
The Official TTC Thread!

And here''s my chart. :)

Blushing - I just realized I totally missed your post! Hope you didn''t think I was ignoring you! Hiya cycle buddy. I hope you''re doing well.

Amber - Geesh. If you hadn''t had that positive OPK I might have thought O was delayed for you. So sorry about the BFN. It''s not fair for your body to psych you out like that. I hope the house search becomes enjoyable at some point.


Just a little kvetch to say that this is looking like a crampy LP for me. Crampy yesterday and crampy today, at 2 D suspected PO. Meh.

CD 15/2 DPO, we think
AmberI agree with festy... I know your CF is usually a very clear sign, but based on temps I would have put your ovulation later at CD 26! I hope that isn''t the case and you are preggo, but that *could* explain the longer cycle. Stress usually affects ovulation timing, not the length of LP.
THANKS for the "hellos" and "welcomes"!

It''s nice to OFFICIALLY be here. In the past, I always tip-toed in since we truly didn''t know when we were going to begin TTCing. I''ll admit that I''m still not ready, but it''s now or never!

My cycle is set to begin later this week (I''m a 30-33 cycle gal). That means that I technically have another cycle to go until we begin. I expect to fully "get on the saddle" in late March. I''m gonna try to temp again.

Gosh. I hate when FF acts up and puts crosshairs somewhere then moves them. And I also hate it when you think you O''d one day, and it ends up you didn''t. I sure hope this is the cycle for you, girlie. Enough is enough, I say!!

Festy and Sha,

Glad you timed some good BD. That''s always makes for a more exciting two week wait.

Mandarine, you''re close to the end of your BD marathon, too. Yay!

So, I''m going to buy a 20 pack of the OPKs (dip strips) on Friday (2/13). I''ll be on CD14 at that point. When should I start using them, you think? And does it matter when you use them, if you drink water all day long at work? I do about 80 ounces a day (trying to build up that CM). As it is, I have to go pee so often during the day now, I figure there''s no shame in peeing in a cup while I''m in there.

I have the BIGGEST nasty bruise on my leg from my bike. Aye. I was so excited to go crash-boom free on Saturday that I went out again on Sunday after church. Haha. Saw a cute little squirrel playing all funny, pointed it out to Paul, let go of the left handle bar, tipped over, almost caught myself (but didn''t), rolled into a drainage ditch. Haha. I''m fine but there is a lovely purple bruise that looks just like a hotdog on my thigh, from the bike landing on me. :)
Amber, ya I''m still in OC. Good luck on the new place hunting! If you have been stressing about it maybe your body geared up and then delayed till the CD26 like DD is suggesting . Phooee on the BFN.

Hi SoCal girl

Fisher congratulations on learning to ride a bike! Sorry about the bruises, but that is totally awesome. I''m so happy for you

Mandarine sometimes I feel the same way about my nieces and nephws! But of course you still love them. I''m so curious about how women say a mothers love for her child is stronger than anything. Can''t wait to feel what thats like.

festy congrats on the well timed BD! I hope it works for you this time!!

Sending tons of O dust to Sha, InLuv andanyone else still waiting for theirs this month!

6DPO for me. Just sitting and waitibg.
Amber: Good to see you again! Sorry about that fake-out possible pregnancy! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Sha: Good luck this cycle! I think it will really help your chances to have so much information!

Fisher: As long as you are drinking fairly consistent amounts on a daily basis, that should be okay. With OPKs you really just need to learn your body's pattern. If you drink a lot of water maybe yours will never get super dark, but a line that's the same darkness as the control line may be good enough. Please post if you have questions.

Natalina: I'm starting the Clomid on day 5 of this cycle. Do you have any pregnancy symptoms yet?

Sunkist: Good luck!!!!!!


As for me, I'm back on CD1 after a 49-day anovulatory cycle! I've never been so happy to have my period. I'm FINALLY doing my CD3 tests this cycle as well as a fasting glucose test because apparently elevated glucose can increase the chances of miscarriage in women with PCOS. I think I'd actually prefer it if all my bloodtests came out normal, but if it's not PCOS then what's causing my weird cycles?
So exciting to see some of the girls now into the two week wait. I hope we get positive posts from all of you soon! Wouldn''t it be fun to have a group of friends to take with you to the preggo thread?


Is it about your O time? Hoping all the best!!


Did today''s temp. make anything more clear?


I hope the CD3 testing yields some good results, girl! Did your last cycle end on it''s own, or did you go to the Dr. to have that medication that makes it start? I hear you on the wanting answers, but in also not wanting to have a problematic syndrome attached to you. Aye. Thinking all the best thoughts that you''ll not even have to go through further testing, because Clomid will be your *magic.*

Do you think with my O coming between CD20 and CD44 (that was only once, most seem to be between 20-26) that I should start doing OPKs on CD 14 or 15, or closer to like 19? I don''t know what to do!! I wonder if I should stop drinking so much. I have a 20 ounce "chugger" water bottle that''s refillable and I fill it about 4 times a day at work, with the last re-fill coming home with me. I find that I drink much less water at home, though.

On a side note, my chest has definitely not "deflated" from my last cycle when I thought it was a tell-all sign of pregnancy. I wonder why as adults we sometimes have *growth spurts.* As it is, I''ve not grown enough to go up a cup, but I sometimes have the bubbling out of the top of my bra issue. Mind you, it''s a GREAT issue for this small chested girl to have!
Hi All!

Festy - no worries about missing my post...I kind of snuck in there.
Have you O''d yet?

Fisher - wow, you are good! I O''d either today or will O tomorrow according to my monitor (today was my first peak day and I always get two in a row). I''m not temping this cycle, but did temp today and will temp tomorrow to confirm O. As for your question about the OPK - I have normal 30 dayish cycle and I was told by my OBGYN that I should start them at CD 10 so, considering your cycles are a bit longer, I don''t think it hurts to start them at CD 14. Next month you can always start them eariler. The point is, you are using them and I think they will help you. Hopefully, you''ll be able to read them easier than I could. I was getting 4 positives in a row and it just got too confusing for me so, I switched to the monitor after reading Ebree and Lovely''s success stories.

Amber - great to see you around old pal!
I also thought maybe you O''d later than normal according to your chart. Hopefully, your pregnant either way!
That is one great looking chart! Have you tested yesterday or today? I''m still holding out hope for you girl...

Peony - good to see you popping in too! Sorry to hear about your anovulatory cycle. Good riddance!! Here''s hoping this cycle is THE ONE!

Lovely - hope you are doing well. Miss you around here! Even though I''m not posting as much, I still lurk and look for your posts.

Hello to everyone else and BEST OF LUCK ladies!!!!

CD 16
Good morning everyone, 3 DPO for me. Here''s my chart...sorry it''s so small. I don''t know how else to get it small enough to post.

Fisher, oucha, that bruise sounds nasty! Good luck with the OPK strips! I found they were not worth the added headache, but hopefully you''ll have a better experience. The upshot is that you''ll get really good at PIAC. Good practice for that BFP!

Festy Nice timing on the GOF! (aka floor dancing!)
Fisher - Sorry to hear about the bruise!! I hope it heals quickly and you don''t lose any confidence to get back out there!
(also yay for larger chest!...I''m pretty flat, so I''m looking forward to seeing that change once I''m pregnant!!! hehe

Sunkist - I have my fingers crossed for you in this cycle!!!

Festy - I don''t know what a pretty chart looks like, but sending thoughts your way for a perfect chart this cycle!!!


As for me, we just didn''t have the energy to BD last night or this morning. I *think* I already ovulated though because I''m pretty "dry" we may or may not BD tonight and then maybe Thursday...then I sit and wait! I''m suppossed to get my period 1 day before our 1 year anniversay (2/22)...would be good to know either way (either to celebrate for an added reason or to go out and celebrate drinking a nice bottle of wine/champage! ;))


Hi guys,
Amber - if you did O that date, your chart really does look triphasic, with an implantation dip too....? And your BD would've been well-timed. Is pg a possibility, you think, or no?

Fisher - sorry about the bruise. Ouch! But it's all part of the fun of learning! I cut a few scratches and bruises the first time too, but I was about 8 at the time, so it didn't really matter that much.

With the OPK's - a lot of websites recommend that you start using them 3 days before your earliest O date. So if your earilest O ever was on CD20 - then you should start using them on CD17. But starting them on CD14 wouldn't hurt. And it would at least give you a chance to see what complete negatives look like, so you can better recognize the positive, when it comes.

Peony, I hope your CD3 tests come back okay. But if not, at least you'll know what the problem is, so you can treat it accordingly. I still need to go get mine....not really looking forward to it, really, though.


So today is CD18 in my world. What a frustrating morning! Got a positive OPK yesterday and tried to initiate some BD with DH last night. He wasn't really in the mood (had a headache) so he promised we would do it in the morning. I told him I really didn't want to miss my window - which got us into a whole conversation about ovulation and babies and what not, during which we (mostly he)talked about his anxieties about life changing after kids, etc. Anyway, after pushing a little )for us to do it that evening) I gave in and told him we could do it in the morning. Anyway, so this morning I wake him up to BD. We went at it, but he didn't finish!!!
I could have cried!! So disappointedI I think he was a bit freaked out by the conversation the night before - and all the pressure.
(Bding under duress is sooo unsexy). So I went to work feeling very down and that I had completely missed my window - again!

But anyway, just now I came home for lunch and took another OPK - and it's still positive. It's actually even darker than yesterday's. So I'm thinking maybe there's still a bit of a chance, and I might ovulate today or tomorrow. Problem is - how do I pscyh DH up to try again this afternoon? I think he felt bad this morning - he said he felt like he disappointed me. I really don't want to put any pressure on him - but at the same time, I really don't want to miss my window again, and have to wait for another month! I want to 'at least' give it a shot! And this is my second medicated cycle too, and you can only do six rounds of Clomid before the take you off it!!

Any suggestions? Some BD this afternoon would be great - but how do I go about it? If I dress sexy and seduce him - he'll know the reason why because we already had that conversation. But if I pressure him to 'do it' now, then I worry that he'll feel pressured and wont' be able to perform.

Oh, what's a girl to do???
Hey ladies!

Sha -- Sorry that happened! It''s actually happened to us too after I mixed "baby talk" (talking of babies, not cooing, lol) with "pillow talk". It just didn''t work out. DH asked me after that not to mix to the two. He asked if I would talk about babies/making babies anywhere but while in bed and talk about sex anywhere of course! He said it was too much pressure. We didn''t BD until about 2 days later so I''m not sure how you could get your DH ready this afternoon...maybe just initiate but do not mention the incident from this morning. Hope it works out for you!

Charger -- Again, welcome to the thread! It really is a wonderful place with great ladies. Hope you get KTFU super quick!

Festy -- Nice chart!

Fisher -- Sorry about the bruises, all part of the process right?

Mandarine -- If your CM has dried up then you are probably out of the fertile window but hey, a few more wouldn''t hurt

Shout outs to: BlushingBride, NovBride, Amber, Lulu, Peony, Sunkist, and anyone else I missed!!

CD18 here, longest I''ve gone in any cycle without O''ing (I''m not complaining as I know some of you ladies have waited a VERY long time to O in some of your cycles). Still having EWCM and hoping for O today or tomorrow.
DD - thanks! After 7 months of trying, I''m finally starting to understand our BDing abilities and can time things better.

Fishie and Mandie - not that we need another competition around here, but I swear I would win the small boobie contest.

Sha - I really feel for you because DH and I had some similar experiences. For him, it''s not necessarily about freaking out over life changes (I think he wants a child more than I do!), but age. At 46, he simply can''t perform like he could when he was 30. The first time this happened to us I felt like crying but held it together and we were able to "finish" later that night. The second time it happened I did cry, I couldn''t help it. Of course this upset him tremendously and he claimed he didn''t know we were in my fertile window. Would it have helped him to know or just put more pressure on him? Anyway, that month we probably missed our window. My best advice is to try - gently - again tonight. If he resists then I would let it go, no matter how hard that will be. Then try to talk to him when you are both not feeling emotional about it. See if you can come up with a game plan for BDing that you are both comfortable with. I try to remind myself that my relationship with DH is more important than what we might be able to produce. It is *very* hard to keep that in perspective when you know you are Oing at that exact moment, though! I hope this helps and doesn''t sound preachy.
hehe Festy, I''m not completely flat I guess...but I''m definitely A cup (a small a cup that is!). It doesn''t really bother me, it never has. I have the big latin hips going so I can''t imagine having a full chest too!. Still I''m looking forward to the temporary chest change

Sha - I''m so sorry about the incident this morning. I agree with Festy thugh...I would try gently but f it''s not happening I would let it go. I know that''s easier said than done, but you have to think of the health of the relationship first. I don''t think wearing something nice would hurt...maybe also making a special dinner to put you both at ease?. Good luck

inLuv - Good luck this cycle!!! Baby dust going your way and hoping you O today!
InLuv I think the long period of EW is a great thing! It suggests that you have lots of estrogen and that means you may be extra fertile! I hope it happens soon, I know I waited for what felt like an eternity the month I got KTFU, but in the end it worked out! Fingers crossed!

Sha I think don''t mention today or yesterday, put it out of your own mind completely as well, and focus tonight on bonding and being close with your DH. You are under stress, and that isn''t good for the process. So I think if you make your goal tonight to be close and loving together, then you will have accomplished something. If the closeness and loving feeling result in BD, great, if not, then you have done your relationship some good. So plan a nice meal, share a bottle of wine, do whatever things together that you really love to do, and just enjoy feeling close. And see what happens!
Thanks for the feedback, girls. I really appreciate it. This afternoon when I came home I was really trying to take it easy and just relax. DH had the day off today and was home watching TV when I came in. So I snuggled up to him and we were chatting for a bit. Somehow or other the conversation came around to sex, and I decided to take one last shot at seeing if we could BD - but he said he wasn't in the mood - because - (GASP!) He had masturbated that afternoon!!!
(Shock and horror!) I didn't say anything, but I was thinking, "how could he do that, when he KNEW I wanted some?" So I asked him whether he was being passive-aggressive by masturbating, so that he didn't have to BD later? He said No - he just felt horny, and decided to just do it while at home.
So I told him I was very disappointed because there's only a short window of time to BD - and I feel like we've wasted a whole (medicated!) cycle, by not BDing at the right times. He said, "why can't we do it tomorrow?" What difference does it make?" So I explained the whole fertile window thing to him and he says, "Oh, I thought you could get pregnant any time during the month".
Clearly, I need to do some more educating on this.

Anyway, I'm so so disappointed. I had such high hopes for this cycle and I feel like it's all a bust now.
This cycle would make the second cycle (on Clomid) that was wasted due to poor BD timing. That sucks!!!! I took a second OPk tonight and it was fainter - so I'm pretty sure I'm O'ing tonight or sometime soon. With no BD.

Why can't men cooperate sometimes? We have to do chart our cycles, drink Robitussin/green tea/drink water etc, take prenatals, figure out our fertile window and get psyched up to BD on all fertile days, and all they have to do is cooperate!!! Is that so hard?????

I'm just so pissed.

Hope you guys are having a better day.
Oh, Sha, I am so sorry that DH wasn''t too cooperative. That just sucks. Maybe he''ll be much better going forward after you explain the window to him.

InLuv- Yay for O hopefully happening today or tomorrow! Get on that saddle, girl!

Amber and Sunkisst- anxious to hear an update on both of you!

Peony- Yay for Clomid! I''m really excited for you. I hope this is the answer! Thanks for asking about me. Not really many symptoms. Still light cramping, and sore nips (uch..hate that word), but not much else. Had my 1st appt today and she said morning sickness should be hitting soon if it''s going to. I''m 6 weeks +1 day today.

For anybody I''ve missed, good luck this cycle. I''m really hoping and praying that all of you can come over to the preggo thread soon!

I saw your post on the other thread about your first appt. I''m sorry you didn''t feel like you got all the information on the different scans/tests available. Hopefully when you actually meet with a Dr., they can review everything. Take a list of questions, and that should help! So glad you''re not suffering from hardcore morning sickness!


Husbands don''t "get" it a lot of the time, and usually it''s not about not wanting a baby as much as they just don''t understand the limited window of actual potential for baby making.


Wishing you all the best this cycle, girlie!!


I missed your post earlier. Good to see you again! Hoping all good things for you, too!


Let us know how the ferning goes. It''s something I''ve looked into in the past, as it seems that when ovulation is very varied, it could be a good predictor, if you can find the correct ferning pattern. Good luck!!


We miss you!!!


Whoo hoo for guessing right!
Hope your two week wait goes quickly and then you get a dream come true!

CD12 today. No news. Tempted to start the BD train, but seems too early, considering past cycles. I did have watery CM yesterday, but I don''t know what to make of that. Seems early to me. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how soon to start taking Robitussin? I don''t want to medicate myself for a week or more at a time... (but I will if that''s how it''s supposed to go).
Hi everyone!!!

I need some "it''s ok and normal" from you guys!. Now that we are TTC, I am paying so much attention to every little thing I feel or my body does. Fo example I got a horrible pimple I mean HORRIBLE. Right between my mouth and nose, not very attractive. Of course my first thought is "I never get pimples!". But I''m sure I do. Then yesterday I had heartburn which I never do...or do I? See? I just don''t know if I over think it. LOL. We BD''ed again last night just in case and will probably again Friday
. I''ve also had slight cramping...and yesterday I told DH it felt like PMS but it would be way too early for that (period is not due until 2/20 or so).

Anyway, I am sure this has happenned before to some of you and maybe you just learn to stop thinking about it. That''s one of the reasons I don''t wnat to chart. I am slightly compulsive/obsessive
and think charting would turn me into a monster and my poor husband would pay the consequences...hehe. I told him we would try a few cycles the good ol'' fashion way (going at it like rabbits, actually more like teenagers...Lord knows it is a lot easier for teenage kids with no jobs to get knocked up!

On another note what''s the Robitossin for??



Sha I am so sorry to hear about you missing your window this cycle. I think you definitely need to explain a bit more so he understands. Do you chart?...maybe it would help to show him?.
Mandarine- For what it''s worth, since going off the pill 4 months ago, I have cramping really badly during the week I ovulate.
Morning All!

Sha -- Oh man that just sucks! I'm sorry DH didn't cooperate, but I agree with the others...sometimes men just don't get it. My DH didn't understand either just how small the window is. He said "So you go through life being so afraid of getting a woman pregnant and the chances are restricted to a few days?!" I think explaining and showing him your chart may help him to "get it".

Natalia -- Thanks for the O wishes!

DD - Thanks for weighing in on the increased CM this month. I sure hope that means I'm extra fertile!

Fisher -- Early fertile CM? That's never a bad thing. Maybe the next few days will tell you for sure what is going on this cycle and hopefully that is an early O this month!

Mandarine -- It's totally normal to be hypersensitive to every twinge and poke when TTC. I think we've all pretty much done it and it gets especially worse during the 2WW. Get used to your body fooling you and making you think you feel preggo symptoms...ahhh, the joys of TTC!
The Robitussin (the expectorant kind) is for producing more CM. I've never done it but heard it works if your CM is kinda scanty.
As for me, it's CD19, no sign of O yet (still have low temps). Day 11 of fertile CM which is really making me think that I don't know how to properly analyze my CM since 11 days is insane!
I've never had near this much or a problem analyzing in the past...praying for O soon!
Good Morning!

Sha - I''m so sorry to hear what your going through with DH - I was getting frustrated and annoyed right along with you just reading your post! The best thing you can do is not force this issue you on him. It will only get worse and turn him off if he feels you are coming at him to strongly. My DH wants no baby making talk during the days we have to BD. I''ve respected his wishes and completely understand that it''s his personal preference. Did you get any BDing in before O?

Mandarine - try not to concentrate on all the things going on with your body (as hard as that sounds). It''s only going to drive you insane
and if you end up getting a BFN, it will make things even worse because you had yourself thinking you were preggers. Trust me, I''ve been through it!
Anyway, I think it''s too early for you to be feeling symptoms since implanation is between 6-12 DPO. Cramping is normal a few days after O. Just try not to think about it too much.

As for me, I am on CD 16 and I either O''d yesterday or today. We''ve BD''d Friday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and will again tonight. I feel really good about our timing this month so, we''ll see. My DH was concerned about BDing everyday because he felt that the amount of sperm would not be as much, but I''ve told him that if you don''t have any issues with your sperm (which he doesn''t), then I have a better chance of getting preggos if we did it everyday as opposed to EOD. I believe DD posted some stats on this a while back, but I can''t seem to remember them.

BTW - if you are feeling O pains does that mean you are about to O, are Oing or will O?
Date: 2/11/2009 9:58:36 AM
Author: blushingbride
As for me, I am on CD 16 and I either O''d yesterday or today. We''ve BD''d Friday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and will again tonight. I feel really good about our timing this month so, we''ll see. My DH was concerned about BDing everyday because he felt that the amount of sperm would not be as much, but I''ve told him that if you don''t have any issues with your sperm (which he doesn''t), then I have a better chance of getting preggos if we did it everyday as opposed to EOD. I believe DD posted some stats on this a while back, but I can''t seem to remember them.

BTW - if you are feeling O pains does that mean you are about to O, are Oing or will O?
I think Indy found these stats and I can''t recall the specifics either, but there is a small but significant increase in conception rates with everyday mostly because it increases your chances of hitting the key days: O-2, O-1 and O day...
Heya Girls. I'm delurking to throw in my tarnished tuppins, into the Trevi Fountain

When it was 'our widow of opportunity' I too had to tread that fine line between 'gitting what I wanted' from DH, and respecting his feelings by not pressuring him. What IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII did, and is not for everyone, but I made it into a bit of a hilarious game. I would dress up!
. One day I was nakked, wearing just an apron while preparing dinner, when he came home from work...another day I dressed in something else. It may sounds ridiculous, but it worked in the sense that it removed the task-oriented nature of the deed, and made it kinda funny/silly.

Anyways. It worked for me!!!!!! lol. Good luck girlies. As always, rooting for you.

PS. I LOVE "get on the floor". Its HILARIOUS to me.
Sha - I''m so sorry. Like others have said, he acted out of ignorance, not malice. I too would have been beside myself. I LOVE Mela''s "strategy." You guys will have to figure out what works for you, although it sounds like a little more edu-macating might help. This isn''t a burden that you should have to bear alone and hope that DH goes along. I bet once he knows more he''ll be right on board. (Translation: on the floor).

Mandarine - I can''t ditto what Blushing said enough! Thritto and quaddritto. My first few months off the pill I was feeling and noticing everything and it really bit me in the a$$!

Blushing - great timing! Fingers crossed for you.

InLuv - WTF, huh?? I''m so intrigued.

Hi everyone, happy weds!

Charger - welcome to the thread - I hope your stay here is short. I also started out as a casual ttc''er, but when things didn''t work out as soon as I liked, I hopped on the temping bandwagon. It really is nice to have the information temping provides, but it is hard to get in the routine of doing it every morning.

Amber - good luck with your house search. I found looking for a home to be frustrating and exciting at the same time. But it''s all worth it once you find your dream home. Please keep us posted.

Fisher - congrats on learning to rise a bike. DH and I ride bikes all summer at the beach (our families have homes there) and we love it. Ours are old school beach cruisers, and we take them everywhere - to the beach, to eat, even out to the bars at night. I wish we could use them year round, but sadly it''s very hilly where we live and would be almost impossible to bike without a real bike with gears and everything. But we always look forward to our first ride each summer.

Mandarine - sounds like you timed your GOF quite well - hopefully your stay will be short.

Peony - glad to hear you got the clomid. I started mine today (CD 5). I hope all your tests come out normal, please let us know.

Festy - good news about the well-times BD - I have my fingers crossed!

Sha - I am so sorry about your frustration. I found that I had to really educate my D as well. That one problem with all-boys Catholic school - my DH came out with very scanty knowledge of female anatomy and biology.

As for me, CD 5 here, just took my first Clomid pill today. I started taking the progesterone Friday night, and AF showed up first thing Sat morning after just one pill. That seems odd, so maybe it was coming anyways? Per the doctors instructions, I''ll be taking Clomid CD 5-9 and then BD 10-20. I think we are going to try for every day this time, I have renewed energy and hope since getting Clomid. DH won''t be the problem - he is always up for it (although I''ll definintely have to do some initiaiting), but it''s going to be a challenge for me to be into it everyday.
Hi guys,
Thanks for the support and for sharing your experiences. Yeah, I think that he really doesn't get how limited the 'window of opportunity' is. I'm going to try to educate him a bit more for next cycle. Printing off my chart is a good idea. InLuv - it's funny what your DH said. Somebody posted a question like that on FF yesterday - "If you knew how hard it was to get pregnant, would you have been on birth control at all?" Something like that. It definitely made me think. I think both girls and boys grow up thinking that if you have sex at any time, you can get preggo. So yeah, I definitely don't think DH understands how restricted baby-making time really is.

I like your strategy Mela!
I can see how that would help get him in the mood, without putting on the pressure, you know?.... Will have to try that! The only thing is that we usually come home together - but I'm sure I'll figure something out.

Blushing - the last time we Bd'd was 2 days before O. Same as last cycle (in which I did not get preggo, obviously). I know that that still kind of gives me a chance. But I'm not feeling hopeful because there've been the few cycles where we had that BD schedule and nothing happened. Maybe the swimmers don't stick around long enough, or there're not enough of them.

This is going to be one boring two-week wait.
It's so much more fun to have something to obsess over. Blah.

But I'll be rooting on for all of you!

Festy - your timing looks good this cycle. Yay!! You too blushing! Hope you guys get KU!

InLuv - I hope you O soon. Are you/DH getting tired of Bding? Are you using OPK's? That might help to narrow down your "really" fertile time a bit more. But having a lot of swimmers 'up there' is a good thing too!

Mandarine - Robitussin is to help thin out your cm and make it more "swimmable". It has to be the one wtih 'guanesfesin' only in it though. Sorry about the pimple! I have one one my chin and close to my lip right now - so I completely empathize.

November - good luck on your Clomid cycle! I know it can be tiring to BD every day - but every other day is also a good option. Ovulation on Clomid usually happens 5-9 days after the last pill - so that would put your most likely O window from days 14-18.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
Hey everyone- thanks for the hellos and well wishes. Today is CD 36. I''m depressed. Today''s temp went waaaay up (97.43 yesterday- 98.83 today) but as I''ve now been blindsided by something that aches a lot like the FLU, that could be why. Still- CD 36!!! What THE EFFING EFF??

So yeah, officially five days past the longest cycle- and I''m pissy. If I listen to ya''ll and go off the CD26 O date, that gives me another few days to expect AFF, so I''ll see what happens.

We looked at a kick ass place last night- two bedrooms, two bath, vaulted ceilings- granite counters, balcony, fireplace, AC/Heat- dining room. Eeeeeeeeee!! We''re trying to work it, I don''t want to give our notice until we know we actually got the place (renting), and we still haven''t turned in the application!! CRAPASSBAG!

So stressing.