
The Official TTC Thread!

Cara, sorry for your loss. I use a BBT from Target and haven't had any problems with it.

lovelylulu, hang in there! You never know, a negative at 11DPO is still early. You could still be KTFU! On the bright side, no spotting is great!

Loves Vintage, hoping that this is your month!

DrK, you are so patient. I would have tested before my Beta, lol.
wait, kate, is thursday 20 dpo? OMG that's a really long time. you must be hopeful? .......... yes happily my insurance is covering the stuff i sniff instead of inject. i'm kind of foggy on everything else. but there's a reason you dont remember my issues, it's b/c i dont have any except for unexplained infertility. arrgghh!

i'm going to send AF some evil stay away thoughts for you.
Yep, tomorrow''s 20 days post retrieval. I''ve been on progesterone and estrogen since then, and had HCG boosters of 5000IU on 12dpo and 15dpo. Had a really bad night last night, suddenly panicked that maybe I had slight cramps or back ache, and maybe AF was coming? Not so much today. I hope we get a good answer tomorrow! Every time something drips down there (no different than it has been over the last nearly 3 weeks), I''m obsessively checking to make sure it''s just blue or turquoise or creamy (estrogen, a mix, or progesterone). Ugh.
Less than 24 hours till I know. I hope it''s good news, cause I could really do with some of that!
How is everyone doing? I''m still in casual TTC mode. cycle 2, CD30. Not sure if I ovulated. Kinda lost track with the temping and keeping track of CM this month. Oh well. Not looking forward to another 40+ day cycle, that''s for sure!

But thinking of everyone-

Good luck to melanie987123, Laila, applequeen, Festy, Lulu and drk!!!

Hang in there Cara!

and I''m so sorry InLuv101!

Fisher - hope the surgery went well. Lots of fast healing thoughts headed your way!
Date: 7/1/2009 5:53:29 PM
Author: drk
Yep, tomorrow''s 20 days post retrieval. I''ve been on progesterone and estrogen since then, and had HCG boosters of 5000IU on 12dpo and 15dpo. Had a really bad night last night, suddenly panicked that maybe I had slight cramps or back ache, and maybe AF was coming? Not so much today. I hope we get a good answer tomorrow! Every time something drips down there (no different than it has been over the last nearly 3 weeks), I''m obsessively checking to make sure it''s just blue or turquoise or creamy (estrogen, a mix, or progesterone). Ugh.

Less than 24 hours till I know. I hope it''s good news, cause I could really do with some of that!

Fingers crossed for you, Kate.
CD5 here.

Just popping in to say good luck Kate!
Dr. Kate, I am so rooting for you and your beta!!!
Hi all,

LLL - any news in your world?

None here. I''m 6-7 DPO and have nothing going on other than an itchy right boob.
my news -

well, my husband is not a father and I am not a mother.


but we do have each other (and a holiday weekend).

and I am very glad for that.

hoping for something much more *positive* for you festy
Date: 7/2/2009 12:34:29 PM
Author: lovelylulu
my news -

well, my husband is not a father and I am not a mother.


but we do have each other (and a holiday weekend).

and I am very glad for that.

hoping for something much more *positive* for you festy
Amen to that, and thank you. I have a good feeling about the Clomid for you, though. Hopefully it''s just a matter of time.
nicely put lulu.
Kate, sending out major prayers for you today!

Good luck to the rest of you as well!
Dr. Kate posted in her thread...
Had to come post the good news over here too. Beta 955 at 20dpo. Seems to be smack dab middle of the road for a singleton, I think. Very happy for today, hoping that things will continue to go well. Thank you God! (and the PS vibes too - very very helpful)
Now I''m just trying to figure out with the clinic how far we can push the first ultrasound back to, so that we can enjoy a 9-10 day vacation in Europe visiting family before I start my new job on the 21st. Just emailed the RE to ask if it''d be crazy to wait till the 20th to do the scan. For now, it''s booked for the 17th (the day after he leaves for vacation). I''d just really like some time away relaxing with DH before life gets crazy again...
Yay!!! Kate has a new title now, MOMMY!!!

Congratulations, lady. I''ve been checking from my phone all day while I''m home recovering... and had to beg my husband to let me come downstairs to say congrats!!

So happy for you!! YIPPEEEEE!!!!

Yeah, Dr. K! That''s great news. I really hope you and your hubby can get away and relax and grow the bean(s)! You deserve it.
excellent news kate
Drk!!!! I posted a BIG CONGRATS on your other thread, but just wanted to say again how happy I am for you!!!!!

Lovely - I also have a good feeling about the clomid. I truly feel like it will work it''s magic and you''ll be able to say you are mother, very, very soon. ***DUST***

Festy - I''m root''n for you girlie!!!!!!

You ladies are always in my thoughts and in my heart!!!!

So sorry, lulu. You have a great attitude though! It will happen.

IWanna, are you guys officially 'trying'?

Good luck to everyone else in the 2ww.

As for me CD 16. Since I'm not temping this cycle, I have no idea if/when I ovulated. We got lots of BD in. Usually OPKs are extremely easy for me to read and detect my surge. However this month, they've been ambiguous where the line is dark but Im not sure if it's 100% the same darkness as the control line. So next month, I'm switching to the digital OPKs with the smiley face. Unless I'm KTFU of course.
Hi everyone...another random drop in for me...there''s nothing going on here (CD10) I think I will ovulate towards the end of next week and I hope it holds off that long since I''ll be out of town for work Mon-Thurs (3 nights). I''m thinking I''ll ovulate on Friday so there is a good chance we won''t miss it but since I''ve only got 1 cycle to go off of (with no good ovulation data) it''s hard to predict what will happen. I''d really hate to think that we just totally miss the chance this month because of that. I''m learning there''s a whole lot of waiting with this TTC thing
I did have a huge rise in temp today so I''m wondering what that means (Could it be that ovulation will happen sooner than I think?)

I really need to be better about responding to things sooner... so here goes with my personal responses


lulu...hope you see some results soon from the Clomid

Laila... Did I see you post that you when you were temping you used a Target BBT? If so, did it record the last temp? That''s the one I''m using and I can''t seem to get it to do that for me (I just repeat the temp over and over in my head and log it in when I get to work but I''m always afraid I''ll forget it... really should write it down but at 5:20 am I just want to go back to sleep).

Fisher...hope your surgery went well and you''re healing quickly

cakeny... glad to hear you''re still going the casual TTC route
I hope this cycle is shorter than the last one.... actually I hope this cycle is successful and AF never shows

cara... I just wanted to say a quick "hello" and to say I''m sorry for your loss. I noticed while lurking on drk''s IVF thread that you are editing grant day has also been consumed by grant applications but I''m on the funding side. We''re in the middle of our review/ decision process and I''ve been reading/ scoring applications for days.

I''m sure I''ve left people out and I''m sorry. I am following the thread but just haven''t had the chance to post much. My job keeps me pretty busy during the day but I like to check in from time to time and read up on things.

Hope everyone has a great 4th
Date: 7/2/2009 4:09:02 PM
Author: applequeen
Laila... Did I see you post that you when you were temping you used a Target BBT? If so, did it record the last temp? That's the one I'm using and I can't seem to get it to do that for me
Hi applequeen! Yes, the Target thermometer stores temps. To access them, press and HOLD the purple 'On' button down. Keep holding it down and the temps will appear. It'll flash the number 1 and then the last temp, 2 and the second to last temp, and so on. Or else you can just keep a little tablet next to your bed and scribble it down if that's easier. When it's that early, I understand wanting to roll over and go back to sleep!

As for your temp rise, how big was it? Ovulation can be confirmed when you have 3 high temps in a row, and your temp stays elevated. But since it's only day 10 for you, I suspect it was just a random high temp as that would be pretty early to O.
Thanks Laila! I think i may have a bad one since mine does nothing when I hold down the purple button... it''ll take the temp but nothing else.

My temp went from 97.11 to 97.62 (all other temps have been ranged from a low of 96.98 to 97.4). I hope it was random since I really don''t want to ovulate while I''m out of town next week. I really want it to hold off until Friday (I''ll be home again on Thurs night). When I compare it to the next highest temp of 97.4 it doesn''t seem that high (just much higher than the day before).

We''ll just have to some BDing in this weekend before I leave on Mon. and again when I get back on Thurs (and through the weekend) and hope for the best.
Fisher - how are you feeling? Was it awful? Hope you''re doing ok.

My pee stick was nice and dark today though! (should be with that beta). I''m not sure how I managed to hold out so long - I don''t usually have that kind of willpower!

Beta 955 HPT.JPG
You must be so happy, DrK! That is a nice dark line! Maybe multiples?

So I have a dumb question: I read TCOYF and I understand all about charting/temping. But what I don't get is why it's totally useful? Here's why: temping cannot predict when ovulation will occur, it just *confirms* that it ALREADY happened. So how is it useful for TTC? Most people don't get the temp dip signaling ovulation is about to occur, so it doesn't seem like temping can predict ovulation at all. It's nice to know ovulation did in fact occur, but beyond that...I don't know. The Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor is probably much better as it gives you advance warning of when O will occur, and thus you can time BDing appropriately.
Congrats drk!! yayy!!
Date: 7/2/2009 5:08:20 PM
Author: Laila619
You must be so happy, DrK! That is a nice dark line! Maybe multiples?

So I have a dumb question: I read TCOYF and I understand all about charting/temping. But what I don't get is why it's totally useful? Here's why: temping cannot predict when ovulation will occur, it just *confirms* that it ALREADY happened. So how is it useful for TTC? Most people don't get the temp dip signaling ovulation is about to occur, so it doesn't seem like temping can predict ovulation at all. It's nice to know ovulation did in fact occur, but beyond that...I don't know. The Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor is probably much better as it gives you advance warning of when O will occur, and thus you can time BDing appropriately.
I haven't done nearly as much research as some of these TTC girls, but you are absolutely right about temping not predicting ovulation, merely confirming it after the fact. But I think the point is that it does confirm you are ovulating and can help you figure out your cycle if it takes you more than the first month to get preggo. If you have a textbook length 28 day cycle you might assume that you O on CD 14. But with temping, you see that you regularly O on CD 17 with an 11 day LP so your intercourse can be better timed. Or someone with a variable cycle can confirm that they O'd on CD 14 in May and CD 20 in June, and then not spend the end of June wondering where is her period until she is actually late given her late O that month. Last, you can use temping in combination with OPK's or cervical fluid analysis or cervix position (if you are skilled that way) to figure out what is going on. Particularly if your body signs in those other fuzzier areas are less than textbook clear. But if the ovulation predictor strips give easy to read information for you, then the temping might not provide much additional information...
I''ve been thinking the same thing (about finding out ovulation after the fact)... I think I''m going to use OPKs next week to get a better idea of when ovulation is occuring. If we''re not successful this month I may not do it every month but I''d like to know for sure (or close to it) when I''m ovulating.
cara, thanks for the explanation--makes sense! I guess it's just a nice confirmation.

applequeen, I usually do both OPKs and charting. If you have an ambiguous chart, or wildly fluctuating temps, the OPKs really help confirm the O. It would drive me nuts to only have temps to go by. For instance, last month, I got two really high temps in a row, on CD10 and CD 11. Like in the 98 range, which is not a normal pre-ovulatory temp for me. If I didn't do the OPKs, I would have thought I already ovulated. Since the OPKs were negative, I knew I had not. 3 days later, the OPK became positive, and sure enough, my temp rose 'for real' the next day. I love the Answer brand OPKs if you're looking for a rec.
OPKs are good, and if you don''t want to constantly blow money on them, learning how to read your cervical mucus is really helpful too. Just go at it when the EWCM shows up, and you should have things covered!
drk i''m late, but i wanted to say a BIG CONGRATS!!!