
The Official TTC Thread!

Guess who''s gone all day without any vomit issues?

Dr. called a single pill prescription for the clomid. Yay. I just take it an additional day; they said since I was doing cd3-7, doing it through cd 8 was no big deal, and one missed day shouldn''t effect me at all. Sigh of relief.


I get so excited when anyone joins us here, but especially super excited when an LIW, BWW friend comes along! Welcome aboard, lady! Great chart! We''ve had some recent graduates from the LIW''s of our days.... Mandarine is having twins, Sunkist is pregnant, and Ebree is pretty far along into her pregnancy, I want to say really close to third trimester if she''s not already there by now!

How are you and your J doing these days?


I''ve had lots of cycles without EWCM, and watery is really all you need. I will say, though, that for me, taking Robitussin has helped with getting CM that''s easier to "assess" I guess you could call it. May be worth a shot. My Dr. suggested it, too.


Too funny about the strawberry blonde hair. I was an auburn haired baby and still have auburn highlights in the summer, but my hair''s gotten darker over time. Get this though, my brother''s hair is lighter than mine, with the same red highlights and my sister in law has hair just about as dark as mine, and three of my five nieces/nephew have red hair! Of varying degrees.. with the oldest and the youngest having the most "red." I wonder if a red head is in the cards for us. Paul was a toe head blonde as a baby, but now his hair is a medium brown.... who knows where we''re headed!!

So, now that we''ve seen your trip, what was your favorite part??
Thanks Festy, I''m sorry you''re feeling so down this cycle. Sending you virtual hugs!

Fisher - I''ve been lurking on here for a while, so I''m up to date with the pregnancy news. Thanks for the thoughts, you''re sweet as ever! I''m praying for you and Paul.

J and I are doing well. J had a stint of unemployment, but we''re both working now so all is good. We''re moving in a gorgeous two bedroom apartment on May 1st, can''t wait! We haven''t told anyone, but we''re hoping to use the second bedroom as a nursery.
Just a quick pop-in to say YAY to Anchor''s first cycle TTC! Hadn''t seen you around to much, and then you just pop up here! How fun! I always get so excited for all new TTCer''s. Hopefully yours will be a short stay!

I have to say, all pics you girls post are just wonderful! Fisher, your niece is too cute (along with you!)

Festy, sorry about the negative. How are your temps looking?

Anyone else testing soon?

I forget about the lurkers sometimes. Probably because I get so excited with the news of babies and birthdays and things like that, I can''t help but bust in with some comment or another.

How exciting about moving soon. A second room for a baby is a wonderful thing! When we moved into our house, I referred to the extra bedroom as the ''baby''s room'' for ages before Paul did. Now we both just know it as the baby''s room, though. Have fun creating a new home for yourselves!!


Totally meant to post this before, but forgot: you know 10 or 11 DPO is *extremely* early to be testing. So don''t get too down yet, because how many of our graduates have taken til like day 14 or higher to get a positive? Lots of them!! I''m not a fan of testing early, but I know the lure of testing out of boredom. Ah, we''re so weak, aren''t we?

And might I also add, it''s been a hot minute since we had a positive around here, so I''m counting on a streak to start again soon!! I''m telling you, we need to leave this place a ghost town and pack into the prego thread!!
Welcome Anchor! Hope your stay is short and sweet!

Festy - sorry about the BFN. But Fisher''s right... many BFPs don''t show up till 12-13 dpo. Especially if you implant late, you mighn''t get a positive till 14 dpo or after.

What''s happening with InLuv and Blushing? I think they''re supposed to be testing around now.... Yoohoo! InLUVVV!! Blush-ingg!!! We need updates!
Hi Anchor!! Congrats on starting your first TTC cycle! That''s awesome :) Wishing you best of luck
And congrats on moving into a new pretty apartment too

Fisher you and your niece look so cute together.

Festy, Fisher, Lulu loving the photography girls!

Best wishes to all those in the TWW
Hi Sunkist and Sha!!

I just love that "graduates" come back to cheer on the undergrads!

So, question for you ladies: how long til we start seeing you on the Friday belly pic days?
Forgot to add--- I just had a stomach virus, nothing about anything I''ve been taking. So I''m good to go now. Yippeee!

Thanks for calling me out of lurkdom Sha! I''m here, just not much to add.

Festy -- sorry about the BFN. You know it''s early though. Great pics! I''m sure you guys had a wonderful time!

Fisher -- Sorry about the stomach virus. blech. Your niece is soooo cute! I totally pictured you as a blonde too.

Anchor -- Welcome to the party! Nice chart


Lulu -- Lovely photos as always. Have you scheduled your HSG yet?

Blushing -- How are you?!
It''s 10DPO here. I''m posting my chart again just because I like it.
I''m so incredibly hopeful this month...I know I''ll be crushed if I get a BFN. I guess that''s why I''m laying low, just keeping busy, trying to wait it out. I think I will test on 12-13 DPO if my temps aren''t declining at that point (normal LP is 13 days). Thus far I have no boob soreness or spotting which are both normal for me to have at this point in my cycle. I don''t normally log into PS on weekends but I will make an exception for you lovely ladies if I have good news to share!

InLuv - that chart looks incredible! I so so hope this means good things. You had best be logging in this weekend if you have good news to share!

Fisher, Anchor and Sha - thanks for the encouraging words. I really just needed some cheese with my whine, you know? Fisher, I''m so glad you''re feeling better!

Sabine - thanks...I stopped temping a few cycles ago. My cycles are quite regular so I felt like the learning curve had leveled off and I was getting sick of the sleep deprivation. Not to mention the high hopes. My temps would often stay high in the LP until just before AF. It sucked. I kind of half-heartedly switched to OPKs, although I can''t say I''m a huge fan of those either!


Here''s a new installment in the annoying LP symptom and TMI category. Ya''ll have probably heard me complain about crampiness during the LP - quite normal for me. This month I feel like I have a mild UTI - as though whatever cramping is going on is irritating my urethra. Is that even the right anatomy? I''m not having to pee more because I can tell the difference. And it doesn''t hurt when I pee, so I don''t think it''s a UTI. Anyone ever experience this? Am I now just talking to talk?
inluv - that is one fine looking chart
!! i really hope that you have some good news to share soon!!

festy - interesting symptoms - i''ve never had something like that, but in my experience uti''s don''t necessarily have to be painful. hmmm.

welcome anchor!! best of luck for a very brief TTC
Festy! You know it''s too early to test! put that negative test behind you!

Anchor Hi!!!
Wishing you lots of luck!!!!

Inluv That chart looks VERY good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!

I hope everyone else is doing great!!!. I loved all the pictures you guys posted!

Thanks everyone! I feel like a LIW again, except less anxious (for now).

inluv - Your chart looks great! I''m keeping my fingers crossed...

Festy - The sort-of irritated urethra thing happened to me last month. It''s annoying, but it turned out to be nothing at all.
Mandy - thanks, hon. So glad to hear you''re doing well (except for that frenemy thing) and already 9 weeks. Wowza!

Anchor - really, wow! Here I was feeling like such a fool for even mentioning this issue. Thanks for responding.
Date: 4/16/2009 2:50:19 PM
Author: anchor31
Thanks everyone! I feel like a LIW again, except less anxious (for now).

inluv - Your chart looks great! I''m keeping my fingers crossed...

Festy - The sort-of irritated urethra thing happened to me last month. It''s annoying, but it turned out to be nothing at all.
It''s my hope that the anxiety doesn''t find you, Anchor!

Yes, it''s always fun when LIW girls find themselves in a cluster again. Yay!!

(How''s your sister doing these days?)


Interesting you bring up the UTI thing. I have nothing to add to what you''d asked about, but it does bring to mind something I''d been meaning to ask: I''ve read that UTIs are more common during pregnancy, and must be treated "immediately" when pregnant. Well, here''s the thing. I don''t think I''ve ever had one, and I certainly don''t know how I''d know I was having one if I were pregnant, since I don''t know what the sensation feels like. Especially when Lulu says they don''t have to be painful... confusion!!

Nice chart, my friend!! I hope you graduate this month *but do come back to visit often, okay?* I mean, until we all desert this place.


Ooh... and Lulu, girl are you *still* spotting? I hope that idiot period stays away and all your patience (this cycle and all the others) pays off. You know, like NOW.

All this talk of people picturing me blonde. Hm... do I seem to fit the stereotype?
Paul likes to joke that I'm the most brunette blonde he's ever met. I do have my moments of being completely naive/ditzy, I have to admit!
Great chart, InLUV! I agree, this cycle looks very promising! I really hope this is the month for you. Can''t wait till you decide to test! Please do come back and update us as soon as you do!

So where''s blushing??? I hope her chart is shaping up nicely too.

Fisher - I''m taking a 6 week photo this weekend, so I might post it on the Preg forum if I''m feeling confident enough. And if it actually looks like something.
I kind of feel like I already have a paunch, though....but maybe it''s just bloat.

I''m feeling pretty comfortable hanging out here in the TTC thread for now, so I''m glad you guys don''t mind... the Pregnancy thread moves so fast! I can''t keep up.
But I really do love reading everyone''s stories and seeing all the cute belly pics. Hope to see you guys over there sometime real soon!
Date: 4/16/2009 5:53:34 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Date: 4/16/2009 2:50:19 PM
Author: anchor31
Thanks everyone! I feel like a LIW again, except less anxious (for now).

inluv - Your chart looks great! I''m keeping my fingers crossed...

Festy - The sort-of irritated urethra thing happened to me last month. It''s annoying, but it turned out to be nothing at all.
It''s my hope that the anxiety doesn''t find you, Anchor!

Yes, it''s always fun when LIW girls find themselves in a cluster again. Yay!!

(How''s your sister doing these days?)


Interesting you bring up the UTI thing. I have nothing to add to what you''d asked about, but it does bring to mind something I''d been meaning to ask: I''ve read that UTIs are more common during pregnancy, and must be treated ''immediately'' when pregnant. Well, here''s the thing. I don''t think I''ve ever had one, and I certainly don''t know how I''d know I was having one if I were pregnant, since I don''t know what the sensation feels like. Especially when Lulu says they don''t have to be painful... confusion!!
Your doc will test for it in case there are no symptoms. Its routine.
Hi Ladies - sorry I''ve been MIA for a while. Work has been such craziness this week! I''ve had to attend a conference three nights in row this week so, tonight I''m enjoying some time at home before DH and I are off to LA and San Fran for a week (which is mostly vacation, but I still have to go into the office for 2 days

Anywhoo - bad news to report - AF came to visit me yet again so, I''m out this cycle. Good news is that my 2nd progesterone blood test came back perfectly normal, which really isn''t much a surprise considering the one I took 9 months again was also normal. So, I have another call into my doctor to figure out next steps. I have a feeling that if they want to schedule me for an HSG, I might be out this month too since I''ll be in CA for 8 days. So, I''m going to try and relax and have some fun with DH and friends on vacation.

InLuv - I''ll have my laptop with me so, I''ll definitely be checking in on. Your chart looks great and the fact that you aren''t spotting is a good sign. Plus, the fact that your BBs aren''t sore (when they usually are) is also promising! Fingers crossed!!!!!

Lovely - amazing pictures of the cherry blossoms!

Fisher - you look fantastic in your pics too - it''s nice to put a face to the name (so to speak)

Good luck to anyone else who is testing soon! I''ll chat with you all when I get back or maybe sooner if InLuv has good news!!!

Wow Inluv your chart does look promising! I''ll be sending over tons of baby dust to you
Do you ever get a dip like that??? The fact that it comes up so high after that good size dip is great!

Ah girl. I''m sorry. I do hope that the tube check works for this cycle, though. I hear that it can have a really good effect on things! Thinking of you. And yay for a little time away from TTC!!! Enjoy vacation! Tell Cali I said hello!!


Good to know it''s something they check for. Thanks for that information!

Happy Friday to all!
Sorry Blushing, but a TTC break might be nice! Enjoy your time in Cali!

I think I may chicken out in terms of testing this weekend. Had some cramping this morning...not a good sign. I really don''t want to see a BFN. Ah well, I''ll let you girls know what I decide.

11DPO and nervous
Blushing, sorry AF came.....
Witch!! Thanks for checking in. I hope you do enjoy your vacation and get some relaxing, non-TTC time in with your DH, if you decide to sit out the next cycle.

InLUV, I hope the cramps don't mean what you think they might mean....
I've heard of women having cramps and thinking AF was going to show, and then getting a bfp. I hope that's the case for you too.. Keep us updated!
Fisher, a young Sissy Spacek is kind of how I pictured you. Call me crazy! Glad DD and LLL chimed in with that info about UTI'' my experience I have always know IMMEDIATELY when I''ve had one. Painful urination is a tell-tale sign, but also pain in the lower abdomen, right in the middle, and a feeling like you have to go to the bathroom all the time. Woohoo!

InLuv, oh I hope those cramps don''t mean anything!

Blushing, have a great trip to CA! I''m jealous! Glad your tests came back ok. Would you be out this cycle because they''d have to schedule the HSG after the 6-11 CD window that they like to do it in? If so, could you wait one more cycle or do you just want to get it done already? Anyway, hopefully you won''t answer b/c you''re already on vacay!
Hi Ladies - I'm still here (we are leaving tomorrow). We aren't going to sit out from TTC this month, we'll still jump on that bandwagon, but I was saying that we'll be skipping the HSG test. The nurse at my Dr's office was also saying that since all our tests came back normal, that I just need to relax and let things happen. Easier said than done lady!

InLuv - how were your temps this AM?

OK - off to Cali!!!!!
Blushing-I hate it when people tell me to relax and let things happen. It really irks me. For what it''s worth, I''m a fairly laid back person to begin with. It''s not like I''m a high strung nervous nellie.
Anyway, have fun on your trip!!!

Good luck In Luv!
I am new here :) So please be gentle. I hope my time in this thread is short. From reading pervious threads you all seem very very helpful.
Date: 4/18/2009 8:21:00 AM
Author: labellavita81
I am new here :) So please be gentle. I hope my time in this thread is short. From reading pervious threads you all seem very very helpful.

I hope your stay''s short, too!! Welcome aboard, though. The girls here are amazing!!

What''s your story? Have you just starting trying to have a baby? Isn''t it a fun time of hope and dreams?
Forgot to add... I''m taking advantage of *not* being pregnant this weekend and have finally decided it''s time to paint the guest bedroom. I''m going to prep the walls today (take down nails and putty those little holes, take down the hideous border) and tonight we''ll go pick out the paint. Pretty excited! It''s a first step (finally) toward getting the room set up. We need furniture and a desk for me to do my writing, crafting, scrapbooking, etc. Yippeee!!

Oh... also forgot that I did the taxes wrong! We do get a refund, and it is going into the baby''s account! Yay!!!
Welcome, Labellavita. We''ve had a pretty impressive graduation rate lately, so it seems like a good time to join! I hope you''re not sticking around for long.

Fisher - I''m painting our guest room this weekend too! We have a 3-day weekend, as Monday is a random state holiday. Do you know what color you''ll choose? We chose Ben Moore HC-18, Adam''s Gold, or some such. It''s soothing, mellow, gender-neutral and I think will be a good backdrop for bright, baby-related colors should the time come. In the meantime, it''s a nice guest room color too. Happy painting!


Wish me luck, gals. I''m running my first ever 5k tomorrow with a couple of friends. I''m hoping and praying that AF comes today on schedule because I''d really rather not have that heavy first-day flow on the morning of the race, KWIM? I''m also thinking the couple of Advil I''ll probably pop for the cramps might also help me ignore the various pains in my knees, shins, etc.