
The Official TTC Thread!

Lindsey - another reason for such strong +ves early on could be twins (or just a really strong little one).... Congrats!
Yeah, Lindsey!!
Stick bean stick!! This gives hope to those of us with low post-o temps! Now I'm gonna have to dig through this monster of a thread to ready your whole journey.

Fisher, I'm glad your procedure is behind you. If you're anything like me, you probably belly ached about it for days before. Don't leave me hanging too long waiting for pictures of your fur babies!

Mia, here's to being prepared! God, I wish I charted, etc. BEFORE TTC. I think I had a lot to learn. As naive as it sounds, at 32 I just thought "do it" with no protection and you get knocked up. Silly me!

Well, today I had a milestone - I completed my first chart. Now, it didn't end in a BFP but that isn't a surprise. DH broke his hand on CD we only GOTF once during my fertile phase and that was 3 days before ovulation. So here she is - my FIRST chart! Some notes - totally switching to vaginal temping this month. I was kind of weirded out by it but I think I'll get more accurate results. I think I'm what you call a slow riser - my post-o temps aren't a ton above the coverline but I'm not terribly concerned because I was sick pre-o and woke up later so I think that may have skewed my pre-o temps and next month I'll show a more prominent shift.

chart cycle 09092009.JPG
Seriously, did we really only BD 3 times this month? poor husband! I'm gonna work on that this month. Hopefully, we won't be contending with illness and that dang busted hand!
Lindsey - your chart looks sooooo good! Like DRK, I too was thinking it could be twins.

Regarding soy - I took 120 mg cycle days 3 - 5, and then upped it to 180 mg on days 6 and 7. We shall see. If I did infact ovulate, I think I may have ovulated from both ovaries (since I may be having corpus luteum pain on both sides). Today is 7 DPO, when should I start testing? Of course I want to test tomorrow

***Warning - Stupid Confession Ahead***
I truly thought I would get pregnant the first month of trying. Feel free to laugh at me. I had been charting for 8 months - had my cycles down and have never had "female" issues (cysts, pelvic pain, endo, etc). Well, here I am 6 months later and NADA.

I guess it is time to see my doctor. Though I know my insurance covers pretty much nothing. I think it pays 50% for diagnostics only.

Oh well, hubby is taking the Fertell male fertility test tonight.
Oh, and if I test negative by 10 DPO, I''m going to get a flu shot.
LAJ - Not a stupid confession at all!! I thought the same thing!
Here''s hoping this is your cycle!! I would probably wait at least another three days to test.

Do you usually get a flu shot? Or, are you getting one this year specifically because you are TTC''g?

LAJenn -- That is definitely not a stupid confession. I think so many women (me included) expects it to happen the first time. I can imagine how you definitely thought that since you had already been charting and had everything down!! As far as stupid confessions, do you see where I started testing at 7dpo? ;-)

Pandora -- you crack me up! I can''t believe you thought that my chart looked good, I told you I was so depressed on 5 dpo I nixed work! I thought that my temps were abysmal... I refused to listen to anyone who said that I shouldn''t put much stock in them.

So early US... yes. I will have a dating scan. Then at 12 weeks I will find out the sex of the baby, can you believe that? They will do a crazy blood test on me that looks at what they described as "floating DNA." The possible results are:

Boy/Rh+ -- The test detects male, Rh+ DNA in my blood
Boy/Rh- -- The test detects male, Rh- DNA in my blood (well,the absence of the Rh factor)
Girl/Rh+ -- The test detects female, Rh+ DNA
Girl/Rh- -- This result is the same as my DNA, so an amnio would have to be done to confirm the results around 16 weeks.

If my results are Boy/Rh+, Girl/Rh+, or Girl/Rh- then I''ll start IViG therapy at 14 weeks. If the amnio confirms that a Girl/Rh- result is accurate, I can quit the therapy then. If the baby is Rh+, the new maternal-fetal specialist estimated that we would start transfusions for the baby around week 24. 18 weeks is the earliest that they can do the transfusions, so the IViG is done in hopes that it can delay the need for a transfusion. I am scared, but I feel that I am in the best hands that I can be -- I have a new maternal-fetal specialist who actually specializes in Rh sensitivity and he hasn''t lost a baby in 10 years. He told me that if we couldn''t survive losing another child that we shouldn''t do this, but he also said that he thought that we will have a successful outcome. I have to hope!

Oh Lindsey, I am so happy for you!!! I will send all my positive thoughts to you and your bean. Sticky vibes!!!
Lindsey, your chart looks so good *now*! A few DPO, it didn't have enough trend to see the post-O rise clearly because there was a bit of scatter in your pre-O temps, but its easy to see it all now! Plus that secondary rise is wonderful! And you and your husband are so brave. I think having and raising kids requires a ton of bravery and trusting yourself to the unknown, you two just got a head start on the difficulties over most parents. Sometimes you just have to put yourself in the hands of the medical professionals, trust them to do their job well, and hope for the best. Yay for a good start!

mia, I don't think most docs will see you for a fertility issue per se until you've been trying, but if you have some cycle problem like no period or *really* irregular cycles (combined with no ovulation signs while charting) seems like you could get in the door for checking out the more general issue that may affect your fertility.

LAJenn, that sucks! Well, if you've been at it for 6 mo with good timing, seems like a visit to the doc is in order. Maybe you too will get the happy-O clomid drug.

DrK, I was looking for you while lurking on the preggo thread! Hope your bean/belly is doing well.

Fisher, thanks for asking about me. I'm doing OK. Husband and I are still avoiding but getting weak-willed :) hem, haw, etc. I reread TGals thread about old foogie mommies and enjoyed '32 is the perfect age' as I'll be 32 next year! So we'll see...
OMG, Lindsey!!
Soooo happy for you!!! BEST of luck as this little one continues to grow, and I will continue to pray for an easy pregnancy for you. Girl/Rh- sure would be easiest, wouldn''t it? :) But if it doesn''t end up that way, it seems like you''re in good spirits about dealing with the IVIG, transfusions, etc. I will pray for a strong, healthly baby!! :)

Fisher, LOVE the furball. AAAAAAdorable.
And good luck with your HSG.

RE: flu shots...I''ve already had my regular flu shot, and I will be getting my H1N1 vaccine as soon as it is available to me (probably pretty soon, since I''m in healthcare). It is especially important that pregnant (or soon-to-be-pregnant) women get all the protection they can against the flu, especially H1N1...we aren''t entirely sure why, but what we''re seeing is that pregnant women are getting really sick with H1N1, and the mortality is markedly higher in pregnant women who get it than in the general population. Scary.
Date: 10/6/2009 8:46:14 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
OMG, Lindsey!!
Soooo happy for you!!! BEST of luck as this little one continues to grow, and I will continue to pray for an easy pregnancy for you. Girl/Rh- sure would be easiest, wouldn''t it? :) But if it doesn''t end up that way, it seems like you''re in good spirits about dealing with the IVIG, transfusions, etc. I will pray for a strong, healthly baby!! :)

Fisher, LOVE the furball. AAAAAAdorable.
And good luck with your HSG.

RE: flu shots...I''ve already had my regular flu shot, and I will be getting my H1N1 vaccine as soon as it is available to me (probably pretty soon, since I''m in healthcare). It is especially important that pregnant (or soon-to-be-pregnant) women get all the protection they can against the flu, especially H1N1...we aren''t entirely sure why, but what we''re seeing is that pregnant women are getting really sick with H1N1, and the mortality is markedly higher in pregnant women who get it than in the general population. Scary.

HouMedgal - I read (or heard) that if you get the H1N1 vaccine, that you shouldn''t conceive in the following 3 months. What is the reason for that? Or is that even accurate?
Lindsey -- super fast swing by to say congrats!!! I wish you a happy, healthy (sticky!) baby!!!
Date: 10/6/2009 7:28:55 PM
Author: *Lindsey*

LAJenn -- That is definitely not a stupid confession. I think so many women (me included) expects it to happen the first time. I can imagine how you definitely thought that since you had already been charting and had everything down!! As far as stupid confessions, do you see where I started testing at 7dpo? ;-)

Pandora -- you crack me up! I can''t believe you thought that my chart looked good, I told you I was so depressed on 5 dpo I nixed work! I thought that my temps were abysmal... I refused to listen to anyone who said that I shouldn''t put much stock in them.

So early US... yes. I will have a dating scan. Then at 12 weeks I will find out the sex of the baby, can you believe that? They will do a crazy blood test on me that looks at what they described as ''floating DNA.'' The possible results are:

Boy/Rh+ -- The test detects male, Rh+ DNA in my blood
Boy/Rh- -- The test detects male, Rh- DNA in my blood (well,the absence of the Rh factor)
Girl/Rh+ -- The test detects female, Rh+ DNA
Girl/Rh- -- This result is the same as my DNA, so an amnio would have to be done to confirm the results around 16 weeks.

If my results are Boy/Rh+, Girl/Rh+, or Girl/Rh- then I''ll start IViG therapy at 14 weeks. If the amnio confirms that a Girl/Rh- result is accurate, I can quit the therapy then. If the baby is Rh+, the new maternal-fetal specialist estimated that we would start transfusions for the baby around week 24. 18 weeks is the earliest that they can do the transfusions, so the IViG is done in hopes that it can delay the need for a transfusion. I am scared, but I feel that I am in the best hands that I can be -- I have a new maternal-fetal specialist who actually specializes in Rh sensitivity and he hasn''t lost a baby in 10 years. He told me that if we couldn''t survive losing another child that we shouldn''t do this, but he also said that he thought that we will have a successful outcome. I have to hope!

LOL! I just thought your chart looked a bit like mine did (I so thought I was out because of low temps) when I got my BFP. Plus, your BD pattern was excellent and you don''t have a problem getting KTFU.

I''ll be hoping for a Rh- girl for you! Then you can breathe a huge sigh or relief and then start panicking about all the normal preggo woman stuff!

I wondered about twins with that mega + that you are getting - I mean this in a really good way, but I''m hoping that it''s not for your sake. You deserve as risk-free a pregnancy as possible.

Anyway, I am super happy for you!
Congrats Lindsey! I''ve followed your story and was incredibly moved by your strength during such a difficult time. I wish you nothing but a happy and healthy 9 months and beyond.
Lindsey! Congrats!!!! I thought your chart looked good too, but I''ve never charted myself so I figured I must just not know what I''m talking about.

I send you heartfelt wishes for a healthy pregnancy, whatever Rh and gender you have in there (but of course negative would make things so much easier so I''m sending up a prayer for that!). I''m so glad your doctor is such an expert.
Congrats Lindsey! How wonderful, really hoping the Rh is compatible!
Regarding H1N1 the CDC says you can get the flu shots the same day link

For ttc this is more specific: cnn
from CNN • "My daughter is 29 and in good health and would like to start trying to get pregnant. We are thinking that she should have the H1N1 vaccination before she starts trying to become pregnant. Is this the best course of action? Should she wait until she actually becomes pregnant? Are there any implications in either of these cases for the health of the future fetus?

Our team of experts is divided on this one. Some say since the CDC had designated only pregnant women as being at high risk, your daughter should wait until she''s actually pregnant to get the shot. "It''s hard to predict when she and her partner might actually have a successful pregnancy, and there''s plenty of time to vaccinate when they do conceive," Silverman said. "The key here is targeting risk groups appropriately, and her risk wouldn''t begin to increase until she was actually pregnant."

Others, however, disagree. They say your daughter might as well get the shot now, since she''ll never know exactly when she''ll become pregnant, and she might as well be protected against H1N1 from the very start. "Your daughter can receive the H1N1 vaccine as soon as it becomes available," said Dr. William Schaffner, chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. "There is no benefit in waiting until she is pregnant. The H1N1 vaccine [as well as the regular seasonal vaccine] is safe for both the mother and the future fetus."

Perhaps Dr. Peter Palese, a professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, summed it up best. "Any which way is fine" is his advice for your daughter as far as whether she should get it while she''s trying to become pregnant or after she conceives."
CD1 here! I spoke with my doctor about my low progesterone at 7DPO. She was not very concerned, told me that there is a lot of debate about progesterone, the necessesity of progesterone supplemenation, etc. I asked her if I could get pregnant with a 7 at 7DPO, and she said "YES." Based upon my internet research, I did not think that was the case, so I was of course very happy to hear this. She wants me to repeat the 7DPO bloodwork this cycle, to confirm if I do, in fact, have low progesterone, at which time she would prescribe supplementation, which she said, may or may not make a difference. There is a lot of debate, apparently, but she said it couldn''t hurt.

I asked her when my DH should have his SA done, and she laughed as if she was taken aback and told me that I was being "very aggressive" with all of this testing. I''m sure some would agree with that assessment, and some would also disagree. I''m going to disagree. I will be 36 in December, am not pregnant and have never been pregnant. So, I will pick up a kit from the dr''s office for DH. It sounds like he will not have to go to the lab for this, so that is good.

Last month was a shorter cycle, only 27 days. Very glad about that. Try, try again!


Laila - How are you doing? Did you have any bloodwork done this past month?
Congratulations Lindsey! Here''s to a healthy pregnancy and easy delivery!

I pretty much lurk around here now, but I wondered if I could ask you to join me in prayer for my SIL. She and my brother have been TTC-ing for over two years without success, and discovered about a year ago that she has PCOS. She needs to lose some serious weight and take metformin. Of course, my brother being in the Navy and regularly away from home doesn''t help either... She''s always wanted to be a young mother and her timeline for a first child before 27 is expiring next week. We''ve never been really close, but I have the impression that she''s taking my pregnancy pretty hard. Last weekend there was a funeral in the family, and she spent the whole time in a different room than me, except during the service... Some of us went to an aunt''s place afterwards and she spent the entire evening alone in the living room while we were all gathered in the kitchen. It just makes me so sad.
I really wish she could have been pregnant at the same time as me, or before me... I wish there was something I could do to help; it was so easy for us I''d love to make it easier for them. So pray with me please? Her name is Jenny. Next weekend for the Thanksgiving long weekend, we''re all going to my parents'' place and celebrating my mom''s birthday and Jenny''s. I hope we can all have a good time...

Thanks everyone! I''m praying for and sending baby dust to all of you all well.
OMG, congratulations Lindsey!!! I''m not on here much anymore other than lurking (no time!), but when Sabine told me that you''re KTFU I had to post! I''m so happy for you! Sending tons of sticky dust your way!
Date: 10/7/2009 10:10:31 AM
Author: Loves Vintage
Laila - How are you doing? Did you have any bloodwork done this past month?
Hi Loves Vintage!

Im in the 2ww, 9 DPO. I doubt I am pregnant, just a hunch.

My first appointment with a fertility doc is in November.
I am so excited. It'll only be month 7 of trying, but my doctor is very proactive and thinks it's odd that I'm not getting pregnant easily at 28. So he gave me a referral. I haven't gotten any more tests done, I'm waiting to do them with the fertility doc.

I am surprised at the attitude of your doctor honestly. She seems very blase! From what I have read, doctors like to see a 10 or above at 7 DPO progesterone test. Anything less and you could benefit from taking progesterone. It's great that your DH is getting his test done though!
Date: 10/6/2009 7:28:55 PM
Author: *Lindsey*

LAJenn -- That is definitely not a stupid confession. I think so many women (me included) expects it to happen the first time. I can imagine how you definitely thought that since you had already been charting and had everything down!! As far as stupid confessions, do you see where I started testing at 7dpo? ;-)

Pandora -- you crack me up! I can''t believe you thought that my chart looked good, I told you I was so depressed on 5 dpo I nixed work! I thought that my temps were abysmal... I refused to listen to anyone who said that I shouldn''t put much stock in them.

So early US... yes. I will have a dating scan. Then at 12 weeks I will find out the sex of the baby, can you believe that? They will do a crazy blood test on me that looks at what they described as ''floating DNA.'' The possible results are:

Boy/Rh+ -- The test detects male, Rh+ DNA in my blood
Boy/Rh- -- The test detects male, Rh- DNA in my blood (well,the absence of the Rh factor)
Girl/Rh+ -- The test detects female, Rh+ DNA
Girl/Rh- -- This result is the same as my DNA, so an amnio would have to be done to confirm the results around 16 weeks.

If my results are Boy/Rh+, Girl/Rh+, or Girl/Rh- then I''ll start IViG therapy at 14 weeks. If the amnio confirms that a Girl/Rh- result is accurate, I can quit the therapy then. If the baby is Rh+, the new maternal-fetal specialist estimated that we would start transfusions for the baby around week 24. 18 weeks is the earliest that they can do the transfusions, so the IViG is done in hopes that it can delay the need for a transfusion. I am scared, but I feel that I am in the best hands that I can be -- I have a new maternal-fetal specialist who actually specializes in Rh sensitivity and he hasn''t lost a baby in 10 years. He told me that if we couldn''t survive losing another child that we shouldn''t do this, but he also said that he thought that we will have a successful outcome. I have to hope!

Congratulations Lindsey!!!
Sending you lots of sticky vibes!!

I don''t know if you had mentioned it before, but I''m assuming from your post that your RH-? I am as well, and am interested in the tranfusion process. Do you need to do the fetal transfusions now because of sensitization due to your earlier loss/chemical pregnancy?
Date: 10/7/2009 10:10:31 AM
Author: Loves Vintage
CD1 here! I spoke with my doctor about my low progesterone at 7DPO. She was not very concerned, told me that there is a lot of debate about progesterone, the necessesity of progesterone supplemenation, etc. I asked her if I could get pregnant with a 7 at 7DPO, and she said ''YES.'' Based upon my internet research, I did not think that was the case, so I was of course very happy to hear this. She wants me to repeat the 7DPO bloodwork this cycle, to confirm if I do, in fact, have low progesterone, at which time she would prescribe supplementation, which she said, may or may not make a difference. There is a lot of debate, apparently, but she said it couldn''t hurt.

I asked her when my DH should have his SA done, and she laughed as if she was taken aback and told me that I was being ''very aggressive'' with all of this testing. I''m sure some would agree with that assessment, and some would also disagree. I''m going to disagree. I will be 36 in December, am not pregnant and have never been pregnant. So, I will pick up a kit from the dr''s office for DH. It sounds like he will not have to go to the lab for this, so that is good.

Last month was a shorter cycle, only 27 days. Very glad about that. Try, try again!


Laila - How are you doing? Did you have any bloodwork done this past month?
Just popping in to say congrats to LIndsay. Wishing you a very healthy pregnancy.

I also wanted to comment on this post about progesterone. I am living proof that the debate about progesterone is real. If you''ve been following this thread for a while, you may recall that I was TTC for a while and was on Clomid. The 7 DPO test after my first month of Clomid showed very low progesterone so I was told that I did not ovulate on Clomid. I was devastated by this news and convinced I was going to have to go through more invasive fertility procedures to get pregnant. 3 days later I got my BFP and I am now due in 6 weeks! I also had low progesterone throughout my first trimester, but did not experience any bleeding or anything of that sort. My dr. did not prescribe supplementation for me because her philosophy is that progesterone supplementation does not prevent miscarriage, it may just prolong the inevitable (I knwothere is a lot of debate in the medical community on this issue). But here I am , 34 weeks pregnany with a helathy baby girl after being told I did not ovulate do to my low progesterone levels. So, it''s definitely possible!
IIRC someone else here had low progesterone and ended up pg too?? Or was that you November...

Linsday!! congrats! I am hoping for an Rh- baby for you either way! Have a happy 12 weeks... I know two families who had children after losing their babies at birth, and the subsequent pregnancies were both more meaningful and more scary. I hope you can find a balance between remembering your daighter and also savouring this new life growing inside you!
Sha- Lindsey is a rare bird and fetal transfusions are not commonly needed. She is Rh- but was sensitized to Rh+ prior to any pregnancy, and already suffered a very tragic loss so they are being very proactive with her care this time around. Hopefully you being Rh- have not been exposed to Rh+ antigen, so you only need to get a shot at some point to prevent you from developing an immune response if your baby happens to be Rh+. Much less serious and more common than needing fetal transfusions.
CONGRATS, Lindsey!
Date: 10/7/2009 1:38:08 PM
Author: cara
Sha- Lindsey is a rare bird and fetal transfusions are not commonly needed. She is Rh- but was sensitized to Rh+ prior to any pregnancy, and already suffered a very tragic loss so they are being very proactive with her care this time around. Hopefully you being Rh- have not been exposed to Rh+ antigen, so you only need to get a shot at some point to prevent you from developing an immune response if your baby happens to be Rh+. Much less serious and more common than needing fetal transfusions.
Thanks, cara.
You''re right, I did the antibody test a few months ago and I wasn''t sensitized (thank Goodness), so will taking the Rhogam shot sometime soon to prevent any future complications.
Congrats Lindsey!!!
Date: 10/7/2009 12:50:36 PM
Author: NovemberBride

Date: 10/7/2009 10:10:31 AM
Author: Loves Vintage
CD1 here! I spoke with my doctor about my low progesterone at 7DPO. She was not very concerned, told me that there is a lot of debate about progesterone, the necessesity of progesterone supplemenation, etc. I asked her if I could get pregnant with a 7 at 7DPO, and she said ''YES.'' Based upon my internet research, I did not think that was the case, so I was of course very happy to hear this. She wants me to repeat the 7DPO bloodwork this cycle, to confirm if I do, in fact, have low progesterone, at which time she would prescribe supplementation, which she said, may or may not make a difference. There is a lot of debate, apparently, but she said it couldn''t hurt.

I asked her when my DH should have his SA done, and she laughed as if she was taken aback and told me that I was being ''very aggressive'' with all of this testing. I''m sure some would agree with that assessment, and some would also disagree. I''m going to disagree. I will be 36 in December, am not pregnant and have never been pregnant. So, I will pick up a kit from the dr''s office for DH. It sounds like he will not have to go to the lab for this, so that is good.

Last month was a shorter cycle, only 27 days. Very glad about that. Try, try again!


Laila - How are you doing? Did you have any bloodwork done this past month?
Just popping in to say congrats to LIndsay. Wishing you a very healthy pregnancy.

I also wanted to comment on this post about progesterone. I am living proof that the debate about progesterone is real. If you''ve been following this thread for a while, you may recall that I was TTC for a while and was on Clomid. The 7 DPO test after my first month of Clomid showed very low progesterone so I was told that I did not ovulate on Clomid. I was devastated by this news and convinced I was going to have to go through more invasive fertility procedures to get pregnant. 3 days later I got my BFP and I am now due in 6 weeks! I also had low progesterone throughout my first trimester, but did not experience any bleeding or anything of that sort. My dr. did not prescribe supplementation for me because her philosophy is that progesterone supplementation does not prevent miscarriage, it may just prolong the inevitable (I knwothere is a lot of debate in the medical community on this issue). But here I am , 34 weeks pregnany with a helathy baby girl after being told I did not ovulate do to my low progesterone levels. So, it''s definitely possible!
November, thanks for reminding all of us that there are exceptions to every rule out there in the TTC world. It''s such an intricate process, creating a life and it can''t be summed up in blood tests and charts and mucus. For whatever reason, your post really pointed that out to me again, and I needed to be reminded.


Wow, 34 weeks! Just about time now!

Lindsey, Paul and I have been praying for you; just imagining the road you and your husband have walked amazes me, particularly in your ability to share the experience, your love for Natalie, and in your optimism for what''s to come. When I told Paul that you''re expecting again, his first response was that Natalie would have known before you and your husband about her new baby brother or sister created in heaven. That made me really happy to think about, and I thought I''d pass it on....

Girl, every one of us thinks, hopes, prays that our first month of trying will be magical and will be *the* cycle. I''m so thankful that it works out that way for some of us (gives a girl hope!!), although it''s not reality for most women. Not a stupid confession at all, more like a truthful one most of us here have also lived. I''ve gone beyond that to the "Oh, in the first 6 cycles, the first cycle on Clomid, surely before a year," and on and on. Truthfully, I''m trying to stop doing that but I still have a little ticker in my mind that I can''t swipe away completely that ticks off the months, as 2009 fades away. The thing is, I don''t want my life to be that because there is so much more than creating a baby to be done in this world. It comes and goes, the pangs. Just keep on keeping on and I hope you''re able to see a Dr. soon. It really does bring some peace (mostly).

And hoping good results from your husband''s test last night!