure you are reading them correctly. Another option is a fertility monitor. More pricey, but many women like it too. Again, when learning to use it, temping at the same time is helpful because you can corroberate your signs. But I''d still try to get a handle on the old CF, it is a simple method of knowing what''s going on! Drink lots and lots of water and assess it internally, this makes it easiest.
Thanks, dreamer! That was helpful. I do check my cm and temp as well - and am usually able to know approximately when I''m O''ing - give or take a few days. Hopefully the OPK''s will help me narrow that window down to the 2 most important days in the cycle. That''s what I''m hoping! I''m also planning to drink lots of water and take Robitussin starting a good five days or so before expected O.
Hello everyone! This is my first post in this thread. My husband and I have been married one month now and started TTC this cycle. I am currently in the TWW! AF is due Feb 5th. I''m not charting or temping, as I want to just see if I can conceive without all that work! I have super regular cycles and this cycle we bd''ed starting 5 days before suspected ovulation date and then every day for about a week and then every other day just to be safe, lol. The husband is a very happy camper! I was on BCP until late November and this is my second natural cycle post-bcp. My first post BCP cycle was 28 days so I hope that was a good sign! Baby dust to us all!
Date: 1/28/2009 3:30:35 PM
Author: DMBsGirl
Hello everyone! This is my first post in this thread. My husband and I have been married one month now and started TTC this cycle. I am currently in the TWW! AF is due Feb 5th. I''m not charting or temping, as I want to just see if I can conceive without all that work! I have super regular cycles and this cycle we bd''ed starting 5 days before suspected ovulation date and then every day for about a week and then every other day just to be safe, lol. The husband is a very happy camper! I was on BCP until late November and this is my second natural cycle post-bcp. My first post BCP cycle was 28 days so I hope that was a good sign! Baby dust to us all!
I hope you caught it! Just one tip if it isn''t this month for you: To figure out the maximum possible window for ovulation, subtract 10 from your longest cycle (you may need to think back to pre-pill for this) and 16 from your shortest (again, maybe think back pre-pill). This will give you the best estimate of the range of days in which you will ovulate! Most women do not actually ovulate on CD-14. From the sounds of it, you covered your bases well this month!
Date: 1/28/2009 3:05:21 PM
Author: Sha
Thanks, dreamer! That was helpful. I do check my cm and temp as well - and am usually able to know approximately when I''m O''ing - give or take a few days. Hopefully the OPK''s will help me narrow that window down to the 2 most important days in the cycle. That''s what I''m hoping! I''m also planning to drink lots of water and take Robitussin starting a good five days or so before expected O.
Be sure you take the type that is an expectorant, which helps produce MORE mucus... you don''t want a decongestant
. I think the active ingredient is genuflexin, but you can look that up I''m sure...
Date: 1/28/2009 4:35:02 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 1/28/2009 3:30:35 PM

Author: DMBsGirl

Hello everyone! This is my first post in this thread. My husband and I have been married one month now and started TTC this cycle. I am currently in the TWW! AF is due Feb 5th. I''m not charting or temping, as I want to just see if I can conceive without all that work! I have super regular cycles and this cycle we bd''ed starting 5 days before suspected ovulation date and then every day for about a week and then every other day just to be safe, lol. The husband is a very happy camper! I was on BCP until late November and this is my second natural cycle post-bcp. My first post BCP cycle was 28 days so I hope that was a good sign! Baby dust to us all!

I hope you caught it! Just one tip if it isn''t this month for you: To figure out the maximum possible window for ovulation, subtract 10 from your longest cycle (you may need to think back to pre-pill for this) and 16 from your shortest (again, maybe think back pre-pill). This will give you the best estimate of the range of days in which you will ovulate! Most women do not actually ovulate on CD-14. From the sounds of it, you covered your bases well this month!
thanks for the advice! i really hope I caught it 2!
Welcome DMBs! I really hope you did catch that egg this cycle too! I hope you stay in this thread is short and sweet
Welcome DMBsgirl! I remember seeing you on the BIW boards, I think. I hope your stay here is short and sweet as well!

Dreamer - I think you may mean ''guanesfesin'' (sp?). Yes, the one I take has that as it''s only active ingredient - it''s an expectorant.