
The Official TTC Thread!

Fisher- we got married on the beach September 20th. Thanks fo rthe compliments on my avatar! As we have about 2 ft of snow here right now, I really miss that weather too! It''s really sweet of you to have sent those cookies to your friend. I am sure she will find the gesture very touching. It seems like the perfect way of showing her you''re thinking about her, especially in a situation like that where the right words are so hard to find.

Amber- I''m so sorry you''re down in the dumps these days...I guess this trip is a real roller coaster, huh? Don''t be upset with yourself for how you feel about your friend, it''s only natural. You''re just being honest to admit it.
Fisher, I''m so glad that your O stuck on FF! I totally think that baking could help in the TTC end.
Is it your wedding anni today or soon? If so Happy Anniversary! Oh, and I love your avatar pic! I think that''s so sweet with Paul''s watch too. You two are so cute!

InLuv, Hi good to see you around! Sorry you''re bummed. Chin up, there''s always a new month
I have seen some crazy charts on FF where it looks like people totally missed the window but still got prego. Don''t know how, but I think these little blessings that babies are just come to us when the time is right, and that time may not be for us to say. Best of luck to you, dear!

Peony, thanks I am feeling better. My period still seems shorter than before BC. I won''t complain about that though! I''ll be sad not having you around here as often! We all love you, Peony, and want you to get knocked up just as soon as possible. I do hope that this will be a good distraction for you! Hopefully time will pass faster for you and with out even thinking of it you''ll find yourself prego again! Gosh I hope so

Amber, hi hi hi!!! *Big Hugs* Hunny if people/ family are being insensitive around you that''s really not fair. Do any of them know that things aren''t going so well? Maybe share it with one really close family member and then in those uncomffy situations they can come to the rescue and change the subject. I don''t want you to feel bad. The time will come. Thinking of you! And I"m so excited for your new place. We''re hoping to move by this summer too!

Natalina, where do you live that you have beach sand and 2ft of snow?? Or did you have a destination wedding?
Sunkist- We live in West Michigan. Our wedding was right on Lake Michigan. The spring/summer/fall here is so beautiful, and I guess winters are too, but the snow is crazy! I never realized how intense lake effect snow can be until we moved here. This is definitely a great place to live for people that enjoy experiencing all 4 seasons, because you get each one in full force!
Thanks, Sunkist! I hope that the cramps are gone for good now and that you''re smooth sailing into a new opportunity to grow a baby!!

Yesterday was our official anniversary. Thanks for the congratulations. It was a fun time to remember our wedding. We watched the video. I cried. During the ceremony the pastor prayed for us to be blessed with children. I had forgotten that. Somehow, it made me feel a little better about the time it''s taking us to get preggo. Like you said, even with all the attempts at planning, I think children come to us when they''re meant to.

So, yesterday''s temp was 98.63 and today''s was 98.31. At first, I was all hyper happy thinking it could be the so-called implantation dip (although I know this isn''t any kind of guarentee or anything like that), but then I got to thinking that the drop wasn''t significant enough, since it didn''t drop to or below the coverline. It''s a drop of just over .3 degrees. So now I''m confused because the internet has varied opinions and definitions on the topic. Aye!

I know, I just need to see what tomorrow''s temp will bring. I''ve never had a dip before during the DPO stage, though. Hmm. My lower back was hurting when I woke up, too, which is usually a sign that AF is on the way, but it''s way too early for that. I''m only 6 or 7 DPO.

Date: 1/21/2009 7:17:00 AM
Author: natalina
Sunkist- We live in West Michigan. Our wedding was right on Lake Michigan. The spring/summer/fall here is so beautiful, and I guess winters are too, but the snow is crazy! I never realized how intense lake effect snow can be until we moved here. This is definitely a great place to live for people that enjoy experiencing all 4 seasons, because you get each one in full force!
I never knew that about Michigan, Natalina. I''m not a fan of deep snow, just a dusting.
Then I''m ready for some sunshine again. I''m tired of having to let my car warm up for like 10 minutes every morning.

Oh to be back in Cali....

Hey, guys. I am feeling a bit down today, and I don't want to share that with anyone IRL, so I came here. Within 5 minutes this morning, I found out 2 friends were expecting. I am SO very excited for them, I really am, and I don't want to sound like I am being selfish or mean, but at the same time, I am feeling a little down. Yesterday was a really hard day for me, because I forgot to cancel an ultrasound appointment at the hospital, so they called to remind me and I had to tell them that I miscarried. I was teary all day yesterday, so to find out that news today was a little tough. I feel like I am a bad friend for being jealous, but I really can't help feeling like this. Anyway, sorry to be a downer, but I feel better now just letting it out.
Date: 1/21/2009 10:55:25 AM
Author: steph72276
Hey, guys. I am feeling a bit down today, and I don''t want to share that with anyone IRL, so I came here. Within 5 minutes this morning, I found out 2 friends were expecting. I am SO very excited for them, I really am, and I don''t want to sound like I am being selfish or mean, but at the same time, I am feeling a little down. Yesterday was a really hard day for me, because I forgot to cancel an ultrasound appointment at the hospital, so they called to remind me and I had to tell them that I miscarried. I was teary all day yesterday, so to find out that news today was a little tough. I feel like I am a bad friend for being jealous, but I really can''t help feeling like this. Anyway, sorry to be a downer, but I feel better now just letting it out.
I''m so sorry honey! Getting that call from the hospital must have been so hard. I think anyone in your position would feel exactly the same way about their friends'' pregnancies, and it doesn''t make you a bad friend at all! If you started getting mad at them or refused to ever speak to them again, okay, then maybe you''d be a bad friend
But your feelings are totally natural and normal, don''t feel bad about having them!
Thank you so much, Dreamer! I am already feeling a ton better. It just took a little while for it all to sink in this morning, but I am really happy for is the first baby for both and I am so thrilled for them and also thankful for the sweet little boy I have! I''m going shopping now to get my mind off of things...thanks again:)
Hi guys,

Amber and steph.....I''m sorry you''re feeling down.
It''s really hard to want something so badly and not know when or if it''s going to come, isn''t it? Everything I go to town I''m confronted with a pregnant woman at the rate of at least one per minute. The other day I counted five pregnant women in less than a minute! And some of them so young!!! I wonder, "are any of these women on Clomid, or using OPK''s, or tracking their cycles?" Probably not. They just have sex and get pregnant!!
It''s really depressing...

Peony, sorry we won''t be hearing your voice around here as much...we''ll definitely miss you, but it sounds like you do have a busy time coming up. I hope you do get to find out what''s up with your cycles. One good thing for me this cycle is that the Clomid helped me O earlier and helped me anticpate when to expect O too. So that took a lot of stress off my back.

Fisher - happy belated anniversary!!!
I think I read on FF and other sites that a dip of 0.3 is considered the minimum for an implantation dip. It definitely doesn''t have to drop to or below the coverline. So it might still be what you think it is!

Well today is 14 dpo for me - I tested this morning and I think it''s a BFN. There was no observable pink line although I still "think" I see a little shadow of something. But it''s probably an evap line since it was after the time limit. I finally received the pg tests and opks from (after I already trekked to the store and bought a pg test), so I''m enjoying peeing on sticks in the meantime. I would have more fun if I actually saw an observable line though!
Peony - we''ll miss you around here! Please do pop in whenever you have the chance and let us know how you''re doing.

Fisher - Happy Anniversary!

Amber - Hi, friend! Thanks for dropping in. It''s especially good to do when you''re feeling crappy. That''s what we''re here for.

Steph - I''m sorry you''re having a tough day. Ditto what DD said. Try not to beat yourself up for having those feelings.

Sha - I''m glad you''re having fun POAS! Hate those evap lines. Not that I''ve ever seen one. Mine are usually unambiguously blank.
I hope it turns out to be more than an evap line though!

I''m either 11 or 9 DPO and just groovin'' along. Won''t be POAS...don''t feel pg. AF is due Monday...two days after my birthday! No BFNs to rain on my day.
Date: 1/20/2009 9:44:59 AM
Author: AllieLuv83
Hello Ladies,

I am not trying to conceive yet but I would like some advice. I haven't been temping but I have been using FF to track my cycles. It seems as though my cycle keep getting shorter and shorter. The first month off the pill my cycle was 30 days, next month 29, the following two months 28 and this month 27 DAYS. Is this something I should be worried about?

Thanks for any input!
My cycle was always 27 days - with the odd 28 day once in a while.

Don't worry about it - be super happy about it! It means that you will probably find it much easier to pinpoint O and also that you aren't waiting weeks and weeks for each cycle.

I started by using FF to just track my cycle in May 08 (I'd been off BCP for 2 years due to migraines and them being contraindicated), in mid-July I started tracking CF, CP and temping. DH and I then chucked all protection out the window on our wedding night at the end of July and I was super-fortunate and got a BFP 6 weeks later.

Oh, and I had no symptoms other than shouting at my boss and bursting into tears. I was beyond convinced that I was out that month.

I really recommend getting to grips with the details of CF asap as it really helps to know that O is on it's way, whereas with temps/OPK you can confirm when O has taken place but not predict it easily.
Natalina - ooo Michigan sounds beautiful. Intense winters though! Stay warm

Fisher, yay for an implanation dip. That''s pretty cool! I can''t wait to see how this cycle turns out for you. I hope it''s a good sign!

Steph - awww, I''m sorry. I know it just kind of hits you hard when friends annouce a pregnancy and you''re craving one inside. I''m glad you''re starting to feel better.

Sha - glad your pg tests finally came!! But boo for the shadow. You never know for sure though till AF shows.

I'm trying to resist the urge. I might give in! Petunia Pickle Bottom is having an outlet sale right now and I am in love with these bags. I should wait, shouldn't I??? hmmm

ETA: they are baby bags, but I do think this style passes and a neat purse :)
Hey Steph,

I hope today's better than yesterday, girl. I'm sorry that you got the phone call from the hospital; I'm sure it was heartbreaking all over again. I hope the shopping trip helped! Did you get any steals?


Thanks for the anniversary well-wishes. It's funny that it's only been two years because I feel like I've known Paul forever.

If I had a dollar for every time I *saw* something on pee sticks. Aye. I'm hoping good thoughts for you and that you *see* something darker and that shows up faster today!! I'm glad the Clomid helped! Hey, by how much did it shorten your cycle, if you don't mind sharing?


Happy almost birthday, girlie!!!
Thanks for the anniversary wishes, too. I just love celebrations!!
What do you have planned for your birthday? (Isn't it fun when the day falls on a weekend???)

So many people feel nothing prior to finding out they're pregnant. And so many who do *feel* things end up being wrong (I tend to be one of those girls!!). Hoping good news for you, Festy!

Sunkist, I had to look at those bags a few times before I realized they were diaper bags. Very cute! I'm never one to turn down a sale, and I'm not superstitious, so I see nothing wrong with planning ahead. Heck, I have a whole closet full of baby items to proove that. The way I see it, it lessens the load of money that you throw down on baby stuff over the course of the planning stages. That's how I rationalize with Paul, anyway.

To all the preggos and mothers and others who aren't trying to conceive but who still visit here: thank you for popping in with encouragement and advice and information. It helps all of us TTCers more than you know! Thanks.

As for me, today my temp shot up again today (98.69, my highest yet). I won't lie, I'm feeling hopeful and I've found myself trying to gauge every single feeling and tinge, hoping that something will register as a sign of pregnancy. Haha. I'd be like 3 weeks right now, no chance of any *signs* this early on, but I just feel so hopeful and like things are different somehow this time around (even though I've felt that before). It's like a peaceful hope, though. Not so much an anxious one, so maybe it just means that I'm getting to be more at peace about conceiving when the time comes. I don't know.

I think my sinus thing is getting a little better, although I still sneeze about 20 times a day, at least it's not every three minutes like it was. Yay!

One thing I was wondering, though, when I am pregnant and I go in for my first visit, are they going to think I'm further along because I didn't O on CD14, but rather later on in my cycle? I mean, will they take that into account in figuring out my due date, or will they just say it doesn't matter and then tell me my baby's measuring behind? I was thinking about that last night, and I figured someone here would know how that works.
Fisher, I don't want to jinx anything - but I am someone who NEVER gets colds and I don't have allergies. Since I got KTFU it's been like a never-ending cold. Stuffy nose and slightly sore throat from before I got the BFP, and since then the stuffy nose and sneezing have never gone away.

I remember it definitely from right at the very beginning - DH has terrible allergies and as he has no spleen he gets every virus and bug going and hates me for never getting colds (he had flu 6 times last year). He was so thrilled that I might finally have a cold that he made a big song and dance about it!

On the EDD - yes they will almost certainly get it wrong because they will work from your LMP not your O date. They tidy things up when they do the dating scan.

I cheated and told them my LMP was 2 days earlier than it was as I wanted my EDD based on O since I knew the exact date.

If you have a long cycle it can make a difference at the end - you could potentially end up being induced for being overdue when you are not, or being left longer than is good.

I've always thought it's quite dangerous because in the UK the first US you get may well be the 12 wk NT scan. The NT can only be measured during a fairly narrow window, so if you are several weeks out it can potentially skew the results.

If you have an OB who is into charting etc then it's probably easier, but I ended up having to explain to half the midwives here about BBT and charting as it seems very rare that people would do that unless they were seeing fertility specialists (I guess I am a rare species of British Control Freak).
Fisher YOU will know when you ovulated so that is the most important thing because it will help you interpret anything that the docs say... like is they say you are "behind" you willknow it isn''t true! I would take my chart to my first appointment and then say "I ovulated a week later" and if they are being silly about accepting that, then insiste on an early dating scan, which should match up with your O-date. Alternatively, you can fib about your LMP and say it started 14 days prior to your actual ovulation date (so adding about 7 days to your LMP date). Or you can fib and say you are nto totally sure about when you had your LMP and then they will give you an early dating scan. Either way, it is important to try to get them to acknowledge that your due date shouldn''t be until a week later than the LMP prediction. That will help you avoid early induction or c-section when you go "overdue" (and are in fact only on time!). Anyways, this will be useful information no matter when you get KTFU.. but I hope it is this month!
Sunkist - how anyone could resist buying anything from a store as cutely named as Petunia Pickle Bottom...well that would take the kind of control I certainly don''t have! I wasn''t able to see the images, but go for it!

Fisher - thanks sweetheart. We''re going out to dinner to my favorite restaurant. I told DH no gifts, but something arrived in the mail a few weeks back that I wasn''t allowed to look at. I am generally pretty low key about my birthday. I take a boxing class on Saturdays, so maybe I''ll treat myself to the steam room after.
I have a really good feeling about this cycle for you. (I think maybe your good feeling is rubbing off a little on me!) And if it''s not the one, it''s great that you are feeling more relaxed.

I wonder what''s going on with Sha...

DD and Peony, thanks for the advice about dating. Inaccurate dating seems like such a huge and avoidable source of stress. My mother suspects they dated her pregnancy with me wrong...I was supposedly born a month early, but she thinks it was more like a couple of weeks. I''ll have to ask her about it sometime.
On dating - I''d want an accurate date in the file, because I wouldn''t want to be told that baby''s measuring "behind" when it''s really the dates that are off, and I wouldn''t want to be induced for being past dates when I''m not even there yet! My midwife was fine with me telling her that my LMP was on xxx (I actually forget the date) but that Ovusoft gave me an EDD of 04/09/09 based on ovulation. I''d forgotten the date of my LMP by the time I went to the OB, but he teaches NFP and was fine with me telling him my O date. He did ask me how I came up with that and was happy with my answer (temp/CM/CP). If you''re not confident that your mw/ob would accept your O date, I see nothing wrong with fudging your LMP to be 14 days before O.

Sha - I hate the shadow lines. When''s the next time you''re testing? Fingers crossed for you.

Sunkist - those bags are super cute and I haven''t seen those kind of prices on them before. Were you planning on having a diaper bag for you and one for your husband? We just bought a black messenger diaper bag to share, and the salesperson mentioned that they get a lot of people in there buying those after realizing that their husbands won''t carry the cute ones... just something to think about if you dont'' want to end up with several! I do really like those though.

Fishie - I''m feeling hopeful for you too.
Fisher - Happy 2nd anniversary! I am so hopeful for you this month, cycle buddy! I am not sure if you have said- do you know when you are planning to test? I don''t know about this month for me, I had some light spotting mid-last week, but from what I have read that can mean a bunch of things, or nothing. I might test on Saturday (1) because i have no will power whatsoever and (2) because DH and I have a 30th birthday party Saturday night and I''d like to have a glass of wine or two if I am out. You remind me of my law school roommate with your talk about missing Cali. She was from San Diego and had never been to the East Coast before coming to DC for law school. She liked the snow, but hated the cold. I remember when we went shopping for her first hat and gloves. Sadly for me, she moved back to California after law school, so I don''t get to see her that often. I do love visiting her there though, so I can see how you''d miss it.

Sunkist - those diaper bags are adorable! My DH''s step sister has one and they are too cute. I definitely want one, but I am trying to resist buying any baby things before I get KTFU. I am afraid DH will think I went off the deep end if I start buying stuff for an imaginary baby.

Peony - We will miss you around here, try to pop in when you can. We will all still be thinking of you and wishing you the best even if you''re not around!

InLuv, Sorry you are feeling down, I am also on month 5 of trying and a little depressed. I think it might also have something to do with the weather, it''s cold and miserable here.

Amber, I totally feel you on insensitive friends and family members. One of DH''s friends and his wife know we''re trying (by accident, we haven''t told anyone) - they are pregnant with their first due in Feb. On Sunday they and a bunch of other friends were at our house, and they were talking about who would be next out of our friends to have a baby and DH''s friend kept saying, "oh, we''ll be on or second before any of you even have one. We got KTFU the first time we BD''d this time, so I''m sure that will happen next time too. It will be years for the rest of you" Now, I know he was not trying to be insensitive, but come on! You know we''re trying, why would you say something like that?

Steph, Sorry you are feeling down, it''s only natural given your situation and doesn''t make you a bad friend. Hope you are feeling better today. I like shopping as therapy too!
Hello lovely ladies!

Fisher -- Happy Anniversary!! I bet those 2 years have flown by! Crossing my fingers for you this month!

Festy -- Happy early Birthday chica!!

Sunkist -- Those bags are so cute! I, like Novbride am resisting the urge to buy baby stuff without a baby cooking. I''ve been TTC for 5 months and I think if I''m still TTC after 5 more months, I won''t want to look at stuff I''ve bought for a baby that doesn''t exist yet, but hey if you can handle it, go for it!

Steph -- It was totally normal to feel the way you felt about your friends. I''m glad you are feeling better though!

Sha- Glad you got your Pg test in! Sorry it looked like a BFN...but enjoy poas in the meantime!

Peony - I''m gonna miss your regular posts! Please stop in as much as you can!

Amber -- *Hugs* sorry you are feeling so blah...we are all there sometimes.


Since we did not BD anywhere near O this month there is no way I could be preggo this month. AF is due on Monday and I have to say even though it sucks that I''m out already, it has been nice to be so relaxed and not fretting and analyzing every little twinge and feeling for the past week and a half. On to next month I guess...
Happy Birthday, Festy!!!
Hope you have a good one....with maybe a surprise BFP thrown in?
That would be nice! Remember socal girl didn''t have any symptoms this cycle either, so you could still be KU!!

Thanks for asking about me.... Today is 15 dpo and I think stupid AF is around the corner (go away, witch!!
). My temp dropped today and I think I saw a dreaded brown spot on my pantyliner yesterday.....
Felt very depressed yesterday and this morning...thinking that I have to go through all of this again next month. Even though I haven''t been trying that''s so exhausting! Waiting and hoping and wishing, and being dissappointed. And I don''t feel like I have the luxury of time on my side either. It stunk yesterday thinking that so many people I know are already on baby #2 when I haven''t even started with #1 yet. And I''ll be 33 in a few months!!
It just stinks.

Anyway, I thinking good thoughts for you and anyone else testing soon this cycle. Fisher, your temps sound very promising! It''s great that you saw a rise after that dip. Fingers crossed that this is your month!

About the Clomid - it shortened my cycle by a couple days but the best thing it did for me is helped regulate my Cycle and know when to expect O. In my previous cycles - O was all over the place - sometimes early, sometimes very very late, and it would be really stressful thinking I would miss the fertile window. But this cycle, I had a good idea to expect O so that I coulld plan for it, and look forward to the second half of my cycle.

OK, I''m going to post this quickly cause the computer just ate my last post. Shoutouts to everybody!!!
Sha 32 is young! You have lots of years!
Thanks for the boithday wishes, ladies! I am turning 36, which I never thought I'd be!
Except for the achy knees, prematurely graying hair and frown lines, I don't think I look 36 at ALL! But I feel great and I spose that's what counts, eh?

Sha - bummer. It is exhausting, particularly around the days when AF shows up. But it's amazing how we can rebound and you will...once the crappiness goes away. Hug.

I met a couple at a party recently who were having a baby 3 days later...the husband mentioned that this would be their only child and naturally I didn't ask why, but he later mentioned that his wife is 42. When they talked to their doctor about TTC, he suggested charting, etc. They said nah, we'll just have a bunch of sex and see how it goes. They got KTFU on try #2! They realize how incredibly lucky they were, but I still take inspiration from their story.

ETA - InLuv, we'll be AF buddies on Monday...whoopee!
Happy birthday Festy - I turned 36 back in August, and still feel about 18 on my more responsible days...

Sha, don''t start to panic about time yet - I hadn''t even met my husband when I turned 32. There are loads of women in their late 30''s and even early 40''s who are PG with their first.
Thanks for the advice on the EDD issue. Perhaps I''ll call the Dr. center I plan to use and ask if they respect BBT charts. They''ve had plenty of random questions from me. What''s one more?


I was talking to my sister-in-law last night and she asked why I sound so nasaly. I told her I''ve just had this weird allergy thing going on or something. She said she had that, too, with her first and third babies. I just said, "hmm." Who knows. Everyone''s different, I suppose. But it seems odd that I''d start having that before the baby even had a chance to implant. I was reading up on the first weeks of pregnancy in the last little bit, and it''s so crazy that a baby the size of a period at the end of a sentence can cause so much havoc. I guess it''s just a precursor to the fun times to come when baby grows into toddler and then into overly inquisitve kinder kid, then a teenager. Whoo. Let the fun times begin!!

Breakfast today: pineapple.


Have a great time with your hubby! And by all means, hang out in that steam room for a birthday treat!


So glad you got some positive news yesterday! Yay! Looking forward to meeting your baby, but the baby needs to bake longer, for sure!


I don''t think I''m going to test unless my period doesn''t come by Feb. 1. Or maybe Jan. 31, but not before then. I have been so disappointed in the past by thinking I see a line, or Paul thinking maybe he does, too. If I am this time (and golly, do I pray I am!!), I want to have the assurance of a pregnancy test that actually has a real line. You know? Plus, I don''t want to give up this hopeful feeling I have any sooner than I may have to.

Do you have long cycles, too? This was a short one for me, but still longer than many women have. I won''t be "late" until the end of Jan. My cycle buddies often complete a cycle a couple weeks before me, so I''m excited that we''re closer together this time. Yay!

Are you feeling hopeful for this cycle? I know, after a point it becomes a little redundant, thinking you feel different, hoping you feel different.

This is cycle 5 for Paul and me, too. More than 5 months, but 5 cycles. We started trying in June. I wanted to start sooner, but wanted Paul to be on board with me, for sure. The thing is, the longer this process takes, the more "on board" he gets, which makes me really excited.

Cali is always on my mind. My dad loves to send me text messages and phone calls when he knows it''s in the 20s here and it''s in the 60s and above there. Haha.

Are you a lawyer? I never knew that about you. What area do you work in?


Care to share some pictures of your fur baby?

Yay for not freaking out over the two week wait, girl! Still, you never know. Wouldn''t it be nice to have such good news, with no freak out preceeding it???


I hoped AF stayed away, sweetie! Hope to hear from you soon! 33 is not too old, please!!!

In my world: a best friend of mine from my old job in NC sent me an email this week, and she casually mentioned how she''s still sick and feeling bad, and then just kind of dropped it. Well, she''s healthy, so I called and asked why she''s feeling so bad. She said, "Well, pregnancy just doesn''t suit me very well, Jen." I didn''t know she was pregnant! She said she told me, or meant to, but she''s been a hair brain since getting pregnant. She has a little boy in kindergarten and she was trying to have a baby back when Paul and I were engaged, but it didn''t work out, so she had her UID (IDU, IUD, something like that) put back in and then this summer/early fall, they had it taken out again and she didn''t think she was pregnant because she never got a period and she thought it was just delayed. Went to the Dr, and he was like, girl, you''re having a baby. She''s due in July.

Today''s temp was up. 98.77. I''m hoping I end up with a triphasic chart, although I know that really doesn''t mean anything, it still adds to my hopefulness.

And it''s Friday, so that''s awesome!! Happy Friday, ladies!!!
Fisher, you have all sorts of signs! fingers crossed for you.

Sha, happy bday, it will be an amazing one for sure!

Dreamer, you are too cool. This thread has been so informative, and sapphire sistah (you still are one) you are going to have an amazing baby, so sorry to hear that it is painful lately.

Peony, to answer your question, I swam through college too! What was your stroke? I do masters now, did a ton of backstroke this morning to loosen up, do you still swim now? There are three preggos on my team now, most of the women have swum until the day or week of giving birth. Well, no flip turns, but they all say it made delivery a breeze. I think they are lying.

So I finally got my temp up to 98.8. Yeah, so I am alive. woot woot. no crosshairs yet, next month will be more clear without the thermometer disaster and sleeping on the floor of a friend''s house in DC with a ton of other peeps. No chance to temp then. Ha! Just wondering, have any of you had a cycle thrown off by a cold? I was pretty darn sick (full of regular mucus) around O time and then a few days later when I felt better, had I wonder if O just went on vacay or was delayed, or I was hallucinating? Thanks for being a place where a person can ask that sort of question.

Hugs to all!
Hi ladies! It''s been a while

My DH and I, along with a few friends, went out to Utah last week for a ski trip. It was amazing!! I grew up in NY and had only ever skied down the icy slopes of New England, so getting to go out west for the first time was incredible. We came back to DC on Monday in order to attend the inauguration and that was even more incredible!! Quite a week.

As for a TCC - I guess you could say that my *real* life is definitely going better than my *TCC* life. Once again I''ve gotten some early spotting which for me is a tried and true indicator that it''s not the month. Before heading out to Utah, I went and saw a doctor to schedule some testing. I found her to be extremely helpful in answering some of my questions and she really went out of her way to reassure me that the term *infertility* doesn''t apply yet as it hasn''t been a year. she also didn''t seemed that alarmed by my consistent early spotting. however, i haven''t actually been able to undergo any of the testing, so time will least DH and I are having fun with this
there was a point where it felt a bit like work, but it''s back to being fun.

fisher - heaps of baby dust!!! and keep the updates coming!! especially if they include temp rises.

peony - best of luck with your job situation and try to pop in every now and again!

steph - hope that you''re feeling better these days!

inluv - boo about your timing. DH has an upcoming business trip that could throw a wrench in our plans for Feb.

blushing - miss you lady

drk -
I''m having trouble wrapping my head around testing for infertility - i can imagine that sorting out the emotions/decisions that go along with IVF are daunting. we''re here for you

To everyone else - have a great weekend!!

I''ll try to post some inauguration photos (we rode our bikes down to the mall).

Great photos, lovelylulu! Sorry to hear about the spotting. Could it be a low progestorone issue? I read that that can sometimes cause spotting. But I guess the doc would''ve advised accordingly if that were the case?

swimmer, no birthdays yet for me - it was Festy''s birthday this week. About your cold and O - I got dengue fever right around the time I expected to be O''ing last cycle - had a high fever for about 7 days, and it definitely delayed my O, which didn''t come until about 2 weeks later! Horrors! I hope that doesn''t happen to you.

Hope you had a good birthday, Festy!

Thanks, guys, for reassuring me that I''m not that old....although I do feel that way in TTC-world.

Fisher - your temps are sounding really good...!!!
I need help! What does this mean???

So my temp today was 98.81, and when I logged it into FF, it decided that my O day is really CD26 and that I''m only 3 DPO. I''m seriously sick of FF at this point, because that''s crap. It was on the "advanced" setting.

I got all teary because today would be 10DPO for me otherwise, and I''m really, really hopeful for this cycle. What the crap, why would it change it?

So anyway, I changed the setting to FAM, and it put it back at CD20, where it belongs.

Now I feel like I have no reason to be hopeful at all.

Stupid, mean, game-playing FF.

This may be the last cycle I chart. This is crappy. GRR. And Argh!!
This is an ETA from my prior post:

I am not in the habit of logging CM into FF, since I was having such a hard time knowing the difference between EWCM and Sticky. Well, since I had my ephinany this cycle, I now know that what I was thinking of as EWCM in past cycles is really sticky. On Wednesday and Friday, I had sticky. So, once I added that in, FF gave me my CD20 for ovulation back.

I''m still kind of sad and feel like FF should recognize the temp shift as triphasic, and not a possible new O day.

I read up some on the net, and it seems that this happens to lots of people.

Someone suggested I didn''t visit the site; I''m kind of over the whole idea of charting (at least for today), but wondered if anyone here had been to that site.

Paul suggested if I''m still upset and thinking something negative, I should take a prego test. He commented yesterday on my chest being "fuller." That could be hopeful thinking on his part, though.


How are you doing?


I hope your crosshairs come up soon, girlie!! Good to see you around again.


Glad you got to go skiing. I would be a HOT MESS trying something like that!!

It''s very important to remember that having an infertility issue is something that has to be diagnosed, and just because we don''t get pregnant when we want to doesn''t mean anything negative in and of itself. (Other than generally crabby attitudes at times.)



Thinking of you, girl!!!
