
The Official TTC Thread!

Good luck Sunkist! I agree with Sabine and highly recommend the FRER and a digi to make it seem more real. Even when the line is darker it still makes it a bit more real to see it in writing.
Ooh, Sunkist, you sound very calm! We''re leaving this afternoon to visit some friends so I''m going to be checking back as often as possible! I''m hoping good things for you. LPs can vary in length by a day or two. Mine run from 13-15 days. But it''s not over til AF shows up. Good luck!

Amber, the right house will come along. Big hugs to you. I hope the crapalicious feelings go away soon.

Peony, I''m so excited for you! It''s like you''re starting a new phase of the journey. I think it won''t be long now.


I''m at 7 DPO. Even though I hate to test before AF is due, I''ll probably test the morning of 13 DPO, because that''s the day of our appointment with the RE! I''m really looking forward to it and have no idea what to expect. It''s funny, the more time goes on, the more relaxed I feel about this. For some reason I still feel like this is going to happen on its own, but being in the hands of a professional makes me feel really good.

I hope everyone has a great Valentine''s Day, and to those of you who can''t celebrate today, here''s hoping you find a romantic moment with your DH whenever you can grab one!
Awww man!! AFF showed up this morning. Along with cramps. I''m in the dumps this morning.
Thanks Sabine, Robbie, Festy, Fisher, Sha, Peony, and Natalina and everyone else for the cheers though! I know it''s going to happen one of these coming months. I was really hoping for this one though cause the due date would have been in October before all the crazy holidays come up. My next 2 possible due dates are like Nov.21 and Dec. 17. That''s right at the time when it''s Thanksgiving/Hubby''s b-day/our wedding anni/ the time we like to take a vacation. And then Christmas. So maybe we won''t really try the next 2 cycles
I dunno.

I''m looking forward to everyone who''s testing next week though! Festy, Mandarine, who else? Loads and loads of baby dust girls, coming your way!
I want someone to get preggo!

Oh, and my hubby was so cute when I told him I was thinking there''s a chance I could be pregnant. He really wants twin boys
hehe, although if we got them I wouldn''t complain!

Alright, on to the V-day chocolate for me!!
(my dad brought me the really, really, really good stuff from Belgium. Yummmmm! I''m so excited to go eat it!) sorry, sunkist.
I was really hopeful that this was your month. But at least your LP is longer this time? That''s a good thing.

Enjoy your V-day chocolate! I like to comfort my self with sugary treats during AF, too.
Hope you feel better later.
Sunkist, so sorry about your stupid AF.
You timed BDing really well too! I can understand what you mean about having a holiday baby (if I get pregnant this cycle I will be due the last week on November), but I still think it would still be great to have a November or December baby! Most people never have their party exactly on their birthday anyway, and you and your DH can still make the actual birthday a really special day.

Thanks SO much Natalina and Sunkist!! If this dang pill can just get me to ovulate normally (it''s not an injection, luckily!), I feel like I have a good chance of getting pregnant soon. I can''t believe I''ve only ovulated once since the beginning of September, grr.

Festy: Thanks so much! Good luck with your RE appointment, and please let us know how it goes and if you learned anything interesting.
I got my BFP on the day before my RE appointment, so it could happen for you too.

Happy Valentine''s Day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DH gave me a blue topaz heart pendant with a teeny diamond above it. He said he picked it because our baby was conceived in December, so he wanted me to have a nice memento to wear near my heart. I''m wearing it right now.
Awe, I''m sorry Sunkist. I agree that it''s a good thing that your LP seems to have gotten longer though.
Happy Valentine''s Day ladies. I hope you and your DHs'' have a fabulous day, whatever you are doing. Dh and I are about to head out to dinner in about an hour. This morning he brought me red roses (traditional, but my favorite) as well as my fav candy, chocolate covered apricots and a very sweet card.

Sunkist, I am sorry about your news, but your chart looked so good I am sure it will only be a short time until you are ktfu.

Peony, for the Clomid, my doctor told me to take it days 5-9, bd every other day from 11-19 and start using OPKs on the 12th. Is that similar to what you are doing?

We also found out today from DHs mom that his cousin''s wife is pregnant. They got married in October and are due in Sept. I am very happy for them, but I have definitely started to reach the point where I am having negative feelings towards people when I find out they are pregnant. I hate feeling this way but I can''t help it. Especially this time since I can''t help thinking that we have been trying since before they even were married. And when DH called his cousin to congratulate them, he said it was unexpected. How do all of these people "unexpectedly" get pregnant when all of us can''t get pregnant purposefully and with charting etc. Does anyone else feel this way or am I a terrible person?
Thanks for the info, November! I'm also taking it on days 5-9, but I didn't get any specific instructions on charting or BDing. I think I'll start temping on day 10 and using OPKs on day 12. Not totally sure what we'll do about BDing, but probably every 2-3 days from day 10 until I have some sign of impending ovulation and then we'll ramp it up. What day are you on? Today is CD6 for me.

I understand what you mean about being jealous of other people who got pregnant easily!! I figure that there are always people who I'll be jealous of and people who are jealous of me. Sometimes I find that jealousy is actually a helpful emotion because I'm an indecisive person and it elucidates what I really want. But obviously in this case we know that we already want a baby! I also cannot comprehend what it's like to get pregnant without even meaning to, but I imagine that it must be pretty scary in a lot of ways!
Date: 2/13/2009 8:23:40 PM
Author: peonygirl
Hi gals! I finally got most of my CD3 tests back today! My LH was somewhat elevated, which explains my constant dark OPKs. Fortunately my insulin, glucose, prolactin, tsh, estrogen, and fsh were all fine though! The one I''m still waiting on is my testosterone, which is sometimes elevated with PCOS. For those of you who''ve had CD3 tests that came back with possible PCOS, do you remember what your LH was? Mine was 9.7 and the LH/FSH ratio was just under 2:1, whereas it should be more like 1:1. However, my dr is out of town, so I just have the results without an official interpretation.

Also, for the Clomid gals, what advice did your dr. give about tracking ovulation and BDing? I''m really curious! I took my first Clomid today. It was scary but very exciting.

Amber: Sorry that your day was so crappy.
We''re not even close to buying a house, but I can imagine that you must be feeling pretty awful right now. Is there a possibility that you could find another great one in that area, or that another will go on the market soon? Good luck sweetie!

Sunkist: GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
Peony- My RE told me to take the clomid cycle day 5-9, he said it didn''t matter what time but to take it around the same time every day. Then to start OPK''s on CD12. I temp the whole month, but have noticed my temps a little higher when I''m taking the clomid, they seem to go down enough before ovulation to still be able to see the ovulation shift.
We are doing clomid with IUI. This will be our second cycle of that.
Good luck with the clomid. It did lengthen my LP by about 2 days. I ovulated on day 15 last month, which is about 2 days earlier than normal. THey did a follicle scan and I had 2 large follicles the day after I got my positive opk (which is when we did the IUI).
As far as side effects, I''ve had hot flashes and have definitely been a bit moody. My hubby keeps reminding himself that it''s not me, it''s the meds
I just took a positive pregnancy test!

My due date is around Oct. 22.

We really thought it would be positive (except we didn''t say that to each other so as not to get our hopes up) . . . I got my last period Jan 15 and ovulated Jan 29 or 30. Normally I ovulate on day 16-17 with my ovulation predictor showing three or so days of "high" before "peak," but this month it suddenly went from "low" on day 13 to "peak" on day 14. DH had thrown his back out and hadn''t worked for three days, and I was sick and taking antibiotics, so we mustered a feeble effort but definitely didn''t "try" like we normally would. And I thought, you know, after four months of "trying," I bet we''ll get pregnant when we barely try and are both under the weather.

On Thursday the 29th, I had vague aching on the left side, so I noted on my calendar that I had ovulated left. The next day, I distinctly felt the localized aching on the right side, so I think I either only ovulated on the right side on the 30th or else I ovulated from both a day apart. Yikes!

It''s still very early, obviously. I''ll make a dr. apt. tomorrow and take it from there.

I''ve been burping/mildly nauseated for the last five or so days, which happened in December when I thought I was pregnant but got my period on time. I really think I had a chemical pregnancy then now that I know what I feel like when I''m confirmed to be pregnant.

My sister is unexpectedly pregnant with her third, due at the end of Sept. Pregnant sisters!

I know it''s still very early. Honestly, though, there was that latent fear that we couldn''t get pregnant, so whatever happens, I''m glad to know that''s not a problem.
OMG, Phoenix, congrats!!! Sending major sticky vibes for your little bean!

Peony, it''s so good to hear how proactive you are being! I hope the clomid helps! Tiffany and November, how long have you two been on clomid?

Sunkist, so sorry about dang AFF. Hopefully next cycle for you!

Good luck to the rest of you!
Congrats Phoenix!
Congrats, Pheonix! What a beautiful surprise!!
So you only got one BD in, then? The day before O? I'm always curious about BD schedules that lead to bfps...

Peony, I'm glad to hear your results came back okay, for the most part.
I meant to reply to you earlier but it somehow slipped me...I hope the Clomid works well for you this cycle! It definitely helped to regulate my O so I'm sure it'll do the same for you.

I'm 5 dpo today.... Major snooze...
Phoenixgirl: That is so wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats and super sticky vibes to you.
Did you take the pregnancy test together, and if not how did you tell DH and how did he react?
Can you briefly mention your history of TTC (what methods of tracking/charting you were doing and how long you were TTC)? We always love to hear that info around here.

Tiffany: Thanks so much for your Clomid advice. I usually have 50+ day cycles, and I am going to be SO psyched if I can ovulate by day 20 with Clomid! Am I confusing you with someone else or did you have a miscarriage a while ago?

Sabine: How is your pregnancy going? I know that you had some early scares, but I''m hoping things are much better these days!

I'm sorry, sweetie. But you know what? You're totally right. Your time will come. I really find comfort in knowing that the time will come, even when it's not necessarily in *our* timing. And hey, what's a month or two more in the scheme of things?

How was everyone's Valentine's Day?

Mine was great; we didn't bike (rainy *again,* but Paul did pick out a bike we'll probably get soon, when it's not rainy!), but we had fun. Went to see his mother at the hospital, and she's always such an encourager. She's undergoing treatment number 6 out of 8, so she's in the home stretch now! I'm so excited for the time when I'm able to tell her that she's going to be a grandmother!!

Paul got me a teddy bear, the cutest card, tulips (my fav!!!) and a *sparkly*!!! Whoo buddy, I love my hubby!!!


Hoping that you don't end up need to go to that Dr. appt.


I hope you find an ovulation by CD20 this cycle, too, girl!!

Other than TTC, how's your crazy life going these days? Hopefully work's not making you too nuts!!


You're totally NOT a bad person to have those feelings. At all. I often question why people who don't seem to care for their children continue to have children, when families long for children, and their bodies just seem to be uncooperative at times. Again, all I can focus in on is becoming as prepared as possible and just *trusting* that His time brings us all babies soon! Still, it just doesn't make sense how people can just become pregnant on a whim, while others yearn for it.

In time, in time. We'll have the joy of parenthood.

Wishing your time to come *soon!!!*


Congratulations! Wishing you all the best in your pregnancy!!
How fun to be pregnant with a sister!!

You know, I have so many friends who are pregnant or who now have little children and time just flies so quickly, and it really reminds me of the fact that life comes and is gone in the blink of an eye. I don't want to feel like all my life is right now is about TTC. I really think I've gotten too caught up in it, which could be making it harder for it to be a natural process. At times I feel like all this *waiting* and giving months and months of trying to TTC is in a way like wishing my life away; what I mean is that life comes and goes so quickly, and I really think that, looking back, I've put so much of myself into TTC that I really can't remember a lot of other milestones throughout the time we've been trying (or at least all my reference points since actively TTC revolve around TTC, as in what cycle I was in, etc). I want this time that's just me and Paul to be filled with precious memories, and not just with all the times I thought I was pregnant, cried to be pregnant, dreamed of being pregnant, and peed on sticks. You know? So, I've decided that I won't be doing the OPK thing. It's just one more ritual to add to the list which I think is already too long and I am already pretty confident that I do ovulate based on charting and we don't mind having long chains of BDing. Ever since that last cycle, in which Paul is still convinced I was pregnant if only for a moment, he's *way* more on board with us being parents. He's totally on the TTC train with me, which is a blessing. It's a lot less stress this cycle, to say the least. Not that he ever wasn't on board, but I don't know, he's just more emotionally connected to it now, I guess you could say.

Having said that I'm kind of over the ritualistic side of TTC, I will still be doing all I can to help aid in making my body ready for a baby to take up growth within, and I've officially started on Robitussin today. I don't know if I have an issue with CM (but I do know I have a hard time discerning it, so since Robi doesn't hurt, why not?). Today is CD 16 for us and the jury's still out as to whether or not we ovulated (I have crosshairs, but highly doubt they'll be sticking around on CD 12, given past cycles) so we're fully in BD mode at this point.

I found an article on TTC and Robitussin, for those who'd been wondering about the possible benefits and the doseages, etc. It was taken from and is as follows:

At first most people wonder what on earth a cough syrup has to do with fertility, but the logic is easily found in the fact that it is an expectorant and is being used to loosen and thin mucus - just in a different place than the lungs!

The name Robitussin was used in the title of this FAQ as it is a common brand of cough syrup in the United States. It is used on the fertility boards and newsgroups in the same manner as saying Band-Aid for an adhesive strip used to cover a cut. Any expectorant that contains guaifenesin as the only active ingredient is fine to use.

What kind of Robitussin is used to improve cervical mucus?

One should buy the plain kind with no letters after it. The only active ingredient is guaifenesin, and it contains 100 mg per teaspoon. It is very important to avoid the versions that contain decongestants as those may dry up cervical mucus. Also, there is some conflicting information about whether dextromethorphan, the DM in some cough medicine names, may be linked to birth defects such as neural tube defects and cleft palate.

Do I need to use the brand Robitussin?

No. Robitussin is the most common brand name, at least in the U.S., that carries a guaifenesin-only expectorant, but there are other brands and generics available. As long as the only active ingredient is guaifenesin, you can use any variety you find. For those with diabetes or otherwise concerned about sugar intake, there is the brand Diabetic Tussin available.

What is the recommended dose of guaifenesin?

The recommended dose for improving cervical mucus, based on a 1982 article in Fertility and Sterility, is two teaspoons (200 mg) taken orally three times per day. If mucus still appears thick and doesn't have good spinnbarkeit (ability to stretch), one can take as much as four teaspoons (400 mg) four times per day (the maximum dose on this over the counter medication). Each dose should be taken with a full glass of water, and attention should be given to drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day -- one needs water to produce mucus.

What cycle days should one take guaifenesin?

Just as the dose can vary a bit, so can the days. The article linked above had patients starting the guaifenesin on cycle day 5 - five days after the start of menses. This seems rather early as mucus is not an issue until about five days before ovulation - based on the fact that sperm can only live five days at best, and most pregnancies are the result of intercourse in the five days leading up to ovulation. Because of this information, it is now more common for doctors to suggest starting guaifenesin about five days before expected ovulation and continuing through ovulation day (six days total, for those with regular cycles). For those with irregular cycles, one should start taking guaifenesin about five days before the earliest day ovulation might be expected. For those taking Clomid (clomiphene citrate, Serophene) in a 5-day protocol, one can probably wait until the day after the last Clomid pill before starting the expectorant.

Is guaifenesin available in pill form?

Yes, but in most cases a prescription is needed. In the U.S., one can get a 600 mg time released caplet as the generic Guaifenesin CR, or brands Humibid LA, and Fenesin. This is often less expensive than the liquid. Another brand that is available OTC is Mucinex, though it probably is not a cost savings.

How does one diagnose cervical factor/hostile mucus?

Many women try taking guaifenesin after noting little or no egg white (stretchy) cervical mucus while charting their fertility signals, but clinically it is diagnosed when a doctor checks mucus one or two days before ovulation in what is usually referred to as a post-coital test. The doctor does a vaginal exam and takes a sample of mucus to immediately analyze under a microscope to check for live sperm and for a ferning pattern. It is also checked for signs of infection. Quality mucus will be stretchy, fern, lack cellularity, and have live sperm swimming in it.

Why do so many women take guaifenesin while on Clomid?

Clomid (clomiphene citrate, Serophene) can cause hostile mucus in 30 percent or more of women using it. Higher doses tend to be more associated with less cervical fluid and a thinner uterine lining, than the 50 mg dose.

Will guaifenesin help if there is little or no mucus present?

Guaifenesin doesn't actually create mucus, it only thins what is already there. One would need to look into why there is no mucus (infection, not really ovulating), or bypass the mucus issue by doing intrauterine insemination.

Does one need to take guaifenesin when doing intrauterine insemination (IUI)?

It would only make sense to take guaifenesin if one is planning to have intercourse in addition to doing IUI. Those doing donor insemination, for example, wouldn't benefit.

Will taking guaifenesin cause any problems if it isn't needed?

Probably not. Since fertile mucus can be watery, there is probably no harm in taking guaifenesin and thinning it out.

What are some other possible ways to improve cervical mucus?

Drinking plenty of water should always be considered in addition to any other therapies one might try. Estrogen is sometimes given to help mucus production, though doctors have mixed opinions of its benefit, especially when used with Clomid (and some suggest using Tamoxifen instead of Clomid). Injectable gonadotropins used for controlled ovarian hyperstimulation often have a positive effect on cervical mucus as well. Some home/natural remedies include eating salty foods such as popcorn (mucus is very salty), taking evening primrose oil, avoiding dairy products (they can thicken mucus), eating lots of baby carrots, and also avoiding antihistamines, including high doses of vitamin C. Another suggestion that is increasing in popularity is to drink grapefruit juice in order to improve or increase the amount of cervical mucus. If one is on prescription medications, it is a good idea to look for warning about grapefruit juice consumption (it isn't recommended with several medications for hypertension, for example).

Can lubricants be used in place of CM?

Lubricants aid in intercourse, but not in sperm travel through the cervix. Most over the counter lubricants are not "sperm friendly" -- meaning that using them is likely to kill off some sperm. In most cases, one needs to weigh the benefits against the risks . . . it may well be worth losing a few sperm to make it possible to complete intercourse. That said, there are some friendlier options out there. One is FemGlide, a lubricant you can get from your doctor. You can buy the same product marketed as Slippery Stuff (apparently more available at stores that sell sexual aids than at pharmacies and such). There is also a more recently introduced product called Pre-Seed from Bio-Origyn. Another option discussed on many fertility boards is using raw egg whites at room temperature. There may be some risk of salmonella exposure with egg whites, so some suggest using pasteurized egg whites available in the grocery store. With any lubricant, it is generally best to use as little as possible.

Does guaifenesin do anything for male factor infertility?

It is possible that men with thick semen may benefit from guaifenesin in the same manner it helps with cervical mucus in women. The suggested doses on the newsgroups and fertility boards range from two teaspoons twice per day to four teaspoons four times per day

peonygirl, I took the test alone because I didn''t want to wake DH if it was negative. Of course, I probably would have woken him to comfort me anyway, so I''m not sure what my reasoning was. I think I was so nervous that I didn''t want to worry about him being disappointed if it was negative. But obviously I was not thinking clearly . . . why else would my period be late?

We love the movie It''s a Wonderful Life, so I brought in the test, turned on the light, and said, "{DH] lassos stork!" just like Mary Bailey tells George Bailey, "George Bailey lassos stork!" We were so excited we didn''t go back asleep. We read all about the first month pregnancy in my Mayo Clinic Guide, and then I called my sister at 7 a.m. I''m going to tell two friends (family I want to tell in person ASAP) and then no one else until the first trimester is over. My rule to DH was that he can tell anyone he wants, but it should only be people he would also tell if we had a miscarriage. My sister has had 3 miscarriages (one that was a few days after a positive test, one at 6 or 7 weeks, and one at 14 weeks), so I know I shouldn''t just assume things will go smoothly. But we''re the kind of people who would want support in that case, not to be totally mum about it.

Anyway, I took my last BCP August 11, got my first period September 11. I didn''t chart because I knew my sister was going to loan me her ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor. She didn''t get it back from a friend for me to start using it until the first day of my period in mid October. So I used the monitor for four cycles. I really thought I was pregnant in December because I was nauseated and I had light pink spotting followed by a few brown spots about a week after ovulating, but the burping/nausea disappeared about 3 days before I got my period.

I can usually feel when I ovulate, so along with the monitor I felt pretty confident that we knew when to try. In fact, with charting this past month we would have missed it. The previous three months I had ovulated on day 16-16.5 and then got my period about 14.5 days after that, and in January suddenly I ovulated on day 14. Since I was sick and DH had hurt his back, we had not made any efforts until I read the monitor and we gave it the old college try. :) Without the monitor I wouldn''t have worried about trying for a couple of more days.
Festy Thank you for the well wishes, it is very much appreciated! I wish you all the best with your adventures in TTC, I wish I could spread magic over all of you ladies, I have read some of your posts and really wish you all the best. I read how much you all struggle but also how strong you all are and what great support you are to each other and I admire that in all of you and even how you celebrate each others happiness genuinely . I also know that all of your babies will be lucky to have you amazing women as mothers.

NovemberBride I appreciate the support and reassurance. I felt a lot better after reading a real life experience with this disorder, because it is hard to find much research online that does talk about personal experience with FVL and not just the technicalities and etiology of the disorder. I also am so grateful that you have offered to ask questions to your friend, that is very kind and I may take you up on that offer in the near future.

Sha Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment as well. I really do appreciate it and wish you the best of luck with your test results and TTC.

I really do have the utmost admiration for all of you ladies and occassionally lurk in here to silently cheer you all along (cheering for you at my own computer
) You all sound like a wonderful bunch of women and I really want only the best for you all. So best of luck to all of you in 2009!
Ahh! Pheonix, Yayy!! I''m so happy for you , congrats on the postive
Lots of sticky dust for your tiny bean and hoping all goes well in the next nine months! That''s really cute about your "It''s a Wonderful Life" line. I love it!

Sounds like a good V-day Fisher. I ended up having a wonderful one too. After a good cry and some chocolates in bed
a shower and house cleaning got me feeling better and Cliff brought me some red roses home after work. Then we went out for some fun, had our heart-shaped pizza, and came home and called it a night. It was perfect.

Peony your topaz pendant from your hubby sounds really pretty! Any pictures posted yet? That''s a really sweet gift

Hope everyone has a good week!
Yay Sunkist, for a happy Valentine's Day in spite of the stupid period coming.

Where did you find a heart shaped pizza? So cute!!

ETA: Sunkist, Amber, and anyone else from Cali that I'm forgetting: Do you go to BJ's Pizza and Brewery? I know nothing of their beer, but their pizza is *so* good! I also like their hot chocolate chip cookie with icecream on it. (It has a goofy name, can't remember it, though.) Hmm... I miss Cali for so many reasons!!

Today my crosshairs went away. Not really sad, though; I figured they'd come too soon and now is really time when we're looking for them to appear soon (hopefully!!). CD 17.

How's everyone else doing?

Happy Monday!!
Date: 2/15/2009 12:25:45 PM
Author: peonygirl
Phoenixgirl: That is so wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats and super sticky vibes to you.
Did you take the pregnancy test together, and if not how did you tell DH and how did he react?
Can you briefly mention your history of TTC (what methods of tracking/charting you were doing and how long you were TTC)? We always love to hear that info around here.

Tiffany: Thanks so much for your Clomid advice. I usually have 50+ day cycles, and I am going to be SO psyched if I can ovulate by day 20 with Clomid! Am I confusing you with someone else or did you have a miscarriage a while ago?

Sabine: How is your pregnancy going? I know that you had some early scares, but I''m hoping things are much better these days!
Peony- What I''ve read says with clomid you should ovulate 5-10 days after taking the last pill. I''m really curious to see when you ovulate, I so hope it makes you ovulate earlier. I can''t imagine how frustrating 50 day cycles must be. I get frustrated now and continue to remind myself that I am lucky to have predictable 28 day cycles.
You are remembering correctly. I had a miscarriage in October. I also had an ectopic rupture in December 2007. We''ve been trying since July 2007. I''m 35. So I went to the RE in January to see if there was anything we could do to "up my chances" each month and he recommended clomid and IUI. Actually, he gave me the choice because he does seem to think I''ll get pregnant on my own. This week will be our second clomid/IUI cycle.
Phoenix-Congrats! WHat a fabulous weekend to get a BFP!!
Hey Fisher- I see you started robitussin. I''ve used mucinex (they are both guaifenasin). I used robitussin and switched to mucinex because I found it easier (pill vs liquid). Anyway, I did notice it helped thin the mucus. The other thing that helped was lots of water!

Sunkist - I am so sorry AF showed up

. I love your attitude are very strong and will have a very lucky baby before you know it!. I wouldn''t worry about birthdays at this point. That''s too many variables to control...and I''m sure the baby will get used to having whatever birthday he/she has

Festy - How are you feeling?? This is *the* week, right? Fingers crossed for you girl!!!. Are you testing before or waiting to see if you are late?

Peony - DH''s gift sounds beautiful!!!...tis *is* pictures!!!!!!

...that was so sweet of him!!

November - You are not a terrible person!. It''s normal to feel that way. I can''t speak form experience in TTC since we just started...but I remember being an LIW and while I celebrated and was happy for my friends that got engaged, I also had a bit of that negative feeling. A few weeks ago I went out with my friend that is having trouble TTC (and just had her 3rd in-vitro on Sunday.....*fingers crossed*). After a few drinks she said to me "please don''t think I''m horrible if when you guys get pregnant I don''t look happy and all I do is cry" (she didn''t mean a "happy cry"). I felt for her. At that time we had not even started to TTC...and I know it can be a while before we are actually pregnant, but just thinking how I would tell her (if she''s not pregnant before me), breaks my heart for her.

Phoenix - That is great news!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!

. Sending tons of sticky vibes and here is to a healthy and wonderful 9 months!!! . I can''t even imagine what it would like to be pregnant along with your sister! I have two sisters and they are not TTC, but that would be so awesome!

Fisher - I loved what you wrote because it is so true!. That''s one of the reasons why I don''t want to chart or do anything, at least for a while. I am loving my life with DH right now and don''t want that to change while we your words hit right home

. What cute gifts you got!!! Sounds like you guys had a great Valentine''s!!!

Everyone else I forgot - Best of luck this cycle!!!



We had an awesome weekend!!!. On Valentine''s day I woke up at 6am and head out to do a 6K race. It was an awesome day and I ran at my fastest pace yet! (7''54'''' mins/mile) and I came in 2nd in my age group!!! It was a small race and there were only like 10 women in my age group, but I''m still very proud of myself!!!

. I even got a nice little award!

For Valentine''s dinner, I cooked the DH to a great dinner (crab legs and bruschettas to start and then grilled lobster tail and filet...YUM!!!). I didn''t buy him anything, but do plan to get him a pair of new bike shorts. He got me a massage!!! (since I had a craptastic week, he said he wanted me to relax!


Yesterday, I headed to the art festival down the street and then spent the afternoon doing some DIY decorations for the new console table.

This Friday I''m supposed to get AF. i don''t feel anything "strange" so I''m thinking I will get AF as scheduled. I did get another ugly zit though

Good Morning ladies...I hope you all had wonderful Valentine's Days!

Festy -- Good luck at the RE! Please let us know what he/she says.

Mandarine -- Congrats on your personal best on your run! That is so exciting. Sounds like you guys had a great V-day! I'm anxious to see what Friday brings for you.

Phoenix -- Congrats to you! Tons of dust for a healthy 9 months!!

Sunkist -- Sorry AFF showed her ugly face. That just sucks
. It's good that your LP got longer though!

Peony -- That is such a sweet gift from your DH. He sounds like an awesome guy!

NovBride -- It is totally normal to feel that way; don't beat yourself up. It happended to me too when my DH's brother & his wife got KU by "accident". Fingers crossed that it will happen for you soon!

Amber -- Sorry you were having such a crappy day and that the house didn't work out.

Shout outs to: Fisher, Sha, Tiffany, Blushingbride, swimmer, missjaxon! ********Baby dust to everyone********************************

As for's 3DPO. After 13
days of fertile CM I ovulated on CD21. And of course we only BD on O-3 and O+1 (V-day). So I'm sure I'm out this cycle. All that fertile CM for nothing. Dont want to get my hopes up for nothing. To quote LL - Meh feh

The one good part of the weekend was that I got a lovely aquamarine necklace for V-day along with some very teeny tiny diamond studs (DH knows I want to get a second hole in my ears) with some beautiful flowers, a lovely card and a 8GB memory card for my G1! He was too sweet!
Happy Presidents'' Day everybody!

Sunkist, I''m so sorry that AF showed. I''m glad you had a good V.D. nonetheless.

Phoenixgirl, congratulations! Thank you for sharing your happy news with us!

Fisher, I came to a similar realization re: OPKs. You reach a point when you realize how much of your time you''re willing to spend on this. And now that you''re an old pro (minus the "old" part) with charting, it seems like you''ve got things under control.

Mandy - you superstar! Congratulations on kicking butt in that race! I originally posted that I would POAS this Friday morning because DH and I have our first appointment with an RE (reproductive endocrinologist) that afternoon. That''s the doc you go to if you think you have fertility issues. But I am about 99% sure I''m not who knows if I''ll want to waste the stick.

InLuv - hey, you never know. With all that CM you had, those swimmers could have survived!

Congrats Phoenixgirl!!
Thank you Festy!!!
. I''ll be thinking of you and hopefully you don''t even need to see that Doctor!!!

InLuv - Hi!!! I love your avatar!...who knows, with all that fertile CM you may not be out yet!!


Ok ladies I have a question because I have searched the internet and didn''t find anything. Did any of you (currently TTC or already knocked up) started waking up WAY early in the morningssince TTC?. I''m not a morning person at all and I''m not charting (so it''s not like I have a reason to wake up!)...but now, all of the sudden I''m up by like 6-7am. INCLUDING WEEKENDS!. I thought it was from DH''s snoring so I made him sleep in the guestroom on Sturday night because I wanted to sleep in the next day because I was exhausted. Poor DH, gets a romantic dinner for Valentine''s and is then kicked off the roon...LOL. Turns out it wasn''t him because the next day I was up bright and early AGAIN!!

This coming from a girl that wakes up regularly at 8am (WITH an alarm clock) and can sleep in until 10-11am during the weekends...

I''m sure it''s just a funny coincidence and maybe something is just waking me up, but I thought I would ask anyway!.

Date: 2/16/2009 3:46:53 PM
Author: Mandarine
Thank you Festy!!!
. I''ll be thinking of you and hopefully you don''t even need to see that Doctor!!!

InLuv - Hi!!! I love your avatar!...who knows, with all that fertile CM you may not be out yet!!


Ok ladies I have a question because I have searched the internet and didn''t find anything. Did any of you (currently TTC or already knocked up) started waking up WAY early in the morningssince TTC?. I''m not a morning person at all and I''m not charting (so it''s not like I have a reason to wake up!)...but now, all of the sudden I''m up by like 6-7am. INCLUDING WEEKENDS!. I thought it was from DH''s snoring so I made him sleep in the guestroom on Sturday night because I wanted to sleep in the next day because I was exhausted. Poor DH, gets a romantic dinner for Valentine''s and is then kicked off the roon...LOL. Turns out it wasn''t him because the next day I was up bright and early AGAIN!!

This coming from a girl that wakes up regularly at 8am (WITH an alarm clock) and can sleep in until 10-11am during the weekends...

I''m sure it''s just a funny coincidence and maybe something is just waking me up, but I thought I would ask anyway!.


I do wake up a bit early sometimes...but it''s usually because I''m anxious about taking my temp. Sometimes I''m also glad when night comes, because then I''ll get excited about going to sleep and waking up, so I can temp.

InLuv - sorry to hear you didn''t get in as much BD as you would have liked. And I''m sure you BDed a lot the days before too! I know how you feel. I''m wishing my O date was a bit earlier so I could have a better chance, instead of just 0-2, 0-4. Feh. But women do get KU with long-cut offs (I posted a question about it on FF and got quite a few responses), so anything is possible!
Date: 2/16/2009 7:19:50 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly

ETA: Sunkist, Amber, and anyone else from Cali that I''m forgetting: Do you go to BJ''s Pizza and Brewery? I know nothing of their beer, but their pizza is *so* good! I also like their hot chocolate chip cookie with icecream on it. (It has a goofy name, can''t remember it, though.) Hmm... I miss Cali for so many reasons!!

Fisher, we got the heart pizza at a local hole-in-the-wall place called Pizza d''Oro. It''s an Italian place. They also have a deep fried mozzerella ball that is wonderful!

I love the Pazooki at BJ''s! I was thinking about that this weekend actually
If you came to a PS get together in Cali, we could all go there together.

Your crosshairs will come back. You probably just had a funny spike that looked like O. You''re on the BD marathon now, right? so keep up the good work
Hi ladies!!!

This morning I woke up early AGAIN!!!
. I forced myself to go back to sleep, put my eye mask on and I think I was able to sleep an extra 30 minutes or so before DH got out of bed. What is it with me...I don''t even need the alarm anymore!. Then 3pm hits and I''m exhausted

Last night it took all of my energy to make up my mind to go to the gym and do my kickboxing class. The instructor kicks your behind and it''s by far the toughest class at that gym. I was actually glad I went once I was done and had some energy, which allowed me to stay up and wacth 24 (plus the Bachelor or dvr

I miscalculated and AF is not due until Saturday. Blah...for some reason I thought it was on Friday. This 2WW is definitely annoying. Now I know why you guys said I was "lucky" to have short cycles (23 days). If this cycle wasn''t *the* cycle, I will be back in the BD marathon in 2 weeks!. The having short cycles also scares me a bit though. I feel like it''s not even enough time for anything to happen. I know that''s not really true, but 23 seems to be really short compared to everyone else. I was talking to my sister and she was saying how I always complained about my short cycles and she actually thought they were even shorter (like 21 days).

Anyway, I hope this week flyes by for everyone!!!
