
The Official TTC Thread!

To anyone who''s had IUI or anything of that nature after doing just Clomid:

My Dr. said we get three (possibly four) more shots at Clomid before we reach the end of the rope without having to be looking at other options (RE). So, if I''m being told that''s it for the Clomid, does that mean I won''t be able to take Clomid if we were to do IUI without any other form of medications?

I guess I''m curious as to why there''s a limit to how many times you can take Clomid (understand there are effects from longterm use) but you can take it longer if you''re doing IUI or other means of TTC.... It''s puzzling to me. I mean, wouldn''t the longterm effects still be the same, no matter what procedure---or lack thereof--- you''re doing?
Hi Sassafras, well that is an unusual reason to join a jewelery forum, but always nice to have new friends here!
Welllllll, I would first of all ask you why you aren''t asking your Dr. these really excellent questions. We are rabid googlers of fertility info here but my 2cents as a total layperson is that 1. remember that your temp patterns do not necessarily mean that you ovulate, it quite possibly could, but not necessarily. 2. Clomid is very helpful for people who are experiencing oligoovulation (say that 7 times fast!), meaning that your FSH or estradil aren''t quite in balance so those follies have a chance only every few months...folks like this will have very normal looking charts most of the time, but have a very hard time catching the window of opportunity. More on Clomid below. 3. Sounds like you didn''t like that first fert specialist, i hear you on the bedside manner (I was recently reminded by a nurse that it would have been easier if I had gotten pregnant at 18...umnothanks.) But he/she is right, an hsg just shows blockage, there could be all sorts of issues with the tube beyond that. Statistically slim, but still they can''t promise you anything...

Mmmm, clomid, so what concerns you about it? We have discussed this at length on this thread, but that was pages ago. I just finished taking it last night for a 3-7 100mg round and had no side effects, hopefully something is cooking in there, getting ready for a trigger shot and either timed intercourse or iui, not sure yet. So personally I clearly have no problems with taking clomid. I understand those who don''t want to try it, either for religious or other cosmic reasons. But not being a spring chicken and a total control freak, I want to bring on the intervention(s). Yes, there are limits to what even I will do, but living in a state where fertility treatments are all covered has also made that decision much easier. If I were in your shoes, I would embrace that IUI, it takes the guesswork out of timing and your tube issues from the past. But do take thoughts from a stranger on the internet with a huge chunk of salt, do what you are comfortable with and what you and your DH agree is best for you. That might include only working with your newer specialist and trying au natural for a few more cycles.

The great news is that you know you can get pregnant. It did happen and yes, it is amazingly hard to loose a baby, I know. But it does mean that it can happen. Mostly you are right, you are not alone. Have you looked into the FF message boards? They are great for questions. I''ve also been reading some great blogs that really give awesome insight into the rollercoaster ride that this is emotionally.

Mostly good luck Sass! This is not fun and you have been in the game for a while. I hope you and your DH are doing well and staying positive. Sounds like he wants a baby NOW!
Threadjack (seem to do a lot of those lately, sorry girls...):

Lulu''s recent haircut has me seriously thinking about going ahead and getting mine cut again. I really do wear it in a pony tail every stinkin day and it''s getting old. And the ends are GROSS because I''ve been on my haircut strike for a year now.

I cut my hair in late 2007, after working on growing it long for our wedding. It was a SHORT cut (for me) and I loved it. But then I missed my old hair (the length... it''s something you get used to).

So, I just was at the "show me your curls" thread and got to thinking about my hair being curlier when it was shorter, and so much easier to straighten when it was shorter, and how I actually "did" my hair every day instead of just being a lazy frump who puts it in a ponytail all the time, and now I''m thinking of going and getting a similar cut again, maybe a tad bit longer.

The first picture is me *now*--well kind of, my hair''s about an inch or two longer now, and this is on the rare day that I straighten it. The second is the shrort cut from late 2007... it would flip out at the ends when I straightened it. Cute!

Should I do something totally different? What''s the best way to get rid of the baby hairs I have sticking up on top of my hairline at the forehead?? Side sweeping bangs, maybe?

(Please don''t laugh at the cheesy smile in the profile shot... I''m lame and think I have to smile for every picture. Always.)

Fisher! I was posting and chatting so missed your posts! You are too cute! I can't give hair advice, mine is stick straight and does nothing so just have to jealously watch you gorgeous full bodied hair ladies do the experimenting. To address your questions: Well, it seems like you need to find out if clomid is helping you O earlier. I mean, 6 cycles will show you if it does anything for you. How closely are they monitoring you while you were on it? I'm seriously in every few days for an i/us. good times! But they certainly know what is going on in there. If clomid doesn't help you (taking into account that you were sick on your first cycle and didn't take one pill the second if I'm remembering correctly?) then they will look into Femara or something else to help stim you. There are other meds. I guess my question is what is the concern with an iui? It takes the timing issues off the table (or the floor
) and while it is pretty clinical...I guess its like I just told a friend when suggesting that she try online dating: "hey, its not pretty, but if in the end it gets you what you want, who really cares how you got there?"

The injectables I totally understand why you are not interested. I have a little syringe full of hormones for DH to jab in my belly sitting in the fridge waiting for the RE to say "go." It is sitting with the snap peas and I keep eyeballing it, wondering. But I figure I pumped my body full of hormones for years while on bcps, so this is just a new method of delivery. The progesterone doses are also interesting, the nurse suggested to bring them to room temperature before inserting "almost as far in as a tampon." Hmmm, so how does one know if she has been inserting tampons properly all these years? Oy to the vey. At least I got a sharps biohazard container for disposing of the syringe. It is sort of funny to have that in the kitchen. DH took the biohazard sticker and put it on his lunch pyrex container. My leftover cooking is sooooo not that bad, but it is entertaining in a sick way.

Melanie, very interesting that you can just sniff it! that is crazy. I am not doing anything on day 21, just the trigger Ovidrel, an introduction of sperm to egg in some fashion, and then progesterone um, 3xs a day. That is going to be interesting since they have to be refrigerated. (I am sorry if I'm giving tmi about this stuff, but hey, its the ttc thread)
Lulu (your hair is awesome!), Festy, and Cara, we are watching tour coverage (taped) now. I enjoy watching the French racers, their arms are so crazy skinny and their legs so huge, reminds me of Les Triplettes de Belleville. Anyway, very funny Festy about Tyler checking out his ride! Gah, I hate the neverending cycles, my last one was 43days. I was loopy by the end of it. Awesome eye candy on Newbury St. We could do a Boston area GTG...
Enjoy your travels Cara! Very exciting and just all around cool!
Good luck with the HCG Blushing, and really everything. Excellent that your boss is understanding.
Applequeen, life changes quickly in the forest...two friends of mine who were adamantly against any baby talk when I started out are now TTC, I bet good money your friends will get there too. (then you just secretly hope that you get preggo first, or wait, that could just be me...shhh)

wow, i wrote too much. sorry, haven't been up to posting much, but sporadically read and really think of you guys at the most random times. Good luck with getting information and staying calm ladies. You are very tough cookies.
swimmer, oy to the vey, i love it! that's totally going to be my new phrase!

fisher you are too cute! how about putting your toe in the water by keeping your hair long and cutting bangs? i recently got some long ones and even tho i totally sweep them to the side it really changes my look.

Edit: ok, to me it really changes my look. i'm sure most people didn't even notice.
Fisher, sorry, I don''t have any hair advice but just wanted to say you''re so cute! It''s great to be able to put a face to your name now.

Sending lots of good TTC /BFP vibes to everyone!!

By the way, is InLuv still around? I wonder how she''s doing..
Good morning everyone

Welcome Sassafras... so glad you joined just for the puprose of this thread. I am more of a lurker than a regular poster and lurked through my LIW days and my wedding planning days and decided I didn''t want'' to lurk through another life experience. That, combined with the total lack of support from my closest friends about the TTC thing, really got me excited about participating in this thread. This is only my second month TTC so I don''t have much advice for you in terms of the Clomid but I would say it might be worth a try. I hope your new Dr. is more responsive to you and gives you some answers. Regardless of how unlikely something is, if testing for it puts your mind at ease (and it''s not cost prohibitive) I think the test should be made available...if for not other reason than to relieve some stress.

Fisher... I''ll make a deal with you. I''ll make an appointment to cut off my yucky ends if you will
My hair is really out of control. Your hair looked great short but if you''re worried about it maybe keep it a bit longer (long enough to pull back in to a pony tail...that''s a must for me since I''m lazy about fixing my hair). I understand the idea about waiting to get the "mom haircut" ... even though this is only month 2 for us I''m already finding myself hesitant to make any plans for the next several months because "what if I''m pregnant"... but I know that since this TTC thing is pretty unpredictable I should continue to make plans and live my life and we''ll deal with any adjustments when and if it''s necessary. When do you leave for California? I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy every minute you have with your family (I''m sure you will). I can understand how your brother could get to you a bit... we had to spend last weekend with my cousin and her husband (cousin is several months along) talk about thier "one hit wonder"...comments like "we never even got to time and that was it". Given that our timing hasn''t been great for our first 2 months I wonder how they could randomly get it right on the first time and we just seem to miss it. I hope Paul''s SA goes well tomorrow...I''ll be praying that you''ll get great results and can mark that off issue your list. I love that you use his name on here... I wish I had the nerve to use DH''s name but...given my extremely introverted nature I am terrified someone will recognize me.

Loves Vintage... I know exactly what you mean... we''re only 2 months in (and like you our timing these 2 months hasn''t been great)... I''ve also started to consider at what point I''d seek additional medical advice and I''m thinking probably at the 6-8 month mark. I''d like to have several months of good timing to justify my visit. My DR told me when I was at my annual appointment in May (last month on BC) that we''d discuss it next May if I wasn''t pregnant. I''m not sure I want to wait that long....6 months is more what I have in my mind. I don''t want to jump the gun but I will be 32 soon (and would like to have more than one child). A friend of mine said she knew at 6 months of trying that something was wrong...her Dr. made her wait 6 more before any testing or anything like that was done... she said she feels like she wasted a year and wishes she''d been more proactive.

Swimmer.... thanks so much for the advice about my friends. I am the last of my HS (and many of my college) friends to get married/ start a family. Most of my HS friends married in their early 20s and have 2-3 kids at this point. Most of my college friends have babies and toddlers. Based on this, I do have some friends who understand but they''re not the friends I talk to every day... the friends (my closest friends) that are giving me the problems are my post grad school friends. These are the girls that I became close with during the years we were all single and doing the 20''s young, single, professional thing. I am the only one of that group (4 of us) that is married. One girl (the one that is the most opposed) has been living with her BF for almost 3 years and they are planning to marry eventually but neither wants children (so they say). She''s the type that if we go into a resturant she asks to be seated in the "no kids" section. The other 2 are better about it (have young nieces and nephews and like kids) but they''re 100% single. I guess it just comes down to us moving in differant directions. I lost the friend I considered my true BFF when I got engaged (basically she just dropped off the face of the earth...she surfaced only long enough to email me the day before my wedding to say she "couldn''t" come...thank goodness she wasn''t in the wedding) so I''m especially scared about losing more friends. I do know that I will most likely make new friends with similar interests if this happens... but it''s still tough and I''m wondering how long it will take before I go off on her when she makes another rude comment. I know there is something in her past that makes her very sensitive to the baby topic (although she will never admit that it still bothers her) so I''ve tried to be understanding and let stuff go. I know there is a part of her (not so deep down if you know her well enough to pick up on it) that wants marriage and children so there may be some jealousy. She''s actually a very loyal friend and a caring person. When I''m pregnant she''ll probably be the one to plan my shower...that''s just how she is.

Well as usual I''m written a small essay :) Guess I should put some of this energy toward my job... hope everyone has a great day.
Welcome, Sassafrass! Fisher gave you a pretty good explanation of why Clomid is sometimes used even on women who appear to be ovulating. But like Swimmer says, for sure talk to your new doc about it.

Fisher - great hair pics! I've always admired people with naturally curly hair. The genes are in my family but I never got it - just slightly wavy and limp. But here's my 2 cents. It may be just the pictures, but I've noticed this when other people with curly hair straighten it themselves - it tends to look dull. Your hair looks so nice and shiny in the picture on the right...I would vote for a cut that would look good dried naturally. Maybe go to a stylist who's experienced in cutting curly hair and cut some layers if you don't want the pouf at the bottom...I know there's a way to straighten it and still keep the shine, but that might involve some magical product that I'm not aware of.

Swimmer - Good luck with the injectibles. Let us know how that goes.

ETA: Fisher, sorry I ignored your question about the hospital! I see the ladies on the Preggo thread have chimed in and I would listen to them for sure. It's a little far for my own personal comfort zone, but I know what it's like to love your doctor/practice, so I'd probably stick with it and study some maps!
Oh, Fisher, cute, cute hair pics! I love the short curly do! If you don''t want to go that short again I''d second what someone else suggested in trying the sweeping bangs again. They look really cute on your short do too. Let us know if you try something new!
Hurray for short hair! Fisher - i think that you look positively smashing with short hair (though I may be slightly biased towards a more cropped look these days
Apple, I''m not sure what you look like, but I''ll bet getting rid of the "yucky ends" will look marvelous! do post photos

swimmer - i''m hoping that this month''s combination approach will be just what''s needed. I, too, am using progesterone "oy to the vey" indeed!

welcome sassafras
good luck getting the advice you need from your dr.

festy - happy friday!


let''s see. i''m at DPO 4. This cycle is medicine free, but for the progesterone supplements I''m popping. I ovulated *really* early, so I''m not sure about that, but otherwise I''m feeling good. trying to keep expectations in check and so very much looking forward to tomorrow when I''m on VACATION!!!

man do I need it.
Today at noon I got my hairs cut. All of them. Chopped. A lot. Not as dramatic as I thought it would be (it's essentially the same cut I got in late 2007, but just a smidge longer) for me... I think it's curlier now than it was before, but not by a lot. I'm more of a wave with a few curls tossed in girl than anything else. Paul didn't know about it... he said he misses my long hair. I don't know why because I always wear it in a ponytail. He likes it, but prefers it straight when it's shorter. Anyway, yeah. So much for waiting for a haircut that would be my first "mommy do."

In other news, still no confirmation of ovulation. I'm not even keeping count now, but it's been well over a month since my cycle started. Grrr. Argh. And for LL, Feh.
Paul did his Dr. appt. today and said it wasn't as bad as he thought. Should have the results mid part of next week (while we're on vacation!! YIPPEEE), so we'll see. Funny thing, I've not thought any of this was an issue with Paul this whole time, and now that we know we'll know something soon, I keep having all these rushing thoughts about what if they say that there is like zero motility, what if they say we have absolutely zilch in the way of chances of being a mommy and daddy? It's pointless to think this way, and yet, the thoughts keep coming.

This weekend's plans include the hubby finishing up pressure washing the deck and then staining it. Fun. I'm nutty, I really do enjoy that sort of thing. Have a good weekend, ladies!!

ETA: Festy, the straight hair pic is from a camera phone and I had my hair highlighted last summer and a lot of the color is still there, which really dulls out my usual dark shine. I think that's probably the reason for the difference in the color/shine of the pictures. Plus, the mousse I put in my hair kind of makes it dry wet-looking, which is shiny. Can't wait to find out who you are, by the way!!
Girls, I think I''m out. 11 DPO and my temp dropped.

Oh well. On to month 4!
Where are my TTCers-in-waiting?? I''ve been doing pediatric anesthesia for the past two weeks (going back to my regularly scheduled adults on Monday) and the cute babies have seriously intensified my baby fever. It''s killer!

Haha on that comment. I know what you were saying/asking, but I feel like *all* of us are in waiting around here.
And some of us more impatiently than others, too!

How have you been doing these days?

This thread has definitely been going through a slow phase for months now. Glad so many of us have "graduated," but I miss the gang. And the days when there would be a full page of posts to read when I got home from work. That was always fun. Surely this lull has to end at some point, though!
Anyone watch "16 and pregnant" on MTV? I'm very much not an MTV person, and I hope this show doesn't in any way encourage young people to get pregnant (it gets slack for this), but I also think it, in a lot of ways, un-romantizies --not sure that's a word---the reality of being such a young parent.

Well, I just saw the one with the young couple who decide that adoption is the best option for them. Talk about sobbing in tears. Part of it was seeing people so incredibly young make such a tough, but fully loving, decision, and part of it was watching the way their parents reacted to it. Then another part was watching the adoptive parents and that process. Not sure how all agencies work, but the agency this family worked with has the parents of the child to be adopted come and they meet with them, get an idea as to why they're looking at adoption (mostly to see if they're serious about it, it seemed to me) and then they get an idea of the type of family the parents are looking for their child to have, and then they get all these lifebooks of the families that fit their criteria. I was so touched by that, and in the back of my mind was wondering if Paul and I will ever make a lifebook for that same purpose one day.

Then the families met one another: priceless! When the baby was born (a little girl, Carolyn, Carly for short), the adoptive mother gave the birth mom a heart toggle bracelet that said something like, "always in my heart," and the adoptive mom had the same bracelet, as well as one for the baby to wear when she grew older. I have always thought that open adoptions were the best kind, because it makes it so much easier for a young child to know why their birth parents chose to have them grow up in another situation/circumstance, and it helps the birth parents and the child to process everything on a totally different level, without so much of the "what if" and "I wonder" thoughts (maybe). Anyway, it was just really a poignant story... and led me to wonder how our story of parenthood will play out.

Anyone else here hope that if there was a *problem* that made conception more difficult, that it laid on your shoulders rather than your husband's? I'm not sure where it's coming from, but while I'm still convinced that we'll be parents one day regardless of any test results that we may come across, I really, really hope that Paul's test results come back normal. I think men take it harder (that whole "manhood" persona thing that goes with the capability of the little swimmers to do their job) first of all, and I've been reading that basically there are several options/medications/procedures to try for women to pinpoint issues and then try to work around them, but for men it seems that if you have no motility, you just can't do anything other than IUI/IVF and hope you beat the odds. Also, Paul knows how very desperately I ache to be a mommy and I'd hate for him to carry with him that the reason I wasn't able to was because of him. I wouldn't ever see it that way, because I love him way beyond his ability to father a child, but I think it would really effect him, and I worry that it would effect our relationship to a degree, at least for a while, on his part--not feeling adequate, or like he let me down, or something of that nature.

Haha, who knew MTV could get a girl thinking so much??
Date: 7/18/2009 9:54:30 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Haha on that comment. I know what you were saying/asking, but I feel like *all* of us are in waiting around here.
And some of us more impatiently than others, too!

How have you been doing these days?

This thread has definitely been going through a slow phase for months now. Glad so many of us have ''graduated,'' but I miss the gang. And the days when there would be a full page of posts to read when I got home from work. That was always fun. Surely this lull has to end at some point, though!

Fishie- I think of you more as a mommy-in-waiting

I am doing okay, aside from this baby thing
But the reality is that I work too much and we have no family nearby to help. Sigh! It''s not like I chose this life for myself or anything hehe.

You''re right on this thread being slow lately. I''m hoping you will vacate shortly and make it even more slow
Date: 7/18/2009 1:51:24 PM
Author: icekid

Date: 7/18/2009 9:54:30 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Haha on that comment. I know what you were saying/asking, but I feel like *all* of us are in waiting around here.
And some of us more impatiently than others, too!

How have you been doing these days?

This thread has definitely been going through a slow phase for months now. Glad so many of us have ''graduated,'' but I miss the gang. And the days when there would be a full page of posts to read when I got home from work. That was always fun. Surely this lull has to end at some point, though!

Fishie- I think of you more as a mommy-in-waiting

I am doing okay, aside from this baby thing
But the reality is that I work too much and we have no family nearby to help. Sigh! It''s not like I chose this life for myself or anything hehe.

You''re right on this thread being slow lately. I''m hoping you will vacate shortly and make it even more slow
Haha, mommies in waiting, yeah!! That''s much better!!

Your turn to be fully engaged in this nutty road toward parenthood will be here soon, girl! And when it is, I hope you''re able to "vacate" the TTC stage quickly, too.

As for my moving on, when that happens, I''m sure this thread will stay on topic a lot more often!!
I''ll still come back, though. I get attached to people... gotta check up on them!!
Date: 7/18/2009 1:49:26 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Anyone watch ''16 and pregnant'' on MTV?
Hey Fisher,

I watched it and cried too! The birth parents really touched me. It was really sweet how strongly they felt about wanting to give her a better life. I felt for those kids who did a very difficult thing. I was in awe of their strength and selflessness. The birthfather in particular got me when he cried through the birth, and then enouraged the birth mother to see the baby saying "we can do this." Ugh, I was a mess! And then I felt for the adoptive parents who waited in the hospital for hours and must have been so nervous that she would change her mind. It was just so heart-wrenching for everyone involved. But yeah it got me thinking too. Adoption is such a complicated issue.

As for Man testing, yeah I feel the same way. My DH is convinced he has healthy (manly) sperm. But of course he has no way of knowing that. It''s a bit arrogant and egotistic, but I would really feel bad if it turned out he was wrong. I don''t know why we have this urge to protect our men and their masculinity, but I just wanted to say I am the same way. I hope Paul tests fine and you two are KTFU soon!


A quick rant about myself, even though I''m not even a TTCer yet. I''ve been really down the past few weeks. I am not TTCing yet but I have been off BC since December and have been charting. It seems like my cycles are getting longer and longer and I am starting to get bummed about it. Right now I am on CD 32 with absolutely no sign of imminent ovulation. My temps have also been erratic, so much so that I had to stop taking them because I wasn''t sure if the thermometer was broken. I''m just feeling like I may have missed my window of "textbook charts" and now that we are actually getting closer I may not even ovulate. Anyway, I guess I just wanted to post that because I haven''t even been able to tell DH. He gets worked up when he knows I am upset about something and he has expressed concern in the past that he thinks charting might cause unecessary worry.
Good morning everyone! I hope everyone had a geat weekend. We went to an amusement park so I could get my roller coaster fix since when I''m pregnant I won''t be able to ride them. We have season passes for this park and try to go a few times a year. DH and I both love amusement parks and seem to have our best conversations at them... I guess it''s because we''re happy and relaxed.

Today is CD28 for me so that mean''s it''s "go week" for me.
My temp was still high this morning but AF isn''t really due until Thursdayish (CD31). Thursday is also DH''s birthday so on the off chance that my temp doesn''t drop before then that''s when I''ll test. I really don''t think we have much of a shot this month since I was OOT but I keep reminding myself that it is possible to get pregnant with sex 2 days before ovulation. I''m not having any sort of symptoms other than my typical preAF stuff so I''m not optimistic. I also had no noticable fertile CM this cycle so I doubt there was much chance of the sperm making it 2 days for ovulation. I have been taking Zyrtec for my allergies and I''m thinking this may have affected my CM. I''m thinking that if it dries up my sinuses it probably dries up other fluids too. A friend of mine was actually told to take it to shrink some ovairan cysts so obviously it can have that effect.

On the subject of this board being slow these days... there have been some articles saying that the economic downturn is making some couples put off TTC and I''m wondering if we''re seeing the effects of that on this board. Hopefully we''ll see some signs of recovery soon and this board will be back in action.
Hello ladies! I think that I can officially join this thread! My honey and I got married about a month ago and we are starting to toy around with the thought of TTC. I think our original plan will be to start around our 1 year anniversary but that is still under debate. I want to start preparing myself now. Here is what I know. My cycles are very regular. Between 27-29 days per cycle. I can always feel when I am about to ovulate because my ***sorry for the TMI*** libido goes out of control! I think I should start tempting and charting. Is there anything else I should do to prepare?
Good morning! Thanks for all of the feedback. I am feeling a little deflated this morning. Made several calls to RE offices for consultation appointments so as to have many second opinions. Every single office staff person was in a rush to get me off of the phone and then expressed attitude over the fact that my insurance doesn''t cover fertility issues. Do they think they are telling me something new? Not many insurance providers do. My favorite was the specialist who is going to charge me $250-$700 for a consultation. Yeah, maybe you could narrow that down a little bit! Trying not to lose hope!

My concerns over clomid are the side effects. Panic attacks being my biggest fear since I struggle with anxiety already.
Hi AllieLuv! I''m also a newlywed, recently hopped on the TTC train :) Hope your stay is short and sweet!!

Best of luck applequeen! Hope this is it :)

So last night I dreamt that I was pregnant. I literally FELT the implantation (i know, crazy). There''s a word in Korean for weird pre-pregnancy dreams, taemongs, which means "birth dreams". Anyone around the "preggers to be" lady can have them (your mom, your sis, friends, husbands, whoever). On the other hand, there are "dog dreams" which are supposed to be the false alarms to "birth dreams"

So, mine was def a dog dream :)
Hi AllieLuv... welcome
It sounds like you''re ready to start TTC anytime.... are you taking prenatal vitamins yet? I started taking them last summer and we started TTC last month (I''m nearing the end of cycle #2 post birth control).

Sassafras... I hate rude doctor''s''s one of my biggest pet peeves. I really hope you find someone soon. That $250-$700 range is crazy...but if they''re going to be that vague/ random now just imagine how they''d probably be once you are actually a patient.

cakeny... thanks
I''m keep going back and forth between knowing that it''s unlikely this is the month and holding out hope that maybe it is. My husband actually had a dream a couple of nights ago that I was pregnant..wonder if it was a "birth dream" or a "dog dream"
I guess we''ll find out in a couple of days.
Date: 7/19/2009 4:47:14 AM
Author: mia1181

Date: 7/18/2009 1:49:26 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Anyone watch ''16 and pregnant'' on MTV?
Hey Fisher,

I watched it and cried too! The birth parents really touched me. It was really sweet how strongly they felt about wanting to give her a better life. I felt for those kids who did a very difficult thing. I was in awe of their strength and selflessness. The birthfather in particular got me when he cried through the birth, and then enouraged the birth mother to see the baby saying ''we can do this.'' Ugh, I was a mess! And then I felt for the adoptive parents who waited in the hospital for hours and must have been so nervous that she would change her mind. It was just so heart-wrenching for everyone involved. But yeah it got me thinking too. Adoption is such a complicated issue.
Oh man, I caught this last night. I wouldn''t have watched except that I remember you two mentioning it. Wow, so heart-wrenching, I cried so hard. What a great couple of kids. What I couldn''t believe was her mom and step-dad. I respect that it was hard on them as well and that they had a different opinion, but the way the mom talked to her daughter was unbelievable- she called her a b***h? Seriously? And the step-dad trying to guilt the boyfriend into keeping the kid, when the boyfriend was clearly looking around at the life they had to live and clearly wanted something BETTER for his daughter. Just broke my heart.

Hope you ladies are doing well.
Hi All!

Just popping into to give a quick update. I go to the doctor tomorrow AM so I can get some bloodtests and find out if all the HCG has left my system. I haven''t been temping, charting or TTC this cycle since it''s still my miscarriage cycle, but I *think* I ovulated this yesterday. Interestly, I had brown tinged CM which I''ve NEVER had before mid-cycle. But, my CM has been very fertile and I felt some O pains on Monday. I''ll know more after today since if I did ovulate, my CM would be dried up today. Although, I''m not holding stock in anything since this cycle is guaranteed to be wonky after the miscarriage so, really I''m just trying to guess what''s going on done there.

I''m anxious to see my doc so, that I can move on with everything. I also want to talk to her about what''s next for us and hopefully, she''ll give us the green light to TTC next cycle. I only bled for 5 days during the miscarriage and haven''t bled since (with exception to the tinged CM yesterday). I''m hoping everything is OVER and DONE with.

On a positive note, we have planned two trips to help take our mind off things!
First, we are going to Savannah next weekend for a long weekend with another couple we are friends with (who also happen to have a house down there). Second, we are going to Sweden at the end of Sept. to visit some of DH''s family who also live there! Needless to say, we are VERY excited to get out of Manhattan for a bit. Not to mention, our two year anniversary is comig up next month - I can''t believe it''s been two years already! Craziness!

How''s everyone doing???

CD18 **???**
First I want to say welcome to everyone who''s new ... we''ve had a few at least I am bad at keeping track but I''m glad you''re on board! Blushing, so nice to hear you sounding so upbeat. It feels so unfair the miscarriage but going on your trips sounds like a great distraction and lots of fun. Fisher we want haircut pictures! Boys always like long hair. I bet if you blew dry it straight he''d be happier b/c it''d be longer.

I''ve been taking my "sniffing" pre-ivf drugs for a week now (it''s really not so much as a sniff as it turns out but a nasal spray, still better than a shot) and expecting AF sometime late this week I guess, although they say the syneral delays that a bit. Which means in 2 - 3 weeks or so we''ll be doing the egg retrieval! And I will be starting those nasty shots at some point soon ... kind of cool that if all works out well we''ll have some embryos frozen for next time. I told DF that this was meant to be, b/c if we conceived naturally and then tried for another maybe I would be too old at that point, so it''s a good thing we''ll have some in reserve!
BB- so glad to see u back here! plz keep us posted on your journey..congrats on the anniversary and those trips sound amazing..i hope u get nice and relaxed and re-energized!

Melanie- good luck to u with your ivf process! DRK and myself are some success stories and i know we are all cheering you on bc its rough but worth it! it would be kool if u started an ivf thread once you have the retrieval and we will all cheer u on and help u through the 2ww
...i love to hear about other ivf stories..just a thought! anyhoo...goooood luck to u! lots of dust your way!

good luck to everyone else!!! always cheerin ya on!
Nycbkgirl - Thanks for popping in! You are my inspiration and if CRMI can help you, I know they can help me. I love having your support - it means a lot. I will definitely keep you posted on what happens tomorrow.
I hope you and your little ones are doing well!!!
BB- o i know CRMI will make u a mommy...i have 0% doubts! and im totally serious! and maybe even a twin mommy
Date: 7/22/2009 3:14:43 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
BB- o i know CRMI will make u a mommy...i have 0% doubts! and im totally serious! and maybe even a twin mommy
At this point, twins would be a welcomed blessing! I'm totally serious! I can't imagine having to ride the TTC rollar coaster to have baby #2 (we'd like to have at least 2 babies)'s been hard enough for baby #1! Sheesh!