
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 11/4/2009 8:24:38 AM
Author: Kit

I keep having this fear that somehow now we are not going to be able to conceive. And speaking of fear, I can only imagine how anxious you must be feeling right now, I know if/when I am pg again I will be a nervous wreck! I am already planning to do some meditation or relaxation techniques to combat the anxiety so it doesn''t hurt the little bean. Good luck to you, I am pulling for you and your bean!

Kit I think that it is very natural to fear your next pregnancy, and even have the fear that you won''t be able to conceive again. When a loss happens, it jolts you into the reality that terrible things happen -- and unfortunately encourages your mind to imagine all of the other things that can go wrong. My daughter was stillborn in April, and I was terrified/convinced that we would not be able to conceive another child, even with no reason to believe so. Then I got pregnant in late August which turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. Although I was disappointed, I can say that I wasn''t surprised because I fully expected to have a miscarriage. Then I got pregnant the next cycle as well and again was convinced that I would miscarry. I''m now almost 8 weeks pregnant and even with two ultrasounds, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I just wanted to let you know that your feelings are natural, no matter how unpleasant they may be. The relaxation/meditation techniques sound like a great idea. I''m wishing you the best!
Kit - I know the fear. Heck, it took us over a year of infertility treatments to get our first BFP, and we lost that baby at 8.5 weeks. Natural m/c, which I was glad to have as I didn''t want to have to have a D&C. Another 9 months of infertility treatments, we got the second, and lost that before 5 weeks (never saw a heartbeat). Although you definitely feel jinxed, and like it''s all to likely to happen again, or you''ll never get pregnant again, I have to say that in your case, that''s not at all likely. The fact that you got pregnant during your first month TTC most likelyl means your tubes are open, your eggs are good, your DH has some super sperm, and sperm and eggs like each other a lot. That you made it to 9.5 weeks most likely also means that you had no problems with implantation, and it was just one of those random bad luck losses, either chromosomal or because something important just wasn''t developing as it should for whatever reason.
I wonder if the possible easier time TTC after a chemical or loss is because of higher estrogen and progesterone levels at the end of the previous cycle somehow making ovulation better when you try again. Who knows. My EWCM was fantastic the month after my 8.5 week loss.
Best of luck for a successful pregnancy when you try again!

Fisher - Your faith is incredible, and I love your outlook on things.
Kit - I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I'm glad you decided to join us. Lots of Baby Dust to you!

Fisher - Have you been to your chiropractor/friend for treatment recently? I've been reading my RE's website and see that they have a list of recommended accupuncturists. There is one located very close to my work, so I am thinking of giving her a call. It can't hurt, right?


All TTCer's - I also came across this packaged Conception Kit on my RE's website today. The kit contains conception caps, which seem similar to the Instead product that was discussed here yesterday, but appears to be approved specifically for conception purposes (not sure, it says it is FDA approved, but not sure for what), pre-seed, and, well you can refer to the link if you want to read more. It also includes OPK's. For the price ($300), I thought it might include the Clear Blue Easy, but it does not; however, the kit may be covered through your pharmacy benefit, so it's definitely worth looking into.
drk I think that you''re right about the difference in hormones, as to why it is remarked that many women easily TTC after a loss. After I lost my daughter and we were looking into IVF w/ PGD, the fertility specialist told me that it would likely be very easy to get pregnant because after any pregnancy, your body is primed for increased blood flow to the uterus. I imagine that begins very early.
WOW- lots of good news around here!

Wishing Bliss, HouMedGal and NewShiny a happy and healthy pregnancy.
UGH...ok, slight vent. I''m on CD16 or so (I say "or so" because I''m not sure when to start my cycles since I spot and clump (gross) a bunch). Anyway, I have thrown temping out the window bc I wasn''t getting any surges. So I bought OPK''s and in the last 3 cycles, I''ve only gotten ONE positive OPK. For instance, this current cycle, I started testing on CD10, and twice a day until just now. They got more positive, more positive, then more negative, more negative. I never had a fully positive one (the line was never as dark or darker than the control line) My cycles are getting more and more regular. My last 4 have been 20-28 days, so I am having a period. And I swear I feel ovulation mid-cycle. I felt it a couple of days ago in between my kinda-positive and negative OPKs. Every once in awhile I''ll get EWCM, but not that often.

So even though I''m having regular periods, I could still not be ovulating?????

I just bought the Clearblue Easy Fert Monitor on Ebay. I''m fed up with not knowing if I''m ovulating or not! I told my gyno this awhile ago, and she put me on Provera to take for 3 months to jumpstart everything...not sure why because usually they prescribe Provera if you haven''t had a period in awhile. I even told her that. I reiterated that I''m having periods regularly. Anyway, I haven''t taken it yet bc I took it once a couple of years ago and it was murderous on my system. Should I go to another gyno? Should I make an appointment with an RE??? I asked my gyno about doing bloodwork 7 days after O (or whatever it is) and she looked at me like I was speaking another language.

Does anyone know about anovulatory cycles and if you can have them like clockwork?
Hi Lanie,

This is what my doctor told me: YES, it''s possible to have regular periods but not actually ovulate. However, it is not highly probable. If you have regular cycles, meaning every 25-33 days apart, you are most likely ovulating. You can get your progesterone tested 7 DPO, or have an ultrasound at that time to actually confirm ovulation.
Yeah I think I''m going to have to go to another gyno to get the 7dpo. I feel like a broken record saying I never know if I''m Oing but I feel unsupported by my gyno. THat''s why I was wondering if that test is only available through an RE.
Hi Lanie,

Your regular gyno could order the 7DPO test for you, meaning that you do not need an RE for this bloodwork. Did your dr indicate why she did not want to order the test? I would call her office and specifically request that she order the blood work for you to confirm ovulation. Considering the time it would take to get into a new office for an appointment, you'd likely miss the opportunity to have the test done this cycle, so you may as well try one more time with your current physician. If she refuses, then you will at least have an opportunity to ask her to clarify why she doesn't feel it is necessary.
Congratulations, NewShiny!

Kit- We've missed you 'round these parts! I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I too have experienced a loss- two, actually, before I had my beautiful baby boy. I think it's a wonderful sign that you were able to get pregnant so quickly, and agree that it was likely chromosomal- one of those things that "just happens," as awful as it is. But one, even two miscarriages are considered normal, and I'm sure your next pregnancy will be a nice, healthy, sticky one! Hugs to you.

Baby dust to all!
Lanie, have you been TTC or just charting for informational purposes? I may be confusing you with another L-screenname. Your gyne may be reluctant to do more tests if you have not actively been TTC and having a problem in that area, or a problem in another area. Moderately irregular cycles can be normal, not having a biphasic temperature pattern can be normal, not getting to full positive on the OPK is common (though if you are testing twice a day that makes timing less of an issue). The combination of these things does make one go hmmmm... I guess you are wanting to have your dr investigate proactively? The doc might want you to run a different test first: roll in the hay a bunch and see if that works, KWIM? The persnickety scientist in me does sympathize with wanting to have precise, accurate info about whats going on behind the green curtain in this baby-making process and all, and hopefully the info you are gathering will jump-start the investigation if you end up needing some medical intervention. But fingers-crossed the old-fashioned way will work for you.
Thanks cara, you hit the nail on the head. Just wanting to be proactive about it. We are TTCing next month and I'm "older", have a long history of completely irreg cycles, and, like everyone else, want it to happen soon. At this point it will be like shooting at a moving target. And to answer Loves vintage's question, it wasn't that she didn't want to order the 7dpo. It was more like she didn't know what I was talking she ignored my request. Oh well. I'll call tomorrow and see if I can get it. If not, next cycle. Thanks guys! You all are a wealth of info and so helpful!

I hope we get some more bfp's soon! I love seeing good news and pray with those who are feeling losses on here.
To all the TTC Ladies, thank you for your kind words and I wish you luck and lots of baby dust this month! RIght now DH and I are tucked in bed with our two girls, er, cats
and at the moment life is feeling pretty sweet.

littlelysser, thanks for your note and I really appreciate your understanding. You''re right, I mean, I know that my thoughts are totally irrational and in the grand scheme it could be much much worse BUT as you know I just can''t stop these crazy feelings. It''s a bit like a roller coaster, ya know? However, life goes on and I am definitely getting back on the horse, so to speak...
Well, I am so glad to hear that your son is doing well and congratulations to you

Lindsey, first of all I am so sorry to hear of your losses. I cannot imagine going through what you went through and I think you must be very strong and brave, as you are on this board communicating and sharing and supporting all these other women despite your pain and grief. I applaud you. I also appreciate your validation of my feelings, you know sometimes it is so helpful just to hear that others are feeling the same things you feel and that you are not alone. Now, on to the bright side--congrats!! Try, although it''s hard, to enjoy your pregnancy, even if for just a moment or two. After all, you''ve been through so much you deserve to relish the joy and excitement this pregnancy brings you. I am rooting for you and your bean

Drk, thanks for your post and your well wishes. I am so sorry to hear about what you''ve been going through, and for so long. It''s terrible that you have had to endure such heartache and disappointment. My heart goes out to you and I hope the best for you.

EBree, long time no PS!
Thank you for your kind words, and I am so happy to hear about your son. Congratulations! You''re right, as awful as it is, one or two m/c''s are common and I am really beginning to think after sharing with other women that it''s the majority who have m/c or infertility or other issues with TTC, while those who get pg straight away with no issues are in the minority. It''s a miracle the human race has continued on for so long! Ha ha...
Date: 11/4/2009 8:08:36 PM
Author: Lanie
UGH...ok, slight vent. I''m on CD16 or so (I say ''or so'' because I''m not sure when to start my cycles since I spot and clump (gross) a bunch). Anyway, I have thrown temping out the window bc I wasn''t getting any surges. So I bought OPK''s and in the last 3 cycles, I''ve only gotten ONE positive OPK. For instance, this current cycle, I started testing on CD10, and twice a day until just now. They got more positive, more positive, then more negative, more negative. I never had a fully positive one (the line was never as dark or darker than the control line) My cycles are getting more and more regular. My last 4 have been 20-28 days, so I am having a period. And I swear I feel ovulation mid-cycle. I felt it a couple of days ago in between my kinda-positive and negative OPKs. Every once in awhile I''ll get EWCM, but not that often.

So even though I''m having regular periods, I could still not be ovulating?????

I just bought the Clearblue Easy Fert Monitor on Ebay. I''m fed up with not knowing if I''m ovulating or not! I told my gyno this awhile ago, and she put me on Provera to take for 3 months to jumpstart everything...not sure why because usually they prescribe Provera if you haven''t had a period in awhile. I even told her that. I reiterated that I''m having periods regularly. Anyway, I haven''t taken it yet bc I took it once a couple of years ago and it was murderous on my system. Should I go to another gyno? Should I make an appointment with an RE??? I asked my gyno about doing bloodwork 7 days after O (or whatever it is) and she looked at me like I was speaking another language.

Does anyone know about anovulatory cycles and if you can have them like clockwork?
Oh no, Lanie. I am sorry to hear about this. I am not sure I have much information for you, but just wanted to say I understand how confused you must feel in trying to decipher your body''s signals and clues about your fertility. It''s stressful and frustrating and it doesn''t help that your OB is not being supportive. Hang in there!
quick Clomid question...

Does anyone know the difference between taking it days 3-7 vs 5-9? Fisher, you are on Clomid, right? I thought I remember your doctor (or maybe it was someone on this thread) saying that taking Clomid on days 3-7 will produce more eggs, but 5-9 will produce a stronger ovulation. Is that true? Or is it the opposite? Thanks!

Different doctors take different approaches to Clomid. My old Dr. said to do 3-7, based on my ovulation being SO late, he wanted to help jump start it earlier. My current Dr. feels that 5-9 actually produces an earlier ovulation. Who knows. I''ve heard about 3-7 making more eggs, but neither of my Drs. have stated this as truth. For what it''s worth, I took the pills last cycle on days 4-8 (wanted to wait til my Dr. appt. to take the first one because the Dr. said I needed to increase my doseage, and I knew better) and ovulated one day earlier than when I take them 3-7, which is consistently CD 17.

I''m not taking Clomid this cycle. It''s good to give your body a rest every three cycles. I''m not sure we''ll take it again. Not because of side effects (I''ve been very luck in that regard), but more because of the way I seem to have been hanging my hopes on that little pill, and then getting crushed when it didn''t work. And the more I think about it, the more I realize I''ve been putting hope in the wrong place. Eh, it''s just a personal thing.

Clomid is good for many women, and I wish anyone on it much luck. I would likely continue on it (and may again one day) if I wasn''t ovulating at all, but I do, every cycle, and I feel more confident in the fact that my body is functioning properly after all this testing has been done.

The only thing left to test (prior to RE status) is post coital CM... so for that, we''ll try pre-seed. Just in case.
Thanks for the reply Fisher! My doctor told me if I decide to try Clomid, he only prescribes it for 3 cycles. After that, he says the odds of it working become reduced and it's time to try something else.

I had an ultrasound yesterday (first RE appointment!) and the doctor told me I have a perfect uterus, nice thick lining, and good ovarian reserve.
I feel like a kid getting all As on a report card, lol. He said he will not give me injectibles due to the fact that we would probably conceive multiples (the risk is too high he said). Hmm, has anyone else been told this before?
I kind of didn't really want to go on Clomid based on the issues many women here have had with it, including thinning out lining and drying up CM.

Then again, I know it worked for a lot of people here though, like Peony, Vespergirl, Lindsey, etc.
Laila - That's great that you've had your appointment already. So, your RE prescribed Clomid? Did he say what for? Undiagnosed infertility, I'm assuming? Will he do any further testing at this point, or he wants to see how things go with the Clomid?

My appointment is next week, and I cannot wait to get in there! I am so impatient. I also just called an accupuncturist to set an appointment. Calling to find out if the "Conception Kit" is covered by my insurance, and if not, I will be ordering the Instead, Pre-seed and more ovulation sticks. Time to get this show on the road, already!

Unfortunately, my CD3 will precede my RE appointment, so if they do precribe Clomid, it will have to wait until next cycle. I was reading about Clomid potential side effects on my RE's site, and am a bit concerned about the mood changes. Each cycle, I am already
with my moods, and can generally be rather moody, so I don't look forward to any more moodiness!

Lanie - When you mentioned the 7DPO bloodwork to your doctor, it could be that she was confused by what you were asking for, and sometimes there are so many things that we want to discuss, it's easy to jump from topic to topic, and not all issues get addressed. That could be what happened here. I would just tell her that you are looking for the bloodwork that confirms ovulation. I noticed with my own doctor, that I use so many abbreviations and terms that have meaning at places like here, but a doctor wouldn't typically be used to hearing some of these abbreviations from a patient. I noticed this when I referred to PCOS with my own doctor. First, I said p-coz (which is how I pronounce it, when I am reading it in my head), to which I received a VERY puzzled look, then I said, P-C-O-S, to which she was a little less puzzled. And, then, I hesitantly started to say poly . . . cystic . . . ov . . ., and then she finally understood what I meant. Lol.

I hope you have a productive call today. I sense your frustration, but I think you are so smart for paying attention to your body before you start. So many women wait, or don't realize that they may have issues with their cycles, so even though you are waiting to try, you are really making so much progress toward good timing.
I think that ideal Clomid timing depends on your body. I took Clomid CD3-7 (I'm a late ovulater) and ended up O'ing super late... CD 37! The next cycle I took it CD 4-8 and ovulated on CD 21 which is very early for me. So I would agree with fisher that 5-9 could produce a stronger, sooner O (if you're a late O'er.) If you O pretty early, 5-9 might make you O a bit later than you normally would.
Laila, are you ovulating okay? How long have you been TTC? I love the flowers in your pic by the way...I''ve always meant to tell you that!

My gyno originally told me that Clomid is like a super ovulation. She said that she might supplement me with it even if I''m ovulating since she suspects (and I suspect) that I''m not ovulating every cycle. I had the same worries about the side effects though.
Loves Vintage, hi! Yes, I was excited to have my first RE appointment. They waste NO time, the doctor told the nurse to do an ultrasound right away. I was 5 or 6 DPO, and the cool thing was that the nurse was able to tell I definitely ovulated, and she could even tell from what tube! So neat how they can see all that. Wonder what they will do at yours?

At this point we are unexplained, because my DH's SA was excellent with very high count and motility, and so far, all my stuff has come back great (no PCOS, ovulate regularly, anatomically correct uterus, good ovarian reserve, etc.)

The RE suggested clomid, IUI, and progesterone supplements post ovulation. I hear you on the moodiness! I am the same way.
Also, next month he wants to do an HSG, what Fisher recently had, to make sure my tubes are in fact open.

Lindsey, thanks for sharing your Clomid experience with me re: days to take it.

Lanie, (boy we have a lot of L posters!) thanks for the compliment on my avatar! That was my bridal bouquet.
I love your cake too! Yes I do ovulate regularly. My doctor said similar to yours that Clomid makes women who already ovulate on their own have a stronger, even better ovulation. We've been TTC for 7/8 cycles.
Laila - Wow, how exciting!!! You must be thrilled that things are moving so quickly!!! Do you know what your 7DPO progesterone level was? Curious why they prescribed progesterone supplements? Maybe that is standard procedure for their office. Good for you for taking charge and getting into see the RE!!!

I will report back with a full report after my visit next week!
Date: 11/5/2009 10:57:12 AM
Author: Loves Vintage
Laila - Wow, how exciting!!! You must be thrilled that things are moving so quickly!!! Do you know what your 7DPO progesterone level was? Curious why they prescribed progesterone supplements? Maybe that is standard procedure for their office. Good for you for taking charge and getting into see the RE!!!

I will report back with a full report after my visit next week!
Yes, please do report back after your visit!

Re: progesterone. I told him I experience spotting a few days before AF every month, and he said that the Clomid would fix that but he says he always generally prescribes progesterone too, just to maximize odds and to help with a nice thick lining. He says he generally doesn't like to do Clomid without IUI because it might dry up CM or make it inhospitable to sperm, so the IUI is meant to bypass that issue. The moodiness he can't help with, lol.
I liked him, he was very thorough.

I hope your appointment goes well! Are you having DH go too?
Date: 11/5/2009 11:09:07 AM
Author: Laila619

Date: 11/5/2009 10:57:12 AM
Author: Loves Vintage
Laila - Wow, how exciting!!! You must be thrilled that things are moving so quickly!!! Do you know what your 7DPO progesterone level was? Curious why they prescribed progesterone supplements? Maybe that is standard procedure for their office. Good for you for taking charge and getting into see the RE!!!

I will report back with a full report after my visit next week!
Yes, please do report back after your visit!

Re: progesterone. I told him I experience spotting a few days before AF every month, and he said that the Clomid would fix that but he says he always generally prescribes progesterone too, just to maximize odds and to help with a nice thick lining. He says he generally doesn''t like to do Clomid without IUI because it dries up your CM or makes it inhospitable to sperm, so the IUI is meant to bypass that issue. The moodiness he can''t help with, lol.
I liked him, he was very thorough.

I hope your appointment goes well! Are you having DH go too?
That is so wonderful!! So, your treatment will not begin until next cycle, but I really really hope that you surprise yourself and get a nice BFP this month!! Baby, baby, baby DUST!!!

Should my DH go? He offered to go with me, but I laughed (lovingly, of course
) and told him that I would let him know when his participation would be needed.
Did your DH go?
LV, nah, mine didn't go. I told him not to, same as you! And thank you for the baby dust, right back at ya!

Totally forgot about your question re: the chiro. Yes, I still go. Previously twice weekly, now once a week. I''m hold adjustments well, which is a great sign. I have found that I sleep better and more soundly (which is a blessing to my husband--- used to wake up every time he moved, in a panic).

She advised I start yoga as it also helps to gently adjust your body/nervous system, and I''ve found it *so* relaxing. I''m not able to do all the crazy bending they think I can, but I can do most of it and I love it. And I feel really good and mellow afterwards. A wonderful feeling for this tense girl!!

As for whether or not the chiro is helping with all things relating to conception; I don''t know. They say it takes a couple months and I''ve just passed that point now. I''m curious to see what my body does this cycle, off Clomid.

As always, hoping for great things!!

Let us know how the accupuncture goes... Aye. I''m such a weenie. I can''t even imagine tons of thin needles all over me. Please describe in detail if you do it (so we know how it really is).

Lindsey, these cups that you speak of... I''ve heard of them. Not for TTC, but was wondering: you say they''re not hard to put in, but hmm... I am worried I''ve never get the thing out if I ever did get it in. Do you think someone who''d never used a tampon or anything like that could do it? Curious.
Yes, I believe that someone who has never used a tampon could insert this. Inserting these is much more "hands on" than inserting a tampon. If you decided to use them for TTC, I would practice inserting it a couple of times first -- I gave it one dry one and had no problem inserting it. The trick is to tuck it under the pubic bone, which is hard to explain until you have it in, and then you will be like "aha!" If you get up and walk around and don't feel it, it is inserted correctly. If you're actually wanting to use it for your menstrual flow, I would recommend the diva cup instead -- it does not sit right up next to the cervix, so it less messy to remove if you are having your period. I think that the instead cups are easy to remove, but then mine were not filled with menstrual flow. They will definitely not get stuck though! I picked mine up at CVS but have seem them at Wal-Mart and other drug stores. I followed another lady's advice when using them for TTC -- right after BD'ing and hanging out with my butt propped up for a bit, I put a bit of Pre-Seed in the instead cup and inserted it. Once it was in place, I used my fingers to rub the instead cup in direct contact with my cervix. Lots of details, but that's what I did
Fisher, I'm glad that you are finding the yoga helpful. I'm a big fan of deep breathing for relaxation, though I do not do it regularly. I do use it to help me relax, and to help me fall asleep when I am tense. I am generally a very good and heavy sleeper. I've never had any real problems there, thankfully, but sometimes, if my mind is really not stopping when it is time to sleep, a few really, really deep breaths, and I fall into sleep. It is a great technique, which I picked up through a hypnotherapist a few years ago. I had done deep breathing tapes before, but never achieved the level of relaxation that I could achieve through the deep breathing I did during hypnotherapy (which is really just deep, guided meditation.) Back to my point, I hear you about the tenseness. That's something I need to work on too (in general), and I wonder if the accupuncture will help with that.

I will provide a full and detailed report about the accupuncture. I am not concerned about the needles at all because they are super, super tiny, and I don't think you actually feel them at all, and even if I could feel them, I don't think it would bother me so much anyway. I am pretty needle tolerant. I used to be a regular blood donor, and actually had some relatively bad experiences (donating at work and having not-so-experienced phlebotomists go at my veins repeatedly, lol, now that was painful!), so as long as the needles are smaller than the ones they use for blood donation, I am good-to-go!

I actually heard from the accupuncturist's office yesterday. She is away this week and will call on Monday. She will schedule appointments on specific cycle days. I guess that makes sense. The office is in the same town where I work, so I'm hoping I can just pop over on my lunch hour or go right after work. Not covered by insurance, but none of the good stuff ever is! I was a bit concerned when I looked at her webiste. She is affiliated with a naturopath's office. I visited a naturopath years ago, and did not find it a very positive or particularly helpful experience. I'm much more savvy now (not saying that all naturopaths are bad or spending vast amounts of money on supplements is never good), but I will not be buying supplements, so I hope the practices are kept separate.

Regarding your chiropractic treatments, even if you are not able to see specifically how they are helping you with TTC-ing, it sounds like it's been a positive experience for you and leading you to other positive experiences like yoga, so that's good!

Have you looked into the Raspberry Leaf tea that is supposed to help strengthen uterine lining. I don't recall if you experienced thinning at all on the Clomid? I did pick up some of the tea myself, and I have to say, it is SO GOOD. I am not a big tea person at all, but I found the taste of this tea to be very appealing. I want to mention it to my RE, to see what his thoughts are, and will also ask the accupuncturist if she is familiar.

Lindsey, That is a great tip, to add the pre-seed to the Instead before insertion. I would not have thought to do that on my own. Totally trying that this cycle! (Unless my RE has a different plan for me this cycle, not sure how quickly he may want to put a plan in place!)


I do have a mini-update. I received my new (second) 7DPO results, and my progesterone level was 11 this month, a big increase from last month's 7! My doctor mentioned that the next step would be to have an HSG done. No mention of an ultrasound and no mention of Clomid. So, I will proceed with my appointment to see the RE next week.

I feel like I am learning so much through this process. I have started to go back to read some older sections of this thread, and it is very helpful, now that I have a bit more basic understanding.

Happy Friday!
Yay for the newest progesterone result, LV! Anything over 10 is considered good.
Hi Laila!

Say, did your RE recommend a particular type of Fertility Monitor for the timing of your IUI? Just curious how they time around ovulation.