
The Official TTC Thread!

My Dad kept asking how many we''d "implanted" too. Ugh. I think he''s got it right now.

Yep, I think the NT scan is to measure the thickness of fluid at the back of the baby''s neck - over a certain thickness means that the risk of Down''s is increased. I think they combine it with bloodwork drawn the same day to come up with a risk which gets compared to your age-related risk to see if you''re at higher- or lower-than-normal risk for Down''s and neural tube defects. I''m just looking forward to getting reassurance that baby''s ok and growing on track.

Melanie - I guess we''ll be thinking of each other tomorrow and hoping for great news for both of us! When''s your transfer time? It''ll be an exciting day for you. I wonder if you''ll see the embryos on a photo before they transfer? I was just so relieved to have a couple good ones to transfer, and as a bonus to have a few to freeze. They hadn''t checked mine on day4, so we went in for the day5 transfer with no idea if there were still any good ones left or not.
So, I'm scrolling through, scrolling through, and I see BABY PICTURES!!!! Lulu, he's adorable! What a total sweetheart, and that yawn! Just . . . be still my heart!

Vesper - congratulations!

Swimmer, thank you so much for that post. Let's see, my last ob/gyn visit was 3 months ago and everything's good until next year, but I'm considering switching to another doctor for one major reason - my current doctor, who I've been with since I moved to DFW has moved for the final time, to the exact opposite corner of the city from me. From work, it takes me about 30 minutes to get to her office, and it's another 30 minutes or more to home. So, I'm asking around, but my sister was really happy with her ob/gyn and he's less than 10 minutes from my house, which is a boon. LOL @ you keeping your clean pass on the refrigerator until your Mom came to visit!
Also, thank you 1,000 x for that TTC guide. It's bookmarked, thank goodness!

Melanie - EIGHT fertilized! That's fantastic . . . eight. I'll be thinking of you at noon tomorrow! Fingers crossed, saying prayers, doing rain dances or hooby gooba stuff, just to make them stick!
Also, bigger boobs, always a plus, unless you're already blessed with them.

HMG - I think that seems about right. We're shooting for that time frame, but DH is also sort of worried that it may interrupt our last big trip to Europe, and I'm sort of like "So, let's just move it up to November or something! Let's get this show on the road!".
That being said, I really have no perfect time frame anymore, just that from this point on, I would be thrilled to see a BFP. Just have to develop the guts to get off of BC first.

Blushingbride - I'm sending good thoughts your way for a positive doctor's appointment on Thursday!

DRK - sending you good vibes for your NT scan for tomorrow morning. Thanks to Swimmer and your explanation above, I now know what that actually means.

Festy - until I saw Swimer's post, I lgoogled every other word in your post. Still rooting you on and hoping for a BFP by the time you have to wear a strapless dress for the wedding. Believe me, I can relate.
Lauren, sounds like we can''t miss with you doing your thing!

Kate, how happy you will be to have this done with. Then you can breathe. My transfer is at noon. How cool that you got photos! Hope I do.

Love you nephew.
Babies are adorable. Yawns make me swoon. Awww!!! Don''t you just love how newborns just sort of fold into your body as you hold them? Aww... And then they start doing things and being funny and cute and then they don''t like to be held as much, and then they start talking and having their own opinions. I love all the stages of wee ones!! I''m glad you got to spend time with your family, and I''m keeping the faith alive and the prayers flowing for all of us. We''re going to *adore* parenthood!!!

Sounds like everyone on in the "intervention" stages are doing well and are on track for good things! How funny that everyone''s grouped together so closely this time. How many of use are past ovulation now, anyway? The next few weeks will absolutely have good news to be shared!!

Swimmer, I agree about the do-it-yourself Fertility test. Firstly, it''s not fair to just assume that FSH is the only determining factor, then I''ve still not found anything about the "cut-off level" for what the test considers too high of FSH (and that''s a number that varies with many professionals in the area of fertility), and the saddest part of all is that it plays on the emotions of women and families who just want to have reassurance that they''ll be able to be parents. The commercial made it sound that way, and it really irritated me.

As for do-it-yourself SA testing... not sure of any makings of over the counter options, but you can order one online. Peony, one of our graduates, got this for her husband. Paul thought about it, but in the end, the Dr. would have just had him do the "real deal" anyway, since we''ve been on the TTC joyride for a while now.


Just for kicks, what did the fertility test say when you took it? Do you have high FSH? I''m still trying to figure out what their cut-off is.


Yeah, all the abbreviations in the world of TTC can be confusing. A lot of us have been here for a while and have gone through the (long) learning process, so feel free to ask when you''re confused. I know I did that a *lot* and totally relied on Dreamer and Blenheim and others who''ve graduated, to explain things repeatedly to me.

As for what else to do in preparation for TTC, sounds like you''ve done a lot already and are just waiting for the winter season to approach.
The only thing I wish I''d known at the beginning is what an emotional time this can be, and what a long process it can be. I''d heard it before, but just didn''t think it would be as long or as emotional as it has been. But I think that''s something you just learn as you go... Wishing you''re outta here way before you hit the most emotional points, though!!


After buying about 40 bucks worth of the "good" (read: expensive) tests when I was just making sure the cheapies were right and I in fact was NOT pregnant, I''ve wised up. Now I use the internet tests or the ones from $1 store. I actually haven''t taken a pregnancy test in months now, because the heartache is much worse when I see a stick missing a line other than just waiting for the period to start. However, when I do have a reason to test, I will use a cheapie first and then when I see that line, I will drive (quickly, but with caution) to the drug store for an EPT and a digital. Just because I feel like the more "evidence" I have, the better I will feel about it actually being real.

If you get to the point of using OPKs, I suggest Answer Brand... they have a 20 pack that comes in a tube and it''s more than enough for a cycle or two (although the package says they''re only good for the first 30 days after opening the tube, they work just fine for cycle number 2 or 3, I''ve found). It''s about 13-14 bucks for the 20, and that''s an awesome deal when/if you get obsessed with verifying that you''re about to ovulate.

Fish Oil: I''d read about this and was going to start on it, but then I read that if you get the "wrong kind," it can be harmful to TTC and/or the baby. Confused, I never did start on them. Any suggestions of the best kind?

Vesper, I understand (to a degree) the paranoia about "are there twins in there?" because I also think about that now and again because I''m on Clomid, too. But at this point, I just figure what will be will be and I''ll be blessed out of my mind, and well, if there are two, it will be hectic, but you''ll fall in love with both of them from the moment you find out they''re in there. But yes, thinking of two is *very* overwhelming, isn''t it?? Did your Dr. say why you needed to wait two more weeks for the ultrasound? I ask because my Dr. said I''d need an early ultrasound because I''m on Clomid, to verify how many there are.


Good luck at the NT today. It''s going to be just fine. I''m so excited for you. So many women here are inspirational to me, and you''re absolutely one of them. I can''t wait for you to come back and post more pictures of your wee one!!

Vesper, I understand (to a degree) the paranoia about ''are there twins in there?'' because I also think about that now and again because I''m on Clomid, too. But at this point, I just figure what will be will be and I''ll be blessed out of my mind, and well, if there are two, it will be hectic, but you''ll fall in love with both of them from the moment you find out they''re in there. But yes, thinking of two is *very* overwhelming, isn''t it?? Did your Dr. say why you needed to wait two more weeks for the ultrasound? I ask because my Dr. said I''d need an early ultrasound because I''m on Clomid, to verify how many there are.
Hey fisher,
I think that I have to wait another week and a half because this dr''s office is always SO overscheduled - so at 6.5 weeks, that will be an "early" ultrasound for them (probably the first time they can fit me in). The waiting is tough, but I guess that maybe it will be easier to see what''s going on in there better at that stage anyway. With my first baby, the 8 week ultrasound showed a squirmy little bean, so I guess that they are REALLY tiny and hard to see before 6 weeks ...

Fisher, a good DHA omega-3 supplement for TTC/expecting/BFing women is Expecta (I take it in addition to my Stuart Prenatal). You can find it in the vitamin aisle at your drugstore. It''s from non-fish sources, so there is no risk of mercury. DHA is really important for baby''s brain & eye development.
Vesper - even at 6.5 weeks, all they really see is a sac, a yolk sac, and a fetal pole (thickening along one side of the yolk sac) with a flickering of contractions that is the heartbeat. Not much point in scanning sooner - you''ll maybe see 1-2 gestational sacs, but you won''t have any real answers as to how many will make it until you see the heartbeats.

Melanie - thinking of you! I didn''t get embryo photos, so I hope you do. I love seeing other people''s "first baby photos" for their baby book.

Thanks for the good wishes everyone. NT scan went great - though baby was being active when it shouldn''t and snoozing when it shouldn''t. Heart rate was great, it''s measuring right on track, and was totally amazing to see little legs flail around kicking spastically and seeing it bounce around in there. :) I can''t believe we made it this far! We''re just so happy, and both sitting here going "wow, this might actually happen. We can start to get excited now."

I''ll certainly be sticking around to cheer everyone on!

11 weeks 5 days with labels.JPG
Last one. Thanks so much for the support, and for letting my and my angst hang out with you all!

11 weeks 5 days closeup with labels.JPG
DrK - look at that baby! I''m so excited that you are getting more excited! Just thrilled for you.

Melanie - your transfer is probably just about done now. I wanted to say "implant" just to piss DrK off.
I swear I don''t know how I''m going to survive your 2ww!

Swimmer - what''s the haps with you?

Fisher and Vesper - thanks for the reminder about fish oil. I guess one more pill couldn''t hurt.

Lauren - sorry to be speaking another language. Hey, guess what, the strapless dress is out! Maid of honor tried it on and apparently it looked awful. So the latest dress has straps. Thank god!

Minor vent from me: wicked headache since last night, worse this morning. Tylenol is doing nothing and I''m miserable. Pout pout and pout.
Drk, love those pics!
drk that is just magic

DPO11 for me and I this morning I managed to stay away. very far away. from any HPTs.
DRK - a thousand congratulations!!!!!!!
Your little bean is beautiful! You must have a smile from ear to ear today!

Lovely - Fingers and toes crossed for you!!!!! I admire your willpower!
OMG Kate how excited you must be! Oh I'm so glad. woo hoo! Yes you'd better stick around I want to hear all the details! Tho I guess I may need to spy on the pregnancy thread, which I've yet to do. Those labels on the picture are great too, very helpful.


Festy yes our embryos are all transferred now! We ended up with a 7 cell and an 8 cell to transfer (i think 6 - 8 is the expected range for day 3) and 3 frozen. Four didn't make it. Sort of wish they could have had a little longer to try to catch up, but I'm going to assume these folks know what they are doing.

Anyway I'm told it takes 2 - 6 days for them to implant .. altho I think DrK said 1 to 2. I got my information from the acupuncturist so who knows. Think I'll go research that next.

My pregnancy test (what's the acronym?) is either Sunday the 30th or Monday the 31st. Depends on whether we go to the Cape that weekend (I KNOW).

Festy sorry about your headache. Cold pack is the only thing that brings me any relief. Ohh ... but try having a bite of ice cream and letting it sit as far back in your throat as you can over that sensitive spot for as long as you can. At worst, it gets you some ice cream.

Lulu, here's hoping this is the cycle for you! Keep holding out.

Blushing have fun at your appointment tomorrow!

Fish oil is the one thing my doctor at Boston IVF repeatedly mentioned, along with prenatals. Really impressed upon me how important it must be.

Okay, I'm off to my day of sitting on the couch thinking sticky thoughts. Happy Wednesday everyone!
Fisher thanks for the info! Yeah, for some reason I''m and EPT fan. DH found a First Response on Amazon for a good deal, so I''ll try those too.

Fisher - I thought I took the FR test, but now that I think about it, I took the FSH test that came with the Fertell Home Sperm Motility Test we ordered (which DH never used because he got his checked out professionally). So, even though my doctor already tested my FSH levels twice, I took the FSH test anyway so not to waste it (heck we were already wasting the male test).

Anyway, my test measured the concentration of FSH present in a first morning urine. It's supposed to detect when the FSH is at a level that indicates that the egg quality has decreased and the chances of the egg being fertilised are reduced. Basically, it gives you a measure of underlying fertilty through assessing the egg quality.

FYI - my test works different than the FR Test, where you need to see a reference line in the control window (along with the control line). However, if you see two reference lines, then it means you need further testing. With the FR test, you aren't supposed to see any control lines...I believe...

What a cutie!!! I love it, just love it!! I'm sure you're in happy land today, and I pray that things are smooth sailing from here on out!!! (I think it's a girl, just in case you were wondering!! Do you have any gut feelings?)

ETA: "Bum." That's hilarious. I hope we get a picture analysis with our kiddo, too. (We'll need it!!)


Man, I don't know what I was thinking. My Dr. said taking an ultrasound before the middle of 5 weeks is pointless. I guess 6 weeks is just about the same, time frame, wise. Hmm. Glad that reality hit me before my turn came. Now I can be prepared for the positive, the blood test for Beta, then waiting two weeks for my first sneak peek of the baby.

Excited for you, lady! Time will fly and you'll be looking at the little one soon. I think it's just a single baby.

Also thanks for the information on safe fish oil... I'll have to look for that tomorrow at the store!
Mel, that is so impressive. pulling for your little creatures!

Drk, awesome photos. This is really real! That is a small person. You go girl!

Festy, ICE CREAM CURES ALL. Well, that will be quite a weekend on the cape for traffic, so there is some consolation if you don''t go, but if you do go, lobster is freaking cheap right now!

Fisher, I had NO idea that such a thing as at home semen analysis kits existed. Wow. I do need to get out more.

Not to rub it in, but I''m in Maine on a kayaking trip. I was so nauseous this morning when we started out that my steer-er/friend asked if i was knocked up. Hmmm, not three days after iui. waiting is so hard!

hoping that all is great with all you fine ladies!
Darn - I wrote this huge long reply earlier, and hit post, only to have the computer eat it cause my wireless connection was down. Grr.

Melanie - great news on the embryos today! I''m sure they only froze the ones that they thought were of good enough quality to make it in future FETs. Hope you have a restful 2ww now. If you want to enjoy a weekend on the Cape and can stand to wait an extra day, do it. It''s all anxiety-producing. Wait for first beta. Wait for second beta. Wait for ultrasound. Wait for next ultrasound. I''m pretty glad they didn''t test me till so late, cause I had fewer numbers to obsess over. I didn''t even have the option to test on a Sunday. Mine were supposed to implant 1-2 days after transfer because I transferd on day5. Yours will likely take 4-6 days, I''d think. Here''s hoping for one strong healthy baby for you!

Lulu - your nephew is gorgeous! I love little babies at that stage so much. So snuggly. And good for you on holding out on testing so early. I think it drove me more nuts actually than waiting a couple more days

Festy - Go ahead, rile me up! Say "implant" again and again...
I''ll just laugh at you cause I know you know better now! Hope the headache is better. Maybe try drinking more fluids in case you''re dehydrated. Though usually my headaches go away with water, tylenol, and more sleep.

Fisher - Yep, it''s seventh heaven here today. Keep peeking at the photos and grinning. What, should I have labelled it "tushie" or "bottom" or "a$$" ?? :) Short and sweet was better. I''ll definitely tell you what''s what on your baby photos too. Can''t wait for you to get there!

Swimmer - hope you''re having a great time kayaking. And hope you''re knocked up too!

Time for some peach crisp, then off to bed. Time to read a little Harlequin Blaze. I decided I couldn''t concentrate on anything more mentally taxing in the nervousness of the last couple days, so I''m back to trashy novels. Maybe it will kickstart my sorely lacking libido, and DH will get some action for the first time since March? I''m kind of scared to GOTF though. Would hate to have spotting freak me out. Maybe I''ll wait till the night before my next OB appointment...
Vesper, I had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks and we were able to see both sacs and heart beats!.

I wouldn''t be concerned about the HCG levels...mine weren''t really out of the norm high and I *am* carrying twins, then you have girls with really high numbers that have one baby in there!. So try not to stress, but regardless it will be a blessing. If it''s two, you''ll go through the shock and then wonder why you were ever concerned and will fall in love with the idea. I was in love with the idea from day 1, but it''s normal to be a bit nervous/shock about it.

Lulu, sending you vibes for this to be *the* cycle!!!

Festy, hope the headache went away!!!
Edited : double post, sorry!

I thought your ultrasound person (don't know the professional name for that position!) had labeled the baby parts. "Bum" is my favorite word for the bottom, but it's not one I hear often. I thought it was so funny. I'm sure you're all giggles and smiles right now, and it's my hope that those giggles and smiles live on! Yay!! Dr.K is about to be a Dr.MommyK!!

(Thanks for offering to label my baby; goodness knows we'll need it.

I've ovulated!!! Yippeee!! Tomorrow I'll get the crosshairs that always make me so excited, but OPKs and yesterday and today's temps have confirmed it already for me. OPKs... still not a fan of those things. I had a positive on the CD 16, then a negative on CD 17 and another positive on CD 18. So nutty! Regardless, one of those days, I ovulated, so I'm thrilled.

Swimmer, have fun on your trip in Maine! How fun would it be to tell your little one some day that when he or she was just a flicker in your eyes, you took them on a trip Kayaking.
I mean, by now, sperm and egg would have met, so it's technically true. Plus, it's just a cute story. Maybe I'm weird, but I used to always ask my mom about things she did while pregnant with me: trips, things she bought, ate, dreams she had... I asked so often and was so enthralled with what she said that I wouldn't be surprised if she made some of it up so I'd be satisfied.

Festy, have you IUIed yet? I can't keep up with all that's going on around here these days. You're doing clomid and the IUI only, right? Hope you busted through that headache. (By the way, crazy headaches can be a side effect of Clomid. I had this on cycle one or two, but only the one time.)

Melanie, how have you been feeling? Is there any soreness after you have a transfer?


Thinking of you. Want nothing more than to see you move outta here! *but do come back to visit!!*

I love it when friends come back to say hi! Hello, Mandarine!! Love the updates you share in the preggo thread. Not posting so much in there (waiting for my turn), but I do love to see the progress you're making in baking and preparing for those little boys!!

Blushing! Today's your ultrasound, right? I hope you see many impressive follicles building up for a wonderful cycle for you, lady!!
Lauren I say just put the nerves aside ang get off the pill. It is scary and tough to make that decision, but once you do you won''t look back!
It is hard for me to imagine a pregnant woman or a woman with a baby who say "boy I wish I had waited 4 more months" but lots of women TTCing say, "Man I wish I had started 4 months earlier!"

Hello to all my TTC friends! Still thinking of you and lurking but don''t have much time to post these days planning our big cross country move!
Swimmer - Hope you''re having an awesome time! I''m so jealous. Feeling nauseous 3 DPO is really just cruel. I hope I hope that it means something.

Melanie - definitely go to the Cape! That is if you think you can enjoy it. Imagine if you don''t go and (heaven forbid) are not KTFU. But if you DO go and are KTFU you won''t regret having waited the extra day to find out. Does that make any sense?

Fisher - I got some fish oil supplements at Trader Jose''s last night. They had two kinds, one of which was treated to get rid of the so-called fishy after-taste. Congrats on those nice and early crosshairs, lady! I''ll be about a week behind you. I''m on CD 10 today.

Hi Mandy and Dreamer! Thanks for popping in! Mandy, you look so great...I still lurk every now and then on the preggo thread. Dreamer, good luck with the move!

You guys are all just the best for caring about my headache. It went away after I had a good lunch and a little coffee. I also wonder if it''s Clomid related. Woke up this morning just fine and three minutes after stepping out of the air conditioned bedroom a nasty headache hit me again. Took a shower 20 minutes later and it went away. Phantom headaches - probably weather related. Feeling tons of O pain kinda stuff going on. Earlier than I usually do. Wondering if I''ll O early.
Swimmer, oh how lovely. I wish I were on a Maine kayaking trip. Er, how are you on a computer? Pay attention to the river! Now you are 4 days after iui! Gosh, when can you test? Do you have an appointment?

Drk thanks for the info and good advice. Lots of waiting. I tried to move the appointment to the prior Friday instead, but she wouldn''t budge. Reason being they don''t want to detect what could be a chemical pregnancy and not have enough of a positive to know if it''s for real. So it''s Monday the 31st. And I think I''m with you, no GOTF''ing yet! (I dont know specifically what that stands for, but I get the point and would be nervous too, tho there''s probably no reason for it).

Fisher congrats on ovulating! So I assume you have been/are making the most of it?
Yay! Now you are in the 2ww wait with us! I''m feeling just fine, thanks for asking. I felt a little twinge in my right ovary last night and today, but the nurse said that''s normal from the retrieval procedure that happened Sunday.

Blushing how did it go today?

Festy yes total sense. We''ve implanted [haha, just read that over and realized my mistake. we''ve implemented] a strategy, I told the nurse to leave a message on my cell that Monday the 31st so that I could listen to it when I got home that night with DF. Glad to hear you are feeling (somewhat) better.
Ha! GOTF, remember that one? So, technically it''s GOF and stands for Goal Oriented #$&%#. Used on other forums. For the life of me, I couldn''t figure out what it means and asked folks here. This was like 20 years ago in TTC-time, probably 6 months ago in real time. In my head I used to think of it as Getting on the Floor, and that''s sort of what it''s turned into. Mandy was a big fan!
Way funnier. And cleaner.
DrK - yay! Such an adorable little nugget, and I love the "bum" tag, too! I''ve only recently joined the thread, but I have gone back a bit and know you''ve had a long journey. I''m happy for your family!

Fisherofmengirly - thank you so much for your well wishes, and offering me the grace to ask if the TTC Guide doesn''t answer it for me. I''m all studied up, but I certainly appreciate the permission to ask dumb questions.

Vesper - I''m hoping the next few weeks go quickly for you until you can get your ultrasound. Thanks for the suggestion on Expecta. I''ll look for it on my next trip to our drugstore.

Melanie - congatulations on your transfer! LOL @ the acronym dig, though.
Go to the Cape - you''ll have a wonderful time!

Swimmer - sending positive vibes for you, and enjoy your kayaking trip.

Dreamer_dachsie - I appreciate your input - makes it so much easier to hear it from women who have been there, done that, and enthusiastically support going off without worrying. But still, I''m a constant worrier, and a PLANNER, so I really just need to let go of that need to control when/how things happen. Best of luck to you in your move! Your little boy is a doll, BTW!

Festy - I hope the headaches go away soon. I won''t even venture a guess as to what it could be. Can you take any pain relievers? Do they even help?
Date: 8/20/2009 6:08:29 PM
Author: LaurenThePartier
Dreamer_dachsie - I appreciate your input - makes it so much easier to hear it from women who have been there, done that, and enthusiastically support going off without worrying. But still, I''m a constant worrier, and a PLANNER, so I really just need to let go of that need to control when/how things happen. Best of luck to you in your move! Your little boy is a doll, BTW!
Oh I am the same way! I think going off the pill to TTC is the hardest decision that you can make when you are a woman in your 30s who has a great career and basically a good life -- it is like jumping off a cliff! But there are always reasons not to go off, it is simpler and easier not to hve kids. But in the end you will feel it is time and then you just have to say, "This is it!" and stop thinking about it and then just JUUUUUUUMP!

Plus TTC, pregnancy and motherhood are all big lessons in how little control we actually have anyways. Once you accept that then the whole ride is easier I suspect. I''m still working on it
Expecta is expensive!! I wonder if they sell it in more than a month''s supply? Seems like the bigger the box, the cheaper it is per pill. Anyway, no yucky fishy taste and that''s a good thing!

And coupons for when the baby''s coming!! Yay!!

Soon, and very soon. Thanks for planning in advance, Expecta!!

Happy Friday to all!!
Date: 8/20/2009 2:33:22 PM
Author: Festy
Ha! GOTF, remember that one? So, technically it''s GOF and stands for Goal Oriented #$&%#. Used on other forums. For the life of me, I couldn''t figure out what it means and asked folks here. This was like 20 years ago in TTC-time, probably 6 months ago in real time. In my head I used to think of it as Getting on the Floor, and that''s sort of what it''s turned into. Mandy was a big fan!
Way funnier. And cleaner.

I liked your version and well, I contribute the twins to getting on the floor!!!!!!!