Vesper, sorry you had to go back to go. But its good news you ovulated! And for me at least, while *frustrating*, I would feel some bit better about being unsuccessful this cycle as the bad timing means the odds were lower. Good luck next cycle!
Swimmer, injectibles, oh my! Will you be giving them yourself or your DH? For some reason, we don''t have enough positive images of this in the popular culture, so I am thinking of Charlotte in Sex and the City and her ill-suited first husband who didn''t like giving her the shots in the butt... That was not a happy example of injectables and assisted reproduction. Of course, this is image is followed by the unforgettable "flat baby" (cardboard cutout) that he brought home to console her after saying he wanted to discontinue the assisted TTC: "We can''t have a real baby, how about his flat one?" Oh, Charlotte was not amused...
As for me, two weeks into the mc, still bleeding. But finally lighter today, cross fingers. HCG was 35 on Tuesday, so still a bit more down to go. We go to Europe next week (to watch the Tour actually!), so hubby is just reminding me it will be fun drinking with our friends and not being sick on the side of the road.... and he asks me how I will like being a single mom
, as if we start trying again and are sucessful in the near term, then birth would be proximate to his returning to clinical training a.k.a. absent father... oh, not really what i would describe as ideal timing but... my heart is certainly of two minds on this one.
Swimmer, injectibles, oh my! Will you be giving them yourself or your DH? For some reason, we don''t have enough positive images of this in the popular culture, so I am thinking of Charlotte in Sex and the City and her ill-suited first husband who didn''t like giving her the shots in the butt... That was not a happy example of injectables and assisted reproduction. Of course, this is image is followed by the unforgettable "flat baby" (cardboard cutout) that he brought home to console her after saying he wanted to discontinue the assisted TTC: "We can''t have a real baby, how about his flat one?" Oh, Charlotte was not amused...
As for me, two weeks into the mc, still bleeding. But finally lighter today, cross fingers. HCG was 35 on Tuesday, so still a bit more down to go. We go to Europe next week (to watch the Tour actually!), so hubby is just reminding me it will be fun drinking with our friends and not being sick on the side of the road.... and he asks me how I will like being a single mom