
The Official TTC Thread!

Bliss and HouMed, CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited and hoping for sticky gummies for both of you.

And I wasn''t going to post this for another couple of weeks, but I don''t think I''ve ever seen 3 BFP''s in one day here (its still Halloween here). So, yes, I''m KU too. Got our BFP last Friday, around 13dpo. I can''t be sure on exact timing because I didn''t chart this month and never got a truly positive OPK, but the digi said "pregnant" when I tested last Friday night. I''m about 5 weeks. DH and I are cautiously optimistic. I''m not calling the Dr. for another week because I don''t want to put myself though an early ultrasound or betas. I''ve had my progesterone tested in the past and know it is normal. There is truly nothing the Dr. can do at this point so I''m just going to try to stay relaxed and enjoy this "secret" time with DH.

The only symptoms I had were a day of creamy CM around 5DPO, and twinges in my breasts and uterus area. I still don''t have many symptoms, though I did get up to pee 4 times last night. I''m kind of hoping for stronger symptoms this time around because I think it will be reassuring. I know you aren''t supposed to judge anything by symptoms are lack thereof though.

So, congratulations again to Bliss and HouMed, and many happy thoughts to our fellow TTCers. I hope you don''t mind if I hang around here at least until I get to the Dr. I now understand exactly why Robbie (I think it was her) started the "Just barely preggo" thread.

G''night and sweet dreams!
Date: 11/1/2009 12:14:57 AM
Author: HOUMedGal
Last one!!
Your hubby is soooo awesome. Love that he''s soooooo excited. Again am thrilled for you HM. I have followed your journey through medical school. I am soooo proud of you. You are going to be a great Mom, you are so loving and caring.

All the best... xx
Congratulations. Those negative photos are so neat looking.
OMG! It''s a JERK OUTLET round here!

Congratulations to all three of you - it''ll be great to go through pregnancy together! Mela and I had due dates just 3 days apart.
Date: 11/1/2009 12:18:22 AM
Author: NewShiny
Bliss and HouMed, CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited and hoping for sticky gummies for both of you.

And I wasn''t going to post this for another couple of weeks, but I don''t think I''ve ever seen 3 BFP''s in one day here (its still Halloween here). So, yes, I''m KU too. Got our BFP last Friday, around 13dpo. I can''t be sure on exact timing because I didn''t chart this month and never got a truly positive OPK, but the digi said ''pregnant'' when I tested last Friday night. I''m about 5 weeks. DH and I are cautiously optimistic. I''m not calling the Dr. for another week because I don''t want to put myself though an early ultrasound or betas. I''ve had my progesterone tested in the past and know it is normal. There is truly nothing the Dr. can do at this point so I''m just going to try to stay relaxed and enjoy this ''secret'' time with DH.

The only symptoms I had were a day of creamy CM around 5DPO, and twinges in my breasts and uterus area. I still don''t have many symptoms, though I did get up to pee 4 times last night. I''m kind of hoping for stronger symptoms this time around because I think it will be reassuring. I know you aren''t supposed to judge anything by symptoms are lack thereof though.

So, congratulations again to Bliss and HouMed, and many happy thoughts to our fellow TTCers. I hope you don''t mind if I hang around here at least until I get to the Dr. I now understand exactly why Robbie (I think it was her) started the ''Just barely preggo'' thread.

G''night and sweet dreams!
NEWSHINY!!! It''s you!! You''re number three! How awesome is that?!?!?! Sooooo happy for you!! Sending loads of prayers for a sticky bean and maybe a few more symptoms too, just to make you feel a bit more reassured. :)

I haven''t really had any strikingly obvious symptoms''s more now in hindsight that am calling them "symptoms." Tummy has just felt a bit off, and I''ve been tired, but I''m always tired. Haven''t started peeing a lot yet, and bb''s are just barely sore. Maybe we can start our own "just barely preggo thread" too...I''m still so happy but so nervous about "what if I''m not really"...

Sooo I peed on a digi this morning, and it was negative, but it wasn''t technically FMU because I had gotten up a bit earlier and peed and drank some water. Still kinda bummed me out a bit, BUT I do have the FRER from last night and a big temp rise this morning to make me feel better. I think I''ll retest this afternoon or tomorrow. Here''s my chart with the temp rise:

Thanks, Pandora and Qtiekiki!! :) And thank you, Kaleigh, for such kind words. :) You''re right, you and I have both been around for awhile, haven''t we? You''re one of the people I think of first when I think about the "Pricescope Family" because you''ve always got such kind and supportive words to say. *hugs* to you!
huge congrats ladies on your BFP!!!
WOW, what great news!!!!!! That''s funny, the "rule of threes" was on Thirty Rock this week.

I''m so happy for you Bliss, HMG, and NewShiny!!!!!!! I''m sending you lots of dust and smiles.
Congratulations NewShiny, what a wonderful weekend this has been! Sending tons of sticky vibes your way! I am thrilled for you!
WOW, Congratulations to HOU and NS!!!!! I cant believe it!!! Wishing you all happy and healthy pregnancies!!!!!
Oh, what a day! Congrats (jerkstore) ladies!
Wow, lot of happy news here! Bliss, HMG, and NS, CONGRATULATIONS! Sending you all lots of sticky dust!
Thank you so much to everyone for all the well wishes. I''m still in disbelief...did we really do it on the first shot? Wow. Part of the reason we started now (instead of Nov or Dec or Jan) was because I figured it would take a few months anyway! I''m feeling MUCH better this afternoon despite the negative digi from this morning, because I did another FRER this afternoon, and....darker, faster, better. :) And FWIW, I marked my test from yesterday wrong...yesterday was 9DPO instead of 8. Here''s today''s, which doesn''t really need hubby''s photoshopping skills in order for you to see the line!
I guess I can officially head over to the preggers thread now...but I''m still kinda nervous. NewShiny, maybe you, me, and Bliss really should start our own "just barely preggo" thread!

Wow, such exciting news !!!
Congrats on your bfps, Bliss, HouMedGal and New Shiny!!!
Hope you guys have a happy and healthy 9 months!! Come over to the Preggo thread as soon as you feel comfy and ready to do so!
Wow, what a great weekend on here! NS, congrats! I missed you in my first post ;)

HG - I didn''t even know it was possible to get a BFP at 9 DPO!
HOUMedGal what a lovely 10dpo BFP -- enjoy!
Date: 10/31/2009 9:20:53 PM
Author: HOUMedGal

....and we may be having babies really close together! Because.....OMG......I'm all jittery right now, but I think I just got a BFP. It's faint, but I can definitely see attached....what do you eagle eyes think?!?!?!?!

HMG.......!!!!!! I read your post last night when I was on call (worst. night. of. my. life) and it seriously made my night. Absolutely thrilled for you. It will be exciting to see you a bit ahead of me. Hope you have lots of preggo resident tips
Such fabulous news!

And a huge congrats to you Bliss and NewShiny, too! Just love seeing those BFPs!!
Oh wow....three BFPs.
Congrats to Bliss, HouMedGal, and NewShiny.
How cute that you three will be going through this pregnancy together.
Sticky dust to you ladies!
Pandora, HouMed, Lucy, Phoenix, Lindsey, Dani, Cara, Snlee, Sha, Puppmom, Icekid, and Lili - THANK YOU so much for your kind words. Your messages really mean a lot and give me lots of hope and more optimism that everything just might turn out okay.

Icekid, I''m sorry you had such a horrible night. Do you think Halloween had anything to do with it?
Icekid, I''m sorry you had a crummy night.
Those definitely happen from time to time, don''t they? Was it bad in terms of workload or upsetting things happening? I will definitely take lots of notes for you re: being a pregnant resident. Tomorrow I embark on 2 months of q4 call, so I''m keeping my fingers crossed for little-to-no morning sickness or other unpleasantries in my 1st trimester!!

Thanks for the sticky dust, Lili!!

NewShiny, we are in this together!! I will keep sending happy healthy vibes your way...and I am here for you as we travel this road together. Here''s to hoping things turn out MORE than okay.


Got my positive clearblue digi about an hour ago....SOOO surreal to see the word "pregnant"!
Really made it hit home to see the word instead of 2 lines!
I have no clue what you hardcore woman in this thread mean when you talk about BFP!! I know what BFF and BFD mean though!!

Yayayaya New Shiny!!

I automatically went pink with Bliss and blue with Hou-ie, so I thought I would go gender neutral with you!

Congratulations Ladies!!

(What ever happened to just waiting until one missed their period, eh? I don''t understand your lingo. I only know LMP)
WOW! Thanks for all the really heartfelt congrats!
But it is, like HOUMedGal wrote, bittersweet. I wish we were all pregnant at the same time. That would be so amazing. I just finished reading through the entire TTC thread and it went straight to my heart. We Jerkstores are so lucky to have your support and I am so humbled by your grace and beauty. All of you!

NewShiny, CONGRATS!!!!!! You''re the third musketeer on Halloween night! WOOOOHOO. Soooo thrilled for you!

(((HUGS))) to icekid!

Lili, your little girl is TOO CUTE! It is my DREAM to have a little girl just like that! SOOOO beautiful and spunky! That face! Cracks me up!
Date: 11/1/2009 9:35:35 PM
Author: miraclesrule
I have no clue what you hardcore woman in this thread mean when you talk about BFP!! I know what BFF and BFD mean though!!

Yayayaya New Shiny!!

I automatically went pink with Bliss and blue with Hou-ie, so I thought I would go gender neutral with you!

Congratulations Ladies!!

(What ever happened to just waiting until one missed their period, eh? I don''t understand your lingo. I only know LMP)
Hey Miracles!!!!! BFP - Big Fat Positive! Before my BFP, I had a lot of BFN (Big Fat Negatives)...

BFF, BFD, LMP? BFG is a great book I read as a kid!
Ohhhhhhhhhh, BFP!! Okay, got it!! btw, if you click on my name and go to threads I started and then go to page will find the condensed version of how I found out I was gonna be a Gramma.
Bliss, HouMedgirl, NewShiny....CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Super fast drive by bc I don''t have time, but wanted to pop on and say best of luck and sticky babies for all of you!!!! How exciting!!!
Congrats HOUmedgal and New Shiny. Sending loads of sticky vibes your way.

I have a few more days before AF is due so maybe there is still some hope for me this month. Still no symptoms though (I don''t think dreaming I was nauseous counts!) so not getting my hopes up too much.
Wowzers!!! It''s been a while since we had a streak around here! What a wonderful weekend it was!!

Congratulations to Shiny (and keeping quiet for a week is some feat, girl!!
), Bliss, and HOU. Very exciting news!!! I hope your pregnancies flow smoothly, and that you keep positive attitudes through the first trimester. You have babies growing in there!!! Yipppeee!!!

So, tell us how each of you told your hubby. (I love hearing these stories!!)

July is going to be a busy month on the preggo thread!!
GREAT NEWS New Shiny!!

We have quite the outbreak of "Jerkositty" around here and I couldn''t be happier!
Happy and Healthy pregnancies to you all
NewShiny and HouMedGal!!


Here''s to wonderful, happy and healthy pregnancies for you both!

And, lots of sticky bean vibes!!
Date: 11/2/2009 7:21:35 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Wowzers!!! It's been a while since we had a streak around here! What a wonderful weekend it was!!

Congratulations to Shiny (and keeping quiet for a week is some feat, girl!!
), Bliss, and HOU. Very exciting news!!! I hope your pregnancies flow smoothly, and that you keep positive attitudes through the first trimester. You have babies growing in there!!! Yipppeee!!!

So, tell us how each of you told your hubby. (I love hearing these stories!!)

July is going to be a busy month on the preggo thread!!

Thank you ladies!!!! Last night after I finished the TTC thread finally, I just got so emotional. It's amazing how so many of you have been here in some capacity and made this thread what it is today: the jerkbodegas (myself included), the women who have supported each other and wiped away tears while keeping the faith, the women who made me cry when they got the BFP and still come by to cheer us on and congratulate us. It's so overwhelming!

Fisher, some of the words you wrote along the way truly touched my heart. The love you have for your baby is incredible and infinite. Just amazing! Your faith, your amazing heart and generosity with information and support... I feel like I'm in the presence of greatness, I really do. So lots and lots of prayers to us all - buckets and buckets of baby dust!!!

I hope you don't mind if I stay for a little while? I've grown so attached to this thread and all of you. I want to continue cheering you on and sending massive prayers your way, if that's OK. Life is so tenuous and I realize every day that it's a huge blessing to carry this child - and any moment, we could be back to square one. It's still so early.

OK, now to the other stuff - Fisher, you wanted to know how I told DH? My story is no fun, unfortunately! DH has been with me every step of the way so he knows about my addiction to POAS. The past two weeks I've been feeling so weird with nausea and cramping along with crazy fatigue - he's been telling me I was pregnant! I was afraid to believe him. Last month, when I had AF - it was super heavy and instinctively, I just felt it might have been a chemical pregnancy. I was never able to confirm it, but I just felt strongly that it was not an ordinary AF. So that was really hard for me. I was really sad for a while. My heart just felt I was pregnant last month and my body ached for the baby I believed I was carrying... and when AF came with such a vengeance, it was heartbreaking.

So DH nursed me through those weeks of sudden weeping and feeling down. I know it was our first month of trying, but it just...felt so real to me. I really believed there was a baby in there! I still believe there was. So this month, I was extra cautious. I didn't know if my body was just out of whack and recovering from last month or if I was truly pregnant.

So after days of the early pregnancy symptoms, they got to a point where I couldn't say I was imagining it. Either I was pregnant or something was wrong with my health. I decided to test - DH and I went out Saturday morning and had brunch at a lovely restaurant. I had a tiny whiff of his coffee and I felt nausea, which was so weird. I LOVE COFFEE! But during TTC, I gave it up. *sob*

So we walked around Central Park (it was a gorgeous day) and we bought some HPTs on the way back home. I got a 3-pack of FRER, because FRER has been so lucky for the ladies here... I was superstitious!

At home, we watched DVD episodes of The Office together, just howling with laughter...while I eagerly gripped my 3 HPT sticks like a kid - relishing that crackly foil and willing myself to wait. I was also afraid I didn't have enough concentrated pee for the hormone to register on the test. So I was drinking a ton of water during lunch... then I had to drop by work... DH was like, "I WANT TO BE THERE WHEN YOU TEST!" Heehee.

I should have waited, but I just had the craziest urge right then and there at work - and I remember being totally mesmerized by the two lines when they appeared. I almost didn't even pay attention because I was so used to seeing that pink blush drift to the one single line indicating a BFN. It was surreal. I just had the goofiest grin and crazy giddiness, ran out and called DH. (After washing my hands, of course!)

As soon as he picked up, he knew by my hello. He said, "YOU TESTED WITHOUT ME!" and then, "OH MY GOSH, WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!!" So I run home and he's kissing my belly and jumping up and down... just wide eyed and grinning. He also said, "I TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE PREGNANT!" Then he asked which books he should read because he wants to be informed on everything along the way. Then he went out and bought me flowers and treats.

I called my mom and she was just crying and jumping up and down… She practically started packing her bags to come visit. She is so excited and so happy. It’s fun to call her because she’s more excited than I am, it seems!

It is also funny because in New York, so many people smoke. And when we were walking on the sidewalk, every time someone blew smoke near us DH would freak out and WAVE IT AWAY MANIACALLY to the point where I was embarrassed. Later, I tried to wipe the coffee table off and I had a bottle of Windex and he practically leaped across the living room to grab it out of my hand. So how am I going to survive 9 months without touching any chemicals? Does this mean I never have to clean again?

BABY DUST TO YOU ALL! The week before the BFP, I was at (hahahaha) my jeweler’s picking up my studs from the reset. And my jeweler’s wife is gorgeous and pregnant! So every time I saw her, I would just clap my hands in delight. Well, I met her mother and she told me not to worry, that she would give me good luck so that I would get pregnant soon. I rubbed her shoulder with my shoulder and said, “I hope that rubs off on me!” So even as it’s early, I sent Yekutiel an e-mail to tell him that the studs were magic studs or his mother-in-law’s blessing really worked! MAZAL!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support…. I look forward to cheering you on and praying for you faithfully….then hearing your stories as well when you get your BFPs!!! Keep the love alive.

Here's a HPT about 15 DPO. I have to admit, I was scared I had imagined the BFP earlier...but the line is there again and I got teary with relief. The bean is still there!

HouMedGal, NewShiny sistas - so happy for you both. It's even more special because we are going through it all together!!!!! HouMedGal, what a great idea on the Just Barely Preggo thread - I'm in! While I'm so excited, this is also one of the scariest times in my life!
