
The Official TTC Thread!

DrK just saw your second line!!!!!!! WOW I''m so excited for you!!! CONGRATULATIONS
Date: 7/2/2009 5:08:20 PM
Author: Laila619
You must be so happy, DrK! That is a nice dark line! Maybe multiples?

So I have a dumb question: I read TCOYF and I understand all about charting/temping. But what I don''t get is why it''s totally useful? Here''s why: temping cannot predict when ovulation will occur, it just *confirms* that it ALREADY happened. So how is it useful for TTC? Most people don''t get the temp dip signaling ovulation is about to occur, so it doesn''t seem like temping can predict ovulation at all. It''s nice to know ovulation did in fact occur, but beyond that...I don''t know. The Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor is probably much better as it gives you advance warning of when O will occur, and thus you can time BDing appropriately.
Temping is useful for confirming ovulation and for charting the post-O temps which can indicate implantation or the drop that usually heralds AF.

For predicting O, I used a combination of CM analysis and cervix position plus the temps. I was lucky in having a clockwork 27 day cycle, but it took temping to realise that my O was on CD12 not CD14.

I didn''t like the OPKs as it was easy to miss the surge even by a few hours. CM analysis is a good one to learn and MUCH cheaper!


Date: 7/2/2009 5:08:20 PM
Author: Laila619
You must be so happy, DrK! That is a nice dark line! Maybe multiples?

So I have a dumb question: I read TCOYF and I understand all about charting/temping. But what I don''t get is why it''s totally useful? Here''s why: temping cannot predict when ovulation will occur, it just *confirms* that it ALREADY happened. So how is it useful for TTC? Most people don''t get the temp dip signaling ovulation is about to occur, so it doesn''t seem like temping can predict ovulation at all. It''s nice to know ovulation did in fact occur, but beyond that...I don''t know. The Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor is probably much better as it gives you advance warning of when O will occur, and thus you can time BDing appropriately.

I asked myself this question too at first. What''s the point if it tells you after? In my case, I guess the point was for me to learn that my ''normal'' cycle isn''t 14/14, but about 19/12. So, with that and the observation of CM, I knew that I had to time BD-ing around CD19. Hope that helps!


Charting was initially used as a natural method of birth control, so obviously in that situation temping helps you know when it is safe to DTD again without condoms because it helps you know when you ovulate. For TTC, temping helps you confirm that you *are* indeed ovulating, helps you know how long you LP is, and helps you to understand what types of CF actually preceed ovulation for you! It also tell you when you can stop getting it on every day
Understanding and assessing you CF is, IMHO, the single best tool for TTC because it really does tell you when ovulation is coming. But some women don't get EWCF, so temping in conjunction with monitoring your CF for at least a couple cycles is really helpful because it lets you know what type of CF is fertile *for you*.

The monitors don't work for every woman. Try a google search and you will see lots of pros and cons on various fertility sites. Monitoring your CF is simple and free, so I think it is a great tool.
Hi again, ladies!

I''m feeling much better today. Still waiting for the dull pain and swelling to go away, but now that I''m off the crazy meds (and I do mean *crazy!!*), I''m doing much better. Took almost two full days for the sluggish woozies to go away, so I know it was some powerful stuff! Good news is I''m getting better every day. Bad news is I still can''t eat much of anything. Good news is I''ve lost about 10 pounds. So I''ll take that and be happy.

Still no ovulation for me. Temped this morning, just to be sure.

Thanks for thinking of me and wishing me fast healing. I go back to the Dr. on Thursday to make sure the graft is taking well and maybe they''ll remove the stitches, not sure how that works. I do wish that they had explained to me prior to the surgery that minor surgery doesn''t equal no pain or quick recovery. Ah. Then I wouldn''t have done it, though.
Date: 7/3/2009 11:18:29 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Charting was initially used as a natural method of birth control, so obviously in that situation temping helps you know when it is safe to DTD again without condoms because it helps you know when you ovulate. For TTC, temping helps you confirm that you *are* indeed ovulating, helps you know how long you LP is, and helps you to understand what types of CF actually preceed ovulation for you! It also tell you when you can stop getting it on every day
Understanding and assessing you CF is, IMHO, the single best tool for TTC because it really does tell you when ovulation is coming. But some women don''t get EWCF, so temping in conjunction with monitoring your CF for at least a couple cycles is really helpful because it lets you know what type of CF is fertile *for you*.

The monitors don''t work for every woman. Try a google search and you will see lots of pros and cons on various fertility sites. Monitoring your CF is simple and free, so I think it is a great tool.
Don''t remind me! Those BD marathons were quite something...
I got an email this morning from the daughter of one of Mum''s best friends. Asking me if I could give her any advice on choosing a hospital and OB, because we''re due the same month.
Did I ask my mother to pass along our happy news to all her friends at 4w6d of pregnancy? No. Do we have a history of infertility and early pregnancy loss? Hell yes. Am I my brother and SIL, who have announced each of their 3 pregnancies at 5wks, and gone on to have no issues at all? No!
So I emailed her this morning to say that we''d prefer it if she kept her mouth shut for another 7 weeks, till we give the OK. But I have a feeling the cat is entirely out of the bag. Hell, the woman didn''t even wait for the first ultrasound to show a heartbeat. She''s nuts!

This baby had better stick!

Fisher - glad to hear you''re starting to feel better. Hope you continue to recover quickly!
Irrationally hopeful, Dr. K. Irrationally hopeful. The woman is wearing her rose-colored sunglasses without realizing that they are coloring the view. Here's hoping its not necessary for her take them off!

Fisher, sorry they gave you crazy meds! A few days in, I definitely remember thinking, what have I got myself into?, but it gets better every day. Make sure you are drinking, 10 lbs in a couple days is a lot. Getting the stitches out was uncomfortable but at least quick. My graft didn't fully take (not enough circulation) but its better than before apparently and we're watching to see if it "creeps" more. They said I could lose the tooth in another year or decade or something if I didn't have the procedure, so that's the reason to suck it up. I have reconsidered promptly having my other three teeth done (that are also in need.) Though maybe if I do them earlier the graft will take better... Sigh!

Apple- you are a grant reviewer? That is so not a job I am interested it! Oh my. Though there must be some upsides - power to give money to the interesting and competent, power to give bad scores to the poorly written and will-never-work ideas. Luckily my boss seems pretty good at this grant stuff so I haven't had to do serious heavy lifting on this one, yet.

To everyone speculating twinks for DrK, not to spoil the fun, but she did test a bit later than average. Might be twins or might be a happy singleton a few more days along than usual for posted POAS pics.
Date: 7/3/2009 1:24:42 PM
Author: drk
I got an email this morning from the daughter of one of Mum''s best friends. Asking me if I could give her any advice on choosing a hospital and OB, because we''re due the same month.
Did I ask my mother to pass along our happy news to all her friends at 4w6d of pregnancy? No. Do we have a history of infertility and early pregnancy loss? Hell yes. Am I my brother and SIL, who have announced each of their 3 pregnancies at 5wks, and gone on to have no issues at all? No!
So I emailed her this morning to say that we''d prefer it if she kept her mouth shut for another 7 weeks, till we give the OK. But I have a feeling the cat is entirely out of the bag. Hell, the woman didn''t even wait for the first ultrasound to show a heartbeat. She''s nuts!

This baby had better stick!
Dr.K that is so annoying! My mom did the same thing after I had *specifically* told her not to tell anyone until 12 weeks, I went to visit her and she had told all her friends!
I was just so angry. But she only did it because she was happy and excited
Hi Fisher! Glad you''re on the mend.

DrK, that''s just too much. Good heavens. Now I''m hoping for both your AND your mother''s sakes that this is an extra sticky bean.

I''m visiting today for a little emotional support, which makes me feel a tad guilty because I''ve been kind of m.i.a. from this thread. I''m about midway through my LP and had really gotten my hopes up over the past couple of days. Mostly because (TMI alert) my right nipple was sore and that (*) had gotten bigger. (I just typed nipple but I can''t type boob?) This was about 5-7 DPO. And it''s an unheard-of symptom for me. Plus, I was feeling a little dizzy on 5DPO. PLUS, I got a bikini wax yesterday and it hurt like HECKFIRE. It hurt like it does when I have my period and my aesthetician told me your skin gets sensitive in the same way when you''re preggers. So major hopes up. Then I wake up this morning to see that Mrs. Right Boob has gone back down to her regular size and the sore nip is gone. So I''m beside myself and I have been able to hold it together for most of today until I read this essay and now everything in the Style section from last Sunday''s paper is making me cry.

I know that crying jags can be another sign, but I''m pretty sure I''m out and feeling a little pitiful for getting my hopes up - something I haven''t done in a while. Amd I just re-read what I wrote and don''t even recognize myself! Thanks for listening - I really needed the vent!

Best of luck to everyone this cycle!

We''d all be lying if we said we''ve not been where you are. Girl, oh how I hope that this is *your* cycle, though!! I want it to be everyone''s cycle!! Come on Festy!!!

Threadjack to Cara:

I think I lost that much weight because of the constant vomiting. I was on an anti-inflamatory that was seriously making me sick and they said I had to take 4 doses of it, so that was two full days of puking. Fun times. Happily, that ended yesterday and I''ve been feeling *much* better since! So, part of your graft didn''t take? Does it have to be redone, or is it good enough? Were you able to tell that it wasn''t taking, or did it take the Dr. seeing it to know that? I still have that soft sillyputty like material over the graft area right now, but I can see some of the stitches (and feel them with my tongue... so annoying!!) and I can see that the graft is starting (I think) to meld into my bottom lip, at the very bottom. So I''m hoping like crazy this is a good sign, because I don''t want to undergo this again. I''m sorry you have to get it done on a few more teeth. I was putting it off, hoping so badly to be pregnant so I *couldn''t,* although I know this was irresponsible of me. Oh well, at least this way Paul''s been home over the summer to take care of me (big baby over here!!), which has made it a little better.
I talk with a lisp right now which he thinks is cute and it reminds him of when we met and I had my retainer and lisped while wearing it, too. So funny.... Oh, another thing!! Did you have any idea that the HOLE in your mouth would be so big from the donor site? I nearly fainted when I felt that big cavern with my tongue the first time. Crazy!! Funny, only four days later, and it''s filling in (slightly), but I can tell a difference. Skin can repair so quickly!!

Okay, back to all things TTC!!
Threadjack back to Fisher:

My gosh, what did they give you? I was just on ibuprofin and tylenol after the initial drugs wore off in a couple of hours. I guess if you throw up ibuprofin, that would be a problem. Blech.

Basically, prior to surgery my gum on the tooth in question was too thin as well as having receded - they had trouble stitching the donor tissue to it - so it didn't provide enough blood flow to the graft. The edges of the graft all took, and now the gum is much thicker and healthier, but the middle region of the graft didn't get enough blood and died back so the gum still looks receded. I couldn't tell until the dentist took the silly putty off and made an unhappy face
. Now we are waiting to see if the gum will "creep" and cover the defect - which is apparently possible if slow - but I will probably need a second procedure to fix it all the way. At least the second procedure will not need a donor site for grafting as now there is enough gum on the tooth in question to just move it up some. I'm just putting it off, well, cause its a pain in the mouth! And the other teeth too but the one I had done was by far the worst so hopefully the others will do better when the time comes. Good luck! And eating will get slowly better. Oh and yes I was shocked at the donor site hole, but they had warned me pretty good that most people found the donor site injury much worse than the recipient site - to the point where I was surprised that the recipient site also hurt. And they kind of oversold how much and quickly the donor site would grow back. Mine's definitely smoothed over and doesn't give me trouble, but still thinner than the surrounding palate. I'm not looking forward to another palate hole.
OK, TTC. I''m still waiting for my miscarriage to be over so it can be over. Assuming the bleeding stops on its own without D&C or other interventions, then we wait for HCG to go to 0, then we wait for an ovulatory or anovulatory stretch of non-bleeding and then wait for my period to come so we can TTC again... At least if we decide to listen to the doctors and wait a minimum of one period. I looked at the nurse lady sideways and asked her to reconsider when her first answer to ''When can we try again'' was ''Oh, after 3-4 normal cycles.'' Why exactly? Her first handful of reasons were all related to the stress of having an imprecisely dated pregnancy and how many stressful interventions would be necessary for accurate dating (blood draws and ultrasounds - oh my!) At the end she mentions that the miscarriage rate is anecdotally higher in pregnancies conceived immediately after a previous pregnancy. Hubby''s a doctor and said it sounded like a load of crap, but we''re trying to decide how non-compliant we want to be. Sigh, I think I am now one of the impatient TTCers.

Festy, those are good signs! Who says your body has to be 100% consistent day to day- maybe its adjusting to the hormones. Still enough to be hopeful, even though there is so much overlap between preggo signs and PMS.

Yeah, I was definitely crying earlier this week in a way that was hormonal. I mean, the miscarriage is sad, not being preggo is sad, there has been related crying, but random crying biking home from work? Crying cause I got yelled at on the dock? (I row and made a stupid mistake in our ''parking lot'' for boats.) I feel like someone had been giving me a bunch of uppers and suddenly took them away, making me go
(I feel like I should start a thread, but I think it would just be me and you talking, Cara!!)

Threadjack commences:

Well, I'm a baby, Cara, so I was given Triazolam to sedate me prior to the surgery (worked like a charm!! I remember nothing other than a pulse monitor on my finger that I kept pulling off until they tied it on where I was too drugged to get it off, and I briefly saw the stitches and thought they were flossing my teeth and then all the sudden I was in the car with Paul and then someone from the Dr. office was busting an ice pack on the dashboard for me to carry with me on the way home; needless to say I was way too drugged to hold it there so Paul just laid my seat back and let it flop on my face for the ride home). Then I was given Naproxen for the anti-inflamatory and I was sick as a dog from it, and Paul called about it, but it took some time to figure out what was making me sick (the sedation drug, the Naproxen, or the pain meds--vicodin, or the antibacterial--Keflex). I only take the Keflex. I'm not a pill person, and I don't need vicodin, by any means!

I was told the donor hole would be a "light scrape" that would feel similar to a pizza burn. My butt!

Yeah, today I was able to eat more than popsicles and soft mashed potatoes, so I'm pretty excited about the progress!

Hoping your graft "creeps"!!!

Thinking of you through your miscarriage, lady. Take care of yourself, and make your knight hubby cater to you, just a little!!
Fisher, thank you. Really thank you. And hooray for no more puksies, goodness!

Cara, though I''m no doctor, I''m with your hubby on this one. There have been other discussions on this thread about questioning the s.o.p. for how long to wait to start trying again. Their reasoning doesn''t sound all that convincing to me. I''m so sorry that you are also having to deal with crying jags. I hope soon you''re having them for happier reasons!

Girl, I just re-read what I wrote, and I didn't finish what I meant to say! I was trying to reinforce that your post sounding "not like you" is totally what a lot of us feel here, like we want to be rational, and we think we are, but we have that fear that maybe we're just building up for yet another let down. It's a natural process in this TTC thing, I suppose. But yeah, I went back and thought my post sounded snotty, and I sure didn't mean it that way, although I think you know that. Hoping this is *it* for you!!!

Anyway, can't wait for your positive, to be followed by baby bump and all that fun stuff!
Ooh, and the big reveal of your previous name!!! Fun times!! It's coming, it's coming!!

(Just say you'll come back and visit the old gang around here.... we're happily dwindling down here lately!!!)
Cara How far along were you? I don''t want to be insensitive by saying this, but I think how long you should wait depends on how far along you were to *some* extent. If you were not very far along (i.e., less than 6 weeks) then I would try as soon as you feel ready, even if it is immediately. If you temp and chart, you will know when you ovulate which eliminates many of the so called "reasons" to wait. If your body is ready to get pg you will get pg. If not, it will take a couple cycles. I really can''t think of a good reason not to try right away if the first pregnancy had not progressed very far, meaning that not too many changes had taken place in your body yet that could affect getting pg again. I suppose there is the possibility that somehow trying again too soon increases the risk of m/c, but I have never heard this. You could probably find the literature on it without much trouble! PS: I wanted to mention that there are many many more women who suffered early m/cs here than the few you mentioned a while back either here or in another thread. I can think of probably 10 in the last year, and I believe that all of them are either preggo now or have already had their babies! And I think at least a couple got pg immediately after. It is strange how common m/c is, and yet never talked about too often in real life. I hope it is comforting to know how many of our good PS friends have been in the same boat and had great outcomes not too long after.
Date: 7/3/2009 8:25:55 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Cara How far along were you? I don''t want to be insensitive by saying this, but I think how long you should wait depends on how far along you were to *some* extent. If you were not very far along (i.e., less than 6 weeks) then I would try as soon as you feel ready, even if it is immediately. If you temp and chart, you will know when you ovulate which eliminates many of the so called ''reasons'' to wait. If your body is ready to get pg you will get pg. If not, it will take a couple cycles. I really can''t think of a good reason not to try right away if the first pregnancy had not progressed very far, meaning that not too many changes had taken place in your body yet that could affect getting pg again. I suppose there is the possibility that somehow trying again too soon increases the risk of m/c, but I have never heard this. You could probably find the literature on it without much trouble! PS: I wanted to mention that there are many many more women who suffered early m/cs here than the few you mentioned a while back either here or in another thread. I can think of probably 10 in the last year, and I believe that all of them are either preggo now or have already had their babies! And I think at least a couple got pg immediately after. It is strange how common m/c is, and yet never talked about too often in real life. I hope it is comforting to know how many of our good PS friends have been in the same boat and had great outcomes not too long after.
To piggy back this, my best friend lost a baby early on this year, and she was told that she didn''t have to wait for any medical reason, other than emotional (they were super upset as even early on, this was a baby, none the less). They just started back on the TTC road this month, but because of emotional reasons. They were about 6 weeks when the baby died, and she didn''t lose the baby until about week 10. She narrowly missed having to have a D&C. Anyway, her Dr. said to start when they were ready, so I think that''s pretty good advice for you, too!
Apx. 6 and a half weeks along. Wasn't charting and got a somewhat late BPF relative to when I expected my period. So definitely not more than that, and perhaps as much as a week less. Which is which is why I was hoping to have a reasonable conversation with my care provider about the +/- of trying right away or waiting a bit, since it seems to be right on a line for me reading about other women. But when she says to wait 3 or 4 months for TTC, and take 6 weeks before having sex again (even with condoms) - I'm like, you realize I didn't give birth to a full-term baby, right? An additional miscarriage risk, if it exists, would definitely be a factor to consider, but it was like the 5th reason she mentioned after a bunch of things that seemed like minor concerns that wouldn't necessarily affect the health or success of a subsequent pregnancy. Her second answer, repeated by the doctor's staff, was to wait for at least one proper period before trying again.

But I might be getting ahead of myself here, as we're still not done with the last pregnancy. Hubby and I probably need to have another discussion about timing - we had talked about trying until the end of August but then holding off if we weren't pregnant by then to avoid giving birth in the first 6 months of his clinical fellowship. Being effectively a single mom of newborn doesn't really appeal to me - though Sabine on the preggo thread will certainly have to make it work in a similar situation. But of course one gets invested in the idea and process, makes it harder to decide to take 9 months off...

Fisher, that is good to hear the advice given to your friend. Sorry about her loss too. Even if the embryo only made it to 6 weeks, I think carrying to 10 must have made it so much harder. You just get invested.

Dreamer, other people getting preggo quickly again after early losses is definitely a comfort. As is talking about it online. Miscarriage really isn't talked about too much IRL.
Cara - I did some researching after my first loss. I didn''t come across anything that convinced me we shouldn''t try again right away. The only reason we didn''t go for it again that first month after was that DH was out of the country when the EWCM was there. I almost had the impression (like you got) that they tell you to wait for their convenience, so that you don''t need a dating ultrasound to figure out how far along you are the next time. I kind of assume that if your body manages to ovulate and put out enough progesterone to support a pregnancy, it ought to be ready. I don''t get the part about the lining needing time to be better - your body sheds the endometrium with every period, and with the miscarriage. So how does waiting 3-4 months help that?
I hope the miscarriage isn''t too bad physically. The worst part for me was that I''d seen the baby twice on the ultrasound, with a good heartbeat, and had gotten attached to it and were getting confident that the pregnancy would work out, even though i knew the betas weren''t rising like they should. And I knew that it had taken us a year of treatments to get pregnant, and worried how long it would take to happen again. Physically, it wasn''t so bad. Emotionally, ugh.
Ugh, indeed, DrK. I can see why your mother spilling the beans already is so concerning. Will you be getting subsequent HCG injections for support or just monitoring your blood levels to see if they go up nicely? This all would have been so much harder if we had seen a heartbeat. As it is, we don''t know what went wrong besides it happened fairly early.
I think after the repeat beta on Monday, I''m supposed to be on HCG shots until the first ultrasound. Not sure if they''ll do that if I''m misbehaving and going to Europe though. Of course the HCG I''ve got circulating now is higher than what I get from the shots anyhow. I''d be happy to have the added reassurance though.
Fisher, there is no way on earth that I could ever take one of your posts as snotty!
Thanks for being your usual thoughtful and sweet self.

Cara and DrK - it''s so helpful for us TTC to hear your experiences as miscarriage is unfortunately so common. Like DD said, we "know" so many ladies on the preggo thread who had to go through this before having a healthy pregnancy.

Feeling much better today after a nice relaxing dinner with DH last night and a little wine. Ever so much better! I *might* POAS tomorrow. Even though it''s early and I don''t have much reason to...we''re throwing a small engagement party for my best friend and I''d like to have one drink w/out worrying. I am such a lightweight and non-drinker that one drink can definitely get be buzzed.
Festy - Even though I avoided alcohol in my 2ww (just cause I thought I should), I don''t think that a glass of wine would hurt, even if you were just barely pregnant. It takes a couple weeks for blood to start circulating in the baby, so it would make sense to me that you wouldn''t be able to start pickling your baby in alcohol until you were farther along :)
Hope you have a really fun party tonight!
Funny TTC story for my girls:

So, we were at the fireworks show tonight and the first thing I'm thinking as I see the little fire balls weaving up into the air to burst is that the little trail they leave behind, all wiggly, looks just like a little swimmer making its path to the egg. I asked Paul if it looked like little swimmers to him, too. He said it most certainly did not.

Whatever. It totally did.

I'm sure everyone saw the correlation!

(Festy, glad you knew I wasn't being snotty!)
LOL Fisher!! that is funny...i guess only we would get that correlation
Kate congrats that is so wonderful ... I am sending you sticky vibes.

Fisher ugh. Poor you. Feel better.

Festy I am sorry that you''re feeling down. One of these days that right nip will get sore and stay that way, darn it! ; )

For myself, I''m sort of in disbelief that we are actually at the point where we are going to do ivf. On some level I thought it would come to this, but I also thought we might be one of those couples that pulls out a pregnancy just before the extreme intervention starts. Anyway just spent the weekend with the fam and all the cousins ... sister-in-law (to be) is pregnant again with her third and gave me all of her leftover pregnancy tests. Which sounds insensitive now that I write it but actually wasn''t. She said she hoped I would get good luck as they were all from the same box that she used when she got a positive. And it was a beautiful long weekend. Even as I try to get pregnant and wish I would be every month I still treasure this time when I can lay out in the sun and have a few beers and not be responsible for anybody but me. With any luck that won''t last forever.
Melanie - yep, enjoy this time while you can. It can ouly help your sanity to still see the silver lining in the misfortune of infertility. I''d always had a gut feeling I''d end up doing IVF to have a baby, but sure hoped I''d prove myself wrong in the meantime. We''ll see how this one turns out. At least you''ll have lots of cheerleaders around here while you''re going through it!
Date: 7/4/2009 10:23:55 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Funny TTC story for my girls:

So, we were at the fireworks show tonight and the first thing I''m thinking as I see the little fire balls weaving up into the air to burst is that the little trail they leave behind, all wiggly, looks just like a little swimmer making its path to the egg. I asked Paul if it looked like little swimmers to him, too. He said it most certainly did not.

Whatever. It totally did.

I''m sure everyone saw the correlation!

(Festy, glad you knew I wasn''t being snotty!)
I thought the same thing at our fireworks show! The poor men. They just cannot get inside our brains. Nor would they want to, I''m sure.
Thanks for all your supportive words everyone. We had an absolutely wonderful time last night. My best friend asked me to be her co-maid of honor AND she asked my brother (who performed our wedding ceremony) to do hers as well. I am tickled beyond belief and can''t stop doing the happy dance! I did have a glass of wine last night and felt 0 guilt. So thanks!

Melanie, I am wishing you so much luck and that you do IVF just the one time. A friend of mine who was at our bbq last night was just finishing her second cycle of IUI and AF came to visit while she was there.
Her attitude is incredible though. She felt no pity and is looking forward to the next step. I think I know how you feel in that you hope against hope that the next step doesn''t have to come.

DH and I decided that we would give ourselves two more cycles before looking into interventions. We are almost at the end of cycle 1, AF due Friday. Between having the sweetest DH in the world and my BFF''s wedding, I have lots of great distractions.

Hope everyone had a great 4th!