
The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats Lulu and Lindsey!!! Here''s to an easy 9 months!!!!
Congrats Lulu!!!
Details please!!! Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Robbie - I noticed your post earlier. How are you and little Desmond doing? Haven''t seen you around in a while.
Congratulations, lulu. The first few months can be quite a roller coaster. Enjoy every milestone.
Delurking to say that I am so so pleased for you two, Lindsay and Lulu! Reading your news made me tear up. Fingers crossed for a healthy nine months!
Congrats Lindsey and Lulu!! I''m so happy for both of you!!!
Congrats Lulu and Lindsey. I wish you both a very happy, healthy and stress-free 9 months. You deserve it!
OMG Lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't be more HAPPY for you! I KNEW this day would come for you.
I've been laying low since getting back from our vacation, but something drew me to pricescope tonight at 11pm (when I'm never on) and low and behold! CONGRATULATIONS - I'll be hoping and praying for a sticky bean!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lindsey - CONGRATULATIONS to you too!!!! Such amazing news around here!!!!!
Lulu!!!! HUGE CONGRATS to you and your DH!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, Lulu! Such happy news.
Congratulations Lindsey & Lulu!!!! I am so very happy for the both of you!!!!!!
Such wonderful news!!! Congratulations Lulu!!
wow. thank you so much. this thread has been there for me during so many of my lows, that I was so hoping and waiting for the post to share such a high.

As for details, this was either or 18th or 19th cycle of trying
. We have been through a number of tests (normal) and have had one cycle on clomid and done one clomid/iui very recently. both were unsucessful. Because my health insurance does not cover any treatment, because I honestly didn''t feel like I had enough information to know what intervention should be next, and because we are in the process of moving into a new home, I decided that I wanted to skip interventions altogether this month. I did, however, continue to take progesterone supplements (eliminates a mid-cycle spotting issue) and also had a few cups of raspberry leaf tea/goji berries (I can''t remember exactly who recommended that, but my uterine lining was thin and this tea is supposed to help). Basically, we just strategically GOTF

I tested on a whim last night at DPO11. I have gotten so used to seeing that blaring blank, so when the line came up, I honestly couldn''t look at it. I''d look and then turn away thinking that it couldn''t be real. There were no cute t-shirts or books to let my husband know that there was a positive, just me yelling from the bathroom for him to confirm that I wasn''t imagining it. We were both a little overwhelmed. It was a special moment, but then I went straight to being a bit terrified. I''m trying to be cautiously optimistic, but I just feel like I know *too* much from my extensive journey to this point. Also, I POAS this morning and the line was a bit lighter than the one from last night. I know that this could mean nothing, but . . . I''m just trying to hope for the best and really just relish in the fact that we can make a positive.

thank you again for all of the congratulations!
Oh Lovely, I am beyond THRILLED for you and your DH!!!!!!!!! I'm sure you didn't get much sleep last night with all that excitement!!!!!!!!!! You are so deserving of this and I'll be rooting for you as you continue on this journey!

ETA - do you mind me asking your BD pattern? Did you do E.O.D or everyday? Also, when did you start? When I got pregnant, we did the sperm meets egg plan so I'm curious.

Not to take away from all the excitement around here, I am going for my HSG test today. God, I remember back in May when my OBGYN had set up this appt. for me and then accidentally made an appt. in the wrong department at NYU. I had a complete and utter meltdown in front of random doctors and nurses...not to mention my DH that day. I had then missed my window to take the test again that cycle, but ended up preggo so, we never considered another one. Now, my RE wants to do it as a precaution. Even though I was pregnant, she just wants to make sure all things are normal. So, needless to say I'm very nervous. You'd think I'd be used to the poking and prodding at this point, but for some reason my heart is racing this morning. Wish me luck ladies!

Also, this cycle DH and I have decided to go the IUI route. Here's my question - today is CD10 for me. My DH wants to withold any BDing this week until we are told it's time for him to give his sample. He's nervous that we are going to waste all his good swimmers if we start now. My doctor also told me to obstain 2-5 days before the IUI. For those who have been through this, do you think we are doing the right thing? I'm usually the one who calls the shots with when we need to BD, but this cycle I'm going to try things his way.

I'm seeing my doctor on Wed. for bloodwork and ultrasound so, I'm going to talk to her about it too and by then she'll have a clearer idea of what day the IUI will occur. Anyway, any advice on this would be greatly appreciated!
lulu, I''ve been quietly following your story and am beyond overjoyed for you!!! Congratulations, girl!!!!!
Please stay positive and enjoy the ride. Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!!

How extremely exciting, lady!!! I'm so very, very, very happy for you!! I'm also sure that the screams to your hubby to check the lines was just as wonderful for him as any other way you could have dreamed up to share the big news.
I'm thrilled for you!! YAY!!

Keep positive and enjoy this moment, lady. I will definitely be following your journey to mommy-hood!!

You know, every pregnancy is a miracle, but lately, this thread has had some super wonderful news: Swimmer, Lindsey, and Lulu have had such different, but difficult, journeys to pregnancy and it's so wonderful that all of this is happening. I'm overwhelmed with happiness and best wishes for all of you girls!!


Good luck at the HSG today. I'll be thinking about you. It wasn't nearly what I'd made it out to be in my mind, but it's so horrible sitting in the waiting room, doing nothing but worrying about the process, the outcome, etc.

The Dr. said the procedure goes much better if you stay relaxed, so try to do deep breathing throughout the process. Mine was counting for me when to breath in and let it out... haha, like I was delivering or something.

I'm hoping a new trend is falling into place for the long-term TTCers here.
Great things are still to come this year!!

Let us know how it goes, Blushing.


Where are you, lady? Thinking of you and hoping you're well.
Wow, this thread is absolutely bursting with wonderful news! It''s wonderful when our ladies get BPFs, but there is something so special when one of the long-time ladies gets one!

Lulu- So thrilled for you. Sending all of the sticky dust I can muster

Lindsey- How wonderful. You and your husband have my thoughts and prayers for a smooth pregnancy!

Congratulations ladies!

As for me... ahhhhh baby fever! We are visiting friends/family in Atlanta this weekend and just met the adorable babies who belong to my husband''s friend. Their two year old daughter....
Such a little sweetie. I keep talking myself out of trying during residency periodically, but I don''t think I can wait much longer
It was funny, because they also had a 7 week little guy and he was so tiny! Somehow I can imagine having a toddler, but not a tiny baby. Silly...
Date: 10/12/2009 10:34:06 AM
Author: icekid
Wow, this thread is absolutely bursting with wonderful news! It's wonderful when our ladies get BPFs, but there is something so special when one of the long-time ladies gets one!

Lulu- So thrilled for you. Sending all of the sticky dust I can muster

Lindsey- How wonderful. You and your husband have my thoughts and prayers for a smooth pregnancy!

Congratulations ladies!

As for me... ahhhhh baby fever! We are visiting friends/family in Atlanta this weekend and just met the adorable babies who belong to my husband's friend. Their two year old daughter....
Such a little sweetie. I keep talking myself out of trying during residency periodically, but I don't think I can wait much longer
It was funny, because they also had a 7 week little guy and he was so tiny! Somehow I can imagine having a toddler, but not a tiny baby. Silly...
I'm like that sometimes, too. And then I'll flip, and think a baby would be so much easier than a strong-willed toddler. Lucky for them, babies are always a love at first site kinda thing and we will adapt and just go with the flow...

Good grief, they do come out tiny though, don't they? I love holding babies, but am always nervous with a brand new one... I wonder if that's the same when it's your own?

(How much longer is your residency?)
Blushing- good luck on the HSG today. Hopefully all goes smoothly. I do remember the breakdown, the whole thing is just so stressful that if one thing goes wrong then it just sends you over the edge (I had a similar breakdown with the registration staff when I had mine!)
As far as the BD/IUI goes, I was always told about 72 hours before the IUI is the ideal cutoff. If you''ve gone too long without intercourse then I think the swimmers can get kind of "old" and aren''t ideal, (they want the swimmers to be "fresh") but if you do it too soon before the IUI then his count may be low. It''s a catch 22 because it''s hard to predict when you''re going to have the IUI.
When I did clomid/IUI, I always ovulated on day 15, so we would have intercourse up until day 11 or 12 and then not after day 12. With the follistim, I knew when I was going to trigger so it was easier to know when to stop having intercourse. As you can see, it''s really not an exact science, but I think if you stop intercourse about 3 days before you think you will need to have the IUI then that should be fine.
Blushing: thanks so much! it means a lot. As for *timing*, we were told to cease and desist three days in advance of the iui. hope that helps!!
OMG Lulu, I am so incredibly happy for you!

What wonderful news there is round here. As someone else says it''s always great to have the ''jerkstores''
, but there is special happiness for those who have had longer and harder routes towards parenthood!

I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!

I am so happy for you! Enjoy every moment.... I know that it is hard not to try and withhold some joy in case the unthinkable happens, but I don't think that makes us feel any better if something does happens, KWIM?

So ENJOY this wonderful time in your life!
Congrats Lindsey and Lulu!! I''m so happy for both of you

Blushing, Good luck with your test - I''m still lurking and rooting for y''all from the sidelines
Lulu!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!! Many many prayers for a sticky bean.

Good luck today Blushing!
Thanks Tiffany - I agree with you and don''t want DH''s swimmers to become sluggish. I think they need to be fresh. Maybe we''ll BD tonight and Wednesday - Wed. we''ll be at CD 12. So many decisions!!! It''s hard to really know what''s right or wrong. I guess you go with your gut. How are you doing these days? Any updates?

Everyone - thank you for thinking of me today! Will let you know how things go.
Congrats, Lulu!!!
bb, good luck with the test today! Keep us posted!
Date: 10/11/2009 7:19:26 PM
Author: violet02
Hey all I'm back again! I've been stressed out waiting to see what was going to happen with the 3 weeks letter sperm test.

Turns out my DH is perfectly fine and that the multi-vitamin, the suppliment, the advil (to increase motility) and probably the laptop off the laptop MIGHT have all contributed to the excellent test. So phew... That first bad test could have also been just that, a bad one, not sure.... major relief regardless.

I'm on 100mg of Clomid a day right now, this will be my fourth day taking it, one more day then I go in thursday for another ultrasound then once we get past that hump I'll be getting the IUI later this week. I'm still overwhelmed by how much harder this seemed to be then I thought it would be.

Also my friend had a miscarriage this last Monday. She had just found out she was pregnant too so that was super sad to hear. She's 35 and is going to try to get pregnant again in the coming weeks, they are really ready for a baby!

Anyways glad to be back and very interesting to read the info about the flu vaccine I was just mulling that over this week as well!

I am very sorry to hear about your friend's loss. Has she been trying for a while, do you know? Sending positive thoughts of healing her way.

That is great that your husband's test improved so dramatically. What is a 3 week test? My DH is having his first SA tomorrow. I think we will not have the results until next week.

So, Thursday you will have the u/s and then the IUI on Friday? Best, best wishes for your IUI. I hope this whole process is much easier for you from here on out!


Good luck with your test today.
Congrats Lulu!!!
Linds- sooooo excited for u!!

BB- thinking of u today!
LovelyLL- That is sooo awesome!! Wow, congrats to you and your husband. Its been a long road. Try to trust it and enjoy it!

Blushing, what tiff said. For men with normal sperm count and TTC the usual way every day is fine as sperm quality improvements make up for modest volume declines. Maybe for IUI your doc wants more volume but I wouldn''t go crazy on the abstaining. Good luck on the test!
Congrats Lindsey! Many many good thoughts and prayers that all will be well!

AND HOLY COW LULU!!! Congrats and a million, cajillion sticky thoughts going your way! I''m so happy for you!!!!