
The Official TTC Thread!


LOVE your ring! Is that a tulip setting??? Adorable. I always get so excited when I see a ring similar to mine.


Can you re-explain the minus 16, plus ten thing you were saying to DMB? I'm a slow learner
and would LOVE to have a way to maybe maybe more accurately determine when O may be nearby.

I have *wonderful* news. And no, not about me. No news on that front yet. But, back in Oct. a lot of my friends found out they were prego, and then my best friend lost her baby at week 5. This was her 5th miscarriage. I spoke with her today and she's pregnant again, and is 5 weeks along!! Every miscarriage she's had has been between 5-8 weeks, so she needs lots of happy thoughts right now!

Confession: I kept coming to this site today, hoping to get excellent news from Natalina. Girl, thinking about you, still!!!

I've been thinking about doing the expectorant thing next cycle, too, and maybe the baby asprin thing after O. Is that in any way at all possibly harming to my child???
Date: 1/28/2009 5:44:58 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Can you re-explain the minus 16, plus ten thing you were saying to DMB? I''m a slow learner
and would LOVE to have a way to maybe maybe more accurately determine when O may be nearby.
Fisher, this is not actually a very accurate method, and for you it isn''t required since you know your LP is usually around 14 days, but here is a rule of thumb for estimating O-day if you don''t want to temp or chart. All you need to do is keep track of CDs!

The shortest LP that *most* women will have is 10 days. So if you look at your cycles from the past 6 months and subtract 10 days from the longest cycle, then the resulting CD will the a reasonable estimate of the latest you will ovulate! The longest LP that *most* women will have is 16 days, so you take your shortest cycle and subtract 16 and the resulting CD is a reasonable estimate of the earlier you may ovulate!

Example: Your longest cycle was 60 days. If we subtract 10 you get CD 50. Your shortest cycle was 35 days, so if we subtract 16 we get CD 19. So based on this, it seems you will ovulate between CD 19 and CD 50
See, not so helpful for you sweety! Is someone has less variance or shorter cycles though, it can be helpful. For me, say, my longest cycle was 31 days, minus 10 = CD21. Shortest was 23 days, minus 16 = CD7. So if I wanted to cover my bases I could do the EOD technique between CD 7 and CD 21.

Since you know your LP, Fisher, then just subtract 14 from your longest and shortest to get the window of probably ovulation. Seems like it would be around CD 20 to CD 30 if we exclude the 60 day cycle, no?

Still, for you, temping combined with CF and perhaps adding OPKs is probably the best method, perhaps using the estimate method to estimate when to start EOD.. then switch to ED if you see EWCF or get a positive OPK!
Date: 1/28/2009 5:35:13 PM
Author: Sha
Welcome DMBsgirl! I remember seeing you on the BIW boards, I think. I hope your stay here is short and sweet as well!

Dreamer - I think you may mean ''guanesfesin'' (sp?). Yes, the one I take has that as it''s only active ingredient - it''s an expectorant.
Hee hee, yup that is what I meant
Me smrt, me have PhD!
Date: 1/28/2009 6:29:35 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 1/28/2009 5:44:58 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Can you re-explain the minus 16, plus ten thing you were saying to DMB? I''m a slow learner
and would LOVE to have a way to maybe maybe more accurately determine when O may be nearby.
Fisher, this is not actually a very accurate method, and for you it isn''t required since you know your LP is usually around 14 days, but here is a rule of thumb for estimating O-day if you don''t want to temp or chart. All you need to do is keep track of CDs!

The shortest LP that *most* women will have is 10 days. So if you look at your cycles from the past 6 months and subtract 10 days from the longest cycle, then the resulting CD will the a reasonable estimate of the latest you will ovulate! The longest LP that *most* women will have is 16 days, so you take your shortest cycle and subtract 16 and the resulting CD is a reasonable estimate of the earlier you may ovulate!

Example: Your longest cycle was 60 days. If we subtract 10 you get CD 50. Your shortest cycle was 35 days, so if we subtract 16 we get CD 19. So based on this, it seems you will ovulate between CD 19 and CD 50
See, not so helpful for you sweety! Is someone has less variance or shorter cycles though, it can be helpful. For me, say, my longest cycle was 31 days, minus 10 = CD21. Shortest was 23 days, minus 16 = CD7. So if I wanted to cover my bases I could do the EOD technique between CD 7 and CD 21.

Since you know your LP, Fisher, then just subtract 14 from your longest and shortest to get the window of probably ovulation. Seems like it would be around CD 20 to CD 30 if we exclude the 60 day cycle, no?

Still, for you, temping combined with CF and perhaps adding OPKs is probably the best method, perhaps using the estimate method to estimate when to start EOD.. then switch to ED if you see EWCF or get a positive OPK!
Haha. That theory''s blown for me, then. We typically start the BD line around CD 14 or 16, and I always seem to carry it at least a week past ovulation, since my stupid crosshairs like to dance around on me.

I''m kind of nervous to go to bed tonight, because I know when I wake up, I''ll be on 14 DPO and I could have a temp drop. Something about the loss of the possibility of a pregnancy is so haunting to me. Silly, isn''t it?

DMB, I hope this TTC ride is short for you, girl!!
Date: 1/28/2009 9:45:40 AM
Author: Festy
Oh this is just the best! Natalina and Fisher, you guys are killing us! I absolutely love all you gals and how predicatble we are. Anytime someone gets to around 10 DPO and decides to wait to POAS, I know I can count on a post from Pandora saying, ''I would have P''d on like 19 sticks by now!'' It makes me laugh every time! What would I do without this place?
LOL - happy to keep you entertained!

I HATE waiting for things - and news of BFPs is always nail-biting! (I have so little will-power that I almost feel that I should go and POAS for them!)
Haha, Pandora. Do you still have HCG in your system? If you do, I''d love for you to pee for me.

Honestly, I wish I had peed on a stick this morning at this point. Now I''m to the point where I''m trying to figure out if tomorrow should be my temp drop, or the next day. Fretting over everything. Then again, if I had peed on a stick and it was negative, I''d still be going through the same thing, only with less hope.
And why can''t you POAS tonight?

I have to admit that I was a little ticked at you this morning, Fishie. I had just about one minute to log on before running off to work, and when I did I saw that you had just posted in BOTH the TTC and PG threads and my heart leaped. And then you hadn''t even tested! Way to get a girl''s hopes up.
I''m sorry, Blen. I thought about it this morning when I saw my temp rise back from the fall yesterday, but I didn''t. I didn''t use to post on the prego thread much, but I feel myself gravitating there more and more (mostly because I like to look for belly bump pictures!!).

I can''t pee tonight because I''ve always heard morning pee is the best pee. (Haha, how many times can you put "pee" in a sentence, Jen?) Plus, there''s no point to test if my temp drops tomorrow. Which is why now I''m confused if the drop is supposed to be tomorrow or Friday.

Plus, if I get a negative tomorrow, if I test, which I probably will not, but I don''t get a temp drop, does that mean the test could be wrong? Or at this point (what will be 14DPO), is a negative pretty accurate and much less likely to be a "false negative?"

Aye. I''m thinking too much. I''m gonna go find something else to do. Or try at least.
Hey, you don''t need to be sorry. I tested with evening pee because I''m almost (but not quite) as impatient as Pandora, and it worked for me. If you''ve been chugging water lately though it isnt'' the best idea. You could still definitely get a false negative at this point, but it''s just less likely than getting a false negative earlier on.
Fisher Blen was teasing you silly, she was just saying she is on your team!
And FWIW, I don''t think you should test at all until you are well past you typical LP. I know how hard you take it so I don''t think you should listen to all these enablers, and instead you should just keep trucking along. I also think maybe you should not temp for the next few days, to also save you some worry. Put the thermometer and the tests away. If AFF comes, there is the answer. If she is not here on Sunday when Paul comes home, THEN you can test. Why not live with the hope for a couple more days?

If you choose to ignore my advice, which why in the world would anyone do that
, then know that even at 14DPO you can still get a false negative. Implantation happens anywhere from 3DPO to 12DPO and it can take 2-6 days to get strong enough for tests to pick it up... on PSer didn''t get a positive until 17 DPO! So you are only truly out when AFF comes.
All this talk of peeing is making me have to go! I''d POAS for you Fishie if I thought it would do you any good at all. Pandora''s a MUCH better bet!

Natalina, if we don''t hear from you we''re going to assume you''re KTFU!

DMB, welcome! It sounds like you have your bases way covered this cycle. Way to go!
I know you weren''t really upset, Blen. I just feel bad that I''m putting off the testing, since I know I can''t wait when it''s time for others to take theirs. So much for being fair, huh?
DD''s right though, I do take testing hard and every negative just seems like so much more weight to carry in this whole TTC process. I''d much rather get a period than see a negative line every day til a period shows up. I do like to temp, though. It''s like a healthy addiction.

Paul had a poopy day at work today, so I''m making him some cookies. It gives me something to do other than fret over this stuff that I have no power over now, and it also gives me one more opportunity to bake this body into pregnancy. Heehee. I''m just saying, if it works for pushing babies out, it should also work for nesting them in!

Okay, signing off again, to keep from posting 20 times today.
Wow, so much going on!

Fisher I think you are doing great. I too would just keep waiting to see what my temp is the next day. I just can't wait to hear if you have a positive, but I too would wait till I'm officially late. And then maybe add a day? But then I haven't been in that situation really yet, so maybe I don't know the real feeling.

DMB Hi, welcome and tons of baby dust to you in your TWW! It sure sounds like you and hubby got your bases covered this last cycle. I hope you caught it! Wishing you a short stay here :)

Ok, where's Natalina??? Girl, are you hiding a positive from us?? I hope so
Let us know how you're doing
Hope you had a good day.

Oh, and Fisher fresh baked cookies sound wonderful! Lucky hubby of yours. Actually I wish my hubby liked cookies to be baked for him. But he doesn't really like sweets. So when I make them it's just for myself and it sort of takes away some of the fun. Oh, there still tastey right?
I just figured out that this thread is where some of my favorite posters have disappeared to (
) and thought I'd drop by to say HI

I soooo don't need to understand any of the acronyms you're throwing around, so I'll just wish you all the very best and godspeed in your TTC's, and go....

but... please do pull your heads out of those charts from time to time and drop by the hangout,SMTR, etc!
I''m wondering where Natalina''s gone off to, too!
Still hoping to hear some wonderful news soon!!!

And November Bride, did she ever come back after her testing/period time?

No news here, ladies. No temp drop, no news. Holding steady at 98.68.
Morning ladies!

Fisher - Glad to hear that your temp is still up!! I really can''t blame you one bit for being afraid to POAS right now. I don''t think I EVER have. Each cycle I just wait for AFF because I''d rather see that than the BFN so I totally get it. One day I''ll get to POAS, one day...anyway, trucks and trucks of baby dust to you Fisher!!

Natalia -- Are you holding out on us?!

Baby dust to Sha, Festy, Novemberbride, BlushingBride, Amber, Sunkist, Peony, DMBs, Steph, Lulu! Quite a group of ladies we have here

Thanks to all those ladies who visit to help us, encourage us, keep us sane and cheer us on!

CD 6 for me...AFF is gone, guess I better get to temping!
Hey radiant! I just saw your post to me. We're definitely trying again, though I have really long cycles so the process takes a while for me. I'm feeling okay about the miscarriage, although I do think about my baby (embryo?) every day and talk about it a few times a week with my husband. Honestly--and this almost sounds bad--but I think I'll be over it more fully when I have a new pregnancy to think about. It's not really the baby that I'm mourning since it was so early (mine was at 4 weeks and 2 days) but rather the loss of potential and the symbolism of the pregnancy.

For all of you chart stalkers, here's what mine looks like now. Just got crosshairs! I'm looking for a BIG temp rise in the next few days though, or it won't mean much. I don't get why FF put my O at 36 instead of 37 days. Good luck to everyone! As long as my temp goes up in the next few days, I'm definitely planning to test at 12DPO to be on the lookout for another chemical pregnancy. Who knows, maybe fishie and I will be testing on the same day.
I hope natalina is pregnant! Hi and good luck to everyone else!

Yah for crssharis Peony!

Yah for no temp drop! From what I recall, that is a gooooood sign for you lady!
Peony Yay for crosshairs!!
Oh that''s such good news, thanks for sharing your chart. Good timing on the BD too. I''m very hopeful for you.

Fisher this is great that your temp is still up. Are you on 14DPO today??

I remembered that this month I''m hoping my CM kicks in and I can use it as my natural OPK. Ha! I haven''t seen any EGCM yet but I think I have more CM in general than last month.
Date: 1/29/2009 11:20:47 AM
Author: sunkist
Peony Yay for crosshairs!!
Oh that''s such good news, thanks for sharing your chart. Good timing on the BD too. I''m very hopeful for you.

Fisher this is great that your temp is still up. Are you on 14DPO today??

I remembered that this month I''m hoping my CM kicks in and I can use it as my natural OPK. Ha! I haven''t seen any EGCM yet but I think I have more CM in general than last month.
Sunkist, try checking internally... I found that the best way for me and I think others have found that too. EW usually shows up 205 days before ovulation, so thats when to expect it!
Hi all,

I am still around and lurking for some good news (Fisher? Natalina?), it''s just a crazy time at work for me and I also have nothing interesting to post! I am on CD 34 and AF has not shown up yet, but that means nothing to me since i have not had a real period since going off birth control in August. I had the one in December that was the result of taking progesterone and I haven''t been able to pinpoint an O this month since my temps are so wacky (although we did BD every other day or so from CD 10-25). I am actually waiting for a call from the doctor today, as she had told me at the last visit that if I don''t get a period on my own within a reasonable amount of time this month she is going to put me on Clomid. I am not sure what a ''reasonable amount of time" is, but I don''t want to wait another 6 months this time.
Date: 1/29/2009 1:59:06 PM
Author: NovemberBride
Hi all,

I am still around and lurking for some good news (Fisher? Natalina?), it''s just a crazy time at work for me and I also have nothing interesting to post! I am on CD 34 and AF has not shown up yet, but that means nothing to me since i have not had a real period since going off birth control in August. I had the one in December that was the result of taking progesterone and I haven''t been able to pinpoint an O this month since my temps are so wacky (although we did BD every other day or so from CD 10-25). I am actually waiting for a call from the doctor today, as she had told me at the last visit that if I don''t get a period on my own within a reasonable amount of time this month she is going to put me on Clomid. I am not sure what a ''reasonable amount of time'' is, but I don''t want to wait another 6 months this time.
November I would think a reasonable amount of time is within about 40 days... at least that is the point at which I would call the doctor and tell her what was up. My fingers are crossed for you!
Hello ladies :)))
Remember me?

I see a lot of familiar "faces" and some new ones!

How are you all doing?. I haven't been on PS forever!...but I do lurk from time to time. My anniversary is coming up in less than a month (can't believe how time flies!) and I have been very busy with work (which is good in this economy!).

So I came to say hello...and also because well, we are going to start trying soon

I have tons of questions but not sure I want to know all that much so soon because I'm not even taking my temperature!. I stopped the pill (Ortho Tryclen-Lo) in November and since them my cycles have been: 34 days, 23 days, 23 days. So it looks like I'm settleting (sp?) into a 23 day-cycle...which is how I remember it sort of was before I was ever on any type of birth control.

I guess my question that too short?. I know I always had short cycles and that's one of the reasons I loved the pill (I had less periods!). Using basic calculators (no temps) my time to ovulate is almost right after my period. I was just wondering if anyone else had short cycles and if I need to be concerned at all?.

Anyway, I'm happy to be back and see all of you again

I remember you Mandarine!!!
You got married just before i did if I remember correctly. Good luck on the baby-making train. this is SUCH a great thread to support, encourage and enable.

I''m just lurking and rooting for my girls. I keep checking in to see if Fisher and Natalina had news?!

Anyways...back to lurking.

Date: 1/29/2009 3:23:07 PM
Author: Mandarine
Hello ladies :)))
Remember me?

I see a lot of familiar ''faces'' and some new ones!

How are you all doing?. I haven''t been on PS forever!...but I do lurk from time to time. My anniversary is coming up in less than a month (can''t believe how time flies!) and I have been very busy with work (which is good in this economy!).

So I came to say hello...and also because well, we are going to start trying soon

I have tons of questions but not sure I want to know all that much so soon because I''m not even taking my temperature!. I stopped the pill (Ortho Tryclen-Lo) in November and since them my cycles have been: 34 days, 23 days, 23 days. So it looks like I''m settleting (sp?) into a 23 day-cycle...which is how I remember it sort of was before I was ever on any type of birth control.

I guess my question that too short?. I know I always had short cycles and that''s one of the reasons I loved the pill (I had less periods!). Using basic calculators (no temps) my time to ovulate is almost right after my period. I was just wondering if anyone else had short cycles and if I need to be concerned at all?.

Anyway, I''m happy to be back and see all of you again

I don''t think that is too short... the luteal phase (LP) is between 10 and 16 days, so you should aim to have sex as much as possible between cycle day (CD) 7 and CD 13. With shorter cycles I would guess that you have a shorter LP, so I would guess that you ovulate closer to CD12/13. See how your cycles go over the next while! No need to temp if you don''t want to, but monitoring your cervical fluid is really helpful because it will help you know when you are in your fertile phase better than just counting.

But temping is a disease around these parts... within a couple months most seem to start!
Date: 1/29/2009 3:23:07 PM
Author: Mandarine
Hello ladies :)))
Remember me?

I see a lot of familiar 'faces' and some new ones!

How are you all doing?. I haven't been on PS forever!...but I do lurk from time to time. My anniversary is coming up in less than a month (can't believe how time flies!) and I have been very busy with work (which is good in this economy!).

So I came to say hello...and also because well, we are going to start trying soon

I have tons of questions but not sure I want to know all that much so soon because I'm not even taking my temperature!. I stopped the pill (Ortho Tryclen-Lo) in November and since them my cycles have been: 34 days, 23 days, 23 days. So it looks like I'm settleting (sp?) into a 23 day-cycle...which is how I remember it sort of was before I was ever on any type of birth control.

I guess my question that too short?. I know I always had short cycles and that's one of the reasons I loved the pill (I had less periods!). Using basic calculators (no temps) my time to ovulate is almost right after my period. I was just wondering if anyone else had short cycles and if I need to be concerned at all?.

Anyway, I'm happy to be back and see all of you again

Welcome to our neck of the woods Mandarine! Congrats on your upcoming anniversary! I hope you learn lots about TTC and your stay here is very short!

To answer you question about your cycle length, it really depends. 23 days isn't too short if you are ovulating at day 10 and you have a 13 day LP (luetel phase which is the amount of days from ovulation to period). But if you are ovulating on day 23 and you have an 8 day LP that may be too short. A fertilized egg takes 6-10 days to implant I believe. So it's kind of hard to say without really *knowing* what day ovualtion is occuring, but I'm sure you are fine. I know some of our experts around here will chime in soon. Welcome again!

ETA: I see I was posting the same time as DD...I like her answer better!
Date: 1/29/2009 3:28:43 PM
Author: InLuv101
Welcome to our neck of the woods Mandarine! Congrats on your upcoming anniversary! I hope you learn lots about TTC and your stay here is very short!

To answer you question about your cycle length, it really depends. 23 days isn''t too short if you are ovulating at day 10 and you have a 13 day LP (luetel phase which is the amount of days from ovulation to period). But if you are ovulating on day 23 and you have an 8 day LP that may be too short. A fertilized egg takes 6-10 days to implant I believe. So it''s kind of hard to say without really *knowing* what day ovualtion is occuring, but I''m sure you are fine. I know some of our experts around here will chime in soon. Welcome again!
This is true, but as I always like to point out, too short LPs are very very rare. I think it is safe for her to assume that her LP is at least 10 days.

I only harp on this LP issue because I know soooooo many of us worry unecessarily about a too short LP! I did and so many others. Sometimes the LP is shorter coming off the pill, but the research I read suggests that true LP defects are extremely rare. Just wanted to point that out!
Date: 1/29/2009 3:31:40 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 1/29/2009 3:28:43 PM
Author: InLuv101
Welcome to our neck of the woods Mandarine! Congrats on your upcoming anniversary! I hope you learn lots about TTC and your stay here is very short!

To answer you question about your cycle length, it really depends. 23 days isn't too short if you are ovulating at day 10 and you have a 13 day LP (luetel phase which is the amount of days from ovulation to period). But if you are ovulating on day 23 and you have an 8 day LP that may be too short. A fertilized egg takes 6-10 days to implant I believe. So it's kind of hard to say without really *knowing* what day ovualtion is occuring, but I'm sure you are fine. I know some of our experts around here will chime in soon. Welcome again!
This is true, but as I always like to point out, too short LPs are very very rare. I think it is safe for her to assume that her LP is at least 10 days.

I only harp on this LP issue because I know soooooo many of us worry unecessarily about a too short LP! I did and so many others. Sometimes the LP is shorter coming off the pill, but the research I read suggests that true LP defects are extremely rare. Just wanted to point that out!
You are absolutely right, DD!

And Mandarine -- you will soon see what a blessing it is to have short cycles!!
Thank you girls :)
I feel right back at PS home already!

I won''t worry, but thank you for providing input!!! I guess it probably is good to have short cycles

So then I guess I should be ovulating about next weekend more or less...
ooh. Maybe you''ll be a "Jerkstore" and get knocked-up right away!!

A "Jerkstore" is what we call people who come onto this thread and get pregnant right away without trying too much .
I was a jerkstore...and lived to tell. LOL.