
The Official TTC Thread!

Happy MLK day all,

Sunkist - Well, doesn''t that beat all. But like others have said, it sounds like your body is getting back to normal. I guess that''s one way of looking at the crampies, eh? I hates dem too. Hopefully you will follow in the footsteps of the illustrious DD and get KTFU as soon as all the hormones have regulated!

Fisher - that is great news about your chart! Anxiously awaiting its posting, which I know you''re working on...unless you''re at work actually working! (I am not).

Lysser - Hiya friend! Why oh why can nothing ever be easy? I''m so glad that you were able to have that ultrasound to confirm the heartbeat, although every minute leading up to it must have been agony. Hang in there! Every day brings you closer and closer. Thanks for the encouragement, too. Would you believe it, but this was the FIRST flippin cycle I have not gotten super sore n*ps after O. I''m still pretty sure I O''d, b/c they were a little sore, just not enough to enter it as a symptom. I may not go back to temping unless our RE suggests it...we see him on Feb. 20.

DD - I know you are wishing time would slow down a little, but I practically have Feb. 28 marked on my calendar! I am so excited for the birth of that baby!

Peony, Sha, November, InLuv, Natalina - greetings! Go Steelers, all you PA peeps!

GRRR!! I'm sorry that stupid period had to come along. Stupid. Argh!!

But, if the cramps are more like they used to be prior to BC, then that could very much be a good sign. I remember when I came off BC, I was so excited for the first cycle because I had NO cramping. I loved it. Then the cramps came back with attitude, to make up for the year they missed, I guess.

I hope this is your cycle, girl!!

So Cal girl,

How's it feeling, being a mommy-to-be?


You're on the home stretch now, girl. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts!!


7 weeks is great! In no time, you'll be in DD's position, getting ready to be a mommy!!! Yay!!

Well, since FF has moved my crosshairs four times this go-round (CD16 to CD18 to CD20 to CD21), I don't know when I actually O'd this cycle, but it's enough for me to know that I have in fact O'd. I was looking online last night (on my phone, now I can't find the website, but it was something like dwmed or wdmed or something. Maybe dxmed. I don't know) and it said that BBT only accounts for accuracy on the actual day of O by 33%, and CM only by 38% (or something along those lines) and that the only way to *really* know when you O is to use OPKs. So, that was kind of sad, since I've put so much hope and trust in FF, but I figure that the CM and the BBT together equals almost 70%, right? And, since I've been doing this for 4 cycles now, I feel confident that temps in the mid 98 range means I've ovulated. So, long story short, I don't know how many DPO I am. But, if I'm not having a period by February, I'll be so eager to find a stick to pee on! As of today, FF says I'm 3DPO, but I think it could be off by a day or two. I really wanted it to be CD20, because I think that's when our BD is best lined up (isn't it said that the day before O is the best chance for babyhood?).

Anyway, today's temp was up there, too. I'm a happy girl.

I have developed allergies, apparently. Never in my life have I had them before, and yet, two days ago, sneezing like mad. Drippy nose, then runny eyes. Then stuffed nose. And the pressure in my sinuses is insane. I was telling Paul I thought it was a *sign* and he rubbed my back and said he loves it when I act like a nut. Hmph! I was mostly just playing, but it's so funny to have that, and no signs of sickness.

We're celebrating our anniversary again today (gotta love long weekends!!) by going to see Marley and Me. Funny story about that... last year (2007) for Christmas, my brother and sister-in-law got us tickets to the movies with no expiration date. Well, there are a ton of movie theaters in Cali that are Cinemark, but there's only two in the whole state of GA. So, off on another mini-day trip to somewhere south of Atlanta to see a movie. Tomorrow's our "real" anniversary, but I think we're about done celebrating now. I did talk Paul into watching our wedding video with me tomorrow night, though. He's thrilled.

DD, thanks for your post on how to bring up the FF chart easier. I tried it, but it only let me make it a bitman (or whatever it's called). Paul said I had paint opened wrong (how'd I do that???), so that's why I couldn't get it to work yesterday.

Fisher using FAM rules I put your O day at CD 19, but it isn't crystal clear. But I think it is pretty clear you ovulated, so woo hoo! ETA I think it is putting your ovulation on CD 21 because you put EW on CD20. What happens if you take that off and go only by temps? Although you probably had EW that day, many of us get it for a couple days after ovulation so it isn't surprising, but FF doesn't like fertile CF after ovulation at all!

As for that information about the accuracy of predicting O from temping/charting etc... take it with a grain of salt. OPKs are also notoriously difficult to use, so there is no magic bullet. I think it is probably true, though, that even using charting we are talking an accuracy window of 2-3 days for ovulation based on temping and CF. That's why, IMHO, it is so important to DTD every day if at all possible, and not to stop until the temps are sustained high for three days. Or to maintain an EOD pattern and also not stop until three high temps. This isn't always possible, but from the research that Indy and I did back in the day, DTD every day during the fertile window (which stretches from the first day of fertile CF until ovulation is confirmed with three high temps) was associated with the highest chances of conception in any given cycle. I think the reason for this is that you can't pinpoint the day of ovulation with 100% accuracy, and so every day covers the most bases and makes it most likely you will hit the most fertile days (O-2, O-1, and O day).

Anyhoo, that isn't to say that every day works for all couples or is even desired by all couples! But no matter what pattern you use, trying to cover a wider range of days pre and post temp-based ovulation is probably important.
Hey DD,

If I take off all EWCM, I get O day on CD16.

I hope our chances are good this cycle, though. I feel like this is the second cycle where we timed BD pretty good, anyway.

If I change to FAM on FF, I get cycle day 20, even with the EWCM there.
This is what FAM does. I didn''t change anything, kept the CM.

Odd, when I went back to FF to change it back to Advanced, it made my O day CD20.

FF is nuts!!
Date: 1/19/2009 10:31:24 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Odd, when I went back to FF to change it back to Advanced, it made my O day CD20.

FF is nuts!!
LOL! Well, I think you should assume it was CD19-21 and go with that
So you can assume AFF is late when you hit CD-35!
Yay ovulation! I''d guess CD 19-20, but it looks like you covered your bases regardless. I have my fingers crossed for you.
Hey ladies...
Sorry I''ve been MIA for a bit. Just a bit bummed that this hasn''t happened for us yet. Still a bit bummed actually especially since this is the first month that we didn''t even get any well timed BD in. My O day has always been CD 16-17 but this month is happened at CD12 when DH was out of town for work of course

So it''s 7 DPO and I know I''m out this month.
This is my 5th cycle & I''m just sad.

Sorry for bringing my depressed mood to the thread today...this is why I''ve been staying away.

Still rooting for all you ladies!
*Off to catch up*
Happy Monday ladies! Hopefully some of you who live in the states with me have today off for MLK Day, but I am stuck at work.

Still not feeling pregnant yet. So all of you ladies with no signs of pregnancy, you could still be KTFU!

We ended up telling our parents last night. Apparently they already suspected when I kept turning down drinks on Friday night. Lovely, they must all think I am a huge lush!

Anyway, who''s testing next? I''m excited to get some more positives this month!
InLuv Im so sorry you are feeling poopy... every woman TTCing has those moments---or weeks! or months!--that''s for sure! And it is extra rotten when the timing is off... still, stranger things have happened. Erica, who used to hang around here in the fall got preggo with on "act" about 8 days before her temps showed she O''d?!? And not to be pollyanna, but with 4 cycles trying (not counting this "missed" one) you are still well under the average amount of time to get KTFU. I only mention this in case part of your sadness stems from worries about whether you will ever get preggo or not... YOU WILL! {{{HUGS}}}
It''s good to hear from you, InLuv, but I''m sorry you''re feeling down.....
I can relate to feeling bad because of not even having a chance in a given cycle....Sometimes I wish there were more fertile days instead of just a mere 5-6. It''s really a short window of time.That''s weird that your O date changed like that - maybe you''re still adjusting from being off the pill?

How''s your cutie-poo Miley doing?

Socal - maybe it''s a good sign that you''re not feeling anything yet? Maybe you''ll have an easy pregnancy..
I think I''ve read a lot of symptoms kick in by the 6-7th week or so, though. Were your parents happy to hear the good news?
InLuv - I missed your post before. I''m so sorry you are feeling bummed. I''m pretty sure we''ve all been through it. *HUGS*, and I hope this next cylce is a better one.

Sha - I am hoping for an easy pregnancy, too. My mom said both of hers were easy, and she had super easy deliveries (she was in labor with me for about an hour), so I am hoping some of that rubs off! I think both sets of parents are excited. I think we''re all just trying to ease into it.

Here is my funny story for the day. When I told my mom last night, she told me I had to call my sister and tell her right away, since we have kind of been going through this TTC thing together (she is now PG with twins). Well, my sister just loves to scare the crap out of me. She has decided that since I got a positive so early on (10 DPO), that I am having something like quintuplets! She said she didn''t get her positive until 13 DPO, and she''s having twins. In her opinion, strong hormones early on equals more babies!
DD- You are totally right, I am still under the average amount of time it takes to get KTFU. I needed to be reminded, thanks!

Sha- Yea, it is weird that I O''d so early this month and basically no shot this month. I havent been on hormonal BC for years so it can''t be that. I guess I will just have to watch & see what happens in the coming months. Miley is great! Thanks for asking! She is so much fun and such a goofy girl.

SoCal Girl -- thanks for the support and Congrats to you on your BFP!! Sending tons of sticky dust your way for a sticky one!!

I still haven''t really caught up to comment individually since work was surprisingly busy today. Sorry...
Well, I know I''m going to be out for the cycle, probably by tomorrow. I was so hopeful yesterday, with OPKs getting darker and wondering if there mightn''t be the faintest of faint lines on the HPT. Then (after being unable to fall asleep I was so excited by the prospect of getting a BFP today), I woke up to a temp drop, and a fainter OPK and f-all on the HPT. And my CM is turning brown today, so the spotting''s kicking in.
And the best part? My brother called last night to say they''re pg with number 3. They started trying when we did over 3 1/4 years ago. I''m just feeling so worthless and hopeless and crushed right now.

Anyhow, that''s my cloud of misery for today...
Date: 1/19/2009 5:35:00 PM
Author: drk
Well, I know I'm going to be out for the cycle, probably by tomorrow. I was so hopeful yesterday, with OPKs getting darker and wondering if there mightn't be the faintest of faint lines on the HPT. Then (after being unable to fall asleep I was so excited by the prospect of getting a BFP today), I woke up to a temp drop, and a fainter OPK and f-all on the HPT. And my CM is turning brown today, so the spotting's kicking in.
And the best part? My brother called last night to say they're pg with number 3. They started trying when we did over 3 1/4 years ago. I'm just feeling so worthless and hopeless and crushed right now.

Anyhow, that's my cloud of misery for today...
Kate -- I'm so sorry. I won't even act like I know how you feel. We've only been TTC for 5 cycles. I couldn't imagine how I'd feel if we were TTC for years but I'm sure it would be exactly how you are feeling. All I can say is that I'm sorry you are feeling so down...**HUGS**
InLuv and DrK- thinking of you both and sending lots of positive vibes your way.....
DrK I am just so so sorry! Nothing I can say can make you feel better I am sure, but my deepest sympathies are with you right now. I watched my aunt and uncle go through 4 years of trying for each of their children, and it was so difficult for them but there was that light at the end of the tunnel when they finally got their babies. I know that will happen for you too and I am crossing my fingers it is sooner rather than later!

I can''t recall from your other posts, is there a particular reason you are holding off on IVF? (other than the obvious costs and the more invasive nature of it...) Just ignore my question if you don''t feel like answering, I am just curious.
InLuv - I''m sorry this cycle is not your friend, but it''s still good to hear from you! We had a couple of cycles where we missed the egg due to travel and I wanted to tear my hair out, it was so frustrating.

DrK - I''m so sorry.
Hi gals!

Sunkist: Sorry about your period! Blah!

Dreamer: Wow on your publication record!!!!!!!! You''re really are something girlie!

What is your main area of study (you don''t have to say if you think it will comprise your anonymity--or you can be general)? Also, can you be my therapist in your spare time? I''ve never had a therapist before, but I think you''d be a great one. (Perfect mix of empathy and kicking me in the booty). And no, I didn''t think that you were complaining.

Natalina: The FRER tests are the most accurate, and if you have a 12 day luteal phase I''d do one on day 11 or 12. Sometimes it doesn''t show up until day 12 though. A lot of women here like to wait for their period to be late since tests can be expensive and frustrating, but I am definitely testing in order to detect any subsequent chemical pregnancies.

Lysser: SO glad that you''re hanging in there and that everything is going great for you! Not only am I really glad for you, but it gives me hope for myself!


Sha: I''m wishing the best for you, even though you''re concerned about timing! I might be getting on the Clomid bandwagon soon.

Fisher: BIG congrats on Oing!! I developed adult-onset allergies, so I hope that you''re not getting those. They''re yucky! Glad that you had a fun anniversary and that plane sounds too cute! I have high hopes for you this cycle!!!!!!!!!!

InLuv: Sorry girl! I understand your frustration.

SoCal: I hope you stick around here a little longer and tell us whether you''re having multiples, ha!

DrK: Ugh, I''m so sorry sweetie. I can''t really say anything substantive or useful that hasn''t been said before. Just *hugs*.

To everyone:
Sadly, I''m not going to be able to spend a ton of time on here soon ''cause I just found out for sure that my job is ending on March 31. As I mentioned the prof that I''m working for got hired at another university several states away (though he''s been tenured for 15 yrs they literally offered him millions in research $$ to switch unis). Although I''m getting a ton of pressure to move with him I''m resisting because I''m NOT moving once and then moving a yr later when I (hopefully) get into med school. They are not going to abandon the research project I started though (which is AWESOME!), and they''re going to start looking for someone to fill my place.

That means that I''ll need to be job searching in addition to studying/working, and my job is going to be nuts in the next few months while I try to wrap up some side projects. It''s going to be tough to figure out how to job search while TTC and not planning to go back to work after, which is why it would have been SO great if the last pregnancy had stuck and I''d be due in Aug.

But anyway, I''m just going to focus on MCAT/school stuff in April and May and then try to find a summer job. By the beginning of the summer, hopefully I''ll have a more specific timeline for pregnancy stuff. I don''t know much about short-term jobs, but I''m terrified of being bored and jobless. I''m not good at that!!

So yeah, I''ll still be reading but I''ll probably be responding less often. Just wanted to warn you so that it doesn''t seem like I dropped off the face of the earth. As for me TTC-wise, it''s day 29 and nada on the ovulation. . . I wish that I was more patient, but I''m not!

I just realized I still have a santa hat on my avatar. Hmm. Not sure how to change it. I''ll have to go back and try to re-learn.


I''m sorry it''s been rough for you lately. It probably helps very little, but we all go through it. I find the number of times I think about having a family growing and growing. It''s like it invades your mind because you ache for it so much. And everyone has their advice, requested or otherwise. It''s a rough trip, but just think about the end result. Yesterday at the movie (Marley and Me), the family was so excited to be parents, and they became parents of three really quickly and both of them started to rethink their decision and the sacrifices made. But in the end, they were so proud and happy with their family, and other goals just really started to pale in comparison. The mother in the movie went through a miscarriage, too. Maybe I''ve never paid that much attention in the past, but I don''t remember movies being about real-life topics like that before, when it''s not the main point of the movie, but more or a real life depiction of what a family can go through.

Anyway, I found myself thinking about having a family even during the movie.
All the time, on my mind.

I hope this cycle gives you a surprise, InLuv!!


I don''t even have the words to express how much I hate what you''re having to go through. It''s my prayer that your husband is there for you through all of this and that with all the suffering you''ve gone through, you''re soon blessed with a wonderful child who will more than be worth all the waiting and tears. I''m sure he or she will be.


Where are you, girl? Off writing your book? Come say hi to your friends!!!
Hi to you and your Paul from Fisher and her Paul!


You, too. Haven''t seen your around here in ages. Hoping you''re doing well, and always thinking good thoughts for you and your hubby!!


Hope the cramps went away.


I love your avatar picture. So pretty! When did you get married? It makes me think of warm weather, and I so miss that right now!!


We''ll miss you around here, girl. I hope that the doors open for a new job soon, and that you come back SOON saying that you''re gonna be a mommy!!
Ovulation will come. Believe me, I know all about the waiting game. I''m thinking only the best for you, dear!!

Last night, the weather man said it might snow. Excitement and elation, like Paul and I are two little kids. Woke up this morning to temp, couldn''t wait to have the thing beep so I could get out of bed and peek for the snow. Hmph. No snow. Paul has work today. Grrr. I would have work today, too, but I''m on furlough today. I was hoping for an extra extra long weekend for both of us. Oh well.

Hoping to see more mommies-to-be around here soon. Hopeful thoughts to all!!!!
Hello Ladies,

I am not trying to conceive yet but I would like some advice. I haven''t been temping but I have been using FF to track my cycles. It seems as though my cycle keep getting shorter and shorter. The first month off the pill my cycle was 30 days, next month 29, the following two months 28 and this month 27 DAYS. Is this something I should be worried about?

Thanks for any input!
I think it's pretty *normal* for your cycle to adjust and change length while coming off the pill. 28 days is considered the average length of a cycle (although having a longer or shorter one is not abnormal, by any means). Having a 27 day cycle shouldn't be a problem, either. What I've learned while being here is that what really matters when it's time to actually try to conceive, is that you know when you ovulate. Whether that's day 11 or 21 doesn't matter as much as just knowing when to plan to BD, in hopes of catching your egg!

As far as I know, the only way to know when you ovulate is to temp, to check CM, or to take OPKs. So, when you're ready to start trying, if your cycles stay as short as they are now (which is a BLESSING), you just need to figure out when you ovulate, since most the time you will have a period sometime between 11 and 16 days after you ovulate (and it will stay pretty consistent throughout).

Good luck when the time comes!!!
Date: 1/20/2009 9:59:08 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly
I think it''s pretty *normal* for your cycle to adjust and change length while coming off the pill. 28 days is considered the average length of a cycle (although having a longer or shorter one is not abnormal, by any means). Having a 27 day cycle shouldn''t be a problem, either. What I''ve learned while being here is that what really matters when it''s time to actually try to conceive, is that you know when you ovulate. Whether that''s day 11 or 21 doesn''t matter as much as just knowing when to plan to BD, in hopes of catching your egg!

As far as I know, the only way to know when you ovulate is to temp, to check CM, or to take OPKs. So, when you''re ready to start trying, if your cycles stay as short as they are now (which is a BLESSING), you just need to figure out when you ovulate, since most the time you will have a period sometime between 11 and 16 days after you ovulate (and it will stay pretty consistent throughout).

Good luck when the time comes!!!
Fisher!! Look at you! Remember 6 months ago when you thought you would never learn this stuff?
I should prob start to try to temp just to see exactly whats going on with my cycles. I was just nervous that my cycles will dwindle down to nothingness. I am sure thats not possible but I have irrational fears.
Date: 1/20/2009 10:10:56 AM
Author: AllieLuv83
I should prob start to try to temp just to see exactly whats going on with my cycles. I was just nervous that my cycles will dwindle down to nothingness. I am sure thats not possible but I have irrational fears.
Every woman coming off the pill and contemplating TTC has irrational fears about her fertility and her cycles! That 30 day cycle when you came off the pill wasn''t a real cycle anyways, since it began with anovulatory, post-pill bleeding, and your hormones wouldn''t have been on track that cycle anyways. So really you''ve had two 28 day cycles and a 27 day cycle! That is textbook! Coming off the pill I had a 30 day cycle (again, not "real" because it started with anovulatory post-pill bleeding), a 28 day cycle, a 23 day cycle and then what would have been a 26 day cycle had I not gotten preggo.

So you are officially ordered to stop worrying.
Pheeeewwwww thanks Dreamer and Fisher...this hypochondriac is officially NOT worrying!
Date: 1/20/2009 10:07:47 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 1/20/2009 9:59:08 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly
I think it''s pretty *normal* for your cycle to adjust and change length while coming off the pill. 28 days is considered the average length of a cycle (although having a longer or shorter one is not abnormal, by any means). Having a 27 day cycle shouldn''t be a problem, either. What I''ve learned while being here is that what really matters when it''s time to actually try to conceive, is that you know when you ovulate. Whether that''s day 11 or 21 doesn''t matter as much as just knowing when to plan to BD, in hopes of catching your egg!

As far as I know, the only way to know when you ovulate is to temp, to check CM, or to take OPKs. So, when you''re ready to start trying, if your cycles stay as short as they are now (which is a BLESSING), you just need to figure out when you ovulate, since most the time you will have a period sometime between 11 and 16 days after you ovulate (and it will stay pretty consistent throughout).

Good luck when the time comes!!!
Fisher!! Look at you! Remember 6 months ago when you thought you would never learn this stuff?
What can I say, DD... I''ve had some awesome teachers!!

You''ll also appreciate my continued attempts at getting this possible baby to implant: I''ve been thinking, if baking has caused some women in the preggo thread to have their children, maybe baking will also work with trying to get a baby to implant. It''s worth trying, no? I have persimmon cookies in the oven, just in case.
Homemade, no less!
Hi Ladies!

I''m here, lurking and skulking around. Although we''ve decided to just stop focusing on TTC while we''re looking to move, it''s reaaaally hard for me right now. I''m o''ing as we speak (gross) and am consumed by the bitterness. I''ve recently made friends with a girl I''ve "known" for some time now, and she''s recently married. I was so happy because I''ve gotten to know her so much better, and found we have so much in common. Well, the other day she told me she lost her insurance for a while so had to go off the pill, and well, just decided to not get back on it. Now she''s like, I think I might be pregnant! Well, since we just got to know each other better I can''t just say, "hey, um, can you not talk about that right now?" And since she frequents my blog, I can''t complain about it there, either. Sucks! Then again, you''d think that she''d glean a little bit of my sadness regarding hearing this preggo announcement since I''ve been sad recently. Whatever.

We''ve got a second birthday party for my twin cousins in two weeks, and although I loooooove these twins to death, it''s going to be a toughie, there will be two family members expecting three children. There will also be plenty of questions regarding our plans for kids. Ahh, delightful.

So, that''s where I am. Limbo limbo limbo, I''m here and lurking.

Good to hear from you again! I'm sorry things have been kind of "blah" in your life these days. You know, sort of similar situationi as what you were talking about with the friend you've recently gotten reacquainted with. Well, not the same story, but kinda. My best friend got married in July of 2008. They said they were going to wait til the end of 2009 to start trying, but I talked to her last night and she said her prescription for the pill expires in May (started a couple months before marrying, you know, to be sure it was *working* before they got married), so they're not planning on starting back on the pill again then. I'm excited for her, because she's wanted a big family and well, she'll be 30 in September, so the sooner the better. But selfish, rude, unloving, not best-friendly me thought to myself how sad it would be if she was a mommy before me. I'm so sad that I've lowered myself to having thoughts like that. She's my best friend and I want her to have a family. I'm like a little kid: "If I can't have a pony, I don't want my friend to, either."

I am going to send her some prenatals this week, though. She lives in a small town, her husband is a pastor, and word would be milling all over that she's preggo. I got a buy one get two free deal last year, and have a whole bottle still sealed. I say the sooner you can start on them, the better!

I sent those cookies I just made to my friend Sarah who lost her baby last week. I didn't know if it was the right move to make or not, but since she's far away and I can't give her a hug, I figure cookies could be a nice substitute. She's having a rough time of it. She was so far along that they couldn't do a D&C, and instead did a D&E and it was done by a doctor who performs abortions, which was very difficult for her, considering her own beliefs on that. Still, the process of healing (emotionally and physically) is a long one and she has two little ones to watch over in the meantime.

Paul's getting a juicer for his anniversary present today. He said he wanted one a couple months ago, and I don't know how serious he was about it since he has a tendency to like things like that a lot to begin with, then he never uses it again. But, I thought it'd be a good way to get in some of our veggie intake, plus there are recipes for the pulpy stuff, too. We'll see how it works out.