
The Official TTC Thread!

loves vintage- thanks! ugh sorry your still waiting for your DH SA results- you should be gettting them really soon though right?!? its been about a week now. My cylces show clear ovulation, but not ovulating until around CD 25 which is kind of late. The bloodwork my doctor had ordered for me all came back normal.

laila- haha! I was kind of surprised when she mentioned it

Drk- thank you for your imput! it is really helpful to read peoples first hand experience and side effects - DH & I are in our late 20''s and since everything has come back normal so far and its only been 6 mths- I am concerned about taking it so early in the TTC stage. Think my OBGYN''s concern is that I''m not ovulating until around CD25 (it varies slightly from cycle to cyle) which is kind of late- think thats why my OBGYN suggested it as a possible next step. Also read somwhere that soy could be a possible natural option to clomid.
cant seem to figure out how to attach FF chart, but this 33 day cycle that ended today I ovulated on CD22
According to FF, my average over the past 5 cycles have been 37 day cycles & ovulate on CD25
From what OB told me and what I''ve read, Clomid would help me to ovulate earlier since late ovulation can produce lower egg quality- is that correct?
lucy it''s a tough call, but as long as you''re comfortable with your doctor I would go with her advice. Everyone here on this thread knows a ton, but ultimately I''d go with your doctor and your own history. I will say that from MY experience, ovulating on CD 25 wouldn''t be a problem RE: degraded egg quality. Without clomid, in 8 out of 10 charted cycles, I was ovulated after day 40, if at all (cycles frequently 54ish days.) I conceived my daughter without clomid last year and I ovulated on CD 24 by some freak miracle -- a successful pregnancy. TTCing #2 I conceived this cycle ovulating on CD 21 -- so even on clomid, I did not ovulate much earlier than you are ovulating right now. But clomid is considered a mild fertility drug, and as long as you''re well-monitored, I don''t think that it can hurt. Good luck!

Hi everyone

There seems to be a wealth of experience on this site and I was hoping to get some views. I am 37 and my SO and I want to start TTC. (Yes, I know we have left our run late but like a number of other people on this site, I didn''t meet the one until late).

Although we aren''t officially TTC yet, we haven''t been taking any precautions for nearly 6 months and nothing has happened yet. My periods are regular and I have had blood tests done and my hormone levels are "consistent with ovulation". My GP seems relaxed and hasn''t suggested any further fertility testing but I''m wondering whether I should be pushing more (eg I have had a couple of friends who have had "egg reserve" testing done)? I know that statistically things take longer the older you are and I don''t want to seem like a drama queen but I am also conscious that we don''t have a lot of time.

I''d appreciate any thoughts.

Hi Geri,

Have you been charting your cycles? I found that useful as despite having a clockwork 27/28 day cycle, I was actually ovulating on CD12 rather than CD14 and so we needed to GOF earlier than we expected.

Best of luck - I was 36 when I got KTFU so 37 isn''t over the hill!
Hey geri, how exciting that you and your SO are beginning to TTC! Since all of your tests came back looking good, and you two have just been "seeing what happens" I would ramp things up. Having unprotected sex throughout the month has a surprisingly low pregnancy rate, and you can really boost your chances by being proactive. I would recommend the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and beginning to chart, as Pandora recommended. If you''re not up for charting your cycles, I would at least buy ovulation predictor tests to pinpoint when you are ovulating. I love the "sperm meets egg" plan -- you have sex every other day until your first positive ovulation test, sex every day that you have a positive test, and sex the day after the last test. This pattern really covers your bases. I shortened it for myself and basically had sex the days of my positive ovulation tests, and the day after they went negative. Experts say it can even take 6 cycles in healthy, fertile couples with no issues when they are timing intercourse properly. Also, sexual position can make a difference, especially if the woman has a tipped uterus. The best positions for conception are missionary position and doggy style -- where semen can be deposited near/on the woman''s cervix. Anyway there are a lot of other suggestions that I''m sure will be suggested here, and they''re all good. Good luck and I look forward to seeing you around here!
Well I just completed my first cycle of charting...well not completely charting. I charted till O and then a few days past that I gave up. AF came just as predicted on CD 28, I O''d on CD 13. I will keep tracking my cycle until we are actively TTC but it is nice to hang around and to chat about all of this stuff with other ladies even though we are not TTC yet!
Hi Geri -- all good suggestions from the girls in the posts above. I wouldn't worry about it too much if your GP isn't worried. It may take time though, so be patient. Such an amazing feeling that you met "the one" though, right?!?

lucy.lucy.80 -- did you figure out how to attach your chart? I've done it so if you need help let us know!

Lindsey -- any word on the U/S?

I stopped charting too. It was making me crazy. Just sticking to OPk's. I'm wondering if I really OPK was positive on day 10, negative day 11. Had EWCM on day 14, and then AF on day 28. My first 28 day cycle in my whole entire life!!!
Anyway, I keep reading about having regular periods but not ovulating, which kind of worries me. My OPK I'm using is an internet cheapie so I don't know if it's really accurate. What do you guys think?

I'm going to an RE in late November just to make sure I am ovulating and to ask her about my crazy cycles. They have settled down a bit, but I want all of my ducks in a row for the New Year when we start TTCing!

Man, this thread moves at such a fast pace sometimes, and the other times, it's soooo s l o w. We need some BFP'S!

Hello ladies!!! DH and I are TTC and have been trying for about 2 months. Thanks to your advice, I bought Taking Charge of Your Fertility and have been tracking CF before tackling charting. The first month I took about 12 pregnancy tests - was totally crushed when I got AF. This month, I'm trying not to stress... take it easy and see what happens.

Even so, I feel I get too excited when I see even the slightest signs of pregnancy. For example, I ovulated about 5 days ago...and today I feel mild cramping, which is unusual. I'm all nuts online reading up on implantation cramps and hoping that's what it is! I need to chillax so I don't drive myself or DH crazy! We're just so excited that it's hard not to hope so hard that everything seems like a pregnancy sign! It's also hard not to be paranoid so early that it might never happen... we've had some friends with fertility issues and it's so heartbreaking. But as DH says, gotta stay positive.

Good luck to us all! Baby dust!!!
Thanks for your replies. This is not something I want to discuss with family or friends because I don''t want to get the pressure of "has it happened yet" so it is really helpful to have a forum like this to share experiences and advice.

I haven''t been charting or anything - it has really been business as usual. I had just read the "6 months rule" for women over 35 and wasn''t sure whether this was 6 months of TTC or just 6 months of NTNTC. My mum has also told me that both she and my grandmother went into menopause in their early forties so that freaked me out a bit.

I will start paying more attention to my cycle and we will be a bit more focussed in our efforts and see what happens.

Thanks again.
Lanie I actually have my ultrasound tomorrow morning at 9:15 a.m. and I am terrified! I have this fear that there will be nothing there. Which is probably silly since I started puking all day as of Sunday. We''ll see how it goes!

geri good luck and let us know if you have any more questions!
Lindsey- Best of luck tomorrow! I am certainly crossing my fingers for great news for you and will be checking in

In my little corner, the baby fever continues to intensify. My husband and I just took a little vacation, which included Disney World. Even that place full of whiny kids did not deter me! To be fair, we also met one of hubby''s friends munchkins (2 year old and 2 month old) and they were SO cute. Well, the 2 year old was anyway. The baby slept the whole time. I think we''re going to try to hold out until March and then go for it. By that time, I am hoping to be comfortable enough at work that a little (or lots of) morning sickness will not be too terribly inconvenient. We''ll see if I make it that long
Fingers crossed for your ultrasound tomorrow, Lindsey! And yay for puking! Well, not really, but it is slightly reassuring at the beginning. I''m hoping for one Rh- singleton for you cause you deserve a nice easy pregnancy with some mild morning sickness as your most taxing concern.

Geri, PS women tend to be a little more organized and proactive than average. If you have tossed the birth control and proceeded with some normal level of unprotected sex, that meets the usual standards of TTC even if you haven''t put a lot of thought into it. But adding in some charting will make it a lot more clear if you are getting any action in your fertile window, because most of the month is good for recreation not baby-making. If having well-timed intercourse doesn''t help after a few months or so, then you''ll have more cause to escalate things with the doctor. Good luck!

Well, I got some bad news yesterday. My husband''s friend was due last week, and her baby was stillborn. I didn''t get the details though an emergency c-section was involved. If anybody has any ideas on what to give, send or do that might make them feel the least little bit better, I would appreciate it. Our baby gift will remain unsent. It is just such horrible news, I can''t even imagine what the parents are going through.
Oh cara, it breaks my heart to hear of someone else having a stillborn baby. It is so difficult, because there is very little than can comfort them. People sent us very thoughtful cards, and beautiful flower arrangements that brought me to tears. The best thing that you can do for them is to tell them that you''re there for them, and that you''re looking forward to hearing about their beautiful baby whenever they''re ready to talk.
Geri, I also suggest getting a copy of TCOYF. It really is a revelation. Timing is so crucial. DH jokes about all the money we wasted on condoms when there really is such a small window of opportunity for those millions of sperm to get their jobs done.

Cara, how awful. There really are no words. Just share your love and support, but yes, it feels inadequate.

Thinking at random funny times of so many of you ladies and hoping for the best for you all. you know who you are.
Bliss, welcome and lots of baby dust to you! How exciting.
Bliss, welcome! I hope your stay is short ;)

Lindsey, I''ll be thinking of you tomorrow. It''ll be fun to see your RH- bean
Thinking of you this morning Lindsay!

Good luck to everyone else. Still following along. every day.

Having some scares of my own - all because of that blasted spotting. My heart stopped when I saw it and I thought for certain that yesterday was going to end very badly given my no-good history in that area. fortunately, my numbers are still rising. trying to be cautiously optimistic.
Date: 10/22/2009 9:03:06 AM
Author: lovelylulu

Having some scares of my own - all because of that blasted spotting. My heart stopped when I saw it and I thought for certain that yesterday was going to end very badly given my no-good history in that area. fortunately, my numbers are still rising. trying to be cautiously optimistic.
LL, just wanted to share that I spotted for 4 weeks this pregnancy and the baby is doing fine just short 20 weeks. It was very scary as I had a missed miscarriage prior and that pregnancy involved 5 weeks of spotting, but my OB said her best educated guess is the two were not related; I have a low platelet count, which causes my blood not to clot normally, which she believes is the result of all my spotting. I know how hard it is, but wanted to share as I''ve been there and I know how scary it feels. Hang in there.

Sorry for hijacking, ladies.
Just wanted to pop on and say that I''m thinking about you today Lindsey! I hope everything goes well with the u/s!
Geri: Good luck! I wouldn't worry too much yet. But I totally understand wanting to get pregnant sooner than later. Every time I express anxiety about getting pregnant, someone tells me a story about someone who got pregnant in their 40s. I know it's different for everyone so it doesn't really help my anxiety! We're early 30s and I am anxious to get pregnant sooner than later, too. My mom hammered into my head to get pregnant sooner because it's easier on the body but hey, I wasn't ready until now! It's really nice to discuss it here because people I know poo poo the idea that I'm anxious because in NY, everyone I know plans to have babies well after 35. Sending you lots of baby dust! I echo others who advocate charting. It really is an eye opener, even to track CF at the very least. It kind of made me realize how miraculous the female body is.

Lindesy, yay! Good luck. So excited for you.

icekid... the baby bug strikes again! I have it, too. Now DH has it big time.

Cara... that is so sad about your friend. Every time we hear a friend had a miscarriage, it breaks my heart. I cannot imagine the heartbreak of a stillbirth. I am so sorry to hear it... you are a good friend.

LAILA!!!! THANK YOU! Lost of baby dust to you, too!!!!

PUPPMOM... THANK YOU!!! This is an awesome place. I've learned so much from this thread already...thanks to all of your smart, empowered women! BABY DUST!

Lovelylulu... Good luck to you! Good luck to your lil' one! Sticky vibes! Sticky vibes!

KimberlyH...What great advice. That is so reassuring... My mom spotted a lot throughout her pregnancy as well and did not have any problems. So I will be on the lookout for mine if we are so lucky to get pregnant.

BABY DUST! Oh boy, there is so much waiting involved. I wish we would be able to tell right away instead of waiting weeks to know if we're pregnant or not. I wish more women would talk openly about the miracle of getting pregnant - the journey that is often filled with tears and disappointments...then elation. No one does and whenever I try to talk about it, I often get shushed with a story about how someone they know got pregnant at 45. I think a lot of women think it'll be so easy to get pregnant right away so they don't like to talk about the possibility that it's not immediate and super easy. NY women push their TTC as far as possible, I think. But it's a disservice not to talk about it among women. Because if I hadn't known better, I might have started much later than now and who knows? PS is a blessing, that's for sure!

BABY DUST! Did you all stop drinking coffee during TTC? That's the hardest for me! I have started to drink tea and cut back. I love coffee. That's going to be the hardest part! I've read the studies and as long as I stay around 150 mg a day, the risks aren't substantially increased. Tell that to a coffee junkie, though! Oy!
lindsey- good luck and hope everything goes well with the u/s!

Bliss- welcome
I too love coffee and had a tough time giving it up when starting TTC. I primarily drink decaf now but once in a while I will sneek in a cup of regular
good luck to you!
I usually just lurk on this thread but wanted to pop in and say Good Luck Lindsey!!

And, lucy, I got pregnant twice with 40 plus day cycles, ovulating usually around CD25. Good luck!

Good luck to everyone!!
Anxiously awaiting Lindsey''s update...
Date: 10/22/2009 1:53:48 PM
Author: drk
Anxiously awaiting Lindsey''s update...
Ditto!!!! Lindsey how did the ultrasound go?
Date: 10/22/2009 2:10:52 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
Date: 10/22/2009 1:53:48 PM

Author: drk

Anxiously awaiting Lindsey''s update...

Ditto!!!! Lindsey how did the ultrasound go?

Date: 10/22/2009 2:11:45 PM
Author: lili
Date: 10/22/2009 2:10:52 PM

Author: AllieLuv83

Date: 10/22/2009 1:53:48 PM

Author: drk

Anxiously awaiting Lindsey''s update...

Ditto!!!! Lindsey how did the ultrasound go?


Ditto that Thritto!
I can''t wait for an update from Lindsey too!
Thank you so much for all of your good wishes and concern! Last night I spent at least an hour sobbing with my husband because I was terrified of having the ultrasound this morning. I wanted to cancel my appointment, I just didn''t want to get bad news. I think that when your child dies, it opens up an entirely new plane of fear -- it seems to open those doors to all of the terrible things that are even remotely in the realm of possible. Because no longer can I be consoled with "things are fine, X or Y only happens to 1% of pregnant women." I have been that 1%, so no matter how remote the risks, I feel the acute fear and have the understanding that anyone, myself included, can be that 1%.

This morning I thought that I might pass out from anxiety! We arrived at the doctor''s, were seen to the ultrasound room, and waited. My husband sat in a chair nearly at the foot of the ultrasound table, and the nurse swung the ultrasound monitor towards us so that we could see -- I couldn''t look. I couldn''t look until they said something, convinced that we would only see an empty gestational sac. As the ultrasound tech adjusted, the doctor congratulated us on a perfectly healthy bean. At that point I exhaled (ha, how long had I been holding my breath?) and turned my head to look at the monitor. Before they even told me that there was a heartbeat, I saw that beautiful flicker myself and knew that the heart was beating. Such a beautiful sight. At 5w5d it is very hit or miss whether you''ll see the heartbeat yet, and I was very lucky. Even though I''m 5w5d the little bean was measuring at 6w2d -- such a different experience with my first child who was measuring a week behind, what an ordeal that was at the time. So tonight I am thrilled, terrified, hopeful, very grateful, and the entire thing is so bittersweet. Thank you again for your kind thoughts.
Date: 10/22/2009 5:59:29 PM
Author: *Lindsey*
Thank you so much for all of your good wishes and concern! Last night I spent at least an hour sobbing with my husband because I was terrified of having the ultrasound this morning. I wanted to cancel my appointment, I just didn''t want to get bad news. I think that when your child dies, it opens up an entirely new plane of fear -- it seems to open those doors to all of the terrible things that are even remotely in the realm of possible. Because no longer can I be consoled with ''things are fine, X or Y only happens to 1% of pregnant women.'' I have been that 1%, so no matter how remote the risks, I feel the acute fear and have the understanding that anyone, myself included, can be that 1%.

This morning I thought that I might pass out from anxiety! We arrived at the doctor''s, were seen to the ultrasound room, and waited. My husband sat in a chair nearly at the foot of the ultrasound table, and the nurse swung the ultrasound monitor towards us so that we could see -- I couldn''t look. I couldn''t look until they said something, convinced that we would only see an empty gestational sac. As the ultrasound tech adjusted, the doctor congratulated us on a perfectly healthy bean. At that point I exhaled (ha, how long had I been holding my breath?) and turned my head to look at the monitor. Before they even told me that there was a heartbeat, I saw that beautiful flicker myself and knew that the heart was beating. Such a beautiful sight. At 5w5d it is very hit or miss whether you''ll see the heartbeat yet, and I was very lucky. Even though I''m 5w5d the little bean was measuring at 6w2d -- such a different experience with my first child who was measuring a week behind, what an ordeal that was at the time. So tonight I am thrilled, terrified, hopeful, very grateful, and the entire thing is so bittersweet. Thank you again for your kind thoughts.

Oh Lindsey, I am so happy for you.
