
The Official TTC Thread!

I''m so happy for you and your DH.
So you were further along than you think.
Congrats again and lots of sticky dust to you ^.^
Congrats Lindsey!!!! I am so so happy for you that everything looks great!
Lindsey I am SO happy for you.

I''ve got all fingers and toes crossed for a little Rh- girl for you.
Lindsey, so happy that everything looks great! Sending tons of sticky dust your way!
Yeah, Lindsey!!!

Having read through a lot of this thread now, I realise how bittersweet it is. It is incredible for women who have had such a hard time to be so supportive of newbies like me, so thankyou.

Lindsey - I wish you all the best. SO''s brother and SIL lost their daughter during child birth and we share the same birthday so it is always a time for reflection. They have since had another gorgeous baby boy but I know she is always in their thoughts.

Swimmer - That''s so true. If only I knew then what I know now, I would have been much less stressed the time I had an "accident'' and rushed out for the morning after pill, since in hindsight it would have been very low risk.

Bliss - Thankyou and dust to you too. Its funny, my mum started young (first child at 22 and 3 by 26) so she had always said there was no rush but I don''t think she was contemplating that it might take me quite so long to get started. She is now giving me the early menopause speech which, while well-meant, is really not all that helpful since there really wasn''t a lot I could do about it until I met my SO. I think I have the opposite problem to NY where I live. I feel like we are constantly bombarded with media about leaving it too late. While I think it is important for people to understand the risks of fertility declining with age, I sometimes feel that there is a lack of sympathy in the media, for women starting to have a family late on the assumption that you were too picky, too career focussed, too whatever. This is why a forum like this is so great because there is no judgment.

Date: 10/22/2009 11:27:24 AM
Author: Bliss

KimberlyH...What great advice. That is so reassuring... My mom spotted a lot throughout her pregnancy as well and did not have any problems. So I will be on the lookout for mine if we are so lucky to get pregnant.
Bliss, being pregnant again was bittersweet; every day I simply said to myself "Today you are pregnant" which sounds a bit silly, but it was a mantra that helped me get through those first days,weeks, and months which seemed impossibly long and sometimes difficult to navigate. It's easier to say now, being on the other side of things, but it really did help.

Lindsay, I am so happy for you.
Lindsey, I am so happy to hear good news from you.

I''ve been out of town for most of the last month. Hope to get caught up here soon.

Where is Fisher? I''m thinking of you, fellow Southern transplant gal!

How are the rest of the new preggos doing?

Welcome to Geri and the others. I hope your stay here is short!
Lindsey - Congrats on one very strong and healthy bean. Maybe the high betas were just from an earlier implantation? I''m so glad there''s only one in there, which should hopefully reduce your worries a little. Seeing a strong heartbeat this early on has to be a good sign!
what joyful news, Lindsey! here''s to a happy and healthy pregnancy
Lindsey, I am so happy to hear all went well. Your post made me tear up. I will be hoping and willing a great pregnancy and easy L&D for you. I can''t wait to meet your little one.
Congratulations, Lindsey!!!! So happy to hear that everything is looking good!! YAY!!!
Congrats Lindsey!! I''m so happy for you that everything looks good.
Oh Lindsey, what a great day you had yesterday (minus the stress before you went in!!)!! How wonderful! A flicker at 5 weeks is awesome! Congratulations, lady!!
Hi Shiny!!

I'm still around, just was on a vacation last week and my chiropractor seems to think me spending a lot of time thinking about babies increases my stress/anxiety, so she suggested I cut back on all things baby. The break last week (four day trip to the beach and Savannah) was a good start, and I've just been keeping it up as best as I can. This is the first cycle in a LONG time that I've not googled every psuedo *symptom* I thought I felt once ovulation came and went. So, I'll call that progress. Truly, I think this cycle it's been easier because of the trip... it was a girls only trip with my mom's side of the family and Paul and I only danced for our baby twice in the fertile window. Three days before and day of ovulation. That kind of puts a damper on things, but my Dr. did suggest we try doing it less frequently, to see if that did any good. We shall see.

I got my results from the HSG and biopsy faxed to me yesterday. HSG said my tubes were "free flowing" with very steady, low pressure applied with the dye. So I guess that's why it was not painful for me at all after all. Biopsy results show I'm "in phase" with my lining (meaning my body knows to keep the lining healthy and thick for implantation) and that I had a polyp that is de-fragmenting, but was benign. Dr. seems to think nothing of it, says polyps happen, and since it's defragmenting, it's no big deal. I'm tempted to google the chances of pregnancy issues when you have a polyp, but I'm supposed to stop googling all the time.
Good news is I saw my chiro again yesterday and she said my tension is much less than it was last time I was there, so maybe I'm less stressed in general. I'm thankful that nothing seems to be a problem other than late ovulation, and I remain hopeful that our time is just around the corner.

I'm also supposed to start yoga, as a means of stress relief. I ordered Yoga Journal: Yoga for your pregnancy, since yoga is yoga and the pregnancy kind is less involved in contorting your body into shapes and twists I know mine won't go and because I figure it'll be good to have on hand for when that time comes, anyway. I wonder if that counts against me in the "don't think about babies" category.

Eh, who knows.

Thinking of all you ladies and our recent mommies-to-be!! Happy Friday!!
Lindsey, Awesome! I hope you can hold onto that joy!

Fisher, sounds like a great vacation, the getting away part and the not googling part. Good luck!

Happy Friday!
*Lindsey* im so happy for you, wishing you all the best with your pregnancy
Yay for great ultrasound/test results, Lindsey and Fisher!
Lindsey- Congrats on such a great u/s! SO happy to hear the good news!
Wonderful news, Lindsey! Wishing you a continued healthy pregnancy
Lindsay, I haven''t posted in this thread, but I''ve been following your story. I wanted to say congratulations on your pregnancy- I''m sending you every single positive vibe I can find for this little bean.

I know exactly what you mean about not being able to look at the U/S. After two miscarriages, I couldn''t bring myself to look the third time. I couldn''t. It was fine, everything was ok and our bean is a toddler now. I am looking forward to seeing some pics of your toddler in a while, too. I hope that as time goes on, the fear will recede a little and maybe you can even enjoy your pregnancy. I''m thinking about you (a lot, even though we don''t know each other) and I''m praying for you and your family.

I know you won''t truly relax until you''re holding your happy, healthy little one, but when you get there, I''ll be cheering for you.

Kinda quiet around here...and I haven''t posted in awhile, so I guess now''s a good time! :)

Lindsay, soooo happy to hear your continued good news!!
Keep us updated when you find out the blood type! Fingers crossed for Rh negative!!

Fisher: Congrats on the free-flowing tubes and in-phase endometrium! That''s fantastic!

Lulu, I''m sorry you''ve had some worries lately, but glad to hear you''ve still got good rising numbers...hope the spotting has stopped!

IceKid...good luck making it till March!! ;)

Welcome, Geri and Bliss!! Best of luck to both of you on the TTC journey!!

Lanie, congrats on that 28 day cycle!!! Woohoooo!!! I hope it was indeed ovulatory! If you had a positive OPK on day 10 but neg on day 11, maybe you O''ed on day 10 and had a longish luteal phase?? Did you take any more OPK''s after day 11? Maybe day 10 was a fluke and you really O''ed around day 14 when you had the EWCM.


Well, I''ve got a confession to make...we decided, what the heck, let''s start actually trying this month!
It seems that this month I O''ed on either CD13 or CD14, depending on if you ask fertility friend or ovusoft...FF gives me a lower coverline (on "advanced" interpretation setting) and O on CD13, but Ovusoft gives me a slightly higher coverline, which makes O one day later. I had positive OPK''s on both days. Either way, we timed our GOTFing well! :)
I never quite understood how painful the 2 week wait is....until now. I''m absolutely DYING to know. I''m obsessing over whether or not I''ve got early preggo signs. My bb''s have been sore since a couple days before O, which is kinda interesting since usually they become un-sore again just after O occurs, but who knows if it means anything or not. And I''ve been tired the past 2 days, but again, I''m a resident physician, so I''m ALWAYS tired. Basically, I COULD have some early signs, but I COULD also be making it all up!

Someone tell me how to be patient? Please?? LOL. Here''s my chart for this month....our first real month of TTC!

Hey Fisher, you know that now that your tubes have been "primed" you will have extra good luck this cycle! I got preggo the cycle after the HSG....

Hou, great news!
Swimmer, I like the analogy of the HSG priming the pipes....nice!! And you''re proof it works!
HOUMedGal -- hey hey!!! How awesome that you guys started the TTC journey earlier than expected!!! What an exciting time for you and your DH! Think we are still waiting until after the new year. Hopefully January's cycle since December's will probably be too early. We shall see though. I still have some lingerie from my bach party I could bring out and sway his opinion!
Was your cycle only 17 days long??? Or is that all you posted for? And to answer, I didn't take any OPK's after day 11. I figured if I got a negative, then it was done, but later I realized that I probably should have done one more just to double check. Oh well. I'm on day 8 or so of my current one so we'll see if I O this cycle or not. GAHHHH!!! You could be preggers!!!! That's so exciting!

ETA: Duh....just saw the date and realized you are still mid-cycle. Long day. Sorry.

Fisher -- hoping this is your cycle! I think taking a break from googling and all of that will do you much good! I've started to get google happy, and I've told myself to back off. It doesn't help anything...makes it worse if anything else!

Lindsey -- wonderful news! I hope you can remain relaxed and as worry free as possible!!!
Lanie -- Yes, I am very excited!! The teensiest bit nervous occasionally, but also soooooo ready at the same time. I''m working in the newborn nursery right now, and practically drooling over all the sweet babies we have!! Hellooooo baby fever! Yeah, I think you should probably do some more OPK''s this time to help better pinpoint things....I''ve had some kinda confusing results at times, but taking all symptoms into account (OPK, CM, etc) have usually been able to get a good feeling about when O is. No, my cycle isn''t 17 days, that''s just all the data I have up to today (I''m 4DPO today). Twiddling my thumbs, knitting, whatever I can do to get my mind off of wanting to pee on sticks!! Oh, and I''ve been googling my pants off looking up early pregnancy signs. Yeah, it''s pretty bad. :)

No one really uses the "knitting" term anymore, do they?? Everyone used to talk about knitting earlier in the thread... :)
HOUMedGal, your chart looks great! Lots of well-timed BDing, and high temps.
Thanks, Laila! :) Fingers crossed. I keep telling myself to not get my hopes up, we''ve only got a 20% chance with everything perfectly timed anyway....but it''s really hard to not get really excited about the possibility.

Even after just a few days of my first 2ww, I have an entirely new (huge) respect for you ladies who have been at this for a long guys are obviously superwomen of some kind to be able to handle this rollercoaster over and over again.
Thanks, Lucy.lucy.80!!!!!

I have long cycles, too! I am around 36-37 days! Shocker! I had never known before charting...just always assumed AF drifted from month to month. Dust to you! I am trying to live without as much coffee....sooooo hard!

Geri, I think charting would really help you make that decision! Why not give it a go? For me, the day DH bought me the book suggested here, Take Charge of Your Fertility, I was charting. It''s fascinating! I sat down and read it cover to cover in one sitting, practically. Really incredible read!

LINDESY!!!! I teared up reading you post. There is so much sincerity and warmth from your posts and I can tell how much this means to you and your DH. Congratulations. So happy for you. STICKY VIBES and dust dust dust! YAY. Oh, how amazing!

Laila, THANK YOU!!!!!! DUST TO YOU!!!!!!

Puppmom THANK YOU!!!!! I hope all of our stays are short. Wow, it is so scary and exciting at the same time. I don''t want to get my hopes up but I can''t help it... so tough to wait. It really pulls on your heartstrings.

KimberlyH THANK YOU... that is an amazing mantra. I really need it because sometimes I get so stressed out with fear of never getting pregnant! It''s so irrational, but it''s there. I wonder why that is? It must come from over eagerness.

NewShiny Thanks! HAPPY BABY DUST!

HOUMedGal I AM THE SAME WAY. I have no idea if I''m pregnant or not but I am dying to pee on sticks! Last month, I spent a small fortune on those pee sticks! I went through them like candy. Took one every couple of hours! Crazy, I know! I was just so excited... I googled all the early pregnancy symptoms, swore I had nausea...imagined all the symptoms... Oy! I wonder if I even imagined the implantation cramps!

Now I''m just trying to relax and not test for a while. It seems to stress me out and it''s sooooo crushing when I get a BFT. I actually teared up over it last month! My mom thinks I''m nuts because when it''ll happen, it''ll happen. And we have only begun to try... It''s just so hard for accomplished women who are used to getting what they want... having careers and shaping our own destinies...and in this area, feel so helpless! It''s so out of our control! I mean, we can do a lot, but the rest is waiting and up to nature! Incredibly humbling. I guess it truly is a miracle when one gets a beautiful baby! In your words, it is truly a rollercoaster of emotions.
I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU, TOO! Congrats on TTC and baby dust!!!!!
Hou - congrats on getting started! I have no advice the TWW. I OBSESS the entire time. I''m not sure how much longer I can handle this ;)

I''m bummed when I get a BFN and DH says "Let the party continue!"