
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 8/21/2009 9:51:26 AM
Author: Mandarine

Date: 8/20/2009 2:33:22 PM
Author: Festy
Ha! GOTF, remember that one? So, technically it''s GOF and stands for Goal Oriented #$&%#. Used on other forums. For the life of me, I couldn''t figure out what it means and asked folks here. This was like 20 years ago in TTC-time, probably 6 months ago in real time. In my head I used to think of it as Getting on the Floor, and that''s sort of what it''s turned into. Mandy was a big fan!
Way funnier. And cleaner.
I liked your version and well, I contribute the twins to getting on the floor!!!!!!!
You know, thinking back to when Mandarine was here and the initials and all that got me to thinking... about how we used to have so many charts posted all over this place. Remember that? We'd post when we got crosshairs (okay, maybe that was just me
) and we'd post when we were close to the end of a cycle and we thought it was a pregnancy chart, and we'd post when we got our positives. That was fun.

The Dr. told me I didn't need to chart anymore if I know what I'm doing with the OPKs, but I still do from about CD11 or so til I get that clear shift (and the beloved crosshairs).

Do we have anyone here who's still charting? I know Festy gave it up. What about Tiffany, Blushing or the newer people around here? Just curious. Used to be a TON of charters!!

ETA: Hello, Dreamer! Glad you came back to visit. I wish you the best in your move!

Lulu, today should be around 14 DPO, no? How exciting! Thinking WONDERFUL thoughts for you, girl!!!
I''m taking this month off from charting. It makes me too nutty!

I already know I ovulate pretty much like clockwork between days 14-16, so I figure no point in doing it. I will use OPKs though.
Re: charting,

A friend of mine is TTC, and she was telling me about recently joining the TTC thread on another special interest forum she''s a member of. I asked her if everyone posts their Fertility Friend or other fertility charts, and she said no, and I was really surprised. She said they all have tickers for how long they''ve been married or TTC or how far along they are in their pregnancies, though.

I never charted because I was using my sister''s Clear Blue Fertility Monitor. I just wrote down on my Microsoft Outlook Calendar at work: O for ovulation days and P for first day of period days.

The funny thing is that the month we got pregnant I had a totally different cycle. Previously I''d get 3 or so days of "high fertility" leading up to ovulation, ovulate on day 16 or 17 and get my period on day 30 or 31. That month the monitor jumped from "low fertility" to ovulating on day 14. We hadn''t done any preemptory BDing because of the "low fertility" and because I was sick/on antibiotics and DH had thrown his back out. Without my monitor we wouldn''t have known to BD, so we''re glad we had it!
OK Fisher, just for you, here's my chart. What do you think about my odds?
I'm a big girl I can take it.... Well perhaps it helps that I am don't have much hope myself. My conference dates were pretty darn perfectly inconvenient.

Yes, charting does make me a touch loopy but I haven't been at this very long so I am looking to figure out my patterns. I guess this month's chart is at least reassuring in that it doesn't have an 8 day LP like last month. And...

Sadly, we're tapping out for a few month if this month's immaculate conception doesn't take, so probably using charting as part of TTA. Though my husband looked at me sideways when I suggested that particular method of contraception - so much of my twenties spent petrified of getting pregnant, I guess he's confused that I want to use a slightly less reliable and convenient method this go around. What does he want, consistency from me or something?
OK, OK, so maybe there's just that part of me that doesn't really want to have no chance of conception (or getting used to hormonal b/c again only to go back off again), even though my brain knows that waiting is (mostly) the right call right now.

Crossing my finger for all of you ladies, both those using technological assistance and more conventional methods! Hopefully we'll be back on this end of things when some of the recent thread additions just now dipping their toes in the water are ready to dive in...

I''m charting! :) Right now, mostly to get to know my typical cycles since I''ve been on BC so long and have no clue what my body will do when left to its own devices.

Currently on my first cycle....I''m on CD 7. Actually, I have a question for the more experience charters...did anyone chart their first cycle off hormonal BC? And was it a really weird cycle? I''m assuming it''s because the hormones have been gradually clearing my system, but I have had a steady temp drop on CD1-CD6, which I thought was a little strange since I was under the impression that temp drops typically occur just BEFORE your period starts? Plus, today I had a temp spike (even higher than I was on CD1) so my chart has this consistent drop from day 1-6, then spikes back up today. Granted, I did have several glasses of wine last night and slept in, so I *may* have been a bit hungover
and I took my temp 2 hrs later than usual. And no CM, so I don''t think I''ve had some sort of crazy early ovulation.

I would show you guys my chart, but I don''t know how to post it....I''m gonna try to figure it out! :)

Fisher, I googled Expecta and it looks like Amazon sells it in a 2 pack (60 days worth) for roughly the same price as other places sell a 1 pack?? And congrats on ovulating!!! :) I assume you took advantage of the situation??

Lauren, I agree, it was a big decision to stop the BC!! We actually went and bought some condoms yesterday as a security blanket. :) I mean, it certainly wouldn''t be the end of the world if I got pregnant before December, but the timing with my job and everything would be much better if it was Dec/Jan/Feb or so. So we''ll likely use condoms for the next couple months when I''m near fertile time. Funny story (maybe TMI?)...we''re at Target and I picked up a box of regular sized condoms that were non-latex, supposed to feel good, etc...DH looks and says "don''t you think we should get these? (holding up the trojan magnums)....I mean, I''m no **** star, but..." I hope it didn''t hurt his feelings that I burst out laughing. Just the way that he said it was hilarious. Reminded me of how I''ve heard of other hubbies being so proud about their "strong swimmers" after their SA results. :)

DrK, I LOVE the US pics!! How precious!!! "Bum" is the word DH uses (he''s British) and I just love it. LOL.

Swimmer, I''m totally jealous of your Kayaking in Maine! We''ve been sweltering down here in Texas...I hope you''re having a good time and that your nausea is better...hopefully it means something! And I''m keeping my fingers crossed for good news when you get back!!

Melanie, how are you feeling?? I can''t wait to hear about your test results...I agree, go to the Cape and have a good time and then you''ll have the test to look forward to when you get back! :)

Lulu, how''s it going?? have you tested yet?? PS: your nephew is just PRECIOUS!! *sigh*

Mandarine, I love your latest BPF pic! (yes, I''ve been lurking in the preggo thread, hehe) You look fantastic! I love that dress you''re wearing, too...super cute!! I really can''t wait to have belly pics of my own to share.
Cara, I will cross my fingers for you this month...but if it doesn''t work out, would love to be diving into TTCing with you in a few months!!
I am so excited.... I have to share
My hubby and I have decided that we are going to start trying in March. Making it work with my job is going to be difficult for the rest of time, so we''re choosing a semi-reasonable time and we''ll figure out the rest as we go along. This has been weighing on me for quite a while now, so just having a time line is thrilling
Can''t wait to pick up my prenatal vitamins.

I do have a question for the pros though. My cycle becomes ridiculously unpredictible when I am stressed. Which is usually, these days! Because of my schedule, it would be extremely helpful to know when I am ovulating. In normal length cycles, I have a pretty good idea based on CM. But in longer cycles, who knows??? Charting is not helpful until AFTER ovulation has occurred. So, hmm. Maybe I am a person who would do better with the clear blue easy monitor or OPKs? What do you think, experts?
Yaaay IceKid!
Congrats on setting a timeline! I''m so excited for you!!! Hopefully I''ll get my BFP just before you start trying, but if it takes longer, we''ll be TTC together! :)

Yanno, I was thinking, about this being-a-resident-and-mom thing....I see other residents doing it, and when I''ve asked them how it all works out, they say yes, it is hard work, but then they always followup that statement with "but it''s SOO worth it." And now, we''ve got intern year behind only gets better from here. I don''t know about your program, but mine has a really decent maternity leave policy (maybe even better than I can expect once I''m out trying to establish myself in a practice!). Regarding "life circumstances," I''ve always believed that, for the most part, people find a way to handle the cards that they''re dealt. The timing might not be *perfect*, but is there ever going to be a perfect time?

Re: prenatal vitamins, I went ahead and bought some New Chapter Perfect Prenatals because they get such good reviews, and so far I love them. I can sense a higher energy level, and I''ve done the "empty stomach" test multiple times with them, and have had zero nausea, which is pretty exceptional considering that just being really hungry is enough to make me nauseous. Some reviewers even said that they HELPED with their morning sickness once they were actually preggo. They are more expensive in stores, but I found lots of places online that sell a 2 month supply for under $50.
Fisher- I gave up charting when I started follistim/ovidrel. I just didn''t really see the point anymore since the ovidrel triggers ovulation, so I know I''ll ovulate 24-36 hours after. Sometimes the thermometer still tempts me though.
Date: 8/23/2009 7:51:03 PM
Author: icekid
I am so excited.... I have to share
My hubby and I have decided that we are going to start trying in March. Making it work with my job is going to be difficult for the rest of time, so we''re choosing a semi-reasonable time and we''ll figure out the rest as we go along. This has been weighing on me for quite a while now, so just having a time line is thrilling
Can''t wait to pick up my prenatal vitamins.

I do have a question for the pros though. My cycle becomes ridiculously unpredictible when I am stressed. Which is usually, these days! Because of my schedule, it would be extremely helpful to know when I am ovulating. In normal length cycles, I have a pretty good idea based on CM. But in longer cycles, who knows??? Charting is not helpful until AFTER ovulation has occurred. So, hmm. Maybe I am a person who would do better with the clear blue easy monitor or OPKs? What do you think, experts?
I''m so happy for you guys!

But I am super jealous too! We had planned on trying this September. But alas, life has gotten crazy... I start my Masters program Monday and a new job on Tuesday. I don''t feel right getting pregnant so soon after being hired so I have to wait....

I can''t wait until March though so I can start routing for you, as I do the rest of the ladies here!
Oh and this one is for you Fisher since you asked for more charts (I know, I know, I'm not even TTCing

But seriously, have you ever seen such lameness? A 26 day anovulatory cycle! (Average length for me is 34 days). It's my second anov in a row! I guess it's good that we aren't TTC yet because I'd be a lot more stressed and worried about this. I'm still in wait-and-see mode, but methinks I'll be headed to the doc soon to see what is up.

Yay for charts! Haha, I was just thinking about how they'd fallen off around here. Makes sense, though, since there are mostly new people or more "experienced" gals around here these days. I miss the days of analysis though.

Cara, you know they say miracles happen every day!! Maybe your husband has some of those swimmers that last 5 days!
Always a chance, I suppose. If this isn't the cycle, how long will you be waiting to try again?

Mia, I still don't understand what makes ovulation either be delayed or not occur at all. It's confusing and it seems like there are so many factors involved. I do know that stress (yes, lame answer, but apparently true) can create wonky cycles, and maybe all this work change you have going on is part of it? Not sure how old you are, but there's a false statement out there that if you're under 35, you need to wait 12 months to seek medical advice. If you *know* something's wonky (which we do through charting, OPKing, etc.), you can go in after 4-5 cycles of weird stuff. I went to the Dr. after about 6 cycles of seeing that my charts were LONG because of delayed ovulation over and over again. If your charts keep going as they have, you can totally seek advice!

Lia, I understand the nuttiness that comes with charting. I've been there, too. I took a cycle off and it was BLISSFUL. But in the end, I just really *need* to know... OPKs still confuse me to a degree. Although, now that I've ovulated this cycle, I really should stop charting... we'll see if I really do it, though. Having "clock work" cycles is a blessing for sure! I'm glad some people do have that!

Phoenixgirl, I've seen the tickers. I think they're cute and then also a constant reminder of where you are. Haha, not like most of us don't have that tucked away in the back of our minds, anyway. Still, the little graphics are too cute on those sites! Side note: how's the dog barking going? Did that bird house you got stop all issues?


HOU, I didn't chart first few cycles off the pill, but I do know that taking your temp at different times (even by an hour or so) will skew the chart. I also have temp drops (when not on Clomid, that is), for a few days while I'm having my period, then it shoots back up again. I think everyone's different in that way. You're not gaurenteed a temp drop before ovulation with charting. That's where OPKs come in, because simply doing the temps will not tell you when ovulation is coming, only that it's already occurred.

By the way, thanks for the information on Expecta.
I'll have to check it out.

Icekid, Yay
for having a set plan in place to start TTC. I sincerely hope all the active TTCers around here have moved on by then, but I know many of us will be coming back to cheer on others in this place! March will be here in no time....
I would maybe start using OPKs a while before active TTC, because for some of us (okay, mostly me) it's hard to figure out what a true "positive" is.

Tiffany, I hear you. I was told I didn't need to chart anymore either, but with Clomid, it can vary, so I still do it. Thinking of you, girl! I love it when I log in and see your little puppy!

So, a friend of ours is a chriopractor and we were talking this weekend about ultrasounds (she is very much opposed and was telling me about the reasoning behind it...) and she didn't know we were TTC. She says that being adjusted can absolutely have an impact on TTC, as the central nervous system influences the rest of the body in its jobs to do. She's offered to adjust me and Paul for free, as needed, to see if it will help with leading us into parenthood. Kind of exciting, but I've never considered chiro before, and popping bones kind of scares me. She did say that she has a machine that she uses that doesn't involve the popping issues, though. Something to think about, anyway. She said there have been women in the past who were irregular ovulators who regulated after being adjusted. Seems so odd, but I guess all things really do work together in these bodies of ours.

Because I've made mention of charts recently, I'll post mine, still a work in progress:

Haha... oops! That was from December. What a nerd!!

Okay, this is the right one.

Geesh, I feel like a goober.

Fisher, you are not a goober! Um, what is your friend's issue with u/s? Does she have another suggestion for knowing the number and size of follicles? Excellent that you can get some treatments! Its not as invasive as you think it might be...have fun!

Mia, stress, stress, stress, stress, it can wreak havoc on a chart. Good Luck!

HMG, any alcohol at all, and any variation over 30 min will render a chart pretty worthless very quickly. Sucks, but temp is such an ephemeral thing to be measuring, any little thing sets it off. Good luck and enjoy the process if you can.

like Tiffany, I quit temping when doing ovidrel. My RE said that it really doesn't show anything. And quite frankly, ff showed that I o'd on two months when my bloodwork said that I didn't. So I'm not certain I would even suggest it to someone based on my experiences except that the info and sense of being able to do something, anything, can be very powerful. shrug.

Thanks ladies, Maine was awesome, and then a quick drive down to NYC to visit my very pregnant sister. Awesome to go layette shopping with her. I had thought it was a piece of furniture we were looking for, but it is all the baby clothes, sheets, etc. Very interesting. Not sure if that is done outside of NYC, but the sales lady was like a baby expert. Similar to the elderly woman at Bloomies who sells me bras, finding that rare salesperson who says, "this is what you need," and "that is just worthless" is simply priceless. Personally having been rather cranky around preggos, it was awesome to see my sister. Relatives have completely lost their minds mil gave me a breast pump last night. Seriously. I get that she wants a grandchild. I get it.
Ouch, swimmer. Giving you a breast pump before you''re pregnant? How sensitive! Hopefully you''ll be needing it in the not-so-distant future anyways.

Icekid - we tried for 3.5 years of my residency. Had 2 miscarriages. I figured with my irregular cycles (and mine also tended to lengthen and often be anovulatory with stress/life/work), it''d take us a while. Sure enough, tons of fertility treatments later, we finally got pg just as I finished residency. We decided to give it a shot and deal with whatever timing happened to come along. I think that''s really the only way to do it. Sure, I''d rather have had a nice long mat leave with benefits and salary during my residency, but I''ll take what I can get now! Since I only just started my staff position (and love what I do), I''m pretty sure I''ll only take 3 months off. Plus my income in a month on mat leave with the provincial program for doctors would be about what my income is supposed to be in less than a week. Not exactly impressive. Depending what field you''re in, it could definitely be more of a hassle after training, when you might have to hustle to find a locum to temporarily take over your practice.
If you tend to get more irregular with stress, it might be a good idea to start charting now. Prove to your doctor that you''re anovulatory a few months in a row, and they might just give you some clomid to jump-start things. Or you might be able to figure out when a good time to take a nice long vacation would be. OPKs will also probably be helpful - I always went with the internet cheepies, since I''d have such long cycles and go through so many in a month.

Mia - at least you''ll be a charting pro when it''s time to start trying. How many more months do you think you''ll be waiting? Don''t put your whole life on hold for too long just for a new job. :) My department chief doesn''t know I got pg 3 weeks before I started work here. Hopefully he won''t flip out. I figure he shouldn''t be too surprised, since they hired me (and I wasn''t shy about saying I wanted kids last year when I did an elective here - just made sure to tell them I''d only plan to take 3 months off, and would be back to work as usual after that), another young woman with a 2 year old, and another one who is currently on mat leave is joining the group in January. It stands to reason that all 3 of us will likely be having more babies (I hope!) within the next 3-4 years. The group will just have to deal with it!

Fisher - The chiropractic adjustments sound intriguing. I''d probably go for it, especially if it''s free! Nice chart BTW!!

HMG - I also always had a spike in my temp the morning after I''d had 1-2 drinks, even if I took the temp at the same time as usual. The combination of drinks and temping later will definitely give you a big rise.

So who''s nearing the end of the 2WW?
swimmer i have to say that i just started laughing when i read about the breast pump. i mean, honestly. that's crazy.

icekid, how exciting! it's never too early to start with the prenatals and fish oil!

fisher i found your comment about the chiropractor very interesting. my DF went to our chiro last week, and she said the same thing (as well as being a proponent of acupuncture). of course, i couldnt get in an appt with her last week, which makes me feel as tho it's the one thing that will cause this go-round to fail .....

the reason for the six month (over 35) and 12 month comments (mine at least) for infertility treatment is b/c those are relevant for certain states. MA, for instance, which has excellent fertility coverage, does mandate coverage where a woman under 35 has been trying for 12 months. so if you walk into a doctor's office at that stage of things, you know you are covered in MA. which is not to say there aren't all kinds of ways to get around that, or that other types of gyno things wouldnt be covered.

hm okay, going back now to googling to figure out if it would be at all possible for embryos to implant 30 hours after transfer on day 3 (which it's not, i know) b/c that's when i had a spot of blood. which is more likely related to the transfer itself. but i have to do something ............... sigh. my blood test is a week from today.
HMG, ditto the alcohol --> temp spike. But really I''ve found my temperature to be pretty tolerant of changes of measurement time, provided I''ve gotten my 3 hrs continuous sleep prior. Sure, its a little low if I take it 2 hrs early or a little high if I take it two hours late, but not enough to throw off my chart. Pre-O temps are still in a different range than post-O temps. When I get up to go pee an hour before the alarm and forget to take my temp first, however, its definitely off an hour later. Or if I get up and walk around for 5 minutes first... may or may not be where it was 5 min ago.

Thanks for all the good wishes folks!

Fisher, I like seeing the charts too. Maybe b/c I''m a scientist. Unsure on our time off after this month but at least a few months to get past the start of husband''s fellowship next summer, though I''m not sure it''ll really be much better for him by the end of summer. He says the fellows seem less stressed/more competent about 6 months in but we''re not sure about waiting that long. There are some job uncertainties for me as well, so it''d be good if those were resolved before undertaking more procreative endeavors.
MELZ! I had a spot at 30ish hours post iui and figured it was from the iui? Had a spot at 5dpiui also. We are going to drive ourselves crazy with this version of tea-leaf reading!

Um, just read my post iui instructions. 8 days late. Weird as I normally follow directions pretty closely. Anyway, it says to refrain from gotf (that was for fishie) on days 4-5 after iui as that is when implantation is most likely to occur. Ummmm, what do you ladies think of that timeline? I inadvertently followed instructions as we were not in the same state, but I had thought that implantation dip/spotting was more like 8-10 dpo?

Cara, I love looking at other peoples' charts! Yes, immaculate conception indeed! Fisher, thanks for posting yours.

Whereforartthou Festy?

DRk, I love that you are still here. (eta, I'm at 8dpo and dying of curiosity)

Thinking about Lulu and everyone!
Fisher, I miss the charts too! You know what I really miss is the chart interpretation challenge on FF. I used to play it every day at lunch for months! You know what I don't miss? TEMPING!!
But thanks for posting your chart. Very nice indeed! Why not give the chiro a chance, eh? It was nice of her to offer.

Icekid - Great to have a timeline! And do jump in here often (and early if need be).

Swimmer - a breast pump? Really? And I thought my MIL buying me panties was bad...what up with those IUI instructions? See below...

So today was Insemination Day 1 for me. On Sunday morning I told DH that "I peed on a stick and got a smiley face." He had no idea what that meant. I have to say I am a big convert to the super spendy Clear Blue Easy Digital OPKs. (Thank you, Tiffany!) Probably not as spendy as the monitor, but not cheap. But oh to see that smiley face and not have to stare at those stupid lines...priceless! DH gave a very respectable sample this morning, thanks in large part to the fact that we have not had any husband-on-wife action in a looong time.

Swimmer - I got no such post-IUI instructions. We will for sure be GOTF since, well, see last paragraph. And I was planning on going to the gym tonight. I can't put my life on hold for two weeks! How's the nausea? Has it come back? And since when is GOTF supposed to hinder implantation?

Melanie - how are you feeling, other than the spot? Oh those damn spots! Are you supposed to abstain during your 2ww?
Swimmer - Days 4-5 post IUI sounds early to me. My blasts were supposed to implant 1-3 days after transfer, which would be the equivalent of 6-8 dpiui. I was told to avoid sex, swimming, strenuous exercise etc during the 2ww. I think they just don''t want any "bigO" uterine contractions to cause problems with implantation, or to risk infection. My previous RE who I did IUIs with didn''t have any restrictions, I don''t think.

My big "problem" will be when to GOTF again. Since I''ve gotten back into the trashy Harlequin Blaze novels (there were 50 or so lying around our building''s laundry room book-sharing library that I borrowed a while back), it''s revving up my libido :) DH hasn''t benefited from it yet, and I''m kind of chicken to cause any bleeding from cervix irritation or anything...
Drk, yeah, just seems early to think that sex would be an issue then. That is the major problem with my google medical certification! Thank you for clarification. Too hot for even cuddling anyway.

Festy, so are there going to be more insemination days? You just have to keep on living, what else can be done?

The lake where I have been swimming most days just got condemned for bacterial infections (shigellosis). Awesome.
Swimmer- I haven''t been told not to gotf at any time. And days 4-5 sound early for implantation. We were actually told TO gotf the night of the IUI.
interesting that every place is so different.
we were told to gotf friday night after the trigger shot, then not to until the iui on sunday am, and then to gotf again the following night. oh man, this waiting is killllllller. I hear you about being tempted by the thermometer. I just want to be able to DO something.

hope all is excellent. having gone insane, i am rearranging furniture in our 90 degree apt.
Thinking of you, Lulu. I hope you''re doing well! Come back soon to tell us how you''re doing.

So, I''ve been wondering... there are a lot of preggos here who are on FB, but I''m not sure if any of the TTCers are. For anyone who is, and who has friends here who may also know them on FB, if you''re not planning on sharing that you''re pregnant (you know, since we''re all going to be *soon!!*), will you delay announcing it here, too, just so nothing slips out? The reason I ask is because Paul and I would like to have it be just about us for a while, we think--could change, though. And I want to be able to tell my parents in person, together. They''re in Cali, so that would be either at Thanksgiving, or Christmas. I also may just fly out for a weekend to tell them if I''m pregnant before about October or so. Anyway, it''s just something I''d been thinking about...
Swimmer 9dpo for you when are you testing are you? ........... I will probably cave and do it Friday but my DF says to wait for the Monday blood test. He's a smart one.

Festy hoping for you! My instructions say to abstain for 48 hours after the transfer. But we're just going to wait until the blood test. Just to be sure.

I feel no different. Except this morning I woke up really happy. Perhaps my body knows it's pregnant and is happy? Perhaps it's b/c the sun is shining? Perhaps it's because I stopped eating meat and having been going to acupuncture? .....................

So *when* we get pregnant I thought staying home was an option but DF says we might not be able to afford it for two years. If one is going to stay home, it doesn't make sense to do it starting at year two. Seems like the early time is the most important. But now that I've firmly planted the bug perhaps I can bring him around.
Fisher, that is an interesting question. I am fb (and real life) friends with a few women on here...I just trust that they are wise women who wouldn''t post a "Mazel Tov" at 4weeks preggo where my 500 nearest and dearest can see. They didn''t peep last time I was briefly pregnant... Missy, you will NOT deny us the joy of your first + HPT! We will not tell anyone about it! Some folks disappear and come back at 10weeks, Ebree did. That takes willpower!

Mel, (you didn''t catch me last time!) Awesome that you woke up happy! A very good sign! Woman''s intuition, right?
I''m waiting till 13dpo. Weirdly my bloodtest this time is scheduled for 15dpo...but I don''t have insurance for one day since i''m switching from being employed by a university to a school district, and of course that day is test day. The blood test is around $200. DH says go for it, but I am one cheap lady and figure I can wait a day. Also I do not want a call on the first day of school telling me I''m not pregnant. They usually call me at 1pm. Exactly when I will be explaining the honor code to the freshman class. I can not believe that school starts so soon! where did the summer go?
Hi all,

Yes, insemination day #2 was today. My place does the turkey baster the two days after a + OPK. I woke up in the middle of the night last night with the feeling that it didn''t work. It kind of bummed me out. I hope I''m wrong and that Melanie''s happy mood is right! Here''s something interesting and gross/TMI. I thought that the fertile CM had dried up, but when the nurse was doing her thing this morning she told me I had "a lot of secretions." So it just goes to show that sometimes that stuff stays up around the cervix. And to add to the confusion about what to do after IUI, my nurse said to carry on as usual. I took that to mean that gotf was ok.

Fisher, I''m not friends with anyone on PS in real life or on FB, so you can count on me to keep a secret!

Swimmer, I can''t wait 4 days for you to test!!! Sorry, I know that''s not helpful.
Oh Festy I hope your mood is wrong too. With regard to the CM, I have noticed that I'm quite a producer, even around the end of my cycle. It might get a little sticky after ovulation, but then it starts right up again. Weird.

Fisher ditto. Not even on FB actually.

Swimmmerrr I love the Melz! It always makes me smile. I was going to have some fun and change my name on this forum to Melz but I couldn't figure out how to do it ....
I think it totally makes sense to wait one day to save $200. So you're testing in 4 days? Is anyone else testing in the next week?

One thing I was thinking about this morning. We all hear so much about implantation bleeding. Well, I'm beyond the point now when implantation would be expected and I've seen no blood. (Except for that teeny tiny spot too early). I wonder if women who are ktfu generally see implantation bleeding or if it's more of a some do/some don't thing. I mean, I've DEFINITELY been looking.
Implantation bleeding definitely does not happen for everyone.

I would rather it not happen, personally. It would probably freak me out! Plus sometimes it''s confused with random spotting before AF.