
The Official TTC Thread!

Lovely, I had sore boobs too! Still have ''em. But only the nipple, oddly. And it''s bilateral, ha! Hopefully this means something good! My only other symptom was broken-out skin and being hot all of the time.
Date: 3/10/2009 1:55:10 PM
Author: lovelylulu

Date: 3/10/2009 1:52:12 PM
Author: blushingbride
DH and I joked last night that having twins would be amazing for us since this TTC is truly draining us. We could have two babies at once and not have to worry about going through this emotional process again.

Ha! My DH and I had a very similar conversation.

I''ve, likewise, got everything and more crossed for you. how about we both get the heck off this thread (if only willing things were enough
Too funny - luckily DH is so understanding and wants us have a baby as badly as I do. You and I have many similarities regarding our situations. I''m all for getting off this thread and moving on and I would love if we could do it together!!!

How was your timing this month? I O''d a little later than usual - we BD''d last Wed. night and Thurs. night thinking I would O on Friday or Sat., but I didn''t get my first peak until Sunday so we O''d that morning, Monday night and last night. I''m praying that this does the trick for us. If not, I''m going to call my doctor again after this cycle. What''s the most frustrating thing is that I keep getting told that everything is "normal" - the blood tests, my ultra sound, DH''s SA and our timing is pretty much spot on. Yet, it''s cycle 9 for us.
I pretty much consistently o at the same time and did so for this cycle (CD12). In all of our previous attempts, we've gotten *high* marks on our timing which basically means that we've hit the two days before o and o. yup, we are persistent
. This time, we only received a "good" and I forget which day exactly we missed. who knows. how it all works. or why it doesn't if everything is coming back normal. I'm sort of surprised at my own endurance for this process, but I definitely can't keep it up indefinitely.

we're going to meet my friend's new baby boy this evening. welcomed into the world this sunday, so he is super fresh.

I will try not to steal him
(i joke, i joke)
Hi girls! Well I think I should go off to Puerto Rico more often. I come back to an explosion over here!


I can''t believe it, but I am soooo excited.

Peony- I don''t post over here much, but I feel like I "know" you because you have been so open and hopeful during this journey and I have really been rooting for you. I am so happy for you and your DH!!!!

Swimmer- Wow, you''ve beaten so many odds already, why not a few more? I will keep you and your little bean in my thoughts and prayers.

Sunkist- I totally see a line! And to be honest, I never see the faint lines when people post on here their early tests, but I most definitely see yours! Even after my DH saw my dark dark dark lines, he still wasn''t sure that it was real until we went to the doctor. It''s just a guy thing and you can''t really blame them. It''s a bit overwhelming and hard to believe no matter what!

Fisher- You are such a lovely girl and a true inspiration. Some day soon you are going to be holding your little miracle and all of this will seem like a drop in the bucket that is your life and it will be so worth it. Hang in there.

Lulu, Blushing- Girls! I hear your frustration. What''s weird is that on this thread, 9 cycles sort of sounds like a long time, but we have to remember that the average time it takes is 1 year- so it may feel like forever, but it''s still in the "normal" range. Thinking of you and hoping you guys jump off this thread together, and SOON.
Congrats Sunkist! That''s a pretty dark line for 10DPO - mine was much fainter on a FRER at 12DPO (although I did get a positive digi at the same time - but it was one of the early testing digis that tell you how many weeks preggo you are). I reckon you''ll get a BFP on a digi tomorrow.

Men are crap with lines - they need to see the words before they believe it. DH absolutely would not believe any lines at all - and couldn''t even get what they meant. And then was really upset when I chucked the digi away (the words disappear after 24 hours...)

Here''s to the next 37+ weeks!

Wow Swimmer, that is fantastic news. I hope things go as smoothly as possible for you. Good luck with the China trip as well.

Fisher, ignore all those people. I''m not a believer myself, but I can''t see why if there were a god that they would pick and choose who got what and took things away if people wanted them too much (and if they did I don''t have much inclination to worship them as that''s just mean and nasty). Modern medicine is there as a tool to be used and I don''t believe for a second that using all the tools available to us will ever be a negative.

I''m pretty certain it sounded like you had a chemical last month and that it''s only a matter of time for you both.
We only had a "good" too this cycle - we missed the "two days before O" opportunity, but got the day before, day of and day after. Although, now that I''m not temping anymore, I never know which peak day I actually O''d. Sometimes it''s the first one and sometimes it''s the second. I thought it might the first this time because I had cramping the day before, but FF says it was the second peak day.
Whatever, I''m not going to stress to figure it all out.

Have fun tonight at your friend''s place - I just love holding, smelling and watching newborns!!!! **sigh** Could just eat ''em up, I swear!!

I just realized that I''m scheduled to test the day after my friend''s shower next weekend. I''m praying that IF this isn''t our cycle, that AF comes after her shower. It would be hard sitting through all of that knowing I''m out for the cycle. Normally, when that happens, I just want to crawl into bed and feel sorry for myself.
I''m not sure I can handle being around "all things baby," although I adore my friend and can''t wait to meet her little one!

Chinacat - thank you sweetie - I know we shouldn''t stress yet about not being pregnant, it''s just been a really looooooong road. I HOPE we are nearing the end of this journey.
Congrats to Sunkist and Swimmer. I hope you both have sticky little beans in there!

Fisher - I am sorry to hear about the BFN. I am glad to hear that you are still going to try next month. I thought at first that we might not try as hard next month because of the holidays but I have put that thought out of my mind. Besides, who am I kidding anways - I am TTC-obsessed, no way I could put down my thermometer. DH and I absolutely love the holidays, so if we get a little extra blessing next Dec, we''d be thrilled.

Blushing and Lovely Lulu, I can feel your frustration and I hope you both get off this board soon! I only at month 7 and I am unbelievably frustrated, so I can only imagine your frustration.
Date: 3/10/2009 4:07:46 PM
Author: NovemberBride
Congrats to Sunkist and Swimmer. I hope you both have sticky little beans in there!

Fisher - I am sorry to hear about the BFN. I am glad to hear that you are still going to try next month. I thought at first that we might not try as hard next month because of the holidays but I have put that thought out of my mind. Besides, who am I kidding anways - I am TTC-obsessed, no way I could put down my thermometer. DH and I absolutely love the holidays, so if we get a little extra blessing next Dec, we''d be thrilled.

Blushing and Lovely Lulu, I can feel your frustration and I hope you both get off this board soon! I only at month 7 and I am unbelievably frustrated, so I can only imagine your frustration.
Novemberbride - best of luck to you too and thanks for sympathizing!
Fisher - I''m new to this forum. I conceived my son (and only child) through IVF eight years ago. I just remarried in December and am getting ready to start treatment again.

I wanted to tell you that I have absolutely been through what you are going through. I come from an extremely religious conservative Southern Baptist family, and I got a lot of criticism during the whole six years that I went through fertility treatment. I thought that maybe this time it would be different, now that my father has a real live grandchilld as a result of the treatment, he would not be so critical. But sure enough, I miscarried on Saturday and the very first words out of his mouth were "I hope you''re not going to go through all that nonsense again this time."

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you to do yourself a favor and just refuse to discuss your treatment, the decisions you make, whatever, with people who are not going to be supportive. There is just no point. It will only hurt you and cause you stress - which you don''t need right now.

I wish you and all of the other ladies the best of luck.


Everyone, and I mean *everyone* I think of having a baby girl. For you, I think boy. (Haha, that probably means you''ll have a girl!!) Just thought I''d share that with you.

Again, thanks to everyone for the thoughts and sweet words. They mean a lot to me, brought tears to my eyes even. I''m nothing special, just a girl in love with the baby she''s yet to carry into this world. But like I said, there are lots of us here who are simply waiting for our ship to come in, and it will. With a BABY on it, too! At times, I feel silly that I''m so involved in this process, while it''s really only the end of cycle six. Still six cycles equals nine months for me, and no one tells you going into the dream of parenthood that just conceiving alone can be so difficult and trying. I''m glad to have some fellow "triers" here with me, and we''ll make it.

I think too, that we hear that most couples will conceive within the first 6 months and we just assume that will be us. And sometimes it''s not. But hey, a couple months more in this life isn''t a lot, and I''m good to go. And having this place to use as a sounding board and support helps so very much. I''m glad you''re all here with me, and I''m glad I get to be here with you. Gosh, didn''t that sound sappy and like a bad camp counselor trying to create unity while singing camp songs and swaying to the music... sorry!!


I''m so very sorry for your recent sorrow, and for the reactions you''ve received from loved ones. What the others here have said is true; people don''t understand if they''ve not gone through it. I wish you and your family all the healling in the world. Are you going to join us here sometime in the future? It''s a true support and I don''t know of one girl here who''s been rude or hurtful in any decision any one else has made, which is so very important and special. Again, I''m sorry for your heartache.


Girl, I think of you every day when I''m having my pineapple during my DPO stage.

Now that this cylcle''s going fairly long, too, I''m not so sure I did have a chemical misscarriage before. I don''t know. I can''t figure out why my LP would be lengthening, though! My cycles are long enough!! As for why people think God would be callous and things of that nature, well He isn''t, so I''m not sure who they''re faith is in, but it''s not that way for me.

You''ve not done any belly shots, which leads me to ask if when precious Daisy is born, will we be getting to see her gorgeous face?
If I say pretty, pretty please, would it sway you at all?


Yeah, you can think of months that aren''t *ideal,* but you know what? Whenever is *ideal* for me. One cool thing I recently remembered: my nephew was born on Dec 17 and he came home dressed in a stocking, from the hospital staff. Haha. Now who wouldn''t love a stocking stuffer like that???

Have fun kissing baby toes tonight!! (That''s the best part, isn''t it??)

Let me also say to the girls who''ve been at this longer than I have: you girls are inspirations to me. You don''t whine and complain and do the woah is me thing, but you just keep trucking on. Haha. I hope to be more like that and less about every *symptom* I have during the two week wait. I really gather strength from seeing your posts. And as always, my prayers go out to you!!


I hope your singular pain is a total symptom, sweetie! I can''t wait to see the pictures you take of your baby!! They are going to be *awesome!!!*

Other good news (non TTC related): my mother in law got to come home from the hospital today! The infection is gone and she''s feeling so very much better! Yay!!

Okay, now back to TTC...
Date: 3/10/2009 8:01:16 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Other good news (non TTC related): my mother in law got to come home from the hospital today! The infection is gone and she's feeling so very much better! Yay!!

Okay, now back to TTC...
That's wonderful!! You guys must be so relieved!! Yayy!!!

Re: your post before - you have such a wonderful attitude about TTC, Fisher. I know you get disappointed and impatient with TTC, like all of us, but the same time, your patient faith and positive spirit towards this whole process shines through - it's really inspiring. If anyone deserves a baby, I think it's you....
Of course we ALL do...
but your sweet spirit, even in the midst of disappointment, really makes me want to see you get knocked up!

Let's hope we all do soon...

That is wonderful news about your MIL. You and Paul must be so glad to have her home again.

Unfortunately, I got my 7DPO test back today and it was very low. 3.9. The nurse tried to convince me I was not at the right day in my cycle, but thanks to temping and OPKs I know I was. What I am confused by is the fact that I had a very clear thermal shift, and I thought a thermal shift confirmed ovulation? The nurse was basically telling me that there''s no way I ovulated with a 3.9? I have my annual exam scheduled for Monday and I plan to bring my chart and talk to the dr. about it then (she was out today, I only got the nurse).

Maggie, welcome to the thread!! I really hope your next IVF works on the first go!!!!!!!!!!!

Fisher, that''s so cute thanks for sharing! I think that I''m going to have a boy too! I''m thinking 80% boy, 20% girl. DH is one of the few guys I know who really wants a girl, but he comes from a family of all boys (all brothers and cousins are boys!) so that might make us even more likely to have a boy. Plus our BDing pattern. I would be so happy with either really! I am very happy to hear about your MIL too!!

November, I''m sorry to hear that. I was afraid that might happen with the delayed temp rise after the OPK. I do believe in "levels of ovulation" though I''m not exactly sure how it works scientifically. Most times when you don''t ovulate your level is a 1 or maybe 2, but when you do ovulate it should be about a 10. In your case, I think a follicle did burst and release the egg, but it appears that the follicle (corpus luteum) is not producing as much progesterone as it should. That progesterone is really important because it readies your lining for implantation. Maybe the egg was "overripe," like it was exposed to high levels of LH for a few days before the follicle burst which affected your hormonal levels after it was released. That would also explain the delayed temp rise. I would be very interested to hear what your drs says though, because I had two similar ovulations. I bet when you ovulate more strongly, your temp will go up even more, like one whole degree. I feel bad to be the bearer of bad news but there is probably very little chance of you being knocked up this cycle.

I do think that if you increased the Clomid dose to 100mg you might have an earlier and stronger response though. I still think it''s such a great improvement from your previous cycles though! Good luck to you!

Congrats to your MIL, Fisher!! That is awesome. I hope she is feeling better and that you and Paul can enjoy her being home now. That''s such great news

November, that stinks about your numbers! So is it kind of like Peony was decribing one time, where you don''t "O sufficiently" ? Like the hormones don''t take off enough after O? I''m sure the doctor can figure out what''s going on though. Good luck!!

China, welcome back from Puerto Rico! I hope you had a Wonderful time!

Hi Charger!! That would be awesome if you conceived on vacation in Argentina. Good luck and best wishes with that

More Thank you''s to November, Pandora, China, MissJaxon, Selkie, Sha, Charger, Mandarine, Ebree, Natalina, and Festy!! I hope I didn''t miss anyone. This whole thing is still so strange :) The only thing that makes it feel real is a little crampy feeling that comes and goes yet still no AF.

Good luck and dust to everyone BDing or anticipating BDing
I''m thinking of you all.
BTW, November, did you ever have CD3 tests?
Peony and Sunkist, Thanks for the support. I am also thinking that I had some sort of weak ovulation, because my temps are still above the coverline and I got very strong opks. We will see what the dr. has to say on Monday. I did not have CD3 tests, but when I was in my first very long cycle, I did have my FSH, LH, progesterone and prolactin levels tested and she told me that they were all normal.
November - I''m sorry to hear the bad news. I hope it''s a matter of upping your dose of Clomid. May I ask a question? It may be a silly one - was there a specific reason your dr. ordered 7 DPO tests for you? (Please forgive me if you''ve posted about this already). I don''t remember if you have PCOS and that''s why...I ask because my dr. ordered only CD 3 tests. And he also told me, not to beat a dead horse, that you can show clinical signs of ovulation (i.e. a temp rise) without an egg being released.
Makes me wonder why the fark I''ve been doing all this temping! Ya know? Anyone else with insight is welcome to respond...

Peony - yup, boy for sure!

Charger - I''ll be happy to report back on our trip to Argentina! I''m so excited to hear you''re going!
Date: 3/11/2009 9:03:32 AM
Author: Festy
November - I''m sorry to hear the bad news. I hope it''s a matter of upping your dose of Clomid. May I ask a question? It may be a silly one - was there a specific reason your dr. ordered 7 DPO tests for you? (Please forgive me if you''ve posted about this already). I don''t remember if you have PCOS and that''s why...I ask because my dr. ordered only CD 3 tests. And he also told me, not to beat a dead horse, that you can show clinical signs of ovulation (i.e. a temp rise) without an egg being released.
Makes me wonder why the fark I''ve been doing all this temping! Ya know? Anyone else with insight is welcome to respond...

Peony - yup, boy for sure!

Charger - I''ll be happy to report back on our trip to Argentina! I''m so excited to hear you''re going!

Thanks for your support. I do not have PCOS, the reason my dr. ordered the 7 DPO test was to confirm ovulation to determine whether the Clomid was working or whether I needed to move to a higher dose since I got a + OPK but did not initially see a temp rise. You''re not beating a dead horse at all - I didn''t know that you could show signs of ovulation without actually releasing an egg - that certainly sounds like what may have happened here. I was under the impression that temp rise = ovulation. Shows how little I still know about the process.

After getting the call from the dr. yesterday I broke down and started crying. That was officially my first full-fledged TTC breakdown. I ended up leaving work a little early and calling DH. He was great, he came right home from work. We decided to skip the gym, rent a movie, curl up on the couch and order in cheesesteaks. It was just what I needed and I am feeling much better now. Sometimes you just need those breakdown moments.
November: How about estradiol, thyroid stimulating hormone, testosterone, insulin, and glucose? Often in PCOS only the last three things I mentioned are outside the normal range, so it might be worth it for differential diagnosis. They're probably fine, but it would be interesting to know. Also, did you not have the other tests on CD3? Again, I'm not a dr but all of those tests have specific reference ranges for CD3, but there is no reference range for them in a very long, anovulatory cycle. They would probably be similar since there is no gonadotropin (LH, FSH) peak in an anovulatory cycle, but it would be hard to say they're "normal," KWIM?

Festy: Yay, I'm having a boy! I will be sure to tell DH!
Aww sweetie, I understand! I hope that you feel better soon! We all have those moments!
Festy, You guys need to go to Freddo''s, they are all over, but head over to Palermo Boca to shop and stroll. They have a dulce de leche MENU and a choc list and a sorbet list. YUMMY! The ice cream is so so so rich. mmmmm. We were there on our honeymoon too, such a romantic city. If you can speak Spanish, tell the waiters when you are out that it is your honeymoon, they were all so fantastic to us, one walked us over to a milonga for tango lessons on the house (normally 5 dollars) and we had such a great time.

I found I was packed too casually. Men were wearing nice jeans with euro-fitted button downs and women were a notch above that. You might already be a snazzy dresser, but living in Cambridge, MA, I have sort of forgotten how and was more into comfort travel items. You need a skirt for tango. OH, so many shoe stores! Not that you want to go shoe shopping on your honeymoon...but they can make boots to fit you or whatever you want.

BA is like a cafe then a shoe store, then a gelateria (ice cream), then a restaurant, then a shoe store, then a bar, then a gelateria. The street market in San Telmo on weekends is fun, even DH who does not shop at all loved it, so much to see. Recoleta cemetary is amazing, so gothic and interesting. The cats are cute, but um, i wouldn''t pet them unless you are up on your shots.

Have a wonderful trip! Oh, the subways and buses were fine other than rush hour. Very cheap, but so are cabs, do try to take only the "Radio" cabs, there are a ton of gypsy cabs out there, most are fine, some want to take you for a ride. We just found that their driving was more risky. Has your hotel arranged for a van to pick you up at their airport? It should cost like $30 b/c the airport is not close. Hoard your small bills, there is a situation with small bills and coins, you will get 100s out of the ATM and cabbies won''t take them. WATCH OUT FOR COUNTERFEIT bills. I have never really been scammed (and I have been to about 50 countries) and got "falso" bills back from a cabbie. I didn''t look! gah! nothing you can do. Tap water is great, no worries on that (kept finding Americans who didn''t know that is the only reason I mention).

Oh, you will have such a great time! I love BA, watch out for the dogwalkers, everyone has a large dog and these dogwalkers will each have 12 labs, huskies, etc and some beagles and they all just walk together so nicely, but they take up the entire sidewalk and leave behind souvenirs.

I am so jealous! (at freddo one day eat some dark choc gelato with dulche de leche with crunchies in there in a cup together) they give you the option of 1,2,or 3 flavors in a cup you will not regret it -unless you are lactose intolerant and then ignore me and my condolences.
OK, Swimmer and Festy, you have both just convinced me that DH and I need to go to Argentina. Chocolate and shoes - sounds like heaven! Swimmer, your honeymoon sounds amazing, is there a thread on it somewhere?

Peony, I have Hashimoto''s, so I do have my TSH monitored on a regular basis (it has never been outside the normal range, so I am not on medication and my endocrinologist is certain it can''t be affecting TTC at this point). I also recently had my insulin and glucose levels checked and they were fine as well. Not sure I have ever had testosterone or estradiol checked, but I will talk to the dr. about it on Monday. I don''t think that I have PCOS, I just don''t have any of the symptoms for it at all. I did not have those tests on CD3, but that is something else I will talk to my dr about. I really appreciate your sticking around this thread and helping us TTC''ers out now that you are KTFU - you are so knowledgeable. I know you''ll make a great doctor (and mom of course!)
Date: 3/11/2009 9:48:54 AM
Author: NovemberBride

After getting the call from the dr. yesterday I broke down and started crying. That was officially my first full-fledged TTC breakdown. I ended up leaving work a little early and calling DH. He was great, he came right home from work. We decided to skip the gym, rent a movie, curl up on the couch and order in cheesesteaks. It was just what I needed and I am feeling much better now. Sometimes you just need those breakdown moments.
I''m sorry november. I''m hoping that this information, while not at all what you wanted to hear, will be a good thing because it will help your doctor adjust whatever treatment/medicine. and we all need those breakdowns/vents/decompressions/regroupings. yours sounded particularly cozy! and your DH seems like a wonderful support.
Date: 3/10/2009 7:50:22 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Let me also say to the girls who''ve been at this longer than I have: you girls are inspirations to me. You don''t whine and complain and do the woah is me thing, but you just keep trucking on. Haha. I hope to be more like that and less about every *symptom* I have during the two week wait. I really gather strength from seeing your posts. And as always, my prayers go out to you!!

Right back at you lady. I honestly believe that a person''s attitude is so important and Fisher, you have an amazing attitude. a lot of times your posts help me to put it all back into perspective!

and I''m thrilled to hear the good news about your MIL!!
Date: 3/10/2009 7:50:22 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Again, thanks to everyone for the thoughts and sweet words. They mean a lot to me, brought tears to my eyes even. I''m nothing special, just a girl in love with the baby she''s yet to carry into this world. But like I said, there are lots of us here who are simply waiting for our ship to come in, and it will. With a BABY on it, too! At times, I feel silly that I''m so involved in this process, while it''s really only the end of cycle six. Still six cycles equals nine months for me, and no one tells you going into the dream of parenthood that just conceiving alone can be so difficult and trying. I''m glad to have some fellow ''triers'' here with me, and we''ll make it.

I think too, that we hear that most couples will conceive within the first 6 months and we just assume that will be us. And sometimes it''s not. But hey, a couple months more in this life isn''t a lot, and I''m good to go. And having this place to use as a sounding board and support helps so very much. I''m glad you''re all here with me, and I''m glad I get to be here with you. Gosh, didn''t that sound sappy and like a bad camp counselor trying to create unity while singing camp songs and swaying to the music... sorry!!
Hang in there Fisher - you sound like you have a wonderful outlook on things and a very positive attitude which is key to getting through this emotional rollercoaster of TTC! Our turn will be happening VERY soon - I can feel it!!!
I''m so happy to be here with YOU too.
CD 1.

I made an appt. today for the Dr. tomorrow morning for a consult and ultrasound. Friday, I''d go back for the CD3 blood draw.

Insurance should cover other than my $30 co-pay, since it''s dealing with "irregular" cycles and needing to diagnosis, not necessarily related to fertility issues.

I don''t know if I''ll go in or not, but I wanted to at least have the opportunity to go in and get the CD3 testing done.

I haven''t told Paul I made the appt. I don''t know if I''ll have the nerve to go in. Guys, I get *so* much anxiety and I don''t know if I can do it and be told, possibly that there''s something wrong with me.

But at the same time, the heartache each new cycle brings is becoming more than I care to continue handling.

Am I stupid to make an appt. this early on? It''s only cycle 6 just ended. 7 starting.

The receptionist was *so* comforting, basically told me her life story: had PCOS, didn''t know it for a while, went on Clomid, got preggo, has a 10 month old child now. She said the knowledge of what was going on and getting it fixed meant the world to her. I believe it!

She said if I cancel, I won''t be on their "bad" list or anything like that; says it happens a lot when someone makes a few appts. before they come in.

Called insurance, they are in network and a pregnancy would be covered, along with any ultrasounds they deem I need. So that''s good.

The center allows for a pregnant patient (already established) to come in as soon as they want once they conceive. So, she assured me that I could come in at as early as 5 weeks, even if all I saw on the screen was a sac. That made me feel better.

Tell me if I''m jumping the gun here. I''m so nervous.

I don''t know what the right thing to do is... I just don''t.

I totally understand your being nervous. I felt the same way when I called my doctor the first time. I know if I end up going to see an RE (rather than my regular ob/gyn that I''ve been seeing) I will have that feeling again. It''s like admitting something might be wrong makes it real. I just tell myself that going to the doctor and getting these tests can only bring me closer to my dream of having a baby. It''s not as if the tests will create a problem that doesn''t already exist. I think 6 cycles (which I know is more than 6 months for you) is a perfectly reasonable time to talk to the doctor. I would think of it this way - if there is an issue (and there probably isn''t) it is likely something that can be fixed easily. To me, knowledge is power. I would rather find out there is an issue now and work on correcting it for the next six months an dhopefully get KTFU, than wait 6 more months (1 full year of really trying) and find out then that there is something wrong. Of course, this is only my opinion and you and Paul have to do what is right for you and your family. If you aren''t ready to go down that road yet, there is nothing wrong with continuing with what you''ve been doing a while longer. But be sure if you wait you wait because it''s what is right for you and Paul, not because some silly people have put some idea in your head that you are interfering with God''s plan by doing so!
November, thanks for the explanation. I''m just wondering if there''s a reason my RE hasn''t ordered 7 DPO tests for''s possible that the temp rise he saw on my charts looked significant enough to assume O, even though we know we can''t assume anything! Your evening with DH sounds so awesome! What a sweetheart.

Fishie - it was really hard for me to make that initial appointment too, but I''m *so* glad I did. I have the same anxiety about finding out there''s something wrong, but I figure there will still be something wrong whether we find out or not. Better to know than not know. I feel like we''re in really good hands. And just to be on the safe side with the ins. co., our RE fudged the amount of time we''d been trying. It had been 7 cycles, but he put a year in our chart so we wouldn''t run into any hassles.

Swimmer - thank you so much for the recommendations! I am a total ice cream whore so I can''t wait. I had a sense about the way people dress, so thanks for confirming it. I''m afraid I''ve got the same Boston wardrobe issues as you. I have a few nice outfits for evening, but walking around in the heat of day I''m going to just have to look like a tourist. We speak 0 spanish, but I am going to learn how to say "it''s our honeymoon!"
Fisher November and Festy have said everything I would have said, so I just wanted to add my support for seeking information, however scary it is. The tests will most likely come back all clear and then won''t that be a weight off your mind as you move forward?