
The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, and I don''t know how many of you visit the Preggo thread often, but I wanted to give everyone a heads up that our friend Mandarine posted some big news yesterday!!
Now that I''ve had time to go back and actually read the stories behind the bfp''s, I wanted to add:
Swimmer, it is AMAZING that you have beat the odds so far, and I will be praying that you continue to do so. I can''t imagine the strength you must have to go through this knowing what you know, and I wish you all the best!

Sunkist, I''m guessing it''s way too early to get a bfp on a digi. I can''t believe your lines are that dark at 9 dpo on the FRER! I''d wait two days and take a digi with fmu, but you are sooooo definitely pregnant right now! Hope it sticks!

Fisher, I have to admit, I"m a little crushed for you. You and Paul are still in my thoughts for getting that bfp asap!

Good luck to the rest of you!
swimmer... sunkist!! Congratulations, ladies. Wow, it''s a mini baby boom
Hoping for sticky beans for both of you.

fisher- ugggh, I have to admit I was so hopeful for you too. Keep your chin up; your time will come!!
Sunkist and Swimmer, congrats girls! Yea, what exciting news!
Woo for Swimmer and Sunkist! I read this thread every day (only been engaged 3 months.... waiting another 4 years to start TTC is going to be tough for me I think) and whenever I see that someone has gotten a BFP my eyes well up for you. I am so so happy for you ladies!

OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! I log in this morning and there are one thousand new posts and two new pregnancies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you gals!!!!!!!!!!

Sunkist, I can't believe that you got a positive with evening pee! I do agree that it looks like a terrific line for 9DPO. Don't worry about the negative digi, I know that the FRERs are much more sensitive than those. I bet that if you use today's FMU (or definitely tomorrow's FMU) you'll get a positive digi. Yay girlie, our due dates will be like 4 days apart!!!!!!!!

Swimmer, I am SO happy for you, especially considering everything you've been through! I know it sounds like you will have a rougher and more uncertain road from conception to birth than most, but I hope your chances are much higher than you think! I am wishing good things for you big time!

Fishie: Oh sweetie, I am so sad for you! I really wanted this to be your cycle too! You and Paul are going to be such amazing parents, and I know that if pregnancy was assigned on that basis you would already be in the 3rd trimester, ready to pop, by now. You brought up some interesting things in your post. It seems to me that just about every religion places the creation and upbringing of children as one of the most special and lofty goals a person can aspire to, so it just doesn't make sense that striving for that goal could be a bad thing. I understand where people are coming from, but it sort of implies that God is punishing you because you want it too badly. That just doesn't sit right with me. It's not that you've put things on your timeline and not God's but rather that you've said that you want it to happen sooner rather than later. You seem to be very thoughtful about your faith and recognize the very positive and the possibly more insidious aspects or things that people can unfairly justify on the basis of religion. I am glad of that, as I think it will allow you to feel close to your faith without feeling mad at God or alienated because you're not pregnant yet. I can't imagine that any of the people who commented to you had difficulty conceiving.
I want you to be pregnant sooooooooooo badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In other news, I just found out that my friend's first IVF cycle didn't work. This is what she emailed me:
"Sadly, my cycle was a bust. But I send all of my unused sticky dust to you! Here's hoping you get lucky, and know that I'm pulling for your 2WW."

I am so, so bummed for her, especially because her protocol went very well and she and her dr. had very high hopes. She knew that this was my first Clomid cycle and if we both got pregnant we'd have almost identical due dates. It just seems so unfair since she had to go through so much just have to a chance to be knocked up! I will tell her that I am pregnant soon since we told each other that we would keep each other in the first-trimester loop, but I will wait a bit.

Swimmer and Sunkist....WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG CONGRATULATIONS to both of you! *****sticky vibes*****
Thanks MissJae, Sabine, Robbie, Fisher, and Blen!!
It still has not sunk in at all. I was not expecting this last night. I was totally expecting a negative so I could have a cry fest because I''d had such a ''PMSy'' day. I guess it wasn''t PMS afterall! I don''t think I''ll really believe this until I see a digi test confirm it (even though I know a line is a line) and AF stays away through Saturday.

I tested at 8pm like I said, and Cliff had just left for work. So for 2 hours I was home alone just about freaking out! Those pee tests really trip you out!!! The control line came up first, very strong, and there was nothing in the test area. So I was like, yup, it''s negative, just like I thought. Then I came back a few seconds later and I could see a line!!!!!! A very very faint line!! And then I started in disbelief
But the sticks can''t lie, right?
Well, at least 2 FRERs in a row wouldn''t lie!

I still have cramps. Actually I was just in bed with none, but now that I''m sitting up I feel them again and it feels just like AF. This is trippy. I have to go to the gym this morning but I"m nervous! I think I"ll tell my trainer I just want to walk for my warm up instead of running.

Fisher, the way I told Cliff- Not the most exciting cause I''m being cautious I guess. He came home and we chatted for a few mintues. I was sort of staring at him and he remembered that I was going to test so he asked if we were preggo. I smiled and say ''Well, I don''t know if you''ll likek the answer.'' So I went upstairs and got 2 tests. One FRER that was a BFP and one digi that said Not Pregnant. I put them behind my back and told him to pick a hand. He chose the preggo hand!!! So I showed it to him and immediately he read it as Not Preggo!!
haha! So I had to explain that any hint of a line means preggo. A line is a line. He still wasn''t sure. So then I told him the digi test still wasn''t sure either and I''d test again probably on Wednesday. But he gave me a hug and kiss and we shared a special moment

I think I''ll be a lot more excited when I see a digi confirm it. This is so surreal guys!!! And Fisher, I''m sorry but I''m still not giving up hope for you. I''m not!

Ok, I''m going to say it--

Yay Sunkist! Most guys don''t like the line tests. You could either wait until you get the positive digi or show him the FRER box where it says that any line is prego. Or there''s a site called that explains that too! It''s a really cool site.
More thanks to Steph, IceKid, Claritek, Blushing, and Peony!!!!! And thanks for the stickiness!!!!!

Peony, I didn't pee or drink for 3 hours yesterday evening so I guess that saved up enough hormone for the FRER. I know, we're all next to eachother with due dates!! I want Fisher there too

Ok, now check this out. If this thing sticks, we conceived on my birthday Feb.28 and it will be due on Nov. 21 which is 5 days before hubby's b-day!! He's sad that he'll have to share his birthday. This was like the one cycle/due-date that I was hoping to miss (if I can even say that cause obviously I wanted to try and we gave it our all this month!). We will have Cliff's bday, our wedding anni, Thanksgiving, and a birth all in the same week. Oh, our anni is Nov. 25. Insane, eh!??

I'm sorry if there's lack of excitement in my voice, I'm still in absolute shock! haha! But this is really really exciting.

I have to go to work where I see my mom and dad everyday. I think I won't tell any of them until maybe Sunday and Cliff and I can tell them together.
Date: 3/10/2009 9:14:47 AM
Author: peonygirl
Yay Sunkist! Most guys don''t like the line tests. You could either wait until you get the positive digi or show him the FRER box where it says that any line is prego. Or there''s a site called that explains that too! It''s a really cool site.

Ya, I knew he would want to see the digi. That''s why I immediately ran out of here to the store. I even forgot my glasses and couldn''t see a thing! haha! But it came out neg. Those darn digis take a long time to process though! That was ticking me off
congratulations sunkist
swimmer - I''m so happy for you - especially after all of the negative things you were told earlier on -

I''m truly hoping this little bean makes it the whole nine months
Thanks Lulu!!

Here''s my chart. It''s not going very high at all, huh? I guess they''re right that you don''t have to be triphasic.

Congratulations Swimmer and Sunkist!!!! So happy for you!!!!!
Thanks Dani!! :)

Date: 3/10/2009 7:18:55 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly


Okay, how''d you tell Cliff?

I''m so happy for you, girlie!! It was so great to be back on a same thread as you again! Maybe I''ll catch up with you again in the pregnancy thread one of these days!

You''re gonna be a mommy! I can''t even imagine how you''re feeling right now, but I bet (along with some of the ''what, really? I mean really???) you''re feeling overwhelmingly blessed. Ahh... talk about logging in to see good news!

And can I just say THREE in a row on this thread? That''s unheard of!! Man, when InLuv makes a request, you all deliver! How wonderful.

I''m so excited over the bombardment of pregnancies around here. Congratulations to all!!

Fisher, if anything, I feel very blest. In fact the first thing I did after I realized it was reading positive was get on my knees and pray. I''m prayinig now for your little guys to get together and stick. I can''t give up hope~

Man, Is this how everyone else feels when they get a BFP!???
I don''t know, how do you feel?
It''s weird, right? Really surprised and happy and freaky and weird at the same time. But maybe not physically different. Then you think about what''s going on inside of you, and it''s like "woah!"
Sunkist - Congratulations!!! I am loving this! I can''t believe that the last two times I checked this thread there was a NEW BFP! I think InLuv needs to go on vacation more often!

Swimmer - I am wishing you all the very best. I''m feeling like a bit of a heel with my cavalier attitude toward the caffeine/miscarriage issue...for goodness sake. I hope I didn''t offend. We are all pulling extra hard for you. And yes! I''m super psyched for our trip. In B.A. we''re staying in Palermo Viejo for 6 nights, then we go to Mendoza for 5 nights. I like your thinking - steak and a little red wine couldn''t hurt. Especially if I counter it with lots of fiber!

Fishie - I''m sorry, hon. You are going to get there. I just know it.

Totally not supposed to be logging in here at work, but I have been checking on my phone’s internet connection and I’ve seen all the sweet comments from my friends. Guys, don’t be sad for me, for this sadness I’m feeling right now is just for a brief moment in time. Instead, continue being hopeful and sharing your good news!! I honestly have no idea how I’d get through this if not for my faith and the love of my husband. God is good, all the time, and it’s not dependent on the circumstance upon which we’re living at a certain point in time, because if it were, then there’d be no need for faith or trust, and there’d be no hope. And that’d be a sorry life, that’s for sure!

Actually, knowing that some of my friends, especially those who really have miracles in being able to experience a pregnancy, makes it easier for me right now, because I still have reason to rejoice and be happy! Plus, every time someone gets pregnant, it’s like another reminder that it does happen, it’s not this crazy statistic that never really pans out.

And forget that about what I said yesterday; we’re not going to stop hoping for a baby just because the baby would come into the world around Christmas. Who cares? I just want a child who we can love and raise up in the best way possible, teaching them about all the things that matter in life.


I hear you on the falling to your knees in praise and thanksgiving. Golly, I can’t imagine a better place to be when you get that amazing news!

I thought, after seeing that Peony was pregnant, that I’d be sad not to be this cycle, but you know what? I’m no sadder than I would have been otherwise.

Prayers, prayers for your little babies, girls!! And prayers for all of us still on the journey toward the day we get to squeal with delight that we’re on the road to motherhood!

ETA: Sunkist, is Cliff's birthday the 26th? So is mine!! We're Thanksgiving babies this year!!
Fisher, yep! You and Cliff have the same birthday

Ok, I''m off to the gym and work! Thank you all for your support and most of all friendship. It''s weird how much we care about our online group here even though we''ve never realy met. But I love you all! I hope everyone has a good day~
Sunkist- Woooohoooooooooo! So happy for you! I totally understand that it doesn''t feel real yet- still kind of doesn''t for me and I hit 10 weeks yesterday! Hoping to hear a heartbeat and/or see an ultrasound at my appt today, so maybe that will help it sink in for me. This is really exciting! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Fisher- I just have to say that I think you are an amazing person. Your spirit and faith are an inspiration to me. Thank you.
Congratulations, sunkist! You must be over the moon!
Don't worry about the digital- FRERs usually pick up positives before they do.

Fisher- I'm so sorry about the BFN, hon, but a Christmas baby may very well be in the cards for you. Your positive outlook is a great one to have- big hugs, lady!

natalina- Good luck at your appointment today! Seeing the heartbeat for the first time is magical, it really is. You'll have a great time.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This thread has made my day!

Sunkist and Swimmer:


Tons of sticky dust your way

I am so excited for you guys and can''t wait to have all the newly preggos come join me in the pregnant thread!!! yayyyyyyyyy!

It won''t feel like it''s real for a while...I still don''t feel like it''s real and I don''t have any m/s (knock on wood!). Even after seeing the heartbeats (that''s right, beats with an "s") I''m still in shock, scared, happy, emotional, etc, etc. Thank you all that came over to the other thread to congratulate me, you are all so incredibly sweet

I think it''s pretty normal to not feel pregnant and to not feel like celebrating without any reservations. It''s normal to feel all of these things...or at least that''s what I tell myself

Fishie - You are just AMAZING...and I know it will happen for you WILL happen!

WOW- when it rains, it POURS around here! I haven''t stopped by in awhile, so here''s my congrats to:


I hope i didn''t miss anyone- i''m so behind!

Hey FESTY- I''ll be on the lookout for your return, as i''d love to hear about ARGENTINA. DH and I were thinking about going there for our Holiday this year, and we finally bit the bullet last week and purchased our tixs and made hotel reservations. We''re going in late May and will be visiting BA, Iguazu and Mendoza.

Just a quick update- we were going to begin TTC-ing this month, but will be putting it off until next month or May (how cool would it be if we conceived during our vacation in Argentina!?). I''m still tracking CM and just paying extra attention to my cycles, which after 1 yr off the pill are now pretty regular(29-30 days).
Wow, congratulations sunkist!!
Yay!! What a nice surprise! I guess that dip you had on 6 dpo was really implantation, huh?
It make take another day or two to show on a digi - 9 dpo is still early.

And MANDARINE - you''re having TWINS!!!
WOW!!! How wonderful!! That must''ve been a beautiful shock to you and your DH.
There are so many twins on PS, wonder if it''s catching?

Fisher - sorry about the BFN....
Still plugging for you and all of the other soon-to-be testers...

I''m on CD13 today - nothing much going on. Just waiting to O - and hoping we actually get to BD on the right days for once.
Just popping in here to congratulate Swimmer (way to defy those odds, girl!), Sunkist, Mandarine, Peony and Natalina! And best wishes to the rest who are TTC!
Congratulations Swimmer & Sunkist!!!!
There is quite a streak over here. All the best to each of you ladies, lots of stickiness and a happy and healthy 9 months as well!! And I am still keeping everyone else in my thoughts lots of lots of baby dust for this thread!!!
I'm at DPO 5 and have something to report. For the past NINE cycles, I haven't really been an every-little-tinge-means-something kind of a TWWer. But, this cycle, I have one sore boob. not a pair of sore boobs. just a singular soreness. It was a bit tender yesterday and today. I know that this is a classic "could be a sign of AFF or pregnancy" and I'm not really sure how to account for the fact that one is perfectly unsore . . .

I'll continue to monitor diligently and report back

Here's hoping for lucky number 10!
WOW Manderine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWINS!!!!!!???? I haven't had a chance to pop over to the preggo thread yet. That must be the most incredible news to hear - I personally would be THRILLED to have twins. Heck, I would fall over in my chair to find out I'm pregnant with one! DH and I joked last night that having twins would be amazing for us since this TTC is truly draining us. We could have two babies at once and not have to worry about going through this emotional process again.
Best of luck to you my dear!

Lulu - fingers and toes crossed for you that something different means something GOOD!!!!!
I'm on cycle 9 so, I'm right behind ya!

I'm at 1 DPO/CD 19....boring!
Date: 3/10/2009 1:52:12 PM
Author: blushingbride
DH and I joked last night that having twins would be amazing for us since this TTC is truly draining us. We could have two babies at once and not have to worry about going through this emotional process again.

Ha! My DH and I had a very similar conversation.

I've, likewise, got everything and more crossed for you. how about we both get the heck off this thread (if only willing things were enough