
The Official TTC Thread!


My friend could be a little tiny bit off on her due date, but she tested positive 4 weeks ago, so she would have to be further along than 6 weeks now... but I have another friend who was told she was measuring behind and they moved her due date back... only to move it forward again when the baby "caught up." So, I''m trying so hard to be totally positive about it all. She is too, and so is her husband. They''re being troopers.


TMI? I feel like there is no such thing on this thread. This conservative girl sure does put a lot of things on here that I never dreamed I would! Haha... all in the name of a baby, I suppose!!

I don''t know what constitutes a clear definition of spotting, but I would assume that spotting would be something that you could wipe, since so many women don''t check internally.
I''ve never spotted. Ever.

So, you don''t know that you''re out yet!! EXCITING!!!! You said you''ve never been past 31 days and not been pregnant... what day are you today?
How old are your other children?

Eeek! Hoping the best for you, Feb!!!!


How are you doing today?
To all the ladies who have been trying for many cycles - I''m praying for you all. Every single night. I know it''s easy for me to say and all that, but I just wanted you to know that I''m thinking of all of you.

Fisher - I''ll be praying for Jen and her baby. How stressful and sad it must be for the parents! Big hugs to her.

feb - Hahaha... I haven''t tested yet, but no signs of AF either. Tomorrow I''ll test. Eeep!
So you''re not out this cycle yet either, huh? The spotting you decribe sounds like the one I had. It''s been 3 days sans spotting now. Hmmm... Maybe we could both test tomorrow?
I just wanted to pop in and respond to some of the comments from some of you that you are concerned/saddened about not conceiving the natural way. I too had some of these feelings (some of you know that I conceived on Clomid). There was nothing natural about our conception process the month we conceived. I didn''t ovulated until CD 23, but we had started BD''ing back on CD 10 because I expected to ovulate way sooner on Clomid (so Fisher, no worries about not ovulating yet!) Much of our BD''ing was forced and probably would have skipped a lot of days if we weren''t trying to make the most of the Clomid. Not romantic in the least nor how I imagined it would be when we made our baby. However, I am now 11 weeks pregnant and we are so thrilled to finally be pregnant and have this baby that we could not care less how he or she was conceived. This is not to say that Clomid, IUI or IVF or anything else is right for anyone - it''s a very personal decisoin, but I just want to let you know that once you have your little baby it likely won''t matter at all how they were conceived. If we need Clomid to conceive another baby down the road, I would not hesitate to use it again.

I am still lurking on this thread and praying for every single one of you to get your BFP asap!
Date: 4/28/2009 5:35:56 PM
Author: february2003bride
Can I ask a question that may be TMI?

What do you define as spotting? I was talking to a my friend who is TTC and was telling her what was going on and she said something that I''m not sure is correct. She said that spotting is considered spotting when it makes it onto underwear/pads/toilet paper that is from wiping (sorry!) but NOT when you are checking interally. Is that true?

I''d consider it spotting even if you only see it when you check internally. You just wouldn''t know about it if you hadn''t been checking. Doesn''t mean it wouldn''t have been there. Kind of like how you could have EWCM at your cervix that never makes it onto the tp.

Feb, I''ve got a good feeling for you too! I have a feeling you and Anchor are going to be due date buddies!

How exciting that there''s no sign of that mean ol period coming!! We love positives around here!! Thank you for the prayers and sweet thoughts... never think it doesn''t mean much, because all of us appreciate it! I''m also praying for you and your J as you near parenthood!!

November! I''d been thinking about you... hadn''t seen an update on you lately. 11 weeks! Eek! You''re just cruising right on through this pregnancy, lady!! Are you going to find out the gender?

Are you having any morning sickness or are you feeling good? Hope you''re doing extremely well!

About the ovulation thing... I''m not freaking out, freaking out... I just wanted the Dr. to know, since he''d said to tell him. And I wondered why it was different this cycle than it was last... but I suppose being super sick a few days and missing one pill and adding it on at the end could account for that. I think I just wanted some reassurance, I guess.

I still cling to yours and Peony''s success with Clomid, and pray that I''m blessed with the same results!

Thank you to everyone for the thoughts for my friend Jen. She''ll be on pins and needles until Thursday, when she receives the results of the betas. Goodness how I hope they increase as they should!! That''s a very loved baby, even this early on.

I hope that Robbie''s right and we get a fresh sweep at positives with Feb and Miss Anchor being due date twins!! Wouldn''t that be awesome??
Date: 4/28/2009 8:13:49 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly

(I have that free trial VIP thing right now... can anyone tell me what the green boxes mean in the middle of the stats section? No clue... and can''t find anything to tell me what it could mean.)

Fisher, I don''t know if someone already answered this question, but the green squares are the window when FF expects you to ovulate and the red squares are the window FF expects AF. It''s based on all your past months/ history.
Hi Guys!
Hope everyone is well here. I''ve been really busy at work and not a whole lot of time to catch up, but I wanted to share a little story I learned today. I''m finally "out" at work after having told my boss last week about being pregnant, so I was talking about prenancy with one of my associates today. She has 3 beautiful little boys that are 4,2, and 8 months. Anyhoo, she mentioned that she didn''t find out that she was preggo until really late with her second son because "we had been taking drugs and I never got my period after like I usually do." I was like- "ummm, whhhhaaaat?" thinking she meant some kind of illicit drugs (which was unbelievable b/c she is such a sweet, good person) and she bust out laughing and said "CLOMID, goofball!" Turns out she has PCOS, tried for quite a while to get preggo "naturally", then used Clomid to help conceive all 3 boys. With the second, she took a pregnancy test and it came back negative, so she did her next course of Clomid but it did not cause her to get her period as it usually did, so her doc had her take another test, and they found out she was preggo and had just tested too early! Then she was worried b/c I guess Clomid can be dangerous to take if you are ALREADY pregnant, but baby turned out 100% healthy.

Just thought I would share this happy story about 3 gorgeous beautiful "Clomid-inspired" babies for you all!

Wishing the best for each and every one of you! (((Hugs))))
Date: 4/28/2009 7:22:02 PM

feb - Hahaha... I haven''t tested yet, but no signs of AF either. Tomorrow I''ll test. Eeep!
So you''re not out this cycle yet either, huh? The spotting you decribe sounds like the one I had. It''s been 3 days sans spotting now. Hmmm... Maybe we could both test tomorrow?

Anchor... popping in to say GOOD LUCK TO YOU! I spotted for about 3-4 days, one or so of which was pretty heavy, enough to warrant the use of a ''light'' tampon. Then it suddenly stopped, about 1.5 days before AF was due. Then AF didn''t come. And didn''t come. And didn''t come.

I''m not expert, but your ''situation'' sounds super promising. Thinking positive thoughts for you!
But no period
So I am officially late today.

Anchor- any testing news?
Aww, Feb. I'm sorry. What kind of test was it? I know that once you're "late," they should all work the same, but eh... I don't have much faith in any of them, and none at all in some!

Still hopin that you get your positive!!


Thinking of you today. I know it will be hard and sad if it's not a positive this time, but just know that it will come and that just gives you and your hubby more time to try! Didn't you say earlier that was at least one consolation?
Still, hoping for the positive, girlie!!


Thanks for the answered question. I should have figured that, since the green boxes go on and on *forever,* but it didn't even cross my mind.


Thanks for popping in!! Success stories are always so reassuring to hear.
How are you doing? Showing yet? You're do in October, aren't you? I would imagine there's a little bit of baby showing now! How exciting!!
Um, ladies? Can I have a fainting emoticon over here?


I'm in shock.
I never ever expected to get preggo on the first try. Ever. Sticky vibes and prayers please!

ETA: The pic is a bit small, but the digital says pregnant/enceinte (I'm in Qc after all

Anchor- Congrats!!! That''s a fabulous line on the FRER!!
Here''s my FF chart... My due date is probably going to be January 1st or 2nd... I may have a New Year''s baby! How exciting is that...

EEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Congratulations Anchor!!! Oh my gosh!!! It''s so wonderful to see a positive!!! Yaaaaay!!!!
Fisher- Thanks, I''m hoping to still get one too! It was a First Response Early test. It was a definite negative. I wish I would either get a + or get AF, so atleast I''d know either way!! I''m not testing again until Friday morning if AF still hasn''t arrived.
Thanks tiffany and feb! Feb, sweetie, I''m so sorry about your BFN. I was really hoping it would be a BFP for you too.
*hugs* Some of you have been trying for so long, I''m feeling a bit guilty about my BFP on our first cycle.
Date: 4/29/2009 9:05:55 AM
Author: anchor31
Thanks tiffany and feb! Feb, sweetie, I''m so sorry about your BFN. I was really hoping it would be a BFP for you too.
*hugs* Some of you have been trying for so long, I''m feeling a bit guilty about my BFP on our first cycle.
Do NOT feel guilty! Ideally no one would stay here as a TTC''er beyond one month
I''m so happy for you!!!
Congrats Anchor... you are now officially a jerkstore (someone who gets pg very fast). I can''t believe you made it to 18 DPO without testing! At that point you don''t even need a test since LPs are not that long unless you are preggo!
AHHH Anchor congrats! You just put a huge smile on my face this morning!

Feb here's hopin'!
Date: 4/29/2009 9:08:05 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Congrats Anchor... you are now officially a jerkstore (someone who gets pg very fast). I can''t believe you made it to 18 DPO without testing! At that point you don''t even need a test since LPs are not that long unless you are preggo!
Yes well... It''s pretty much because I was terrified of testing! I almost didn''t.
Date: 4/29/2009 9:12:26 AM
Author: anchor31

Date: 4/29/2009 9:08:05 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Congrats Anchor... you are now officially a jerkstore (someone who gets pg very fast). I can''t believe you made it to 18 DPO without testing! At that point you don''t even need a test since LPs are not that long unless you are preggo!
Yes well... It''s pretty much because I was terrified of testing! I almost didn''t.
That''s nothing... my friend was so afraid to test that she didn''t until she was 10 weeks pregnant! LOL! She had irregular cycles so it was possible that she wasn''t pg, but she was so scared of getting a BFN that she just waited and waited and waited
Congrats ANCHOR!!!
I knew it! Tons of PS dust for a healthy and happy baby and mommy!!

DO NOT feel guilty. All of us will get our BFP too.

Feb, I''m still holding out hope for you!
Congratulations/Félicitations Anchor, you old jerkstore you

Please don''t make another peep about feeling guilty. As a long-time TCCer, I don''t want you to feel guilty about your experience, I just want you to bask in the delight of your positive!!


Feb, I''m thinking of you!!
CONGRATULATIONS, Anchor!!! Wishing you a happy & healthy 9 months!!!!
Anchor, congratulations!!!!
Great chart too! Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!
Congratulations Anchor!
Congrats Anchor!!
Congratulations, Anchor!!
I guess all that spotting might''ve been implantation-related after all, huh?
And I didn''t realize you were already at 18 dpo today! Such patience! That''s a beautiful line, though! Have a happy and healthy 9 months!

Feb - being late is a good sign. Here''s hoping for a late bfp!

Anyone else testing soon? Melanie? I seem to recall you were in the tww, too?
Anchor, congratulations you big jerkstore!!!
Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months. 8 months?

Feb, I''m sorry about the BFN. You''ve waited plenty long to test again and you should not be punished for it!

Thanks everyone, for your thoughtful responses. It''s always great to hear from the people who''ve graduated from this thread too! We all have our reasons why one choice works for us and another doesn''t. For DH and me, it''s not so much the fact that IVF would be "unnatural." I''m not even sure how I would define natural vs. unnatural. I''m sure the definition is different for every person, too. For us it''s the pressure and the invasiveness. Like November says, I''m sure we wouldn''t care how the baby was conceived if we were lucky enough to get pregnant, and it certainly isn''t anyone else''s business how we get pregnant. I''m not sure I want to put our relationship or my body through it. Again, this is my position on Wednesday, April 29. I could change my mind tomorrow! In the meantime I continue to have faith that we will all get what we want. Eventually.