
The Official TTC Thread!

YAY bliss!!! So excited for you!!!!! I can see it clearly. You must be soooo thrilled. Wishing you all the best in the 9 months ahead. Congrats!!!!!
BLISS, that is wonderful news,
HUGE CONGRATS to you and your hubby!!!!
I am so happy for you two!!!
Bliss, that''s definitely a BFP. Congratulations. Lots of sticky dusts to you.
Bliss!!! Oh my Goodness!!!! Congratulations to you and Mr. Bliss!!!

Have a wonderful, happy and healthy pregnancy!!!

Sending major sticky bean vibes your way!!
Bliss - yippeeeee! That is so exciting. Congratulations!! I checked in early this morning because I just felt there was going to be some news. So excited for you and sending you lots and lots of sticky vibes.

No symptoms to speak of here so not holding my breath (although you have now made me want to start POAS) but I am going to be strong and wait since it''s only 11 DPO for me. It''s going to be a long week ahead!!
YAY, BLISS!!! SOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy!!!!!!
Pandora!!! You know, I think your predictions are always spot on! I thought of you when I thought of posting the BFP on PS! In my heart I really really wanted to be KTFU like you were early. Of course, only God knows if we get to keep this little bean but I really hope so. I really hope everyone gets pregnant very soon! I am going to be praying for ALL my sistas!!!!! Congrats to you, as well! You are so lucky... I ate a ton of pineapple recently thanks to your yummy advice! So thanks for that and everything else!!!!

On another note, I would ALSO be willing to put $$$ on HOUMedGal being pregnant! When I read that she had heartburn, I was like - SAME TIME I DID! She's pregnant!!!! I am saying a prayer as I type. Post the test, girlfriend! Maybe there's a faint line! Yesterday's BFN was really weird. I had a lot of pink in the background and sometimes I could see a faint line and others, not at all! I even dug out my super LED flashlight and put a spotlight on it...squinted... lots of unintelligible mumbling that DH was not around to hear, thank GAWD.

MIRACLESRULE!!! Heeheeeee!!!! I love the pink! Oh, please let the baby be a girl! Well, first... oh please, let the baby stay with us and let the baby be healthy!!! MAZAL, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heeheee! I love that pink bunny smoocharooney animation! So cute!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I have been thinking about your DD and your amazing DGD and sending healing love vibes their way! And with you for your mondo diamond projects!!! So excited for you!!!! My mom is practically packing her bags to come up to NY... so I can only imagine how you must have felt when your DD told you the news. I am on pins and needles! So scared to lose this bean!

*Lindsey* CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU, SISTA! Your last few posts made me tear up, they were so beautiful. I called my mom afterwards and said, "Is that how much you loved me when I was still inside your tummy?" Here is to a happy and healthy 9 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You were my inspiration for courage and grace.

KAYLEIGH!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! I thought it was a cosmic joke. So funny how that happened. You are so lucky!!!!! I hope to be like you, a strong, beautiful and proud mama bear. I feel like you are a dear friend.

SKIPPY!!! SISTA AND FELLOW FUTURE SUPA-GRANNY IN THE HOUUUUUUUUSE! HOLLA! LOL. Thank you so much. Gosh, I am so nervous now! I actually walk around on tippy toes like a strange, awkward stork. Hahahahaha! I need to stop! Put on your crash helmet, bean! Well, mama's gonna light the way with her studs that Skippy Auntie made her buy! LOLOLOLOL. (((HUGS))) You are a dear dear soul!

qtiekiki!!! What a gorgeous child!!!!!! Awwwwwww.... that is my heart's desire! Just to have one like that! You are sooooo lucky. Thank you, sista!

Loves Vintage!!!! WHAT'S UP? I can't believe it! I guess Bessie had some good milk this season, eh?
Farmer Bliss has the magic touch! OK, that came out sounding TOTALLY WRONG! LOL... On the caffeine front... I just realized I never answered your question - bad Farmer Bliss! Here's the thing: I LOVE COFFEE. I was really scared I'd have to give it up, as studies are inconclusive on caffeine's effect during TTC. But... I remember reading through the thread and a lot of successful ladies who got pregnant after trying for months said the only thing they did differently was to stop drinking coffee. So I did. UGH, I drank Yerba Mate tea instead and cut back. I MISS MY COFFEE!

And thanks to Pandora's advice, I bought a huge tub of fresh pineapple and ate that a lot during ovulation. It was yummy advice! Also on the caffeine front: there was a big 2008 study that found a significant link to miscarriage and caffeine. There was a significant increase (about double the risk) in the number of miscarriages among women who drank more than 200mg caffeine during pregnancy. I have gotten a lot of different advice, but the consensus seems to be to try to cut back. You don't have to go cold turkey right away. I drank tea. Still love tea, even though it has caffeine as well... just in lower doses. Hope that helps! BABY DUST!

geri!!!!!! Yipee! I have my fingers and toes crossed for you as well! I agree!!! It is SOOOO hard not to POAS! DH and I went and bought a 3-pack together and came home to watch some The Office episodes on DVD today. And I was fingering my crackly little HPTs like an addict. Just reading the info over and over again, calculating the accuracy for my DPO... holding the little tests like peppermint sticks...trying to stave off the urge to charge to the bathroom like a linebacker and POAS!!!!! I was like a kid with her Halloween candy! Sooooooo hard!!!!!! Just took every ounce of willpower not to POAS... I was trying to put it off so that my hormone levels would build up for the HPT to detect them. So I totally sympathize with what you are going through right now. 11DPO? Right on the borderline, still too early maybe? If you can, wait! But who am I to say? I was POAS as soon as my little implantation twinges began at 5DPO. Crazy, I know. But I set myself up for so many sad moments when I kept getting those BFNs. What is the safest cutoff for testing in terms of DPO, I wonder? Geri, I am rooting for you!!!!

Dani! Thank you so much! I am crazy with these HPTs and swore I would wait a few days until the next one if I got a BFN. It is crazy! Now, I'm crazy with worry and hope this bean is sticky. Stick, little bean! Burrow like there's no tomorrow! HANG OOOOOOON!!!!!! LOL. You are so kind and I always love reading your posts. Thank you so much.
Bliss, I actually have a thread somewhere with the story of when and how DD told me she was preggers. I will have to link it for you was in Hangout. I just wish it was videotaped because it was quite the public spectacle.

I am sooooo excited for you, your DH and most of all, your MOM!!
You won't lose that gummy bear. Think of it as a sticky gummy bean, not a bean. I just keep relating it to all of your gas comments. Hahaha
Date: 10/31/2009 8:26:31 PM
Author: miraclesrule
Bliss, I actually have a thread somewhere with the story of when and how DD told me she was preggers. I will have to link it for you was in Hangout. I just wish it was videotaped because it was quite the public spectacle.

I am sooooo excited for you, your DH and most of all, your MOM!!
OMG, you must be a ball o'' LOVE! I cannot begin to imagine your reaction!!!!! Did you just fall over? Have uncontrollable laughing fits? Tears? I cannot imagine!!!!!!!! Oh, I cannot wait to see/hear/read this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I still remember your beautiful daughter''s wedding and reading about all the wonderful things you did for her. You''re a gifted writer and your love for her just shined through the words. It made me miss MY mom!!!! I am awe of that kind of motherhood. It''s the closest thing to God''s love! Or the Universe''s love! Whatever it is, it''s HUGE! Wow. Amazing. THANK YOU FOR THE KIND AND BEAUTIFUL WORDS!

BLISS!!! SOOOO happy for you!!
I wish you a happy, healthy 9 months....

....and we may be having babies really close together! Because.....OMG......I''m all jittery right now, but I think I just got a BFP. It''s faint, but I can definitely see attached....what do you eagle eyes think?!?!?!?!

OMG HOUMedGal, I don''t need to put my eagle eyes on to see THAT!!
What a beautiful early BFP! Lady that is clear as day... you are knocked up!!
Congratulations, I am so thrilled for you! Sending that magic PS dust your way!

TWO BFPs in a day ladies??? How wonderful! Start a trend here!
Thank you, Lindsey!! I am still kinda in shock and I don''t wanna get too excited until that line gets darker, or till I pee on a digi! LOL! Planning to use a digi with my FMU tomorrow morning...

I really can''t believe it!! I just used the FRER for fun tonight because I thought maybe I saw that squinter of a line on an internet cheapie this morning....WOW. Just WOW.

If this is for real, EDD 7/15/09!! eeee!
OK, I gotta go fix dinner now, but I''ll be back later with some more pics that hubby doctored up with photoshop!! They''re pretty great. :)
Congrats HOUMED
that is wonderful news!!! What an exciting night!
Thanks, Skippy!!!! I know, TWO Halloween BFP''s!!!
HOUMED!!!! I see me a very strong BFP!!!!! Congrats girl. You and Bliss in one day?? So fun!!!

Best wishes to you for a healthy and happy pregnancy!!!!! WOOHOO!!!

And to all TTC, sending lots of dust your way... We are all pulling for you lovely ladies. Your time will come!!!!
HOUMedGal - THAT IS A BFP!!!!!!!!!!



Hooray for PS dust! I just KNEW you were pregnant when you posted the SAME symptoms the SAME day I had them. I just KNEW it! In fact, it was a clue to me that I was pregnant! I am over the moon with joy for you!

Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months and a sticky little joy bean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When was your conception date? I think mine was Oct. 18 or 19! Bessie done good!

ETA: Ah, I see! YAY! I am hoping our bean will be a little Leo.

Baby dust to all TTC! Halloween magic spell!
Kaleigh said it best!
Thank you, Kaleigh and Miss Bliss!! :)

Bliss, I think we conceived on 10/21, 22, or EDD is 7/15/09 per Fertility Friend or 7/16/09 per Ovusoft (they disagree on which day I ovulated). I definitely just laughed out loud about "Bessie done goooood!" HAHA!!!! I am soooo thrilled for you too....we definitely had the same symptoms, didn''t we?? I was very tired from 1DPO through about 5DPO, and then after that, gassy, bloated, indigestion, plus definitely had lots of cramps/twinges yesterday! My BB''s are slightly tender, but not terribly so. They have been more tender around O time than they are now, actually.

OH, and another thing I noticed is a tender lymph node on my left lower abdomen, just on the inside of my hipbone...I wondered if that may have been an indicator too!

BEST WISHES to all my other TTC friends...I still can''t quite believe this is true, and I want so badly for you ladies to have this feeling too. It''s bittersweet, knowing how long a lot of you have struggled with this.
Holy crap! That's the best news, Bliss!
I love logging on to PS to see not one, but TWO BFPs!!! Congrats ladies! Fingers crossed for two very very sticky beans.

Yanno, Halloween's become a lucky day for BFPs here at PS. Last year, it was fiery and I who got BFPs on this same day, and we have two more the next year! What are the odds?

Anyway, congratulations again!
Date: 10/31/2009 8:20:29 PM
Author: Bliss

On another note, I would ALSO be willing to put $$$ on HOUMedGal being pregnant! When I read that she had heartburn, I was like - SAME TIME I DID! She''s pregnant!!!! I am saying a prayer as I type. Post the test, girlfriend! Maybe there''s a faint line!
Toooooo funny that you said this, Bliss!! I just went back and read the rest of the posts from today, and came across this one! Hehe!!
Whoah, and you too, HG! This is craziness! How exciting!!
Just had to de-lurk to say CONGRATS!!! to all the recent MOMMIES TO BE!!!!

Especially HOU & Bliss! I think what you''re the TTCers call "Jerkstores," am I right?!
HOU-ie!!! It doesn''t get any more positive than that POAS!!

Okay, everything happens in threes''s. Who''s next!!

Thanks, puppmom and PilsnPinkysMom! Yup, I believe we are definitely jerkstores.


Here are the pics of my test that my husband doctored up in photoshop...makes the 2nd line really easy to see. He''s pretty proud of his work (the bean AND the photos! hehe!)

Awww, thanks MiraclesRule!! I kinda like that nickname...HOU-ie...

Here''s another hubby-doctored pic:

Here''s another:

Last one!!

Date: 11/1/2009 12:09:37 AM
Author: miraclesrule
HOU-ie!!! It doesn''t get any more positive than that POAS!!

Okay, everything happens in threes''s. Who''s next!!
You''re right!!! Who''s gonna be number three????