
The Official TTC Thread!

Vesper, sorry you had to go back to go. But its good news you ovulated! And for me at least, while *frustrating*, I would feel some bit better about being unsuccessful this cycle as the bad timing means the odds were lower. Good luck next cycle!

Swimmer, injectibles, oh my! Will you be giving them yourself or your DH? For some reason, we don''t have enough positive images of this in the popular culture, so I am thinking of Charlotte in Sex and the City and her ill-suited first husband who didn''t like giving her the shots in the butt... That was not a happy example of injectables and assisted reproduction. Of course, this is image is followed by the unforgettable "flat baby" (cardboard cutout) that he brought home to console her after saying he wanted to discontinue the assisted TTC: "We can''t have a real baby, how about his flat one?" Oh, Charlotte was not amused...

As for me, two weeks into the mc, still bleeding. But finally lighter today, cross fingers. HCG was 35 on Tuesday, so still a bit more down to go. We go to Europe next week (to watch the Tour actually!), so hubby is just reminding me it will be fun drinking with our friends and not being sick on the side of the road.... and he asks me how I will like being a single mom
, as if we start trying again and are sucessful in the near term, then birth would be proximate to his returning to clinical training a.k.a. absent father... oh, not really what i would describe as ideal timing but... my heart is certainly of two minds on this one.
Date: 7/10/2009 2:17:38 PM
Author: swimmer
Festy, I am going to figure out who you are someday! (not in a threatening kind of way, just that we have so much in common besides a love of Freddo. Are you also being subjected to Tour coverage every night?) More on topic, have you been going through other tests on you with the RE? My DH had the same results as yours and the RE said it was good enough, any other factor would be more of an issue, but as long as they are alive, not too mutated, and generally kickin'' the pressure swung back to the old ovaries.

So I met with a friend yesterday who finally is preggo, she kept having super early m/cs and finally got a specialist appt. She told her to take baby asprin! Yup, my pal has a mild mild blood clotting issue, clots so quickly that her body was fighting off implantation. The blood tests showed it and the next cycle she got preggo. So exciting. Anyway, I just got my injectibles in the mail for this month very exciting. Insurance has been awesome, everything is covered in Mass, (yes I love my Commonwealth) so now I''m just going to get through a ton of hormones next week and try to focus on getting some work done.

Good luck AQ, (I sometimes write grants and always wonder who is reading them!), and to the amazing LV, Laila, Festy, Fisher, DrK, Lulu, and of course the lovely graduates of this dang thread!
Swimmer I am starting next week! Is this the day 21 start, to be followed by ivf next cycle? I''m in Mass too, I thought I just had really good insurance! Although I am able to "sniff" that initial drug instead of inject it, which is pretty cool. I''ll be curious to hear about any side effects with the drugs and will share as well.
Hi ladies!

seems like there are some new beginnings around this time. I''m hoping for one myself. I''m somewhere around CD 7 and while we were considering an IUI this cycle due to my absolute lack of CM while on clomid, we decided against it for now. One reason for opting out was we just aren''t quite there yet. Not to say that we won''t be there soon. Just not yet. Another reason is that my husband will be out of town for a business trip (again) during the time I''ll be most likely to ovulate. not the best situation, but there''s really not that much i can do about it. under this circumstance we decided to go nearly naturale this cycle. I opted out of clomid and if we get any sorta well timed BDing i''ll take the progesterone supplements. we shall see.

iust so you''re not left with the impression that all I ever do is sit around and ponder my fertility, in other news, i''m getting a hair cut. many inches. i can''t wait.

here''s the before:

Lulu, your hair is so beautiful and healthy! Wow!
Date: 7/10/2009 2:17:38 PM
Author: swimmer
Are you also being subjected to Tour coverage every night?)
Oh my god, yes, and it''s driving me insane! DH was away for two nights this week and I watched as much chick TV (and the Sox of course) as I could manage.

Cara - how much fun will that be? Where will you watch the tour? DH would be so insanely jealous.

[Ok, a quick threadjack for one more bike-related anecdote. DH did the MS ride from Quincy-Provincetown a few weeks ago and I met him at the finish line. Tyler Hamilton was coming in at around the same time and DH congratulated him, along with the hovering masses. I told DH that I definitely saw Tyler check out DH''s bike and you would have thought I''d told him that the Pope had just blessed him personally! He was so excited.]

Back to TTC land. So AF was due yesterday and I''ve been having menstrual cramps for days, but still no AF. I tested last night and got a BFN. The one thing I''ve been able to hang my hat on this past year is my textbook 28-day, good old reliable cycle. No more. I think I O''d later than usual this time. Crapski. Thankfully I am still on a high from having gone jewelry shopping with a friend yesterday. We found a store that has some incredible estate pieces, stacking bands and colored stones and better yet the sales staff loves to play and let us try on. I picked out like 5 push presents.
Vesper, I''m sorry to hear that last cycle didn''t work out but hooRAY for ovulating. It''s surely just a matter of time at this point.

Lulu - Watcha gonna do with that gorgeous hair?

Melanie - you''re in Mass too, huh? I am very intrigued by this sniffing vs. injecting. Who wouldn''t choose the sniff route? Coincidentally, the friend I went jewelry shopping with yesterday (see last post) just finished two rounds of IUI and will start IVF in the fall. She was injecting herself in the stomach. She is one brave cookie.

Good luck to Swimmer and Melanie this cycle! Much dust to you both. And to us all.
Swimmer are you starting IVF as well as melanie or just IUI? How exciting.

Lovely, your hair is beautiful. But sometimes it is time for a chop-chop.

Festy, you're not out yet for this month right? Still a chance? For the tour hijack, we're flying into Geneva and will be going to several of the Alps stages. At least stages 15 and 16 with my friends and their toddler - as to how exactly standing on the roadside in the alps for hours on end with a kid is going to go, i'll have to let you know. i'm mentally preparing for it to be epic, and we aren't the ones biking. Also hoping to go to one or both of stage 18 (last time trial) and stage 20 (mont ventoux), but we'll see. Lance is making it interesting, eh? Or are you just a tolerant wife of your husband's obsession.

i think the miscarriage bleeding is over (crosses fingers!) so... onward with the waiting cycle. at least we'll hopefully be able to enjoy our vacay without any special concerns.
Hi ladies....I''m baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Well, after a wonderful and restful weekend at my parent''s house, DH and I feel 110% better about everything. Yes, it''s still hard and yes, we are still grieving, but feel more optomistic about our future and definitely have a stronger bond after all we went through together. I know we are in a much better place now. I''m also looking foward to going back to work tomorrow after having last week off (my boss had a miscarriage at 3 months and told me to stay home. BTW - she now has a healthy 7 month old girl).

I go back for my HCG blood test on July 22nd. I''m curious to see when I''ll get my period. I''m going to temp these next few weeks because I want to see if I ovulate (I say this now, but whole knows how long I''m going to keep it up). Also, my RE does not want to put me on clomid just yet. She wants to give my body a break before I start it so, I''m following her advice. I was googling about miscarriages last week and am a bit concerned that I might have luteal phase defect (which is a major cause of miscarriage). My RE was a bit concerned about my luteal phase length after reviewing my charts from over the past year. That''s why she perscribed me clomid in the first place. I was going to start it if I didn''t become pregnant this past time and obviously I did so it never happened. I''m going to talk with her about this when I see her next week.

Cara - interesting that you are still bleeding - is it just spotting or a little heavier? My bleeding eased up on Thurs. and completely stopped on Friday. Looks like my miscarriage was over and done with in just a matter of 5 days. I know everyone is different and that it''s completely normal to bleed for several weeks. Have an awesome time in Europe (very jealous)!

Lovely - OMG - your hair is gorgeous! What''s your plan?

Festy - are you testing soon?

Swimmer and Melanie - good luck with IUI and IVF!!!!

Fisher - how are you hun?
Thanks Blushing! I''m glad you are feeling a bit better. I read somewhere (and it was probably here, so I''m probably just parroting something one of you all said) that 50 mg of B6 will help with a short luteal phase. So I started taking it last month too, just in case.

Festy isn''t sniffing instead of injecting so crazy I know! I think the key is whether one''s insurance will cover the sniffing drug, which at $1,000/month is more than the injections. Amazingly, mine covered it.
Blushing - I was so happy to read your last post and glad to hear that you both are feeling better. You are welcomed back with open arms, though I wish that I could just boot you out of this place for good

melanie - sniffable drugs are intriguing to me and sound like a much gentler option to injections. I hope that this cycle is it!

swimmer - good luck with the IUI. I''m definitely curious as I''m more and more thinking that I might go down that path . . .

Cycling enthusiasts - my husband is really into road biking. i used to *force* me to watch the tour, but now I''ve been converted into a fully rivoted fan. cara - my husband would be extremely jealous of your itinerary. it sounds incredible. thouse mountain fans seem like they have a blast!!

Thank you so much for all of the sweet hair compliments
. I went in for my cut on saturday and will leave you with the after. i like it quite a lot.

shoot. i thought i finally got the hang of photo sizing and then this monster pops up and there''s no way to fix it . .
lulu i love it! did you have bangs before? i just remember seeing that back shot. anyway very cute, not short at all.
Lovely - your hair looks amazing!!! I love the soft waves!
Blushing, welcome back! I''m so glad you guys are feeling better. I know you won''t be around here much longer now...

Lulu - your hair is beautiful! Still long enough for a ponytail, which is always nice in the summer.

Melanie - so good to know about the sniffing drugs. Since I''m in Mass too and have a decent insurance plan I''m keeping my fingers crossed that this will be an option for me.


As for me, AF still hasn''t shown and I am definitely not preggers, tested this morning. This has been so bizarre and stressful. Cramps showed up right on time and were as intense as they are when I have my period, but no spotting, not a drop. It''s almost like someone put a cork in me. If it weren''t for the cramps I''d assume I just O''d later and will therefore get AF later. But now the cramps have all but stopped. So where does that leave me? With a new appointment with the RE, that''s where! If I ever get a CD 1 again I''ll be back to temping so I can try to make sense of what''s going on. Thought I''d put that BBT away for good.
Festy - grrrr. how frustrating is it that our bodies are so darn unreliable. you think you have a handle on things and then a wonky cycle
. I''m in the midst of one myself. All signs are pointing to ovulation at CD 10 which is freakishly early for me. i''m thinking that might not be so good. hope that CD1 comes soon.

thanks for the after comments. today''s the first day of sporting my new do to work and so far it''s being met with a kind reception - though I doubt anyone would tell me otherwise
Lovely, your cut is very beautiful. Worthy of your handle!

Blushing, yeah I pretty much bled for just over two weeks at medium period-like intensity with day 2 being much worse (bad news day) and then day 11 bad again. If you get lucky, I think the 4-5 days is normal (at least for the early part of the first trimester) but if it doesn't all come out initially the two weeks + is normal too. At least the doctors seemed to imply that, but they really seemed reluctant to say exactly how long would be too long. Hopefully now it is really over, I was just spotting to nothing this weekend... Blood levels also need to come down the last inch but I wasn't going to worry about them until the bleeding stopped.

Good luck ladies! I'll probably be reading but not posting for the next few weeks... (but have my fingers crossed for you all!)
Lulu, I love your hair and the new haircut looks great!!!!!!!

Festy - i am so sorry!
that just sucks!. What type of test did you use?. I hope you don''t have to go back to tempting

Blushing and Cara, just wanted to say I''m thinking of you!
Date: 7/11/2009 11:17:05 AM
Author: Festy
Vesper, I'm sorry to hear that last cycle didn't work out but hooRAY for ovulating. It's surely just a matter of time at this point.

Lulu - Watcha gonna do with that gorgeous hair?

Melanie - you're in Mass too, huh? I am very intrigued by this sniffing vs. injecting. Who wouldn't choose the sniff route? Coincidentally, the friend I went jewelry shopping with yesterday (see last post) just finished two rounds of IUI and will start IVF in the fall. She was injecting herself in the stomach. She is one brave cookie.

Good luck to Swimmer and Melanie this cycle! Much dust to you both. And to us all.
Ugh yes well let me just say, in case I left anyone with a misconception, that the sniff option is just for the first drug you start, on day 21. For me this is lupron, I think it's called something different when you inject. Which I will have to do later on in the process with some of the other drugs. I've a pretty high pain tolerance but getting stuck with a needle makes me lightheaded, so we shall see ...........

All right we need another BFP around here so who's next!? Anyone in the 2ww?

Edit: Festy I'm intrigued by this jewelry store in Mass ... care to share or give me a hint?
Can''t edit. It''s synerol. Can''t even keep this straight.
Hi everyone! We''re finally finished with our grant review so I''ve got a free minute to post (finally). I''ve been reading but just haven''t had a chance to respond to anything.

I''m at CD 21 and I''m pretty sure I ovulated last week on CD 15. Once I discarded the random temp that had me ovulating on CD9 my crosshairs were moved to CD15 and given the OPK results I got around that time and some other symptoms (sore nipples and such) I''m pretty confident that''s when it happened. I never got a positive OPK but I didn''t check it on Monday night and Tuesday night (the day I most likely ovulated) I checked it really late after going out for drinks with my coworkers. It was dark but not the same color as the other line...and the got lighter the days after that. My temps while I was gone were really high on 2 days and really low on one day (just barely above the coverline) but I was sleeping in a strange environment and I haven''t been feeling well (some sort of sinus thing...not really a cold).

The bad news is that (as you have probably already figured out)... I was OOT and so the BD timing wasn''t great. We did it twice on Sunday though
and so I guess there is a chance (especially if I ovulated early Tuesday which I think is likely). I guess we''ll just wait and see.

How is everyone else doing?

lulu... your hair is so pretty... i would love to have waves and body like that

blushing... so glad to hear you''re feeling better... you have a great attitude and seem to have found a great DR... I know good things are in store for you

Festy... WTH... I hope something happens soon...good luck with the RE appointment.

cara...have a great time on your trip. I can''t wait to hear how the toddler held up. I''m getting flashbacks to my first European vacation at the age of 6.... my sister (we''re twins) and I had a couple major meltdowns... but in our defense... my parent''s were trying to cram all of Paris into a couple of days and there was a major heat wave. We did fine on the rest of the trip but those 2 days in Paris were just too much.

In other news... once again my husband came home from poker night and announced "I want a baby"... his poker buddy has a 2 year old. Apparently the guy called him out and asked when we were having one. Although I don''t think he wanted to know the specifics my husband explained that we had just started trying (TMI for the poker table IMO) but one of the other guys there spoke up and said that he and his wife had been trying for a year. I''m not sure about how I feel about my reproductive status being discussed at poker night (these aren''t close friends) but I understand that he needs an outlet for it.

I find it so strange that it''s my husband''s friends that are so pro-baly and my friends (girlfriends) won''t even acknowledge we''re trying. My husband finally got to witness it on Friday night when I made some comment about a baby and one of my friends basically groaned, rolled her eyes, mumbled something, and immediatly changed the subject. I''m pretty upset about it but I just have to move forward with my life... i firmly believe that true friendships can adjust to life changes. I''m hoping all of it works itself out.
Thanks to Lulu, Mandy and Melanie for sharing in my frustrations. New development, though, I started spotting so hopefully AF is on the way. Woohoo!

Melanie, so you'll still have to do injections...that's a bummer. But at least you won't have to do as many. Oof, hoping you only need to do this once!

And yes of course I'll share the name of this's Small Pleasures on Newbury St. in Boston. I can't really speak for their prices because I was mostly looking at their colored stones and have no idea what's reasonable. They did have a modern RB with an EGL cert and visible inclusion that seemed way, way over-priced, HOWEVER they had an M OMC that nearly killed me. I could not tear myself away from that thing. I wouldn't go to them for a modern stone, but they have some really beautiful estate pieces.

ETA, applequeen, thanks! Hoping your timing was better than you think. Good luck!

Gotta say that haircut is so cuteness! So much body and it''s just gorgeous. No way anyone at work would say anything but nice things about it.

(Confession... I cut my hair last July, about 5 inches or so, and I said I wouldn''t cut it again until I was pregnant, you know, for a "mommy do" (whatever that means). Anyway, here I am a year later, no haircut. Silly, but for whatever reason, that became a real cue for me, my hair would be different when I was going to be a mommy. Nutty. I really need a haircut. We go on vacation next week and I''m trying really hard to will myself to get it cut (I mean, at least trimmed!!) before we go. Why is it so hard to let go of something like a silly comment I made in the back of my mind as I was getting a haircut a year ago? Some things I''ll never understand about myself.... I also need to add, while I''m having my confession time, that about two months ago I singed the hair on my head --right where bangs would be at the tip top of my hairline above my forehead-- when trying to learn how to use a charcoal grill Paul and I bought together for a summertime present. So now I have a miniature mohawk that isn''t totally noticable unless I wear my hair in a ponytail, as I do most days. I need to get side sweeping bangs, I think that would fix it. So apparently, I''m willing to look like a totally idiot over getting my hair cut prior to pregnancy. Like I said, NUTTY!!)

Also, did you say the Clomid caused you to lose your CM? That stinks! Is that why you''ve opted to no longer take it?


Man, I feel for you. Those periods that fake you out by waiting a day or two or three longer than they should are a pain!! I know the feeling well... "hmm... my luteal phase should be over, maybe I''m pregnant!!" Only to pee on a stick and get washed with sadness. It''s stinky. To say the least. Thinking of you, girl, and we''ll just keep on keeping on, no? But of course!! Temping is definitely nice to get away from, but I''d much rather know what''s going on ovulation-wise than not. Good luck getting back in the swing of temping... and once you ovulate, throw that thing in a drawer for a couple weeks. That''s where the hassle comes in for me, anyway!!

Swimmer and Melanie,

Good luck ladies in the next steps toward motherhood! Are either of you trying IUI without medications? If we were to ever go that route, that would be the only way we''d do it, and I don''t have a lot of information on the process when you go unmedicated.... just curious.


Yippee for ovulation. I remember my total and complete elation when I first saw that I was ovulating. To be honest, I still get a little giddy when I see those crosshairs pop up. It''s like a small confirmation that we can in fact get pregnant.

Cara and Blushing,

I still think about and pray for you girls often (and many others here). I''m hoping that each day gets a little better and that one day soon we''ll be jumping up and down with joy when you''re on the road to motherhood... it''s coming, ladies!!!

Blushing, I also wanted to thank you for that thread you started... I think of so many of the ladies here who''ve been able to share information about their lost babies, and I think about Lindsey and Indy and others and I just hope that this thread touches them and helps them to process, too.

Cara, did your grafted gum get itchy as it was healing? Or turn a light shade of pink? And did the stitches itch/tickle your mouth? I want to cut those things SO badly!!

Applequeen, Yippee to you, too for ovulation. Like I said before, I get so happy each time it comes around again!!

In my world... well, things are going pretty well over all. I feel like I''m just so emotional lately, though. I cry over everything, and then I don''t know what I''m feeling or why; it''s not sad really, just kind of overwhelmed with mixed emotions.

I kind of feel like I''m going through a stretch in time where I feel like I''m being all pitiful for myself. It has a lot to do with this being July and June of 2008 was when we actually "started trying," meaning we''d been off birth control for long enough for us to think that we''d be in the clear to get pregnant without the hormonal effects of BC. Part of it is that we''re going on vacation (Cali, which is home for me) next week and for months I''ve been dreaming of going home this summer to announce the upcoming birth of our child, complete with pictures framed for my parents. My brother and his family also live in Cali and they have five kids (stair steps, with one gap due to a miscarriage) and for whatever reason, my brother just doesn''t get that not everyone gets pregnant every time they decide to *try* for it and while he''s not being mean, the comments do add up over time. I''m crazy excited to go home, but how I wish I had some wonderful news to share while I was there. It''s like I''ve reached a point in time where I realize that so many things we plan, do, save for, is rolled into this dream of parenthood, and it''s like things are being put off (haircuts included, how ridiculous!!) while we wait.

Paul goes in on Friday for his test, and man alive is he nervous! I can''t even tell you all how badly I wish it wasn''t necessary. I feel like I can and would go through any sort of testing to find out why this baby''s not materialized yet, and while Paul is just as much a part of this, I still *wish* he didn''t have to go through it. Not that he makes me feel bad for it, but golly, I never dreamed the road to parenthood would be this way. But then I think about it and neither of us has endured anything awful, but still, it''s so far from the hollywood dream I think we all fall into when we decide it''s time to start a family. You just want to have a baby, and ba-da-bing, you have one. If only!!

This cycle off Clomid has been an emotional one; I think I''d allowed myself to forget how long I can go before ovulation without those tiny little pills. Today is something like CD 28 or so and no ovulation (per the random temp. checks I''ve been doing recently, hoping for ovulation to be confirmed). I ran out of OPKs and I don''t think I''ll buy any more, not for this cycle at least. I''ve stopped everything this cycle: no temping, no baby tylenol, no robitussin, nothing. I think it does my body good to have a break. At least I keep telling myself that. I don''t think I was really prepared for another 60 day cycle when we decided to go off Clomid for a cycle. 30 days is a dream compared to 60!!!

I asked Paul tonight when do we get to the point where we just stop hoping and waiting and praying and dreaming of being parents. I''ve never asked him anything like that before, and I think it really shocked him. He said he didn''t know, but that he does know we don''t stop any of those things now, and while that''s a pretty weak answer because it''s just another waiting game, it did help to know that he''s not giving in, and this little girl won''t either.

Funny, even though I''ve found myself thinking of TTC more recently (in the past week while thinking of our trip to Cali), over all, it''s kind of slid toward the back of my mind in general. I''ve stepped into the coordinator role for the nursery and pre-k at church and that''s been a really great outlet for creativity and allows for a lot of play time with kiddos, as well as occassional thankfulness that I''m not a mother of three under age three at this point in time.
It''s also showing me that while my life hasn''t taken on the role of a mother just yet, God''s still preparing me for that role, and allowing me to spend lots of precious moments with little ones, and I''ll take that and be happy (at least for now!).

Gee, Blushing, a long response like that makes you not wanna ask how I''m doing, now doesn''t it???
Thanks Festy! Newbury Street ... just guessing there are no bargains to be found at that address! But I will pop in for a drool.

Fisher I did 2 iui cycles with clomid. I guess you're not counting clomid since you've already done it ... I'm assuming you would do it for iui as well? Should you go that route. I think everyone, and everyone's doctor, is different. I've heard people talk about more involved protocols with iui. And I probably could have done it without as well, as my cycle length and ovulation are relatively normal. I think my doc just wanted to increase my chances by possibly producing 2 eggs with the clomid.

And man I hear you on time passing. Once in a while I think about how long we've been trying and it's a little depressing. I would definitely adopt, but he's not into that so ... anyway, Fisher hang in. Somehow I just can't imagine you not having a child one way or the other ... so I'll be optimistic for you today and you can be depressed, and it'll even out.
Fisher! It''s so good to hear from you! I was in near hysterics reading about your year-long moratorium on haircuts! I love it! These are precisely the kinds of crazy things that TTC does to the brain. I will be keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for Paul and his upcoming test. DH has to do another one soon too and I''m sure he''d put it off for eternity if he could! Boo for another long cycle. It is so frustrating to think that these little pills that we DON''T want to take can have such a profound effect. But it''s good that you have put away the thermometer and the OPKs and are just chillin for now. Good practice for being a mommy!

Melanie, are you in the Boston area? I wonder if we go to the same practice because your IUI course was what my doctor described for me too, once we get there. But then that may be the standard for a woman with no known fertility issues.
Festy I see Dr. Oskowitz at Boston IVF.
Date: 7/14/2009 1:06:05 PM
Author: melanie987123
Festy I see Dr. Oskowitz at Boston IVF.
Sorry for another Boston-related threadjack, ladies...

Cool! My friend who is about to start IVF goes there but they''re not my doc.

I meant to add about the place on Newbury St., if you go, (and you should!) the OMC is set in a diamond and ruby halo in YG. Not my favorite setting in the world, but it''s one heck of a diamond!
Opinions requested:

This past weekend, while coming home from being in NC, we drove by the hospital where my baby will be delivered. It's the best around and I'm super excited that the ob/gyn that I'm linked to is contracted with this hospital (however, I love my Dr. office *so* much, I'd deliver at another hospital if they were contracted elsewhere). There is a local hospital about 6 miles from our house, but it's not the best.

Anyway, the hospital we will be using is 32 miles from our house, and 59 from my work. Is that too far, you think? I know I'm thinking ahead, but when I saw that it was 59 from work (and I hope to work up til the time of delivery, for more time with my baby, in case I do return to work afterwards) I got nervous.

Any opinions?

The traffic is kind of an issue, too. This is going towards Atlanta, so during rush hour, it would be a bit of a drive time, perhaps. During free flowing traffic, it's right at 30 minutes from our house, though.

A friend at work was saying I was nuts to have chosen that hospital, as she feels it's SO far away, but I think that in a lot of the nation, hospitals are 30 miles away or so, you know?

ETA--Festy, glad my boycott from haircuts has given you a laugh. It's so silly. I'm convincing myself that I'll get it cut this weekend.
Date: 7/10/2009 9:42:01 AM
Author: Festy
LV, I did discuss it with my gyn after we''d been trying for 5-6 months. She has a very laid back attitude and her response was kind of, why make it clinical at this point. But we''d been charting and I felt that we''d had enough well-timed cycles that it was worth making the appointment. (In addition to my age, DH is 46 and an avid cyclist). DH agreed that if something was wrong he''d rather know sooner than later. So far all of our tests have come back normal with the exception of a low morphology on his first sperm sample. That number can change from sample to sample, though, so it''s not considered a ''problem'' until another one comes back low. We found out on our own that we didn''t like the pressure all these tests were putting us under and decided to enjoy these months of trying rather than stressing over it. So we''ve put off doing the second sample until we''re ready. Probably another cycle.

Hope this helps! How long have you guys been trying?
Hi Festy,

Thank you for your response. That''s great that all tests have come back normal. I haven''t done any research at all about what type of testing is done. I figure I will take the wait-and-see if it''s needed approach, which is probably what everyone does anyway. Good for you for putting testing aside for a while. I do think the stress/anxiety/overthinking must have some deleterious effect on TTC''ing, and I was going to try to avoid all stress/anxiety/overthinking about it, but it seems a bit inevitable for me. I overanalyze and am quite impatient about most things.

This will be our fourth month of officially trying, though I am not sure we had the timing exact on the first two months. I know I should be more patient, but I would prefer to know sooner rather than later. But again, does this overthinking actually contribute to the issue? I don''t know.
Hi ladies! Just activated my account solely for the TTC thread. I am 33 y/o and my DH and I have been TTC for over four years now. After our first year of trying, we had an ectopic pregnancy which resulted in the loss of one ovary and tube. About a year later we opted to try IVF since we were scared of having another ectopic. IVF did not work and came with many complications i.e. hyperstimulation, gall bladder issues and the loss of my job! Shortly thereafter, we decided to go about it the natural route once more hoping for the best. That was just over one year ago. Now we find ourselves losing patience with the process. I used Fertility Friend for about six months and learned that I ovulate regularly every month. My current OB/GYN wants me to try clomid and IUI. I find this a little bit scary. The idea of clomid freaks me out and I don''t understand why I would need it since I am ovulating. Furthermore, I am concerned over the quality of my tube and worried about another ectopic. I had a hysterosalpingogram shortly after the ectopic and was told that the tube was open. Of course my fertility specialist was quick to point out that that doesn''t mean that the tube is working properly. I recently made an appointment with another fertility specialist who can see me in the middle of October. My DH wants to try clomid/IUI in the meantime. What to do, what to do? I have enjoyed reading your posts. It''s nice to know that I am not alone!


Wow, it sounds like you''ve been through a lot emotionally (and physically) on this journey toward parenthood. It''s amazing to think of all we can endure and not melt away, makes me remember just how strong we can be, even when we feel so weak.

As for the concern/fear over Clomid, oh yes, I remember that fear well. I still think about it and worry/ponder over it often. I think I would do so more often if I was ovulating regularly on my own. I''m a late ovulator, and while I do ovulate on my own each cycle, it''s typically really delayed (around 20-45 days into my cycle, usually). When my Dr. first suggested Clomid, I was pretty opposed to it. Not sure if it was more because of the medical side effects side, or the "I want to do this myself" side, but either way, it was a really big decision for us, too. I hope you and your husband are able to come to the best decision for your family.

What I''ve been told (and have learned that others have been told from my readings here) is that while Clomid does often get prescribed for women who do not ovulate or who ovulate late, it is also sometimes prescribed for women who are showing regular ovulation by way of OPKs or BBT, but haven''t successfully gotten pregnant/had a baby. The reason that I''ve heard for this is because Clomid works to not only cause ovulation, but to also send extra signals to the egg to mature and this can lead to a healthier egg, an egg more likely to be "attractive" to the sperm. Really cheesy way of explaining it, but that''s the gist of what I''ve been told about it. I guess it''s kind of like most things in nature, the strongest, healthiest is most attractive and gets the most attention. The same is true for eggs, I suppose.

There are some side effects that some women experience with Clomid, and it seems that everyone is a little different in those side effects. Most of the women I''ve talked to about Clomid have had minor side effects, myself included. Most the time if you''re on Clomid, you follow up with your Dr. fairly regularly to be sure no weird side effects are building up (cysts being one of the main side effects that freaks me out). For me, I had some headaches the first cycle on it, then none the following two cycles I took it. My husband will say I''m more "edgy" or "emotional" while I''m on it, but I think he looks for reasons to find me being a little bratty when I''m on it, actually.
That''s about it for side effects for me. Some women will say it dries up their cervical fluid, or that they have stronger cramping while on it, and there''s always the chance of your uterine wall being effected by it, too. Oh, and the chance of twins. This was the most scary to me of them all, but at this point, I''m good with how ever many the good Lord sends us.

Now, a question for you, if you don''t mind: is your Dr. suggesting IUI without any medications other than the Clomid? I''m thinking about this (FAR down the road) for us, but am not sure how often Drs. are willing to look at this, as it seems most of the women I''ve heard from about IUI did so with injections and multiple medications, which is just not something we''re interested in.

Again, welcome here. And hoping your road to motherhood is short from here on out!!