
The Official TTC Thread!


Hoping the best for you this cycle. I think we all relate to the sorrow of getting a stupid negative test. I''m all about putting off testing as long as possible for that reason! Totally hoping it comes sooner rather than later for you in this TTC journey!


Welcome aboard!!

Tiffany and Melanie,

How are you girls doing?
I realize its probably in the 200+ thread SOMEWHERE...but I have to admit...I''m pretty lazy to go though and find it per post! Can someone expalin to me how I cacluate the C things and what they mean? I read the abr. somewhere...but I cant find where and I dont remember. I also was told that I can try right away after BCP and then someone else said you should wait until your cycles normal...which is it? Also, i noticed it was 3 months on average for prenatal vitamans? I''m hoping to get off BCP in 3-4 weeks
and would like to be preggers THE NEXT DAY lol..whcih I know wont happen...but you get my drift. Please lend your wealth of knowledge to me PSers!

Should I really try this chart thing even before TTC? How does it work?

BTW: I told my hubby abuot the tw** snot comment and the look on his face was priceless! HE SAID GROSS
Hi Redrose! Congrats on starting TTC
I found the CM (cervical mucus) explanation for you! It's on page 241.

If you're ready to TTC now, I say start TTC now. My doctor told me to wait until I got my first real period after ending my last cycle of BBC before I started TTC. But we started right away and it didn't happen that first month anyways. For some people it can happen that first month of TTC and I guess that makes it harder to date your pregnancy because you don't have a reference of your last menstrual cycle start date. But I say stop the BCP, start charting, and have fun when you think you're ovulating. It was kind of frustrating for me that first month or two trying to learn when my body was going to ovulate, but that's where charting helps and it's takes a couple cycles to learn your body's patterns.

Go to to learn about charting. They have a short tutoring session you can read through and then just start. It's pretty easy to catch on to, it seemed to me at least

So good luck on TCC and I hope you get preggo soon

eta: by the way, I hope I understood correctly that you were wondering about CM. You just said the C thing and I assumed you meant CM. hehe, anyways, hope it helps!

I second what Sunkist says. FertilityFriend (called FF for short here) is very informative and any specific questions you have along the way, we can help you with.
People around here like to analyze charts!

As for starting TTC straight off the pill... most Drs. say wait a month or more, but lots of people end up pregnant right away with no detriment to their child. Because of the time we''ve had getting pregnant, my best friend and her husband decided to use no precautions when coming off the pill, in anticipation of it not happening right away. She''s pregnant as a result. So, it can happen right away, or it can take a while.

To my Clomid friends (or anyone who has any advice for me here):

So, I was sick during the time I was to take Clomid and ended up having to miss a day due to vomiting and was given a prescription for a single pill to be taken the day following the last day of the regimen, so I would still have taken the 5 pills. I took a pill on Day 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 (Missed 5). I *think* that as a result, my cycle has been wonky this time. I''m hopeful every day that the temp will increase, and it has been, but only in small, teeny tiny increments. I have no idea when I''ll get crosshairs at this point. Now my thoughts are wondering if this is due to the missed day that I made up, or if it''s because Clomid was just a one shot wonder for me with getting my ovulation on track. Today is CD 19 and no crosshairs yet. I wonder if that''s common or if it means my body''s not responding to Clomid right now. Very odd.
Are you using opk strips as well as temping? When on clomid my RE wants me to call on day 16 if the strips haven''t indicated ovulation. Are you taking the 50mg 1x a day or 2? Your cycle might be a bit wonky still the first month you do clomid, its not an instant transition, and the one day off (with good reason) might not have helped. You might want to call your MD, they can check out your o status with an ultrasound.

Next cycle lady!
I''m not using OPKs. I asked my Dr. if I should and he asked if I had been using them before and I told him no. He said that I could, but he didn''t recommend it because if I''m not used to them, the Clomid can make it look like I''m positive when I''m not. So, I haven''t bothered with them.

I should call the Dr., then. See, I have this problem where I call all the time... haha. Imagine that. I try not to be annoying and they totally don''t make me feel that way, but I don''t want to be a bother. And I feel like I just have endless questions... and I would be annoyed with me, for sure if I was having to listen to my endless questions. But that''s what they''re there for, no?

My first cycle on Clomid worked like a charm. CD14 ovulation. It was *wonderful!*

I know CD17-19 isn''t too late to ovulate, I''m just concerned that maybe missing that pill was a bad thing. Grr!!

I *think* hope* pray* I''m on the upswing now, and looking back at past charts, I am a slow riser.... so who knows?

(I have that free trial VIP thing right now... can anyone tell me what the green boxes mean in the middle of the stats section? No clue... and can''t find anything to tell me what it could mean.)

I''m a dingbat!!

Hi Swimmer!! (Didn''t even notice it was you who posted!!) How are you doing these days, girly?
Date: 4/27/2009 5:44:11 PM
Author: anchor31
Hey redrose! Another TTC newbie!

Thanks robbie and inluv! Yes, I should be testing on Wednesday if AF doesn''t show up tomorrow.

I have a confession to make... I am terrified of testing. Last month, we thought I was pregnant. I had a 34 days cycle (which is not that unusual for me however; my average is 31) and I had quite a few symptoms, which just turned out to be bad PMS. I tested on day 34 and got a BFN. I was devastated and confused, only to have AF visit the morning after.
It made me realised how badly I wanted this (J''s been ready for a while now), so we decided to move up our ''timeframe'' and start TTCing now. So, here I am, CD34 again, no more spotting since yesterday (unfortunately this morning''s 98.1 temp doesn''t mean much since I took it 2 hours earlier than normal), no AF, and desperately not trying to get my hopes up.

There is quite a history of fertility issues on my mother''s side of the family. My grand-mother has uterine fibroids and had an infertile sister (reason unknown), and it took my mother 7 YEARS to conceive (reason still unknown). So infertility is something I''ve been wondering about for a very long time. Part of me is convinced there is no way I could be pregnant on the first try, part of me wants to believe that I could be. This is the 15th cycle I''ve charted and things seem to be pretty ''normal''; I ovulate, my cycles are more or less regular (28-34) and my LP varies from 12 to 14 days. So... who knows?

This TTC stuff is a lot more emotional challenging than I thought it would be!
Anyone else in the TWW?
Anchor, I have such a good feeling for you this cycle! If your LP is 12-14 days, you''re officially late at this point! Cycle length really doesn''t mean anything. It''s all about the LP. I think I agree with the O day on the ovusoft chart. Oooh, good luck! I was terrified to test too, as in literally shaking while using the dropper to drop the pee into the test window.
Okay, waiting for a call back from the Dr. office. I always get nervous when I call them. Isn''t that odd?


My best friend just found out she''s pregnant and says she''s going to have a pregnancy blog on that "other" baby website that also has a sister site for weddings. So, I joined so that I could follow her story along the journey to mommyhood. Guess who I saw there? Miss Robbie!!
Anchor -- I have a really good feeling for you too!! Can't wait until you test but I totally get being terrified to do so. This is the 9th cycle I've been TTC and I've only POAS twice (the first cycle and the last). I hate seeing that BFN.

Fisher -- I am no help on the clomid front but I do hope you O soon! Those green boxes on your chart are a range of cycle days on which you've ovulated in past cycles. It's supposed to let you see your past days when O occured to help you better estimate for this cycle.

Redrose -- Welcome! TTC is exciting!
I'd say wait until after one period so you can date the pregnancy better but that's just what I would do. Not necessary though so go for what you feel!
************************, boring!
Date: 4/27/2009 10:46:41 PM
Author: redrose229
I realize its probably in the 200+ thread SOMEWHERE...but I have to admit...I''m pretty lazy to go though and find it per post! Can someone expalin to me how I cacluate the C things and what they mean? I read the abr. somewhere...but I cant find where and I dont remember. I also was told that I can try right away after BCP and then someone else said you should wait until your cycles normal...which is it? Also, i noticed it was 3 months on average for prenatal vitamans? I''m hoping to get off BCP in 3-4 weeks
and would like to be preggers THE NEXT DAY lol..whcih I know wont happen...but you get my drift. Please lend your wealth of knowledge to me PSers!

Should I really try this chart thing even before TTC? How does it work?

BTW: I told my hubby abuot the tw** snot comment and the look on his face was priceless! HE SAID GROSS
You can start TTC straight off the BCP - I would NOT recommend doing this unless you want to be KTFU on your honeymoon. Two of my friends, both in their mid-30s (one of whom is an OB) were very suprised to get PG within 2 weeks of stopping BCP.

One of them will be 10 weeks on her wedding day and is now juggling morning sickness, having her dress refitted because of her boobs growing so much, finding insurance for their honeymoon in the USA plus panicking about fitting the NT scan round it all - and that''s on top of the usual early pregnancy worries and niggles!

Some people find their cycles are clockwork straight after coming off BCP - I went straight to a clockwork 27 days after nearly 10 years (and I used to take 6 packs one after another with no break) but lots of people can take many months for their cycles to regulate. There doesn''t seem to be any real rule as to which group you are in. Certainly coming off and using other methods can be less stressful the first few months as you will have more information on your own body''s workings and some forewarning if you are not one of the lucky ones with a super-predictable cycle straight off.

I charted on FF for 4 months before we started TTC and had been off hormonal BC for over 2 years - however we only started trying over halfway through my fifth cycle as we chucked all protection the night of our wedding - although there was a slight chance as O was the day after. I got pregnant the next cycle.

Prepare yourself for your emotions to run high - I was miserable beyond belief when I got not only a BFN but every preggo symptom going the first go, and I''m not someone who gets PMS so no real excuses other than being overly-excited. I think it''s pretty normal to feel that way at the beginning (and feel guilty because other people have been trying for eons and yet you are bawling your eyes out at the first fence!)

I took folic acid for 6 weeks before we started trying (other prenatals aren''t prescribed in the UK.)

Best of luck!
Oh, that's what the green boxes mean, InLuv? Hmm... never would have figured that out! Thanks! Yeah, I hope I get confirmation soon, too. I *feel* like I ovulated on CD17, but yeah... I guess my temps are indicating that's not likely. But I'm holding out hope still!

ETA: Swimmer, I'm only doing the 50mg, and likely won't increase it if it's suggested. I guess we'll look at that more if the topic comes up, but that's what we'd originally agreed to and it's what we feel most comfortable with.
Date: 4/28/2009 8:55:42 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Okay, waiting for a call back from the Dr. office. I always get nervous when I call them. Isn''t that odd?



My best friend just found out she''s pregnant and says she''s going to have a pregnancy blog on that ''other'' baby website that also has a sister site for weddings. So, I joined so that I could follow her story along the journey to mommyhood. Guess who I saw there? Miss Robbie!!

Hope the Dr. calls you back soon! Send me a PM so I can know who you are too.

You should know this by now: I''m an idiot on all things technological. I''ll try to find out how to PM. I hate that there is no "search" option. Aye.

Some posters there are so mean to others!! I noticed that right away. It''s like full out claws in some of the posts I''ve seen!

No call back from the Dr. yet. Eh. I think I have ovulated, though. So maybe it''s not that big of a deal.


I''ve been thinking about you and wondering if you''re still here with us. Just in case, hello Steph!!
Fisher, if you haven''t considered it have a look at the clear blue easy digital fertility monitor. The clomid does mess with it a bit in that every single day results in a high fertility indicator. So what that means is that you don''t get the usual warning that your surge is approaching. But it will tell you when your surge does happen, so that you know when you will be ovulating in the next 24 hours or so.

The individual digital tests seem to work for me too on clomid, but they would get awfully expensive as there are only three to a pack so I only really use them when I know I''m surging to see if I still am ..... interesting that your doc told you not to use them at all as they are the only thing my doc said to use. hm.

Sorry I''m no help on the clomid interacting with your temping as I don''t temp.

7 dpo here.


I think he would have been fine with me doing the OPK, only he could tell I was not sure about them and I''d already told him some history with me and Paul and our TTC journey and our concern about making this too "medical," I guess you could call it. Plus, he said I really needed to NOT be thinking too much about everything and worrying, so I guess that all that stuff added with the fact that I''ve not used them before and the fact that they don''t work the same on Clomid led him to tell me to just not bother.

7DPO... how bout that... only a week to go til you know something! Yay! How are you feeling about things this cycle?
Oh got it. Yes, the process definitely starts to seem unnatural at some point. Ah well.

Eh, I''ve no hope for this cycle really. Don''t know why just don''t. Thanks for asking tho!
I''m just living vicariously through Anchor at the moment .... And Tiffany, you are in the 2ww now too I think?
Good luck anchor - I completely understand your dread of testing, but here''s to hoping that you''ll have a fabulous POAS experience that ends with a big ole positive!!

I''ve been laying low around these parts. I was on vacation for a little while for a friend''s wedding which was lovely and then spent some time with my family out in Montauk, NY, a town that holds a special place in my heart.

Last week was my birthday. I''m not one for making a big fuss about it and I don''t mind becoming a year older. What I do mind, however, are odd numbers. I just turned 31, though I''d prefer to skip right on over to 32. It has a much better ring to it, don''t you think?

More imporantly, and despite how much I do not want to acknowledge it, I am reaching a milestone that is bigger than a birthday.

This is the cycle. The one that sticks you with that label - infertile - Unlucky Number 12. Despite being an even number, it is not one that I''m particuluarly fond of right now. And wouldn''t you know it, on this most pivotal of times, my lovely husband once again had to fly off for a business trip. So, I fear there will be no climactic ending for this cycle . . .

I really hoped it would not take this long.

All you praying people out there....

My best friend just told me that she had her first ultrasound late yesterday and the baby was measuring 6 weeks. She''s 9 weeks pregnant. They did a beta and will do another one tomorrow to see if the numbers are increasing as they should. She''s not bleeding or having any pains, nothing like that. But she''s heartbroken and very worried about her wee little baby. Please send up any thoughts you can for her. Her name''s Jen...

My world feels like it just stopped. Literally. There is way too much loss and sorrow and tears and worry involved in all things leading to parenthood. It''s so frustratting. And all you can do is pray, cry, and hope...

Oh how I wish this business would move on for us... Lulu, thinking of you. I''m sorry for the recent feelings (that probably aren''t that recent)... it''s such a trying time. TTC. I''m growing a little less fond of it as time passes....

I''m glad your vacation was special and fun. And happy belated birthday.
Fisher -- I will pray for Jen and her little one. Man, I couldn''t even imagine what I''d be feeling if I was in her situation.

Lulu -- I''m so sorry. This is cycle 9 for me and I have a great fear of reaching cycle 12 too. It''s just so daunting - the feelings of failure, the labels, etc. Like Fisher said, the more time that passes the less I''m actually enjoying TTC. I try to keep that to myself as much as possible...don''t want to put a damper on the excited newbies and everyone else for that matter. Anywho, I''m sorry your DH may be OOT for this cycle. What do you think you''ll do after cycle 12? Have you started thinking about it? I can''t blame you if you haven''t, I push it out of my head everytime I have a thought like that. I know we all wish it wasn''t taking quite so long.

Happy belated Birthday!

Sorry for being Debbie Downer''s just getting so hard to keep hoping.
Fisher - I''ll keep your friend and her baby in my thoughts!

In luv - My rational-self knows that it''s just a number, but my emotional-self hates that number.

I also hate the fact that most of my contributions to this thread are of the more depressing variety . . . so, I guess that I''m just going to have to keep on keeping on for the day when I get some happy news to share
Hey guys,

Fisher, I am keeping all of my fingers and toes crossed for Jen. I''m so sorry for the agony she must be feeling.

Charger - So awesome! Recommendations to follow in my next post.

Anchor - this is sounding good! I''m excited for you!

InLuv/LLL - see below. :)


I feel a little bit like a bad friend for being away from this thread lately. My feelings about TTC have been evolving. It started with the decision to not try so hard this time around and just concentrate on the loving-making part, not the baby-making part. But mostly I had a talk with my mom and hearing my thoughts said out loud had a big impact on me. First of all, my mom is the best. She has never once pressed for information or in any way pressured us. When she came to visit this weekend it was the first time she''d asked me about TTC and I didn''t mind at all. I told her we''ve been trying since August and her response was great. That''s a long time...are you relaxed about it, etc? I told her we''d been to an RE and that everything was looking mostly ok, with the slight potential of not being ok (see DH''s gray-area sperm analysis).

And then I told her that I couldn''t see doing IVF. I could change my mind, of course, but right now I don''t think it''s the right thing for me or us. Is it that I don''t want a child badly enough? I don''t know. Taking our wonderful trip to Argentina made me realize that DH and I could have a very fun and fulfilling life without a child. My mom was relieved to hear me say this. She assured me that neither she nor my dad would be heartbroken if we don''t have kids and that they both want what''s best for us. I feel so lucky to have the parents I do. Truly.

I''ve debated whether to share my thoughts with my friends here because like LLL said, I hate to feel like a Debbie Downer and I really truly don''t want to offend anyone who has chosen to go the IVF route. I hope I haven''t.
Thank you InLuv and LuLu for the prayers/thoughts.

You know, it seems like every 6-9 weeks or so we have these "bah" or "grr" or "argh" moments that we share here, and it's okay. I think it should be okay, anyway. It's part of the process of this crazy thing called TTC.

I don't think any of us who have been here for more than 7 months/cycles or so ever thought we'd still be here. It's so odd... Paul and I moved into our house in May 2008, started TTC right then (didn't start charting til August, though). I absolutely believed that by May 2009, there would be a baby in our arms, filling up the room we dubbed for the baby prior to even closing on the house. It's incredibly hard to understand that things don't always work the way we'd want them to, and what the reason for the delay is. I personally believe that there has to be a reason for the delay, even if I never understand it or know why, but that doesn't always help when you're dealing with the continuous feed of excitement, let down, excitement, let down...

And then (especially in recent weeks) I feel so very guilty for even starting the "woe is me" routine. I've not had the sorrow of losing a baby, the sorrow of having a baby born too early, or not even given the chance to grow after implantation. I've not had to watch a baby born too early struggle to breathe, or have a baby in NICU that I can't hold for weeks while he or she grows strong enough to be held. And it does add a little perspective to the whole journey, in a way. At least for me.

But I do have my moments of being really sad, confused, and hurt. Mostly I just wonder why it takes so long for some people, people who I *know* would be awesome, amazing, loving parents. So many of the girls here I pray for because just from the way you present yourselves, the love you already show for your yet to be born babies, I know that your children will be blessed just by having you as their caretakers. Then I think about the parents out there who don't really put a lot of thought into parenthood and it just happens, over and over, and they're overwhelmed with children and the responsibility. And it just doesn't make sense.

In a way, it is comforting to know that others are going through the same thing with you. Makes me feel like less of a failure, less inadequate. But then I feel somewhat guilty for even feeling that, since I wouldn't wish *this* on anyone else in the world. For me, it's almost like every cycle's end is the mourning of the loss of another chance at a baby, another round of tears over not being a parent 9-10 months later. Because I do talk about our baby, and to me each cycle represents a baby, it is almost like mourning a would-be child. If that makes sense. It's just so incredibly sad sometimes. And then I think about the women who aren't going through cycle 8-10 like me, but those who have been trying for years (some other sites have women who have been trying since like 2002... it's so shattering to read their stories, to see the pain in their posts)... and I don't know where they get their strength. I just don't. I do believe we don't have more put on us that we can bear... and I know I can't handle that. So I just keep the hope that *this* cycle has to be the one... and eventually, it will be.

I'm so sad for my friend... her baby very likely is fine (still attached, no bleeding, etc.), but just the thought of such a sorrow, or the risk of a sorrow, kills me inside. And it somehow makes a blank pee stick seem like nothing in comparison. I'm just completely overwhelmed for her.

Honestly, I don't know that I would be able to "cope" as well as I do without this thread... everyone here is so sweet and compassionate. So many other sites that I've lurked on are filled with so much malice, almost like envy and anger when someone announces a pregnancy. And sometimes the continuous theme is "woe is me." We only do that sometimes!
I'm glad for my husband and the support he offers, too. This would be way more than I could handle alone, emotionally.

I wish that big streak of positive tests a while back would have swept all of us away.... but since it didn't, now I'm hoping for a new wave to come in and take us all. Oddly, when I think about it, I don't think I'll want to leave this thread when I am pregnant. That's why we all need to leave together, so no one will be missed!! How lovely would it be for all of us to be free of sharing the sorrows of TTC struggles and instead be able to rejoice in the fun times of pregnancy (morning sickness, swelling, gas, all of it!!)? I'm looking forward to that day.

It''s wonderful that your mother and you were able to share such a good talk. I think it always helps to have a sounding board; that''s often where I realize what I''m really feeling/thinking about subjects.

For us, I know we wouldn''t go the IVF or even IUI route. It''s not about thinking it''s "bad," or anything like that, it''s just not for us. It breaks my heart to think of not being a mother one day, but if that''s the way it works out, I have a loving husband and a wonderful family and we''ll make a wonderful life together with our pups! My mom also tells me that she worries that the stress involved is having an impact. The thing is, I''m that personality type. So, not worrying isn''t an option. Haha. Truthfully, Paul has been impressed with how well I have handled this process, since I''m totally of the mindset that if I want something, I get it, I do it, I obtain it. And it doesn''t work this way.

I think with all things TTC, it''s all so different for each of us, and depending on where we are in our lives and in our journey, we''ll have different outlooks on how "far" we go in the route to parenthood. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Don''t feel like a "bad friend" for taking breaks from here... I try to take breaks a lot of the time, but never stay gone for long. I just have so much rolling around in my head all the time. I do think that a break would likely be a good thing for me, though. I think it''s totally natural for a person''s feelings around TTC to evolve as time passes... I still regret that so much of my life the past year has been based around charting, temping, waiting for ovulations, peeing on sticks, hoping like crazy for a baby to be the result of all the insanity. It''s not been a year wasted by any means, but I see every milestone in relation to where I was in my cycle, how many cycles into TTC we were, etc. I will not live the rest of my life that way. It''s not fair to me or to Paul or to our memories together.

All this just to say, I hear you girl, I hear you.
In Luv and lulu ... i''m sorry you guys are fearing that 12-month mark. Infertility is a scary word. I''m 37, and after 35 they call it infertile after 6 months of trying! Honestly, as far as I was concerned it was that much sooner I could get in to see the doc and try to move things along. I really don''t think of myself as infertile. To me that would mean I couldn''t have children and so why would they have put me on clomid that''s made me snappish and gain weight? (grr). Actually I think that if/when I do have a baby I''ll be in what they used to call "senile maternity." Craziness.

Hey and while I''m at it why is it the woman who gets the "infertile" label anyway? Isn''t it the men 50% of the time? And why am I always the one they ask for the co-pay at the doc''s office when I come in for insemination, and not from my BF who dropped off his spermies an hour earlier?!!!

Whew that was fun.

On a more serious note, Fisher I sent a little prayer for Jen and her little one.

Festy, I am probably doing ivf the next cycle we try and I think your feelings are completely legitimate and not offensive in any way. I''m not thrilled about not doing this the "natural way" so I can understand how you feel.

7 days and 4 hours dpo .... hahaha.

Perhaps senile isn''t so far off today ............
Charger! I just wrote a long post with Mendoza recommendations and PS ate it! And now I have to go back to work! I promise I will rewrite later.
Ooh, so mad right now.
Fisher- Your friend will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers! Is it possible her dates are off and she''s not as far along as she thought?
Melanie- Only positive thoughts until you know this cycle is over.
Redrose- Congratulations that you are going to be trying soon!
Anchor- Have you tested yet? Have you tested yet? Have you tested yet?

Inluv- cycle day 9 isn''t boring! It''s the beginning of the GOF days!

As for me, I''m not on CD1 it turns out. Sunday morning I had some redish-brown spotting and thought it was CD 1. It tapered off that day and here I am, on AF''s due date and nothing. I''ll test in the morning, but I am cramping so my hopes aren''t up that Sunday was implantation spotting. My cycle has never gone beyond 31 days and me not be pregnant.
Okay, I officially feel like an idiot.

The Dr. office called back, said that it''s not a big deal at all to have not ovulated yet by CD 17, and to just "keep doing it." Haha. I laughed and laughed and told them I knew that, but the Dr. had said I should ovulate between Cd12-16, and if I didn''t, call. She said that was right, and she was glad I did call in about it. Said, again that the vomit episode probably just slowed me down some since the pills weren''t taken back to back, but not to worry. Said to "keep doing it" and to be sure to stay flat after we "do it" (she really liked this phrase, I take it), and to "elevate my pelvis," as this helps. (Yeah, been doing that.) Anyway, she said that it''s not a problem to call with anything like this, and get this: they have a patient who calls in EVERY DAY to say if she''s ovulated or not, so it can be put in her records. She said some people just like to have constant contact for reassurance. I thought that was funny and it made me feel like less of a fruit cake. She said that she and the Dr. had been looking over my charts again and there''s no reason for me to be worried at this stage, as I still have several "more shots" at Clomid if this isn''t our cycle, and the issue seems to be ovulation related only. She said that my hubby would be referred for the SA if we''re not pregnant by June 2 (our next appointment)... so yeah, that means if we''re not pregnant by this cycle, since my next won''t have finished by then, and there''s no concerns at all showing for me other than the late ovulation off Clomid. She said some cycles do get a little off from the CD12-16 ovulation target they have, but CD 17-23 is nothing to worry about at all. And then she really surprised me: she said she''d read my history (where they ask about your religion), so she felt comfortable telling me this... and went on to say how she and her husband struggled with TTC for years and ultimately, it was a God thing and she prays for her patients to have the same blessing in their lives.

Now I suppose that would freak out some people, but it just really gave me a peace to know that at least one person at the Dr. office shares a faith in God. That means a lot to me.

And, basically, I have nothing to worry about and ovulation is likely on the way, if not already completed.

"Just keep doing it."

Haha... Paul''s gonna love this story.

(Talked to my friend Jen... she''s keeping her spirits up. She goes back in to the office tomorrow for a second beta, to see if the numbers are jumping like they need to be.)
Fisher, I''m so glad that everything is ok! So now that you have doctor''s orders to "keep doing it" you better follow through!
Can I ask a question that may be TMI?

What do you define as spotting? I was talking to a my friend who is TTC and was telling her what was going on and she said something that I''m not sure is correct. She said that spotting is considered spotting when it makes it onto underwear/pads/toilet paper that is from wiping (sorry!) but NOT when you are checking interally. Is that true?