
The Official TTC Thread!

Good morning everyone...hope everyone had a great weekend. I was out of town all weekend so I had to spend some time catching up this morning

Fisher... my friends and I have referred to those fireworks as "sperms" for years and years

Festy.... Hope the symptoms come back soon
My feeling is that if you''re experiencing something out of the ordinary for you then there is something causing it...good luck!

drk.... did I understand correctly that you''re getting another beta today? Hope it goes well and you get some good news before your vacation.

cara... yes I am a grant reviewer (and also administer the payment of funds post approval). I love my job because we hear about so many interesting projects... some are a better fit for our grant programs than others but all have merit (to someone at least... that''s what I keep reminding myself when I''ve spent a couple of hours reading garbage
). We really try to get to the heart of the project and recognize that some projects may be poorly written but have potential while others are terrible projects hidden by great grant writing. The review process is very intensive but it''s my favorite part of the job.

Melanie... good luck
A good friend of mine has just started ivf and she said something very similar to me recently.... in a way she just knew.

Ok... on to me.... welll remember last Thursday when I posted about my very high temp? Well yesterday when I plugged in my temps from the weekend I ended up with crosshairs (dotted ones) showing I ovulated on CD9!!! At first I was pretty upset because due to a crazy schedule last week we didn''t BD at all during the week. We were both just exhausted so sex was the last thing on our mind but we would have made an effort. Based on last month I was really expecting to ovulate around day 18 but thought it might happen earlier (around day 13). I was hoping for day 18 since I''ll be out of town for work most of the week. This morning I decided to discard the high temp from last week and it took the crosshairs away so I''m thinking I haven''t yet. I had no other signs (CM or anything) and my cycle is around 31 days (based on last month and what was normal pre BC) so day 9 just seems too early. I''ll post my chart to see if anyone can make sense of it
Here it is

I''m not sure if this shows anything at all but since I don''t have a chart showing a full cycle I put last months and this months together to try to compare what my temps looked like early in the cycle (this month) versus later in the cycle (last month)

Hi AppleQueen,

I am not a charting expert, but just wanted to ask -- did you take those temps all at around the same time in the a.m. and all before you got up? I think if you get up and move around a bit, then your temp could rise. Of, if you took the temp at a time different than you usually would, that could account for a temp difference. Any other changes you can think of?

Maybe pick up an OPK to see if ovulation is on its way? Others will chime in with better advice that I can give.


Nothing new here. 12 DPO. I may wait until Weds or Thurs to test.
Thanks LV..... yes I do take my temp at the same time every morning. My husband wakes up at 5:20 and I always take it then. I forgot to set the alarm yesterday so I missed that day. I had 2 beers on Wed. night (the night before I got the high temp) so I''m thinking that might be a factor. I didn''t drink a lot (the 2 drinks were over a 3 hour period) but it may have played a part.

I was planning to use OPKs this week to try to pinpoint ovulation and decided to go ahead and do it anyway since I''m not sure what''s going on. I was pretty bummed to think that this month might be over for us before it even began but if by chance I am ovulating that early I''m so glad I went ahead and started charting or I probably would never have suspected.

I guess we''ll just see how this week plays out

12 DPO is very exciting...good luck on holding out to test. My goal is to not keep any tests in the house...if I have to go to the store and buy some it''s easier to put off testing.
AppleQ- So I'm not an expert but here's what I'd look at: What's your normal temp pre-O and post-O? As in, is your coverline sitting where it normally sits on other months (I can't quite read your smaller pic with the old months) and are your current temps over it? This would indicate you did O and are now in the LP.

If so, only good news about missing the window this month is that it should be a short cycle! What's your LP?

My guess is that hindsight will be necessary to figure out confidently if this was actually O or just a freaky high temp. Obviously if you monitor CF and see anything egg-whitey then some BD is in order. Or if you wanted to spring for OPKs, same idea.

Oh, and glad to hear you actually like grant reviewing. Heehee, how funny you try to weed out the bad ideas hiding behind good writing. I just had to restrain myself editing my boss's proposal - she writes like she speaks, in very long sentences that contain many complex ideas all together. It is a more efficient use of space, to not have to repeat the subject, but I'm not sure that its the most efficient use of brain power to read. I only added half as many periods as I wanted. At the same time, I think it would have taken me months to write it, so maybe there's something to be said for just writing as quickly as you can, even if it sounds like a spoken style of writing. (Kind of like my posts: quicker, not exactly a proper formal writing style.)

Melanie, I've been lurking for a while but can't quite remember your story. How long have you guys been trying? Have you done some other interventions or got a diagnosis, or are you in the frustrating unexplained difficulties category? Either way, how exciting to be moving on to a new stage! Tons of luck with the IVF.

Festy and LV, good luck this cycle! Exciting times.
Hi Cara... you''re right... the good news is that IF I really did O then this cycle should be short. Since this is only my second month off BC (and I only started temping in the middle of last cycle) it''s really hard to say what is "normal" for me. I just don''t have the information at this point. I''m also trying to keep in mind that my body may still be adjusting to going off BC. Since I was only on bc for 3 years (I''m 31) I know that my pre BC cycles were typically around 31 days (and always regular) which is in line with last months cycle.

As for grant writing... I don''t really have a preference in terms of writing style but I do feel like less is more. I like it when the writer gets right to to point in terms of what they are proposing to do, how funds will be spent, what the outcomes will be, etc. ) It drives me crazy when I''ve read and reread the application and still have no clear picture of what the grant is meant to accomplish. I also tend to have a very informal writing style (I try to type as fast as I''m thinking... my handwriting is also terrible for this reason) and I read/ skim quickly...once for a basic understanding and a second read for details.
Date: 7/6/2009 10:34:29 AM
Author: applequeen
I''m not sure if this shows anything at all but since I don''t have a chart showing a full cycle I put last months and this months together to try to compare what my temps looked like early in the cycle (this month) versus later in the cycle (last month)
I''m going to try this again... hope it''s bigger this time

Ovulating on day 9 would be pretty rare, especially if last month''s cycle was 31 days! I suspect your temps will go even higher in the next week, and that will be ovulation for real. I would probably use OPKs this week!
Applequeen- Yes I agree that CD9 is very early to ovulate. If you look at the two charts together you can see how Chart 2 almost flows into Chart 1 so I think you haven''t ovulated yet. Also the 2 beers could have totally raised your temps. One drink does it to me! It''s crazy!

I''m thinking of you Festy and LV good luck!
Thanks ladies
I agree that the high temp was probably caused by the beers. I was pretty certain it was just a fluke but since I''m new to charting it''s nice to hear others say the same. I''m out of town until Thursday night (Thursday will be CD 17) so I''m really hoping ovulation waits until the end of the week... and my feeling is that it will.
I posted this overe on the preggo thread so, I wanted to let you ladies know that I had a miscarriage. I went in today for an internal ultrasound and we couldn''t see anything. Apparently, I passed most of it already. I know that it''s fairly a common thing, but it still doesn''t help the pain. DH has been wonderful through all this - I am so lucky to have him. I''m going to take a break for a while so that we can grieve and put ourselves in the right frame of mind to eventually start trying again. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.
Oh Blushing,

I read your post on the other thread earlier today from my phone and was heartbroken for you, and praying like crazy that things would turn out so much differently by some wonderful miracle. Goodness, it's not fair and doesn't seem right for anyone to go through a miscarriage, ever. Couple that with trying for so long to have a baby, and it just seems so wrong. I'm so sad for you, honey. Truly. I don't know what you're feeling right now, can't even imagine, but I am continuing to pray for your strength and continued grace through this. I'm so glad that your hubby has been and is and will continue to be such a rock for you. It's so important during times like this. And I've had so many friends who've gone through this and other loss say that their is a strengthening of a couple when they overcome something like this together. That will be an additional prayer I'll make for you and your husband.

Come back and talk to us any time, Blushing. You started us (this thread), and have been supportive of everyone here for so long...and we'd like to be here for you in any way we can.
Blushing, I am so so sorry. My thoughts are with you and your DH. It''s so not fair. This whole TTC thing is so tough.
Blushing, I am so sorry for your family''s loss.
blushing - I''m so sorry and I wish that i had something other than words. But, I know that while surely these are broken days, I hope that there are times, filled with life, shaped by happiness, that give you space to heal. and, when you are ready, to start to hope for another beginning. /idealbb/editor/cute/images/emlove.gif
Blushing, as others have said, it seems so unfair that this should ever happen to anyone. Do take time to heal and know that we will all be thinking about you and will be here when you are ready to come back, as you''ve been here for us.
Blushing....I''m so very very sorry
I wish I had better words to say to you but please know that you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers.
I can''t say it better than Fisher did. I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you.
Thanks everyone - your thoughts and support are so touching. With each day, it gets a bit easier, but never the same. Had it not taken us so long, I probably wouldn''t be affected as much, but it''s really just the thought of starting over that''s so hard to come to terms with. Luckily, I love my Dr. and know I''m in excellent hands. Although, the next time around I''ll be a bundle of nerves which stinks...this took away my feeling of joy when it comes to pregnancy. But, I''ve said it before and I''ll say it again...I will not give up. You ladies are awesome! I will not be gone from this thread for long.

I am very sorry. It''s so unfair. I hope that you are feeling better soon.

Take care,
Sending you HUGS, Blushing. I''m so sorry for your loss.

Please take care of YOU!
Blushing - that''s exactly how I felt about my losses. If it had only taken me 1-2 months to get pregnant each time, it wouldn''t have been so bad. But 2 years, and then 9 months the second time around - it was a really bitter pill to swallow. Hope you''re continuing to do ok...
I''m out of the game this month. Huge temp drop and spotting this morning (preceded by lots of negative POASs. lol.) Try, try again, right?

I made an apptmnt with a new ob/gyn, but it is not until September and will discuss with her if we have not conceived by then. My prior gyn does not do obstetrics, so I knew I needed to switch, but had been delaying.

I''m also going to call my insurance company to find out what is covered for fertility. I probably should have looked into this before deciding to switch over to my husband''s plan. I''m wondering if the guidelines differ for over 35s like myself . . .
Date: 7/9/2009 9:43:51 AM
Author: Loves Vintage
I''m out of the game this month. Huge temp drop and spotting this morning (preceded by lots of negative POASs. lol.) Try, try again, right?

I made an apptmnt with a new ob/gyn, but it is not until September and will discuss with her if we have not conceived by then. My prior gyn does not do obstetrics, so I knew I needed to switch, but had been delaying.

I''m also going to call my insurance company to find out what is covered for fertility. I probably should have looked into this before deciding to switch over to my husband''s plan. I''m wondering if the guidelines differ for over 35s like myself . . .
Sorry this wasn''t the month for you, LV. *Most* plans will treat for fertility after 6 months of trying if you''re over 35. We went to see an RE (reproductive endocrinologist) after 6 months of trying and even though I''m 36, he still fudged our chart to say that we''d been trying for a year just in case we ran into trouble with insurance.
Thanks, Festy. I didn''t know that you are 36, or if I did know it, then I had forgotten it. I''ve only visited this thread sporadically, until more recently.

So, did you decide to go to a RE on your own, or did you first discuss with your Gyn?
Sorry Loves Vintage.
Those temp drops are awful because we all know what they signal. Grrr.

I made an appt. with a new doctor myself--seeing him in August. I used to see him years ago, and he will be much better than my old doc who dismissed all my concerns and basically told me that charting was stupid.

3 DPO for me and no symptoms yet.
LV, I did discuss it with my gyn after we''d been trying for 5-6 months. She has a very laid back attitude and her response was kind of, why make it clinical at this point. But we''d been charting and I felt that we''d had enough well-timed cycles that it was worth making the appointment. (In addition to my age, DH is 46 and an avid cyclist). DH agreed that if something was wrong he''d rather know sooner than later. So far all of our tests have come back normal with the exception of a low morphology on his first sperm sample. That number can change from sample to sample, though, so it''s not considered a "problem" until another one comes back low. We found out on our own that we didn''t like the pressure all these tests were putting us under and decided to enjoy these months of trying rather than stressing over it. So we''ve put off doing the second sample until we''re ready. Probably another cycle.

Hope this helps! How long have you guys been trying?
Festy, I am going to figure out who you are someday! (not in a threatening kind of way, just that we have so much in common besides a love of Freddo. Are you also being subjected to Tour coverage every night?) More on topic, have you been going through other tests on you with the RE? My DH had the same results as yours and the RE said it was good enough, any other factor would be more of an issue, but as long as they are alive, not too mutated, and generally kickin'' the pressure swung back to the old ovaries.

So I met with a friend yesterday who finally is preggo, she kept having super early m/cs and finally got a specialist appt. She told her to take baby asprin! Yup, my pal has a mild mild blood clotting issue, clots so quickly that her body was fighting off implantation. The blood tests showed it and the next cycle she got preggo. So exciting. Anyway, I just got my injectibles in the mail for this month very exciting. Insurance has been awesome, everything is covered in Mass, (yes I love my Commonwealth) so now I''m just going to get through a ton of hormones next week and try to focus on getting some work done.

Good luck AQ, (I sometimes write grants and always wonder who is reading them!), and to the amazing LV, Laila, Festy, Fisher, DrK, Lulu, and of course the lovely graduates of this dang thread!
Hi everyone, I''m just checking in to say that after completing my first cycle on 50 mg Clomid, I''m back to day 1
This was also my first month charting on Fertility Friend, which was very helpful - I''m going to continue with the charting. I''m pretty upset that it didn''t work out this month, because I did ovulate (finally!) but I was called out of town (without DH) for a family medical emergency during my two most fertile days of the month. So, we had sex basically every day, except for the day before and or ovulation, which were the most important days. I was so bummed, but because of that, I had a feeling that it wouldn''t work out this cycle.

Anyway, I am back to day 1, but I have a more positive feeling for this month - wish me luck!

Blushing, I just wanted to send you my condolences as well. Please take care.