
The Official TTC Thread!

That sounds VERY promising!!!!!!!!
Oooh, Feb!!

I''m excited!! You could be the first 2010 mommy!!!

Waiting for your DH to help you with the thingy for the pictures!! Eeek! It''s been a long time coming, a positive around here.... YIPPEEE!!


Um, ironing sheets? Is that a requirement of mommyhood? If so, I''m probably gonna be a no good momma... I''m not a fan of ironing (I''d much rather throw things in the dryer for a little extra fluff time
). So tell me, is it important to iron for newborns? I don''t know these things.

(Also, since you''re a regular at the prego thread... what in the world is a nappy???)

I went and got my new toothpaste and toothbrush today. I couldn''t find a sensodyne toothbrush (went to three stores looking), but ended up with a Colgate 360 extra ultra soft or some such something. Said it''s good for sensitive gums. The thing is, they''re not sensitive to the touch or anything like that. Although, my ortho did tell me back in the day I''m a hard brusher, so I''ve only used soft bristles since that time. Maybe ultra soft will be a little better.

I looked up pictures of receding gum lines on the net today. All I can say is EWWW and thank God my one tooth is not like the gross black, nastiness encrusted things that were splashed all over the screen. Grody!!


Yes, I think less could be more, perhaps. I don''t know. It''s just kinda hard when you''re used to three weeks of BDing, waiting for O, then you start getting it on a regular schedule.


Late ovulation doesn''t mean you can''t get preggo, just usually means it takes a longer time. Definitely keep charting, your Dr. will want to see that and have "proof" of when you''re ovulating, things like that. I''m not sure how late is considered "too late" to ovulate, but I was ranging anywhere from CD 21-46, which my Dr. said was not a good thing and was creating an "over ripe" egg being dropped when I did ovulate. But when you have more information about when you''re ovulating for the Dr. appointment, they''ll be much more able to help you figure out what your best strategy is. Good luck on baby #2!!
(I hope he or she is just as cute as Miss Tayva!!)
Thanks all. DH is still trying to find whatever it is I need to upload the pictures.

But I went back searching through this thread from when the EPT +/- gave me what seemed to be a BFP (back in late August 08) and then I got my period a few days later, and my tests look just like that. Even though the lines showed up immediately, they are thin, not the nice thick ones I assume I would get with a true BFP. I don''t know, maybe I had a chemical pregnancy in August and those tests WERE positive. I had a chemical pregnancy back in June of 07 as well.

I''m so weepy and sensitive tonight that poor DH is walking on tip toes!
And I''m cramping quite a lot, but no spotting. As soon as DH finds the thingy I will post pictures of the pg tests!
Sabine~Thanks! Good to know that others who ovulated later are on the preggo thread!
I guess I probably ovulated the first time I got preggo...probably why using my predicted ovulation days from babycenter as a means of "birth control" didn''t work!

fisher~nappies are diapers.
Thanks for the info! That makes sense. I read back and see you''re on chlomid. Hope it does the trick! I think it''s good I''ll have a couple cylce''s charts to take with me to the OB so he can get an idea of what the heck is going on with me. And thanks for the sweet compliments on Tayva!

feb~I''m going to check back for your pics when your DH finds the thingy....but I still think it would be really weird to have a false positive (especially if you had one in August). I did a lot of research about it my first pregnancy because I could not believe I was pregnant and waiting 6 weeks to see the doctor had me going crazy. Anyway, all this to say I think your chances are good! Crossing my fingers for you!

I hope you and your hubby were able to find the computer hook up thing for the pictures. I lost my cord one time after our move and I was so upset! It turned up a couple weeks later in a box upstairs. Thinking happy thoughts for you (did you take another FRER this morning?)

I had no idea nappies were diapers. How funny.

Totally thought I''d be ovulating today, but my temps aren''t showing their typical dip prior to ovulation, so I''m not sure what''s going on. I tend to think it will be soon, though, since all the other signs are in place. I hope taking that one pill a day later won''t be any reason for the cycle to drag on like some others I''ve had. (I know DD, just wait til I''m in the mid 98 range. I know.


How are you doing in your first two week wait?
Burk How long were your cycles when you got pg with Tayva? The longest luteal phase is about 15/a6 days, so if you regularly had longer cycles it means that you were a typically later ovulator. I wouldn''t worry one bit yet... as you said you haven''t been trying-trying and as all the ladies here can attest, it is harder to get pg that we all think! If number 1 was a happy oops, or one of those lucky first time the charm events, it can really make it seem like forever when it takes a more typical and NORMAL amount of time: Average is 6 months with well-timed intercourse! And timing it well is unlikely if you are just doing it whever. So keep charting and see what happens!
I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you, february!

I''m doing fine, fisher. My temps are not rising so I''m just waiting for AF. My usual LP is 12 days, so it should start on Saturday. J is just so cute, putting his head on my tummy and asking what''s going on in there... I don''t really want to tell him I''m not pregnant, he''ll be so disappointed. On the other hand, he won''t be disappointed at the promise of more "baby making"!
Date: 4/22/2009 7:43:59 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Um, ironing sheets? Is that a requirement of mommyhood? If so, I''m probably gonna be a no good momma... I''m not a fan of ironing (I''d much rather throw things in the dryer for a little extra fluff time
). So tell me, is it important to iron for newborns? I don''t know these things.

I went and got my new toothpaste and toothbrush today. I couldn''t find a sensodyne toothbrush (went to three stores looking), but ended up with a Colgate 360 extra ultra soft or some such something. Said it''s good for sensitive gums. The thing is, they''re not sensitive to the touch or anything like that. Although, my ortho did tell me back in the day I''m a hard brusher, so I''ve only used soft bristles since that time. Maybe ultra soft will be a little better.
I looked up pictures of receding gum lines on the net today. All I can say is EWWW and thank God my one tooth is not like the gross black, nastiness encrusted things that were splashed all over the screen. Grody!!

LOL. NO! Ironing is strange and I really don''t like doing it either. I just love fresh crisp sheets, so now that I''m home, and NESTING beyond belief, I had an overwhelming urge to wash and iron all the sheets in the linen closet. GAK.

Glad to hear you got the ultra soft tooth brush. The trick is to floss, then brush lightly using a sweeping motion from on top of the gum line, down to the end of your tooth. Your dentist will show you the technique. The concept is that you want to "pull" your gums DOWN over your tooth, instead of rubbing them in any other direction. You have to train them to go down, not up.
Once you get the hang of it, you''ll be ok. It''s worth it you saw in the photos. BARFOLA!
Date: 4/23/2009 7:50:58 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Burk How long were your cycles when you got pg with Tayva? The longest luteal phase is about 15/a6 days, so if you regularly had longer cycles it means that you were a typically later ovulator. I wouldn''t worry one bit yet... as you said you haven''t been trying-trying and as all the ladies here can attest, it is harder to get pg that we all think! If number 1 was a happy oops, or one of those lucky first time the charm events, it can really make it seem like forever when it takes a more typical and NORMAL amount of time: Average is 6 months with well-timed intercourse! And timing it well is unlikely if you are just doing it whever. So keep charting and see what happens!

My cycle right off the pill was a little long (maybe 35 days or so) and then I was pregnant so I really have no clue what they would have been like. I think the happy oops so fast after being off BC the first time is what''s messing with my head.
I think you''re right and continuing to chart and eventually starting to have well-timed intercourse will be the plan. Thanks for the support!
Can't wait to see pictures, february! You're really keeping us in suspense!
Sha- I know, I''m sorry! DH and I have combed the house and we can''t find the USB thingy. I think we many have to buy a new one. I did take a EPT +/- with FMU and it was negative. No lines whatsoever

Fisher- I''ve always her the term nappies for diapers or burping cloths!
that''s strange... Are you going to retest? How many dpo are you?
Feb, I'm so sorry about your unclear tests. The blue dye tests just aren't to be trusted- I've had those skinny lines before and both times, they got my hopes up. This isn't to say yours aren't legit positives, but they are known for giving icky 'false' ones.
Fingers crossed that it turns into a clear positive soon!
Feb, a false positive is just plain wrong!
I hope it''s not!

Fisher I''m in the two-week wait with you again! 2dpo. Met with the baby doc this morning, if this cycle doesn''t take we''re moving on to IVF. I really hope it does take. IVF sounds really involved, lots of shots etc.
Anchor and Melaine- How exciting that you are in the 2 WW!! I hope it flies by fast for you!

Sha and Ebree- I''m not temping, so I''m guessing that I''m 11/12 DPO. I confided to 1 close friend what was going on and I knew she''d be a great advice person because she''s TTC baby #2 and she''s temping, monitoring her CP, CM, OPK, the whole nine yards! Anyway, she basically said that I''m peeing good money down the toilet (her words, lol) taking all these pregnancy tests! That since I''m not temping and charting I don''t *really* know how many DPO I am (true, I''m going based on my CM) and that since AF isn''t due until April 28th, that I am testing way too early (am I really?) and she doesn''t want to hear that I''ve taken another pregnancy test until April 29th, lol. I wish she could have come over so I could show her the tests but she couldn''t.

DH is out buying an USB thingy right now, so I''ll have pictures of the pg tests by tonight.
Feb - oh that is a good friend indeed! She''s right...the waiting just sucks. But as long as you''ve *already* POMS (peed on many sticks) you may as well show us the results!

Hope those 2ww''s go quickly for everyone!
Feb - best of luck on the tests. Two false positives seems unusual to me especially in the time frame...

Fisher - Nappies are what we call diapers in the UK both the cloth and the disposable types - we therefore also have nappy rash, nappy sacks, nappy cream, nappy bins, nappy pins etc. Diaper is a VERY American term! What you guys call burp cloths, we call muslins or moppers.
Feb, did you test with a Frist reponse yet or are you waiting?
You''re keeping us all in suspense!!!
tell DH to hurry with the USB cable!!
Thanks for schooling me in all things nappy. Confession: I asked my mom about it, having heard it so much on the prego thread and not wanting to look like a goof ball for not knowing, and my mom thought I was talking about a nap (as in hush little baby...). So funny. "Gosh, Jenny, don''t you know people put Y''s on the end of baby terms? Nappy, Paci, burpy, blankey...." It made me laugh.


*If* your period is supposed to come on the 28th, you are testing pretty early. Today would be 5 days before your period is supposed to come on, and that is the earliest FRER says it can get a positive (with like 70% accuracy or something like that). Like your friend says, it''s a big waste of money (and need I say added heartache!!) to test early. However, so many of us do it, clinging to the hope of a baby in our future. Hang in there girl... Tuesday''s not too far off.

Glad you''re getting a USB cord soon!


You''ll be ahead of me on this two week wait, girly. I''m still waiting to ovulate (I think). Should be soon though!

Good luck; I''m hopeful that IVF will not be necessary for you at all!

Paul and I have this thing where we write letters to one another and put them in the mailbox every now and then. Today I got one that talked about our future as parents and it just made me beam with excitement. Eeek!


So sweet that your hubby was talking to your tummy.
Never know... there could be something in there! There have been girls here before who didn''t have soaring raging high temps end up with a baby! Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.


Are you still in Cali?
Have fun!!

How''re Miss Blushing and Miss Tiffany doing these days? I hope spring has sprung where you live... it''s *finally* come here, and it just lifts my spirits so much to see the opening flowers and green grass. Yippee!!
I''m sorry for the delay, but here are the pregnancy test pictures! First are the first two that I took (EPT on top, Target on bottom) that I tested using the same cup up pee.

This one shows the two "positives" and then the two negatives. The 3rd one is a Target/Inverness test (from the same pack as the positive Target test) and the bottom test is an EPT.

Same as the above picture...

For the two positive looking tests, they are a bit darker now but those lines showed up right away, not after the 10 minute mark! So am I crazy that these look positive? AF is due the 28th and I should be spotting by Saturday...
Date: 4/23/2009 11:16:01 PM
Author: february2003bride
For the two positive looking tests, they are a bit darker now but those lines showed up right away, not after the 10 minute mark! So am I crazy that these look positive? AF is due the 28th and I should be spotting by Saturday...

I see what you mean! Those are some pretty convincing lines. I've experienced the dreaded thin blue line a couple of times myself on negative tests, but I'm hoping they're the real deal for you!

If I were you, I'd toss these and pick up a pack of FRERs. Unopened, they give no evaps and should give you pretty accurate results in the next few days.

I''ve heard and read that the blue dye tests are evil, and now I believe them. How can you think two lines is anything other than a positive? I''m hoping like crazy mad that you were testing too early for accuracy and that Tuesday finds you with a deliriously happy post that you''ve tested positive without a doubt in your head.

Thanks for posting the pictures. I totally see what you mean!!

How are you feeling?

I think I did ovulate yesterday. My temp today went up to 98.2, which is in range for my post ovulation. Hmm. I guess this month (yes, my cycles are a MONTH how instead of 1.5-2!!!) will be a test of the "more is less" theory. If I did in fact ovulate on CD 14 again, this cycle we only BD in the "window" on O-2, O-1, and 1DPO. We shall see. We started off every other day, then when I thought it was getting closer, we went to every 36 hours (AM one day, PM the next), and then this morning when I saw the temp rise, we thought we should put in another shot at it.


One of my college friends got pregnant her first try after coming off the pill, and then with baby number 2 she had to wait a whole 3 cycles and thought something was wrong... It''s easy to think that way when you get so lucky the first go-round, but yeah, don''t stress over it yet. Just keep charting and remember it typically doesn''t happen right away, right away. Tayva will have a little brother or sister in no time! (By the way... how do you think she''ll react to that? I always find it so interesting to see how babies embrace--or pinch--new siblings!)


Good to know. I was thinking if babies are so sensitive to a little wrinkle in a bed sheet... man, I''m in for more than I can even begin to handle! I totally understand the nesting thing, though. My sister in law went NUTS about having the baby''s socks lined up in the drawer, not just piled in. It was so funny to me, but she was taking it very, very seriously. Knocked the smile off my face. (By the way, that baby''s 14 now and I wonder if *any* of her socks make it to the drawer in her room these days!)

I hope you''re enjoying your maternity leave. Are you going to post pictures of the baby''s room?
(Read: pretty please!!)


How''s the no-stress cycle going for you so far? Have you been tempted to temp? I''ve thought about stopping the temping for next cycle (not that there will be one---positive thinking!), since I *think* I ovulate pretty consistently with Clomid, but I don''t think I could stop. Haha. I wonder if when I''m pregnant, I''ll still have the inclination out of habit to reach for the thermometer on the bedstand table. I guess what I''m asking is, how''s breaking the habit going for you?

Happy Friday, ladies! My intention is to finally paint on Sunday (the paint mixer better be available this time at Home Depot!), so that I won''t be breathing in paint fumes when my baby implants. Yes, that''s right.
Date: 4/24/2009 7:29:52 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Good to know. I was thinking if babies are so sensitive to a little wrinkle in a bed sheet... man, I''m in for more than I can even begin to handle! I totally understand the nesting thing, though. My sister in law went NUTS about having the baby''s socks lined up in the drawer, not just piled in. It was so funny to me, but she was taking it very, very seriously. Knocked the smile off my face. (By the way, that baby''s 14 now and I wonder if *any* of her socks make it to the drawer in her room these days!)
I hope you''re enjoying your maternity leave. Are you going to post pictures of the baby''s room?
(Read: pretty please!!)

Fishy - I WILL post my nursery - it''s just missing a couple touches that I''ll do this weekend. I want to post pics once...when it''s "done" (albeit missing a baby)

Your BDing schedule this month sounds very promising!! I''m really crossing my fingers for you (and all my friend here). I LOVE that your cycles are more ''typical'' now. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb~Crossing my fingers that you get another BFP Tuesday!

Fisher~You''re so right. I''m trying to relax. I like control and this isn''t going my way!
Must let go....
I think Tayva will be really good with a sibling. She is a little mother at daycare. She was pretty jealous whenever I held another kid or baby up until a couple months ago. Now she''s just interested and tries to pat the baby and give them kisses! She''s a little lover.
I was wondering if you lovely ladies could recommend a good charting thermometer? Do you use a normal digital one or is there something more accurate out there for this purpose. Thanks!
Feb - that is totally hideous. I''m sorry that you''re having to deal with this uncertainty. I agree with Ebree - stick with FRERs from now on, if you are inclined to EVER POAS again!

Fisher - I''ve been off temping for a couple of cycles now and it hasn''t been too hard to let go. I am so much happier, sleep-wise. And while there are times around O that I sometimes wish I were temping, I definitely don''t miss it.

C-Tek - The BD thermometer is a popular one around here. I preferred the generic BBT that I found at Walgreens. I liked it because it goes to two decimal places - totally not necessary, but I still liked it. The reason the BD is convenient, though, is because it beeps while you''re temping so you know you''ve got it in the right place in your mouth. This is really helpful when it''s dark in your bedroom and you don''t want to turn the light on to temp!

Mela - Cannot wait to see this baby''s room! It''s going to be gorgeous, I just know it.
Hey gals- hope everyone is having a good Friday!

Nothing new to report- we''ve got a bit less than a month until we begin TTCing

**Feb- I''m rooting for you, girl!
**Ctek- I don''t temp, so can''t help you there- sorry
**Fishie- So cool that you and Paul write letters to each other. I''m sure you treasure them!
**Burk- sounds like you''ve got a good plan with charting and timing BD

Sending lots of good wishes for our 2WW gals- Anchor and Melanie

FESTY- I meant to write earlier about our upcoming trip to Argentina. I mentioned that we''re visiting Iguazu and Mendoza, but we''re also spending 5 nights in BA. Can''t wait!

I''d like to pick your brain about Mendoza. DH and I are debating on what to do about visiting wineries. We can''t decide if we should book a tour, or just hire a driver/guide. We have an idea of which wineries we''d like to visit (we''re HUGE winos and have been collecting recommendations from friends in the biz), so we''re leaning towards doing the driver thing. What did you do, and which wineries would you recommend? We''re probably going to visit both the Lujan de Cuyo and Valle de Uco regions. Oh yeah, we''re staying right in Mendoza City. Any help/tips would be AWESOME!

sorry for the threadjack, ladies!