
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 2/1/2010 4:34:59 PM
Author: charbie

hi ambulance! i''m also typically a lurker over here, but wanted to ask you about coming off the pill. DH and i are decided to start TTC in a few months, but i decided this month to come off the pill. AF has been a PAIN already, and i remember the main reason i went on the pill was to regulate my periods and make it so they weren''t so heavy.

ok. i got off-topic. did you guys do anything to prevent pregancy for the past year since you came off the pill? if so (and if you don''t mind sharing)- how did you prevent it? hubby pretty much hates (i mean
) condoms, so i''m not sure what the best way for us to not get pregnant is gonna be over the next few months while i am trying to get my periods back in order.

anyone else- please feel free to chime in!
Hi Charbie,

I think I will chime in here. I am just (possibly) finshing my first cycle off the pill (CD 27). I had been on it for about 10 years, so when I told my OBGYN that I wanted to try to conceive soon, he told me to ditch the pills about 6 months before I wanted to get KU. However, I also usually have nasty cycles, complete with follicle cysts, so I was not looking forward to getting off the pill. That being said, the first cycle has not been horrible (knock on wood).

As for the joint task of trying to get my body regulated/track my cycles and not necessarily get pregnant, I have been using the "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" (TCOYF) book to track my fertility complemented with Fertility to track my BBT and CM. It also has a couple other tracking features, like cervical position and medications/procedures, if you really want to get technical.

I have been using those methods to chart my fertility, along with an OPK, and DH and I try to avoid BD''ing around the time I am ovulating. My husband is also a non-liker of condoms, so we are not exaclty being super duper safe, but we are also in the mindset that although we aren''t trying to get pregnant for a few months, if it happens, we are happy with it.

So, if you are a condom avoider, try to be really dilligent with the FAM method. Otherwise, if you are having unprotected BD''ing, then be open to the possibility that a baby could be the result...

Also important to note, you might want to get on prenatals now, just in case.

Good luck!
TopoDazzler: Welcome to the TTC block. I hope your stay is short and sweet


Lurking: We are happy that you came out of lurkdome
. I hope that your 2WW ends in a positive HPT.
just stopping by to whine, I had a fever of 101.5 last night
and felt horrible. Today is a little better, but I''m staying home...since we''re definitely out of the game for this cycle, I hope to see some fantastic BFPs this month for some of you
(I;m totally going to live vicariously through you for this cycle:-)
Good Morning Ladies!

Ambulance92 - Those blue veins and the cramping sound very promising!! I''m hoping your stay here is very short, and this is your month! What cycle day is today?

Icekid - Your neighbors sound miserable!!! More than anyone, you need your sleep!!! Have you tried a sound machine, something like the SleepMate, which produces white noise, not the sound of streams and birds chirping! I have this little guy in my office, and it helps so much to drown out office chit-chat when I need to focus. You might also consider running a fan, maybe both? We use a fan while we sleep, just for the consistent background noise. We live in the country, so it is a bit ridiculous that we still use it! But, I am conditioned to fall asleep as soon as the fan goes on.

Bella - I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. It''s good that you can stay home. Rest up! Thanks for the recommendation in the NYC restaurant thread. We live about 2.5 hours from the city, and we NEVER go. Isn''t that crazy? The menu at Nougatine looks so good and affordable!! We''ll have to start going to the city more often!!
Bella - I am so sorry to hear that you are sick now too, but go get yourself some sleep so you can feel better soon! Here is some get well soon dust ..."*;*;*;*;*"...(that was my best attempt at dust raining on you

Ambulance92 - I mistakenly left you out of my welcomes yesterday, bad me.
Welcome to the TTC neighborhood and good luck with your 2WW. Hopefully your symptoms will be indicative of a bean in a couple weeks!
thanks LV and DC-i am just chilling, probably going to take a nap soon

LV_Nougatine is really great--feels special, food is amazing, service is outstanding, but it''s not horribly expensive. Maybe we should have a PS NY get together this spring, lunch at Nougatine and then hit the diamond district...
ambulance and dcgator-
thanks for the advice! my doc said last year that we could start BD''ing right after i got off the pill, however after my own research, i decided i wanted to get off of it for a few cylcles first. i''m glad that another doc recommended to be off a few months before starting to TTC.

given the craziness of this first cycle off the pill, i think we''re going to be really careful, and then next cycle i''ll begin temping. we are aware that me coming off the pill means we might end up with a baby sooner rather than later, but we are prepared for that and would of course be thrilled- the only reason we''re really putting off TTC is bc my sister is getting married in june, and i don''t know that i can make it through the day w/out some alcohol
and she would blame me for stealing her thunder.

then of course my DH always says, "don''t worry dear, i don''t have swimmers."
when honestly we have no idea if we will have any issues at all TTC. so we probably will just combine a few methods of prevention for a few months until we don''t have to worry about it anymore!

dcgator- when are you actually planning to TTC?
Date: 2/2/2010 10:31:49 AM
Author: charbie
ambulance and dcgator-
thanks for the advice! my doc said last year that we could start BD''ing right after i got off the pill, however after my own research, i decided i wanted to get off of it for a few cylcles first. i''m glad that another doc recommended to be off a few months before starting to TTC.

given the craziness of this first cycle off the pill, i think we''re going to be really careful, and then next cycle i''ll begin temping. we are aware that me coming off the pill means we might end up with a baby sooner rather than later, but we are prepared for that and would of course be thrilled- the only reason we''re really putting off TTC is bc my sister is getting married in june, and i don''t know that i can make it through the day w/out some alcohol
and she would blame me for stealing her thunder.

then of course my DH always says, ''don''t worry dear, i don''t have swimmers.''
when honestly we have no idea if we will have any issues at all TTC. so we probably will just combine a few methods of prevention for a few months until we don''t have to worry about it anymore!

dcgator- when are you actually planning to TTC?
Hey Charbie,

Ideally, we would like to concieve in May or so. The thinking behind that being that we would like to still be able to travel for the holidays (we live out-of-state from both our families) with me being only in the late second/early third trimester. However, we are in a good position job and financial wise that we are ok whenever it happens, whether that is in May or sooner
Hi ladies!

I''m a TTC lurker, as we''re not ready yet, but today marks the 40th day of my cycle and well...I''m a bit freaked that we might have a whoopsie baby!

I took a test yesterday in the afternoon and it was negative, but the test itself was strange. It was a Target brand, regular old + or - test, and when I opened it, the - was already visible. Is that normal? It seemed odd to me. The control line showed up after I peed on it and it remained - but I''m not convinced. Anyone have experience with this? TIA!

Good luck and DUSSSSSSTTTT to everyone this month!
Bella - That sounds like a fabulous idea for the Spring! Would I have to make reservations very far in advance (for 2 people) at Nougatine? I called Blue Hill at Stone Barns today. Their reservations are 2 months in advance, and they will do a veggie only meal!

Sunny - How long are your cycles typically? So, the test read as a negative when you opened it? Did the "-" get darker? I have not used that type of test before, but I have never heard of the negative being there to start. I'd suggest getting a digital test and testing again. If you are pregnant, at this point, it won't matter if you test in the morning or not. The HCG would be in your system and increasing every day. They recommend first of morning urine, I think, to cover those that test very early.
Sunny - I knew this had to have been discussed elsewhere before.

The Inverness test should be the same as yours? They distribute to Target under the Target brand name. It looks like the horizontal negative line appears when the test is opened.

ETA: Since the test does not appear to be defective, I would probably wait a few days before testing again.
Thanks for replying LV! The Iverness from the link looks just like what I had, so I guess it is normal. My cycles are longer than average, but this month (or last, I guess?) was the first time I actually documented the start of it.
So it's entirely possible that my cycles really are freakishly long and I never paid enough attention. I'll test again in a couple of days if nothing happens before then.
Date: 1/31/2010 9:11:46 PM

What are ''gold'' babies?

I associated going for the gold in February with the Winter Olympics this year...I hope I wasn''t wrong :)
Bliss/Allie, I started the gold thing and was thinking of the olympics, 10.10 is also very cool though:-)

LV it wouldn''t take long at all to get reservations for JG/nougatine for lunch. Sometimes you can get same day...

Allie-hope you are hanging in there ok.
I''m hanging in 2DPO hard not to obsess! I have a long road to testing!
Date: 2/2/2010 5:13:26 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
I''m hanging in 2DPO hard not to obsess! I have a long road to testing!

We''ll make it, Allie! I''m having such a hard time figuring out these CM signs mixed with BD fluid, but I think possibly yesterday was O day. Who the heck knows though, really.

Loves Vintage- The white noise thing is a great idea! Not sure why I had not thought of it, actually. If they continue to be a problem, it would be well worth it. But then, we''d probably move too. haha.

Bella- Argh being sick is the absolute worst! Please get better, already.
I hate when people are sick (good thing I''m a doctor? haha)
ice and allie, the three of us are basically cycle twins:-)

I am on the mend I think, my fever broke this morning which is a very good thing!

ice-sorry your neighbors are so loud. white noise, or even just a humidifier, can be a great help. I use my humidifier in NYC to help with noise it''s great.
Date: 2/2/2010 5:50:31 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
ice and allie, the three of us are basically cycle twins:-)

How cute are we?!
At least, I hope I did O yesterday. Still, it might be prudent to make hub BD with me again tonight
Aha! Thanks for explaining Going for the Gold!

May all of our husbands' swimmers be olympians, racing faster than Michael Phelps past the cervix and catapulting into first prize at the ovarian finish line!

May all of our eggs welcome only the best olympian sperm to become one, placing each wreath with care on their DNA filled "heads"...
And as the sperm stand tall to receive their prizes - on tails flexed straight with pride and achievement - let the anthems ring! LOL

Then let the fertilized egg travel like a champion to the uterus with speed and determination. Incredible skill and much practice will be their guides....
May they burrow! Burrow, little ones! Make each parent proud of your singleminded focus...

Da da da DAAAAAA!!!!

TTC...Proud Sponsor of the 2010 BD Olympics.

Going for the Gold!!! BFPs for all!

When Going for the Gold, may all of your DH''s swimmers aspire to such greatness!

Presenting...Michael Phelps! Maybe he could tape this photo to the lining of his underpants to inspire his "swimmers!"
Go Swimmers! Go for the Gold(en Egg!)

bliss-you crack me up, LOL
Date: 2/2/2010 7:54:22 PM
Author: Bliss
Go Swimmers! Go for the Gold(en Egg!)

Bliss, you are hilarious girlfriend! I love it
lol!!!! Michael Phelpsssss may all of our swimmers be the Michael Phelps of the semen world!
Allie, icekid & Bella! Thanks for being so fun!

This photo is for you! The fastest "swimmer" with his GOLDEN EGG!

Look at that smile! Awwww... This is how it''ll look in the fallopian tube!

You girls are silly.
Let there be olympian swimmers for all!

Welcome to all the newer ladies. Those of us who've been here a while enjoy seeing some fresh faces May your stay be short! (Meant in the best way possible!)

I just saw the commercial for the big mac wrap. Serious? Do they think if you wrap all that stuff in a tortilla, it's suddenly healthier? Um, no....

Pineapple.... I think I read here a page or two back that you're supposed to eat only the core. Now, I knew the area closest to the core was the best, but did I read right that you aren't supposed to have the flesh? Say it's not so! One of the many reasons I look forward to ovulation is for the pineapple fest that follows! Please explain why the flesh isn't good... I'm befuddled!

Another happy report: Ovulation.... has happened. I'm so excited that since stopping Clomid, I've consistently ovulated around day 17-20. Yay! Late? No way, not for me. The dr. said anything before day 22-24 is good to go, so I'm thankful!!! Besides, at 36 day cycle is a LOT better than a 60 day cycle. So whoo hoo, and come on baby!!

ETA: Bella, hope you're feeling better, girl!
YAY Fisher!!!!!! Glad you ovulated!!!!!
I''m getting better, hopefully will be back at work tomorrow.
I''m slightly bummed that this won''t be the month for us, but Bliss''s posts are making me laugh so hard I forget to be bummed

Go team gold!!! It''s going to be like that 1980''s ice hockey "Miracle in Ice" team for all of you lovely ladies

Go spermies, catch the egg and smash your way in with a hockey stick

miracle_on_icefrom bella.jpg

Whoa baby this thread is a-moving!

So my company gave me another client and now I am working more hours and that combined with 3 Graduate courses = a very tired and overworked Mia.

So I''ll try my best and keep up. It is so exciting that this thread is so busy though. Gonna be fun to witness all the BFPs!!!!

Noelwr- You are so right, if he comes to live with us it will be instant full-blown parenting mode. He plays a lot of sports so I''d have to become a soccer mom stat! But I babysat him since he was 4 and we are pretty close. He''s diagnosed with ADHD and can be a handful to others but I''ve always been able to manage his behavior and energy-level well. It doesn''t hurt that I was a nanny for years and I am a Behavior therapist now. With firm limits and structure he does just fine and actually gets really good grades in school etc. We''ll see what happens though...

Icekid- Well we''ll see what happens I think the nephew situation is going to be a slow process of wait and see, so I''m not sure if we should even alter our plans. I guess our plan right now is to just BD as usual (but not pull out as we have been). If it happens, it happens.... Well I’m sure the control freak in me won’t be happy with this arrangement for long!

RyanClaire- I totally get what you are saying. I have been off of birth control for a long time now and there have been a lot of signs that it may be a tough road to conception. I don’t mind putting it off for a little longer, but yes that clock has been ticking for me and I know I don’t want to waste too much time. I also had a decent last cycle so I might be a little relaxed now, if I go anovulatory again this cycle I’ll for sure be ready to get this over with!
Fisher- WOOO-HOOO for ovulating!!!! CD sounds great to me (last month I O’d on CD28) I think my doc also said up to CD24ish too. I’ve seen LOTS of BFP charts on Ovusoft that were much later than that too. I hope you got some good BDing in! Good luck girl! Oh and, Re: Big Mac Wrap… saw that too and I was thinking I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hamburger wrapped in a tortilla… weird!

- Sorry you’re sick now too!

So today I was talking to my new client’s mother. She was telling me to wait until I’ve done everything I want to do before having kids. She planned on returning to work when her son was 6 months old but then they discovered he had Down Syndrome so she had to stay home in order to deal with all the therapies. She obviously doesn’t know my plans, but it was funny that she was lecturing me and the whole time I was thinking how I can’t wait to have a baby! By the way, her son is freakin adorable!!! I’d take him in a heartbeat!
Date: 2/2/2010 8:32:56 PM
Author: Bliss
Allie, icekid & Bella! Thanks for being so fun!

This photo is for you! The fastest ''swimmer'' with his GOLDEN EGG!

Look at that smile! Awwww... This is how it''ll look in the fallopian tube!

Awe haha! Loot at that smile :)

Okay I hope I did not misread my stupid FF chart and I did indeed O on CD11, temps shot up really high this morning, which makes me to take a gander at it?

double post! The temperature from tomorrow is a made up one I put in just to see what the chart would look like :)