
The Official TTC Thread!

Sunkist- those Petunia Picklebottom bags are so cute! Did you get one?

Festy- AF is due Monday, right? Fingers crossed for you that she does NOT make an appearance!

Sha- Any more news? Did AF come as you thought? I hope you're still in for this cycle!

Fisher- I wish I could help, but all of this charting stuff is so new to me. You are so much more well-versed in FF practices than I. Would you considering testing in a couple days? If your original O date is correct (not the one it just changed it to), you could possibly get a correct result, right? Or would it just drive you more bonkers because if it's negative, you still wouldn't know? But MAYBE it would be POSITIVE and we could all celebrate with you! What a predicament. I don't know what I would do. I saw your post to November, and I totally get wanting to be able to hold out hope as long as possible. Sending "beanie-wishes" your way! (ETA: was posting same time as you. Just saw that Paul was kinda thinking along the same line as I about testing. Do you think you might?)

I'm 12 DPO today. Temps are still high. Little bit of a dip at 7 DPO, and has been working back up since. LP is 12 days, but FF has my O date at CD 12, which is 2 days earlier than last month. It has never moved crosshairs, though. I'm so tempted to test, but I think I should wait longer. I think I might feel a little bit a pre-AF cramping, but not sure.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Fishie - I feel like the advanced setting gives so many results that I don''t agree with and that FAM is generally much more accurate (at least according to the TCOYF rules). It''s been a while since I used FF (preferred Ovusoft for charting, so used that) but I just remember not being happy with the advanced setting. Want to post your chart again, so that all make our own guesses? I really thought CD 20 (give or take one day) based on what you posted several days ago. And maybe you are triphasic!

Natalina - you know what else that cramping might mean?
Fingers crossed for two lines, whenever you choose to test.
Fisher FF is just a programme operating based on some "rules", so it isn''t the be all end all. If you know the FAM rules you can interpret your own chart without giving a crap what FF says. POst your chart and we will interpret it for you!
Thanks, guys.

I''m feeling a little better now, and I realize it''s just a program, but I''m so very tired of the moving the O around thing. It''s getting so old.

Paul made me feel lots better by pointing out that even if the O was moved forward, we had a BD line then, too. I just don''t like thinking that all this time of building up for possibly being a mommy-in-waiting has been moved forward. Grr.

Here''s my chart.

Please analyze. I can''t tell you how much I appreciate it when you take time to come and take a look. I trust you guys more than FF. Let''s just say FF is not my friend right now!!

Blen, was going back to work good for you? I hope so.

Fishie - I don''t know why on earth FF would change your O date to CD 26 based on that chart. The only thing I can think of is that it''s using your past cycles as a guide and is expecting O to be later? Looking at your chart it seems so clear to me that you O''d AROUND CD 20, if not on it. I would just give them a big fat "Whatever" and move on.

Lulu - those are great photos, thanks for sharing!

Natalina - keeping my fingers crossed for you. Yup, my AF is due Monday.

To everyone else, thanks so much for the birthday wishes! So far it''s been a great day. DH got me some lovely earrings and of course there''s that birthday dinner coming up tonight that has me sooo very excited. I was a little crampy yesterday and gave myself permission to have a one-day pity party, yesterday only. I swore that I would not let cramps ruin my birthday. So far I think it''s working!
Fishie - My money''s on CD 20 (or perhaps 19, but I''d guess 20 with the EWCM). And it looks like you have your bases covered, too! I''m feeling so much better now that I''m more active, and almost all of the achiness is going away - which is great, because I was afraid that it was just third tri uncomfortableness setting in that wouldn''t leave until the baby''s here. Thanks for asking.

Festy - happy b-day!
Date: 1/24/2009 5:08:30 PM
Author: Blenheim
Fishie - My money''s on CD 20 (or perhaps 19, but I''d guess 20 with the EWCM).
Big Ditto! Your chart is pretty clear IMHO.
Hi All! I''ve been quite busy the last few days and didn''t have time for PS
But I''m back

Fisher your temps are looking wonderful, girl! I agree on CD20 for your O day when considering your EWCM. I think your chart looks great and it''s only a good sign that the temps are still high. I''m hoping, hoping it''s your month.

Natalina I DID get one of the bags!! Posting the pic of it below. I can''t wait for it to come, but when it does I''m just going to store it in the back of my closet until I actually need a baby bag. As for having a bag that my hubby will carry, he has already bought himself what he calls a "tactical baby bag"
Something manly to carry the baby stuff in... He''s getting kinda into this. Anyways, I think this bag will be easy to change between and diaper bag and a purse. I hope so at least!

Festy, happy, happy birthday!
I hope you had fun celebrating.

I hope AF gets kicked off the doorstep for each of you and doesn''t get to visit this month because there is a little bean that took her place

Oops forgot to post my bag! here it is:


Hope your birthday was wonderful!! Hope you get a late birthday present of a baby this year, too! The ultimate present!!!


Thanks for the interpretation. I think I''m going to just keep my chart on FAM from now on. Maybe it will bounce around less that way.

I wonder why FF suggests using Advanced settings if it tends to make charts bounce around? That''s odd of them.

I''m feeling pretty good about taking a test on Friday or Saturday if I''ve not had a period yet. Or I may wait until Sunday, I''m not sure yet.

We had several people about to be up on their stupid visits from the period monster. I hope a baby coming along prevented that!


Love your bag! Too, too cute! And if your hubby has one himself, girl, there''s no reason not to have one yourself!! You''ll have to let us know how you like it once it arrives!!

Back to bed for me. Got up when the alarm went off to temp and wanted to chart it, to be sure it wasn''t going to shift my crosshairs on me. Happily, it didn''t.
Morning ladies. Well, AF started yesterday which is actually a good thing I think. That way, I gave my body at least a full month before getting pregnant again. Hubby and I were laughing thinking about getting pregnant in February again. That is when we conceived my son and he was born of my birthday! We were just thinking that would be weird if we had another one born on my birthday too...that would probably have to be some sort of record somewhere! Anyway, hope you guys have a great day!
Blen, Sunkist and Fishie - thanks! I had a great birthday. DH and I had the tasting menu at my favorite restaurant and ate like pigs! It was fantastic.

Sunkist - very cute bag!

Steph - glad to hear AF arrived and that things will be getting back to normal.

My own AF should be right on time...woke up to pretty bad cramps this morning. I''m feeling fine though. I didn''t have super high hopes for this cycle as our BDing wasn''t ideal. Friday was my sad day and I got it out of the way. Hope everyone''s having a good weekend! I''m going to go repot some plants. Woohoo!
Festy- Happy Bday! You should post pics of your earrings! Glad you had a yummie dinner. Yay to the start of a fresh new cycle for baby-making!

Sunkist- Oooohhh...I LOVE your new bag! As much as I am a sucker for a new bag, I can''t believe I didn''t even think of the world of baby bags waiting to be explored! This is going to be trouble.....

Steph- Glad you are on to a new cycle and enjoying a laugh with your DH about the prospect of another February conception! That would just be crazy if you had 2 kids BOTH born on your bday!

Fisher- I am keeping you in my thoughts this week- NO visits from AF! If dust can make a difference, I''m certainly sending you a windfall of it!

Hi guys! Still no AF yet, due today. Feel a little crampy, but not sure if it''s because AF will be here tomorrow or if it''s something new... Just posted on the preggo thread to see if any of them had period-like cramps the cycle they got KU. I bought a test but I feel like it would be a waste to take today if AF is just going to show up tomorrow. If I do take it, is it true that it''s best to take it first thing in the morning?
Sunkist - that bag is adorable! Good find.

Natalina - I just replied in the preggo thread about the cramping. In terms of testing, you ideally want your urine to be concentrated. This can be done by testing first thing in the morning, or by just not drinking or peeing for about three hours beforehand (so if you start now, you could test at bedtime). This matters most for early testing, and less later on as hcg levels rise.
Date: 1/25/2009 7:06:19 PM
Author: Blenheim

Natalina - I just replied in the preggo thread about the cramping. In terms of testing, you ideally want your urine to be concentrated. This can be done by testing first thing in the morning, or by just not drinking or peeing for about three hours beforehand (so if you start now, you could test at bedtime). This matters most for early testing, and less later on as hcg levels rise.
Ditto. I didn''t actually get cramp before my BFP, but rather in the two weeks after it was very common. My first sign was actually a ridiculous amount of watery CF, and others have had that too, though it is no guarantee. I say test in the morning, why not?
Steph I''m glad your happy about AF showing up. That''s how I felt when my period showed that first month after stopping BC. Doctor recommended waiting one month before trying. Although that wasn''t that important to me, at least i could then tell my doctor I had! :)

Festy a tasting menue sounds so fun! We had it one time in Vegas. What type of food is your favorite restaurant?

Natalina, yes I''ve been looking at diaper bags for like a year
haha! There are so many choices. RE: your question - I''ve heard a lot of girls say they got cramps before they found out they were prego. It''s led me to be excited a bit when I first felt AF cramps. It could be a good sign for you! I hope it''s not AF for you.

Fisher, glad FF didn''t shift your crosshair again this morning. It bugs when the cross hair shift, but do you have a gut feeling about when you O''d? I always seem to, even when they''ve shifted these couple months. I''m so excited for your beautiful chart! haha, and I hope even more that you get to test and it turns out positivo. And I will def let you know how I like the b-bag when it arrives!

Hi to everyone else! Hope you''re all doing well. Peony, I hope you''re doing OK with your busy schedule! Missing you around here

Excited to hear from you again soon. Hoping all the best for you, girlie!! Lots of wishes for a positive pregnancy test and NO stupid period!!!


How funny would it be to conceive in the same month of the year for two children? That would be awesome!! And, if you kept any of your maternity clothes, you''ll be set for the right seasons, again!

Good luck to you this cycle, and I''m glad you''re in good spirits. That''s the best place to be!!

Temp up again today, so I''m happy. I''m nearing the 99 degree mark now, and I''ve never been there before. I was really, really, really tempted to test this morning, because of the high temp, but I''m only 11 DPO (or 12, maybe). Paul''s at a conference all day Saturday, so I''m trying to decide if I should wait til Sunday morning to test.

Who knows, I could cave and test right now. Aye. Indecisive!!

Hope everyone has a good week!
Morning Ladies!

Fisher -- TEST NOW!
You know you should never come here indecisive about POAS! I think POAS will always be our vote! Sorry FF was giving your trouble with your chart but I agree with everyone else- FF is crazy sometimes!

Lulu -- Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing. I haven''t been skiing in forever (since I tore my ACL doing it, lol). I hope you had an awesome time!

Festy -- Glad your b-day was awesome and you got your sad day out of the way! So have I!

Sunkist -- Super cute bag!

Steph -- Glad AFF came back so you can get started sooner!

Hello to Amber, Novemberbride, Blushing, Natalina and anyone else I missed!

It''s CD3 here in my world...looking forward to another month!
Fisher, oh my goodness! Let us know if you test, eee! :) It still could be a little early in your LP and FF saysrising temps in your LP aren''t telling until you get that positive test, but come on. We all associate rising temps with prego, dont'' we
hmmm, so hard to tell, but if you test I hope you''re happily surprised, honey!

InLuv good to see you! yay for a new cycle. I''m still at the start of my TTC journey, but I feel like a new beginning brings so much hope. I hope you feel that way too. Thanks for the comments on my bag!
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well this morning. Fisher, nice temps! I think you can get a reasonably accurate result at 12 dpo. Or would you rather wait until Paul is there so the two of you could test together? Whichever day you decide to POAS - I hope you get that BFP! I would be excited by those temps, too!

Festy, did you test already? I believe you said you would've been nearing the end of your cycle around now?

I hope you and Fisher (and whoever else is testing) have better results than I did. AF came for me at 17 dpo, on Saturday. I was really hopeful there for a bit because my LP is usually 14 days - and this time I went through 15 and 16 dpo without even a spot. So I was really thinking... could I be? Then stupid AF came in full force on Saturday morning (sigh...!). I guess the Clomid lengthened my LP, which I've heard it can do.
So on to the next cycle for me. I'm going to try for better BD timing this time around. Last cycle we only BD'd 4 and 2 days before O, so I guess I'm not surprised we didn't get KU. I was checking out the chart galleries on FF, and I notice that 99% of the pregnancy charts had BD either on the day before or the day of O, or both. So I think that's a good guide for what we should be trying for this cycle.

Have a great day, all! Back to work...

ETA- InLuv, I'm also on CD3, so I guess we can be cycle buddies this cycle..?
CD 1 right on schedule, and I mean to the minute. You could seriously synchronize your watches based on my cycle. Hah! Oh well. I sent DH 3 meeting requests on Outlook for the days when we need to get busy. I forgot that everyone he works with can see the subject of his meetings because he shares his work calendar with everyone! Oopsies. I''m going to go back to temping next cycle too, at least until O is confirmed. I kind of miss it.

Fishie - P. O. A. S. Please!

InLuv - Hi there friend. Let''s pretend this next cycle will be our first month trying. Whaddya say?

Sha - I''m sorry you''re out and that your LP faked you out. That really stinks. But it seems like the Clomid is working which is awesome!

Sunkist - The restaurant serves kind of yuppie food, ya know? Hard to really peg what ethnicity it is because there''s a little bit of everything.

Natalina - How''s it going? Any news?
Come on ladies! We need some new blood on the preggo thread, we are about to lose dear DD and a few others when they "graduate". Rooting for all of you, as always.

Btw, I realized today that I always read this thread first, before I check the preggo thread, just in case there is some good news! I guess old habits die hard, huh?

Happy belated birthday Festy and happy belated anniversary Fisher!

I know some of you are frustrated, but try not to focus on how many cycles you''ve been trying. Remember all it takes is one!!!!!!!

Let''s hope AF is simply too tired and too cold to get out this month.

Lulu- I''ve said it before, but man, your photos are just breathtaking. I know it''s a hobby but you are seriously talented. Hope you enjoyed your skiing trip and Inauguration Celebration.
No pee sticks for me, guys. I have been feeling this weird kind of pressure today, but not really like pre-cramping, but maybe it is. I don't know. I can't describe it very well, but it's low, really low down, and not painful, but just this pressure and it comes and goes, and has done so for the past day or two, but more so today. It has me concerned though, that this may not be our cycle. Blast and wretch. I have been so excited.

I've been exhausted all weekend and today at work was nuts; and I think I'm going to take a nap before Paul gets home from work. That is if I can get the doggies to act right and stop playing around with one another, barking and jumping on me.

I hope the new starts to cycles for you ladies who have had one over the weekend and today brings a new beginning with a happy bundle of babydom in oh, I don't know, about 9 months!

China Cat, how sweet of you to come check in on us so regularly. Here's hoping we have lots of graduates soon!!
Sha boo on AF for trying to pull a fast one on you. That just not nice
Someone should teach her some manners.

Fisher, that''s weird about your low pressure feeling. Maybe it''s the darned crampage starting in, maybe not. I hope it''s not.

Hey Festy, CD1 eh? Like I said, new beginnings. I''m feeling the optimism! I wish we could know how long we had to wait before we get to see our BFP though. It would make the waiting so much easier, don''t you think? So what was the title of the meeting requests you posted to your hubby?? I hope it wasn''t too embarassing

it''s great having pregos stop by to see what''s going on. Thanks! I can''t wait for each one of us to graduate. Man, this almost just how it felt in college, the feeling that it''s so far away. But, no, I"m hoping it''s really really soon for us all.
Fisher, can''t wait till you test. We need some good news around here!

Hope everyone has a great day!
I''m definitely waiting to test until at least Friday or Saturday at this point, if I even need to. I had a temp drop today, and it seems too late in the game to be from implantation. And even if it is, that would mean that all the "changes" I''ve been thinking I have been feeling have been completely in my head. What I can''t explain is that my chest has absolutely gotten fuller. I''m small chested and any increase is easily noticed, and even felt in the way I carry myself. The sneezing, stuffy nose thing could have been a minor cold or sinus issue. The sleepiness all the time could be from the dreary weather we''ve had lately (that always seems to make me want to curl up in a ball and nap). The twingey pressure things could be the idiot period gearing up. But the chest thing I can''t explain away. I''m slightly heartbroken today, because Paul and I have both really gotten our hopes up.

His mother is going through a real rough patch in her treatment, and we were just aching to share some happy news with her come the end of February (we decided 8 weeks along would an appropriate amount of time to wait). I know the story, I''m not out til I''m out, but I definitely don''t want to further have let down by seeing negative after negative on pee sticks.

The other thing is that my temp drop has always come the day of my period, and it''s too early now unless FF got my O wrong and it was really earlier.

I feel almost stupid thinking this, but I do still have hope. Something has just felt so different this go-round. And to have an almost *normal* cycle length, to boot. Complete elation. IF this isn''t our month, I hope with all my heart that next cycle is as regular as this one has been.

November Bride and Natalina were nearing the ends of their cycles last we heard from them. I hope we hear some happy news from them soon!! That would be great. We do totally need some good news around here!!!
Fisher - is the temp drop below the coverline?

In my BFP cycle I had two temp drops in a row on CD10 and CD11 - they never went below the coverline though. Here's a pic of my chart from that cycle...

I'm hopeful for you - I also admire your willpower, I'd have POAS days ago...

Hi China, hope you''re doing well! No kidding do we ever need some graduates! Pretty soon I''ll be like one of those 20-year-old seniors.

Fishie, I''m keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you. I wouldn''t POAS either.

Sunkist, the meeting titles were pretty tame, but not anything you''d want your work colleagues seeing. Things like "Us Time" and "Wacka Wacka." DH is just old enough that he didn''t associate Fozzie Bear with Wacka Wacka. Not exactly what you''d think of for sexy times, but it seemed oddly appropriate.
Hi ladies, it''s been a while since I''ve been on here. I posted over at the Pregnant thread last week that I''m KU. I was avoiding PS for months because I didn''t want to stress myself out and didn''t want to say anything until I hit my 2nd tri. I am currently 15w2d today.

Just wanted to chime in, and I''m sorry if I missed anyone:

Fisher - your chart looks great! I don''t have will power like you do. I would POAS soon! I have attached my chart so you can see. I POAS on 9 dpo. I just had a feeling along with my cramps that weren''t the usual AF cramps. The only other time I had that was my first pregnancy that ended in a missed miscarriage, if you remember my story.

Natalina - My cramps are what made me think I was pg. AF wasn''t due for another week so I kind of knew something was up. It turned out to be implantation cramping. GL to you!

Festy - Happy belated bday!

sunkist - Cute bag!

steph - I''m so sorry to hear about your loss. Luckily AF came in time for you. It took me 105 days, 3.5 months to get my first AF again after my D & C last March. It took us 4 months of charting after the 1st AF for me to get pg. It took me a long time to get over my loss, but it does get better in time. I wish you the best of luck!

To everyone else, good luck this cycle and hope we get some BFPs soon!


So many congratulations Radiant!!! To a healthy pregnancy

thanks for the compliments on the pictures ladies - photography is definitely a growing hobby and I feel like this thread can use the occassional non-TCC distraction