
The Official TTC Thread!

Miss martha, How are you tracking you Ovulation? OPK, temping?? Or do you just know cause of when AF comes (or doesn''t)? I am just assuming I am having an ovulation since I have had 3 regular periods since I have came off of BC pills..

What is everyones suggestion to see if I am really having an ovulation?

I suspected due to lack of AF, and confirmed with temping. I haven''t used OPK, so I can''t speak to those, but I would think temping is an easy way to start checking.
Hey Miss Martha, That''s cool:-) I did my undergrad at Wheaton College in IL (but not in voice) and then a MM in Voice/Opera at Louisiana State University (LSU).
Opps, I forgot to reply to dcgator''s question:

I''m 31

I took BC for 3 months last year b/c I had uncontroled uterine bleeding for no reason (NOT FUN!!!) turns out I have issues with hormonal BC so I can''t take it (blood clots etc
) I wasn''t sexually active until we got married so it wasn''t a big deal in taht dept. but I was really, REALLY freaked I''d start bleeding again and they wouldn''t be able to do anything about it.

We got married in Oct. and haven''t been doing anything to prevent pregnancy

This was our first month of actually "trying"
wow, this thread is hopping these days!

Lanie- That is insane that all of your friends are pregnant at once. Hoping that you join their ranks soon

lurker- welcome!

HH- I might wait it out for AF with you. Ugh.

To answer dcgator''s questions-

I am 28. And I''ve actually been off hormonal BC for about 5 years

And ohhh guys, I feel so silly. We weren''t even supposed to try this month and I will be disappointed if we''re not knocked up. Unexpected feelings on my part. Well, my boobs are still sore, but not as sore as they were a few days ago. Whatever that means
Welcome welcome :) everyone!!! How many of us are waiting for our BFP this month?
I''m 29, almost 30 and I was on hormonal BC (various pills and depo) for 10 years. I went off in September 2008 and never had any issues with cycle regulation. I was like clockwork, 28 days until last month when I had a random 42 day cycle. This is our first cycle TTC.
I''m 26, had been on BC for 4 1/2 years (I earlier had said 6 in a previous post but I must have been tired and couldn''t do the math!) Hoping to start TTC in March! I guess I have time (age) on my side but a past of endometriosis looms. Past 3 Drs swear it shouldn''t be a problem since it was mild but I won''t believe them til I see that BFP!!!!
Allie I think you ovulated on CD11 because in the other chart your pre-O temps were around 96.5, consistent with the temps leading up to CD11. The other possible day is after the EW you had recently, but those temps were *already* in the higher 97s and there was no temp shift following the recent patch of EW.
Allie How good do you think you are at assessing CM? Most women take a while to get good at it. It is easy to mistake semen for CM. But that second patch would be around 12DPO if you ovulated on CD11. Have you taken a pregnancy test? Fertile CM is a pregnancy sign, and with ovulation on CD11 you could have gooten pg from the time you DTD a couple days earlier.
I''m 31 and was on BC for 12 years or so (on and off). Before BC my cycles weren''t normal and I was having periods like every 18 days. Sort of like you missmartha! I''ve been off 11 months and no regulation in site. I was on a roll with 3 short cycles in a row but then that was short lived after a long cycle. My OB said your body usually goes back to what it was preBC which I guess is kind of true for me.

Allie - that sounds promising!
Date: 1/8/2010 7:10:06 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Allie I think you ovulated on CD11 because in the other chart your pre-O temps were around 96.5, consistent with the temps leading up to CD11. The other possible day is after the EW you had recently, but those temps were *already* in the higher 97s and there was no temp shift following the recent patch of EW.

Thank you for looking at my charts Dreamer I honestly don''t know what day i o''d I remember checking my cervix onCD11 and my cervix was low and watery CM. That it why I didn''t think I was going to ovulate till later in the cycle possibly day 16. When I had the drop on CD 14. I thought that it was the pre-o drop. When I saw the EWCM on CD20 that is why I was shocked that my cervix was so high I could barely reach it. I guess only time will tell. I will take a preggy test just in case.
Well I just POAS and it is negative. I am sure it''s nothing it was just the super high cervix and the ewcm on CD20 threw me for a loop. It was not anything that I was expecting to see! I always thought that the super high CP was a prelude to Ovulation!
Kit - I''m late to the party, but CONGRATS!!!
Can you tell me what B complex you were taking?

dcgator - I''m 28 also and have never been on BCPs.

I''m pulling for all of the ladies in the TWW! There seem to be a lot around here
Same here - my congrats to Kit and I hope there are others to follow quickly in your footsteps... Another 3 or 4 if Bliss's prediction holds true right?

I am 27... 10 years on the pill, patch and nuvaring... Married 1 year... 5 months off bcp... no period for 115 days... 2 rounds of provera and finally a period.... CD8 of my first "real" cycle off bcp...

SUCKS being irregular... I can't even honor my type A personality and be super anal about charting or CBEFM testing. Grrrrr...

I wish much baby-dancing and positive tests to all of you.
Date: 1/8/2010 6:37:56 PM
Author: icekid
wow, this thread is hopping these days!

Lanie- That is insane that all of your friends are pregnant at once. Hoping that you join their ranks soon

lurker- welcome!

HH- I might wait it out for AF with you. Ugh.

To answer dcgator''s questions-

I am 28. And I''ve actually been off hormonal BC for about 5 years

And ohhh guys, I feel so silly. We weren''t even supposed to try this month and I will be disappointed if we''re not knocked up. Unexpected feelings on my part. Well, my boobs are still sore, but not as sore as they were a few days ago. Whatever that means
I know the first time we tried, I was dissapointed when it didn''t happen. But for some reason, I just think you are. I know I could be so wrong, but the whole boob thing was my first sign, and at that point I didn''t know I was preggo.
Date: 1/8/2010 8:24:39 PM
Author: AllieLuv83

Date: 1/8/2010 7:10:06 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Allie I think you ovulated on CD11 because in the other chart your pre-O temps were around 96.5, consistent with the temps leading up to CD11. The other possible day is after the EW you had recently, but those temps were *already* in the higher 97s and there was no temp shift following the recent patch of EW.

Thank you for looking at my charts Dreamer I honestly don''t know what day i o''d I remember checking my cervix onCD11 and my cervix was low and watery CM. That it why I didn''t think I was going to ovulate till later in the cycle possibly day 16. When I had the drop on CD 14. I thought that it was the pre-o drop. When I saw the EWCM on CD20 that is why I was shocked that my cervix was so high I could barely reach it. I guess only time will tell. I will take a preggy test just in case.
Yes, time will tell. Charting is inaccurate at the best of times, and your charts are not the best of times. FWIW, watery CF and a high cervix was what made me think I was pregnant. Last 3 days before the bfp.
Date: 1/8/2010 9:21:02 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 1/8/2010 8:24:39 PM

Author: AllieLuv83

Date: 1/8/2010 7:10:06 PM

Author: dreamer_dachsie

Allie I think you ovulated on CD11 because in the other chart your pre-O temps were around 96.5, consistent with the temps leading up to CD11. The other possible day is after the EW you had recently, but those temps were *already* in the higher 97s and there was no temp shift following the recent patch of EW.

Thank you for looking at my charts Dreamer I honestly don''t know what day i o''d I remember checking my cervix onCD11 and my cervix was low and watery CM. That it why I didn''t think I was going to ovulate till later in the cycle possibly day 16. When I had the drop on CD 14. I thought that it was the pre-o drop. When I saw the EWCM on CD20 that is why I was shocked that my cervix was so high I could barely reach it. I guess only time will tell. I will take a preggy test just in case.

Yes, time will tell. Charting is inaccurate at the best of times, and your charts are not the best of times. FWIW, watery CF and a high cervix was what made me think I was pregnant. Last 3 days before the bfp.

My cervix returned to low hard and closed on CD23. I feel so silly sitting here and analyzing these vague symptoms. I am going to try to put it in the back of my mind and wait for AF. Even if I did O late (by some crazy fluke of body) the chances of me actually winding up preggy are slim. I will wait until next week and then start to really hope and pray if AF doesn''t show her ugly head.
Ryanclaire-- 2 rounds of provera??? Wow! What is the cause of that?
Okay, I am on CD 20 of what is always a 27 day cycle. I was disappointed b/c I didn''t see any EWCF this month, but I had tons of watery CF. This is about to get pretty TMI
...tonight I had a giant bunch of creamy CF mixed with EWCF. WTF?!?! What is this?

P.S. I check externally and do not monitor my cervix.

P.P.S DH and I are bone tired tonight, so even if we should, we''re not doing any BD tonight...
I''m an oldie, I''ll be 38 this year
So Ms. Bliss is freaking psychic! I got a BFP on a clear blue easy digital this morning!
Awww wonderful news, Mrs H, congratulations!!

hunners of sticky baby dust for ya.

Thanks ladies!
HH - whoo hoo! (from your #1 fan) I'm glad I always root for the winning team.
so couldn't wait for AF to test, I guess? don't worry, I know the feeling.
HH- OMG! You just made my call day
(already at work and will be here until 7 am tomorrow.)

Sooooo thrilled for you
congrats congrats congrats!!
Congrats HH :) I am so happy for you!!!
HH- Forgot to ask, how many DPO-ish are you?
So a me-centric post. The last three days I haven''t been sleeping well. This morning I actually got up at 4:30 to pee (something I NEVER do) so I had to temp later than usual in order to get a 3 hours of consecutive sleep. My BBT gave me the exact same temp the last three days. I thought it was broken so I took it again later this morning and it was a different temp. What could be the culprit?