
The Official TTC Thread!


I was asking around at work about our new name... and apparently theres a star wars or star trek or some such something character named Annaka! (We decided we like that spelling, after all.) Hmph! So, who knows. Probably not our little girl''s name now... I don''t want her to have trekky references haunting her for life!! Annaka Jayne. So cute, so cute.
Wait, it was Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader's childhood persona, apparently. Not that I know anything about StarWars, but Darth was the "bad guy." Ack!! Anyway, Anakin is not the same as Annaka. Hmm... I still like the name, but wonder if it's a little too of the beaten path for us (we're very "straight-laced," I suppose you could say).

Feb, I'm sorrry, dear. 9 DPO is way too early, though. Don't lose heart. I've made a pact with myself: no more pregnancy tests, like at all, before 14 DPO. It's a rule I plan to use (but I may not, who knows). It's just too much to keep seeing false tests... It's insane!
Date: 4/20/2009 5:52:13 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Annaka Jayne. So cute, so cute.

Don''t worry about movie references. All that matters is that you love it. We''ve chosen names that are crazy-heavy with references (literary and, er, knick-namey) and we''re STILL going for it.

My newest motto is "feel the fear and do it anyways". It applies here too

ps. thanks for remembering it was my first day of mat leave!!
I kicked it off with 7 loads of laundry (whoa) and I ironed all the sheets too!!!!!
Fisher- I wouldn''t even worry about the Star Wars thing! If you were talking about a boys name of Annika (we do know an boy with the name Annika but his parents aren''t into Star Wars) then I would say that it''s really close to the Star Wars movie. But for a girl? Nah! I love the spelling that you''ve chosen! Annaka Jayne. Totally flows and is so so adorable!

The test I took today was the last test I had. I''m not buying anymore until this weekend and if AF is late, I''m not testing until early next week. I should be 14 DPO by Sunday and if AF stays away by then, I''ll give in and test. I''m having some awful sharp shooting cramps so I''m just waiting for AF to come. I''m not suppose to get AF (if I''m still on the 31 day cycle kick my body has decided to go with, instead of it''s usual 28) until the 27th/28th. I should be spotting within a couple of days.
Fisher - I''m definitely going to look like a total geek, but they may be talking about a character in Star Trek Voyager who''s name used to be Annika, until she was assimilated by the Borg and was called Seven of Nine. I grew up (and learned my English) watching Star Trek, so there you go.

inluv - Good for you go getting healthy!

february - Sorry about the BFN

8DPO and some MAJOR spotting for me. It looks like pre-AF spotting, but it''s pretty early since I usually have a 12-14 days LP.
Hi guys,

Sorry to have been a little MIA...we''ve been heavy into painting. I may forget a few people but I don''t want to forget to say this: you guys are the best. Ever. Thank you for all the thoughtful posts about Lindsey, TTC, everything.

InLuv - I''m sorry this wasn''t the cycle for you. I know how hard it is to feel hopeful when you feel like you''ve done everything right. But we are not out of this game by any stretch of the imagination and it can still happen at any time. Congrats on all your success with your new eating plan! I have many many sweet teeth so I know all about trying to keep sweets out of the house. My problem is they find me at work!

Fisher - I like the name Annica too. I think there''s a tennis player named Annika...Sorenstam, maybe? I totally spelled that phonetically.

Mandy - thanks for thing of me! I did so much better in the 5k than I ever dreamed! My goal was to not walk...not only did I not walk, but I ran a 9:57 minute mile! Not super fast compared to others, but waaaay faster than I thought I''d ever do it. Thanks so much for all your encouragement! I''m definitely doing another one! I hope all is well with you...I need to catch up on the PG thread.

Tiffany - My fingers are crossed for you that the IUI takes!

Melanie - you too! Would either one of you care to explain the process? I picture the doctor coming in with a turkey baster...

Fisher - I didn''t even associate Annaka and Anakin until you said anything. I don''t think people would pick up on it. Very cute name, by the way!

Anchor - welcome!! It''s exciting seeing you over on this side of things. That could be early pre-AF spotting, or possibly implantation spotting!?
Date: 4/20/2009 9:21:46 PM
Author: Blenheim
Fisher - I didn''t even associate Annaka and Anakin until you said anything. I don''t think people would pick up on it. Very cute name, by the way!

Anchor - welcome!! It''s exciting seeing you over on this side of things. That could be early pre-AF spotting, or possibly implantation spotting!?
Blenheim!!! Hi!
Your little one is so adorable. That''s what I figured, about the spotting, so I guess I''ll just wait and see.
Melanie - you too! Would either one of you care to explain the process? I picture the doctor coming in with a turkey baster...

Festy that is too funny and pretty much right on. Except it''s the nurse holding the baster. The doc doesn''t bother to show up.
Haha, Anchor. You're not a geek. I just know nothing about any of those sci-fi shows. And I'd really not like for people to think my baby girl was given a name in honor of characters I don't know, you know?

Good thoughts to the IUIers. *singing swim little fishie...* for you!

Festy, way to rock it hard core for the 5k!
Speaking of losing weight and being healthy and all that, I admit I've gained about 10-15 pounds since marrying Paul, but gosh, I don't think of myself as big (I used to be big, I know what it looks like and how it feels!!), and yesterday at work at client was trying to describe another employee and she said that she was "heavy set, too." Implying I'm heavy set. Now come on. I mean, I'm not thin, and even a little overweight. But heavy set? That's a nice way of saying fat. Blew my mind. I came home and told Paul I'm gonna kick some butt on the elliptical cause I'm not having anyone thinking I'm "heavy set." It kind of was a wake up call, cause a couple pounds sneaking up is easy to forget about or let slide. My pants have been snugger than before, so yeah... I am back on the wagon again now. I've been eating like I'm pregnant (read: healthy) for monthsn and months, so I think my issue is just that I got a little lazy over the cold months. The dogs will be happy to know our walks will now be longer, at least!

Heavy set. Pssh!!
Date: 4/20/2009 9:56:11 PM
Author: melanie987123
Melanie - you too! Would either one of you care to explain the process? I picture the doctor coming in with a turkey baster...

Festy that is too funny and pretty much right on. Except it''s the nurse holding the baster. The doc doesn''t bother to show up.
Really? My doc does mine. Actually he usually has a resident with him who does it but he watches the whole thing closely.
Date: 4/20/2009 8:54:16 PM
Author: Festy

Mandy - thanks for thing of me! I did so much better in the 5k than I ever dreamed! My goal was to not walk...not only did I not walk, but I ran a 9:57 minute mile! Not super fast compared to others, but waaaay faster than I thought I''d ever do it. Thanks so much for all your encouragement! I''m definitely doing another one! I hope all is well with you...I need to catch up on the PG thread.

That is AWESOME!!!! You are a natural!!!!
. Congratulations!!! You should be very proud of yourself!!. Now maybe you''ll get hooked like I did and find running to be your little "escape"!.

Oh how I miss running! Yesterday it started raining while we were out for our walk and we were not very close to the house. I didn''t want to get drenched and catch a cold so I ran home. Wow...I was OUT OF BREATH!. I mean, now I get out of breath going up the stairs (even before getting the BFP!). I will definitely go back to running once the babies are here and maybe sign up for a half marathon with my sister (who I turned into a runner and is now hooked! hehe).

So good job my friend!. Now when the time comes to GOF, just give DH a peek of your new sexy toned legs...he won''t resist!!

Date: 4/21/2009 7:44:10 AM
Author: tiffanytwisted

Date: 4/20/2009 9:56:11 PM
Author: melanie987123
Melanie - you too! Would either one of you care to explain the process? I picture the doctor coming in with a turkey baster...

Festy that is too funny and pretty much right on. Except it's the nurse holding the baster. The doc doesn't bother to show up.
Really? My doc does mine. Actually he usually has a resident with him who does it but he watches the whole thing closely.
Yes I was surprised at first but now I love my nurse she's great and has done it a million times. Just went this morning so now the waiting begins ...
She also told me I could continue running as long as I was easing into it. I feel like I am with this couch to 5k program but ... it's still hard for me because I am not used to running. So I'm not sure if I'm going to continue it.

Edit: Festy that is a GREAT time! Good for you!
Hello Gals! I''m popping in again with one of my uber-random updates.

We were all set to begin TTC-ing this month but are now holding off until we''re on vacation next month. DH and I met with a travel medicine Dr., just to make sure we''re on track with shots and scripts for our trip, and we just didn''t want to run the risk of me being newly PG while on vacation.

I know it''s a total long shot that it would happen that quickly, but we didn''t want to take a chance. We''ll be visiting Iguazu Falls on the Argentine/Brazil border and there''s been cases of malaria and yellow fever reported. We have a script for malaria pills, but I would not be able to take them if i was PG. And we''ll be spraying ourselves with who-knows-what to avoid mosquitos/yellow fever, and that made me uneasy. Plus, I want to be able to ENJOY Mendoza wine country. Oh well, we''ll just have to GOF in Argentina!

You may recall that I had been struggling with the decision to even have a child. DH has been on board from the get-go, but I was always on the fence. After much discussion, we decided to "go for it" and set this month to start trying. I admit that now i''m a bit heartbroken that it''s been postponed because of the reasons I mentioned above. I know it''s only a month and all and i''m being silly. But perhaps this means that I *am* ready to have a child? Just trying to make sense of these newfound feelings!

Anyway, I look forward to when i''ll be "officially" joining you lovely ladies
CONGRATS to Festy on your great time! I''m a new-ish runner myself and LOVE it
Feb -- I agree, 9DPO is EARLY!! You still have a shot!

Charger -- Starting to TTC in South America sounds like perfection!!
That one extra month will pass quickly. Thanks for the update!

Blushing -- Hope you are having a fab time in Cali!

Festy -- What an awesome time!! I'm so jealous. I always wanted to run but I have a 3rd degree ACL tear and running can be painful for me. We are cycle buddies this go round!

Anchor -- Your 'symptoms' sound awfully promising especially if your LP is usually 12-14 days.

Thanks everyone! I was purty darned proud of myself too!

Charger - I''m so excited for you!! And jealous! We didn''t go to Iguazu Falls but I hear it''s amazing. Cannot say enough about the Mendoza region. Do you know where you''re staying? (Are you also going to B.A.?) Do you need recommendations? We were in Mendoza during AF. While it was a bummer to have AF while on our *honeymoon* I have to say I don''t know what I would have done had I suspected I was pregnant! The wine was just too good! So even though it''s hard to wait, you will be very glad you did.

InLuv - Hi cycle buds. This month I''m trying a nutty approach. No temping, no OPKs. Hopefully no stress!
Festy- Congrats on your run! Very impressive.

Fisher- I would never associate "Annika" or "Annica" with Anakin Skywalker. If you love it, I wouldn''t worry about it.

Charger- Yay for your "last hurrah". I think it''s smart to wait, and it''s only a month. Enjoy it worry-free! FWIW, I was a bit hesitant to jump on the pregnancy/mommy train. But now that I''m on it, I have to say, it is so much cooler than I thought. And all of my anxiety is gone- well, not gone, it has transferred to worry about being preggo, keeping baby safe, etc. But all of my worries about not being ready, or ready to give up my life have totally transformed into this awesome, calm and radiant feeling, like I was meant to do this. Sounds cheesy, but it''s true. Good luck!

Still reading this thread every day, and rooting for you all. I know it gets frustrating, and the lack of control over something you want so badly is hard to take. But just know that one day, it WILL happen, and then you find it hard to remember how long it took. It will be worth it.

Welcome to Anchor- funnily enough, for some reason I used to always get you and Blenheim confused. Good luck!!!!
Hello. Happy over the hump day!!

So, last night Paul''s parents came over. We typically only see them on weekends (generally every other weekend or so), well this past weekend, Martha wasn''t feeling well, and this upcoming weekend Paul and I will be out of state and we wanted to see her again before her next hospital stay. Anyway, Paul invited them to come over for dinner one night during the week (we had a yummy broccoli stirfry) and they picked last night as the night. We had a really great time.

I feel bad, though. Paul told me when they left that while he and his dad were outside looking at the grass (yes, looking at the grass... Paul has been de-weeding it and was very proud of himself and wanted his dad''s admiration, too), his dad told him that Martha was just convinced when we called about getting together during the week that we were going to be telling them they''re about to be grandparents. Ah. I hate to let people down, especially my mother in law! Anyway, I''m glad I didn''t know about it until they left. We had a great time and I doubt Martha was all that let down; she was just being like me and looking for a surprise, I guess.

In other news, one of our couple friends from an old church has been trying to have a baby for as long or longer than us, and they just found out they''re due 12/15. So yay! Gives me hope, since we''re right around the corner from the year mark of actually TTCing, and over a year with no precautions taken. Sometimes it just takes a little time.

I think we''re going to try the EOD or morning one day, night the next this go-round. Just in case that''s the magic ticket. Hey, can''t hurt to try. I still get a little nervous when I see that the BD line''s not nearly as long as it once was, but maybe that''s just what we need. I don''t know. I have been much more low-key so far this cycle, though. I think some of the anxiety about the clomid has warn off now and I''m just trying to let my body do it''s own thing, without thinking it to death.

Receding gumline: Anyone have this? I just found that I do, but on only one tooth. Pretty freaky. I''m scared and wonder if the dentist will say I have to have the tooth removed or something. No sensitivity/pain, just a really gross looking tooth with what should be hidden exposed. I need to go to the Dentist, but I''ve been putting it off, not wanting to x-ray my baby to death or mental/physical disabilities because of my vanity.


Welcome, soon!! Have a GREAT trip!!!

Who''s in the two week wait? I should be there soon....
Date: 4/22/2009 7:28:36 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly
I think we''re going to try the EOD or morning one day, night the next this go-round. Just in case that''s the magic ticket. Hey, can''t hurt to try. I still get a little nervous when I see that the BD line''s not nearly as long as it once was, but maybe that''s just what we need. I don''t know. I have been much more low-key so far this cycle, though. I think some of the anxiety about the clomid has warn off now and I''m just trying to let my body do it''s own thing, without thinking it to death.
Receding gumline: Anyone have this? I just found that I do, but on only one tooth. Pretty freaky. I''m scared and wonder if the dentist will say I have to have the tooth removed or something. No sensitivity/pain, just a really gross looking tooth with what should be hidden exposed. I need to go to the Dentist, but I''ve been putting it off, not wanting to x-ray my baby to death or mental/physical disabilities because of my vanity.

WARNING: Threadjack Alert!
Fisher! This sadly is my zone. I have receeding gumlines
. My dentist makes me watch videos about it. It sucks, because I have *perfect* teeth otherwise (straight, strong, etc). I get sensitivity because the gums have receeded and the root is sometimes exposed. Apparently it''s genetic (great, hopefully Bambine-dog doesn''t get it) and if it continues, I''ll have to see a periodontist for gum grafting. BLECH. Anyways, they won''t remove your tooth, silly girl! They''ll start with just taking measurements and monitoring the recession over a period of time to get a sense of how aggressive it is. JUST GO! haha. Don''t be scared.

Also, switch your toothbrush and toothpaste immediately.
Toothpaste should be designed for sensitive teeth (sensodyne or any gel WITHOUT whitener or backing soda). These are far too aggressive. I like the "Sensodyne PRO NAMEL" line.
Toothbrush should be extra ultra super duper soft. Again, I like the Sensodyne PRO NAMEL toothbrush. It has a really soft flexible head which will prevent you from doing any more damage to your gum while brushing.
And, of course, floss daily with a short "leash" (short piece of floss).

I hope that helps and saves you from a future of gum recession

PS. As for BDing. I think day time (morning) BD is really good. I got KTFU with this pregnancy from a Nooner. Maybe its in my head, but I feel like it increases your chances by varying the BD time. Not scientific...but you have nothing to lose, right?!
inluv - I dunno. My temps are not looking good. I had a peak at 98.5 at 6DPO and then they went down and are just hovering at 98.2-98.3. Just waiting for cycle 2 to start now!

Fisher - J and I have decided to not tell people that we are TTCing because we don''t want the questions and disappointments. We know that it''s not out of malice, they''re just excited for us, but we don''t need the extra stress. I hope you don''t feel like you failed your in-laws or something. It''s not your fault, honey.
Hope you don't mind an outsider coming in for a little advice from those of you who know what you're doing!

We're not necessarily TTC but not preventing since the end of December. I have noticed that my cycles are all over the place (last cycle was like 43 days!
the cycle before that was exactly 28 though) so I started temping this cycle (actually didn't start until day 9 of this cycle so my chart probably isn't too terribly accurate) just to try and see what the heck my body is doing. It's looking like I Oed on CD25 which from what I've read is really late. I haven't had a chance to do a ton of research and seeing as how you have more experience and knowledge in this areasI thought I'd ask my PS friends....should I be concerned? I got preggo my second cycle off BC with my DD so I guess I'm just a little nervous this time around. I went ahead an made an appt with my OB but it's not until the end of May. Any word of wisdom would be much appreciated!!
Ladies, I need some help! I went to Taget today and I decided that I would grab a pregnancy test for this weekend (trying to have positive thoughts that I''ll NEED a pregnancy test!). They only had two brands, their own Taget brand (made by Inverness) and it''s a l l type test, not +/-, and the EPT +/-. No FRER that I normally would use. So I grabbed one of each for a total of 5 tests, Woohoo!

Anyway, of course my pee on a stick addiction won out over my sensible, I''ll wait until this weekend original plan
I pee in a cup, try the EPT +/- and I see what I *think* is a faint positive. I''ve been burned by this brand of test before so I open the Target pg test and stick it in the same cup of pee. Right away a line shows up! So I''m shaking and thinking "I''m pregnant!! OMG!!!" I read the Target pg test instructions just to make sure I''m reading the results right and I realize that it''s a blue dye test. So, my heart sinks a little and I go to It says that the Inverness test is a recommended one (just the ( l l ) not the (+/-) one) and I don''t see anything negative about blue dye tests specifically, just the +/- ones.

So I run out to the grocery store and buy a First Reponse which comes up a BFN.
My heart completely sunk at that point. I will take a picture to show you all, I even took it out of the cases and the lines were definitely there. Now it''s been a few hours the positives are super strong, but they could be evap lines a well, I guess. Could it be since I took the FRER about an hour or so after the other two, that I took it too soon? Not enough hcg?

I''ve got to run to a school meeting, but will definitely take pictures and post them later.
Date: 4/22/2009 2:03:01 PM
Author: february2003bride
Ladies, I need some help! I went to Taget today and I decided that I would grab a pregnancy test for this weekend (trying to have positive thoughts that I''ll NEED a pregnancy test!). They only had two brands, their own Taget brand (made by Inverness) and it''s a l l type test, not +/-, and the EPT +/-. No FRER that I normally would use. So I grabbed one of each for a total of 5 tests, Woohoo!

Anyway, of course my pee on a stick addiction won out over my sensible, I''ll wait until this weekend original plan
I pee in a cup, try the EPT +/- and I see what I *think* is a faint positive. I''ve been burned by this brand of test before so I open the Target pg test and stick it in the same cup of pee. Right away a line shows up! So I''m shaking and thinking ''I''m pregnant!! OMG!!!'' I read the Target pg test instructions just to make sure I''m reading the results right and I realize that it''s a blue dye test. So, my heart sinks a little and I go to It says that the Inverness test is a recommended one (just the ( l l ) not the (+/-) one) and I don''t see anything negative about blue dye tests specifically, just the +/- ones.

So I run out to the grocery store and buy a First Reponse which comes up a BFN.
My heart completely sunk at that point. I will take a picture to show you all, I even took it out of the cases and the lines were definitely there. Now it''s been a few hours the positives are super strong, but they could be evap lines a well, I guess. Could it be since I took the FRER about an hour or so after the other two, that I took it too soon? Not enough hcg?

I''ve got to run to a school meeting, but will definitely take pictures and post them later.

february, you saw lines on two tests?! that sounds promising to me! It''s possible that it was too short a time between you taking the other tests and taking the FRER. Possibly not enough time for hcg to build up again. I think they recommend waiting and holding your pee for at least 3 hours, so that you get an accurate result - especially if it''s not first morning urine. We would love to see pics! Are you holding your pee now? When are you testing again? Sounds exciting!
I hope it is a bfp!
Date: 4/22/2009 1:46:15 PM
Author: Burk
Hope you don''t mind an outsider coming in for a little advice from those of you who know what you''re doing!

We''re not necessarily TTC but not preventing since the end of December. I have noticed that my cycles are all over the place (last cycle was like 43 days!
the cycle before that was exactly 28 though) so I started temping this cycle (actually didn''t start until day 9 of this cycle so my chart probably isn''t too terribly accurate) just to try and see what the heck my body is doing. It''s looking like I Oed on CD25 which from what I''ve read is really late. I haven''t had a chance to do a ton of research and seeing as how you have more experience and knowledge in this areasI thought I''d ask my PS friends....should I be concerned? I got preggo my second cycle off BC with my DD so I guess I''m just a little nervous this time around. I went ahead an made an appt with my OB but it''s not until the end of May. Any word of wisdom would be much appreciated!!

Hi Burk,
it''s difficult to say...but the irregular cycles might be due to some underlying issue. My cycles were somewhat irregular too - with O occuring anywhere from CD16-CD24. I would suggest continuing to chart until your appt. in May (you can get preggo with late O too), and then discussing with your doctor. Have you ever had any bloodwork done? That might indicate if anything is amiss.

Sometimes cycles take a while to regulate after giving birth too, of if you''re breastfeeding. I''m not sure how much this applies to you now, though.
Hi Burk!
I''d complete at least one more chart before getting too worried. Perhaps it''s good that your appt. isn''t until the end of May. That way you''ll go in armed with more info. Even if you are consistently O''ing in the 20''s, you can still get KU and/or be made to O earlier through Clomid, if your dr. thinks it''s necessary.

Feb - you tease! Telling us about two lines and then running to a meeting? Get back here!
Thanks Sha and Festy!! I do think it will be good to be able to go in with a couple month's charts to my appt. My daughter is 15 months. I had blood work done during my pregnancy, but nothing since then. I've really not ever been off of BC (except for the month before preggo and while preggo) since I was 16 so I'm not even sure what my body "normally" does. My OB is great so I'm sure he'll help me find the mean time, though, I'll probably go crazy!

feb-False positives are very rare from what I've I'm thinking you're preggo! I'll be checking back in to see pics!
Date: 4/22/2009 7:28:36 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Hello. Happy over the hump day!!

So, last night Paul''s parents came over. We typically only see them on weekends (generally every other weekend or so), well this past weekend, Martha wasn''t feeling well, and this upcoming weekend Paul and I will be out of state and we wanted to see her again before her next hospital stay. Anyway, Paul invited them to come over for dinner one night during the week (we had a yummy broccoli stirfry) and they picked last night as the night. We had a really great time.

I feel bad, though. Paul told me when they left that while he and his dad were outside looking at the grass (yes, looking at the grass... Paul has been de-weeding it and was very proud of himself and wanted his dad''s admiration, too), his dad told him that Martha was just convinced when we called about getting together during the week that we were going to be telling them they''re about to be grandparents. Ah. I hate to let people down, especially my mother in law! Anyway, I''m glad I didn''t know about it until they left. We had a great time and I doubt Martha was all that let down; she was just being like me and looking for a surprise, I guess.


In other news, one of our couple friends from an old church has been trying to have a baby for as long or longer than us, and they just found out they''re due 12/15. So yay! Gives me hope, since we''re right around the corner from the year mark of actually TTCing, and over a year with no precautions taken. Sometimes it just takes a little time.


I think we''re going to try the EOD or morning one day, night the next this go-round. Just in case that''s the magic ticket. Hey, can''t hurt to try. I still get a little nervous when I see that the BD line''s not nearly as long as it once was, but maybe that''s just what we need. I don''t know. I have been much more low-key so far this cycle, though. I think some of the anxiety about the clomid has warn off now and I''m just trying to let my body do it''s own thing, without thinking it to death.


Receding gumline: Anyone have this? I just found that I do, but on only one tooth. Pretty freaky. I''m scared and wonder if the dentist will say I have to have the tooth removed or something. No sensitivity/pain, just a really gross looking tooth with what should be hidden exposed. I need to go to the Dentist, but I''ve been putting it off, not wanting to x-ray my baby to death or mental/physical disabilities because of my vanity.



Welcome, soon!! Have a GREAT trip!!!


Who''s in the two week wait? I should be there soon....

Fisher - I think that changing up your BD strategy is a good idea. I really believe it''s helpful to save up the swimmers for between 2-4 days and then BDing just a few times on the crucial days around O only - like 0-1, O day and possibly the day after 0, as long as have a good idea of when you will O. I know it''s nice to see a long BD line leading up to O..but I really wonder how helpful it is, seeing that you can tire both yourself and your partner out before O day, and possibly deplete the swimming supply on days that are less likely to result in pregnancy. In all the cycles that DH and I Bd''d on 4 and 2 days before O only - we never got pregnant, so I really wonder if Bding on those days adds much to the chances of conceiving. If you check pregnancy charts in FF''s Chart Gallery - the one thing that 95% of those charts have in common is BD either on O day or O-1. So to me, those are the days that really count, and that''s where efforts should be concentrated. That''s just my suggestion. It can''t hurt to try something different. Plus, look at all the Psers who got KU by having sex on O day only!
Feb, that sounds promising!!! Can''t wait to see pics! Did I read correctly that you took the FRER with different pee than the other 2? If so, there could totally have not been enough hcg. If they were all from the same pee, that would be weird...but keeping my fingers crossed for ya!

Burk, my cycles were pretty regular, but I didn''t ovulate until days 23-25 consistently, and still had no trouble getting ktfu. Late ovulation can be a problem, but it definitely doesn''t have to be. Good luck!
Well, I''ve taken pictures (which I swear pg tests are harder to photograph then diamonds!) but I can''t find the thingy (I''m so technical
) that goes into my computer for our digital camera! As soon as DH gets home, I''ll have him help me find it and will post pictures then.