
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 3/12/2009 9:31:01 AM
Author: lovelylulu

That sounds like a fantastic appointment and really what you needed!!

I''m proud of your uterus too!
Thanks. Really, after this, I will go to work, but let me just say, while I was waiting to see the Dr., all alone in the room, I was texting Paul and two of my very best friends, telling them my ute was great. Haha. Makes you wonder who at the phone company reviews those things... but I was so excited, I didn''t care. haha.
Fisher - that is great news! Aren''t you glad you went? It sounds like you are in great health, so hopefully this will be just the little push your body needs to get you KTFU.

Blushing - I have moved several times in the past few years, and one of the ways I locate new doctors is through a local magazines TopDocs issue. I know NY Mag puts one out annually (since that''s one of the cities I lived in) and have had great success with that method. Of course, asking your gyno is a good idea as well, but just thought I''d throw out another possible method.

LovelyLuLu, Thanks so much for sharing your experience with the RE.
Yay Fisher! Aren''t you glad you went? What a relief to know that everything looks good! I hope that Paul is okay with using Clomid. It may be *just* the little kick in the pants your eggs need to get to their destination in a more timely manner! Like a tiny little alarm clock saying to your egg "Out of bed, missy! You need to get your little butt to work! No more sleeping in late and missing your deadlines!"
Fisher''s going to have a Clomid baby!!!!!!!! Yay! I know two of them and they''re really cute.
Glad your appointment went well. Are you going to use OPKs to make sure you are able to BD on the day before and of ovulation? I definitely recommend them.
Yay Fisher! So glad you went, you are on your way!

Blushing, check out this search engine for endocrinologists:
ChinaCat, I just saw your post to me! Thanks so much sweetie!
That''s wonderful news, Fisher! You''ll be preggo in no time
Hooray for everything being normal except the O timing. I think that makes great sense to catch the egg while it''s young. I hope it works!!!!
That''s wonderful, Fisher! You must be so relieved! I''m sure the Clomid will help regulate your cycles - giving you a stronger and earlier O.

Just curious though - what is your average O date? Is it in the teens or twenties? I was interested to hear what you doc said about late eggs and them being more resistant to fertilization. Without Clomid, I''m a late O''er - typically from CD19-24. What does he define as being a late O?
Fisher- Good for you!!!
I''m so proud of you for putting "your big girl pants on"! I was hoping you went to the appointment. And what great news! I remember before I was TTC I had an ulstrasound and was told that I had a "beautiful" uterus. I did think it was a bit weird, but was also oddly proud! So silly. Sounds like a good plan to me, and hope Paul is ok with it all.
Date: 3/12/2009 12:05:47 PM
Author: Sha
That''s wonderful, Fisher! You must be so relieved! I''m sure the Clomid will help regulate your cycles - giving you a stronger and earlier O.

Just curious though - what is your average O date? Is it in the teens or twenties? I was interested to hear what you doc said about late eggs and them being more resistant to fertilization. Without Clomid, I''m a late O''er - typically from CD19-24. What does he define as being a late O?
I think that would qualify as "later"... Fishers earlier O''s are around there and the later ones are close to CD 30, IIRC.

It really is the best thing to hear, that it is a simple thing to help make your eggs more ready for getting KU. Somehow I imagine that it could be better to hear that then "nothing is wrong" and be left wondering why it hasn''t happened yet! Good luck, I'', sure Paul will see the logic of this choice given the information the doctor gave you.
As promised, my follow-up report:

Mysterious soreness has gone away.
No spotting (while it typically starts on DPO7, it has been known to show up as late as DPO9. plus, the day isn''t over yet)
Trying very hard to manage expectations (hey, it''s what i do as a living a lot of the time, but it''s proving to be rather difficult. you can tell yourself not to get excited, not to get your hopes up, not to be influenced by the serious flood of fertility on this thread
, but . . .)
Remain in a constant state of anticipation.
Going out to dinner with my DH before he takes off on a bachelor party trip tomorrow (should be a nice distraction)
Is it Friday yet?
Fishie -
for your beautiful ute. Hopefully Paul will be ok with the clomid and it''ll be the trick that works.
OH. MY. FREAKING. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're welcome Peony, Swimmer & Sunkist! I kid, I kid.

WOW...ummmm, I guess I totally got what I asked for! I am sooooooooooooo excited for all 3 of you!!!

When I saw this thread had jumped to pg. 263, I knew there had to be good news in here!!
I cannot express how thrilled I am for all 3 of you! Congratulations to Peony, Swimmer and Sunkist!

Since I seem to be getting exactly what I ask for...I'll go ahead a put in a request for 3 sticky beans, a healthy 9 mos for all three of you and BFP for all the rest of us (especially Fisher!!)

And wow, Mandarine?!?!? TWINS!!!! Congrats mama!! How exciting for you and your DH!!

I just skimmed the million new posts but will go back and read and catch up soon! It's so good to be home
Thanks, girls. I can''t tell you the relief I have that it doesn''t appear to be anything major at this time. The Dr. said that sometimes a person''s brain just doesn''t send down the message to ovulate soon enough, and my body was trying to do it on it''s own (my cycles always have that "fake out" phase) and that Clomid will help with creating that signal.

One thing I''m wondering about now is why some Drs. choose CD3-7 and others choose CD5-9. I was trying to do some research on that, but haven''t found anything yet. One "article" (and I use the term loosely) said that the CD3 trend tends to create MORE eggs dropped. Scary!! But, who knows if that''s a reputible site or not....

Date: 3/12/2009 12:05:47 PM
Author: Sha
That''s wonderful, Fisher! You must be so relieved! I''m sure the Clomid will help regulate your cycles - giving you a stronger and earlier O.

Just curious though - what is your average O date? Is it in the teens or twenties? I was interested to hear what you doc said about late eggs and them being more resistant to fertilization. Without Clomid, I''m a late O''er - typically from CD19-24. What does he define as being a late O?

What my Dr. said was that an egg matures, pretty much, at the same rate, no matter when you ovulate. He said that the smaller variences (CD 12-18) aren''t a big deal as far as when the actual egg drops, but beyond that, it''s considered "late ovulation" and that means that your egg, although completely ready to drop and "ripe," just sits, waiting, waiting, and over that time, it becomes over-ripe. He said pregnancy is still totally possible if you ovulate later in your cycle, but the chances increase the sooner the egg drops after it''s "ripe." He used "ripe" a lot. Made me think of fruit going bad, waiting to drop. Haha.

Anyway, my cycles have had various ovulation days, varying from CD20 to CD 44, with the "average" being 27. He said if I was consistently ovulating at CD 20 or so, it wouldn''t be as big of a deal, because that would be when my body is meant to ovulate. However, since there is such a wide variance and I have those "fake outs" where my body tries to ovulate at a "normal" time and I don''t, he suggested the Clomid to help the process be when it should happen, the first time I''m trying to ovulate, rather than a week or more later on.

So, I don''t know exactly what consistutes "being late to ovulate," but I know for me, having an average of 27 was enough for him to suggest the clomid. He said that if we don''t want to do it, that''s fine, and would probably conceive on our own, but would likely require multiple cycles (based on statistics, I suppose).

As for when I talked to Paul about it: haha. I love him. I brought it up as casually as possible, like it wasn''t a big deal, just an ovulator helper. And I guess he''s been either listening really, really closely to me about this TTC business or he''s been doing some research of his own, because his eyes got like this--->
and he said, "You mean the twins medicine, Jen? Really? He wants us to ovulate twins?" It was hilarious. Now he''s talking about twice the poop, twice the spit up, twice this and twice that. I told him the stats, and in case you''re wondering, here they are (according to the Dr.): Clomid gives you a 30% chance of conception per cycle (where as nothing gives you 25ish%), and *if* you are one of the 30% who conceives, you then have a 7-8% chance of conceiving multiples. So really, I think he feels better about it now (somewhat) because the chances of conceiving are still only 30% (not that he''s hoping we don''t conceive!!!, but it makes the 7-8% of the 30% seem like less, since it''s not saying that 7-8% of 100% of everyone who takes Clomid will have twins, or more).

Hope that helps, Sha!!

I was *so* excited for you to come back from your trip to see this!! Can you believe it?

So exciting....

Next... is ALL of us!

Tell us about your trip!!! We''ve had *very* little non-TTC information around here lately. We want to go on a virtual vacation. Do tell.....

Thanks for the DPO update. I''m hopin, hopin, hopin.
How long is your LP, usually?
Date: 3/12/2009 7:40:17 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

I was *so* excited for you to come back from your trip to see this!! Can you believe it?

So exciting....

Next... is ALL of us!

Tell us about your trip!!! We''ve had *very* little non-TTC information around here lately. We want to go on a virtual vacation. Do tell.....

and post pictures. it''s not a ps thread w/o pictures
InLuv, you're cracking me up!!!!!!! Thanks so much for the good vibes! They seem to have helped!

Interesting Fisher! My average O date in the cycles we were trying was 32, plus in two of those four cycles my temp barely went up at all. I'm basically considering those to be anovulatory cycles. I'm so glad that I tried the Clomid because who knows how long it would have taken us to have another pregnancy. I've heard the same thing about 3-7 vs. 5-9 Clomid, but I've also heard that the 3-7 one gives fewer side effects as far as dryness and endometrium thinning (those are unfortunately the two negative side effects of Clomid that can make it harder to conceive, but they don't happen to everyone).
Lovely, here''s hoping time passes quickly!
Lulu very interesting symptoms there! I''m in anticipation with you
Finger crossed for good luck and hoping you find something to pass the time!!

INLUV!!!!!!!! HI!!! You''re back
I think you need to make requests and go on vacation more often. This is nuts, huh?? haha! I didn''t see it coming at all but you totally did
I think you deserve some sort of PS prize or something
Thank you!! :) Can''t wait to hear about your vacation too. And pictures, I agree pictures are in order!

Fisher, Twins Medicine
hahahaha! Did he mention twice the fun? Guys totally think about babies in a different way that we do, huh?
Thanks dreamer and fisher, for replying about late O. Your doc''s explanation seems to make sense, Fisher. I really believe Clomid will work wonders for you. And most pregancies on Clomid happen within the first 3-4 months! So get ready, girl!

Your DH''s reaction to the Clomid is priceless!

I would personally love to have twins on Clomid... then I wouldn''t have to go through all this TTC stress again. Ha! But first I actually have to get pregnant.... RIGHT.

InLUV, did you have a nice trip? Hope so!
Where are you in your cycle? I think we''re almost cycle buddies.... I''m on CD15 today. Waiting for O... feeling very anxious about missing critical days again this cycle and wasting another month.
What about you? Are you using OPKs?
Welcome back, InLuv!

Fisher- I''m so glad you were able to visit the doctor and even MORE glad you received good news. Yay for a perfect uterus!

Lulu- Fingers crossed for you!
Ok, so after getting my progesterone results, I was pretty sure I was out this month. I decided to take a test anyways, since DH and I are planning to go out to dinner tonight. To my very big surprise, there is what looks like a very faint second line. Today is 12 DPO. I am not getting my hopes up given the bad test results, but I am planning to call my doctor as soon as the office opens. Does anyone else see the line or am I crazy?

Ok, that was ridiculously small. I am trying again. I know the line looks greyish in this pic, but it is definitely pink - the lighting in my bathroom is terrible and it came up w/in the time limit.

I spy with my little eye . . .

congratulations november - hope your dr. has continued good news.
I see a line! I see a line!!! Congrats November!!! Wow!
I see a line too!!
I see it!! Congrats, November
That is a line! wow, so exciting! Good to test before getting wine with dinner
above and beyond that, its just fantastic news!
THAT is definitely a line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!!! That''s four in a row!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS November!!!!!!!!!!!!