
The Official TTC Thread!

I didn''t know you were from Cali, Peony!

Maybe that''s why you''re so cool!
Peony, my mood about testing seems to be going up and down with my temps.
I'm going to see how I feel on Tuesday. I just don't want to see a - and I'm afraid that I will. If I'm not feeling up to it I'll try and wait until Saturday. Although, if AF hasn't arrived by Saturday, I'm going to be convinced that I'm preggo cause 14DPO would be a loooong LP for me. I just don't know!! I'll try and give an alert before I test, if I do!

To those charting, did anyone notice or have a suspicions that a temp was out of line today because of Daylight Savings Time? If anything our temps this morning would have been lower than normal because we tested early, right? I read on FF that our bodies adjust in 1-day to the time change, but I thought this morning's temps might at least be affected. I'm just going crazy cause everyday I'm living for the next day's temp! I can't wait to find out what it is!
haha! Maybe I'll be relieved just to get AF.

Fisher, how are you holding up? Are you going as nutso as me?
double post.
I have to admit I am dreading the whole waiting to test thing. I remember from being pregnant before testing a few days before I was even due my period! I am Mrs Impatient!
Date: 3/8/2009 8:57:56 AM
Author: icekid

Date: 3/7/2009 12:44:51 PM
Author: mia1181

MissJaxon and Icekid! Are we going to be the next generation of TTCers?! I can''t wait! Baby fever has me practically debilitized at the moment. My poor DH!
I know the right time will come though. DH and I will have been together for 10 YEARS in June! A decade! We are 27 and have only been married for 6 months, but I am just so ready. Add that with the fact that I nanny for a living and taking care of babies is what I do... It''s very hard to think of anything else besides starting a family. Here''s to next year!
mia- I would love to TTC with you and MissJaxon (or.... er, with my hubby, but you know what I mean
). After 10 years, I''d sure be darn ready too! That''s amazing that you''ve been together since you were 17. I am also 27.. but pushing 28 pretty soon. Hubby and I have been together 5.5 years and married for two, so I feel like we''ve gotten in some good alone time. OH, and I just saw you grew up in WNY in another thread! Both my husband and I did as well, a bit north of Buffalo. Too funny!
What? We are twinzees! I''ll be the big 2-8 in November! Holy crap DH will be 28 next month! I was born in the city of Buffalo, then moved to Arcade, NY (probably haven''t heard of it but it''s in the southern tier, 45 minutes from Buffalo) in highschool where I met DH. But I think of Amherst/Clarence area as my hometown because that''s where I lived during college (went to Buff-State) and that''s where I stay when I visit. But now we are in Northern California and gearing up for a potential move back to the East Coast. OMG did I just write my life story? Anyway, that is very cool that you and your DH are also from there. I spent a few years not missing B-lo at all after coming to Cali. But within the last year I suddenly get very nostalgic thinking about it.

Surprisingly, I''m doing well. Not totally nuts (yet). I''ve pretty much resolved that since tomorrow is 14 DPO, I''ll most likely wake up with the cramps that signify that my cycle''s come to an end and off I go with a new one. It''s become much easier for me to expect that, as it''s what''s always happened so far, rather than expect the happiest possibility, since it''s such a let down. At this point, I''m pretty confident I won''t have any overwhelming urges to pee in a cup prior to March 11, if said period hasn''t arrived. Thursday and Friday I was aching to test, but I knew it was too early for me to be comfortable with. Oddly, now the urge has just passed. Well, the fact that I only have one test in my possession is also part of it. Note to self: only have one test available from now on. It totally decreases my eagerness to use it up.

Temps: Yes, I do still think over them a lot. Hmph. Sadly, I didn''t get that triphasic I''d been hoping for, but I''m well, well above the coverline, so it''s no biggy. I actually tested the same time this morning as I did yesterday morning, since we didn''t roll our clocks forward (I''ve been falling asleep *so* early lately!!). So maybe what you experienced today will be what I experience tomorrow? Not sure...

How are you holding up?

And Swimmer, how are you doing?
Date: 3/8/2009 3:06:30 PM
Author: peonygirl

Icekid, I will definitely get my AMCAS done in June! I''m taking the MCAT May 22nd. Do you think that you just have the intern blues, or have you disliked medicine for a while? I''m sorry to hear that. I think there area lot of people in your boat. My DH is an M4 now, but he didn''t do the match this year because he isn''t sure whether he ever wants to do a residency. He''s MD/PhD though, so it really helps to have no debt when making that decision. What are you doing your residency in?

I am jealous of your DH''s lack of loans
I think mine are part of what is weighing me down. I feel like even after residency I will have to work a TON to pay them off. And yeah, there are plenty of doctors that would not repeat the experience. I''d estimate about half of my co-residents and fellow students say that they would not go into medicine again. For me, it''s really mostly the hours. Most of the time I like it and the days go by quickly (except the nights, which I find completely miserable every time). But the sheer quantity of hours is draining, if for no other reason than I don''t get to see my husband enough, or connect with family and friends via phone. It''s a tough life to be sure, but I try to be hopeful that it will pay off post-residency. I''m going into a surgical sub-specialty that will hopefully give me some amount of flexibility someday.
Date: 3/8/2009 8:39:04 PM
Author: mia1181

Date: 3/8/2009 8:57:56 AM
Author: icekid

Date: 3/7/2009 12:44:51 PM
Author: mia1181

MissJaxon and Icekid! Are we going to be the next generation of TTCers?! I can''t wait! Baby fever has me practically debilitized at the moment. My poor DH!
I know the right time will come though. DH and I will have been together for 10 YEARS in June! A decade! We are 27 and have only been married for 6 months, but I am just so ready. Add that with the fact that I nanny for a living and taking care of babies is what I do... It''s very hard to think of anything else besides starting a family. Here''s to next year!
mia- I would love to TTC with you and MissJaxon (or.... er, with my hubby, but you know what I mean
). After 10 years, I''d sure be darn ready too! That''s amazing that you''ve been together since you were 17. I am also 27.. but pushing 28 pretty soon. Hubby and I have been together 5.5 years and married for two, so I feel like we''ve gotten in some good alone time. OH, and I just saw you grew up in WNY in another thread! Both my husband and I did as well, a bit north of Buffalo. Too funny!
What? We are twinzees! I''ll be the big 2-8 in November! Holy crap DH will be 28 next month! I was born in the city of Buffalo, then moved to Arcade, NY (probably haven''t heard of it but it''s in the southern tier, 45 minutes from Buffalo) in highschool where I met DH. But I think of Amherst/Clarence area as my hometown because that''s where I lived during college (went to Buff-State) and that''s where I stay when I visit. But now we are in Northern California and gearing up for a potential move back to the East Coast. OMG did I just write my life story? Anyway, that is very cool that you and your DH are also from there. I spent a few years not missing B-lo at all after coming to Cali. But within the last year I suddenly get very nostalgic thinking about it.
mia- I am so excited to have found my pricescope twin
Though I did not meet my husband until right after I graduated from college. But I love to think that he grew up living 10 minutes away from me. After living around the country with him, it seems so sweet to have the same background. I went away to college, then med school, and now I''ll finish training on the East Coast too. While I don''t think we will ever move back to B-lo, it will always be "home." The only real issue I have about not going home eventually is family. I cannot imagine my kids growing up away from my parents and siblings. It will probably be reality, though! How did you two end up all the way out in Cali? I have heard of Arcade, by the way!
Date: 3/8/2009 8:57:56 AM
Author: icekid
Date: 3/7/2009 12:44:51 PM

Author: mia1181

MissJaxon and Icekid! Are we going to be the next generation of TTCers?! I can''t wait! Baby fever has me practically debilitized at the moment. My poor DH!
I know the right time will come though. DH and I will have been together for 10 YEARS in June! A decade! We are 27 and have only been married for 6 months, but I am just so ready. Add that with the fact that I nanny for a living and taking care of babies is what I do... It''s very hard to think of anything else besides starting a family. Here''s to next year!

mia- I would love to TTC with you and MissJaxon (or.... er, with my hubby, but you know what I mean
). After 10 years, I''d sure be darn ready too! That''s amazing that you''ve been together since you were 17. I am also 27.. but pushing 28 pretty soon. Hubby and I have been together 5.5 years and married for two, so I feel like we''ve gotten in some good alone time. OH, and I just saw you grew up in WNY in another thread! Both my husband and I did as well, a bit north of Buffalo. Too funny!

icekid - I would love to TTC at the same time as you ladies as well! I have gotten so excited the last little while just talking about it! EEK!

mia - I am 24, but my fiance and I have been together 10 years on the 26th of this month! We won''t be getting married though until 10-10-10. So I have to keep telling myself "not until after the wedding!". It sure doesn''t help that all of my friends are getting pregnant or already have kids. I sometimes tell my fiance that I really need to stop reading the TTC and Pregnant Ladies boards, it makes the baby fever so much more worse. So here is to next year also!!
icekid- We are definitely the same! The only thing Buffalo has to offer us at this point is family. DH is in the pharmaceutical industry and there aren''t any jobs for him there. We''ll never go back to live, but we are thinking of moving to the NYC area (probably Jersey) which would bring us close enough that trips home won''t be too bad. We could even drive if we wanted. Either way, it is sad to know that our kids won''t be super close to their relatives. I am actually going back home next month for my sister''s shower. I already have my meals planned out. BBQ La Nova''s wings, Pizza from Just Pizza, a Wegman''s Sub, and I always bring a couple of boxes of sponge candy for my nanny family.

We came to Cali 4 years ago when DH and a friend drove across the country without jobs lined up beforehand. Actually I had another year of college, so I came 3 years ago. We love it here, the only down side is the cost of living. As you know, we were raised in a place where everyone owned there own home. That isn''t a reality here.

Woo-hoo! She''s heard of Arcade!!!!

Missjaxon- Everytime I see your name I sing "I''m sorry Miss Jackson, ooooh, I am for reeeaaaal, never meant to make your daughter cry..." (Outkast). Hang on a minute, my math isn''t so great but.... if you are 24, and you''ve been with FI for 10 years.... that would mean you were 14 when you met!
Wow! How cool is that? I love that I''ve known DH since highschool because I''ve watched him turn into a man. That is really cool that you''ve been together so long! Happy upcoming anniversary btw! Ah so you know what 10 years is like... It''s like we''ve been doing the same thing for a while, and I am just ready for a change. Yes, you definitely want to wait until after the wedding though. And then there will be a fun newlyweds period which you will enjoy. But it''s really good that FI is just as onboard. My DH wants kids, but he also doesn''t mind waiting a few years to save money first. I have to be careful with him, because he is the type of guy who will do whatever I want. So I have to always make sure he''s not going to regret going along with my wishes. So I don''t push the baby thing too much. And yes these thread make it so much harder to wait. I just want to join in on all the fun!

Is it next year yet??????
Just popping in to say CONGRATULATIONS Peony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I''m soooooo freak''n excitied for you! TONS of sticky vibes being sent your way!!!!
Sunkist and Fisher, you two have greater willpower than I do! I totally would have tested by now. I am planning to test on Friday, which will be CD 12 for me. Unfortunately, FF took away my crosshairs today. They are still there is I switch to research mode, but gone in advanced mode. My temp was still way over the coverline and actually higher than the prior day''s temp, so I can find no reason why it took them away. I attached my chart - does anyone who understands this better have any idea why? BTW - the corsshairs were on day 23. I am getting the 7 DPO progesterone test this morning, so that should tell me definitively if I O''d, but I am still annoyed at the loss of crosshairs.

Good news, I tested again this morning and the line is substantially darker! It actually appeared before the control line did. I think this one might be a sticky bean. Regardless, when I made my appointment with the midwife, I mentioned to the reception person that I'd had a miscarriage 3 months ago and whether I should do any special monitoring. The midwife will call me back later today.

Sunkist: I understand what you mean about obsessing about the temps. The good news is that you're in the 2ww now, so weird temps won't throw off when you GOF! My temps are always about .2 degrees lower if I wake up an hr earlier.

Icekid: Yeah, the hours are what I'm mostly worried about! And here's hoping I get into a University of California school for the in-state tuition and family support! I'm hoping that I'll fall in love with a ROADE specialty. Isn't that what every wants?
I really think that I'd love to be an ob/gyn, but the residency is so killer! Being an RE would be amazing too, but it's a 3-year fellowship. Crazy! Maybe those things just appeal to me now because I'm TTC. I definitely didn't want to wait to have kids until after residency because I will likely be around 35 then, but before medical school seemed more doable than during residency. Hopefully this is a sticky bean and I won't start until the baby is 9+ months. That would be an awesome maternity leave! Hope your residency flies by!

Fisher: I'm crossing my fingers for you, big time! You're doing everything right, so I really think it's just a matter of time for you guys.

ETA: Thanks soooooo much blushing!!!!!
Popping in here to say CONGRATS to Peony!!!
November, I think you Oed on day 23 and are just a slow riser. I don''t know why FF took away your crosshairs, but don''t forget that I never got crosshairs with my last pregnancy chart. So FF isn''t infalliable! Please let us know how your progesterone test goes!
CONGRATS PEONY!! I''m so excited for you!!
November I don''t see why they took away the crosshaairs. I totally think you O''d on cd23. The OPKs confirm it too. Your charts looking good anyway.
I woke up this morning with an insane headache. Headaches are *very* rare for me, so of course I googled to see if it's a sign of anything.
Figures, it's a sign of pregnancy *and* the period coming. Isn't everything?

My temp did dip today, but I was expecting that. I didn't roll my clock forward on Sat night so Sunday's temps didn't reflect the time change. Again, still over the coverline by a good deal, but past charts have had either a sharp decrease or a steady decline at the start of a new cycle.

Called in sick to work today. There is no way I would have been able to function with florescent lights overhead. Then I slept in a for a couple hours, hoping to sleep it off. It's still here, but somewhat more dull.

This weekend Paul and I did some talking. Or I guess really I did some talking and he did some listening and understanding. I'm feeling really torn lately. I know that not everyone here is of any religious faith, but my husband and I are and many of our friends and family members are, as well. (Let me add that I think part of this whole discussion was triggered by the comments from last week at work by my friend, posted earlier.) Some friends/family seem to think (or at least make me feel like they think) that Paul and I are trying to do things in our timing, as opposed to God's timing regarding having a baby. First of all, I think that's a scary line for anyone of any faith to tow, since medical intervention is NOT a bad thing, by any means. I don't think that Christians should have any problems with accepting any medical interventions offered to heal a person, or to assist a family in growing. I think it's insane to think that just because someone is doing something as simple as taking their temperature every day means that they are trying to alter the order of things. It's so dumb. Anyway, it's gotten me down some lately (even though not really anyone knows what we are or aren't doing, they do know we're trying and that we want a baby badly, but I guess people just feel it's their "duty" to share their thoughts on things, at random) that people have said things like all we need to do is pray about, as if we're not praying and having faith. It's just become a big burden I'm carrying and it's frustrating.

Next cycle (if there is a next cycle on this crazy ride called TTC), I don't know if we'll chart or do anything to "try" for the baby to come along. Not because of what anyone's said (or really I guess it's more about things alluded to), but because if my cycle holds up for it's "normal" (and I use that term extremely loosely!!) pattern, I'll likely ovulate between CD20-28. That would put our baby coming into this world right at Christmas time. I love Christmas, but really think a child ought to have their own celebration! Not to say we'd be upset if we were pregnant next cycle, but I think maybe it would be good for us to take a break, so to speak, from the whole stress. It shouldn't be a stress, and I fear that it's becoming that much more than it should. Some day when our baby asks us about what it was like when we were pregnant or wanting to become a mommy and a daddy, I don't want to think to myself, "well, we were so stressed about the whole thing... if you only knew the story, kid..."

I feel a little silly, but I am still holding just an inkling of hope for this cycle. Why, oh why is it, that we have to get into our heads a timeline of our lives? I wanted so much to be a mother before age 30. Haha. A month or two past that won't be the end of the world, but I feel like there is a possibility this time around will be very emotional for me, yet again. Aye.

If only we could just passively wait for the gifts of this world to find us. Human nature (and knowledge) have a way of stealing that away from us, sadly.


I'm so glad your line is even darker today!
Are you content with that, or do you think you'll do the digital, too? I'm pretty sure that after all my thought-maybe-I-saw-a-line moments, I'll have to see the word, even if the line comes up crimson.


I have no idea why it would have yanked your crosshairs. FF is dumb like that sometimes!! Maybe because there is only one day of fertile CM, but hey, if it gave you the hairs for so long, why pull them now? Did you try the FAM setting on FF?


I don't think I'll stop temping, as I really do enjoy it and it's part of my routine now, and it doesn't stress me out like it once did. So I wonder if we're take a "break," what we'd really be taking a break from???
Hi Fisher! I wish I could stay home from work today. but I''m sorry you have a headache
I understand you on the whole stress of waiting for this to happen, and I know you''ve been at it longer than I have. I too am religious. I don''t have anyone bugging me about letting it happen in God''s time, but I do have it in my own head a bit. Mostly I just wonder why it can''t happen now. We''re ready, aren''t we?
I definitely don''t think any medical intervention is wrong! I think modern medicine is a gift from God. If you guys go see a specialist and it ends up helping you get preggo, I think that would be the best blessing ever!

And, I get emotional over the timeline too
When a cycle goes by and I think of how old I could be when the next pregnancy is possible, I always end up crying. Silly, I know. But through all my schooling and education and career all I''ve ever wanted to do is be the best mom and wife. I wanted kids at 22. (Young, yes. haha! my sisters did it. Now I''m glad that I didn''t do it that young.) But now I''m 28 and I feel I should have at least one by now.

Ok, I''ve GOT to get to work now. Fisher, it''s got to happen soon. It will!!!
Fisher you are obviously a woman of faith, and other people have no right to judge you or to tell you what is right and what is wrong, even if they are only "implying" that judgement. I said before what I think really lies beneath people''s obsession with blaming the "victim", and in this case I think it is no different--you aren''t getting pregnant because you are trying to take away God''s perogative! Hence you are to blame and are not the victim of something bad and random. In the end, I think the broader patterns of your behaviour and your life are what matter the most, rather than the small details--it matters that you are a good person, not whether you temp or not. But everyone has their own interpretation of what is right and wrong, I guess. You seem level headed and moral, go with your gut.
Congratulations Peony!!!!!!

stick. little. bean.
Fisher, First of all, it is great that you and Paul are totally on the same page. Obviously I come from a different faith, but I have Orthodox Jews in the family who would argue that my DH and I are breaking laws with our timing and other interventions. My position is that God inspires people in many ways, some are scientists who research and develop the tools to help others reproduce. To ignore the information that has been developed since say, the Inquisition, is a basic violation of both the gift of free will and Talmudic calls to question and arrive at answers not through faith, but through observation. Anyway, I sometimes feel it is a cop out to say, "it is God''s will" when really the speaker means that no efforts to change or improve a situation have been made. Not that every time someone says that, it means a lack of effort on their part, but you guys using information to help you have a baby is not violating anything but blind chance. You are not gamblers, you are informed sojourners on this path to have a child. Anyone ignorant enough to deny your efforts and the insights gained through research is just that, ignorant. I''m praying for you guys, I''ve rarely encountered anyone who wants a baby so badly.

Sunkist, pulling for you lady.

Where is Festy?

So good to hear from DD!

OK, so I caved and tested. The test was positive. We called my RE who said "Now don''t get too excited, remember, you have a 75% chance of miscarriage." I will go in today for some meds and more exciting information like that. Plus, my RE works with a lot of people going through sex changes, so the waiting room is always interesting... I love brilliant Mds, but the bedside manner is a bit lacking. Yes Peony, I was on clomid 2 cycles ago, but DH had to go to Israel right when I needed his swimmers. RE was not pleased with us, but international conflict isn''t really something I can schedule O''ing around. So, for now I guess that I''m KTFU, but who knows for how much longer. DH sent an email to the zygote this morning, asking him to stick around. I just have a weird feeling about this. I had pneumonia at the beginning of the cycle and am headed to rural China shortly. I just feel out of body about the whole thing. I can''t tell my family, they will FREAK out...have to wait till week 12, if that happens.

Oh, and have you all read the new study about drinking coffee? link Gah, I''m trying to go without, but am also on a sugar free regiment (as per orders from the RE) and so really there is no joy in food right now.
PEONY!!!!! Congratulations! I''ve been totally MIA so forgive me for being late to the party! This is totally gonna be a sticky for you, I just know it!

Gals, forgive me for not doing the shout-outs. I hope you''re all doing well and those tests come back positive!

We leave for our honeymoon on Thursday - a great way to spend the 2ww! So I''ll really be MIA for the next two weeks. But I promised I''d report back to y''all when we got our CD 3 and SA test results back, which we did last levels were all normal. Phew. I didn''t write them down when the doctor was going over them because I thought I''d have access to them online - turns out I don''t - oh well. The SA came back mostly fine. Sperm count is v. good, motility is fine. Volume was a little low, but DH half-missed the cup.
The only number that was a little iffy was morphology. Without writing a book, they want a certain percentage of sperm to have "perfect" morphology. That means perfectly shaped heads, (no two-headed guys), tails the right length, etc. DH''s number for this was a little low, but not so low as to preclude him from knocking me up. Plus, with his count so high, it kind of makes up for things. So they''ll re-test him and they scheduled me for an HSG when we get back. But in general we left feeling really good. The doctor said he had high hopes that maybe our timing had just been off and that since we''re using OPK strips this time we have a better chance.

So we are off to Argentina, having gotten all of the GOF out of the way. Now we get to do it for fun.
If only I could get good and liquored up! I am due to get AF while we''re there and staying at a winery, so if she shows up I won''t have to go far to drown my sorrows!

CD 16
OMG Swimmer, we were posting at the same time! Congratu-freakin-lations, girl! Eh, China Shmina, you''ll be just fine! Easy for me to say, huh? Don''t forget to walk around on the plane and stay really hydrated. I''m so psyched for you! And thanks for the coffee study link. I haven''t read it yet, but it better tell me I can have one cup a day!
Date: 3/9/2009 12:31:39 PM
Author: swimmer
OK, so I caved and tested. The test was positive. We called my RE who said 'Now don't get too excited, remember, you have a 75% chance of miscarriage.' I will go in today for some meds and more exciting information like that. Plus, my RE works with a lot of people going through sex changes, so the waiting room is always interesting... I love brilliant Mds, but the bedside manner is a bit lacking. Yes Peony, I was on clomid 2 cycles ago, but DH had to go to Israel right when I needed his swimmers. RE was not pleased with us, but international conflict isn't really something I can schedule O'ing around. So, for now I guess that I'm KTFU, but who knows for how much longer. DH sent an email to the zygote this morning, asking him to stick around. I just have a weird feeling about this. I had pneumonia at the beginning of the cycle and am headed to rural China shortly. I just feel out of body about the whole thing. I can't tell my family, they will FREAK out...have to wait till week 12, if that happens.
Swimmer, way to keep a BFP on the down low! CONGRATS!!!

And poo on your RE for raining on your parade. As if you will be any less upset over a m/c because he told you that?? As I said, poo on him. BTW, with very early BFPs every woman has a 50% mc chance
Yet despite this, most women here who do early tests seem to have sticky beans. So stats can't really tell the whole story. I am sending all my sticky vibes your way!

And LOLOLOL at the highlighted part!

PS As for visiting rural china, I would be tempted to avoid in your shoes if their are risks of water born illness... I am not up on China's water sitch, so forgive me if this is out of left field. I am not a worry wort by nature, but I wouldn't want to risk a major illness in those first 12 weeks.
Last night, out of boredom really, and kind of because of the way I was feeling about the whole TTC thing, I decided to re-read through this thread. Haha. I only got to page 59 or so, but I think I came on board just shortly after that (Blen was just starting TTC and as soon as I came here, she was out of here to the Pregnant thread). Anyway, it brought me a lot of comfort seeing so many of the "graduates" had the same feelings at the time of their TTC journey, even dear Dreamer! Not that I think misery should always love company, but it''s reassuring to know that particular feelings or concerns that something''s wrong with you isn''t out of the norm in the world of TTC. It''s emotional, stressful, and confusing at times for everyone, and that makes me feel less like I''m alone in the situation.

In other news, I think my new hobby will help some with all the thinking, thinking, thinking about having a baby. Before marriage, I loved to garden. I planted flowers at my old apartment, and even got the approval to have a small garden. I loved it! Well, this weekend, we got all the "gear" we needed to get an area of the backyard prepped for a garden. I''m so excited! Paul will be more of an observer and supporter, but I don''t mind. I like having something that''s just mine, so to speak. I have to wait til the potential for freezing weather is past, but since the yard hasn''t ever been a garden, there is work to be done in working the ground. First, I had to pull down all the old vines from the previous owners that I *finally* killed off. So, I''ve been working on that some today, since my headache''s subsided somewhat. And sitting around the house certainly doesn''t make it go away any faster. I''m excited to plant spring flowers around the trees in the yard, too. We moved in May last year and I missed that opportunity.


I''m right there with you on knowing that God''s gifts often come in the form of medical advancements a lot of the time. I don''t even think we''ll need anything fertility-wise, but that anyone would think that just wishing for a baby is any different than taking steps to know when you ovulate is any way tempting fate is crazy to me. Again, wouldn''t be so upsetting if I wasn''t so dang emotional on the topic!!

I mean, no one''s saying that about Paul''s mother who''s undergoing chemo. That would be absurd!! But if you''re taking your temperature, you''re not waiting on God. Whatever!!

I really probably shouldn''t have taken a sick day today, but I''m not sorry I did. I have uber hours at my job saved up, something over 250. So I figure they can get by one day without me while I have a headache and kind of a slump.

Hellos to Sha, InLuv (hope you''re enjoying your cruise!!!), Festy, Lulu, DrK, and all the others who''ve been in hiding for a little bit. Hope you''re doing well.


Your Hunter is absolutely adorable! I have been meaning to ask you how co-sleeping is going. I''m a big fan of the co-sleepers, since they allow you to be next to your baby without any of the potential harm. Is it working as well as you''d hoped? Can you breastfeed in the middle of the night with ease? Was it worth the cost of the co-sleeper, as in does it do what you thought it''d do as well as you thought it''d do it? Gosh, I just love the baby faces he makes. And those cheeks!!!
Date: 3/9/2009 12:47:00 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 3/9/2009 12:31:39 PM
Author: swimmer
OK, so I caved and tested. The test was positive. We called my RE who said 'Now don't get too excited, remember, you have a 75% chance of miscarriage.' I will go in today for some meds and more exciting information like that. Plus, my RE works with a lot of people going through sex changes, so the waiting room is always interesting... I love brilliant Mds, but the bedside manner is a bit lacking. Yes Peony, I was on clomid 2 cycles ago, but DH had to go to Israel right when I needed his swimmers. RE was not pleased with us, but international conflict isn't really something I can schedule O'ing around. So, for now I guess that I'm KTFU, but who knows for how much longer. DH sent an email to the zygote this morning, asking him to stick around. I just have a weird feeling about this. I had pneumonia at the beginning of the cycle and am headed to rural China shortly. I just feel out of body about the whole thing. I can't tell my family, they will FREAK out...have to wait till week 12, if that happens.
Swimmer, way to keep a BFP on the down low! CONGRATS!!!

And poo on your RE for raining on your parade. As if you will be any less upset over a m/c because he told you that?? As I said, poo on him. BTW, with very early BFPs every woman has a 50% mc chance
Yet despite this, most women here who do early tests seem to have sticky beans. So stats can't really tell the whole story. I am sending all my sticky vibes your way!

And LOLOLOL at the highlighted part!

SHUT UP!! How did I miss this???


Don't worry about the chances of misscarrying, just enjoy and be thankful for your pregnancy!! Aye. You need to type things like I'm pregnant in ALL CAPS, my friend!!!

How sweet that your husband emailed the baby!! Awww!!! That just makes my day! I love sweet Daddies-to-be!!!
Re caffeine...Swimmer, thanks again for posting that link. I went to Journal of Ob/Gyn website and found a critique of the study here:

I''m no scientist, so I can''t say that the study was debunked, but I just wanted to post the info. I''m sure there''s even more to the issue than this, so it looks like I''ve got more reading to do!

Have a wonderful honeymoon.

I''m so happy that your tests came back great! Yay!!! I bet that relieves much stress, and hopefully, will make for a much more carefree time when you BD (or get on the floor, whatever).

Regarding the cycle three testing, is it just blood? I know I should know this by now, but I don''t.

And Yay for your hubby''s swimmer''s being good to go, too! That''s fabulous!!

Hoping you come back from your honeymoon with a baby baking!!
Okay, this will be my last post for at least the next 20 minutes, but I have a question about all the caffeine talk: most the time the studies and the like are stating caffeine but refer to coffee often, but really, it''s talking about all substances that contain caffeine, right? We are not coffee drinkers (I''ll never understand how something that smells *so* heavenly can be so foul tasting!!!), and I''m not a soda drinker, either, but Paul is. I wonder if caffeine effects the little swimmers, too?


Thank you for your thoughts and sweet words. I know it''s people being ignorant, and it really bothers me because I feel like in so many ways, it just adds to the ideology that anyone of faith is a hypocrite, you know? Obivously unless you''re of an extreme sect of faith, you''re going to seek treatment if you fall ill, but any knowledge of the body for any other reason just automatically means you''re faithless suddenly. Crazy talk!!

Thank you for the prayers; I pray for all my friends here so often. It''s funny how connected you can become with someone just through their stories shared online.